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Jun 5, 2024 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
So Nodoka wants to become an idol but can't fully pursue her dreams because of family circumstancs. Seen too often in anime these days.

Of course, this episode wouldn't be without some shenanigans. Something felt off about that V-tuber from the start. I just hope Nodoka makes better decisions in the futuer cause anything could happen in this type of show...
Jun 5, 2024 7:43 AM

Jul 2011
The talk that Nodoka had with Uname-sensei, is the talk you have with anyone that ask you about V-tubers. So hit home.

Yes, dear viewer, Kotoka singing and the cat rave, and cat girl dance is very necessary. - Whoever wrote this episode.
Those were great.
Jun 5, 2024 8:30 AM
Sep 2015
I'm not into VTuber but this episode is very creative at using visul and audio to combine idol and horror element. Might be the best episode so far.
Jun 5, 2024 8:49 AM

Nov 2023
Another pretty good episode!
This and the last one are my favorite episodes of the show.
The Honhime (Lady of Books) story was comfy and I loved Sumireko's backstory, and this episode started very similarly to that, but when the Tsukumogami appeared it was truely horrifying!
There is only one thing bothering me. I'm not a Japanese folklore expert, but from what I know about tsukumogami they are objects that acquire a spirit. I don't know if a virtual avatar would ever be able to turn into a tsukumogami.
Other than that, I can't wait to see how the story of Nodoka continues!

(Btw what's up with the cats? Are the going to take over the world for real this time?!)
Jun 5, 2024 9:46 AM

Dec 2021
That whole scene where Yorumon comes back online and starts cheering for Nodoka was seriously creepy.

As for the cat girl... She's cute, but I get the feeling she's not very friendly. I also get the sense that she might be that VTuber.

Jun 5, 2024 10:07 AM
Mar 2015
Great insert song Cats dancing by the light of the moon
Jun 5, 2024 10:47 AM
Feb 2024
At first I was surprised, because Nodoka’s tutor seemed like a genuinely nice person. She was encouraging her, even. Even later when Nodoka couldn’t do the problems, she wasn’t upset about it, just disappointed because she knew Nodoka could do better.
But a tutor/teacher is also supposed to help their pupils realize their dreams and take steps to accomplish them- not their parent’s dreams.
I’m glad she has Uname-sensei on her side, it’s too bad she stopped confiding in her. I hope the Adashino’s and the apartment wife can help her out of this one!
Jun 5, 2024 11:26 AM

Dec 2018
This episode was quite the rollercoaster, it started out pretty cute with Nodoka singing and dancing during karaoke and getting to see what her life is like, including how how much she loves that V-Tuber Yorumun, I really liked her moment with Uname regarding Yorumun as well, can’t blame Uname for being out of touch lol. Then things got a bit sad with Yorumun retiring and Nodoka being dead inside since she just got words of support from Yorumun the day before, but then very soon after things got spooky when Yorumun resurrected despite being retired, and it only got creepier from there with Nodoka and many other fans working themselves to the point of passing out, I’d say this was probably one of the most well done horror moments in the show so far.

And with all this happening, of course Otto goes to Adashino, to which he educates us on why this stuff with Yorumon is happening, quite the interesting lore since I’m not very familiar with Youkai. But at the very end, things took a turn for the weird when we witness a cat rave with a loli cat girl at the center of it, that was something alright lol, would have liked if we could have kept the horror vibe nailed down but this show has always been a little weird, might as well make it even weirder lol, I can certainly say I’m intrigued tho.
TheColonel76Jun 5, 2024 2:08 PM
Jun 5, 2024 12:03 PM

Feb 2019
Nodoka idol performance at the karaoke spot had no reason going that hard lmao.

Well, as expected last week the whole vtuber thing would come back to literally haunt Nodoka this week. What started as a wholesome escape from the familial pressure on her quickly became something much more sinister.

While I’ve never been into vtubers, I do know they’re really popular and a lot of people just like Nodoka use them to destress and just relax after a long day of school of work. Although staying up all night watching em clearly ain’t healthy, I got nothing but respect for Uname sensei actually trying to connect with her student(s) and learn what they’re into.

