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Jul 8, 2024 1:47 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

Japanese is not a simple language at all. Iti s genuinely one of the more complex one, is very context sensitive, has a lot of Kanji with different readings depending on how it is used, has various nuances in first person pronouns that are used, and has a very distinct difference between casual and formal speech. AI has also shown genuine struggles understanding some of these things as shown with the Ablaze Manga translation of the manga "Jinba" which has a lot of grammar errors, characters having their names be butchered by an AI that doesn't understand the kanji it is reading, and just a complete lack of contextual awareness. Context is something that AI does not understand and is fundamentally important to the Japanese language, therefore it will cause a lot of issues if Machine Learning is used to translate instead of allowing a human who has studied for years to manually translate a work using their extensive knowledge of the langauge.
@LSSJ_Gaming Yes I know the weaknesses of MTL but I'm sorry Japanese is a very simple language if a bit inconsistent and idiosyncratic because of the confusion between different writing systems and the various foreign words they've imported as well as the plentiful elision of words. The entire Japanese language is a bit like a slang of a more formal language. The main problem is MTL has not been trained properly on these as Japanese language translation is a very low priority. Context is the other problem because it does take eyes to look at what people are referring to due to the inconsistencies but that's a lack of input into the MTL system. It's not really because of a complexity of the Japanese language it's because it doesn't contain the full information in the actual grammar. So-called AI translations can include visual information as well with increased processing power that they are applying due to more investment from the AI hype but this is just an extension of MTL. I agree actual people are important for translation because people are the ones who use language to communicate, but this isn't that big of a problem if they actually want to solve it. The DeepL translation of this existing episode is already much improved though I don't know if they manually edited it after the fact.
Jul 8, 2024 1:51 PM

Jul 2023
L'op tu découvres la lune ou quoi ? Ça fait belle lurette qu'on sait qu'ils sont frauduleux...
Jul 8, 2024 2:10 PM

Mar 2023
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
This is fucking horrible. I have previously made a thread about bad AI manga translations on the main anime discussion forum and will repeat my stance: AI should not replace humans in a field like language translation as MTL is fucking horrible quality, prone to mistakes that humans wouldn't make, and often makes a stiffer translation that doesn't flow as naturally. These greedy corporations have the money to actually pay real translators but instead we get this trash. Professional translators are one of the most important jobs when bringing over foreign media to different countries and this community treats them like absolute dogshit and with so many idiots wanting them to "be replaced by AI", here you fucking go. Here's the dogshit quality you get. Happy? Instead of a high-quality translation made by humans who have studied the Japanese language for years, we get a literally unwatchable level of quality made by some machine that can barely understand anything and just regurgitates what has been put into it leading to low quality slop. Generative AI is a cancer on both creative industries and the translation industry and its about time that translators unionize to stop companies from being allowed to do this shit. We also need to not watch this show through official means in order to hurt Crunchyroll and show them that using Generative AI to translate shows is not ok, so pirating the show is probably one of the best things you can do if you want to still watch it.


Also, first picture is so obviously not AI. MTL would never claim it made a mistake and that the translation is nonsense, it actually wouldn't even understand that. Or use ??, a type of punctuation error that seems incredibly unlikely in an AI. The errors by MTL would be logical errors and it would have no way to understand that it's translation doesn't make sense.

It's clearly a human note that was made in such a rush that it never got deleted. Lack of proof reading.

@DigitalApe It's very context based, simple for human here actually means difficult for AI. It would much prefer a precise language like german. The issue is, AI is translating from just text. It can't see the image and sometimes what's on screen gives the context. Once an AI doesn't understand that a word with two translations refer to X instead of Y, it will mess it up for the whole translation too.

This isn't MTL though, AI doesn't make those types of mistakes and if you seen an MTL you'd know those screenshots are human made translation rushjobs and unlike the MTL ones.
Jul 8, 2024 2:19 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to watsym

Also, first picture is so obviously not AI. MTL would never claim it made a mistake and that the translation is nonsense, it actually wouldn't even understand that. Or use ??, a type of punctuation error that seems incredibly unlikely in an AI. The errors by MTL would be logical errors and it would have no way to understand that it's translation doesn't make sense.

