Hey! It's been awhile, I'm well. How are you doing? Hope life has been treating you well.
I don't use MAL as often anymore, so if you'd like I can give you one of my social medias and we can talk off that. If not I'll try to remember to check here to speak with you. c:
Хахах, добре добре. То като цяло аз не съм гледал Торико, така и не мога да се захвана, сякаш не ме грабва. Иначе казват, че мангата е много по - добра от анимето на Торико. Аз гледам доста анимета от новия сезон.
Приятно ми е и на мен, казвам се Вальо. А, не знам за проблеми, аз като цяло не се занимавам много с клубове, най - вече влизам тука да си следя аниметата, които гледам.
I really hope so. The last things that came my way were bad enough.
my mother actually seems to sleep more the older she gets. at the weekend she is like going to bed around 10/11pm, gets up at 7/8am and does a 3 hours nap in the afternoon. Nahh I've been thinking since I was 18 that I'm old now XD but I guess as long as my body doesnt break down it has enough sleep *shrugs*
ugh. it was bad enough to start classes at 8am or be at work at 8am (had to leave even earlier for work than I could for school), but 7:30am? sucks. also yay, last year :D but yeah, back then in school I couldnt really stay up that late either when I got up at 6.
It's been waaaaaaay too long since I've talked to you :D How are you? Your layout looks amazing as usual. If you forgot who I am, it's alright because I literally disappeared off of the face of the planet for close to two years aha :D Lots of love for an old friend though
You're not the only one being lazy, I have so much stuff to do but as it's not immediate I've been putting it aside and procrastinating. You should probably study for those university exams! Gotta show all the peeps how smart ya' is right? ^_^
sooner or later D: but the more time to myelf I guess :D I just hope it turns some good way, because I dont really have an idea what I'd like to do the most for work *sigh* nahh, I take some chosen actors or something and let them do it
I dont know. On the long run I dont think 6 are that healthy, like if you do it some times it's okay. But over years with only 6 hours is for most people not enough.
Sometimes (when I make it past midnight) I can stay till 2 or 3 or 4 and only have 3-4 hours of sleep then too, but I feel less tired XD
thank you, I'll probably need it. Seeing how it's not going so well lol if it's enough I will do! private island with a bit flat screen and wifi and food, yeah
for me it's probably a mix of my fault and biology. Like for so many years only slept 6 hours or less and now my body wont sleep in. Either way, it SUCKS X/
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I don't use MAL as often anymore, so if you'd like I can give you one of my social medias and we can talk off that. If not I'll try to remember to check here to speak with you. c:
my mother actually seems to sleep more the older she gets. at the weekend she is like going to bed around 10/11pm, gets up at 7/8am and does a 3 hours nap in the afternoon. Nahh I've been thinking since I was 18 that I'm old now XD but I guess as long as my body doesnt break down it has enough sleep *shrugs*
ugh. it was bad enough to start classes at 8am or be at work at 8am (had to leave even earlier for work than I could for school), but 7:30am? sucks. also yay, last year :D but yeah, back then in school I couldnt really stay up that late either when I got up at 6.
nahh, I take some chosen actors or something and let them do it
I dont know. On the long run I dont think 6 are that healthy, like if you do it some times it's okay. But over years with only 6 hours is for most people not enough.
Sometimes (when I make it past midnight) I can stay till 2 or 3 or 4 and only have 3-4 hours of sleep then too, but I feel less tired XD
if it's enough I will do! private island with a bit flat screen and wifi and food, yeah
for me it's probably a mix of my fault and biology. Like for so many years only slept 6 hours or less and now my body wont sleep in. Either way, it SUCKS X/