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Nov 17, 2024 12:27 AM

Apr 2014
Love Live competition is coming, and it will be the last one for the third year. 😒😭
Watching Natsumi being bullied with that running mechanical was very funny. Poor Nuts.

And..., we still need to wait for another episode for the Liella vs. TomaKanoTe showdown.

AkeZZZNov 17, 2024 12:35 AM
Nov 17, 2024 12:29 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Natsumi deserves more love. She's such a funny character. :3

Cute animal costumes, hehe. Kanon, Margarete and Tomari spent some quality time together. It's good for them to get know better with each other.

And yeah, yet another Love Live! competition is on the way. Cool.

SerafosNov 18, 2024 2:45 AM
Nov 17, 2024 4:32 AM

Jul 2011
The episode to push Margarete and Tomari into joining Liella!

See the trio in kigurumi, was enough to say that was a great episode.

Next episode the king returns. Giant Isopod!!!
Nov 17, 2024 7:59 PM
Nov 2024
This Episode is better than last one thank god it didnt go to the route where they just join liella instantly, cant wait for next week to see the show down!
Nov 17, 2024 8:42 PM

Jun 2014
I'm really happy to see how naturally Margarete and Tomari are being "won over" into joining Liella!, and it also isn't like an overnight flip after a sappy speech. I actually did genuinely expect them to join Liella! before competing in the primaries, so this was a huge and pleasant surprise.

I am super super torn on who I want to come out top in next week's episode. On one hand, I thought it was great that Margarete stuck to her original goal of defeating Liella! (and Kanon and Chisato let her without any real resistance), and theoretically TomaKanoTe defeating Liella! and then merging afterwards (which is what I assume their whispers were about) could be considered a "win-win" for everyone.

However - and I say this as a big Kanon fan (she's easily in my top 5 across the LL franchise) - I kinda don't want to see "Kanon's team" defeat the rest of Liella!. While I think S3 is doing a superb job at making the show less Kanon-focused, having the 3-member TomaKanoTe defeat last year's champion Liella! (minus Kanon) might make Kanon seem too OP. Then again, Margarete did defeat SunnyPa last year so maybe it's not that much of a stretch.
Nov 17, 2024 11:45 PM
May 2022
No! Just when this season finally took a step in the right direction, they insist on jumping one mile backwards. Kanon is spending so much time trying to make everyone happy that no one is happy, primarily because she has a prideful tsundere child to deal with. They went and completely ignored the obvious and best move forward for the show and it makes no sense
Nov 18, 2024 1:06 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to ajw215799
No! Just when this season finally took a step in the right direction, they insist on jumping one mile backwards. Kanon is spending so much time trying to make everyone happy that no one is happy, primarily because she has a prideful tsundere child to deal with. They went and completely ignored the obvious and best move forward for the show and it makes no sense
@ajw215799 I didn't understand your comment very well. What should be the correct direction for this program?
Nov 18, 2024 1:08 AM
May 2022
Hormigo said:
@ajw215799 I didn't understand your comment very well. What should be the correct direction for this program?

Instead of dragging out this infighting, they should be already be an 11 member Liella by now so they can focus on Love Live
Nov 18, 2024 1:36 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to ajw215799
Hormigo said:
@ajw215799 I didn't understand your comment very well. What should be the correct direction for this program?

Instead of dragging out this infighting, they should be already be an 11 member Liella by now so they can focus on Love Live
@ajw215799 well not for me. I like that Margaret and Tomari have their own goals and that they have enough personality to not get carried away by the opinion of Kanon or the other girls. although Here I leave a more extensive opinion ⬇️
I say it again. Giving a good ending to 11 characters in only twelve episodes is very difficult because there is not enough time to do it naturally and not feel forced. This chapter is the clear example, they (Tomari and Margaret) will only join Liela if they win in direct competition, which means that they have already revealed who is going to win the competition, because it would not make sense that if they lost they would join Liela. That said, I like that Margaret and Tomari have not backed down and gone the easy way for Kanon and they would have put aside their objectives and immediately joined Liela. I also do not understand the second ones insisting that Tomari and Margaret join Liela when they have barely had any interaction with them in the entire program. And lastly I think that Kanon is sometimes unbearable, and has too much prominence, Margarete and Tomari have already made it clear what they want ... accept it or go to Liela ...
Nov 18, 2024 1:48 AM

Feb 2019
I’m so glad they didn’t put the girls in liella already and are gonna have Margarete, Kanon and Tomari actually square off against them. It would’ve totally invalidated their character arcs and goals if they went that direction so quickly. We know they’re gonna join eventually, but let’s have a proper competition first. I’m rooting for them to beat Liella.

