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Jan 22, 2024 10:11 AM
Apr 2021
I'd believe not reality, but fantasy.
Jan 22, 2024 10:11 AM
Apr 2021
I'd believe not reality, but fantasy.
Jan 22, 2024 11:29 AM
Apr 2023
They do.

I am a shy and creepy loner, but had one of the most popular girl in our class as a girlfriend (twice actually on different classes, but the first one didn't last long). The key is to impress them with any of your talent. Be respectful and to always show her she is appreciated.

Because after you leave school, she will know many more people, and there is a higher chance she will like someone else.
Jan 22, 2024 1:33 PM

Sep 2018
It's fantasy of course.

But it's a beautiful and heart warming one

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jan 23, 2024 12:28 PM
Feb 2018
She didn't fell for "shy and creepy", she fell for nice and thoughtful.
Jan 23, 2024 2:21 PM

Apr 2020
Let me get this straight: IF you're the weirdo, in your school, fantasizing about slashing your classmates, with the knife you carry at all times, for laughing at really, really should not and would not be interesting to this kind of girl. Even IF she existed^^

She's a device. A storytelling device to make boys in equal situations feel good. That's pretty much it.
That's the beauty of Anime. You can, sometimes, escape and self insert.

But let's be real: There is no Hottie waiting for the short, self-absorbed, sociopathic creep to show up at her door, in the real world^^
Merve2LoveJan 23, 2024 2:26 PM
Jan 23, 2024 4:07 PM
Aug 2021
Reply to Pablo_Neruda1
itaha_shaikh said:
Pablo_Neruda1 said:

nah homie. its fantasy. girls are almost the same in real life.

Ayo Pablo Neruda I read one of ur poems.

is that so? thank you very much.
@Pablo_Neruda1 right on man, nice to see you coming around again, it doesn't seem surprising at all to me, really, that an anime message board would be among your regular haunts... the grave looks cold, from up here I mean, but hope at least your feet are staying warm
My feet were
two woolen
in those outrageous socks,
two gangly,
navy-blue sharks
on a golden thread.
two giant blackbirds,
two cannons:
were my feet
They were beautiful
I found my feet
for the very first time,
like two crusty old
firemen, firemen
of that embroidered
those incandescent
Jan 23, 2024 6:14 PM
Dec 2022
redkite_4 said:
@Pablo_Neruda1 right on man, nice to see you coming around again, it doesn't seem surprising at all to me, really, that an anime message board would be among your regular haunts... the grave looks cold, from up here I mean, but hope at least your feet are staying warm
My feet were
two woolen
in those outrageous socks,
two gangly,
navy-blue sharks
on a golden thread.
two giant blackbirds,
two cannons:
were my feet
They were beautiful
I found my feet
for the very first time,
like two crusty old
firemen, firemen
of that embroidered
those incandescent

hm, quite the unpredictable individual you are.
Jan 23, 2024 6:49 PM

Apr 2022
fantasy of course, nobody sane would want a short creep in real life. especially not with that whole emo vibe. well, maybe short might be passable if you're confident enough but emo creep, definitely not.
Jan 23, 2024 7:56 PM
Jul 2021
Ye. In your dreams.
Jan 23, 2024 8:32 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to Piromysl
They do, but they are basically unicorns. Mythical creatures, that some even question very existence.
You may thank social media and radical feminism for their near extinction.

Men and women who neither stick out because of their bashfulness or creepiness tend to not have romantic success just seems like obvious cause and effect, especially as an adult. If people do not know one exists, how can they be attracted to these sorts of people? Putting ourselves out there is not just basic advice, it is an essential prerequisite for establishing any sort of healthy relationship. Alongside not giving off creepy vibes, depending on what is meant by creepy vibes.

