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Apr 23, 2010 11:31 AM

Mar 2010
-Last episode's OP was better.

-Less Yui please! All the jokes involving her were cringe worthy at best, and her voice actress made me want to grate my ears.

-Infact, the 'humor' in this episode could have been cut out entirely. I think it made it easly the weakest of the bunch because of it.

-Least we found out what causes people to disappear, but anyone could have figured that out after last week's episode.

-More TK

Overall, decent episode, I would like abit more plot/drama motivated episodes in the future.
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 23, 2010 1:01 PM

Jun 2009
This episode was honestly god awefull for me.
The opening was the best thing about the whole episode as the rest was filled with 3rd rate jokes and 'developments' that were so obvious that it hurt...THIS honestly did not need an episode by itself.

They haven't got enough time anyway to introduce all why do they concentrate so much on people who seem to be so unimportant?!
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Apr 23, 2010 1:19 PM

Jan 2010
4/5 for me.

It was entertaining..probably the most entertaining they had but it was bad entertainment. I don't want to lol the whole time I'm watching it..I want to fucking cry and have drama. I'm not complaining because Yui is fucking adorable and she causes my nutbladder to ache but regardless...I want more drama and tragedy..but then again this is Key and their pacing is shit anyways. Just look at fucking Clannad..they go from happy fun Christmas party to a dead wife in 5 minutes.
Apr 23, 2010 2:04 PM

Aug 2009
Yep, this was quite a weak episode and felt like a filler. I don't think there was any new plot development here or at least I didn't notice any.
Comedy was ok I guess. Though that axe guy's and Otonashi's endless quarrelling is starting to annoy me a bit. On the other hand I thought Yui was hilarious in the beginning.
The worst part for me was the ending with Hinata and Otonashi. I don't know if it was meant to be emotional but for me it was just extremely embarrasing scene.
Apr 23, 2010 2:09 PM

Jul 2009
Hey Yui, er..... you, I mean..... Yagami nee na!!!!

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Apr 23, 2010 2:10 PM

Mar 2010
Also, did it feel somewhat oddly paced to anyone else? It didn't feel as long as it should have been, it seemed like everything was glaced over in 14 minutes.
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 23, 2010 2:16 PM
Feb 2010
I was highly amused... although I'm not sure what the point of the episode was. Felt like filler. I wanted to see more Tenshi action... does it count if you slice the ball in half?

TK is awesome as usual.

The rock version of the OP is growing on me with repeated listens, although the Tenshi piano version is still better.

Can't wait for subs.
Apr 23, 2010 2:51 PM
Feb 2010
I feel like Angel Beats! is trying to cram every anime element into a single show - even filler - and doing a decent job of it.

Yuri even has a typical female supervillian laugh moment!

This episode is like a giant parody.
Apr 23, 2010 3:19 PM

Feb 2008
I'm used of Slice of Life anime so have seen it before so doesn't bother much.
The plot is about after life so anything can happend.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Apr 23, 2010 6:54 PM
Dec 2009
Good Eps. Though they need to add more TK, Yusa, and Tenshi in it. :)
I found Yui to be cute in the Ep.
Hinata nearly vanished at the end; didn't actually expect Yui to save-the-day so to speak.
Apr 23, 2010 7:10 PM

Mar 2010
The subs are out now, I wonder if the dialouge can improve this episode any...


Who am I kidding?
<img src="" border="0" />
Apr 23, 2010 8:50 PM

Sep 2007
Hmmm not sure what to think of this episode. The best part had to be the OP change for this episode. I think they tried too hard on the comedy and not enough on the drama and it ended up with a very awkward and poorly executed combination. Hopefully there will be less Yui. The first few instances with Hinata was amusing but then got old.
Apr 23, 2010 9:01 PM

Dec 2009
Well, that was kinda unexpected. I agree it felt like a filler, but it wasn't that bad.
The OP and how it was embedded into the episode was beyond awesome, also nice variation on the ED pic.

