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Oct 17, 2023 1:15 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to justhuman22
@LostSpectre yeah. That scene is a bit jarring and I think the tone of the whole thing could have been handled a bit better to lead you up to it. Granted I think the animation plays up some of what Rae does and does things a little differently. Also the cuts between the scenes in the book made things feel a touch less jarring. But I do see what you are saying. Also. I haven’t read past this scene yet. So I am not sure how the tone goes from here on out.
@justhuman22 I just can't ignore the glaring contradiction of using Rae's borderline sexual harassment for comedy, because this is a wacky series where the bad (but adorable) girl gets her just desserts, and it's not supposed to be taken literally, but then we jump into this scene that has a much more serious/mature tone, where Claire is being lectured on her bigoted reaction to finding out Rae is gay, and how just because Rae is gay doesn't mean she's going to behave inappropriately in a way that a straight person wouldn't, but we've had plenty of narrative justification up to this point that Rae is very much someone Claire could reasonably feel she's in danger to be around (at least in the comedic sense, prior to this scene we just wouldn't have a realistic frame of reference for such a comment) and this is an example of trying to have your cake and eat it too, and it's an utter tonal misfire to anyone who appreciates narrative cohesion more so than injecting good political messages into media to the detriment of the story.

LostSpectreOct 17, 2023 1:30 PM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 1:25 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Dogemy
@LostSpectre i remember you from my mushoku tensei discussion thread!

LostSpectre said:
jumping from wacky unrealistic comedy to this far more serious conversation about prejudice, the tonal dissonance is off the charts.

could not have said it better myself.

@Dogemy Well, that's why it's so forced here, the whole political/social agenda that the author (who is a gay woman) wants to platform, really is a bit contradictory to the tone and atmosphere of the series prior to this very serious conversation, that is intentionally framed to hit you over the head and take you by surprise. I find it really difficult to ignore using borderline sexual harassment for comedy in one aspect, and then legitimately making Claire seem like a bigot for thinking Rae would do anything inappropriate just because she's gay, when Rae has done plenty of things that are inappropriate already! It's only natural for these contradictory themes to not mesh well together when one is exaggerated/absurdist comedy, and the other is a completely serious lecture on LGBT intolerance. Misha trying to handwave Rae's personality/actions away as not enough justification to feel that way, and that it specifically has to be about Rae's sexuality, just felt like outright gaslighting to me. At least, if there was any logic to this exchange rather than just forcing Claire and the maid to act dumb/illogical in order to use them as mouthpieces.
LostSpectreOct 17, 2023 1:33 PM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 1:27 PM
May 2022
Dogemy said:
@Felsun I think we are fortunate that, this series is low stakes enough with simple enough characters that this does not really damage what came before or after. i wouldnt even be against similar subjects coming up later provided they are maybe handled a little better.

Really the only characters it pretained to was
Such a conversation and stances on homophobia were not at all alluded to form Misha
They kinda use Claire as the fool which they can use to raise the discussion
And everything that Rae said, kinda matches her character, i was just shocked she was given a setting to bring it up.

I think it damages them (at least by having them behave so differently and go against how they were previously characterized) but I don’t think it’s irreparable so I think we both agree that this doesn’t destroy them.

Everything else I completely agree on. I really hadn’t thought about Misha much but you’re right that it’s out of left field for her as well. Hey by the way am I crazy or did they say Misha and Rae were just roommates in episode 1 but then in episode 3 refer to them as best friends? Lol I thought that’s how they were characterized because I remember going back in episode 1 since I was curious about their relationship but I could be misremembering this.
Oct 17, 2023 1:32 PM
Jun 2020
Dogemy said:
@Polvo_Aranha this is true, whats weird is, in western media, produces feel a need from the public to put that in and that forced nature tends to be what we look down upon these types of seen for when they clearly lack passion behind the subject.

But as far as im aware, the Japanese light novel industry is not gonna reward this progressive stance, the author served little to gain from this. Which is why, although its take on the subject was lacking in a bit of nuance and had surface level complexity. And the scene really had no place in this episode let alone the comedy serious that had no indication of serious discussion untill this scene. I cannot bring my self to take any negative stance on this scene, and am very intrigued by it.

