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Aug 26, 2024 3:00 AM
Apr 2023
katsu044 said:
every week i go from should i drop this ? to maybe it gets better then we get episodes like this where... i just go what is happening ???

2 years passed and even the clearest person that should have aged doesn't?? does everyone age slower in this show or did they just not bother trying to give them a time skip design

and some random ChatGPT shit?

People age way slower in the tower
Aug 26, 2024 3:37 AM
May 2021
SMH last episode I thought things were coming together and then they pull a "two years later." I am done.
Aug 26, 2024 3:38 AM
May 2021
Lelouchgeass_ said:
GakutoDeathGlare said:
This shit is so lame, is the source material seriously that much better? And I don't mean art style or competent animation at ALL, I'm talking about what's solely going on right now.

Fucking dropped.

Believe me, as a long time fan the source material is actually worth the read. This shit is just disgraceful to the author. Imagine having to wait 4 years to see one of the most fan favourite arcs get animated only for it to be this mediocre pile of dog

wow fan favourite arcs is a bit of a stretch this is easily the weakest arc in the webtoon. thinking about every arc we have gotten so far in the webtoon return of the prince is easily the weakest and the nest is easily the best right next to floor of death. but that's just my opinion
Xrotics_13-Aug 26, 2024 3:46 AM
Aug 26, 2024 3:45 AM
May 2021
pixelante said:
SMH last episode I thought things were coming together and then they pull a "two years later." I am done.

did the anime not explain this ? time flows differently in the tower thanks to shinsoo come to think of it have they even brought up the fact that there are more than 134 floors
Aug 26, 2024 5:10 AM

Jan 2013
Did interns animate this? Did they outsource the episode to a sketchy shack in Thailand's slums? This was the weirdest and worst one of this series yet, I don't even read the manhwa but I feel like they are butchering the source material like crazy here. What a failure.
Aug 26, 2024 7:05 AM
Aug 2021
Reply to GTRaijin
Abdiel7 said:
I really tried to defend the animation this season.

But this episode has done it for me.

This is actual trash. The drawing is downright mediocre at times. Utter garbage pacing, too much skipping, terrible direction and the fight scenes are an actual eyesore. All the potentially exciting animation gets off-screened, you never see a collision on impact because they're using tricks instead of actually drawing it.

I hope it gets better, but honestly, it can only go from trash to barely watchable at this point.

What a low this episode was.

They start off with a completely unexplained, and unexpected time skip with a new character you don't care for at all.

You can't take any of the atmosphere in, it moves too fast and the animation is just too jarring and rough.

It was so bad it was funny, Viole dodging the fireballs, Miseng running, wagnan hiding, Ran dodging Jaskels blades, all of it just looked so ridiculous.

Somehow ToG S2 is on track to be worse than S1, even though S1 was the worst in the webtoon.

Pretty much everything you just said were my words while I was watching the episode ;ddd Holy shit this is so bad. They are intentionally avoiding actual fight animations by just showing us the start of the fight where some attack is about to be used and then next thing it's cut off to the fight being over, like wtf?

Nothing makes sense, random timeskip out of nowhere happened and they are just breezing through floors like it's a game with powerpoint slide fights if you can even call them that, then we get Killua from Wish...

At this point I'm just watching to see how much worse can it get till the end of the season because this just makes me laugh each episode when they put so "much" effort into anything. This is basically the exact same thing that happened with Devil is a Part Timer season 2. Everything that was good about the first season was completely gone in the sequel and it took us to get the second season what, almost 10 years?
@GTRaijin No way you said powerpoint, haha mabye that's a bit too far.

but yeah man, I'm not sure Penkin is going to be able to save this one.

Look at The Answer Studio's previous work, i think if we think this season can ever blossom, we are praying for miracle.

Is this a 2 cour? I only hope we suffer for the last 4-5 episodes and then it's over..

I can deal with bad animation, but when they butcher the pacing, events and brush over important moments like nothing, there's just not much anchoring me to this experience anymore.

Still hoping for the best though.
Aug 26, 2024 7:32 AM
Aug 2014
Reply to StateofOhayo
I can't tell if they're trying to sabotage the adaptation or are just incapable of decent animation and storyboarding.
@StateofOhayo where is the option where the series is just plain bad?
Aug 26, 2024 10:40 AM
Aug 2018
It really sucks seeing the direction the anime is taking. The gap between the 1st and 2nd seasons is just unfathomable. I don't care much when the animation is lackluster but you have to give us something else. I didn't read the manhwa but I can't imagine the pacing and story progression being the same as the one portrayed in this season. It's all over the place time skip after time skip without any explanation or motivation. If you want to make Bam's group encounter with Khun's group on the next episode why make it a 2 year gap? And if you do why do you just casually bring it up in conversations? I have been using this ChatGPT for years, or it's years since I last x.

