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Jan 11, 5:58 AM
Aug 2018
They didn’t skip all of volume 0 just the first three chapters. Those chapters I believe had the most extreme explicit content so I kinda understand why they decided to do so. They also skipped chapter 3.5 which is a flashback story but I feel like they could insert that one anywhere in the series and it would work so it might not have been skipped but just postponed instead.
fincayra12Jan 11, 6:09 AM
Jan 11, 6:08 AM

Feb 2022
Nice first episode. I wonder what the chief smuggler wanted to say to our MC before they were interrupted by the arrival of the warrior monks. And when our MC was looking up at the moon, she envisioned herself as fully clothed in his eyes, instead of having her boobs out for everyone to see. Which makes me doubly curious as to what she was going to demand from him earlier before the interruption.
Jan 11, 6:12 AM

Feb 2022
GangsterCat said:
heavily toned down gore
no sex
no nudity
there's no reason to watch this basic ass old dark fantasy series without the dark stuff

Oh, okay. I had no idea about the source material. With time and increasing censorship, it seems less likely we'll ever get a truly faithful adaptation of such works. I might check out the manga after reading all these comments about it.
Jan 11, 6:14 AM

Feb 2022
acidbart said:
My god.. can those of you bitching stop the whining? There’s been a single episode.. one… one episode.. here’s some tips for those of you acting like children..
1. If it’s triggered you this much then simply don’t watch.. how hard is that?
2. It’s only a single episode.. the manga in this series are exceedingly large which will mean that this series with have way more than 12 episodes.
3. See number 1

This is a very dark and gritty story. If they can show what they did in “redo of healer” then this one won’t be censored too awfully bad. There have been plenty of anime that has sex, rape, violence, etc. Don’t badmouth an entire show based on one episode. By all means those of you complaining please show YOUR anime that you created..

Don't you think point number one applies to you as well? People are such hypocrites these days—always quick to point fingers without self-reflection.
Jan 11, 6:20 AM
Jun 2020
This felt rushed and the fight scenes are still frames. I haven't read the manga so idk what contents were cut, but the story felt rushed that the characters sort of went along with the plot conveniently.
Jan 11, 6:25 AM
Aug 2018
I was apparently not entirely correct about it not skipping all of volume 0. Japan’s version of the volume consists of just those three chapters plus two flashback chapters while the U.S. version is actually a combination of volumes 0 & 1. So technically it did skip all of Volume 0. My mistake.
fincayra12Jan 11, 6:30 AM
Jan 11, 6:57 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to DarkShadows47
@AramHovhanued Yea Ik something was off right after the flashback. They skipped alot. I read it a few yrs back & I was surprised it was getting anime. Had a feeling it was gonna get censored too. The manga is done too so i wish it didnt feel rushed.
@DarkShadows47 Sadly they're gonna rush it the studio is know for stuff like that. I was surprised too they decided to animate this since it has a lot of s** scenes (for example Helk they rushed that too even tho it didn't have fan service)
Jan 11, 7:35 AM

May 2016
Not available in Portugal on Prime Video. What a joke.
Jan 11, 7:45 AM
Apr 2014
It wasn't bad in and of itself, but if you need to cut out or tone down half of the source material, I think its better to just adapt something else entirely. Nobody who enjoys the edgy and raunchy material of the original is going to truly be satisified with this, and the people that would call it edgy disdainfully in the first place aren't suddenly going to be interested in it either.
Jan 11, 9:07 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to acidbart
My god.. can those of you bitching stop the whining? There’s been a single episode.. one… one episode.. here’s some tips for those of you acting like children..
1. If it’s triggered you this much then simply don’t watch.. how hard is that?
2. It’s only a single episode.. the manga in this series are exceedingly large which will mean that this series with have way more than 12 episodes.
3. See number 1

This is a very dark and gritty story. If they can show what they did in “redo of healer” then this one won’t be censored too awfully bad. There have been plenty of anime that has sex, rape, violence, etc. Don’t badmouth an entire show based on one episode. By all means those of you complaining please show YOUR anime that you created..

