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Jul 14, 2024 2:43 PM

Oct 2019
Here's a bet.

I have not even started the show, and from the trailer the animation looks great. BUT.....

I'm going to make a prediction. I think this show will completely fall apart, exclusively because of the character designs. The character designs are too generic, and while that seems like a too big of a leap to think the show would fall apart because of.... I am fairly confident in that assessment.

No great anime has ever had a cast this generic looking.

So.... this thread is kind of just for the future. Right now the show has a score of 8+, if that massively drops by the time it ends, I want the "called it" brownie points.

That is all.

But to have this thread have some room for discussion too, let's make it a pole/debate.

Are you on the "it will turn into crap" side like me, or do you think it will stick the landing?

Pick wisely, cause one of these two sides is going to look real stupid in 2-3 months.
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Jul 14, 2024 3:01 PM
May 2016
What are we calling "falling apart"? I think it's already overrated.
And even if it "falls apart", how can one prove that it was because of the character design?
Jul 14, 2024 3:05 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to ktg
What are we calling "falling apart"? I think it's already overrated.
And even if it "falls apart", how can one prove that it was because of the character design?
@ktg I don't think it would be "because" of the character design, I just think a show with these character designs won't be good. The designs are a sign, not a cause.

by "falling apart" here I just mean it won't be as good as it seems now, and it's reception will have a huge drop. Basically, if the rating of the show is way lower than 8.1 which it is now, I count that as a win.

sub 7 would be a slam dunk, but sub 7.5 is still acceptable results for me to be cocky about it.
APolygons2Jul 14, 2024 3:25 PM
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Jul 14, 2024 3:11 PM
Aug 2022
APolygons2 said:
I have not even started the show

Ok, now we got an astrologer in our forum discussion who will completely ignore the show (didn't even watched it yet 😂) and started yapping like a 10 years old.
Dude ur best course of action would be either to watch then comment or just be like others who just starts shouting about a show just because this show is getting a good rating other than ur "Favourite" shows.
Jul 14, 2024 3:13 PM
Aug 2022
APolygons2 said:
cause one of these two sides is going to look real stupid in 2-3 months

Two things are happening right now
No need to wait months
1. Ur stupidity
2. Ur lack of patience
Jul 14, 2024 3:14 PM
Aug 2022
APolygons2 said:
Are you on the "it will turn into crap" side like me, or do you think it will stick the landing?

Atleast let us watch the complete anime bro, how can someone decide it's fate without even knowing the plot or storyline, this forum doesn't make u cool rather it's making u a runaway karen.
Jul 14, 2024 3:16 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to Antisocial-Weeb
APolygons2 said:
I have not even started the show

Ok, now we got an astrologer in our forum discussion who will completely ignore the show (didn't even watched it yet 😂) and started yapping like a 10 years old.
Dude ur best course of action would be either to watch then comment or just be like others who just starts shouting about a show just because this show is getting a good rating other than ur "Favourite" shows.
@Antisocial-Weeb What?

Listen, I'm not saying the show is good or bad right now. there is a reason I called it "a shot in the dark". It's because it's a near baseless guess. Idk what here gave the impression that I'm "mad" this show is getting a good rating. Again, I haven't watched it, why the hell would I be mad? for all I know it could be amazing.

This is just for a fun gambit, If I had started it, my "guess" wouldn't be as much of a "guess", so the "called it" brownie points wouldn't be as cool!!!

but yeah, get off the internet man. Not everyone is trying to fight you.

Antisocial-Weeb said:
Atleast let us watch the complete anime bro

It wouldn't be much of a "prediction" If I said it after the show was already over... that would just be an opinion...

Also, for the love of Haruhi, use quotes, instead of leaving 3 separate replies.
APolygons2Jul 14, 2024 3:22 PM
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Jul 14, 2024 3:28 PM
Aug 2022
Reply to APolygons2
@Antisocial-Weeb What?

Listen, I'm not saying the show is good or bad right now. there is a reason I called it "a shot in the dark". It's because it's a near baseless guess. Idk what here gave the impression that I'm "mad" this show is getting a good rating. Again, I haven't watched it, why the hell would I be mad? for all I know it could be amazing.

