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Mar 6, 6:05 AM
Mar 2023
I’m not sure how many of you remember this older romance anime which is not actually bad. I know that is not one of the current animes, but one of the characters Miyabi made me mad to the point, that I need to re-open discussion on this topic.

To be fair I didn’t like her from start because of her arrogance and thinking too highly of herself. In first like 10-12 episodes she needs constantly disturb relationship of Aoi and Kaoru, because noone wants to fuck her. As show goes on I get used to her little bit and she became even bearable, but her reason of hating Kaoru reverted my point of view on her almost back to the start.

Her reasoning of hating Kaoru (she told him so while driving a car on a way to Aoi) was that she basically used to be jealous of his relationship with Aoi and her thinking of him. Yet when she met him with anticipations of how Kaoru will be like, she was displeased because he left his family and lived like an average university student on his own YES he left his family which torn him off his mother while being a child, beats him to the point of having extensive scars and controling his life. I respect him for this, that he left a rich family which terrorized him to live his own life, rather than suffer it through and rely on his family name.

In addition he was still depressed, but he was normal part-timing average person on university not some piece of a shit of a guy.
Only because her place of growing up and having easier life she has that audacity of hating him for no apparent reason.
I would wish that same things happened to her in past I would love to see her speaking like this after all this tormenting.

I’m glad that she at least little bit understands Aoi reasoning that she doesn’t care if Kaoru is from rich family with a good name or he’s average working person as long as he loves her and can take care of them.

Well in the end she is not a bad of a person, but her point of view is such narrow and twisted, that it’s impossible for me to emphatize with her or even like her. I still haven’t watched 2nd season and maybe my opinion of her will change, but that’s just WHAT IF for now.

What are you’re thoughts about her?

Mar 6, 6:17 AM

Feb 2018

Ai Yori Aoshi is one of my All-Time Top Favorites♥ virtually unique in how pure-hearted in is well-meaning nature, straight to it's Core.

the side-arc of Aoi and family breaking through Miyabi's rigid professional shell is already touching enough...
yet this Beautiful Series has so very much more still to offer.

Simply Stated... Ai Yori Aoshi is Love♥

Mar 6, 6:48 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to MasterTasuke

Ai Yori Aoshi is one of my All-Time Top Favorites♥ virtually unique in how pure-hearted in is well-meaning nature, straight to it's Core.

the side-arc of Aoi and family breaking through Miyabi's rigid professional shell is already touching enough...
yet this Beautiful Series has so very much more still to offer.

Simply Stated... Ai Yori Aoshi is Love♥

Yea it’s really slow-paced heart-waming show, but Myiabi isn’t type of character which I would like so far.
I haven’t seen side-arc so far, so hopefully my opinion of her will get better throughout this arc.

Lot of this older romance shows has often some nostalgic/comfortable savor.
I felt the same way as you spoke about while watching Aa Megami-sama!, Onegai Teacher or old Tenchi Muyo!

Mar 6, 7:01 AM
Jul 2018
My favorite girl was the American one (Tina).
Mar 6, 7:18 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to removed-user
My favorite girl was the American one (Tina).
She is funny as hell! Probably my second best after Aoi.
Mar 6, 7:19 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
I remember watching it in the mid 2000s when I was like 14-15. I liked the opening/ending songs a lot. I also liked the first few episodes, since it were pretty much the only episodes where their romantic relationship progressed. And then the anime took a nosedive into the typical forced drama + cockblocking + pointless comedy to distract the viewer from the fact that there's no romance development between the main duo. I'm gonna re-watch the series eventually since I have it on my hard drive, so I can give it a more objective rating. Back when I was a teenager, I would rate most stuff between 6-10. Yes, I used to be like most people on MAL who for some reason refuse to use the full 1-10 scale when rating anime. Good thing I wisened up, unlike most of the watchers here.
Mar 6, 8:03 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to BigBoyAdvance
I remember watching it in the mid 2000s when I was like 14-15. I liked the opening/ending songs a lot. I also liked the first few episodes, since it were pretty much the only episodes where their romantic relationship progressed. And then the anime took a nosedive into the typical forced drama + cockblocking + pointless comedy to distract the viewer from the fact that there's no romance development between the main duo. I'm gonna re-watch the series eventually since I have it on my hard drive, so I can give it a more objective rating. Back when I was a teenager, I would rate most stuff between 6-10. Yes, I used to be like most people on MAL who for some reason refuse to use the full 1-10 scale when rating anime. Good thing I wisened up, unlike most of the watchers here.
@BigBoyAdvance Well cockblocking is thing that bothers me as well, but if I understand the situation in 23th episode well, I think they actually made love at last. Situation that practically prevents their relationship to grow properly is living with another 4-5 girls, but yeah theme is Harem so such thing was obvious. On the other hand in terms of average harem qualities it’s like heaven and hell.

