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Jan 27, 2024 5:31 PM
Oct 2021
- The final episode with the HiroPri team :(
- I just wanted to say thank you all for sticking around to watch this story unfold together - it’s been a wild ride, but I can say with certainty that hearing everyone else’s opinions as each episode aired made the whole experience 100x better than watching seasons alone ✨
- Yes, Kaiserin, you show that loser who’s boss!
- Hirogaru SEKAI PUNCH!!!!
- The departures ;-;
- DANG, SHE WAS COUNTING HOW MANY TIMES THEY HELD HANDS (She said it was a joke, but I legitimately headcannon that she was making a tally, lol) - I LOVE THEM
- Mashiro’s rendition of the team is adorable
- The perfect tie back to how Sora’s own story began
- Baton pass to Cure Wonderful!
- I’ll see you all in episode 1 of Wonderful Precure! :D
AtsunomeJan 27, 2024 5:59 PM

Candy 2023:

Candy 2024:
Jan 27, 2024 5:58 PM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Wow that insert song was really good, i need to search for it later.
I think this was the best precure since star twinkle, i don't see the next one being as good as this, but, i hope i am wrong.
Jan 27, 2024 6:10 PM

Jul 2011
Was lukewarm ending for a lukewarm Precure season.

Surely was well animated, but for the final fight felt just another fight.

And the farewell was emotional, but was made very clear that both sides can visit each other at ANY time. And they keep the Precure powers, so.....

I have high hopes for Cure Wonderful.
Jan 27, 2024 6:31 PM
Nov 2021
Wait a minute. We don’t know if it will be streamed on the internet, let alone on Crunchyroll. Still, I hope someone will get it…
Jan 27, 2024 7:03 PM
Oct 2021
Reply to Hi_D
Wait a minute. We don’t know if it will be streamed on the internet, let alone on Crunchyroll. Still, I hope someone will get it…
@Hi_D I’m hoping that Crunchyroll will get it again (there is a decent chance given they’ve already streamed Healin’ Good, Tropical Rouge, Delicious Party, and Hirogaru Sky). With the engagement they get from dedicated fans (I can tell you right now that I pretty much only use Crunchyroll for Precure streaming and will cancel if they didn’t have the newest season), I think it would be a mistake on their part to not obtain this year’s licence.

Even in the worst-case scenario that they don’t get the international streaming rights for whatever reason, I’m sure that the series will appear on “very legal websites” just like Star Twinkle and the seasons before did :)

Candy 2023:

Candy 2024:
Jan 27, 2024 7:11 PM
Dec 2015
i genuinely feel terrible for Mashiro. like yeah, ok, they can visit eachother or whatever. but she's still all alone once again, just like with her parents :/
Jan 27, 2024 7:41 PM
May 2022
Absolutely should've been anime of the year 2023, I don't CARE
Jan 27, 2024 8:02 PM

Feb 2019
“We are Hirogaru sky precure!” Chills, what a finale. Toei pulled out all the stops in this episode. A spectacle from start to finish. Storyboarding was amazing, the insert song during the climax fight was great and all of the scenes oozed sakuga. So many screenshot worthy scenes from this.

Loved Kaiserin fully rejecting Daijarg! Then that final attack scene was everything I could’ve hoped for and more. You really felt all the girls experiences, hopes and dreams in that!

In the end everyone got the best possible ending. Kaiserin is back in the undergu empire with 3 loveable idiots as her right hand men and a friendship between skyland and undergu that will last a very long time! So cute to see her making dolls again. That laugh at the end sounded like she did as a kid. Wish her dad was still around to see her all grown up tho 😢

Back in sorashido city, the waterworks were strong in this one. After a year of being together nonstop, being in different worlds is understandably daunting. Even though they can each other whenever, it’s still not quite the same as waking up and going to sleep with someone like Mashiro and Sora did. Their “goodbye”* was so beautiful “You really are a hero, Sora. So cool and strong” that’s gotta be awesome to hear from your bestfriend! Sora really has grown into a real life super hero. She’s confronted her weaknesses time and again and always overcome them!

Wish she would’ve given Mashiro a hug during that scene instead of just the handshake though lol. She was bawling her eyes out!