This is just for a fun gambit, If I had started it, my "guess" wouldn't be as much of a "guess", so the "called it" brownie points wouldn't be as cool!!!

but yeah, get off the internet man. Not everyone is trying to fight you.

Antisocial-Weeb said:
Atleast let us watch the complete anime bro

It wouldn't be much of a "prediction" If I said it after the show was already over... that would just be an opinion...

Also, for the love of Haruhi, use quotes, instead of leaving 3 separate replies.
APolygons2 said:
Also, for the love of Haruhi, use quotes, instead of leaving 3 separate replies.

Well sometimes pointing out something very specific in a very clear and spacious way is necessary.
That's why I used three different replies for three different lines to make my point clear and sound.😜
Jul 14, 2024 3:28 PM
Aug 2022
Reply to APolygons2
@Antisocial-Weeb What?

Listen, I'm not saying the show is good or bad right now. there is a reason I called it "a shot in the dark". It's because it's a near baseless guess. Idk what here gave the impression that I'm "mad" this show is getting a good rating. Again, I haven't watched it, why the hell would I be mad? for all I know it could be amazing.

This is just for a fun gambit, If I had started it, my "guess" wouldn't be as much of a "guess", so the "called it" brownie points wouldn't be as cool!!!

but yeah, get off the internet man. Not everyone is trying to fight you.

Antisocial-Weeb said:
Atleast let us watch the complete anime bro

It wouldn't be much of a "prediction" If I said it after the show was already over... that would just be an opinion...

Also, for the love of Haruhi, use quotes, instead of leaving 3 separate replies.
APolygons2 said:
Also, for the love of Haruhi, use quotes, instead of leaving 3 separate replies.

Well sometimes pointing out something very specific in a very clear and spacious way is necessary.
That's why I used three different replies for three different lines to make my point clear and sound.😜
Jul 14, 2024 3:50 PM
May 2023
@APolygons2 well you sure as hell SOUND mad when the second option is “iM oN tHe WroNg SiDe Of HiStOrY”
Jul 14, 2024 3:55 PM
Sep 2021
Character design and Animations look great to me, but plot wise this is already average at best... But most likely it'd be stay at 7 - 7.5 range... Still as a Black Clover and Mashle fan, I'm enjoying this so much...
Jul 14, 2024 4:23 PM
Nov 2023
Try changing the 2nd option to something less provocative and offensive and maybe I’ll take this slightly more seriously. Your opinion on character design will never be absolute, I mean even vanilla hero Kirito has no defining features whatsoever yet the anime did great for reasons beyond my comprehension.
I see it finishing above 7.75 but not 8 based on 2 episodes worth of decent quality entertainment. But if you are wrong, will you come back with a ‘Sorry I’m an asshat’ thread or will you just keep quiet and hope we all forgot?
Jul 14, 2024 4:36 PM

May 2022
I’ve yet to watch today’s episode but the world is interesting enough to make me think it’s going to be good for a majority of the season. To be fair you should’ve watched at least the first episode before making your proclamation.
Jul 14, 2024 5:12 PM

Jul 2015
That wouldn't even be a question if it wa JC Staff animating this.

Jul 14, 2024 7:31 PM

Jul 2017
It might flop towards the end like nanatsu no maken did, but it wont be a flop solely because of the character designs...

The more likely scenario is that it will duck up the pacing like nanatsu no maken did
Jul 14, 2024 9:33 PM

Oct 2014
If it turns to trash later on it's fully on the author's inability to write good stories, as it is the same person that made danmachi and that had only 1 good season before that series got bad imo.
It's Morbin' Time!
Jul 14, 2024 10:10 PM
Oct 2020
If these designs are gonna be called generic, imma go call re zero or Harry potter generic designs, not stopping them from being great

Stein's gate characters are literally stereotypes, still considered one of the best shows

If just characters were enough to ruin a show, then these shows would not be so high up, hence this also has the chance to be a great show

And this being a Bandai namco production, the animation will surely be way above average for the entirity of the show

And as a danmachi fan, I am confident in the writer's ability to turn a seemingly generic looking story into something really good, especially with the world building and characters
Jul 14, 2024 10:14 PM
Sep 2022
DarkLeafNinja said:
If it turns to trash later on it's fully on the author's inability to write good stories, as it is the same person that made danmachi and that had only 1 good season before that series got bad imo.