It’s solid heart-warming romance which is easy to like, if you turn a blind eye to a few mistakes. It’s deffinitely not some kind of masterpiece in my opinion, but no doubt it’s show of certain qualities. As I said there is something about these older romance animes.

I would recommend to you to give it a shot again.
7/10 for me
Mar 6, 8:11 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Reply to Shabo-kun
@BigBoyAdvance Well cockblocking is thing that bothers me as well, but if I understand the situation in 23th episode well, I think they actually made love at last. Situation that practically prevents their relationship to grow properly is living with another 4-5 girls, but yeah theme is Harem so such thing was obvious. On the other hand in terms of average harem qualities it’s like heaven and hell.

It’s solid heart-warming romance which is easy to like, if you turn a blind eye to a few mistakes. It’s deffinitely not some kind of masterpiece in my opinion, but no doubt it’s show of certain qualities. As I said there is something about these older romance animes.

I would recommend to you to give it a shot again.
7/10 for me
No way it's a 7/10 considering all the pointless shit it has going on for 20 episodes. 5/10 is already too generous.
Mar 6, 8:15 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to BigBoyAdvance
No way it's a 7/10 considering all the pointless shit it has going on for 20 episodes. 5/10 is already too generous.
Well it didn’t bother me to this point, but 100 people 100 tastes. :)
Mar 6, 8:30 AM

Jun 2019
I watched both S1 and S2 back in October last year and quite liked the romance in S1, it was an adult setting, the main couple were set up from the beginning, no will they, won't they, and they even spend the night together the end of S1, which was arranged by Miyabi if memory serves. Yes Miyabi was a bit stuck up, but she saw how happy Kaoru made Aoi so ended up supporting them, against the wishes of the family.

The person who annoyed me most was Aoi herself. Her whole personality was wanting to serve Kaoru and make him happy, there was nothing else to her, and her entire being was devoted to his happiness. She had no personality or interests beyond Kaoru, which is just a bit extreme, almost bordering on yandere, but without the physical violent tendencies.

And S2 was pretty crap. For some reason, despite getting engaged, Kaoru and Aoi have to keep the relationship a secret because the family company haven't approved. One of the poorest excuses to keep the harem status quo I've ever seen. Why on earth would the family company have a say in a marriage. I'd say give S2 a miss, it was pretty rubbish.
Mar 6, 8:42 AM

Sep 2008
I remember seeing Ai Yori Aoshi in the 2000s. The main thing that irked me with the series was that the harem element felt largely unnecessary, as you could have just mainly focused on Aoi and Kaoru's relationship and the two dealing with their families having issue with the relationship. The series still dabbles into that at points, especially later in the manga. But the harem element just feels largely shoehorned in.

As for Miyabi, I didn't mind her character. One vital element in the series that worked for me was her gradual acceptance of Kaoru potentially being Aoi's husband when she came to realize the genuine feelings both had for one another.
Mar 6, 12:02 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to 23feanor
I watched both S1 and S2 back in October last year and quite liked the romance in S1, it was an adult setting, the main couple were set up from the beginning, no will they, won't they, and they even spend the night together the end of S1, which was arranged by Miyabi if memory serves. Yes Miyabi was a bit stuck up, but she saw how happy Kaoru made Aoi so ended up supporting them, against the wishes of the family.