The animators clearly know who the best sub group is because the Tomakanote face cards were insane today lol. Great episode I just can do without all the Margarethe thigh fanservice shots. Keep that goonbait shit out of my wholesome idol series please and thank you. This seasons been kinda wild with it.
Nov 18, 2024 5:04 AM

Mar 2021
Natsumi is such an hilarious character.
Really looking forward to the showdown as both groups will put on such fantastic performances.
Nov 18, 2024 11:52 AM

Jul 2014
While this was a good episode and it makes sense for them not to join forces just yet, the pacing of the actual Love Live portion of this season is going to once again be an absolute clusterfuck now that we're only going to have at most four episodes of the 11-member Liella. It's just not going to be possible to make things satisfying in that time, as we saw all too well last season.
Nov 18, 2024 2:50 PM
May 2024
I've been discussing this for a long time but it turns out that the competition between them only happened in the next episode (ep 8). Since the beginning I was already smitten and fascinated by TomaKanoTe, they gave a new touch of color to LLS, a group that has a different color from Liella. At least LLS didn't end up like the first generation LL and LLsunshine because the storylines of both felt very similar, I got tired of remembering it.

There are some people who seem to want TomaKanoTe to join Liella right away but, No!!! I think the current situation is more interesting and difficult to predict even though I personally prefer and hope that TomaKanoTe will come out as the winner. I hope their song can be as good or much better than Bubble Rise. Also, I really like Kanon's character in this third season compared to before. She feels more cheerful and open, reminding me of Kousaka Honoka

Now I'm really starting to enjoy the LLsuperstar episode more, last Sunday's Shanghai episode was honestly not that interesting. I don't understand why the Keke-chan problem keeps getting prolonged, luckily it's over now. as i have mentioned before, i hope the result doesn't end in a draw or a win together, somehow if it does it will leave a bad taste in my mouth. this is the time for margarete to prove to her family that she is very worthy to go to austria with Kanon. I'm also looking forward to what kind of performance Tomari-chan will show.
Nov 19, 2024 2:57 AM

Jan 2023
I had a good laugh with this episode between Natsumi's robot impression, Kanon fixing a leak and the sleepover.
We also got to know Tomari better.
I really liked that scene in the city at night towards the end, it looked absolutely gorgeous.

Last but not least, I imagine their 'plan' is to beat Liella and then to join them? Or something along these lines...
We'll see :)
Nov 19, 2024 4:22 AM
Nov 2015
I just think that if they compete, and after that still merge, that this has been a massive waste of time.
Nov 19, 2024 4:39 AM

Sep 2022
At least we will see another performance from TomaKanoTe which has been highlight of this season. The rest is predictable.
Nov 19, 2024 11:13 AM

Dec 2013
Margarete with food in the background is super cute, this time struggling with a hot beverage, I liked that scene with the 2nd year girls and Margarete + Tomari, Natsumi is pretty funny, I wouldn't mind if this were the kind of show where the first girls graduate but the show goes on with the other 6.
Nov 19, 2024 6:53 PM
Feb 2019
That's a filler episode if I've ever seen one. At least we got the Tomari Daisuki Full Power solo.
Nov 20, 2024 4:29 PM

Dec 2018
Wasn’t expecting to have to pick my jaw up from the floor at the start of this episode with that closeup of Margarete’s thighs lol, that was absolutely wild, I’m not sure what Sunrise is on this season but they need to stay on it and get more of it! And this episode was a very good one, it very nearly wasn’t tho and that’s because they went and threw a curve ball at me when Kanon didn’t try to persuade Margarete and Tomari to become an 11 member group with Liella and instead respected their goals and went forward with the competition, I thought the whole episode they were gearing towards joining the groups together but they actually didn’t, I’m very pleased by this because I really do love the whole two groups thing they’ve had going this season (despite Kanon not being fully dedicated) and I really just want at least one more song by Tomakanote because their first was so good.