Redo of Healer had three different versions : a censored broadcast version, a streaming-exclusive "Redo" version, and an uncensored "Complete Recovery" version. All of the stations airing the anime carried the broadcast version.

There is only one version of Ubel Blatt and all we will ever get is a censored version, so there is some merit to people's complaining. And if you got off your high horse you would see the censoring of sex and violence is not the only thing people complain about the show.

Leaving all that aside, the manga should have been adapted as an ONA or OVA even if they adapt only a part of the story.
JoeChipJan 11, 9:30 AM
Jan 11, 10:05 AM

Nov 2023
I watched this episode a few hours ago, and I was reading the posts in the forum. A lot of people mentioned the censorship, so I checked out the manga, and yeah, they did censor, like everything.

I only read a few chapters and my god, the dude is a freak, but I still have hopes for this adaptation, there's only one episode anyway.
Jan 11, 10:28 AM

Jan 2009
This definetely feels like an early 2000s anime

The animation is serviceable and the anime is apparently heavily censored.. thats unfortunate since I kinda like the setting. Will continue watching hoping for overall improvements...
Jan 11, 10:33 AM

Dec 2012
I guess now we know why this wasn’t adapted before
Jan 11, 12:00 PM

Apr 2023
kind of a weak start imo. I always found excessive use of German in anime to be cringy.
Jan 11, 2:36 PM
Jan 2018
Wasn't too impressed with the first episode, poor animation although not quite disastrous, and felt like it rushed through things-so we got an invincible super elf who wants to get somewhere for reasons?
Jan 11, 4:42 PM
Jul 2024
Longtime fan of the manga (you sort of have to be, with how long it was in publication), was caught by surprise by the announcement of the anime.

Unfortunately, it's looking like another great work that wasn't given the treatment it deserves. The vibes are just not there. The scene pacing and flow is bad, the animation is stiff and cheap, the dialogue is generic and downright terrible.

The only redeeming factors were the character design and the some of the visual concepts (airships always make any setting cooler), but unfortunately to avoid doing what the Berserk anime did to my memory of the manga, I'll be dropping this one.
Jan 11, 6:06 PM
May 2023
I was impressed by the quality of certain scenes animation, though I also was misled into thinking this would be a female MC series with traditional waifu bait due to the original poster that MAL had to represent, which appeared feminine. It seems from the other replies and what I'd seen that it may be closer to a Berserk-lite, and the characters look ugly.
MayberryPVJan 11, 6:11 PM
Jan 12, 6:55 AM
Mar 2022
Reply to Ripperdoc
Is there some hot fanservice?
@Ripperdoc no becouse the cut half content from manga
Jan 12, 12:15 PM

Apr 2015
Garnidelia back after ages!

Tbh, this introduction didn't sell me on the premise yet. I'll wait a little more otherwise I'm diving into the manga instead.
Jan 12, 3:14 PM

Feb 2022
After watching ep1 i think im going to bow out.
I have read the manga and absolutely loved it and went into the anime with low expectations, with hope it would be really good but seeing it... nope from me.
Jan 12, 5:12 PM

May 2015
Wow this is some if the worst animation I've seen in some time. Yikes
Jan 12, 5:14 PM
May 2017
decent first episode, for an action anime i wish the fight animation was better than this. I don't know if i'll watch the entire thing, but I'll give it a few more episodes before I make a decision

Jan 12, 8:32 PM
Apr 2024
I still think it's pretty bloody as far as anime goes, you can never compare to manga lol (even tho I never read the manga before, but I was a big manga reader back when I was younger)
Jan 13, 6:45 AM
May 2021
God damm.... A lot of anime elitist and crybabies in this thread. I thought the episode was okay. The direction was decent and music was solid, everything else was mediocre to average at best. It isn't the worst thing ever made like this thread is making it out to be. The censorship was expected so I'm not really disappointed, I think they might have rearrange the previously skipped arcs to future episodes so I'll wait and see. Episode was fast paced but It did an okay job at introducing/setting up the main characters while hinting at there backstory. All in all, a lot of overreaction in this thread.
Jan 15, 2:55 PM
Nov 2024
Reply to GangsterCat
heavily toned down gore
no sex
no nudity
there's no reason to watch this basic ass old dark fantasy series without the dark stuff
@GangsterCat so only sex and nudity are dark? lol xD

Jan 16, 7:00 AM

Jul 2011
Gnza said:
Another dark adult manga turned into crap for kids.