I don't know it feels like they are rushing to get to the hype parts, not bothering to establish anything worthwhile at all. And what a poor way to reveal to Khun that Bam is alive. The combination of awful animation and poorly executed direction and pacing makes us start to pay attention to other dubious aspects of the show, like: if Khun knew from the beginning that Rachel killed Bam and is faking her illness why is he still taking care of her after that many years? If in any way it makes sense for him to still be with her why didn't he start to climb the tower years before Bam? or he just happened to start to climb again at the same time as Bam?

Before this season when I rewatched season 1 I was just riding along happy to be there to watch the journey of the group, enjoying myself. Now I'm second-guessing everything trying to find sense in the ridiculousness of the choices and time skips of the show. It went from a pleasure to a chore. In the first 5 or so episodes I could still find comfort in the storyline, but now I can't even try to rely on that.

It was great the introduction of FUG as an organization that fights against the status quo and wants to overthrow King Jahad. They want to achieve their goal even if it means to blackmail Bam and kill his friends. The new group introduction with the time skip gimmick is falling apart. I was skeptical about Wagnan at first, but after it was implied that FUG will use him as a charismatic figure that will be the face of the revolution I bought it. Yeon could be constructed as an informant or something from inside the main families. The devil-arm guy is strong. Now the rest of the group doesn't convince me as much, though I kinda like the silver guy. I need something more concrete than just they trained for two years and now are strong enough to accompany Bam. Only skipping to when they are stronger is lazy, because almost all of them were struggling to pass the exam on the 20th floor and all of a sudden they passed all the other tests till floor 28th (I suppose). Or are they leaching Bam and being carried all the way? This could work, maybe is somewhat like that on the Mangwha but it's not working in the anime. They are butchering the story. The tower is feeling each time less threatening and more goof.

When I started ep 8 I thought I had missed one episode, I had to backtrack several times just to realize I hadn't.
Aug 26, 2024 11:35 AM

Sep 2012
Wow, that was some shitty episode
Aug 26, 2024 12:37 PM

Dec 2018
Reply to pixelante
SMH last episode I thought things were coming together and then they pull a "two years later." I am done.
@pixelante at least if they had done the spongbob board (a la "three hours later) it would have been funny but it was really just poorly adapted. I was genuinely confused for a second.
Aug 26, 2024 1:36 PM
Apr 2014
Direction, animation, art, pacing, dialogues, etc. All of this are poorly crafted, and give me the impression that the whole series was made in rush and with low budget so animators probably were trying to make anything in time, so once again excs are the ones to be blame
Aug 26, 2024 8:20 PM
Apr 2024
LiquidGold said:
Khun finding out Bam is still alive was the only good part of this episode, the rest was garbage.

Hahaha 😂
You are so right lol
Aug 26, 2024 8:40 PM

Feb 2016
Damn, the ChatGPT lore is intense.

Idk how to feel, the bot stuff is way too random and out of nowhere, but what really bothers me is that we got a new time skip, 2 years, just like that, nothing really happened to the teams apparently, the fact everyone looks exactly the same after so many years (s1 and now s2) is reaaally lame, at least make Miseng grow a bit or something, to show the passing of time.
Also, how much time has passed exactly since Bam's "death"? 4 years? 5? more? The timeline is really weird, this time skip could just had been like 2 months and it would have been the same.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Aug 27, 2024 4:51 AM
Nov 2016
It was nice and we saw her again, i waiting to see her excretion when she sees violet
Aug 27, 2024 7:01 AM
Dec 2018
Aug 27, 2024 9:37 AM

Jul 2014
wtf there was a timeskip??????

also this episode was so bad, only the bit at the end was interesting
Aug 27, 2024 9:57 AM
Apr 2024
A animação ficou bem ruim nesse episódio triste :C
Aug 27, 2024 10:19 AM
Mar 2024
I couldn't even tell there was a time skip the adaptation is just so bad I would even compare it to seven deadly sins season 3 dropping it.
Aug 27, 2024 2:15 PM

Nov 2011
I have honestly no idea what happened between previous episodes 7 and 8, but I see here I am not the only one :O We had cliffhanger with almost dead Bam, and now, oh, happy fighting, and all in the same clothes. I was even thinking that there just cannot be a time jump because that chibi pink girl looks very same, and she should grow the most.:O
I got a random feeling that they forgot to stream one episode :p

