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Apr 1, 2008 3:22 AM

Feb 2008
Great action. I almost think that they couldn't make it in the beginning of the fight. Hecate is cute <3 but of course Shana is cuter. and finally Yuji chose one of them. Great ending!

Apr 1, 2008 4:58 AM

Jan 2008
9/10 in my book definetly. I liked the ED, though the episode itself seemed a bit rushed, wouldn't say no to a 3rd Season though.


Apr 1, 2008 5:48 AM
Oct 2007
well it was one of my favourite anime endings of all time shakugan no shana second my rating 10/10 i wanted to hear the words from shana and yuujis mouths so want a third season or i won't be happy, but that picture even without words said who he he went to lol poor kazumi oh well i was always for shana x yuuji XD XD
Apr 1, 2008 6:16 AM

Oct 2007
kimatg said:
Just watched in HD...

AWESOME episode. Action scenes were top notch.
though I would have liked some more Shana x Yuji scene.. :P

liked the alternative ending song... "sense" by Kawada Mami is it?
was a bit of a surprise :) lol it's not not even in japanese Wikipedia yet

Season 3 yess?
oh wait, I would like some updates on Zero no Tsukaima s3 first... heh

I agree, HD was the best, the fighting scenes were the best!
Hekate showing emotion was great! meaning to the previous episodes, and more to come!
Now i want ZNT S3 to start :P

Apr 1, 2008 6:39 AM

Sep 2007

2 episodes of the fight were enough to satisfy me. Poor Yoshida, but Ike will be there for you.

I can't wait for Zero no Tsukaima S3.
Apr 1, 2008 6:52 AM

May 2007
Best sequel to date.
They promised more action and they delivered and they promised a more indept storyline and they delivered and the focus on character development was brilliant. They didn't promised that but they delivered it at its best.
Highly anticipating on season 3 now (if ever). I want to see more skills between Sabrac and Wilhelmina. Give me round 2 plz.

In addition, its currently ranked as one of my top 5 ever.
Apr 1, 2008 7:12 AM

Sep 2007
Awesome episode, not so spectacular as the ending of the first season, but that's normal :D

Who cares about ZnT 3, need mah SnS third season naoh!

Ending: 8/10
All in all: 10/10

Apr 1, 2008 9:50 AM

Jun 2007
cyruz said:
I will not be satisfied until I hear the words from Shana and Yuji that they love each other. That's the only thing I can complain about up to this point.

same here. (well I can complain about rushing the thing a bit when they were in the Tomogara's inside too)

It was really unsatisfying when they built all that up in the first episodes and now only those last seconds are not what is the right thing to give us.
I'll rate this session 8/10

> German Review
MathesApr 1, 2008 1:55 PM
Apr 1, 2008 10:46 AM

Feb 2007
Well, a bit of a Deus Ex Machina it was, but on the other hand, I would've been very much disappointed if we hadn't seen a change like this in Hecate, especially after the bird scene after she took in Konoe again. It seems this season was as much about Hecate as it was about the usual main characters.
Apr 1, 2008 10:55 AM

Jan 2008
I felt it was a bit rushed as well but I am quite happy that they imply he picked Shana. I would have liked to have heard words of confession as well since it would have solidified the position more so they would be less likely to back track next season.

I also enjoyed the scene where she jumped on to him in the tower and they dropped their swords . I saw that and just had to smile.

I knew they were going to use the feelings Hecate gained from her doubles time spent with them but I was expecting something a bit more. Don't get me wrong it is what decided the battle but it was an unconscious thing and I was thinking more of her actively doing something. Perhaps that will happen in the third season.

I am glad Kazumi is alive and didn't use the Hougu, but I think they are still planning something big with it for the next season. I don't think they would have introduced it otherwise.

Well I guess I will just have to wait for the next season like everyone else but at least it went out with Shana's smile.

