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Feb 24, 3:32 PM
Apr 2023
What an underrated anime. This last few episodes have been absolute bangers. Plus, the premise of the show is much more original for the isekai genre. I hope that with time It gets the love It deserves, bc a 7,22 is way too low for me.
People didn't even see the trailer for the series and said that mappa baited "us" into an isekai, so all these people gave It low marks and dropped the anime. Aditionally, Mappa behind the project gives a bad impresion bc of their previous production proceses. I think that Mappa is doing an amazing job at this anime but It is also giving it a disatrous promotion.
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Feb 24, 3:56 PM
Dec 2020
Last week, it was rated 7,20. So, it went up with 0,02.
Feb 24, 3:57 PM
Apr 2014
Actually is too high.
Feb 24, 4:02 PM
Sep 2022
mappa hypocrisy 😭😭😭
Feb 24, 4:05 PM
Nov 2023
As usual, the smooth brain shonen types saw a bit of hype developing before the season start so set out to take a dump on it same as they did with re:zero and slime. Ratings on MAL are always twisted by haters, weird when anime fans are such a minority, we should all be on the same side. The infighting is pathetic!
Feb 24, 4:12 PM
Oct 2024
It’s mostly ok, but the premise is amazing because it shows the life of a anime animator and I love how if she changes the story it will be a big impact on her. It does have some issues with me like it does slow down the pacing which is a problem for me if it gets too slow. I don’t really like it when a show gets too slow because it makes me less interested in the show. I can see why someone would rate it low because of the pacing and that’s a big problem for most people.
Feb 24, 4:27 PM
Mar 2020
I’m 2 episodes behind, so I can’t speak to them but I think it’s rated pretty fairly from what I’ve seen. I actually like going into it not knowing it was an isekai and then being surprised, but it is a bit repetitive so far, kinda monster-of-the-week ish. I’d probably give it a 7 right now, if I was to score it based on what I’ve seen.
Feb 24, 4:37 PM

Feb 2024
It’s a pretty good anime when it comes to presentation and premise, the story itself just hasn’t been as good as its potential though.

Not a bad anime though, just not good enough to be in the “best” Isekai.
Feb 24, 5:01 PM

Apr 2019
For me, this series is very average. In terms of plot, it doesn't show anything new, most of the episodes are just fights with monsters with the same pattern. The characters are strange, some more likeable, others less so. Honestly, I don't know what this series is aiming for, but for now it smells like a nicely made, but boring isekaj that will quickly be forgotten.
Feb 24, 5:06 PM
Apr 2023
Because it's an Isekai
Feb 24, 5:13 PM
Dec 2023
because almost everyone has a grudge against isekai. To them, it's automatically bad for some reason. I think it's great
Feb 24, 5:19 PM
Nov 2018
Why do people keep asking this question? Not everybody is going to like what you like. So it's fine. A lot of things I like are lowly scored, but I don't care as long I like them.
Feb 24, 5:34 PM
Mar 2024
because of the good quality of the animation
Feb 24, 7:16 PM

Apr 2023
Well, it was severely hated at first for stupid reasons but, there are some problems with Zenshuu.

1. If Natsuko knows everything that will happen in the fantasy world, why can’t she just stop the shit that ignited everything in the first place? Why not go to the root of the problem?

2. The fantasy world itself is…rather boring and generic. I really couldn’t care less about the characters in this world.

3. The episodes are getting somewhat repetitive.
If I had to choose between One Piece and a girlfriend...I think I'll go with One Piece
Feb 24, 8:34 PM

Apr 2021
Moppit said:
Why do people keep asking this question? Not everybody is going to like what you like. So it's fine. A lot of things I like are lowly scored, but I don't care as long I like them.

I agree with this response.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Feb 24, 8:53 PM
Nov 2018
I think a lot of people weren't expecting an isekai and was disappointed. also contributes
Feb 24, 9:04 PM
Oct 2022
Because it isn’t like we expected to be. The MC is living in her own world, in a story created by her. I thought this anime will be only about Natsuko’s success as a mangaka.
Feb 24, 11:12 PM
Apr 2023
Jollyne7 said:
For me, this series is very average. In terms of plot, it doesn't show anything new, most of the episodes are just fights with monsters with the same pattern. The characters are strange, some more likeable, others less so. Honestly, I don't know what this series is aiming for, but for now it smells like a nicely made, but boring isekaj that will quickly be forgotten.

Well, I don't think you can argue that for the last 2 chapters. Though I agree with u If we r taking into account from chapters 2 to 5 or so. I don't belive this to be the "BEST" isekai, as someone implied. I just thought It was to harsly critizised. Tbh I did not watch the trailer of the series and thought (as many people) that this wasn't going to be an isekai. But that didn't stop me from liking It. I just found a bit sad that at the first episode discusion everyone was calling It bait and speaking pests of It with a 6.8 or smth.
Feb 24, 11:46 PM

Jul 2023
I can give you a simple answer: First impressions.