Tsubasa and Ageha goodbye was cute too. Ageha just can’t stop being a teacher 😂 even in that convo she’s motivating tsubasa to achieve his goals and become a sage.

Well they stressed how they were still connected by a tunnel, wasn’t expecting to see them come back the very next day after all those emotional goodbyes lmao. But cute nonetheless. I’m glad everyone can remain connected and continue growing!

Sora is now to other little girls what the captain was to her, a shining example to follow. Really cool post credits scene.

So this was my first precure. I watched otona pre while this was airing as well so I’ve now seen two. Love this series so much. May be aimed at little girls but it doesn’t mean I, as a grown ass man can’t have fun with and appreciate it. Had a blast with this and I’m going to miss these girls so much 😢
Marinate1016Jan 27, 2024 8:37 PM
Jan 27, 2024 9:19 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Decent finale, but I really hope that Toei manages to do a better job with Wonderful PreCure!

Two underwhelming seasons in a row for me. I think the villains here were easily the worst ones I have ever seen in any PreCure. It was one of the biggest reasons why I disliked this season. The story wasn't also interesting enough.

SerafosJan 28, 2024 12:13 AM
Jan 28, 2024 4:37 AM
Feb 2023
Vert emotional like most Precure finale but also sweet since they aren't separated forever. Still though, goodbye Sora, Mashiro, Tsubasa, Ageha and Elle. Farewell Kabaton, Battemonda, Minoton, Empress Undergu. See all of you later it's been a blast following this season.
Jan 28, 2024 7:47 AM

Dec 2013
For me this is my favorite season so far, granted I'm missing to watch a lot but I enjoyed this one so much, the designs were great, I liked a lot the transformation sequences and final attacks, I couldn't get enough of Sora's voice full of energy and then there is Ellee who is easily my favorite cute companion of the season, she was always super cute. With these year long shows you can always expect some episodes looking like butt, so some decent episodes and some awful ones, but this show managed to always look consistently good, instead having decently animated episodes and fantastic looking ones.

The yellow cure tends to be my favorite but this time I didn't like Tsubasa that much, he was too serious instead of being the usual weird / full of energy yellow, it makes sense since the strict one tends to be blue but Sora was already that color but still a solid cast with great voice acting, a bit weird we never got to know why Yoyo knew all of that unless I missed it and I kept always waiting for Sora to stop speaking keigo at the very least to Mashiron but it never happened : |, speaking of Mashiron really got the short end of the stick, Ageha is an adult with a job so she will go back to being alone most of the time : (

Here is hoping Wonderful Precure is just as enjoyable, I was kinda hoping they would branch out a bit more and try different colors for the MC but we are back to pink, the only problem is that precure seasons tend to be Great -> Meh -> Great -> Meh -> cycle for me. Liked Happiness not so much Healin', loved Tropical not so much Delicious, loved Hirogaru and ???? Wonderful.
Jan 28, 2024 7:57 AM
Jun 2022
Isn't the little girl at the end being voiced by Tikki in Miraculous Ladybug?
Jan 28, 2024 10:29 AM
Jan 2023
lucio54 said:
Wow that insert song was really good, i need to search for it later.
I think this was the best precure since star twinkle, i don't see the next one being as good as this, but, i hope i am wrong.

I think the insert song is called Daybreak.
Jan 28, 2024 3:47 PM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Thanks you two!
Saving here.
Jan 28, 2024 8:43 PM
Aug 2013
Great animation, the final episodes were so emotional.
Poor Mashiro and Ageha, ended up separated from the other 3 :(.
At least they can see each other often. Is a better ending than Star twinkle Precure,for sure.
What a ride.
Mashiro is my fav character from this season and I love to see her evolution from a girl who was weak at first to someone who could cure people´s evil hearts.
I love how in the last episodes they focused a lot in her.
Sora also had her doubts before but now she became a heroine and realized her dream.
Elle-chan could reunite with her parents, finally.
I suposse Tsubasa and Ageha realized their dreams as well.
It was really great to see all of them together in the end.
I love how Undergu´s "villains" ended up helping to save the world
Lovely ending!!

@lucio54 Star Twinkle Precure was great but the ending broke my heart. I believe that in the end this season had a happy ending so I believe maybe is even better than Star Twinkle.