Edit: Sorry if you had a hard time reading one of my sentences, I saw my mistake as I posted and then the site stopped working so I couldn't fix it until now.
ScorchedApr 1, 2008 3:06 PM
Apr 1, 2008 12:38 PM

Feb 2008
it was rushed. Yuji picking shana was also kinda of apropriate since he may have liked her ever since he met her.

i keep getting the impression that hecate may leave the group. she doesnt really seem that evil of a [person].

i didnt like the subtle ending though, it just felt lame. makes me wonder what yoshi is gonna do now.
Apr 1, 2008 1:04 PM
Sep 2007
Well, I must admit that I'm pretty disappointed with this season. It was good how the relationship between Oga and Eita developed, it is good how the story is moving Hecate to "tu human", and it's also good hoew they gave more information on the Reiji Maigo, Sabrac and the Silver.
However I was really disappointed at how they connected all those "story pieces" to a single plot that terribly failed at the end. Furthermore, there was just so much "upcoming drama" that always ended up with a "phew, nothin' happened":
- Kazumi who was thinking of killing herself at least 9000 times
- Ike who got dumped (generally, they could have turned him into some more important character. Currently he feels like a damn sideshow, while he was pretty important at the beginning of season 1)
- Yuji who didn't disappear or anything
- Yuji who transformed into Pheles Lover and transformed back a few minutes later
- The Statue of Pride that didn't do any serious damage at all
- Margery who nearly died at the end, just to be healed by a simple healing spell. Wow, suspense ... !
(Those are all I'm getting to mind now, I guess there are far more almost-dramas in SnS2)
And most importantly: Why did the relationship between Yuji and Shana start off like the final battle of season 1 never happened? Shana almost sacrificed herself for Yuji, and at the end, even though Yuji didn't hear Shana's confession, they still walked towards death. Together. How could this have about zero impact on Yuji? Doh.
Apr 1, 2008 1:18 PM

Oct 2007
There should be 26 episodes... just 24 episodes just make it seem to rushed. Ha ha ha, Yoshida, you lose... give up and choose Ike instead because he is much good looking then Yuji. I'm sure you will find him better, he is living human after all. The animation in this episode is epic. While it seems that they have an intense fight with the villain, but in fact, their ass was kicked... wtf. Carmel in her torn cloth is really <3, I hope to see her more in 3rd season. I give this series 7/10. (what? not satisfied? it's good enough i think.)

Shana lovers = lolicon XD

Apr 1, 2008 1:28 PM

Feb 2008
roysen said:
And most importantly: Why did the relationship between Yuji and Shana start off like the final battle of season 1 never happened? Shana almost sacrificed herself for Yuji, and at the end, even though Yuji didn't hear Shana's confession, they still walked towards death. Together. How could this have about zero impact on Yuji? Doh.

Because Yuuji is an idiot. :\

Throughout both seasons he consistently fails to understand how the people around him feel, and even when he has a shocking revelation about how they feel, he instantly forgets it and learns nothing from it.

That's kind of why I liked this episode, though: it suggests that Yuuji actually makes an informed decision to be with Shana. Of course it'd be better if they had confirmed the whole thing rather than implying it, but after season 1's ending I'll take what I can get (a big smile on Shana's face).
Apr 1, 2008 2:31 PM
Jun 2007
YAY! Yuuji finally chose. I feel sad for Yoshida though... It must be tough waiting knowing he isnt coming.
Moderator Edit: Signature deleted. Please re-read the General Forum Guidelines.
Apr 1, 2008 2:44 PM

Jul 2007
kimatg said:
*just rewatched the ending*
Oh! I didn't notice Kazumi standing with tears... and then Shana's smile... which means...
>o< !!!!!! yess yess yess yess yess XD

though I feel kinda sad for Yoshida. :P

me too @_@ i didnt notice the tears @_@ had to rewatch too lol

cyruz said:

Third season please, I will not be satisfied until I hear the words from Shana and Yuji that they love each other. That's the only thing I can complain about up to this point.

Shana ftw.



oh and carmel-san finally shows some skin! WOOT!
Apr 1, 2008 2:57 PM

May 2007
Rushed ending = - 10
Yuji making his choose = +11
Thats enough to give it my 10 back.