It's clearly a human note that was made in such a rush that it never got deleted. Lack of proof reading.

@DigitalApe It's very context based, simple for human here actually means difficult for AI. It would much prefer a precise language like german. The issue is, AI is translating from just text. It can't see the image and sometimes what's on screen gives the context. Once an AI doesn't understand that a word with two translations refer to X instead of Y, it will mess it up for the whole translation too.

This isn't MTL though, AI doesn't make those types of mistakes and if you seen an MTL you'd know those screenshots are human made translation rushjobs and unlike the MTL ones.
@watsym Yeah I only watch unofficial anyway. It's possible they used MTL assisted which gives you the structure instantly and a cheap translator can change them as they watch it or even type it in manually. I can do that without reading and learning a lot of kanji which is a waste of time. Workflow is like this: get official script from the studio and translate time on one screen by MTL and the translator can edit, correct or manually retype on a laptop or different screen. This way even a person with low Japanese language skill can still be a translator for pennies which is what they pay them anyway.
Jul 8, 2024 3:27 PM

Mar 2020
Prunchyfraud, oh man they are really into rp are they, they planned their shit I dont mind artificial intelligence translating but not in his current state in 2 years maybe.
If you like doors welcome to the club Door Lovers!
Jul 8, 2024 5:03 PM
Apr 2023
Honestly, there was no issue that I saw with the translation. I thought he did a really good job and honestly as long is the qualities up to this they can keep on doing it remove the middleman and we can have a good quality translations without any meddling.
Jul 8, 2024 6:32 PM
Dec 2015
How ironic that people get triggered over AI stuff, and it turns out it's more likely a human translator instead. "prunchyfraud," jesus christ...

I used to be a professional translator, and let me tell you... people often suck at it, even if they've received the proper education. I'm honestly glad that AI has gotten so good at it, because it's not a particulary enjoyable job for most people, and AI is genuinely better than most people.

Humans have been stealing from each other since the beginning of time. It's humans we need to worry about, not some AI scapegoat.

The irony of this thread is even stronger when you take into account that most sweatshop animators probably don't get paid a living wage. Are the anti-AI crowd also fighting for the rights of animators? I really doubt it, unless you think your $16 subscription is somehow paying for every anime series you watch. Animators have been suffering for a long time now, but people just want to be entertained, so it's easy to just forget they don't exist.

AI has the potential to actually empower and democratize, reducing the dependency on money and greed-based economy, letting people live by actually doing things they enjoy, not just things that are "valuable". AI language processing and art generation gives a lot of power to people who can't afford to hire teams of expensive writers, translators, artists, animators, sound and music, etc., especially as the tools and tech get better.

Those sweatshop animators who are essentially unpaid slaves? Yeah, maybe they can make their own anime in the near future. Hell, they could do it right now if they learned the tools and actually banded together. But for whatever reason, a lot of us are ingrained with the belief that we need to work for someone else.

Imagine a world where all the dangerous, tedious, soul-crushing, and crap jobs are all taken by AI or machines. But in order to do that, AI needs to STAY democratized. Open source, free AI tools are currently available to anyone, but some people want to change that.

Companies like OpenAI are promoting regulation of AI, and of course, they want to be in charge of that regulation. Meanwhile, CEO Sam Altman is enjoying driving around in his $20 million Mclaren F1. They'll tell you how "dangerous" AI is, but it's only dangerous to their business.

The uneducated and the emotionally volatile are the most easily manipulated... so educate yourselves and focus on core issues, not band-aid solutions.

Case in point: isn't it inherently contradictory to be anti-capitalism/anti-big business AND anti-AI? If you want Crunchyroll to fail, then being anti-AI is just taking away the tools people need to empower themselves. Fighting for their "right to work" is just putting them back into the same system of servitude, and another company like Crunchyroll will pop up again, focus on profits, and hire the lowest bidders. Good job?

The anti-AI "movement" could also arguably be a reason why Crunchyroll is hiring (low cost) human translators in the first place. "Hey look at us, we're so humane by hiring humans! Please subscribe to us!" But again, that's kinda contradictory to the core values of business, which is profit, so they only hire the cheapest translators. The best translators are quite slow and expensive.