It's not always the author's fault.

When you're adapting material the author is almost always not the one directing the production of the adaptation because the difference in mediums doesn't lend itself well to all the same methods of storytelling, framing, pacing, etc. and there's way too many examples of an original work being rather well written while the anime adaptation was poorly directed and thus the product was not very good. That's not because the author wrote a bad story.

Even beyond that, if an author gets multiple adaptations for their work and they all turn out subpar, it still doesn't mean they can't write good stuff. You can write things that are easier or harder to adapt and it doesn't change the quality of the source material.

I have not read the written works in question here, but generalizing and blaming authors for this is unfair to them as writers, because it isn't their responsibility to come up with something that's good on the screen.

The most likely outcome if the show starts falling off is that the pacing of the adaptation gets thrown into disarray around the 60-80% mark of the show's runtime, and that will be the fault of the adaptation direction, not the author.
Jul 14, 2024 11:40 PM
Oct 2019
Nah, the show is actually good, in my opinion. If the production keeps up and more people can get into it despite its common tropes, then it will surely stay at least at an 8.
Jul 15, 2024 1:35 AM

Sep 2018
I'm with you, but more because of the writing than the character designs. MC is apparently an underdog but actually overpowered = red flag.
NirinboJul 15, 2024 1:38 AM
Jul 15, 2024 2:13 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to SenshadouOtaku
@APolygons2 well you sure as hell SOUND mad when the second option is “iM oN tHe WroNg SiDe Of HiStOrY”
@SenshadouOtaku I'm cocky about my guess being right, not mad. Thats not anger, that's me being an asshole about my prediction.
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Jul 15, 2024 2:16 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to CHT13
I’ve yet to watch today’s episode but the world is interesting enough to make me think it’s going to be good for a majority of the season. To be fair you should’ve watched at least the first episode before making your proclamation.
@CHT13 I will watch it. I just wanted to make an absurd claim like this with as little information as possible.

I am fully selfaware about this being a baseless guess.
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Jul 15, 2024 2:21 AM

Apr 2021
uh what? If you think the production will collapse, it probably wouldn't. I have no idea about the production conditions but I trust Tatsuya Yoshihara to deliver the absolute peak no matter the generic plot.
Jul 15, 2024 2:24 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to FutoiOtaku
Try changing the 2nd option to something less provocative and offensive and maybe I’ll take this slightly more seriously. Your opinion on character design will never be absolute, I mean even vanilla hero Kirito has no defining features whatsoever yet the anime did great for reasons beyond my comprehension.
I see it finishing above 7.75 but not 8 based on 2 episodes worth of decent quality entertainment. But if you are wrong, will you come back with a ‘Sorry I’m an asshat’ thread or will you just keep quiet and hope we all forgot?
@FutoiOtaku I kinda WANT you to not take me seriously, cause then If I'm right (or wrong) it makes it funnier.

Of course I would want the thread to come back up even if I'm wrong. why do you think I made the options with so much "over confidence".

Its because If I'm right, I get to be extremely cocky about. If I'm wrong it would be hilarious to make fun of me because of how cocky I was being!

Also on the SAO note, I said "great anime" not "popular anime". SAO isn't exactly a crtically acclaimed title.
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Jul 15, 2024 2:51 AM
Mar 2021
i’ve read the manga it never really does anything special no highs nor lows it just stays relatively streamline. A lot of black clover ‘references’
Jul 15, 2024 3:57 AM
Dec 2023
for the love of god, if you wanna complain, complain after like 5 eps for the lore to get established. if you dont wanna wait go ahead and read the manga. besides calling an anime trash because of the character design is like saying tower of god is shitty because of its art style.
Jul 15, 2024 4:03 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to Sung_is_hot
for the love of god, if you wanna complain, complain after like 5 eps for the lore to get established. if you dont wanna wait go ahead and read the manga. besides calling an anime trash because of the character design is like saying tower of god is shitty because of its art style.
@Sung_is_hot Again, I'm not complaining.

Ok seriously why are you people like this? can you actually read what I have written!

It's a prediction, not a complaint, why in the hell would I be "complaining" about a show I haven't seen. The only thing that I did call out in here is the character design, which is THE thing that you can judge without the show even starting.