I do think these situations are more common among children and teenagers since they are forced to be in the same building with one another, whereas adults and college students are not compelled as much to be with one another outside of heir own volition. Of course, being pretty attractive with a certain aesthetic is a huge boost, do not get me wrong.
PeripheralVisionJan 23, 2024 8:35 PM
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp

“Like poking a strange horny animal with a stick”

-Fleurbleue the incredibly beautiful and sadistic Québécois
Jan 23, 2024 8:51 PM
Jul 2014
What is even the question exactly? Do early bloomers in middle school exist? Yeah, they do. Do extroverted girls like introverted guys? Yeah, many of them do. Are there girls who are not superficial? Well, yeah. Does height matter? For many yeah, but they are in middle school and are just hitting puberty so who cares about the height at this point?

Jan 23, 2024 8:57 PM

Aug 2014
The true answer to this question is they don't exist, simply because 3D girls aren't as pretty as 2D. It's all propaganda created by the woke Americans. To make people like their Hollywood celebrities rather than anime waifus. I for one will never fall for such a diabolical trap
Jan 24, 2024 1:03 AM

Oct 2014
Its fantasy. Atleast here in my country.
And youre post actually landed a reality check to me. As a degenerate, I realize how pathetic I am; a 32 year old unattractive greasy dude. Yes I have a nice job but thats it. I dont go to parties. I spend my money on steam games (ofcourse I help my family and Im proud of it).

I dont get it because girls love nice guy. I'm pretty sure I'm a nice guy (never been in trouble or cheat with a girl) but girls prefer bad boys. I never first move to girls because I respect their privacy. I always give them personal space, hence why I dont have luck with girls.

Again, @Zarutaku. This post hit me with reality check. Girls like Yamada dont exist.
Jan 24, 2024 9:23 AM
Mar 2021
saikyozero said:
They do.

I am a shy and creepy loner, but had one of the most popular girl in our class as a girlfriend (twice actually on different classes, but the first one didn't last long). The key is to impress them with any of your talent. Be respectful and to always show her she is appreciated.

Because after you leave school, she will know many more people, and there is a higher chance she will like someone else.

Jan 24, 2024 10:37 AM

Jul 2022
Damn the poll is very close ngl..

Jan 25, 2024 5:07 PM
May 2015
No, it's all fantasy that's why this show is popular and why i don't like it cause this scenario would never happen irl, have you never been in school? I have never seen a popular girl dating a loser/serial killer looking dude. They prob won't even speak to them.
Jan 25, 2024 10:53 PM
Jun 2023
Reply to AkioKT
No, it's all fantasy that's why this show is popular and why i don't like it cause this scenario would never happen irl, have you never been in school? I have never seen a popular girl dating a loser/serial killer looking dude. They prob won't even speak to them.
@AkioKT did you even watch the show lil bro?? No one in his class think him as a creepy, also her father look similar to him ofc she would like to dating someone who look like her father, also he's smart and considerate. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of girl that would like to date him in rl
Jan 25, 2024 10:54 PM

Nov 2013
Of course they exist. Believe it!11!!
Feb 2, 2024 4:25 PM
Dec 2018
“Sigh” (character limit)
Feb 2, 2024 5:53 PM
Aug 2023
maybe or maybe not.this show indeed satifies my fantasy about love
Feb 3, 2024 12:18 AM
Feb 2023
i think they do exist but are really rare and dude you don’t even know what kind of people are there in this stupid world anything can happen anyone can be any kind of person wierd kind short tempered emo or anything they like so people like Yamada can really exist.just try to prove me wrong but i will still believe people like Yamada exist.since i have started watching anime i can know how to dream not like some people.
Apr 25, 2024 5:32 PM
Jan 2009
Well they say fiction is born from reality so maybe not 0%. I'd like to believe it exists which is why this show is exciting and enjoyable.
May 17, 2024 11:16 PM

Aug 2011
There seems to be this association that just because someone is shy and introverted that makes them creepy. It doesn't, and by that same token "attractive" girls is based on perception. Everyone has different things they're attracted to/find attractive. I don't think its "fantasy" as some have made it out to be. Like another user mentioned... compatibility with the person is key. It is 100% possible for an extroverted girl to fall in love with an introverted guy. Does it happen all the time? Probably not, but it does happen.