By the way, when Yoshida didn't use the hougu, she just did like the terminator....
"I'LL WILL BE BAK" -Using Edomae Luna's Dad's voice.

srry 4 the bad joke. lol
Apr 1, 2008 7:10 PM

Feb 2008
Totaly Arcade ending

God choise of yuji , Feel sorry for kasumi =(

I dont like the chap to predectible , well still like the series ;)

My rate of the chap


Apr 1, 2008 9:19 PM
Aug 2007
Seriously was wondering when Hecate would find some sense of past emotion; however, they ended it with some stuff resolved and some stuff still at least mostly open ended, so I figured that would be the same with Konoe's memories.

Oh well, overall I think I liked the 1st series more overall, but when this show got exciting it definitely hit some good peaks!
Apr 1, 2008 11:29 PM

Aug 2007
The ending was quite epic. I liked that. However...

What bothered me most about the whole series, now that it has ended, was that looking back there's barely any shipper moments at all. Ok, I know this anime is shounen, but the main characters have to express their emotions in ways other than "I'll protect Shana" and "Shana, train me more so I can get stronger", otherwise I as a viewer will think the couple has no chemistry at all.

Little, simple things--like how he looks at her, or how he treats her compared to all the other girls--to show that Yuji is interested in Shana. As it was, he treated her more as a fighting partner rather than a potential love interest. Remember the first season, when there's all that awkwardness, and shyness, and blushing from both of them (like when she spends the night in his room)? That doesn't just randomly go away once you know someone better. If anything, those things happen more often, as you have more chances to be with each other. And what guy, in their right mind, wouldn't think of making a move on Shana every time they're together?? I'm a girl and I think Shana's the cutest thing ever, so I can just imagine what guys think... ;)
Apr 2, 2008 12:05 AM

Jun 2007
nice episode. Liked it.
Glad Yuuji Finally chose Shana ^^

Apr 2, 2008 5:55 AM

Mar 2008
i hate to say it, but this ending is even more open ended than the 1st season. It was somewhat unstaisfying :0 maybe the special will be more explaining
Apr 2, 2008 10:11 AM

Mar 2008
The last two episodes were rather disappointing!

I expected more after those excellent episodes in the 2nd half.
It was really rusehd and we only got to see very long boring and uncool action scenes.

I missed some new cool twists and a longer ending (Y+S). I would have loved seeing Kazumi using the item, but not dying from it and Pheles joining the action. She was THE character of this show (besides Sabrac).

But it was good how Carmel and Daw developed during the 2nd season. I like them more, now.

I gave it a 9, because I only gave the first season an 8 despite being an 8,5. But the last 2 episodes were rather bad and boring. Hope for a 3rd season.
Apr 2, 2008 10:52 AM

Nov 2007
Great episode; not excellent, but great.

In contrast to many others, I actually liked the first half of the season very much, though the second half was even better. SnS2 undoubtedly beats the first season imo and deserves a 9/10, being one of the best animes I've seen. I'm looking forward to the third season, which has the potential to be even more awesome.
Apr 2, 2008 1:42 PM
Feb 2008
Whilst it wasn't bad, the last episode felt rushed. I dunno. Maybe I had my expectations too high?

Anyway, I give it a 3/5.
Apr 2, 2008 1:59 PM

Sep 2007
To everyone asking for a third season, take note.

I do hope at least some of you know that Shakugan no Shana is primarily a light novel and that is where pretty much all the good stuff of SnS came from. The first season covered books 1-7 or 8, can't remember, and the ending was different compared to how the books did things because of several changes made throughout season 1. Season 2 pretty much loosely covered, and at times skipped or changed how things were done, of books 9-14. Up until the school festival started, it was primarily filler which was why it was lacking in the same flare that the first season had. Once they actually had started using the books as the basis for things, people should have noticed it became a lot better and far more like season 1.