Yui and Shiina are my favourite characters. Definitely :D
Apr 23, 2010 9:04 PM

Jun 2008
New OP was okay, hopefully it was just for this episode though since the old one was way better.

Yui is adorably cute. You gotta love her though I guess most people think she's annoying

This episode overall was probably a 4/5, mostly a comical episode except when Hinata space out thinking about his past.
Apr 23, 2010 9:05 PM

Apr 2010
It was okay i guess. Kind of confusing though. Before they said they're not allowed to participate in school activities because they would disappear and the characters said that too, but all the responded was Don't get caught by angel then? What?

Anyways it was okay i guess. The Mod OP wasn't as good as the original version.

Apr 23, 2010 9:08 PM

Aug 2009

(Wow! a full page of posts and nobody has said something stupid like "This is ripping off Haruhi's baseball game episode! lolcopycats" Ah, who am I kidding, it'll be in a few posts from now!)

-Remix guitar OP sounded really good but I like piano more. And geez, just throw in how much Imasawa's gone by tossing in the guitar in there.

-This is definitely one of those episodes that a lot of people are going to hate and a small amount of people are going to think was decent. I move toward that latter. It was very clearly a comedy episode probably to introduce Yui. There wasn't any major plot development either besides giving us Hinata's story (which was way too quick. I mean, Iwasawa got like five minutes of backstory and Hinata got like two. I'm going to assume that he OD'd most likely since suicide doesn't work). I really did laugh at more than a few points and have gotten pretty used to Yui now so yeah, that's just me.

-"Otonashi, I need you..."
"Are you..."

Ah, that never gets old. Also, lol broom. She never dropped it the whole episode.

-Surprised at the effort going into changing all this stuff like the OP and the music promotion and how the ED seems to change every episode.

Kracksickles said:
It was okay i guess. Kind of confusing though. Before they said they're not allowed to participate in school activities because they would disappear and the characters said that too, but all the responded was Don't get caught by angel then? What?

I think they weren't registered to play right? So they are still playing "illegally." At the same time, Angel can't really do anything about it because it's still school activities. So the last conclusion is that Angel beats them herself.

(Okay, I don't even know how much of that even made sense....)
garfield15Apr 23, 2010 9:12 PM
Apr 23, 2010 9:11 PM

Jan 2010
Not sure why all this hate is being directed at Yui. I suppose I find the rabid fangirl gattling gun speech amusing rather than annoying =P.

That said, I can't say that much of the comedy was incredibly original, but I love the usual snarky humor Maeda usually employs so I found it hilarious nonetheless.

"Crazy Baby~" <-- this, I was dying

While I certainly didn't like it over the original Lia, I was pleased to see the op. Why, you ask? Those of us who are guitarists rather than pianists now have a canon cover to work with ^.^. I look forward to the soundtrack.

edit: It took me awhile to realize this but did we perhaps see a glimpse of Yuri crossing the edge there? She'd have sacrificed Hinata to beat Tenshi at a baseball game o.0?
cr1msonambienceApr 23, 2010 9:36 PM
Apr 23, 2010 9:19 PM

Nov 2006
[23:15] <windy> KYAAAAA
[23:15] <windy> ........
[23:16] <windy> .......................................
[23:16] <windy> just kidding.........
[23:16] <windy> fuck you kyoanikey.........

and those are my thoughts.

Apr 23, 2010 9:20 PM

Apr 2010
garfield15 said:

Kracksickles said:
It was okay i guess. Kind of confusing though. Before they said they're not allowed to participate in school activities because they would disappear and the characters said that too, but all the responded was Don't get caught by angel then? What?

I think they weren't registered to play right? So they are still playing "illegally." At the same time, Angel can't really do anything about it because it's still school activities. So the last conclusion is that Angel beats them herself.

(Okay, I don't even know how much of that even made sense....)

So if they did not officially sign up for the baseball tournament, they're not legally participating in school activities? wah?
EDIT: So therefore they won't disappear?

