Hmmnn.. Well.. This is our OFFICIAL BADGE .... Hope u all Like It :D
FOR Boys theme badge and FOR Girls Theme Badge so everyone can choose what you like between the TWO TYPES of THEME
This Badges are now Available for Request:
Name: NoiharaHimari
Badge: Black / Pink
Club Position: Member / etc
ADMIN: Main purpose is to Handle The club while im not Around... Also Take the Responsibility on the club... [Can Request additional Cards]
OFFICER: Main purpose is to Monitor the Threads and Comment Box of the Club....[Can Request additional Cards]
--------- If u Would like to become an OFFICER... Please make an application form here CLUB OFFICER THREAD
DESIGNER: Can Make Limited Edition Cards, Can Make Layout Designs, Banners, Signatures, Userbars for the Club [Can Request additional Cards]
--------- If u Would like to become a Designer... Please make an application form here CLUB DESIGNER THREAD
VIP: This Persons are very important to me... like a BestFriend - Im the One who will pick who are the VIP's of the Club :D....
RECRUITER: This is needed of the Club.... Invite Friends,Persons,MAL users, to join our Club .... that's the main purpose of Recruiters....
--------- If u Would like to become a Recruiter.. Please make an application form here CLUB RECRUITER THREAD
MEMBER: FULLY PLEDGE Member of C.S.E.A.G .... Be proud of yourself.... coz ur not ordinary member of our club anymore :D .... but u needed to Actively Participate on Events,Contest,Voting,Chatting, and other stuffs on the club..... to make our Club more Lively and Fun !!!
You Can also Request Additional Card which only Consist about Anime Girls ... only about Girls Club....wherein I'm an officer and admin of the other clubs.... just show the Proof that your part of the C.S.E.A.G.....
[IMPORTANT] ONCE U HAVE THE BADGE ... PLEASE USE IT ON YOUR SIGNATURE [Put in on a Spoiler if u want , like mine] so everyone can see Who are the Members of C.S.E.A.G Club.... it's also a way to promote our club to the MAL users to join our Club....thx....