If Bam was able grow his hair between two seasons so much, then he should definitely have them even longer now xDxDxD
Aug 27, 2024 2:53 PM

Aug 2014
Epiroogu said:
I have honestly no idea what happened between previous episodes 7 and 8, but I see here I am not the only one :O We had cliffhanger with almost dead Bam, and now, oh, happy fighting, and all in the same clothes. I was even thinking that there just cannot be a time jump because that chibi pink girl looks very same, and she should grow the most.:O
I got a random feeling that they forgot to stream one episode :p

If Bam was able grow his hair between two seasons so much, then he should definitely have them even longer now xDxDxD

It's not that they forgot one episode, it's that they forgot to put effort into this season. Shit is so bad that you can just laught it off ;d
Aug 28, 2024 9:34 AM
Jan 2022
khub finally knows ban is alive and I think the chatgpt is going to be a big threat in the future..... ps- they really thought we would notice the Naruto run reference 😂
Aug 28, 2024 12:35 PM

Aug 2019
I honestly miss the older art style, it was unique and better than what we have right now (and yes, I'm fully aware that this is a different animation studio).

Crunchyroll really has a favourite

Seeing Khun in this episode was the only thing I enjoyed lol
Aug 28, 2024 1:15 PM

Jan 2021
Pretty boring episode but at least there doing something now. Shame we didn't really seem them become stronger from the 2 year time skip, in fact everyone looks the exact same even the child didn't grow. What a waste. Episode count is still not up yet I hope we just get 12 episodes.
Aug 28, 2024 9:59 PM

Oct 2016
The ending of the episode was pretty interesting, but most of it was very boring. The fights don’t seem to have any actual impact. All of the final blows seem to happen off screen, and the fights don’t last too long, so I am barely invested in them. (6/10)
Aug 29, 2024 4:11 PM

Mar 2010
what a fun episode and finally we saw what the OG team was doing, but holy shit.. it went dark asf at the end there.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Aug 30, 2024 8:26 AM
Apr 2017
Very bad animation and plot
Aug 30, 2024 1:24 PM

Feb 2016
I actually like this anime. This episode nicely paralleled what Bam's group was doing on one floor with what Kuhn's group was doing on a different floor. There were a lot of similarities drawn between the two groups. One similarity was that some members of each group were using the Emily bot. In the end it was Emily that finally made a connection between the groups with Khun learning that Bam was still alive. That was a good twist. I look forward to the next episode.
Aug 31, 2024 1:35 AM

Dec 2019
The end was a bit creepy omg
Sep 1, 2024 6:52 AM
Night Owl

Sep 2022
I was about to fall asleep during this episode. The plot is way too incoherent to keep up at this point + sudden timeskip from nowhere. Also the animation is just decreasing in quality in every episode.
Sep 3, 2024 10:27 PM

Mar 2019
This is the worst episode so far....

The only kinda interesting moment was the last 10 seconds...

Also CR subs keep failing so bad.... at least saw 4 languages with terrible translations.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Sep 4, 2024 1:04 AM

Dec 2016
What's up with the pacing, I felt like I skipped an episode or two.
Sep 5, 2024 8:13 AM

Jun 2019
Endorsi, my beloved. I missed you so much. Glad to see you once again even for a bit. We finally see who Emily is and it looks like she's suffering. Poor girl. I felt bad for her in the end there. Hopefully, she gets rescued by someone.
Sep 8, 2024 12:34 AM
Jan 2021
So the tower has got this AI who can answer any question? Interesting…

It seems that Khun’s team was able to beat their opponents and take out their battery, and on the other side of things it seems like there’s been some kind of skip in time in which Wangnan and the crew are grinding their way to the 30th floor so they can make it to the workshop battle. It’s nice to see how much he’s going out of his way for Viole’s case, knowing what he’s truly fighting for.

And it seems that Khun has used Emile to figure out that Bam is still alive.

Lastly it seems like there’s more to Emile than meets the eye, and there’s some kind of creepy horror-like component to all of this…
Sep 10, 2024 9:18 AM

Jun 2020
They need explain time skips better and in which floor they are. Maybe I didn’t notice but they just said it was two years since what happened in 8 ep and that’s was all. Overall Im actually interested in what is happening with Emily and what is it but im sure its gonna be disappointment.