It seems this scene was resumed in the anime adaptation.
Oct 17, 2023 1:40 PM

May 2018
AdamBirch said:
Seems like western dogma is creeping into Japan

There have been plenty of anime and manga before this one to tackle the idea/issue of homophobia.
Oct 17, 2023 1:54 PM
Sep 2023
There have been plenty of anime and manga before this one to tackle the idea/issue of homophobia. [/quote]
I watch this episode with my friend. And we both want to say: it's ok what this happened on this anime. I don’t think that one heroine treats another too badly because she loves her and not someone elseI don’t think that one heroine treats another too badly because she loves her and not someone else . I think that she reacted this way because she was a little in shock, and she is also a little afraid of her because she is sometimes too kind to her. If you remember the first episodes, then even I would start to be afraid of her, although I have nothing against people like her (I myself am half the same, but only calmer).
Masha00008Oct 17, 2023 1:58 PM
Oct 17, 2023 2:33 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to LostSpectre
@Dogemy Well, that's why it's so forced here, the whole political/social agenda that the author (who is a gay woman) wants to platform, really is a bit contradictory to the tone and atmosphere of the series prior to this very serious conversation, that is intentionally framed to hit you over the head and take you by surprise. I find it really difficult to ignore using borderline sexual harassment for comedy in one aspect, and then legitimately making Claire seem like a bigot for thinking Rae would do anything inappropriate just because she's gay, when Rae has done plenty of things that are inappropriate already! It's only natural for these contradictory themes to not mesh well together when one is exaggerated/absurdist comedy, and the other is a completely serious lecture on LGBT intolerance. Misha trying to handwave Rae's personality/actions away as not enough justification to feel that way, and that it specifically has to be about Rae's sexuality, just felt like outright gaslighting to me. At least, if there was any logic to this exchange rather than just forcing Claire and the maid to act dumb/illogical in order to use them as mouthpieces.
You ever by chance watch that cautious hero anime?
Oct 17, 2023 2:34 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to Felsun
Dogemy said:
@Felsun I think we are fortunate that, this series is low stakes enough with simple enough characters that this does not really damage what came before or after. i wouldnt even be against similar subjects coming up later provided they are maybe handled a little better.

Really the only characters it pretained to was
Such a conversation and stances on homophobia were not at all alluded to form Misha
They kinda use Claire as the fool which they can use to raise the discussion
And everything that Rae said, kinda matches her character, i was just shocked she was given a setting to bring it up.

I think it damages them (at least by having them behave so differently and go against how they were previously characterized) but I don’t think it’s irreparable so I think we both agree that this doesn’t destroy them.

Everything else I completely agree on. I really hadn’t thought about Misha much but you’re right that it’s out of left field for her as well. Hey by the way am I crazy or did they say Misha and Rae were just roommates in episode 1 but then in episode 3 refer to them as best friends? Lol I thought that’s how they were characterized because I remember going back in episode 1 since I was curious about their relationship but I could be misremembering this.
Indeed i recall that being the case too. It rides somewhere between an inability to show dont tell, and them using the fact that, ultimately these are video game characters and misha in that video game is not too important. So its somewhere between meta humor and bad writing.

but again i dont really pick these kind of shows up for their story writing merits. And i enjoy the comedy so its achieving what i want since im at the point where my expectations for quality yuri these days are low.
Oct 17, 2023 2:39 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Dogemy
You ever by chance watch that cautious hero anime?
@Dogemy That's... an interesting thing to bring up, because I have, and I despise it for that nonsensical asspull at the end. lol

If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 2:40 PM

Jan 2018
@AdamBirch I think this is the one thing i disagree with the most. hopefully im not taking a joke literally,
but that kind of dogma in the west is one that is centered around the audience expectations, or at least what producers think audience expectations are.

the producers think it will look good if they show some representation, and in the end execute in a shallow way that blatantly shows no real thought, care, or attention for what could otherwise be a noble intention.