Apr 23, 2010 9:22 PM

Aug 2009
windy said:
[23:15] <windy> KYAAAAA
[23:15] <windy> ........
[23:16] <windy> .......................................
[23:16] <windy> just kidding.........
[23:16] <windy> fuck you kyoani.........

and those are my thoughts.


Lol. It took me a second to get that. Oh well, I'm sure the OtonashiXHinata bromance will still be there (though they aren't bumping fists in the ED anymore thanks to....Yui....choking him...:P)
Apr 23, 2010 9:23 PM

Nov 2008
They are really over empathizing that they know nothing about TK. Which is good since it gives me a glimmer of hope that we get a fucktasticly awesome episode with him.

Good episode but Yui sort of dulled the blade.

Apr 23, 2010 9:26 PM

Nov 2006
garfield15 said:
Lol. It took me a second to get that. Oh well, I'm sure the OtonashiXHinata bromance will still be there (though they aren't bumping fists in the ED anymore thanks to....Yui....choking him...:P)
oh man, i saw the cap of the ending before i finished the episode, and i didn't see hinata at first because he was bending over because of the bitch, so i was freaking out.

/goes to make a ton of icons from this episode....
so cute, what the hell.
Apr 23, 2010 9:33 PM

Jul 2009
yui sux, op sux, this ep was :|

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Apr 23, 2010 9:35 PM

Nov 2006
ESSWHY said:
yui sux, op sux, this ep was :|
i guess if i subtract HINATAHINATAHINATA this ep was pretty terrible. i really enjoyed shiina with the broom though.

why am i all up in this thread
Apr 23, 2010 9:41 PM

Aug 2009
windy said:
ESSWHY said:
yui sux, op sux, this ep was :|
i guess if i subtract HINATAHINATAHINATA this ep was pretty terrible. i really enjoyed shiina with the broom though.

why am i all up in this thread

Cause it was a Hinata episode and thus you can't really subtract HINATAHINATAHINATA?
Apr 23, 2010 9:41 PM

Nov 2006
garfield15 said:
windy said:
ESSWHY said:
yui sux, op sux, this ep was :|
i guess if i subtract HINATAHINATAHINATA this ep was pretty terrible. i really enjoyed shiina with the broom though.

why am i all up in this thread

Cause it was a Hinata episode and thus you can't really subtract HINATAHINATAHINATA?
Apr 23, 2010 9:44 PM

Dec 2008
So what did the live Hinata get from the dude in the locker room
Apr 23, 2010 9:45 PM
Apr 2010
Syllen said:
So what did the live Hinata get from the dude in the locker room

probably drugs hahaha


woah hinata disappearing prediction almost came true lol


i felt relieved that it didn't happened xD

subracting hinata in future episodes will cause this > :(

oh... ED changed again

anyways i wanted to kill yuri when she

said that Hinata and yui to disappear >.>
CarLoZApr 23, 2010 9:51 PM

My Badge
Apr 23, 2010 9:58 PM

Jan 2010
Is it just me or did Shirou look like he was holding Haruhi's hand in the ED?
Apr 23, 2010 10:13 PM

Jul 2009
I liked the new opening and I liked what they did there. I'm guessing Iwasawa's seyuu sang the 1st opening? Just a though the voice sounds alike to me. So since she disappeared Yui now sings it being that she will be the new lead singer for Girls DeMo. I want more TK though he is my favorite character so far.
Apr 23, 2010 10:15 PM

Oct 2009
Otanashi X Hinata l0l.

I really though Hinata was about to disappear, oh wells.
Shiina with broom was awesome indeed.
T.K. was best.

Wanted to see Tenshi participate in the game but oh wells as well.

