I feel like I'm in the opposite boat from everyone else because I literally found ALL of the girls to be attractive except one but I'll list them off anyway:
Sayuki - ABSOLUTELY NOT! Definitely my least favorite girl by a long shot. Why? 1. She is SO annoying. 2. She's way too clingy/needy 3. Those boobs! Each melon was equal in size to her head! I don't think so. 4. Maybe I'm weird for being this way but, I think men should lead in the household but women can (and should) totally lead in the bedroom. If my girlfriend/wife ever wanted me to treat her like a dog that would make me feel so guilty. Whether she would enjoy it or not, I believe women should always be treated with the utmost respect, honor, gentleness, and kindness. Always. No Exceptions. I don't know, maybe I'm just old fashioned...
Yuika - Now, while her fetish is a little creepy, physically she is nearly perfect. Flat-chested (I believe she called her boobs adorable a-cups hehe), shorter blond hair, and petite, she is pretty much a big load of cuteness. AND, while her fetish may be a bit... off-putting... I would be fine with being her slave every once in a while. I'd dress in a bunny outfit, I'd be her butler, I'd carry her shopping bags for her, if she wanted to be the top I'd be down for that too. I'd be fine letting her do weird things to me as long as it makes her happy with one exception: NO PANTIES IN MY MOUTH EVER!
Mao Nanjo - Okay she, in my opinion, was the cutest girl in the show and I got confirmation after seeing her in a swimsuit in episode 11. Nice legs, great butt, moderate boobs, wears glasses to be fashionable, and she's got shorter red hair! Come on! You just can't beat that! Except, she's obsessed with boys love so... as long as she was willing to keep her fetish to a minimum I'd be totally into dating her. I also thought her feelings for Keiki were deeper and more interesting than the other girls' but she also had the hardest time expressing those feelings to him which made it really awkward but kept me intrigued throughout the shows run.
Ayano - Also adorable. Short hair, moderate boobs, and very grabby. The smell thing was weird though. If my wife wanted to smell my crotch musk every once in a while because it turned her on I'd be fine as long as it wasn't the ONLY thing she wanted to do with me. What else about Keiki did she even like? Other than his underpants, I can't think of anything. She was one of those girls that was really cute but too weird to be into.
Koharu - Also petite like Yuika so, naturally, very cute. The white hair was kind of weird though. Oh, and the stalking, while in the show it was funny and surprisingly touching at times, in real life I feel like it would creep me out. Basically, she needs to get a new hobby.
Mizuha - Here we go, last time! Again, really cute. Shorter hair, GREAT bod, and really sweet. Her boobs were a little big for me though. Anyways, she was caring, and loved cooking; she seemed like she would be a really good wife, the kind of girl you'd want to come home to. Oh, and her voice, OH MY GOSH! Just to clarify, I watched the dubbed version but WOW I have never heard a cuter voice in my entire life! Imagine waking up to the sound of that voice next to you! She literally stole my vote for best girl... up until the next to last episode. While she was still completely adorbs, the whole cousin thing was a little creepy. Now I know it's legal in Japan, but Keiki still thinks of her as a sister so it feels really inconsiderate of her to keep throwing herself at him by randomly kissing him and sneaking into his bed at night. She needs to at least give him some time to rethink their relationship. Then, at the end, she asks him to take her out on a date and treat her not like his sister but like a girlfriend which seemed mean and really awkward/embarrassing. Lastly, girls shouldn't go commando or take lewd half-naked selfies and Mizuha revealed at the end that she does both so... yeah, that almost completely turned me off of her. But that voice!
So, that is my really long and drawn out breakdown of each of the girls from Hensuki and my reasons for why I do or don't like them. Like I said, Sayuki was the only one I didn't care for; all the rest were fair game. Yep, I'd date any of them except for Sayuki. But, if I had to choose the BEST girl I'd go with Mao Nanjo - she's the best looking and has the least creepiest fetish of the girls in my opinion. So there it is. |