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Dec 2, 2024 8:59 AM

Oct 2008
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 2, 2024 9:02 AM

Jun 2020
I think he deserved to cry honestly, he left his sister to presumably die just to save some random people he didn't know. I do agree though, Nezuko shouldn't have survived that. Almost objectively, this arc is worse than the other ones anyways so you shouldn't feel ashamed of ur score
Dec 2, 2024 9:29 AM

Sep 2016
Don't expect rational decision making to win against forced drama and plot convenience.
Dec 2, 2024 9:53 AM

Jan 2021
I wasn't a fan of this season particularly because I didn't like the two main demons at all. Usually, the demons are fun to watch, but these two fell flat for me, personally.

I disagree with the finale being bad though. To be honest, I think the notion of a character not being allowed to cry after doing the 'right' thing is pretty baseless. A person can cry if they choose to do their duty in spite of suffering a personal loss. It is a pretty normal and justified reaction, and I feel like this is a heavily subjective issue for you. Difference in personal values and all that.

Nezuko surviving the sun was built up over time, in my opinion. While it seems like she gets a power up out of nowhere, they were slowly building up how she was inherently different from your average demon. She conquered her bloodlust in Season 1, put her life on the line in Mugen Train and fought to protect her brother in the Season 2. Not very 'demonic' of her.
To each their own, I suppose.
Dec 2, 2024 10:02 AM

Apr 2020
Pondering this kind of stuff is the opposite of "getting too old" ...because you're young and selfimportant enough to make a Thread like this, failing to go: "Meh. It's Shonen"
Dec 2, 2024 10:15 AM

Aug 2022
He was under the impression his sister died before he found out she survived. His whole purpose was to help his sister his only family member left.

He’s obviously gonna cry in that situation assuming he’d lost his sister/whole purpose left in life.

I think anyone with a heart would cry in that situation. Maybe you wouldn’t but I and majority of people would
Dec 2, 2024 10:37 AM
Mar 2024
Ah yes, thinking that you’ve lost a loved one is no reason to cry, how immature of the teenager protagonist in an anime!
Get a grip dude, this is by far the absolute worst take ive ever read
Dec 2, 2024 10:41 AM

Jul 2021
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon.

If you're saying that it didn't make sense that Tanjiro cried after choosing to let Nezuko die, I disagree. You can make a decision with your "head," but that doesn't mean that your "heart" will be at complete peace with that decision. I liked that he cried despite being "right," and I believe this kind of inner conflict almost always makes for good drama and characterization.

If you're saying that Nezuko shouldn't have survived this, then I agree. At least Tanjiro and Nezuko should've suffered serious consequences, or survived in some other ingenious or dramatic fashion, other than "oh, she's fine, I guess."

Overall, I agree this was a very weak season, and this ending didn't come even close to Season 1 and 2's climactic moments.
Dec 2, 2024 11:27 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Phantom_Siren652
He was under the impression his sister died before he found out she survived. His whole purpose was to help his sister his only family member left.

He’s obviously gonna cry in that situation assuming he’d lost his sister/whole purpose left in life.

I think anyone with a heart would cry in that situation. Maybe you wouldn’t but I and majority of people would
@Phantom_Siren652 Oh come on, now you're just slinging mud. Also he didn't decide for himself, Nezuko didn't want to see big brother's pained expression and did the right thing.
Dec 2, 2024 11:28 AM
Feb 2023
I guess no one's talking about how bro learned thunder breathing in a min๐Ÿ’€
Dec 2, 2024 11:28 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Xenoglossia
Ah yes, thinking that you’ve lost a loved one is no reason to cry, how immature of the teenager protagonist in an anime!
Get a grip dude, this is by far the absolute worst take ive ever read
@Xenoglossia Okay then, tell me what would you do in his shoes, would you go help those guys or save her?
Dec 2, 2024 11:31 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Heathcliff_711
I guess no one's talking about how bro learned thunder breathing in a min๐Ÿ’€
@Heathcliff_711 Good for him, but when he used it and still wasn't able to kill with the skill, it kind of takes qway from the epicness.
Dec 2, 2024 11:45 AM