Sep 12, 2024 11:00 AM

Apr 2016
a chatbot very human!!!
Sep 12, 2024 6:05 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Kayle_x_Morgana
love the chatgpt they added in here lmfao
tower of god really has horrendous luck,
the series was released more than 14 years ago before gpt was even a thing,

but coincidentally the sequel released exactly the same time as when gpt and ai was a thing so people make fun of it for it.

but when the first season came out, people made fun of baam for being a simp, since that was the year that the "simp" meme became popular and when terms like incel alpha beta became mainstream.
there are so many other protagonist that would be considered far worse simps than bam *cough *cough subaru
but he never had his series released around the same time as the simp meme so the series never got flak for it (even though its fucking dogshit in writing all around) oh and erased is also another example of a simp protagonist who even got cucked in the end but people don't care since the simp meme didn't catch on then

tower of god really can't catch a break.
Sep 12, 2024 6:07 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to Neostorm_Y
tower of god really has horrendous luck,
the series was released more than 14 years ago before gpt was even a thing,

but coincidentally the sequel released exactly the same time as when gpt and ai was a thing so people make fun of it for it.

but when the first season came out, people made fun of baam for being a simp, since that was the year that the "simp" meme became popular and when terms like incel alpha beta became mainstream.
there are so many other protagonist that would be considered far worse simps than bam *cough *cough subaru
but he never had his series released around the same time as the simp meme so the series never got flak for it (even though its fucking dogshit in writing all around) oh and erased is also another example of a simp protagonist who even got cucked in the end but people don't care since the simp meme didn't catch on then

tower of god really can't catch a break.
@Neostorm_Y oh and i remember talentless nana also had this problem of being released during among us, so people were shitting on it for being "SUS"

glad astra lost in space didn't get released later so it would have all those annoying people
Sep 14, 2024 10:15 PM

Dec 2020
GET HER OFF MY SCREEN PLZ SOMEONE DO SOMETHING ABOUT HER!!! Also, Khun and Bam reunion gonna be insane! I'm hoping Khun pulls up eventually!
Sep 15, 2024 5:39 AM

May 2020
The adaptation is at fault, we know, but this whole arc itself or the initial parts of second season of manhwa were equally boring, so yeah. Still that doesn't mean they wouldn't have worked on this adaptation more to make it seem and feel a little less boring and banal.

At least they told a timeskip happened, this time around.
Sep 16, 2024 12:00 PM

Aug 2016
Reply to GTRaijin
Abdiel7 said:
I really tried to defend the animation this season.

But this episode has done it for me.

This is actual trash. The drawing is downright mediocre at times. Utter garbage pacing, too much skipping, terrible direction and the fight scenes are an actual eyesore. All the potentially exciting animation gets off-screened, you never see a collision on impact because they're using tricks instead of actually drawing it.

I hope it gets better, but honestly, it can only go from trash to barely watchable at this point.

What a low this episode was.

They start off with a completely unexplained, and unexpected time skip with a new character you don't care for at all.

You can't take any of the atmosphere in, it moves too fast and the animation is just too jarring and rough.

It was so bad it was funny, Viole dodging the fireballs, Miseng running, wagnan hiding, Ran dodging Jaskels blades, all of it just looked so ridiculous.

Somehow ToG S2 is on track to be worse than S1, even though S1 was the worst in the webtoon.

Pretty much everything you just said were my words while I was watching the episode ;ddd Holy shit this is so bad. They are intentionally avoiding actual fight animations by just showing us the start of the fight where some attack is about to be used and then next thing it's cut off to the fight being over, like wtf?

Nothing makes sense, random timeskip out of nowhere happened and they are just breezing through floors like it's a game with powerpoint slide fights if you can even call them that, then we get Killua from Wish...

At this point I'm just watching to see how much worse can it get till the end of the season because this just makes me laugh each episode when they put so "much" effort into anything. This is basically the exact same thing that happened with Devil is a Part Timer season 2. Everything that was good about the first season was completely gone in the sequel and it took us to get the second season what, almost 10 years?
@GTRaijin To be honest, I didn't watch season 2 yet but I have read the novels far beyond that. I wouldn't expect much from Hataraku Maou-sama either way.
Sep 23, 2024 7:14 AM
Jan 2015
Love tower of god!
Sep 25, 2024 9:00 PM

Jun 2015
This must be the worst anime ever made.
Sep 30, 2024 9:13 AM

May 2015
ChatGPT is an idol now ?
Nov 28, 2024 6:14 PM
Jul 2024
man mario from /a/ must have had a seizure over this episode thus he isn't spaming /a/ with tog threads anymore sad.

ruined potential for being the next hxh adaptation is literally tokyo ghoul re level of retcon but without the animation budget
Feb 15, 6:40 AM
Jul 2014
Lol sorry but the animation is really really bad, I can't defend this lmao

How did this happen that Tower of God, the most famous "tower" kind of plot, got this shitty quality
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