Generative AI isn't "cancer" -- the cancer has always been human greed and stupidity.

as a small side note: for all the nitpicking about how AI can't see context or whatever, that's easily fixed by the human who is copy-pasting the text into the AI translator by adding info to the prompt. The AI can rewrite the translation literally in seconds, versus the cost and time of a human contractor to re-do something. You can even ask the AI to check its own work, provide references or explanations, etc., again all in seconds for almost no cost -- it's not just a one-button right/wrong "take it or leave it" sort of thing.
Jul 8, 2024 10:02 PM

Jun 2024
crunchyroll moment tbh, they were gonna do it sooner or later
Jul 8, 2024 10:13 PM

Jul 2015
TomatoSempai said:
@Piromysl My man just discovered that companies need money to continue operating.

Not what I said, but okay.

Jul 8, 2024 11:51 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to Piromysl
>localizers go out of jobs
>fansubs are relevant again and can clean the translations
I see it as an absolute win
You might not remember this but it was very common for series to have no fansubbers at all. With how much anime is produced every season these days fansubbers would likely only touch half and leave alone less popular series.
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Jul 9, 2024 12:49 AM

Jul 2015
traed said:
You might not remember this but it was very common for series to have no fansubbers at all. With how much anime is produced every season these days fansubbers would likely only touch half and leave alone less popular series.

I'm perfectly aware we can't have a cake and eat it.
PiromyslJul 9, 2024 2:30 AM

Jul 9, 2024 2:05 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming
This is fucking horrible. I have previously made a thread about bad AI manga translations on the main anime discussion forum and will repeat my stance: AI should not replace humans in a field like language translation as MTL is fucking horrible quality, prone to mistakes that humans wouldn't make, and often makes a stiffer translation that doesn't flow as naturally. These greedy corporations have the money to actually pay real translators but instead we get this trash. Professional translators are one of the most important jobs when bringing over foreign media to different countries and this community treats them like absolute dogshit and with so many idiots wanting them to "be replaced by AI", here you fucking go. Here's the dogshit quality you get. Happy? Instead of a high-quality translation made by humans who have studied the Japanese language for years, we get a literally unwatchable level of quality made by some machine that can barely understand anything and just regurgitates what has been put into it leading to low quality slop. Generative AI is a cancer on both creative industries and the translation industry and its about time that translators unionize to stop companies from being allowed to do this shit. We also need to not watch this show through official means in order to hurt Crunchyroll and show them that using Generative AI to translate shows is not ok, so pirating the show is probably one of the best things you can do if you want to still watch it.

Technically AI is just a marketing term because it actually is Machine Learning (ML). The idea is corporations are trying to mislead the public.

I think i said this in your thread before so i might be repeating myself but they will still use these sort of automated systems regardless of if they also use hand done translation simply because it sends something out immediately then do a traditional translation later which would be difficult for a person to beat the speed and if they did the quality wouldnt even be better so economically it would make no sense to them to have a person do it that fast because it wouldnt be worth the cost and is better used as a secondary translation at a later time. Not that i particularly like that since it causes annoyance of finding the right version.
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Jul 9, 2024 2:27 AM
Mar 2020
Reply to Piromysl
>localizers go out of jobs
>fansubs are relevant again and can clean the translations
I see it as an absolute win

I'm learning Japanese to not have to deal with this shit. Both localizers and AI translations have no respect for the original media and the author's intention. I'm at a position to contribute to fan subs now. Time to give back to the community
Jul 9, 2024 4:31 AM
Feb 2021
Op is based af , penchryroll are a bunch of frauds
Jul 9, 2024 5:03 AM

Jan 2021
Good, such a Totally Lovefull Day.
Jul 9, 2024 5:17 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to LSSJ_Gaming

Japanese is not a simple language at all. Iti s genuinely one of the more complex one, is very context sensitive, has a lot of Kanji with different readings depending on how it is used, has various nuances in first person pronouns that are used, and has a very distinct difference between casual and formal speech. AI has also shown genuine struggles understanding some of these things as shown with the Ablaze Manga translation of the manga "Jinba" which has a lot of grammar errors, characters having their names be butchered by an AI that doesn't understand the kanji it is reading, and just a complete lack of contextual awareness. Context is something that AI does not understand and is fundamentally important to the Japanese language, therefore it will cause a lot of issues if Machine Learning is used to translate instead of allowing a human who has studied for years to manually translate a work using their extensive knowledge of the langauge.