She could’ve easily been an asshole and tried to punish Nodoka for sleeping thru class, but she opted to actually find out what’s going on. She’s such a good teacher that I think everyone needs in their life.

Losing your fave vtuber to a retirement has to hurt, again while I’m not into em, I definitely see it happening on twitter all the time and people are devastated. That grief for Yorumon was an easy set up for the Tsukumogami plot. Love the scene of the world filling with water and Nodoka getting lost in the ocean, symbolising her mind completely melding into the Tsukumogami’s control. And man, that last 5-6 minutes was DARK. Nodoka looked like pure death after having not slept in 4 days..

Wonder what Ren and the gang will cook up next week to save Nodoka and the others..

Still waiting patiently for the day White haired cat girl shows up in the anime properly..

PS: Yorumon kinda thick..
Marinate1016Jun 5, 2024 12:40 PM
Jun 5, 2024 12:54 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Once again the catgirl makes her appearance, but I still think that the anime is not going to cover her arc that occurs later in the manga. She's definitely a reoccurring character in this series. This was a freaky episode with a lot of dark twists and turns.
Jun 5, 2024 1:33 PM

Jan 2013
since vlogging and streaming is oversaturated, nodoka could always resort to onlyfans when she comes of age.
Jun 5, 2024 2:17 PM

Jul 2022
I really liked the scene of Nodoka singing. She clearly has talent to be an idol. Unfortunately, the pressure from her parents brings her many conflicts, and that teacher she has 😏 doesn't help with emotional matters. Now Ren has to save her, but it seems his eyes haven't recovered yet.

What the heck was that ending? Seeing the cats dancing was one of the strangest things.

Jun 5, 2024 3:31 PM

Jan 2010
my curiosity is about why vtuber had to retire at her peak popularity and if it became an evil tsukumogami it means something really bad happened.
Jun 5, 2024 5:21 PM

Nov 2023
Nice episode, the yokai Vtuber is very creepy.
The only thing I didn't appreciate was the ending with the cat girl dancer, it made me laugh... the ending ruined the horror atmosphere that had been created.

Jun 5, 2024 7:05 PM

Mar 2010
Reply to HibiChika
since vlogging and streaming is oversaturated, nodoka could always resort to onlyfans when she comes of age.
@HibiChika No need to wait uwu

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jun 5, 2024 8:23 PM

May 2019
So both Nodoka and Oto are top-tier students, at least regarding grades. Also, good thing that Oto is Nodoka's friend because Oto and her brother will figure out the curiosity that is causing this so Nodoka should be in good hands.

Btw that scene towards the end with the dancing cats was so random lol.
Jun 5, 2024 10:20 PM
Apr 2023
This is an interesting take on a Tsukumogami. It's like how Sadako moved from the VHS to Streaming format.
Also it's interesting that for this tsukumogami or what wee can also call a tsugumomo named Yorumun, they also casted Oozora Naomi to voice the tsukumogami form of Yorumun. Oozora Naomi is the same voice actress of the Kiriha, the main character of the anime adaptation of Tsugumomo, also a tsukumogami.

P.S. We got some cute animations of Nodoka and Suzu (the car girl) this episode.
Some of you might notice the cat song near the end, that it sounds like a chinese pop song. While there are modern Japanese songs which sounds very oriental, the melody of the song played is indicates the nature of the cat girl (probably a nekomata). By mythology, most if not all youkai in Japanese folklore are all believed to have come from mainland China (this is why some youkais have similar nature and name in both countries, e.g. Qilin (chinese) = Kirin (japanese))
Jun 6, 2024 1:23 AM
Apr 2024
This anime leaves you distressed, leaves you with doubts, fears and insecurities. This anime takes you out of your comfort zone by showing events that affect your psychology, mainly because it always involves children and this episode takes a heavy toll on that by showing the girl who is good at your job but not happy, and who gets to the point of giving herself over to a demon to save himself, it will be incredible to see how he will deal with this new curiosity
Jun 6, 2024 5:28 AM
Jan 2021
Vicmiceli said:
This anime leaves you distressed, leaves you with doubts, fears and insecurities. This anime takes you out of your comfort zone by showing events that affect your psychology, mainly because it always involves children and this episode takes a heavy toll on that by showing the girl who is good at your job but not happy, and who gets to the point of giving herself over to a demon to save himself, it will be incredible to see how he will deal with this new curiosity