Personalities like Yamada's probably exist, but not the romanticized version that anime likes to show (and that's okay) it's a fun hobby we all enjoy because some things about it can be unrealistic. That doesn't mean some of these things don't happen. Do you know how many times I've been frustrated by drama in rom-com asking why such situations obviously escalate to misunderstandings? Fact of the matter is, those tropes happen all the time in the real world. People misunderstand, don't communicate well, and are all too eager to assume things that aren't based in fact.

A very long-winded way of saying: stay positive about things, it's doable!
"Even if the morrow is barren of promises... nothing shall forestall my return!"

May 18, 2024 1:36 AM

Sep 2016
ReverentStigma said:
There seems to be this association that just because someone is shy and introverted that makes them creepy.

Not necessarily, but it just so happens that Ichikawa is personated as both shy and creepy, especially at the beginning.
May 20, 2024 8:57 AM
Oct 2018
A joke as dark as it's stupid below. You've been warned.

May 21, 2024 12:27 AM

Sep 2013
Reply to Scootboi
Bro, no.

No 6'5" ish tall girl is fawning over the 5'2 manlet SS.

Best of luck bro
Scootboi said:
6'5" ish tall girl

Her character page on MAL says 171.9cm which is only like 5'7, pretty average height for a guy (after your growth spurt).
May 21, 2024 12:55 AM

Feb 2011
Reply to soundtoxin
Scootboi said:
6'5" ish tall girl

Her character page on MAL says 171.9cm which is only like 5'7, pretty average height for a guy (after your growth spurt).
@soundtoxin i was only going off of ichikawa's size lol, dude must be like 4'9"
May 21, 2024 1:54 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to Scootboi
@soundtoxin i was only going off of ichikawa's size lol, dude must be like 4'9"
@Scootboi he was 152 cm or 5'0 in s1 and 158 cm (5'2) in s2, he still has some growth spurt and he isn't lucky, Yamada is actually the lucky one here.
May 21, 2024 1:58 AM

Feb 2011
Reply to Wickjohn31
@Scootboi he was 152 cm or 5'0 in s1 and 158 cm (5'2) in s2, he still has some growth spurt and he isn't lucky, Yamada is actually the lucky one here.
@Wickjohn31 the anime definitely makes yamada seem like a giant compared to him, if she's 5'7 and he's 5'2 she looks way over a mere 5 inches taller than him lol
Jun 5, 2024 8:22 AM

Apr 2013
They do exist, I know beautiful women who fell for weird guys who are not conventionally handsome. I can probably count the ones I know on one hand though, so they are rare.
Usually people get together with partners "on their level".
Jun 23, 2024 7:17 AM
Jan 2018
the real fantasy of this show is that a girl who is eating sweets 24/7 is also a model haha
Jul 26, 2024 8:49 AM

Mar 2019
Seeing the votes almost even is the most baffling thing I've seen this year.
Sep 4, 2024 9:29 PM
Feb 2019
Shy and creepy, but you must be attractive by your talents or other characteristics. And everyone is attracted by different characteristics.
Sep 5, 2024 4:12 AM

Sep 2016
xMyst93 said:
Seeing the votes almost even is the most baffling thing I've seen this year.