Honestly, the story has grown on me ever since episode 5, but many aren’t willing to stick around for that long for the story and characters to get good. Episodes 1-4 seemed mediocre in narrative because Natsuko would mainly solve conflicts by herself like an average isekai protagonist, but that’s exactly the point and further accentuates the plot later. The MC actually ends up having decent writing and even if the storyline is kind of mid, I still think the characters and animation are done pretty well.

It’s basically the type of anime that doesn’t get good right away, it takes more than 3 episodes for the writing to pick up a bit and it’s likely most would have dropped it before then.

Also, this is an isekai so I don’t accept much from the rating unless this one in particular is like…good enough to transcend the genre. I think as far as isekais goes, 7.22 is on the higher end.
gloozedFeb 24, 11:50 PM
Feb 25, 12:17 AM
Oct 2020
Cause it’s so good,anime of the year 🔥🔥🔥
Feb 25, 1:19 AM
Aug 2021
don't use MAL as a metric for Anime quality. Even rating very different things against each other is already a hard thing so I dislike score by 10 metric shit, but when you add pretentious douches into the mix it isn't really possible to get an accurate examination for if something is good or not. I love this show, it has been so good and the romance has been peak, plus the animation slaps, but that is kind a given with you know, Mappa. It is why I think reviewing shit for others is such a stupid thing and why no one likes game outlets like IGN and shit because their ratings of things are just awful. A good thing you can do is just find reviewers with very similar taste to you and go based on them, or the best thing you can do is just try stuff out yourself.

TLDR everyone's tastes are subjective, rating different shows against each other on a 10 score rank is already a flawed system, and last of all MAL is filled with a ton of pretentious douches so take the scores of shows with a grain of salt.

note: yes I basically rate everything a 10 but that is because I hate rating things out of 10 and I just don't want to spend the time to do so
Feb 25, 2:02 AM
Jul 2024
didn't rate it but i don't like the face of the caracters and the style of the show :/
Feb 25, 2:13 AM

Sep 2020
Because it's an Isekai on top of that it's made by MAPPA.
Feb 25, 3:31 AM
Jan 2015
I think the rating is pretty fair for the released episodes. Ever since the beginning i'm waiting for a twist for this show to not be just eye candy. The plot so fair is rather uninspiring.
Feb 25, 3:48 AM
May 2022
OtakuKun1 said:
Because it isn’t like we expected to be. The MC is living in her own world, in a story created by her. I thought this anime will be only about Natsuko’s success as a mangaka.

This. Exactly this. I felt baited myself. I do not like Isekai, I don't mind them existing, it's just not my cup of tea. And I thought this would be more about the real world Mangaka and her struggles, more like a workplace Anime with fantasy elements. I tried two episodes and just simply were disappointed.

Also 7.something isnt even that low, there are many Anime with 6.something that I myself really enjoyed as well as 8.somethings I could not get behind. For a good show with nice animations but otherwise generic points, a 7 is really a good score on MAL tbh.
Feb 25, 8:27 AM
Oct 2022
Densema said:
OtakuKun1 said:
Because it isn’t like we expected to be. The MC is living in her own world, in a story created by her. I thought this anime will be only about Natsuko’s success as a mangaka.

This. Exactly this. I felt baited myself. I do not like Isekai, I don't mind them existing, it's just not my cup of tea. And I thought this would be more about the real world Mangaka and her struggles, more like a workplace Anime with fantasy elements. I tried two episodes and just simply were disappointed.

Also 7.something isnt even that low, there are many Anime with 6.something that I myself really enjoyed as well as 8.somethings I could not get behind. For a good show with nice animations but otherwise generic points, a 7 is really a good score on MAL tbh.

Even a 7 is a bit high for this anime, but we can accept it. Zenshu is not what I supposed it will be about.

MC living in her story? That’s just not right for what we expected. She is a mangaka, so they should have concentrated only on her real life struggles in her career and how the process of creating manga works.