Mione48Jan 28, 2024 8:46 PM
Jan 29, 2024 3:56 AM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Reply to Mione48
Great animation, the final episodes were so emotional.
Poor Mashiro and Ageha, ended up separated from the other 3 :(.
At least they can see each other often. Is a better ending than Star twinkle Precure,for sure.
What a ride.
Mashiro is my fav character from this season and I love to see her evolution from a girl who was weak at first to someone who could cure people´s evil hearts.
I love how in the last episodes they focused a lot in her.
Sora also had her doubts before but now she became a heroine and realized her dream.
Elle-chan could reunite with her parents, finally.
I suposse Tsubasa and Ageha realized their dreams as well.
It was really great to see all of them together in the end.
I love how Undergu´s "villains" ended up helping to save the world
Lovely ending!!

@lucio54 Star Twinkle Precure was great but the ending broke my heart. I believe that in the end this season had a happy ending so I believe maybe is even better than Star Twinkle.

@Mione48 And for me that's what made it special, i am not a fan of sad endings too, but when done right, that's something that will last very long on my memory, this season was good but ending was very lukewarm, the final of Star Twinkle was insane.
But well that's just my taste speaking, i can understand liking this season more, and even after all i said the diference between the two is small ( i rated the two an 8).
Jan 29, 2024 6:01 AM
Mar 2022
AMEN!!!!!! CRIED!!!!!!!!!! god bless it was really good. new addition to mashisora top 10 yuri moments . ALSO HIROGARISM BACK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Feb 1, 2024 1:53 PM

May 2015
On of the best finish of all times, some of the best feels, one of the best episodes I've ever seen.

Loved this season from the beginning to the end. I will really miss the Hirogary Sky! Precure.
Feb 6, 2024 3:24 PM
Sep 2015
Really good! Loved it!
Feb 10, 2024 12:31 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
Lovely last episode!
D'aaw seeing Tsubasa and Ageha consider themselves a good pair after such a rough start in the beginning was sweet!! The parting between Sora and Mashiro had me tearing up a bit though. I honestly really liked most of our cast-- heck, I even liked the villains. I think I was mostly meh about Mashiro but she was still chill, and then I just didn't really like Elle at all. A good time overall!

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Feb 12, 2024 12:17 AM

Dec 2022
incredible man so much fun sakuga drenched finale with that awesome music and leaving it all on a high note, this was my first full exposure to Precure and safe to say I'm now a Precure junkie for life, that final Sora frame HERO FOREVER!
Feb 26, 2024 3:49 PM

May 2007
First half was way too rushed, felt like that alone should have been its own episode. The ending itself was well done even if I wished it focused more on Sora instead of Mashiro.

In the end the show kind of fumbled the last arc and since there was not the great highs early on in it, that took down the show a bit more than it probably should in my eyes, but what can you do. It is an okay 3/5 so I guess 6 for my MAL score. Bottom half Precure season.
My anime list
Mar 27, 2024 11:26 PM

Feb 2013
Honestly not my favourite season, or amongst my favorite seasons. I feel likt this was a lot of the "more of the same" recipe.
Having an adult/adolescent with Ageha was nice
Tsubasa was a good birb, plz tell me there is plushies of bird form tsubasa available
Cure designs were good
Majesty was pretty kickass, though not as precious as goürincess' Towa

no singing despite the wands looking like microphones, such a missed opportunity
Baby shenanigans. I honestly have had enough babies in precure, please never add any more Toei
Missing lore. What even was undergu energy? Where did it come from? Who is/was Mashiro's grandpa?

Well, now it's back to wainting until wonderful finishes before I can watch it
Jun 14, 2024 6:37 PM

Jan 2010
Precure isn't a stranger to main characters who rely on friendship, love, and violence to save the day. Hirogaru Sky Precure doesn't do much to break from that trend, but I enjoy the theme of heroism, focusing on a main character who proactively seeks greater heights to become someone who protects others. Sora isn't a particularly complex character, but she certainly had to learn how to empathize and understand those she comes into conflict with. None of the other characters are particularly complex either, but each have their own struggles to deal with, of which can be relatable to various audience members. The overall story is simple with little twists and turns. If anything, it's a little too simple?