This is just a stupid post that will either age like milk, or ages wonderfully. It's a "shot in the dark" as I named it.
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Jul 15, 2024 4:43 AM
Jan 2024
APolygons2 said:
Here's a bet.

I have not even started the show, and from the trailer the animation looks great. BUT.....

I'm going to make a prediction. I think this show will completely fall apart, exclusively because of the character designs. The character designs are too generic, and while that seems like a too big of a leap to think the show would fall apart because of.... I am fairly confident in that assessment.

No great anime has ever had a cast this generic looking.

So.... this thread is kind of just for the future. Right now the show has a score of 8+, if that massively drops by the time it ends, I want the "called it" brownie points.

That is all.

But to have this thread have some room for discussion too, let's make it a pole/debate.

Are you on the "it will turn into crap" side like me, or do you think it will stick the landing?

Pick wisely, cause one of these two sides is going to look real stupid in 2-3 months.

i'm reading the manga and just because the design character is generic, this is nothing, the story is involving me, the fights are so cool, protagonist personality is good and character development is good.
I see some people saying that this anime is generic and nothing special,but a good generic anime is better than a innovativing bad anime
Jul 15, 2024 10:33 AM
Sep 2018
After watching two episodes I have the complete opposite opinion actually.

The character designs are one the strong points of this show. The fact that the main character doesn't have black hair is already a plus.
Everything good I can say about this show is about the visuals. The character designs are good and the animation is beautiful.

But that is where it ends. It lacks any semblance of unique content and is just a very generic magic story where the main character doesn't have magic but is secretly OP. All the characters are very one dimensional so far and some of the characters are intolerable just for the sake of acting as an 'antagonist' for the MC.

For the three fans of the original, be happy that the production quality is high.
Jul 15, 2024 11:37 AM
May 2022
APolygons2 said:
@Sung_is_hot Again, I'm not complaining.

Ok seriously why are you people like this? can you actually read what I have written!

It's a prediction, not a complaint, why in the hell would I be "complaining" about a show I haven't seen. The only thing that I did call out in here is the character design, which is THE thing that you can judge without the show even starting.

This is just a stupid post that will either age like milk, or ages wonderfully. It's a "shot in the dark" as I named it.

It’s not about you complaining or whatever is happening this is a chat to discuss episode 2 and episode 2 alone the reason people are going after you about out post is because you are being rude and annoying and not understanding the point of this discussion chat.

I came to see what people thought of episode 2 especially what professor Edward, not what this bs is.
Jul 15, 2024 11:43 AM

Oct 2019
Reply to SaikouWolf
APolygons2 said:
@Sung_is_hot Again, I'm not complaining.

Ok seriously why are you people like this? can you actually read what I have written!

It's a prediction, not a complaint, why in the hell would I be "complaining" about a show I haven't seen. The only thing that I did call out in here is the character design, which is THE thing that you can judge without the show even starting.

This is just a stupid post that will either age like milk, or ages wonderfully. It's a "shot in the dark" as I named it.

It’s not about you complaining or whatever is happening this is a chat to discuss episode 2 and episode 2 alone the reason people are going after you about out post is because you are being rude and annoying and not understanding the point of this discussion chat.

I came to see what people thought of episode 2 especially what professor Edward, not what this bs is.
@SaikouWolf ok this is the first objectively wrong complaint I have gotten. check the threads, this is NOT the episode 2 discussion thread. this is:

HA, I bet you feel pretty stupid now!!!!

take that random person on the internet!
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Jul 15, 2024 11:46 AM
May 2022
APolygons2 said:
@SaikouWolf ok this is the first objectively wrong complaint I have gotten. check the threads, this is NOT the episode 2 discussion thread. this is:

HA, I bet you feel pretty stupid now!!!!

take that random person on the internet!

Yes you are correct I apologize this is indeed not the episode 2 discussion but you’re still rude and annoying so who cares. Thanks for the link. Bye now talk to you never again.
Jul 15, 2024 12:13 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to SaikouWolf
APolygons2 said:
@SaikouWolf ok this is the first objectively wrong complaint I have gotten. check the threads, this is NOT the episode 2 discussion thread. this is:

HA, I bet you feel pretty stupid now!!!!

take that random person on the internet!