And they keep saying they can do amazing things if they become one group but I think there’s actually more creativity to come from two separate groups, we’ve already seen it with Shiki and Keke becoming centers respectively, as well as Tomakanote’s one song, I know as one group they have better chances at the Love Live competition but I really do think the rivalry is good for both groups. Of course they probably are gonna end up joining together no matter who wins the upcoming duel if those whispers meant anything, but 8 episodes of Liella being split is the most I can ask for I guess, I’m excited to see what each group pulls out next week. Oh and also, loved the little sleepover that Kanon had with Tomari and Margarete, really cute stuff.
Nov 21, 2024 2:48 PM
May 2011
Okay episode, though visually pretty, until the end. The three members of TomaKanoTe refusing to Liella despite all of them wanting to is annoying. Let's go through the different outcomes of next week's competition in order of my preference.

1) Liella beats TomaKanoTe; goes on to compete in Love Live in their current 8-member configuration: My most preferred outcome. TomaKanoTe fucks around and finds out. Unfortunately, there is no chance this actually happens.

2) Liella beats TomaKanoTe; TomaKanoTe joins Liella: If you believe that Liella, the defending Love Live champions, is more than the sum of its parts, let alone one person, they should win. Kanon's idea/plan that her absence would make them better bears out, and Liella extends an offer to TomaKanoTe to join them. Only this high due to my anti-Kanon bias, because having TomaKanoTe not join > lose > and join anyway doesn't make much narrative sense. Is it character growth if Margarete loses to Liella again, but instead of holding a grudge, accepts their olive branch? Does Tomari losing to Natsumi prove Natsumi's conviction any more than winning the previous year's Love Live? I don't think so, and this result is kind of a waste of time. Shitty plotlines that serve no purpose but to waste time isn't new to this series, though (see the end of S2), so it's still a possibility.

3) Both groups tie and combine: Since both groups merging has been a foregone conclusion since episode 1, I think this scenario makes the most sense for it to occur (aside from just being mature and joining pre-competition, but we're past that point). Despite that, this is still very unlikely

4) TomaKanoTe beats Liella; TomaKanoTe goes on to compete in Love Live in their current 3-member configuration: The darkest timeline, but it gets points for actually having stakes. Still not gonna happen

5) TomaKanoTe beats Liella; Liella "joins" TomaKanote: I fucking it hate, and I think this is the most likely outcome. I say "joins" because they'll still be Liella - I can't see Bamco rebranding the group 8 episodes into the third season. Tomari accomplishes her goal - despite losing to her sister, Natsumi is still able to smile, and Tomari accepts her decision to be a school idol. Margarete accomplishes her goal, but it comes with a massive asterisk. Not only does her insistence on beating Liella display no growth of her character, she is beating a Liella without Kanon while having Kanon on her team. Kanon...accomplishes her goal? They'll say that Liella improved, but ultimately, there will be no way to ignore that Kanon is just leaps and bounds better than every other character in the show. "Wow guys! You are so much better than I ever imagined! I knew this was a good plan! Of course, you're nowhere near my level. This is my story, and you're all just along for the ride, so it's time for all of you to be my backups again as I win another Love Live". Should just call the group Kanon and Friends, rather than Liella.
Fail_Man_XNov 21, 2024 2:53 PM
Nov 21, 2024 5:40 PM

Jul 2016
Kanon is gonna become so OP in the LL-verse if her lowkey improvised 3-member group defeats Liella...

Margarete's butt/5 episode.
Nov 24, 2024 6:40 PM

Feb 2016
Margarete drinking hot coffee was the cutest thing I've seen in a long time πŸ₯°

I love Tomakanote, they are honestly better than Liella.

I liked this episode a lot!

Still, putting on pajamas just to eat, and then having to dress again just to go for a walk after all that, it's really stupid lol
Sorry if my english is bad (γ£Λ˜β–½Λ˜)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Nov 25, 2024 2:03 PM

Jun 2021
Poor Natsumi, victim of another diabolical invention by Shiki.

Onitzuka Jr and Wien are still so difficult to convince, a sleepover could have worked but remembering Liella defeating Wien one year before and how poorly she reacted for it wasn't a great idea.

^ editing a week later... damn, i laughed hard rewatching the picture above, and forgot how i didn't comment it myself before. Yeah, it's amusing, especially their faces apart from Kanon.
_untitledDec 2, 2024 1:32 AM
Nov 27, 2024 2:51 AM

Apr 2018
Nice development for Kanon's three members group, so now they still need to beat Liella but after that we'll get a full 11 members Liella I can't wait!
Jan 25, 4:55 AM

Oct 2017
That Wien thigh angle, fanservice in my idol anime? Anyway they are gonna battle after all and guess the outcome lol.

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