Why baffling? You think one of the 2 options should be dominating? Which one?
Sep 9, 2024 1:13 AM

Nov 2018
Is this one of those local incel conventions? Genuinely seems like people here don't go outside and believe anime characters are far more attractive than all real women who are all mercantile 304 looking for tall, attractive jock bfs, not smart and decently moral introverts. There are enough people like Yamada, you don't need to turn your waifu into reality to be happy in life, just start getting yourself out there more like Ichikawa. He would still be perceived as an asocial creep if he hadn't started showing his good sides to people around him and gradually getting recognised as a cool and likable guy.
I hate everyone equally
Dec 16, 2024 9:34 AM

Sep 2019
This thread is hilarious
Dec 18, 2024 12:19 AM
Feb 2021
If you pigeonhole Anna mainly as an attractive popular girl just admit you're irl Adachi and take the L

Also Ichikawa is adorable. The number of moe sounds my boy makes is off the charts
Dec 22, 2024 1:49 PM

Jan 2016
From my personal experience, I have to say yes, it exists. But such a girl does not fall in love with a boy's shy and loner aspects but with his good and kind personality. And of course, this happens when the girl can imagine a good future for the boy. (For example, the boy is a good student and can get good grades, which was the case with Ichikawa, and his grades were good)

But despite that, this was not unrealistic for me. Rather, what was unrealistic for me about this anime is that no girl can fall in love with a boy shorter than her (I have nothing to do with exceptions). Because girls are obsessed with height, the height of a boy is considered a top priority. it is important for them that the boy is taller than them. I have probably talked to a hundred girls about this so far, and there was no single case where a girl said she would be willing to have a romantic relationship with a shorter boy. Some even said they hated boys who were shorter than them.
saeed1mDec 22, 2024 2:28 PM
Dec 22, 2024 2:47 PM

Sep 2016
saeed1m said:
From my personal experience, I have to say yes, it exists. But such a girl does not fall in love with a boy's shy and loner aspects but with his good and kind personality. And of course, this happens when the girl can imagine a good future for the boy. (For example, the boy is a good student and can get good grades, which was the case with Kyotaro, and his grades were good)
But despite that, this was not unrealistic for me. Rather, what was unrealistic for me about this anime is that no girl can fall in love with a boy shorter than her (I have nothing to do with exceptions). Because girls are obsessed with height, the height of a boy is considered a top priority. it is important for them that the boy is taller than them. I have probably talked to a hundred girls about this so far, and there was no single case where a girl said she would be willing to have a romantic relationship with a shorter boy. Some even said they hated boys who were shorter than them.

Even though I'm tall myself I find it really sad that short guys are so cooked in this world, such a sad preference of most ladies to only want taller guys.
I would really like to see more tall girl x short boy couples in anime, to restore my faith in humanity.
Dec 26, 2024 1:27 AM
Aug 2019
even if you find them, they aren't as pretty as yamada, so wake up to reality
Jan 27, 8:04 AM

Dec 2013
Reply to Scootboi
Bro, no.

No 6'5" ish tall girl is fawning over the 5'2 manlet SS.

Best of luck bro
@Scootboi Who hurt you bro? Im jooking.
It can happen, trust me on that. But, its ultra rare. When people go look for true connection and not other shallow things (in a way, is also a theme of the series) it can happen, but it must come from both sides, not only the girl/woman that needs to close her eyes in the shallow things, alot men also have the fantasy of getting someone like Yamada, but they only see her shallow part. "She is pretty and nice". For example, Ichikawa loved that she loves her work and that side of her and in the end, wanting her to go for the audition, instead of spending the rest of the trip with him. There is lessons here, that is why these series is so good. It can happen, but, like i said, its ultra rare.

In a way, i saw me alot in Ichikawa when i was younger in a phase (but i also was older then him, guess my rebelious phase was in high school).
Jan 27, 12:55 PM

Feb 2011
Reply to Viriathus
@Scootboi Who hurt you bro? Im jooking.
It can happen, trust me on that. But, its ultra rare. When people go look for true connection and not other shallow things (in a way, is also a theme of the series) it can happen, but it must come from both sides, not only the girl/woman that needs to close her eyes in the shallow things, alot men also have the fantasy of getting someone like Yamada, but they only see her shallow part. "She is pretty and nice". For example, Ichikawa loved that she loves her work and that side of her and in the end, wanting her to go for the audition, instead of spending the rest of the trip with him. There is lessons here, that is why these series is so good. It can happen, but, like i said, its ultra rare.