Basically 10/10, Naruto give me the same fealing but at the end was happy I enjoyed the Greatness! kaii to Otome to Kamikakushi to the Top
Jun 6, 2024 6:34 AM

Feb 2020
Vtuber rooting on you until you death? Seems like a legit rl curse as well since you know what i mean. Same with Oto little friend that dream as an idol, four nights without a sleep to fulfill all the needs, and she become a zombie later....

I like how enthusiast Ren with Oto request to save her little friend. His eyes opened widely, signing off some good plot coming next week, i hope. Especially since perhaps those catgirl also might doing something for real to these case as well. So, alongside those random cat dance in the end, which honestly caught me off guard, i still wishing for more randomness coming next....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 6, 2024 6:40 AM

Feb 2020
Reply to tekkenshu7
This is an interesting take on a Tsukumogami. It's like how Sadako moved from the VHS to Streaming format.
Also it's interesting that for this tsukumogami or what wee can also call a tsugumomo named Yorumun, they also casted Oozora Naomi to voice the tsukumogami form of Yorumun. Oozora Naomi is the same voice actress of the Kiriha, the main character of the anime adaptation of Tsugumomo, also a tsukumogami.

P.S. We got some cute animations of Nodoka and Suzu (the car girl) this episode.
Some of you might notice the cat song near the end, that it sounds like a chinese pop song. While there are modern Japanese songs which sounds very oriental, the melody of the song played is indicates the nature of the cat girl (probably a nekomata). By mythology, most if not all youkai in Japanese folklore are all believed to have come from mainland China (this is why some youkais have similar nature and name in both countries, e.g. Qilin (chinese) = Kirin (japanese))
@tekkenshu7 sorry for replying randomly on you, but damn you right, dude. About Tsukumogami talk here, Tsugumomo and Yorumun va, Oozora Naomi. I forgot, i actually like those tsugumomo show, and hoping for more season of it ngl.
Nice catch!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jun 6, 2024 1:22 PM
Aug 2018
The only cat dance we need :
(and the tsugomono has the same seiyuu that Chio-chan)
Jun 6, 2024 1:26 PM
May 2024
chill episode like always, i didin't see the time going soo ok
Jun 6, 2024 6:34 PM
Apr 2023
Reply to Rukodaime91
The only cat dance we need :
(and the tsugomono has the same seiyuu that Chio-chan)
true - Oozora Naomi is actually the same main voice actress of another tsugumomo, Kiriha, in the anime adaptation of Tsugumomo.
Jun 6, 2024 6:36 PM
Apr 2023
Reply to badabass
@tekkenshu7 sorry for replying randomly on you, but damn you right, dude. About Tsukumogami talk here, Tsugumomo and Yorumun va, Oozora Naomi. I forgot, i actually like those tsugumomo show, and hoping for more season of it ngl.
Nice catch!

Yep - she is one of my favorite voice actresses and one I will always recognize in any anime 😉
Jun 6, 2024 6:52 PM
Jan 2020
Great episode, the cats at the end just made it even better
Jun 6, 2024 10:01 PM
Jan 2020
They can't even animate a character properly running and they decided to flex this episode
RonninnJun 6, 2024 10:18 PM
Jun 6, 2024 11:21 PM

May 2022
Reply to tekkenshu7
This is an interesting take on a Tsukumogami. It's like how Sadako moved from the VHS to Streaming format.
Also it's interesting that for this tsukumogami or what wee can also call a tsugumomo named Yorumun, they also casted Oozora Naomi to voice the tsukumogami form of Yorumun. Oozora Naomi is the same voice actress of the Kiriha, the main character of the anime adaptation of Tsugumomo, also a tsukumogami.