The person who annoyed me most was Aoi herself. Her whole personality was wanting to serve Kaoru and make him happy, there was nothing else to her, and her entire being was devoted to his happiness. She had no personality or interests beyond Kaoru, which is just a bit extreme, almost bordering on yandere, but without the physical violent tendencies.

And S2 was pretty crap. For some reason, despite getting engaged, Kaoru and Aoi have to keep the relationship a secret because the family company haven't approved. One of the poorest excuses to keep the harem status quo I've ever seen. Why on earth would the family company have a say in a marriage. I'd say give S2 a miss, it was pretty rubbish.
@23feanor I red similar post about season 2 on reddit while ago, so I’m hesitating if I should even give it a go. If there is zero progression in their
relationships throughout the second season it’s more no then yes. How can you have any progress at all when your relationship isn’t even offical and you are living with another 5 girls? :D

Yeah honestly I like how kind and devoted she is, but it’s basically main trait of her personality and we pretty much know nothing about her.
She should represent like classical Japanese married woman in like edo era which only purpose was to be there for he husband, that’s my impression of her. I guess she has these standards because of her family in which many things doesn’t make sense and this is one of them.

Still I would probably pick her or Tina as a best girl.

Mar 6, 12:07 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to ggultra2764
I remember seeing Ai Yori Aoshi in the 2000s. The main thing that irked me with the series was that the harem element felt largely unnecessary, as you could have just mainly focused on Aoi and Kaoru's relationship and the two dealing with their families having issue with the relationship. The series still dabbles into that at points, especially later in the manga. But the harem element just feels largely shoehorned in.

As for Miyabi, I didn't mind her character. One vital element in the series that worked for me was her gradual acceptance of Kaoru potentially being Aoi's husband when she came to realize the genuine feelings both had for one another.
@ggultra2764 I finished series with my opinion of her pretty much same, but I came to piece with her little bit more as she stood up for Aoi in front of her father.

Harem element is useless it only disrupts overall nice pacing and tempo of the show. You know from the beginning who is main love interest and who does MC end up with, so yeah harem is pointless adition, I agree.
Mar 6, 5:43 PM

Jun 2007
Shabo-kun said:
In first like 10-12 episodes she needs constantly disturb relationship of Aoi and Kaoru, because noone wants to fuck her.

I think you're assigning a motive to Miyabi -- that isn't ever stated in the anime or the manga -- based on your personal dislike of her. Yeah, it's unfortunate that she gets in the way. But as a personal assistant/guardian to Aoi, it's her job to look out for the family's interests, and when it comes to old/rich families, that means keeping teenage daughters from hooking up with no-name losers. Maintaining the family's wealth and status means making sure that daughters marry sons of similarly-rich families, a status that Kaoru abdicated. And from a narrative standpoint, Miyabi is a "necessary obstacle" to keep things from moving too far too quickly, in order to keep the tension and harem shenanigans going for as long as the manga remained popular and commercially viable. So even though I might not like her actions, I can understand why she takes them.

Shabo-kun said:
but if I understand the situation in 23th episode well, I think they actually made love at last.

I don't believe so -- they don't get around to it until very late in the manga, well beyond what even the second season of the anime covered.

Yeah, Enishi does feel very much like a "filler season," but it's entertaining enough. Just get ready to pick up the manga afterwards if you want more.

Everything that connects to MAL

Contains Ecchi, but not Tagged Ecchi: Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3

Mar 7, 4:12 AM
Mar 2023
Reply to Zalis
Shabo-kun said:
In first like 10-12 episodes she needs constantly disturb relationship of Aoi and Kaoru, because noone wants to fuck her.

I think you're assigning a motive to Miyabi -- that isn't ever stated in the anime or the manga -- based on your personal dislike of her. Yeah, it's unfortunate that she gets in the way. But as a personal assistant/guardian to Aoi, it's her job to look out for the family's interests, and when it comes to old/rich families, that means keeping teenage daughters from hooking up with no-name losers. Maintaining the family's wealth and status means making sure that daughters marry sons of similarly-rich families, a status that Kaoru abdicated. And from a narrative standpoint, Miyabi is a "necessary obstacle" to keep things from moving too far too quickly, in order to keep the tension and harem shenanigans going for as long as the manga remained popular and commercially viable. So even though I might not like her actions, I can understand why she takes them.