I never quite understood the Undergu Empire's goal. At first, they were trying to capture Princess Ellee for reasons unknown, and then once she transformed into Cure Majestic, the goal shifted to outright elimination of the Precures. I'm not exactly sure what the intent was, as the end of everything amounted to Skearhead plotting to find a vessel for Undergu energy. What did Princess Ellee have to do with anything? Was it to somehow force Princess Ellee to power up and become a threat, thereby forcing Kaizerin to voluntarily become an Undergu energy vessel in order to eliminate what Kaizerin perceived as a reincarnation of Cure Noble? If so, that's a really roundabout way to go about all that, and it wasn't really apparent early on.

Still, I don't have any particular complaints about Hirogaru Sky Precure. I think the show meandered a bit too much during the first three quarters of the show, but started to pick up once Skearhead entered the picture. If I could have my way, I would have wanted Kaizerin to have a larger presence in the story, thereby making the last few episodes more impactful and meaningful. I think her dilemma had particular merit to expand upon, and it would have worked to show that the Undergu Empire wasn't necessarily evil, they were just opposite to Skyland thematically. Also, we aren't really shown much of the Undergu Empire. We don't know of their people, their cities, their culture, nor their way of living. All we know are three henchmen, Kaizerin and the Kaizer, Skearhead, and the apparent dark energies that run opposite to the light. There really wasn't anything shown, so when talking about how both Skyland and the Undergu Empire could live in peace, it would have been nice to see more of the Undergu Empire.

Reflecting on the series, it makes sense why Kabaton, Minoton, and Battamonda returned as allies. They were loyal to the Kaizerin, not to Skearhead nor the Undergu Empire. Again, I would have liked to see more of their stories. I liked how Battamonda struggled to define strength and self-worth, and I liked how Minoton stuck with his warrior code to the end. It would have been nice to see their stories run more in parallel to the Precures. Perhaps, something akin to having additional reasons to become allies?

Lastly, if Mashiro's grandmother is Yoyo, doesn't that make Mashiro a descendent of the Skyland people? I don't think this was ever expanded upon.
Aug 21, 2024 11:11 PM

May 2016
I was reading comments in last episode and people want something really deep and dark in a children series lol even if you have something in min it may be not possible.
Damn one of my favourite series so far, boys can be precure too, it doesn't matter what others think you go first don't let others decide your path for you, there is light in the darkness, a kinda weird not serious romantic interest between Tsubasa/Princess & Tsubasa/Ageha (I prefer this if you ask me, Tsubasa is Ageha's knight, the friendship is forever and more. Yes there are others series of the franchise that sho this but there are something that are unique of this show, the pace was slow more like a slice of life but still nailed it in the mahou shoujo genre.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Dec 22, 2024 11:17 PM

Dec 2023
Reply to LastLuminescence
I was reading comments in last episode and people want something really deep and dark in a children series lol even if you have something in min it may be not possible.
Damn one of my favourite series so far, boys can be precure too, it doesn't matter what others think you go first don't let others decide your path for you, there is light in the darkness, a kinda weird not serious romantic interest between Tsubasa/Princess & Tsubasa/Ageha (I prefer this if you ask me, Tsubasa is Ageha's knight, the friendship is forever and more. Yes there are others series of the franchise that sho this but there are something that are unique of this show, the pace was slow more like a slice of life but still nailed it in the mahou shoujo genre.
@LastLuminescence I absolutely agree, this series took Precure in the right direction and is certainly one of the best ones. And tbh, I don't think the Precure series is suited to romance anyways so I'm glad there isn't romantic interest there, I'm not one of those who's against changing things up or insists it would ruin the series. I just really don't think the Precure series is capable of doing romance that well, and it's probably more so because of it's target audience limitations than anything. Honestly male characters in Precure have also hardly if ever been done well at all either and more often than not end up as a background character gimmick or just a poorly written attempt. But on the other hand if they start doing male Precure more I wouldn't mind at all if they as well done as Tsubasa. He's actually one of the few male characters in Precure I genuinely found to be a good character.

The depth, and development for the characters in this series really hit it home for me though. Mashiro crying this last episode hit me directly and right in the heart.

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