However, as it stands, there are only 2 books they can cover after where S2 ends, as well as 0 and S. They still left things at the end of season 2 so that they can continue them with a season 3, and I hope they do as things get far darker and twisted. However, right now there is only enough source material to do a 13 episode season properly so if there is going to be a S3, it might take a little bit and I hope they actually take a while to make sure they have enough of the novel to work on for a proper third season since we've all seen the results of what happens when they stray away from the source material. I still enjoyed it because I watch SnS for Shana so as long as there is Shana, I don't care but that didn't make it any easier to hide all the whining I saw about the start of S2.
Apr 2, 2008 5:10 PM
Mar 2008
I felt the last episode was just way too rushed... especially because some scenes were totally stupid (Shana running for like a minute) and the ending was not very satisfying.

I agree that there definitely should be a season three, and for these reasons:
1) Conflict between Bal Masque is not resolved due to a cut-off ending and they'll probably come back for more trouble, like from season one to two. Plus Hacate/Konoe's internal conflict (?). I hope we see more of her.
2) Just because Shana was happy in the end doesn't mean Yuji picked her. I want to see it happening ;_;
3) WHAT ABOUT YOSHIDA? I want to see Ike resolve his love problem.
4) Yuji's new baby brother/sister. What happens to that?
5) Pheles and her lover, Johan.. she like suddenly disappeared..

There's more. I just can't think atm. I gave this episode 4/5 - I liked it.. but I feel it's really incomplete. but SHANA LOOKS SO CUTE. WE NEED A SEASON THREE!

The whole season? 8.5/10. Good but not as great as season one. STILL IN LOVE WITH IT THOUGH. Shana all the way <3
Apr 2, 2008 7:00 PM

Feb 2008
meh, is all I can say. Compared to the first season the second season was really rushed and I think episodes 3-14 were somewhat pointless and could have been done a lot better. The ending was also pretty much meh and to tell the truth, the relationship between Shana and Yuji was pretty much at a stand still till the last few min of ep. 24. Overall is was desent, but could have been done much, much better. Lets just hope when/if season 3 gets here it will be much better.
Apr 2, 2008 7:29 PM

Nov 2007
That was awesome...but it's so obvious that there's going to be a season 3...y?

1. the bad guys got away...
2. Hecate left Konoe traces behind, meaning she might have some good in her left.
3. The relationship between Oga-chan and Eita just started.
4. Ike BARELY had any film-time, LOL.
5. Yuji just started to kick ass with sword and flame techniques!
6. Margery still need to complete to mission on the Silver, even though she's getting closer.
7. Yuji's gonna get a bro!
8. That ending didn't thourghly show if he picked anyone...Yuji could've just walked away...

So imo, there gonna make another one...PLZ! MAKE A KICKASS OP THEME!!!
Apr 3, 2008 3:23 AM

Aug 2007
It was a great episode. The actions were top-notch, one of the best I've ever seen. (Wished Bleach actions could be as good as SNS') I thought the ending was rather a cliffhanger, but I don't think a 3rd season is necessary. Maybe a few episodes of OVA will do.

I was so happy when Yoshida almost used the cross-necklace. Sigh, she should've used it! :P

Apr 3, 2008 3:43 AM

Feb 2008
As a huge shana-fan i cant help but give this ep a 5/5 since yuji finally chose her :) Like everyone here i also feel the ep was a bit rushed, but at least they have lots of material to make a 3rd season! :D

One thing bothered me though: margery! When she casted the fuzetsu (dont remember the correct spelling :p ) she was an inch from death, but mere seconds later shes back to full health (scene where she rescued yoshida)! slight error? ;P
Apr 3, 2008 4:21 AM

Feb 2008
Marco was healing her, he mentioned so earlier in the episode. I mean it was pretty fast, but just saying.
Apr 3, 2008 4:33 AM

Mar 2008
I expected something better from Kazumi than just "no, i'll wait for them"
I actually expected her to sacrfice herself for yuiji :(
Nway the romance should have been wrapped up better than that.
Apr 3, 2008 4:35 AM

Mar 2008
Phoentjah said:
but at least they have lots of material to make a 3rd season! :D

rly, i thought they wrapped it up with shana getting picked :S
Apr 3, 2008 5:12 AM

Nov 2007
Xjellocross said:

While the first half of this season really lacked any...watchable...content, I really feel that the second half of Shana II has completely exceeded season 1.