Shabo-kun said:
but if I understand the situation in 23th episode well, I think they actually made love at last.

I don't believe so -- they don't get around to it until very late in the manga, well beyond what even the second season of the anime covered.

Yeah, Enishi does feel very much like a "filler season," but it's entertaining enough. Just get ready to pick up the manga afterwards if you want more.

Well I understand her motives and it was meant more like hyperbole than stated fact. Still in case of Kaoru it was only boy Aoi was interested in and Miyabi knew that there was real love behind Aoi actions. I would understand if it was some random guy or somebody who she met not long ago, but it’s literally her childhood crush. But yeah I got it that her goal is also protect Aoi’s family name. As I said she redeemed herself in last episode as she really supported main couple in front of Aoi family.

She constanly speaks about how Aoi happiness is her main goal, yet she proceeds to act inconsistently with this statement in first dozen of episodes. I know happiness doesn’t need to be necessarily only in finding your life partner, but in case of Aoi and her portrait of character it’s probably only way.
Even if her motives are clear, it wasn’t necessary to treat MC like crap mainly in first half of the anime. That comes from her personal grudge against Kaoru and her jealousy as she explained in a car, where she literally told him that she hated him. That’s why I think she is narrow minded and I don’t like her portrait of a character that much.

About 23th episode yeah maybe I misunderstood whole scene. There is vague scene where they kiss on futons and turn of the lights after bathing together, so it could be a little misleading. I will probably rather read manga than watch einishi as I prefer watching story, where is actual development.
Thanks for recommendation.
Mar 7, 9:47 AM
Demon of Desire

May 2023
I last watched the series in it's entirety back in 2021 [what's weird is 2021 feels both like a year ago and eons ago at the same time].. I personally found it pleasing to watch. For me it was an anime about teenagers who are suddenly thrust into a household life. It achieved something in between household romance and school-romance.. I rarely find anime to that tune, if ever. Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon provided a similar taste [yet distinct as MCs are no youngsters].
As for Miyabi, and the points you make about her personality/character, I think that was the point of her. The annoying supervisor to the young couple. There are many Miyabi alternates in numerous titles [and for the majority they are from the girl's side]. And most of them are annoying, and at times helpful in a unthinkable way. I think she was a good character to vent on for her antics.

[Also, out of context, but I never found a user that rated Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari a 10. You might be the first other than myself.]
Mar 7, 12:09 PM
Mar 2023
Reply to Luchipher-Zen
I last watched the series in it's entirety back in 2021 [what's weird is 2021 feels both like a year ago and eons ago at the same time].. I personally found it pleasing to watch. For me it was an anime about teenagers who are suddenly thrust into a household life. It achieved something in between household romance and school-romance.. I rarely find anime to that tune, if ever. Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon provided a similar taste [yet distinct as MCs are no youngsters].
As for Miyabi, and the points you make about her personality/character, I think that was the point of her. The annoying supervisor to the young couple. There are many Miyabi alternates in numerous titles [and for the majority they are from the girl's side]. And most of them are annoying, and at times helpful in a unthinkable way. I think she was a good character to vent on for her antics.

[Also, out of context, but I never found a user that rated Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari a 10. You might be the first other than myself.]
Yeah well she fullfiled her purpose well, because my anger rised multiple times because of Miyabi xD. She reminds me of Konoe Tsurugi from Hanaukyou Maid-tai and characters of this type aren’t usually my type. Still she probably fits into the anime in purpose to make things complicated. Overall it’s nice anime to watch, but I don’t think I will feel some urge to re-watch.

Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari it’s pure love. I love everything about this show which I’ve already re-watched 3 times, it’s like hidden gem. Nice to see fellow fan of this masterpiece.
Mar 8, 12:50 PM
Community Mod

Nov 2020
Thread moved to the correct board.

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