Did not read the manga but I was left with the same impression watching this.

Jan 17, 9:01 AM
Jul 2014
Shitty adaptation
Jan 21, 5:28 PM
Jul 2020
Reply to nomad8
I'll comment as someone who hasn't read the original material: I found the first episode very promising. It felt a bit like Ragna Crimson and reminded me of Fullmetal Alchemist. Not to mention the animation was stunning. If I were to judge blindly, I'd say it has the potential to be the best anime of the season. However, seeing some complaints, it seems like it's being poorly adapted. For me, at least, this episode was really, really good. Now it's just a matter of seeing what happens next.
@nomad8 bruh..what, on what planet was this ever gonna get best of the season?
Jan 21, 5:30 PM
Jul 2020
Reply to SuperAdventure
Episode one- it is way more lighthearted than I thought it would be. OR it just failed at being grimdark, I don't care either way.
It didn't start out light- but the beginning scene is nothing new.
I've heard this song before- group of 'heroes' murders their own comrade, he screams like crazy, then comes back for revenge.
Redo of Healer comes to mind, but so do several other Isekai-reincarnation anime...
The Monetary being the most powerful establishment that dominates a whole city- yup seen that too. Berserk comes to mind, but so do several other anime.

That big fluffy monster thing was the funniest part. It is barely animated, and it looks like some goofy monster out of a children's book. At one point they knock it down, and it gets up and LITERALLY SAYS: "I only tripped!"
Then elf boy jumps up onto his head and he goes, "Unh?" like an 80s kid's cartoon; then after he's slashed- "AAAAURGHHHHH!!!!"
OMG I laughed so hard, and laughed again after he dead, there's just this monster foot sitting there.

The characters are pretty cute designs- Koinzell is the adorable elf boy. Then they gave the little elf girl the unfortunate name of.... peepee? Ugh... okay. The chicks are all really hot, and the male characters are well enough.....
I keep reminding myself this is an OLD manga, and maybe it would have been ground-breaking if it had been adapted 20 years ago. But in 2025, we've already seen it all and this episode's plot- group of misfit characters on their way to catch a transport- is literally the most cliche thing possible; and there's nothing wrong with doing something cliche and predictable if it's entertaining or looks good. But this looked so mid it felt like I'd already seen it before. The colors and backgrounds look sharp, but not unique; the animation is CRAP; most fights aren't animated at all, and the entire revenge-quest plot is so tired and worn out there's hardly anything here to intrigue you.

Well it has a cute elf boy and girl... that's the only reason.
But Lord hear my prayer: if you are so kind as to reincarnate me as a cute elf boy, please give me a more fun and interesting world to romp around in. Like a tavern, without the monk goons or prostitutes PLEASE.

On second thought, you can leave the prostitutes.

@SuperAdventure yoooo thats a solid ass review of ep 1
Jan 21, 5:40 PM
Jul 2020
alright i did not read the manga and watche ep 1 before I knew anything. Reading all the comments i quickly realized that this wouldnt have been bad if it just stuck to the source material but like, ima be real for a damn sec here... I was getting freaking excited cause, yea its edgy and actually really hard to follow i kept getting confused cause the main guy has armor and shit but lets be fucking real here what in gods name is that stupid fucking space ass ship is doing on my screen bro. Elves!!??? I- anyway, I was getting excited cause so mch anime these days is lowkey so bad no characters no stakes just bottom tier shit filled studio poops. This felt horrible to watch but dude I just want a semi serious series where the freakin mc can go do this little hero thing and look cool have actual FUCKING interactions and not just fake his way through a bullshit plot whos only purpose is to provide ther viewer with fan service thats not even good. Damn...guys im not mad i...uhhh just wrote.
Jan 22, 7:31 AM

Aug 2018
way too edgy, plot is super rushed, visuals are alright but the animation is meh (especially for an action show), supposed to be dark and gory but feels really subdued (doesn't even show the execution), dont like any of the characters, too many fake outs, meh
Jan 22, 10:19 AM

Sep 2016
Didn't catch my interest, dropped.
Jan 23, 11:30 PM
Jun 2019
I knew it! Dark fantasy without sex? That can not be right. It is missing a very important component to balance the bloodshed.
Jan 24, 1:00 PM

Aug 2012
Reply to amlg

I thought I remember this title...