Aug 2022
Reply to SofiaBulga
@Phantom_Siren652 Oh come on, now you're just slinging mud. Also he didn't decide for himself, Nezuko didn't want to see big brother's pained expression and did the right thing.
@SofiaBulga How is what I said wrong?
Dec 2, 2024 12:31 PM

Oct 2008
Reply to Phantom_Siren652
@SofiaBulga How is what I said wrong?
@Phantom_Siren652 I replied on your account, but what do you say, we agree to disagree. You obviously liked the show and I didn't, shall we leave it at that.
Dec 2, 2024 12:42 PM
Dec 2019
Bro this anime is carried by the animation, you’re hella late to the party if you think we watch this for the story, so stop complaining about it. You’re too old to be a critic who thinks ‘consequences’ are the only valid storytelling choice.
Dec 2, 2024 12:55 PM

Aug 2022
Reply to SofiaBulga
@Phantom_Siren652 I replied on your account, but what do you say, we agree to disagree. You obviously liked the show and I didn't, shall we leave it at that.
@SofiaBulga its not about me liking it and you disliking it. Sure im obviously gonna be in favour of the show more than you but its not as if im delusional to logical thinking. For example I understand that all things considered demon slayer is an incredibly basic show at its core. Im not gonna act as if its super complex.

My point in that being im open to persuasion on various topics.

Ultimately yes Tanjiro made the decision but if Nezuko never made the right choice chances are he would have stayed with her and let the villagers die cause mentally he was all over the place in that moment.

Morally the right choice was to save the villagers but if I was him I would have saved Nezuko (But I guess im just a bad guy Lol). I do get what your saying but its not really a matter of him earing those tears or not. In that moment he assumed she was dead so of course he cried but after realising she lived it was tears of happiness.

When it comes to emotional outbursts its not really a matter of whether or not they get earned or not
Dec 2, 2024 1:15 PM
Sep 2024
Wdym by no right to cry? He thought his little sister is dead and he's like 15.
Dec 2, 2024 1:31 PM

Oct 2008
Reply to INTJ_Ren
Bro this anime is carried by the animation, you’re hella late to the party if you think we watch this for the story, so stop complaining about it. You’re too old to be a critic who thinks ‘consequences’ are the only valid storytelling choice.
@INTJ_Ren Actually ‘consequences’ are the only valid storytelling choice. is exactly why it's a valid criticism.
Dec 2, 2024 1:34 PM

Oct 2008
Reply to NegativeRei
Wdym by no right to cry? He thought his little sister is dead and he's like 15.
@NegativeRei And yet he is going around giving speeches and killing deamons like champ isn't he.
Dec 2, 2024 1:38 PM

Oct 2008
Reply to Phantom_Siren652
@SofiaBulga its not about me liking it and you disliking it. Sure im obviously gonna be in favour of the show more than you but its not as if im delusional to logical thinking. For example I understand that all things considered demon slayer is an incredibly basic show at its core. Im not gonna act as if its super complex.

My point in that being im open to persuasion on various topics.

Ultimately yes Tanjiro made the decision but if Nezuko never made the right choice chances are he would have stayed with her and let the villagers die cause mentally he was all over the place in that moment.

Morally the right choice was to save the villagers but if I was him I would have saved Nezuko (But I guess im just a bad guy Lol). I do get what your saying but its not really a matter of him earing those tears or not. In that moment he assumed she was dead so of course he cried but after realising she lived it was tears of happiness.