Yeah the first half wasn't as expected,but the 2nd half made up for it =D

Apr 3, 2008 10:14 AM

Feb 2008
Oh come on! How come only shots of Shana was taken?

The series itself makes me want to give it a 10, but come on! Seeing WILHELMINA in some of the scenes in this ep wants me to give greater than 10 (but that's impossible thou, 10's the highest XD); Wilhelmina with blood and torn clothes is really a MOE! How come, nobody mentioned or put any images on it?! I can't stop my passion for Wilhelmina at this moment.

Here's some screenie of moe Wilhelmina! ^_^

~ struggling face ~

~ and a smile for you! ~ de arimasu

Gonna love Wilhelmina forever! LOL! :3
babykeijiApr 3, 2008 10:18 AM
Apr 3, 2008 1:57 PM

Apr 2007
*completely agrees with post above* That was one of the best points about season 2: It had a lot of Wilhelmina in it. ^^
Apr 3, 2008 5:03 PM

Feb 2008
Gah! Shana and Yujii should have kissed or exchanged I love yous to make it official. If there's a third season, which considering the way they ended this season there had better be, I really hope they don't try to continue on with that love triangle crap. I've had about as much of that as I can take.

Second season lacked overall.

And I wish Dantalion was killed...slowly. He's the most annoying character in the show next to Yujii (for his complete and utter stupidity).

Anyways, really disappointing, the story is still all over the place.
Apr 3, 2008 10:16 PM

Feb 2008
Arghh, why do people criticize SnS so much? LOL! But, I don't kher thou. I really enjoyed this awesome show. So, there's nothing to worry about. Gonna love Wilhelmina's MOENESS forever, so gonna love SnS too! ^^ AHahahahah! LMAO
Apr 5, 2008 4:46 AM

Feb 2008
invise said:
Marco was healing her, he mentioned so earlier in the episode. I mean it was pretty fast, but just saying.

I know, but still, one min she gave me the inpression the fuzetsu drained her strength and she was out of the fight, but just a few seconds later : blood gone, no more fatigue ... :p just seemed a bit odd

viny said:
Phoentjah said:
but at least they have lots of material to make a 3rd season! :D

rly, i thought they wrapped it up with shana getting picked :S

Well .. there's still:

- Bal masque (what is their true intention tbh? )
- the silver powers of yuji (he defeated silver but why is his flame silver too?)
- romantic developments between yuji and shana (awkward first kiss etc :p)
- how bout kazumi x ike, as far as i know he still hasnt given up on her
- how bout sato? he's still planning on traveling with margery it seems ...

Thats just some thing that spring to mind after watching the show again, guess you people can come up with alot more questions that could be answered with a 3rd season or maybe a few ova's. Still im hoping for another season of Sns, cant get enough of it :)

edit: almost forgot: what about hecate! she seems to have undergone some emotional changes at the end of the show, i almost rooting for her to become a good-guy :p
Apr 5, 2008 7:20 AM

Feb 2008
Yeah, I'm gonna drop all J.C. Staff's show if they won't make a 3rd season of SnS! LOL! Just kiddin.
Apr 5, 2008 7:24 AM

Nov 2007
Why are people so fixated on Shana and Yuuji hooking up? >.> I really don't consider this series a romance at all, and don't give a damn about such matters. It's a superpower/supernatural action more than anything. At least, that's what I enjoy it for.