Saw someone post about Rape...

Then realized I dropped the manga after realizing the entire series is going to be about fucked up shit like Rape and Torture.
@amlg is not about that. There are a few scenes but is not the entire series
Feb 1, 8:58 AM
Apr 2021
Solid first episode for me man I loved Koinzell and Peepin and the animation was good guys wth are yall complaining about in this thread? The animation for the fight scenes was good too it wasn’t even bad at all, was it MAPPA level? No but it was still good lmao yall just picky asf damn😭😭😭

The world is very dark in this world where Monks keep the city running for some reason I wonder why that is? I love fantasy worlds bc the lore just captivates me yk like why does the MC have elf ears? Does this world consist of humans and elves and Demi humans? Why do the monks run shit? How come the 7 heroes killed those other heroes?? Too many questions so little answers :D

Peepi might be my favourite loli this season man and imma be honest I was wondering why she looks like a loli loli like ur most standard on the dot loli like the face isn’t childish at all and from her neck up she looks like Altea, and I checked when this manga released and this shit started in 2004!!! So that’s why Peepi looks like that and tbh I love it I miss this type of loli in anime these days, and yall seen the cheeks? I’m gonna love this anime man🤪
Treyv0nFeb 1, 9:11 AM
Feb 2, 4:57 AM

Aug 2013
It's been a while since I last watched dark fantasy. It looks like anime adaptation doesn't follow the source material closely, I hope they won't skip important stuff.
Feb 3, 2:35 PM

Jun 2015
Why does this have such an abysmal rating? That was a good first episode. There wasn't any of the ecchi that I was expecting, maybe that explains the low score. Only gooners watched it and hated it. Good opening and ending songs and the art was really nice. The animation wasn't top tier but it's definitely passably good. 5/5 Good start. I like the MC and the other characters.
Feb 11, 1:03 PM
Jul 2014
Imagine if Berserk was this heavily censored. This is a trash adaptation. At least the 2016 Berserk anime had an uncensored version. even though it too was trash.
Mar 1, 2:25 AM
Mar 2012
very edgy. mc elf guy quite rare.
bit silly cast, one with baggage, another with cool frisbie.
ah the Monastery. quite intense start doesn't match the score. Great sceneries, fairly weird outfits.
Mar 2, 9:06 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to gophercg
very edgy. mc elf guy quite rare.
bit silly cast, one with baggage, another with cool frisbie.
ah the Monastery. quite intense start doesn't match the score. Great sceneries, fairly weird outfits.

MC is not an elf, he is a fairy like being.
Mar 4, 9:18 PM

Nov 2024
So my dude reincarnates as an Elf to take his revenge on the & heroes who killed the other 3 and him then hog all the glory as heroes!? There a timeskip aswell, his murders are much older now. Well I'm excited now, for a full on revenge series.

The animation was good but an some places it lacked, but it's watchable without any issue.
Mar 5, 9:33 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to XArceusX
So my dude reincarnates as an Elf to take his revenge on the & heroes who killed the other 3 and him then hog all the glory as heroes!? There a timeskip aswell, his murders are much older now. Well I'm excited now, for a full on revenge series.

The animation was good but an some places it lacked, but it's watchable without any issue.

As I said right above the MC is not an elf, he is a fairy like being.
Mar 5, 9:43 AM

Nov 2024
Reply to JoeChip

As I said right above the MC is not an elf, he is a fairy like being.
@JoeChip Didn't checked the comments, but I did learned a lot about the world and it's history when I caught up to the current available episode 8.
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