Was entertaining episode but nothing much happened... :(
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 23, 2010 10:29 PM

Dec 2009
The thing I admired the most of this episode was the OP. and I think Yui is a fine replacement for iwasawa, and I know a lot of you disagrees!
Apr 23, 2010 10:34 PM

Sep 2008
My head aslploded with Yui's singing voice, I mean how do you get that kind of voice on such a brat?
Shiina with the broom was the best.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 23, 2010 10:37 PM

Dec 2008
I appreciated what this episode provided: entertainment. A lot of people were annoyed by Yui, but I thought she was cute; a lot of the jokes might've been cliché, but funny nonetheless. After she sang the OP, her hanging felt like a Detroit Metal City reference to me. Looking forward to the next episode already.
Apr 23, 2010 10:44 PM

Oct 2008
This episode was Decent, nothing compared to the spectacular last episode but none-the less at least it was entertaining. Im really disapointed in the 13 episode length since its hard to get attached to the characters for emotional depth. But if air could do it, im assuming Angel Beats will eventually get alot more emotionally involving.
Apr 23, 2010 10:51 PM

Jan 2010
Kyon-AKA-Jay said:
I liked the new opening and I liked what they did there. I'm guessing Iwasawa's seyuu sang the 1st opening? Just a though the voice sounds alike to me. So since she disappeared Yui now sings it being that she will be the new lead singer for Girls DeMo. I want more TK though he is my favorite character so far.

No, not even close. Neither in sound nor talent...

edit: It's more of an insert cover of the original than anything else tied in with the opening scene. I'll bet my left arm they go back to the original (except perhaps on 'band' episodes)
cr1msonambienceApr 23, 2010 10:57 PM
Apr 23, 2010 10:51 PM
Feb 2010
Watched it again with subs. I thought it was pretty funny, if slightly pointless.
Apr 23, 2010 10:54 PM

Jan 2010
Man, seriously it wasn't that great nor that bad. If you ask me what's good in this series, my answer would be the OP and ED;it melts my heart. The episodes are okay-okay and i feel that they are ''forcing'' comedy into it;althought i can't define it;just a feeling.
I'm at the 4^th episode now i don't even understand why they are trying to provoke Angel, since they just want to live in that world of their's.
love or hate, i couldn't care less
Apr 23, 2010 11:13 PM

Apr 2010
I liked this.. Even though the comedy was cliche and pretty stupid it still made me laugh, quite a bit actually. I wish there would have been some more plot development but Hinata's character development makes up for it.
So either Hinata's senpai gave him drugs, (probably opiates or benzos) or something to kill himself with. I'm guessing the former, he probably died from an overdose. That makes me feel for him sooo much. Addiction is a hard thing (not saying the other characters lives weren't tough either).

The Ed makes me sad..
Apr 23, 2010 11:15 PM

Mar 2010
I don't think it is just a filler episode. I mean most animes are even less exciting than this unless they are all action, but I think that this is a great episode. I mean does every episode have to be a fight? Also, I don't get why people disappear. I mean they said oh if you don't fight against Angel, but why do you have to fight her? And then why did Iwasawa disappear??
Apr 23, 2010 11:16 PM

Jul 2009
Eh, I liked it. It's a lot better than some of the other stuff that has been on.
Apr 23, 2010 11:16 PM

Mar 2009
I loved this episode, even though it had little development. I kind of live for pointless-ness in anime.

I dunno why no one likes Yui, I think she's hilarious and adorable. XD
Apr 23, 2010 11:34 PM

Apr 2009
Wow... What the fuck? Yui cockblocked Hinata from Ascension/Enlightenment. I can kind of see where this whole thing is going, but this episode was a page directly out of Haruhi, though it had it's own slight twist. All I can say is 'Further explanation needed' because there are so many holes in the story resulting in endless possibilities as far as solutions go. I'm not really buying into the whole 'no one here committed suicide' statement from Yuri, but then again, it does seem like they're being judged for Heaven. Last episode Tenshi said she's not the villain, and I'm really inclined to believe her.
Apr 23, 2010 11:44 PM
Jan 2009
szugioh said:
I liked this.. Even though the comedy was cliche and pretty stupid it still made me laugh, quite a bit actually. I wish there would have been some more plot development but Hinata's character development makes up for it.
So either Hinata's senpai gave him drugs, (probably opiates or benzos) or something to kill himself with. I'm guessing the former, he probably died from an overdose. That makes me feel for him sooo much. Addiction is a hard thing (not saying the other characters lives weren't tough either).

