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Mar 31, 2010 1:44 AM
Mar 2010
We at OAV know each other well, right? But who should you listen to when you are given recommendations for like nine new series by like nine different people at G&Ds?

When you get a recommendation to watch a series from an OAV person, add it to your "Plan to Watch"/"Currently Watching" list and say so here! And then, a little later, say whether it turned out the series was just right for you or if you hated it! Is the person who recommended it to you truly a mind reader or were they just projecting their own fetishes onto you?

You can even get competitive and start giving loads of recommendations specifically to try to win this thread!

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Mar 31, 2010 5:02 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
Ok so far I've got:

Dennou Coil - from zhou ofc
Tokyo Magnitude - from Junaid

Speaking of which, we need to get those people to sign up. I'm especially interested in seeing Junaid's vast list.
Take off every SIG!!
Mar 31, 2010 7:10 AM

Mar 2009
I watched Dennou Coil which was recommended by Zhou, and it was an excellent series, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

It was slightly sillier in places than I felt it needed to be, but was other was a good watch.

Then there was Revolutionary Girl Utena, which from all the hype was thoroughly disappointing. It wasn't a bad show exactly, but I found large portions of the characters dull, some of the scenes were far too repetitive (the duels for example), and it tried far too hard at pretending to have a plot.
Mar 31, 2010 7:14 AM
Mar 2010
Lol at your Utena opinion. I guess that's -1 recommendation skill for everyone who said how good it was, which was a few people. :P
But tbf it wasn't specifically that *you* would like it, just that it was good in general, I think.
Looks like Zhou gets +1 RS. So now he has twice the incentive to join this site!
Mar 31, 2010 8:09 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
lol do you think people who join up will be more careful about recommending series now, in case they get -ve points for bad recommendation? :P
Take off every SIG!!
Mar 31, 2010 8:22 AM

Mar 2009
Nah, I won't let that stop me.

Anybody looking for a bit of action with some comedy should check out Cowboy Bebop.

People should also check out Fruits Basket for an interesting slice of life/comedy show. (I suspect I might lose some points for this one)
Mar 31, 2010 10:46 AM

Mar 2010
one of the few series i've ever watched on a recommendation was Astro Fighter Sunred, courtesy of Duncan - and i found it to be exactly the sort of heartwarming, non-pandering slice-of-life comedy that i enjoy. the same story applies to jagainu-kun/dogtato.

i guess the problem is that i rarely accept recs. :p

(also, it's a lot easier to say things about anime you haven't watched but know a bit about, like "i bet kajia will dislike Kanon"/"i bet mike will like Saikano" than actually rec things to someone with incompatible tastes.)
Mar 31, 2010 10:51 AM

Mar 2009
lol, I actually have the Saikano DVDs lying around here, I've been meaning to get around to starting it again for a while :p
Mar 31, 2010 5:10 PM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
saikano... ugh....

does recs that make it to next year's lineup count? If it does, I call dibs on Planetes (assuming it makes it on the final lineup ofc)! :P
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 1:57 AM

Mar 2010
i give kajia +1 for planetes! :D and duncan +1 for gits, by that logic.

on the other hand, i'm calling dibs on h&c this year. >_>
Apr 1, 2010 2:30 AM

Mar 2009
Not the best of ideas, especially considering who started this topic.
Apr 1, 2010 2:38 AM
Mar 2010
Janice gets -30 Recommendation Skill for H&C.

Btw do beware of general 'this is good' recommendations as opposed to ones that predict what *specific* people will like. The former is very much subject to opinion and taste whether or not it's right, but the latter is definitely right or wrong. So Janice got the right idea in that respect, like about the fact that you don't necessarily even have to have seen it.

Current Situation:

Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Dogtato to everyone/Janice
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV

Kajia - Planetes to OAV
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia
Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia

Everyone - Utena to MikeP
Janice - Honey and Clover to OAV >:( >:(

P.S. Does Chaos or Janice get credit for Teh Legend Of Koisumi that time?
AlunalunApr 1, 2010 3:23 AM
Apr 1, 2010 2:59 AM

Mar 2009
Apr 1, 2010 3:13 AM
Mar 2010
I also remembered that Duncan recommended - and lent to me - Akira and Grave of the Fireflies. Both were EXCELLENT.
I'll add these to the list
Apr 1, 2010 4:45 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
lol I think H&C was generally well received by the society... just Alun who hated it. It's currently on a 7 for me (though I still think Nodame Cantibile >> Honey and Clover... at least so far). Also, wasn't it Corwin who was the main culprit recommending it? I think Janice merely seconded it.

If we're counting this year, we also need to bear in mind:
Eden of the East - Alexei
Boogiepop - Jonathon and myself
Seto - Ben
Gurren Lagann - er... everyone?

