I was hyped for this movie and I’m glad that I finally got to see it! I will say though that Dark Might, real name Valdo Gollini, isn't as interesting as he seems in the trailer. He’s just a knockoff All Might that needed Anna Scervino’s Over Modification to actually be relevant. To be fair, it did take Class 1-A’s Big Three to take him down. Speaking of Big 3, I’m surprised that Nejire and Tamaki didn’t make an appearance at all, but Mirio did.
I like the mystery this movie gives us in the beginning. We see this cyborg dude, Giulio Gandini who’s after Anna and trying to kill her, and then we have the Gollini Family that’s somehow using her to accomplish their twisted objectives. We don’t know why or how, but we know that Anna is the key to their power. When Valdo shows up talking about becoming the new Symbol of Peace, Deku is quick to fight back against that idea and he does so throughout the movie, with Katsuki and Shoto expressing in the end how much of an impact that All Might has had on society and why he was the Symbol, and Valdo thinking that he can take that mantle is just ridiculous. Then he takes on the name Dark Might because he’s CRINGE. Imagine relying on a random civilian’s power to actually be a relevant threat. Now that I mention it, Shigaraki and AFO are threats because of other peoples’ powers, but Shigaraki’s Decay is a threat by itself so he gets a pass.
I like how Class 1-A were split into groups, but then they converged at specific points, to then split up again. There was a lot of movement in a sense that kept things interesting throughout the movie, and it’s not a shock that Giulio played a significant role, similar to Rody Soul in the previous movie. It seems that Anna likely has feelings for Giulio and they’ll live happily ever after, and it’s thanks to Giulio that she can now live a normal life and never have to worry about her power giving her seizures. Honestly with a power like that, I’m shocked that AFO never tried retrieving it, because in his hands it would be unstoppable. I mean look what the Gollini Family were able to do.
That reminds me, I like how the vestiges of One For All came in the clutch and helped Deku to break everyone out of the woman’s hypnosis, and she got her just desserts when Giulio’s support gear instinctively clapped her cheeks (and I don’t even have to say NO HOMO for this).
That three way attack with the You Say Run OST was sick, especially with Deku using every Smash-attack that he has. I believe Carolina Smash is new, but every other one is something that he’s done before. I was shocked that it wasn’t over at that point and they still needed to fight Valdo due to his obsession with power and not truly understanding that All Might was feared by villains due to his strength. He was a wall that couldn’t be broken. Yeah they feared his power, but it’s his strength of character that gives him the edge. He’s a true hero, which is why Stain respects him.
Deku and his classmates giving Giulio that pep talk was beautiful. I thought it was just gonna be Deku, but everybody else gave that push to get him to understand that she can be saved without her having to die.
Bakugo taking the lead was a shock to me because if anybody, I thought Deku would take charge for the class. Everybody followed him though and he referred to all of them by name instead of insulting nicknames like “Acid Girl”. That was obviously a showcase of how much Bakugo has changed.
Everybody played their part and that ending was enticing. We know this takes place before the big battle with Shigaraki in Season 7 (likely between S6 and S7). Chances are this movie is canon given that the other three movies are (due to characters from that movie being mentioned and/or physically appearing in Season 7).
I don’t know if this will be the last movie, but it was good. Would I say it’s the best one so far…. Debatable. This one ended similarly with World Heroes with the aspect of Giulio being the real hero here, stopping Anna’s quirk once and for all, and Rody Soul came in clutch in the last one.
I can’t wait for more!