In a way, i saw me alot in Ichikawa when i was younger in a phase (but i also was older then him, guess my rebelious phase was in high school).
@Viriathus I only have a small limit for copium so I cant fit that in there

but as a fellow man I wish you luck
Jan 27, 1:24 PM

Dec 2013
Scootboi said:
@Viriathus I only have a small limit for copium so I cant fit that in there

but as a fellow man I wish you luck

Bro... I live with the mother of my child. Im not in need of copium in that topic.
Feb 4, 12:18 AM
Oct 2018
I made a post under the first season where I explained why she fell for him. First, he's portrayed as super handsome, second he's acted mostly cold to her while showing some affection here and there, that's a classical push-pull. So of course there are girls that fall for guys who don't show any interest in them (especially if the girl is hot), they want to get their attention and when they do respond the girl feels like she "won him over" rather than the other way around.
Feb 4, 4:38 PM
Jan 2024
Reply to MyOwnGod
I made a post under the first season where I explained why she fell for him. First, he's portrayed as super handsome, second he's acted mostly cold to her while showing some affection here and there, that's a classical push-pull. So of course there are girls that fall for guys who don't show any interest in them (especially if the girl is hot), they want to get their attention and when they do respond the girl feels like she "won him over" rather than the other way around.
@MyOwnGod It depends on the type of girl, Anna is quite attractive and she knows it, she likes to show off her physique and is proud of it, she even uses her physique to seduce the guy she likes without first confirming that he feels the same for her, but don't get me wrong, she doesn't live on male attention, in fact, it is a factor that generates anxiety and an identity crisis for her because she knows that men see her mostly sexually, She also fears that people are so superficial with her just because she is beautiful, that they forgive her everything and do not judge or correct her if she makes a mistake, she knows she does not have a natural talent or something that makes her stand out (unlike the male protagonist) and she understands that the opportunities she has had in life are only thanks to her looks.

People believe that attractive or very beautiful people do not suffer in life, but the superficial way they are perceived is quite sad, Anna Yamada represents that very well, not in vain, she fell in love with that man who shows ambition, who shows talent with his environment, social skills and emotional intelligence, those skills she lacks, besides being that man who treats her as a human being and not as a sexual object, the one who makes her laugh and makes her feel protected. (In fact she says in one occasion that she admires and respects him, that he is her pride).

On the other hand, other attractive girls live off the attention of men, but the vast majority of these did not have a father and seek to fill that void and paternal validity in some way.

About the psychological factor you hit the nail on the head, I don't know why it is not talked about how well written it is and how realistic it is.

EDIT: I have a very attractive friend, she is promiscuous and lives her sexuality freely without romantic attachment of course, her explanation to this is that she knows that she attracts the attention of men and takes advantage of that to live her sexuality in her own way, she is an educated girl and from a good family but she has never had a stable relationship with someone.

The truth is, you don't know what kind of person a girl will be once you get to know her.

kleb90Feb 4, 4:50 PM
Feb 4, 10:34 PM

Aug 2020
Go outside and find out.
Feb 5, 1:47 AM
Sep 2022
Sometimes the guy who's not openly drooling all over a girl is the one that she wants to be with. Not often, though. I think the fact that Anna is so tall actually makes this more realistic. She literally has a different perspective on things - she can see a lot more of what the boys are doing than most girls can and boys that age are pretty repulsive to girls who are smart, and I think Anna is pretty smart. She certainly has carefully orchestrated the story so far.
Feb 5, 2:01 AM
Jan 2025
her yamadad would mess you up if you did get her
Feb 5, 7:16 AM
Oct 2018
Reply to ZinniaSkylark
her yamadad would mess you up if you did get her
@ZinniaSkylark Wtf are you talking about? He's one of the chillest dads in anime. He even shares game IDs with a guy who's his daughter's love interest.
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