Also, how much do you have to like it to get +ve points? Or should it be based on differences between how much a series is hyped up to compared to how good people actually found it? For example with utena (I wasn't one of the rabid followers of Utena btw, though I was the one who suggested we should show it that year :P), Mike didn't think it was a bad show, but it was hyped up to be like 10 by several very vocal people :P

Or am I thinking about this too much lol.
kekekeKajApr 1, 2010 4:57 AM
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 4:58 AM

Mar 2009
How about we settle on getting points if you think its good enough to recommend to some one else?
Apr 1, 2010 5:17 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
also... surely you would get more points if the society liked it as a whole?

Duncan should probably get about 5 points considering how everyone's loving Gits

Whatever system we're using, I think we can clearly see who's in the lead atm at least :P
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 6:05 AM
Mar 2010
Recommending things to 'people in general' such as the society has the problem that it's difficult to judge just how much people like it. And recommending famous things like GITS arguably requires less insight.
So I don't think a points system could actually work, that's why on the list thing I've said specifically what each recommendation was. But still a winner/person-whose-advice-you-should-take should start to emerge.

Duncan - Akira to Alun
Duncan - Grave of the Fireflies to Alun
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Dogtato to OAV/Janice
Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP

Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia
Kajia - Planetes to OAV
MikeP - Gurren Lagann movies to Alun
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koisumi to OAV
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Honey and Clover to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV

Was it Janice who recommended Hetalia to OAV?
AlunalunApr 1, 2010 7:54 AM
Apr 1, 2010 6:30 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
Eden of the east is done already, so I think we can pass judgement upon it now :P You're right that it's difficult to judge the reactions of the group unless it's overwhelmingly positive (Gits/Genshiken/Baccano/Trigun comes to mind from the last couple of years) I think people liked it in general, but I can't help but feel it under performed when measured against the high praise Junaid and Alexei were showering upon it last year...

I've no idea what I would recommend to Alun. His scoring pattern is so bizarre I can't even begin to guess what he would like :P
kekekeKajApr 1, 2010 6:35 AM
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 6:57 AM
Mar 2010
I had to score the anime on my lists, but most of them I don't remember very well, so they're almost certainly not scored properly...I should just set them back to blank until I re-watch them. :P
Apr 1, 2010 6:57 AM

Mar 2009
For Alun I think the best trick is never to recommend slice of life.

I really liked Eden Of The East (and the first movie, I really want the second one now) I think most people (not Alun apparently) quite liked it, so it certainly isn't going to earn negative points.
Apr 1, 2010 7:25 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
Yeah I've gathered his dislike for slice of life, I just can't think of anything he's likely to like. I kind of feel any anime has a good chance of ending up anywhere on that 1-10 scale (apart from slice of life, which will probably fall into the lower half).
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 7:44 AM

Mar 2009
Other than my prior recommendation of the 2nd Gurren Lagann film I can't think of anything to recommend to him either.

Except Cowboy Bebop, but that's already on his plan to watch list.
Apr 1, 2010 7:47 AM
Mar 2010
Well, Eden of the East wasn't awful or anything, it just seemed not to do anything.
I suspect Eden of the East is actually quite slice-of-life-ish in its appeal, despite appearing as more of a thriller. I mean because of the way all of whatshisface's friends were regular college kids having a club. Including Saki. People in the reviews seemed to think those characters were interesting while I was just like 'why are they even there?'.

And yes I must remember to put the TTGL films on my plan-to-watch. That's a recommendation. I'll edit the last list I posted (but mainly I'm keeping the up-to-date copy of the list on my computer though).
AlunalunApr 1, 2010 7:51 AM
Apr 1, 2010 10:06 AM

Mar 2010
I take the blame for the presence of Hetalia at the OAV, yes.

And I share everyone's problem re: determining Alun's tastes. Maybe that's the true test of RS: recommending something Alun will like. :p Based on his liking of GL and Excel Saga, maybe FLCL would be a good idea? Or is that too WTFish...

As for H&C, Kajia's probably right that Corwin was responsible. It's a similar story with Natsume Yuujinchou - I loved it but thought the OAV wouldn't. Apparently not.
Apr 1, 2010 12:01 PM
Mar 2010
List updated! I'm downloading FLCL now. You'd better hope I like it!
Megaupload rules for free users, so I'll have the whoe thing in a few more minutes. I'll watch it either tonight or tomorrow!
Aarg, but it's weird. There's a dub audio track but without a signs-only sub track. There's another sub track but it appears to be for a commentary that he didn't provide an audio track for. And the episode info that VLC displays has the wrong episode numbers. >:(

Duncan - Akira to Alun
Duncan - Grave of the Fireflies to Alun
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Dogtato to OAV/Janice
Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP

Janice - FLCL to Alun
Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia
Kajia - Planetes to OAV
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia
MikeP - Gurren Lagann films to Alun

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koisumi to OAV
Corwin/Janice - Honey and Clover to OAV
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Hetalia to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV
AlunalunApr 1, 2010 12:09 PM
Apr 1, 2010 3:54 PM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
lol looking at that list, Duncan appear to be predicting Alun's taste with unerring accuracy :P
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 1, 2010 5:58 PM
Dec 2009
I don't think I deserve the credit for H&C, I'm just generally louder than Janice so I get heard more =S.