When it comes to emotional outbursts its not really a matter of whether or not they get earned or not
@Phantom_Siren652 Fair, I did say I'd score the show low out of spite and not any logical reason. But in the case of the tears thing, personally I think if Nezuko had died, the tears would have actually meant something, since she survived, the tears didn't carry any weight.
Dec 2, 2024 2:27 PM
Dec 2019
SofiaBulga said:
@INTJ_Ren Actually ‘consequences’ are the only valid storytelling choice. is exactly why it's a valid criticism.

Guess we’ll just throw out any hope, growth, or redemption because those aren’t valid anymore. Guess Demon slayer’s storytelling choices can’t explore a full range of emotions. Let me grab my checklist—tragedy, suffering, and misery, all day, every day; just the ones you decided are ‘valid.’
Dec 2, 2024 3:44 PM
Jan 2023
Heathcliff_711 said:
I guess no one's talking about how bro learned thunder breathing in a min๐Ÿ’€

yeah but discussion skipped a valid point.
Dec 2, 2024 4:03 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to NegativeRei
Wdym by no right to cry? He thought his little sister is dead and he's like 15.
@NegativeRei Exactly, lol. He can hunt demons, he can have life experience bigger than many adults, he can have a dramatic past, but at the end of the day, he's just a teenager. A boy who is growing up and who tries his best to take care of his sister, the last family member he has. It's normal that he would have doubts or cry during the moment from ep. 11. A lot of adults would've acted in a similar way as well. It's unfair to expect Tanjiro to be more rational and composed than a typical grown-up.

And let's not forget it's a shounen series. Its target demographic is teenage boys. Tanjiro is relatable to them, since apart from having superpowers, he acts like a typical teenager (even if this show's action is taking place during the Taisho period, emotions, their expression, and adolescence are not that much different at their core from modern times).
AdnashDec 2, 2024 4:14 PM
โœจSaint Seiya Club๐ŸŒ 
Dec 2, 2024 4:06 PM

Oct 2013
Reply to Heathcliff_711
I guess no one's talking about how bro learned thunder breathing in a min๐Ÿ’€
@Heathcliff_711 Yeah, that was one of the weirdest elements of this arc, lol. I get that Tanjiro is talented, that it's a shounen series and bizarre things can happen, but Tanjiro using Zenitsu's technique like this, as if he learned it in a second and more or less mastered it to a decent level (which he probably did, actually), was perhaps one of the dumbest moments during the Swordsmith Village arc.

But let's not be too harsh towards it or overthink the whole situation. After all, it's nothing compared to Inosuke's ability to move his internal organs at will. ;D
AdnashDec 2, 2024 4:26 PM
โœจSaint Seiya Club๐ŸŒ 
Dec 2, 2024 5:23 PM

Jul 2015
You know that if Nezuko would die, story would have ended here and there.
Restoring Nezuko's humanity is like Tanjoro's entire goal.

Dec 2, 2024 6:51 PM
Apr 2017
Ur over 30 and u don't know proper grammer or punctuation? Who u trying to fool?
Dec 2, 2024 9:09 PM
Sep 2024
SofiaBulga said:
@NegativeRei And yet he is going around giving speeches and killing deamons like champ isn't he.

Well, anime characters are often too mature for their age. But if they act like a typical teenager, it can get annoying, and people start to hate them. For example, pre-timeskip Eren (though I don’t hate this version of Eren). In Tanjiro's case, it’s understandable because he went through a lot in a short amount of time, which helped him mature. Plus, he’s been a responsible kid and big brother since childhood.

But no matter how mature he is, he’s still an emotional teenager who cares deeply for his family and friends.
Dec 2, 2024 9:11 PM
Sep 2024
Adnash said:
@NegativeRei Exactly, lol. He can hunt demons, he can have life experience bigger than many adults, he can have a dramatic past, but at the end of the day, he's just a teenager. A boy who is growing up and who tries his best to take care of his sister, the last family member he has. It's normal that he would have doubts or cry during the moment from ep. 11. A lot of adults would've acted in a similar way as well. It's unfair to expect Tanjiro to be more rational and composed than a typical grown-up.