(Character limit)
Jul 9, 2024 6:16 AM

Feb 2023
Check out the official YouTube upload, deer people. The subs are much better in this.

MALoween✟Mansion 2024

Jul 9, 2024 6:53 AM
Jan 2017
Reply to Piromysl
Just one of the many reasons not to give money to Crunchyroll. They are not interested in making product, but making money.
@Piromysl wow you discovered the world, that's literally every company that exists lol
Jul 9, 2024 7:30 AM

Jul 2015
Reply to Julio_99
@Piromysl wow you discovered the world, that's literally every company that exists lol
@Julio_99 No idea why you got emotional here, nor why the strawman.

Jul 9, 2024 9:07 AM

Oct 2017
Reply to watsym

Also, first picture is so obviously not AI. MTL would never claim it made a mistake and that the translation is nonsense, it actually wouldn't even understand that. Or use ??, a type of punctuation error that seems incredibly unlikely in an AI. The errors by MTL would be logical errors and it would have no way to understand that it's translation doesn't make sense.

It's clearly a human note that was made in such a rush that it never got deleted. Lack of proof reading.

@DigitalApe It's very context based, simple for human here actually means difficult for AI. It would much prefer a precise language like german. The issue is, AI is translating from just text. It can't see the image and sometimes what's on screen gives the context. Once an AI doesn't understand that a word with two translations refer to X instead of Y, it will mess it up for the whole translation too.

This isn't MTL though, AI doesn't make those types of mistakes and if you seen an MTL you'd know those screenshots are human made translation rushjobs and unlike the MTL ones.

I found out later but even then, my point on AI and treatment of translation teams still stand. The rush job is still rather unacceptable and shows some of the really poor working conditions that translators go through that need to be addressed.
This post is brought to you by your local transfem gamer goblin. Will not tolerate bigotry and will fight against "anti-woke" sentiment to make the anime community a safer place.
Jul 9, 2024 10:45 AM

Mar 2018
Reply to MadanielFL
Piromysl said:
I'm blaming CR higher ups who have authority to make decisions are willing to release shit product because they are either too lazy or too greedy to hire someone who get the job done properly.
You never know how these things work, licensing is not always the same for every show.
Some anime producers will be very picky about how their anime is released overseas, just look at what happened with NGE.
It's very possible that the anime producers contracted this JP company to translate their show, and then gave that translation to CR.
@MadanielFL damn, do the cr suits pay to ride their meat that much?
Jul 9, 2024 11:07 AM

Feb 2021
Phantomnocomics said:
@MadanielFL damn, do the cr suits pay to ride their meat that much?

Ah yes because saying the truth means you are getting paid…
Jul 9, 2024 11:30 AM

Mar 2018
Reply to MadanielFL
Phantomnocomics said:
@MadanielFL damn, do the cr suits pay to ride their meat that much?

Ah yes because saying the truth means you are getting paid…
@MadanielFL more like delusions
Jul 9, 2024 11:31 AM

Feb 2021

Ah yes because saying Cr didn’t do the subs for this show (which they didn’t) means I’m delusional…
Jul 9, 2024 11:35 AM

Sep 2014
Reply to KamenSentai
«As long as it's doing the job well» ?????????? Did you see the images I linked ? Even if most German are fluent in English, does it mean they can mix two languages in the subtitles??????????

I also did not link screenshots in French, since people might not be able to read, but the translation is HORRIBLE. The sentences in the French translation is nonsense.