P.S. We got some cute animations of Nodoka and Suzu (the car girl) this episode.
Some of you might notice the cat song near the end, that it sounds like a chinese pop song. While there are modern Japanese songs which sounds very oriental, the melody of the song played is indicates the nature of the cat girl (probably a nekomata). By mythology, most if not all youkai in Japanese folklore are all believed to have come from mainland China (this is why some youkais have similar nature and name in both countries, e.g. Qilin (chinese) = Kirin (japanese))

Thats really awesome to know! Nice catch.

And geez! this episode was amazing. The animation was superb, the plot really engaging and charming as usual! I see now why the score went up a bit.

That said the score needs to go up much higher; this show is quality and quality needs to be appreciated/supported.

Oh and yes Oozora Naomi is one of my most favorite voice actors too! she is so good.
LordKirkisJun 6, 2024 11:48 PM
Jun 7, 2024 12:02 AM

Oct 2018
certainly one of the episodes ever. Was not expecting that dance routine there at the end xD
Jun 7, 2024 5:13 AM

Mar 2008
Nodoka-chan was too good at the karaoke

Ugh her family sucks putting that pressure and expectations on her.

Ahh so the Vtuber model became a yokai from being discarded.

Grecefar said:
my curiosity is about why vtuber had to retire at her peak popularity and if it became an evil tsukumogami it means something really bad happened.

It's just from going to disuse or being discarded prematurely in this case an abrupt leave of the person behind it which angers the spirit. A tsukumogami becomes a yokai in such cases if I understand correctly.
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Jun 7, 2024 6:41 AM

Oct 2022
That tutor sucks. I figured that streamer was a curiosity, but... idk, I was kinda hoping it was a good one. Wait, so did the live stream character become a curiosity?

Jun 7, 2024 6:47 AM

Aug 2022
interesting thing I saw on the internet about this great anime:
Jun 7, 2024 7:19 AM

Oct 2017
Ye it was a tsukumogami and one that drives her fans crazy overworkers. Talking about overwork, Ren's gonna get himself killed at this rate. Why does Oto and Sumireko can't see how bad his condition is? What was that neko dance btw, cute though.
Jun 7, 2024 10:10 AM
Nov 2022
0:19 The name at the bottom rank is a reference to Higurashi?

河野 一二三 → (Kouno Hifumi) change the first symbol

高野 一二三 → (Takano Hifumi)

Seems too coincidental, you don't see people literally named 123 everyday XD. I wonder what other references were thrown in, that i have missed, due to my poor command of Japanese Kanji 😭
Jun 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Apr 2012
So, we actually got a local version of The Ring, only with a cursed YouTuber character instead of a cursed videotape? What an interesting meta commentary on the intersection of Japanese folklore and Japanese urban legends.
Jun 7, 2024 6:02 PM
Apr 2023
Reply to LordKirkis

Thats really awesome to know! Nice catch.

And geez! this episode was amazing. The animation was superb, the plot really engaging and charming as usual! I see now why the score went up a bit.

That said the score needs to go up much higher; this show is quality and quality needs to be appreciated/supported.

Oh and yes Oozora Naomi is one of my most favorite voice actors too! she is so good.
@LordKirkis yeah when they cast Oozora Naomi as main, the character really becomes alive (Uzaki, Jahy, Kiriha, Maou in one-room hero).

This episode really was stretching the director and studio's skills - it really was fun to watch
Jun 8, 2024 1:58 AM
Oct 2023
Really good and weird episode. The singing and dancing threw me off for a moment. But I like the decision to turn it to something dark and sinister. Loving the anime so far!
Jun 8, 2024 3:34 AM
Sep 2021
Idol dance, Furry dance all covered with a supernatural twist.
Jun 8, 2024 11:11 PM