And let's not forget it's a shounen series. Its target demographic is teenage boys. Tanjiro is relatable to them, since apart from having superpowers, he acts like a typical teenager (even if this show's action is taking place during the Taisho period, emotions, their expression, and adolescence are not that much different at their core from modern times).

Exactly. I do agree this is the weakest part of DS but OP's this take was completely dumb.
Dec 2, 2024 10:12 PM
Dec 2022
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.

i lost you on "no right to cry"๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญimagine being braindead enough to not understand emotions. bro just wants cool animation fights
Dec 2, 2024 10:14 PM
Nov 2018
can't kill off a money maker character that easily. they have plot armor and marketing armor. all jokes aside I can't take shonen anime too seriously because there's rarely huge consequences like that in them
Dec 3, 2024 12:02 AM
Apr 2022
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.

I agree this was the weakest season of the anime
Dec 3, 2024 12:04 AM
Apr 2022
Heathcliff_711 said:
I guess no one's talking about how bro learned thunder breathing in a min๐Ÿ’€

well thunder breathing is based off sun breathing so that's really not a big issue for me but it still did fell a bit weird for him to use it
Dec 3, 2024 12:59 AM
Mar 2021
you don't even understand how that blood art work's, know it before u comment bro
i mean urokodaki say's abt it in 1st season go n watch it
wr the hell do u guy's come frm anyway๐Ÿคฆ‍โ™‚๏ธ
SoloNecromancerDec 3, 2024 5:14 AM
Anime Rules the world
Dec 3, 2024 1:28 AM
Nov 2022
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.

Reviews are the next door to the right, hope you don't get lost next time mr attention seeker ^^
Dec 3, 2024 1:56 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Piromysl
You know that if Nezuko would die, story would have ended here and there.
Restoring Nezuko's humanity is like Tanjoro's entire goal.
@Piromysl Yeah and when she kicked him, he was like, "well I guess restoring Nezuko's humanity, is no longer priority number one any more.
Dec 3, 2024 3:22 AM

Nov 2019
All I can say is that Nezuko's survival is independent of Tanjiro's character curve. She is a McGuffin for Muzan. An immunity to the sun will just draw his attention and accelerate the plot for the author.
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Dec 3, 2024 5:35 AM
Dec 2015
Dude, I'm older than you and totally disagree.
Dec 3, 2024 6:40 AM

Oct 2008
Reply to Lograi
Dude, I'm older than you and totally disagree.
@Lograi That's good it wouldn't be fun if everyone agreed right.
Dec 3, 2024 8:02 AM

Aug 2022
Reply to SofiaBulga
@Phantom_Siren652 Fair, I did say I'd score the show low out of spite and not any logical reason. But in the case of the tears thing, personally I think if Nezuko had died, the tears would have actually meant something, since she survived, the tears didn't carry any weight.
@SofiaBulga I usually score shows on just if they grabbed my attention and I enjoyed them a ton but I use logic here and there. But I mean rn im in a pretty bad anime slump rn so my scores probably wouldn't be too logical

Yeah I understand the idea of them not carrying much weight considering she survived. Tbh it would have been an interesting dynamic to see Nezuko die and how Tanjiro would adapt to fighting without her.
Dec 3, 2024 8:18 AM
Sep 2024
Nezuko knew that he'd never forgive himself if he let the swordsmiths die. She is the one who is being selfless and in doing so proving that she is not an ordinary demon. Her being able to survive in the sun is a huge plot pont that had to come out at some point and the end of a season seems like a pretty good cliffhanger to leave on.

As for him having no right to cry he thought she was sacrificing herself. The entire purpose of him becoming a Hashira was to find a cure for her. With her dead what reason does he have for any of what he went through.