Insult me a «d*ck» if you want to, it doesn't alter the fact that their AI is not working and the French and the German communities are sick and tired of everything this company does, such as:

  • not paying the translators
  • informing their subscribers in the last minute that their pricing is increasing
  • using a dark pattern in the unsubscribe page to make the user to feel culpability if they want to leave
  • firing a US dub actor because he is a member of a union which goal is to improve the work condition for dub actors (Kyle McCarley)
  • firing a French dub actress because she did a fan dub of a CSM trailer (Anna Lauzeray-Gishi)
  • lying by saying they contribute to the anime industry, but actually, they are not often in the production committees
  • merging with the brand Kaze in Europe to force the manga buyers to order the new book jackets, which is a real ecology issue
  • etc

Shall I continue to list all the bad work from Crunchyroll? Do you need me to link sources?
@KamenSentai Wait WHAT you are telling me this is the official german sub? With english mixed in?? I thought that image/text was from an article lmao

how can anime be more popular than ever but the subs are getting worse and worse
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 9, 2024 11:41 AM

Feb 2011
Reply to Cielord

(Character limit)
@Cielord Nice image. Ironically, we are at a point where a machine can 'understand' the culture better and has more respect for it than so-called professionals (who by all rights should've been fired long ago).

MTL will make honest mistakes due to its imperfections.
Localizers will vandalize a piece of foreign art on purpose.
Jul 9, 2024 11:58 AM

Jan 2021
Reply to Shizuna
@Cielord Nice image. Ironically, we are at a point where a machine can 'understand' the culture better and has more respect for it than so-called professionals (who by all rights should've been fired long ago).

MTL will make honest mistakes due to its imperfections.
Localizers will vandalize a piece of foreign art on purpose.
@Shizuna Worst thing is that purpose is not even from some misplaced thought of wanting to make it better for the watchers, but for political opinions and spite towards the people who consume the product.
Jul 9, 2024 12:05 PM

Feb 2011
Reply to Cielord
@Shizuna Worst thing is that purpose is not even from some misplaced thought of wanting to make it better for the watchers, but for political opinions and spite towards the people who consume the product.
@Cielord Definitely. Their hatred towards the art they're ruining, its fans and the country of origin is palpable.
Jul 9, 2024 3:23 PM

Jul 2015
Reply to Shizuna
@Cielord Nice image. Ironically, we are at a point where a machine can 'understand' the culture better and has more respect for it than so-called professionals (who by all rights should've been fired long ago).

MTL will make honest mistakes due to its imperfections.
Localizers will vandalize a piece of foreign art on purpose.
@Shizuna AI technology is adapting and improving so fast, that it wouldn't be surprising if within a year or two the localizations provided by AI would be perfect and completely indistinguishable from real humans. And if we add the fact, that Ai won't shoehorn any cringy, millenial jokes nor their politcal propaganda, so experiencing it won't be an anime equivalent of playing Russian Roulette.

Jul 9, 2024 4:40 PM
Nov 2013
Normally I would wait for a season to finish before binge watching, but I got curious due to the outrage over AI subs, so I watched the first episode.

I did not see anything wrong with it.

Even the "...Toky, no , Chiba mo useland..." part because she was clearly correcting herself after she said "Tokyo" and the subs wanted to reflect that.

I wasn't blown away by the episode, but I was able to understand what was going on, which is the whole point of translation.

So I think the AI subs are fine.

I imagine it'll get better once AI can translate text while referencing visuals for context.
NakuyJul 9, 2024 4:46 PM
Jul 10, 2024 8:09 AM
Sep 2012
Honestly, good riddance. Maybe this will convince the "wokelizers" to actually start trying to do their job if they don't want to lose it. AI will just get better and better in the next years.
Jul 10, 2024 2:03 PM

Apr 2013
@Senjian thank God that you do not get to speak on the behalf of French people too because you're painfully embarrassing.
Jul 18, 2024 1:19 AM

Oct 2018
I'm certain that the people cheering on for AI translation had never had to sit through an AI translated scene before. Ask anyone who had to read a VN with DeepL or sit through an machine translated Japanese game, or even had the displeasure of watching the 4 sons anime when it came out. Shit sucks ass.

And before someone says the subs are fine for Shikanoko, just know that the current English subs on CR are not AI, they are done by localizers.
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