Sep 2011
i had a good chuckle with the creeper vtuber money scene. umame-sensei is such a good sport (pun-intended). at least she tried tossing the basketball into the hoop while giving nodoka some advice. i feel her pain on that regard, especially having little to no knowledge about vtubers when you have no/little interest in them. when nodoka brought oto to her place, i was literally screaming "you shouldn't have brought oto to your place." i had a feeling the marker would appear thx to the creeper vtuber. nodoka's parents and tutor sucks for putting the unnecessary extra pressure on a 13/14-year school girl who probably (in nodoka's case, do) have different dreams and expectations than the adults. nodoka's parents are barely mentioned in the anime and i already don't like them many thx to this arc. the neko scene at end is oddly weird and random that may or may not have a point/connection later. hopefully we'll know more about this mysterious neko person in the upcoming episodes.
Jun 9, 2024 9:56 PM
Sep 2020
this has to be the underrated anime for this season
Jun 10, 2024 12:42 AM

Apr 2015
The concept of vtuber data turning into tsukumogami is one I would never have thought of, feels pretty original to me
Jun 11, 2024 6:39 PM

Jan 2011
i was not ready for this episode for a show that could hardly animate most things to suddenly have such a glow up for dancing had me shooked just like the vtuber's return scene first time this show got pretty creepy it really likes to let your guard down with how SoL and chill it is then it goes full weird

we have totally normalized the usage of Vtubers in the media now huh this was a neat twist of using it
Jun 13, 2024 11:12 PM

Jul 2017
Oto and the girls going to karaoke to celebrate the end of their tests, and Nodoka's quite the singer enough that she could become a legitimate idol. But nope, she's the daughter of the Chairman of Takamagahara Hospital, who has to live within the high expectations of her family, finding it no fun at all, and only having the mermaid VTuber Himeuo Yorumun as her only comfort of solace. Too bad that Oto completely ignored her singing when she's ordering food, and the VTuber segment is actually quite engaging, even if we're seeing through Nodoka's lens. Uname-sensei's understanding is quite different, though theoretically speaking they're the same, but she's still worried and also optimistic that Nodoka is able to reach her dreams.

Nodoka in pure depression when she hears that Yorumun is retiring at the height of her popularity, and the world means nothing to her. But Yorumun coming to Nodoka not as a stream, but as a Curiosity after lighting up her life, she's doing well, although her abnormality is clearly being witnessed by Oto, with similar cases happening thereafter of hardcore fans unconsciously fainting like Nodoka. The talk about tsukumogami comes back to haunt them, and it's Tsukumogami Ebami who's using digital data to harm the very lives of people.

The cat dance...was just weird lols, with the same white-haired catgirl character. Will be she important to the anime at the very least?
Jun 16, 2024 1:51 PM
Apr 2021
Ok WHAT WAS THAT!? I was wondering why this episode was heavily focused on Nodoka not that I had a problem with it she’s cute asf I love her but I was surprised she was getting screentime and what unfolded during the second half of this episode was CRAZYYYYY😳

I also realized that Himeou was in the opening the entire time I just thought that she was a random character in the opening cause they appear for like a split second so I thought this character wouldn’t be much

Himeou Yorumun is a fucking disaster level threat with how she be treating her fans after she announced her “retirement” it seems like she’s taking the life force out of her fans by making not sleep and focus on their dreams and the part where Nodoka asked her a question and from Himeou POV she’s looking right at Nodoka like bro that’s scary asf like what’s her extent of her powers bro😭😭😭😭

That cat dance at the end had me fucking laughing and surprised and intrigued all at once bc finally we get to see the cat girl from the opening but I AINT KNOW SHE BE PARTYING WITH FUCKING LITERAL CATS hahaha she made the episode for me man ong😭🤣😭🤣😭😭

Yo lowkey Nodoka has a young looking face like Oto but ngl why she got body tho???🫣😩

Jul 11, 2024 10:30 PM
Oct 2019
A great episode. Great depiction of a vtuber. I have watched many vtubers indie, hololive, niji, and vshojo. This episode nail the head of what a vtuber would be and how funny the chat can be. Especially those donos with no messages
Aug 5, 2024 11:05 PM
Apr 2023
Cat dance on TOP !!

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