Throwing a silly opinion out there and admitting it is very bias is at least better than standing on a soapbox and shouting utter nonsense as though it's the be-all-end-all fact of the day.
Dec 3, 2024 10:47 AM

Nov 2017
Making this thread proves you're eternally 23 complaining about plot that makes sense. Of course you have to save normal people when you have superhero powers, this is the rule of capes and supes.

She was basically dead from the start of that demon attack, everything else has been gifted time. Love this series.

Also why can't you cry over almost losing your sister which was the reason for your existence after your entire family got slaughtered? Like what?

It's femme shounen, it's going to have crying, it's basically CLAMP shounen, it's shoujo all the way. Yet dudes are constantly surprised it's popular. Dudes always surprised females like their own content and want some.
Dec 3, 2024 11:30 AM

Jan 2021
It's stupid if you think that way. Tanjiro couldn't decide means he wanted save Nezuko too. He was not ready to see her die. Why do you not expect him to cry? This is a dumb thing to point out.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Dec 3, 2024 12:58 PM
Oct 2024
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.

I do agree that this is the worst season, only difference is that I actually liked the ending, actually I thought it was the only thing that saved the season.
Dec 3, 2024 7:37 PM
โ™ก( โ€ขเฅขโ—ก-เฅข)โœงห–ยฐ โ™ก

Dec 2014
I feel like your complaint doesn't have anything to do with your old age, more like it has something to do with your family bond.

Either you just want to complain publicly about part you personally don't like or you're trying to bait.

I don't know why you're expecting a 15yo boy who loves his sister dearly not to cry after making such difficult decision

(ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ ๐“˜ ๐”€๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ฑ ๐”‚๐“ธ๐“พ ๐“ช๐“ต๐“ต ๐“ฑ๐“ช๐“ฟ๐“ฎ ๐“ช ๐”€๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฏ๐“พ๐“ต ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ♥
Dec 3, 2024 9:26 PM

Jul 2015
SofiaBulga said:
@Piromysl Yeah and when she kicked him, he was like, "well I guess restoring Nezuko's humanity, is no longer priority number one any more.

When Nezuko forcibly shoved Tsnjiro away, it became clear that Nezuko is doomed, so it's either both Nezuko and Swordsmiths die or only Nezuko.
Imagine not understanding something as simple as Demon Slayer.

Dec 4, 2024 2:05 AM
Dec 2015
Reply to SofiaBulga
@Lograi That's good it wouldn't be fun if everyone agreed right.
@SofiaBulga Of course!
Dec 5, 2024 12:07 AM
Jul 2023
My main issue with the whole scene is they way Nezuko herself is just completely fine. She's clearly burning and suffering a second before and a second later she's magically fine, no burns no nothing. And it just feels very jank. I dont think she should've suffered a bigget consquence from it or anything but I think there should've been something that she or Tanjiro could do that could save her from burning in that moment. I have heard the effects from Breathing techniques dont actually exist, but imagine if Tanjiro could use Water breathing to cleanse the fire or something.
Dec 5, 2024 10:06 AM
May 2024
this was peak when I watched it
Dec 5, 2024 11:24 PM
Nov 2024
SofiaBulga said:
Tanjirou chose to do the "right" thing. So in my opinion he has no right to cry after beating the demon. He doesn't deserve Nezuko to have survived. He should have tasted the consequences of his decision. Before anyone says Nezuko decided for him, I will remind you that she saw him unable to decide and made it easier on him.
I understand that this is a show for a wider audience, so a happy end is the correct move. But as a person in they're early thirties, I will rate this season, with the lowest score compared to the previous seasons. This is primerily out of spite and not logical criticism, but whether it's subjective or objective, I disagree with how this season wrapped up.

I completely agree but I also think that if there is a logical, well thought out and well explained reason for her survival (and absolutely not some stupid explanation like "the power of siblings/strong emotions") then it's barely okay with me.
Dec 7, 2024 9:16 AM
Jul 2022
i agree with everything except the Tanjirou not crying part since it feels out of character for him.
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