Yes you are correct I apologize this is indeed not the episode 2 discussion but you’re still rude and annoying so who cares. Thanks for the link. Bye now talk to you never again.
@SaikouWolf What in the tom and jerry cheese did I say that was rude?

if you mean this:

APolygons2 said:
HA, I bet you feel pretty stupid now!!!!

take that random person on the internet!

It's clearly just a small tease, I certainly didn't mean it as genuine insult if that's not obvious.
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Jul 15, 2024 2:08 PM

May 2022
Reply to APolygons2
@CHT13 I will watch it. I just wanted to make an absurd claim like this with as little information as possible.

I am fully selfaware about this being a baseless guess.
@APolygons2 I get it. This can actually be fun at the end of the season or if it does fall off at some point. Will you do another thread at the end whether you’re right or wrong?

Btw, the 2nd episode was excellent. Also I forgot to mention in my original post that I like character design.
Jul 15, 2024 2:26 PM

Jan 2013
It's going to drop because people will realize it's mediocre, aside from the animation. Personally, I don't see an issue with the character design.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Jul 15, 2024 3:11 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to CHT13
@APolygons2 I get it. This can actually be fun at the end of the season or if it does fall off at some point. Will you do another thread at the end whether you’re right or wrong?

Btw, the 2nd episode was excellent. Also I forgot to mention in my original post that I like character design.
@CHT13 I was thinking of just adding an edit to this one, we'll see I guess.

As far as character designs go.... I just think it's really lazy when the characters get a whole rainbow of hair colours to make them stand out. Not that I think that's always a sign of bad character design, but when that is pretty much the only defining feature, idk, again it just feels lazy.

Like comparing it to some other shows this season that has super colourful hairs for the characters, Mayonaka Punch and Oshi no ko have way more memorable and well thought out character designs.

But yeah I'm just rambling now.

I'm definitely going to give it a shot, but I might wait a little to see if it gets a dub or not since it seems like a show that I would want to watch while paying attention to the visuals. It also has the composer of rezero and shadows house doing the music, so I am expecting the production to be pretty damn good.
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Jul 15, 2024 3:49 PM

Apr 2021
I strongly suspect that you have already read the manga and seen how many negative responses it got and how people are dropping it, mainly due to the story. And you made the thread either just for fun and/or to earn that "called it" brownie points.

I disagree, though, with the notion that the character designs being what you consider generic could bring down a series over time. The artist and the author are two different people. From what I've seen, many of the positive comments about the early episodes/chapters of the anime/manga mostly praise the remarkable arts and animation, which are thanks to the manga artist and the team working on the anime. However, if the series gradually receives negative responses and many drop it because of the story, then the blame lies solely with the author, who is the same author that wrote Danmachi, as he is the one who writes the story.
WoodmannJul 15, 2024 4:30 PM
Jul 15, 2024 3:52 PM
Dec 2018
Since we can make prediction what about this one:

There will be a giant brownie midair in last scene just before season 2 starring my cat is announced
Jul 15, 2024 5:39 PM

Oct 2019
Reply to Woodmann
I strongly suspect that you have already read the manga and seen how many negative responses it got and how people are dropping it, mainly due to the story. And you made the thread either just for fun and/or to earn that "called it" brownie points.

I disagree, though, with the notion that the character designs being what you consider generic could bring down a series over time. The artist and the author are two different people. From what I've seen, many of the positive comments about the early episodes/chapters of the anime/manga mostly praise the remarkable arts and animation, which are thanks to the manga artist and the team working on the anime. However, if the series gradually receives negative responses and many drop it because of the story, then the blame lies solely with the author, who is the same author that wrote Danmachi, as he is the one who writes the story.
@Woodmann I have not read the manga, I didn't even watch the anime cause I wanted GENUINE called it brownie points.

I'm gonna watch it, but I wanted to have made the thread before I did that. I am aware that character design and story are logically completely unrelated. I also know the show is extremely well animated from the trailer.

It's just a gut feeling. And even though it's unrelated, I am biased in thinking a show with these character designs will also have poor writing. Does that make sense? absolutely not, do I believe it? yes I do!!!!
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