Yeah, I agree, the characters from Natsuko’s world are cool (especially Luke Braveheart), but if you ask me, she shouldn’t integrate into that world. I feel like her presence there changed the entire course of action.
Feb 25, 1:53 PM
Nov 2022
im enjoying it, but i think a 7 suits it well. its good, but its nothing special
Feb 25, 2:17 PM
Nov 2023
The responses here answer your question. ‘It’s not what I expected’… ‘It’s isekai’… ‘Mappa’… ‘Boring monster of the week’…just prejudiced people who probably only watched one episode or maybe watch on 2x speed while looking at TikTok videos.
This show is hugely original, and is building up consistently with increasingly difficult challenges from the voids and the heroes themselves to an unknown end that could be tragic but maybe not? And all with the outcome in the real world unknown.
Feb 25, 11:53 PM
Apr 2023
I did rate it an 8, but if had a choice, I'd rather rate it a 7.5, so I think it's pretty fair.
Feb 26, 12:26 AM
May 2012
A lot of people are missing the cues that this whole anime is meant to be a cultural reference to some of the most influential Japanese animators in the industry (Miyazaki, Naoko Takeuchi, Tezuka). Right down to the dialogue and animation style. It's Ghibli. It's Tezuka. Unio is literally based on Tezuka's Unico. Natsuko created what is their version of Sailor Moon. And she ended up in what is effectively: Miyazaki's Nausicaa. The monsters, in some episodes, are the spitting image of Ghibli insects. It feels old because people have seen this before. Literally. MAPPA is paying homage to the people who formed their industry. Even the storyboarding itself: is not meant to be linear. They follow Miyazaki's heart in storytelling, and Tezuka's affinity for tragedy in children's animation. Zenshu is supposed to be but what if there was more hope in the films of my nostalgic childhood?

As far as complaints to Natsuko's inability to leverage her knowledge further- I think this is pretty well shown in the anime! They make it clear that she does not know everything occurring within A Tale of Perishing. She only knows what she was shown (ie: the movie, some behind the scenes movie making tidbits, and what the creator had published, etc). She often remarks how many scenes and motivations of the characters in A Tale of Perishing don't make sense to her. (This is also a ref. to Miyazaki's storytelling btw). Because she doesn't have more knowledge than what they show in the movie. They don't show the very source of the great evil, or necessarily why things occur in the manner they do. She can only do with what knowledge she has at the time of the film she was dropped into. And even so, the events she knows by heart begin to change in increasingly drastic ways- making her newfound reality very difficult to predict.

So, so far- I do agree that it's woefully underrated. But not everyone is going to get Zenshu for what it is, or necessarily enjoy it at face value without that background knowledge. I do think that it wasn't marketed very well. Both the cover art, and the trailer, don't really sell the story for what it is. Some people will pass because they dislike isekai. Some because of the intentionally dated art style (even with incredible modern animation), and some won't catch any of the deeper footnotes of the story. I think they seriously missed out on classifying this as a Magical Girl anime. It's tragic, we get a female heroine with no interest in being a hero, perfectly traditional mahou shoujo transformation sequences- it really is the perfect formula for that genre, I think! (And I'm honestly glad it's not as tragic as most magical girl anime).
Feb 26, 1:40 AM
Apr 2023
RitsukaTachibana said:
A lot of people are missing the cues that this whole anime is meant to be a cultural reference to some of the most influential Japanese animators in the industry (Miyazaki, Naoko Takeuchi, Tezuka). Right down to the dialogue and animation style. It's Ghibli. It's Tezuka. Unio is literally based on Tezuka's Unico. Natsuko created what is their version of Sailor Moon. And she ended up in what is effectively: Miyazaki's Nausicaa. The monsters, in some episodes, are the spitting image of Ghibli insects. It feels old because people have seen this before. Literally. MAPPA is paying homage to the people who formed their industry. Even the storyboarding itself: is not meant to be linear. They follow Miyazaki's heart in storytelling, and Tezuka's affinity for tragedy in children's animation. Zenshu is supposed to be but what if there was more hope in the films of my nostalgic childhood?

As far as complaints to Natsuko's inability to leverage her knowledge further- I think this is pretty well shown in the anime! They make it clear that she does not know everything occurring within A Tale of Perishing. She only knows what she was shown (ie: the movie, some behind the scenes movie making tidbits, and what the creator had published, etc). She often remarks how many scenes and motivations of the characters in A Tale of Perishing don't make sense to her. (This is also a ref. to Miyazaki's storytelling btw). Because she doesn't have more knowledge than what they show in the movie. They don't show the very source of the great evil, or necessarily why things occur in the manner they do. She can only do with what knowledge she has at the time of the film she was dropped into. And even so, the events she knows by heart begin to change in increasingly drastic ways- making her newfound reality very difficult to predict.

So, so far- I do agree that it's woefully underrated. But not everyone is going to get Zenshu for what it is, or necessarily enjoy it at face value without that background knowledge. I do think that it wasn't marketed very well. Both the cover art, and the trailer, don't really sell the story for what it is. Some people will pass because they dislike isekai. Some because of the intentionally dated art style (even with incredible modern animation), and some won't catch any of the deeper footnotes of the story. I think they seriously missed out on classifying this as a Magical Girl anime. It's tragic, we get a female heroine with no interest in being a hero, perfectly traditional mahou shoujo transformation sequences- it really is the perfect formula for that genre, I think! (And I'm honestly glad it's not as tragic as most magical girl anime).