The Ed makes me sad..

Chapter one of the light novel explains how Hinata died. Sadly there is only one chapter translated at the moment.

Also, I personally think there is a lot more to Yui's character. There are subtle points that just strike me as odd. For instance, why did she volunteer to join Hinata's team. It also seemed too perfect that she attacked Hinata right before he was about to catch the ball. Until recently, Yui was also listed as a main character on Wikipedia. There is also a promotional poster showing Tenshi, Yuripe, Otonashi, and Yui.

The opening and closings also are a bit strange. Yui was briefly shown in episode one, and formally introduced in episode 3, but did not appear in either the opening or closings until this episode. In the opening on episode 4, Yui's name is not displayed introducing her; the only other character that is not introduced Tenshi.

This could all just be a coincidence, but I was wondering if anyone also felt that this was odd.
noiliveApr 23, 2010 11:59 PM
Apr 23, 2010 11:44 PM
Mar 2010
I enjoyed it. There weren't enough guns and explosions - none, in fact - but that just made it a nice change of pace.

I miss Angel on the piano. That was a much better version of the OP.

The ending made it clear the school is a waystation between lives for the students to resolve "unresolved issues". Students who play by the rules and blend in disappear quickly and move on (otherwise there'd be a heck of a lot more than 2000 students). Yuri's group is special and has a lot more or more serious issues to work out. "Blending in" doesn't work for them. I don't think the SSS will reincarnate, either: Reincarnation is for slow learners. We're talking Ascension here: not just starting over with a new life but moving up to a higher existence.

Oh, and they're setting Hinata and Yui up to be a couple, aren't they? Mixing oil and vinegar - all the ingredients for a classic comedy couple. :)
Apr 23, 2010 11:47 PM

Oct 2009
helur said:
francismeunier said:
I got a good warning to not get attached too much to characters other than Yuri/Otonashi a lot of them will disappear.....I think it's a trap and did it ever caught me last episode with Iwasawa.

Well, the point is to acquire empathy for all of them before they disappear. Otherwise your not going to be willing to cry, and not going to be into the story at all. I think you can grow attached to Hinata though, since the only way he would likely disappear is by being in that situation again.

Yes I agree because the same light was present as that of Iwasawa but I am not sure there is as much drama as that of Iwasawa.
Wasabi said:
I think they tried too hard on the comedy and not enough on the drama and it ended up with a very awkward and poorly executed combination. Hopefully there will be less Yui. The first few instances with Hinata was amusing but then got old.
This ^ exactly that I though earlier on with the comedy...why change when the combination like that of Iwasawa was good also why would so many people not like Yui......she adds to cute and comedy pretty well for me...maybe it's that tail she has.
windy said:
I could make some avatars of him and GIFs.....going to get to work on seeing what can be I get something from the fan girls? :D Just kidding....I will just try besides I have another series that I want to do that.....but windy that rage....I did not have any on this episode despite its elements. Oh well all are different.
francismeunierApr 23, 2010 11:51 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 23, 2010 11:55 PM

Jan 2009
Well, the original OP was better, by far.
But this one definitely wasn't bad at least : | (I'm guessing it might've been temporary for this particular episode though.. And it would otherwise be a kind of strange time to change the OP, no? O.o)

"Yui-nyan! ♥"
And that's some awesome baseball right there. (Otonashi vs. Noda)
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Apr 24, 2010 12:09 AM

May 2009
Ok episode. Yui was fun at times, but mostly annoying. LOL at Yuri's final words before the ED.
Apr 24, 2010 12:13 AM

Oct 2009
Oosran said:
Well, the original OP was better, by far.
But this one definitely wasn't bad at least : | (I'm guessing it might've been temporary for this particular episode though.. And it would otherwise be a kind of strange time to change the OP, no? O.o)
What? The only reason was Hinata....yes? Since the episode was about him.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Apr 24, 2010 12:20 AM

May 2008
The Remix for the OP was good.
I was LMAO when TK said "Crazy Baby"
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