In terms of recommendations that I've watched and liked:

monster (Janice, Duncan and maybe emma. I can't remember but there was a lot of "dr tenma"ing going on)
Ouran (Janice)
RideBack (Janice)
natsume yuujinchou (Janice)
From Eroica with love (Alex)
GITS the movie (Duncan)
Chi's sweet home (Janice, Duncan and Emma)

If i remember any more I'll post.

Duncan do I get any points for peach girl????? :D
Apr 2, 2010 2:08 AM
Mar 2010
We also need things that you were recommended but *didn't* like, to find out who is bad :P
Apr 2, 2010 7:17 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
I just remembered corwin recommended Bartender.

Well actually I don't know if it counts as a recommendation. He didn't exactly directly recommend it to me. He was just talking about it at G&D's, and I liked what I heard so decided to put it on my to watch list... in fact he basically just said that it was a slice of life in which nothing ever happens, and that was enough to make me want to watch it.

Does that count?!
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 2, 2010 7:23 AM
Mar 2010
AAaarg Kajia you watched it specifically because he said it's a slice of life where nothing ever happens??? How are you so insane??
I don't know if it counts as a recommendation though...Sounds like probably not. :P
Apr 2, 2010 7:31 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
no.... I haven't watched it yet. But I plan to :D

Also, I just remembered another slice of life recommendation, this time it definitely counts as a recommendation:

Astro Fighter Sunred - recommended by Duncan.
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 2, 2010 7:43 AM
Dec 2009
If you haven't watched it then I recommend it :)

To kajia. Not Alun.

Oh and to Duncan and Janice too.
Apr 2, 2010 9:14 AM
Mar 2010
Alex - From Eroica with Love to Corwin
Duncan - Akira to Alun
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell movie to Corwin
Duncan - Grave of the Fireflies to Alun
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Kajia
Duncan - Dogtato to OAV/Janice
Janice/Duncan/Emma - Chi's Sweet Home to Corwin
Janice/Duncan - Monster to Corwin
Janice - Natsume Yuujinchou to Corwin
Janice - Ouran High School Host Club to Corwin
Janice - Rideback to Corwin
Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP

Janice - FLCL to Alun
Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia
Kajia - Planetes to OAV
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia
MikeP - Gurren Lagann films to Alun
Corwin - Bartender to Duncan
Corwin - Bartender to Janice
Corwin - Bartender to Kajia

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

WATCHED/WATCHING IN OAV - make up your own mind
Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koisumi to OAV
I hate honey and stupid clover >:(
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Hetalia to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV
Apr 2, 2010 5:12 PM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
Since they won't be here next year, I recommend Planetes, Nodame Cantibile and Paradise Kiss to Duncan, Janice and Corwin... but not to Alun :P

(just jumping on the getting-cheap-points-from-reccing-slice-of-life bandwagon :D)
kekekeKajApr 2, 2010 5:23 PM
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 2, 2010 5:36 PM

Mar 2009
Paradise Kiss has actually been pretty good so far.
Apr 3, 2010 2:45 AM
Mar 2010
I don't like this getting-cheap-points-because-you-crazy-people-unconditionally-like-any-slice-of-life-bandwagon. But it seems entirely within the rules...
Apr 3, 2010 3:17 AM
Dec 2009
1 more point

Kinō Nani Tabeta? (What did you eat yesterday) - Janice

Alunalun said:

WATCHED/WATCHING IN OAV - make up your own mind
Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koisumi to OAV
I hate honey and stupid clover >:(
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Hetalia to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV

are we supposed to judge these?

in which case

EotE +1
Seto -1
Koisumi ??
H&C + 0 (doesn't count, had this on my to watch list for years)
GitS + 1
Hetalia +1
Boogiebop +1
Apr 3, 2010 3:35 AM
Mar 2010
It means that each reader has their own separate opinion on wether or not these were good or bad so yes, it's better that they judge them themselves rather than try to impose a majority rule.

List is getting a little long...