WoW, I didn't think that Deep into It. That's amaizing
Feb 27, 5:57 AM
Jun 2021
7.2 would denote, a better than good rating. I feel that’s fair given the fact that it’s not breaking any new ground story, character, development wise.. That being said the way the were able to for me personally conjure up the feeling of something nostalgic in a modern art style makes this my favorite of this season, in my book it’s a solid 9 but I won’t rate it till I’ve taken the whole journey.
Feb 27, 1:44 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to Malware_NSG
RitsukaTachibana said:
A lot of people are missing the cues that this whole anime is meant to be a cultural reference to some of the most influential Japanese animators in the industry (Miyazaki, Naoko Takeuchi, Tezuka). Right down to the dialogue and animation style. It's Ghibli. It's Tezuka. Unio is literally based on Tezuka's Unico. Natsuko created what is their version of Sailor Moon. And she ended up in what is effectively: Miyazaki's Nausicaa. The monsters, in some episodes, are the spitting image of Ghibli insects. It feels old because people have seen this before. Literally. MAPPA is paying homage to the people who formed their industry. Even the storyboarding itself: is not meant to be linear. They follow Miyazaki's heart in storytelling, and Tezuka's affinity for tragedy in children's animation. Zenshu is supposed to be but what if there was more hope in the films of my nostalgic childhood?

As far as complaints to Natsuko's inability to leverage her knowledge further- I think this is pretty well shown in the anime! They make it clear that she does not know everything occurring within A Tale of Perishing. She only knows what she was shown (ie: the movie, some behind the scenes movie making tidbits, and what the creator had published, etc). She often remarks how many scenes and motivations of the characters in A Tale of Perishing don't make sense to her. (This is also a ref. to Miyazaki's storytelling btw). Because she doesn't have more knowledge than what they show in the movie. They don't show the very source of the great evil, or necessarily why things occur in the manner they do. She can only do with what knowledge she has at the time of the film she was dropped into. And even so, the events she knows by heart begin to change in increasingly drastic ways- making her newfound reality very difficult to predict.

So, so far- I do agree that it's woefully underrated. But not everyone is going to get Zenshu for what it is, or necessarily enjoy it at face value without that background knowledge. I do think that it wasn't marketed very well. Both the cover art, and the trailer, don't really sell the story for what it is. Some people will pass because they dislike isekai. Some because of the intentionally dated art style (even with incredible modern animation), and some won't catch any of the deeper footnotes of the story. I think they seriously missed out on classifying this as a Magical Girl anime. It's tragic, we get a female heroine with no interest in being a hero, perfectly traditional mahou shoujo transformation sequences- it really is the perfect formula for that genre, I think! (And I'm honestly glad it's not as tragic as most magical girl anime).

WoW, I didn't think that Deep into It. That's amaizing
> And she ended up in what is effectively: Miyazaki's Nausicaa.

You can literally see Princess Nausicaa in the background during Zenshuu ep3 (around the 12'32" mark).
Feb 27, 8:21 PM
Aug 2024
I willing to try to get back into the show but for me the episodes were just boring. The concept is cool and the animation is beautiful, but I have only watched the first three episodes and so far every episode is the exact same thing. To me it would be more interesting if she was able to draw whenever instead of being limited to only being able to draw when the drawing board feels like it, because right now her ability is op if she could just use it whenever she wanted but because the drawing board doesn’t let her draw whenever, the only real threat/stakes are created by her own power not being able to be used whenever she wants. It would be more interesting if she just had stronger enemies to fight that were more equal to her power level. Like I said I’m still willing to watch the show and will probably finish it at some point but I was just kind of disappointed with how every episode felt so repetitive.
Mar 2, 4:53 AM

May 2009
Isekai crowd expects power fantasy and harem.
Mar 2, 10:19 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
A 7.23 on the general audience MAL scale is too low. This show is underrated. Particularly, the last several episodes and the most recent one have been really good. I would guess a combination of early MAPPA hate for making something related to animators, Natsuko starting out pretty unlikable herself, and the blindsided by isekai twist. Hopefully, people stick with it though and it has a solid ending. Maybe it will get a nice completion boost once it ends.
Mar 2, 10:58 AM

Jul 2019
For me, this show is the most 6/10 show i have seen in a bit. Its the definition of fine. I think it has a lot of decent ideas, but a lot of them just arent done in a truly great way to be anything particularly memorable. i think this happens mostly because of how wishy washy the cast is. Most of them just kinda have the same problems, the solutions to those problems are always kinda the same, they are all kinda generic characters of their fantasy races/classes. I can say i like the dynamic between natsuko and luke, but do i care about them themselves? Not really. And everyone else like QJ, memerun, or unio are just there as well and are only really relevant when they need to be. Again the show aint bad, its just fine.
Mar 2, 12:11 PM
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Nov 2020
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