The setting and character development is obviously important, and I enjoyed it a lot over this season, but not once did I give a damn about them hooking up or not. I really don't get why so many people are so disappointed there wasn't a kiss or anything.
Apr 5, 2008 9:45 AM

Feb 2008
Waiting in line .... 3rd season please
Apr 5, 2008 9:49 AM

Feb 2008
Phoentjah said:
As a huge shana-fan i cant help but give this ep a 5/5 since yuji finally chose her :) Like everyone here i also feel the ep was a bit rushed, but at least they have lots of material to make a 3rd season! :D

One thing bothered me though: margery! When she casted the fuzetsu (dont remember the correct spelling :p ) she was an inch from death, but mere seconds later shes back to full health (scene where she rescued yoshida)! slight error? ;P

Nope I think it's reasonable, as the healing process quite near complete when she casts fuzetsu..
Apr 5, 2008 3:44 PM

Jan 2008
Phoentjah said:
invise said:
Marco was healing her, he mentioned so earlier in the episode. I mean it was pretty fast, but just saying.

I know, but still, one min she gave me the inpression the fuzetsu drained her strength and she was out of the fight, but just a few seconds later : blood gone, no more fatigue ... :p just seemed a bit odd

viny said:
Phoentjah said:
but at least they have lots of material to make a 3rd season! :D

rly, i thought they wrapped it up with shana getting picked :S

Well .. there's still:

- Bal masque (what is their true intention tbh? )
- the silver powers of yuji (he defeated silver but why is his flame silver too?)
- romantic developments between yuji and shana (awkward first kiss etc :p)
- how bout kazumi x ike, as far as i know he still hasnt given up on her
- how bout sato? he's still planning on traveling with margery it seems ...

Thats just some thing that spring to mind after watching the show again, guess you people can come up with alot more questions that could be answered with a 3rd season or maybe a few ova's. Still im hoping for another season of Sns, cant get enough of it :)

edit: almost forgot: what about hecate! she seems to have undergone some emotional changes at the end of the show, i almost rooting for her to become a good-guy :p

In that case, there has to be a 3rd season! I'm gonna look forward to it next year... =(
Apr 5, 2008 4:07 PM

Feb 2008
Asako said:
Why are people so fixated on Shana and Yuuji hooking up? >.> I really don't consider this series a romance at all, and don't give a damn about such matters. It's a superpower/supernatural action more than anything. At least, that's what I enjoy it for.

The setting and character development is obviously important, and I enjoyed it a lot over this season, but not once did I give a damn about them hooking up or not. I really don't get why so many people are so disappointed there wasn't a kiss or anything.

Did you watch the first season at all? :P

The first three episodes of season 1 were great, mostly because of Shana was in full-on tsundere mode and there was romantic tension between her and Yuuji. Then her whole "Yuuji is with me, I can do anything" made the show exciting as Shana gained new abilities and new motivation.

Their relationship is the heart of the show for me, and probably for a lot of people. During the second half of season 1 and the first half of season 2, that relationship was struggling, so it was nice to see their relationship on the up and up for the last half of this season, and even better for this episode to suggest they finally get together.
Apr 5, 2008 4:47 PM

Nov 2007
kimatg said:
Just watched in HD...

AWESOME episode. Action scenes were top notch.
though I would have liked some more Shana x Yuji scene.. :P

liked the alternative ending song... "sense" by Kawada Mami is it?
was a bit of a surprise :) lol it's not not even in japanese Wikipedia yet

Season 3 yess?
oh wait, I would like some updates on Zero no Tsukaima s3 first... heh they should set the MAL time zone to GMT+9 or something.
still can't set it to completed because it's still "airing" and it's Thursday in America...

THERES GOING TO BE ZERO NO TSUKAIMA SEASON 3?!?!?! OMG!!!! when when? im so excited now. i like cried cuz that last episode in season 2
Apr 5, 2008 9:55 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah, and stay watch for Zero no Tsukaima 3 for SnS 3 news.
Apr 6, 2008 1:45 PM

Apr 2008
The Ending Song Sense was GREAT!!! <3 Sense

3rd Season *plz*

Apr 6, 2008 5:18 PM
Dec 2007
Wow incredible, unlike season one, they actually made an almost definitive conclusion this time ! I didn't expect it. The first season was great but the last eps were not that good, and this second season was exactly the opposite, some average episodes in the beginning and then a solid second half. I prefer the second one, better animation/character development/action scenes but it doesn't deserve a better score, so 8/10, just like the first season.

Waiting for a third season.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
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