Alex - From Eroica with Love to Corwin
Duncan - Akira to Alun
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell movie to Corwin
Duncan - Grave of the Fireflies to Alun
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Kajia
Duncan - Dogtato to OAV/Janice
Janice/Duncan/Emma - Chi's Sweet Home to Corwin
Janice/Duncan - Monster to Corwin
Janice - Natsume Yuujinchou to Corwin
Janice - Ouran High School Host Club to Corwin
Janice - Rideback to Corwin
Janice - What Did You Eat Yesterday? to Corwin
Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP

Janice - FLCL to Alun
Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia
Kajia - Planetes to OAV
Kaia - Nodame Cantabile to Duncan and Janice and Corwin
Kaia - Paradise Kiss to Duncan and Janice and Corwin
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia
MikeP - Gurren Lagann films to Alun
Corwin - Bartender to Duncan
Corwin - Bartender to Janice
Corwin - Bartender to Kajia

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

WATCHED/WATCHING IN OAV - make up your own mind
Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koisumi to OAV
I hate honey and stupid clover >:(
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Hetalia to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV
AlunalunApr 3, 2010 3:58 AM
Apr 3, 2010 3:55 AM
Dec 2009
Wait no lol, the other way around. Janice recommended me What did you eat yesterday and I liked it.
Apr 3, 2010 5:58 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
wait, why is duncan's astro fighters sunred rec to me in the plus points region already? I haven't watched it yet, and though I suspect I will like it, lets not jump to any hasty conclusions :p
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 3, 2010 6:23 AM
Mar 2010
Alex - From Eroica with Love to Corwin
Duncan - Akira to Alun
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell movie to Corwin
Duncan - Grave of the Fireflies to Alun
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Janice
Duncan - Dogtato to OAV/Janice
Janice/Duncan/Emma - Chi's Sweet Home to Corwin
Janice/Duncan - Monster to Corwin
Janice - Natsume Yuujinchou to Corwin
Janice - Ouran High School Host Club to Corwin
Janice - Rideback to Corwin
Janice - What Did You Eat Yesterday? to Corwin
Zhou - Dennou Coil to MikeP

Corwin - Bartender to Duncan
Corwin - Bartender to Janice
Corwin - Bartender to Kajia
Duncan - Astro Fighter Sunred to Kajia
Janice - FLCL to Alun
Junaid - Tokyo Magnitude to Kajia
Kajia - Planetes to OAV
Kaia - Nodame Cantabile to Duncan and Janice and Corwin
Kaia - Paradise Kiss to Duncan and Janice and Corwin
Zhou - Dennou Coil to Kajia
MikeP - Gurren Lagann films to Alun

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

WATCHED/WATCHING IN OAV - make up your own mind
Alexei - Eden of the East to OAV
Ben - Seto no Hanayome to OAV
Chaos - The Legend of Koizumi to OAV
I hate honey and stupid clover >:(
Duncan - Ghost in the Shell to OAV
Janice - Hetalia to OAV
Jonathan/Kajia - Boogiepop Phantom to OAV
Apr 3, 2010 7:07 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
My personal opinion on the OAV recs:

- minus points for hetalia (not into this kind of comedy, sorry :P)
- neutral for Eden (I liked it... but it didn't do enough to provoke fanboyish gushing reactions from me :P)

Jury still out for the rest of the things we're showing this year.

PS wasn't Janice's rec for Hetalia last year's showing? I thought we're only including things starting this year.
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 3, 2010 7:29 AM
Dec 2009
Oh I almost forgot!

Negative points to everyone for evangelion :p
Apr 3, 2010 7:37 AM
Mar 2010
Any chance it was just one person? Because putting 'everyone' under minus points is looking silly...
Apr 3, 2010 8:05 AM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
What about the following, written by you:

Everyone - Utena to MikeP

PS I didn't recommend eva or utena!! :P
PPS Update: after seeing NHK on duncan's plan to watch list, I asked him about that and he said I'm definitely one of the people responsible for getting him to watch it :D
Take off every SIG!!
Apr 3, 2010 9:07 AM
Mar 2010
Yeah, but if there were TWO entries saying 'everyone' it looks much much sillierthan it does with just one :P
Apr 3, 2010 1:59 PM

Mar 2009
Is that negative points to everyone for the Evangelion series or Rebuild which we went to see?

Because most of us agreed that the movie animated the dullest part of the series, with less character development than the series had.
Apr 3, 2010 6:35 PM
Dec 2009
Both kinda. I tried watching the series but didn't get too far. It may have been because it reminded me of the movie. It was better, but I still didn't like any of the characters.

Maybe I'll try again at some point, but when I have things like bebop and other 7/8s that are on hold, I don't think it'll be any time soon.

Objectively Evangelion seemed alright. It was different and influential and I commend it for that. But subjectively it was a bit meh. Maybe if I read a wall of text why somebody liked it, I might change my mind and understand why people adore it so much.

Seriously that woman and her "there hasn't been any other proper anime since then" probably biased me against it quite a bit. Ugh.
Apr 3, 2010 9:50 PM
Review Moderator
Mar 2010
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