but japan is certainly not a gold mind for that kind of culture, and remember this was a light novel, so to think that the novel's editor or the author themselves thought this might get some good PR, or display an open mind to consumers feels just, incorrect. to its detriment at times, Japan is just not concerned about the stuff in a sociopolitical way. at least that is my understanding.
Oct 17, 2023 2:46 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to LostSpectre
@Dogemy That's... an interesting thing to bring up, because I have, and I despise it for that nonsensical asspull at the end. lol

i am glad we are on the same page. i thought that anime was... passably funny, the slapstick got pretty old especially if you already seen something like konosuba. but i was prepared to watch it out.

but that shit at the end, where they try and go from, the least serious gag anime of that year, to some like serious backstory thats supposed to make you feel emotions was terrible. I have a friend who i was watching with and he was like "i dunno i thought it was good character writing for a needed backstory." I disagreed staunchly on both of those points.

But to tie it in to this conversation, and i think you already know where i was going with this, to a much less offensive extent, that is the sort of feeling i felt when this super care free yuri comedy show in a growing otome isekai subgenre in the matter of a scene change switched its status quo to make an attempt at social commentary. it really does not matter if they handled that scene well or not in terms of treating the subject with nuance and demonstrating a good understanding for the issue as it is. that sort of tonal whiplash is going to hit me hard in a way that i dont love.

because this was one scene, and not the end to a goofy-ah season long plot, its not as painful as cautious hero, but its got that same feel to it.
Oct 17, 2023 2:52 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Dogemy
@AdamBirch I think this is the one thing i disagree with the most. hopefully im not taking a joke literally,
but that kind of dogma in the west is one that is centered around the audience expectations, or at least what producers think audience expectations are.

the producers think it will look good if they show some representation, and in the end execute in a shallow way that blatantly shows no real thought, care, or attention for what could otherwise be a noble intention.

but japan is certainly not a gold mind for that kind of culture, and remember this was a light novel, so to think that the novel's editor or the author themselves thought this might get some good PR, or display an open mind to consumers feels just, incorrect. to its detriment at times, Japan is just not concerned about the stuff in a sociopolitical way. at least that is my understanding.
@Dogemy I think they're just talking about the "dogma" of injecting "woke" messaging in media, to the detriment of the work itself. Obviously, it's far more common and widespread in the west, which is why the commenter is referring to it as "creeping into" Japan, because this is not the norm whatsoever. So, the point is not about this type of messaging being normalized in Japan, but simply that some Japanese media is adopting a more western mindset in that regard.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 3:01 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to Dogemy
i am glad we are on the same page. i thought that anime was... passably funny, the slapstick got pretty old especially if you already seen something like konosuba. but i was prepared to watch it out.

but that shit at the end, where they try and go from, the least serious gag anime of that year, to some like serious backstory thats supposed to make you feel emotions was terrible. I have a friend who i was watching with and he was like "i dunno i thought it was good character writing for a needed backstory." I disagreed staunchly on both of those points.

But to tie it in to this conversation, and i think you already know where i was going with this, to a much less offensive extent, that is the sort of feeling i felt when this super care free yuri comedy show in a growing otome isekai subgenre in the matter of a scene change switched its status quo to make an attempt at social commentary. it really does not matter if they handled that scene well or not in terms of treating the subject with nuance and demonstrating a good understanding for the issue as it is. that sort of tonal whiplash is going to hit me hard in a way that i dont love.

because this was one scene, and not the end to a goofy-ah season long plot, its not as painful as cautious hero, but its got that same feel to it.
@Dogemy Ah. I wasn't sure if there was an angle about female/male harassment that I am fuzzy on the details of. Yes, now that you reminded me of that dumpster fire, I can certainly agree that it's very much the same thing in terms of tonal dissonance, but I find this example even more egregious because it's not just a contradiction of story elements, it's a messy contradiction while also trying to make a serious point about prejudice, which is just a clusterfuck. Also, I've heard from another commenter that this scene is "small fry" compared to what's coming, so I really don't know how to feel about that. My interest in the show has fizzled considerably, having nothing to do with pro-LGBT messaging, and everything to do with the awful execution and how it grinded a fun show to a screeching halt.

I really think the author should have just made a more mature work instead of trying to shoehorn that narrative into a wacky comedy.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 3:36 PM
Apr 2022
I can't lie I haven't watched an anime talk about a topic about something like that before so it had blown me off guard a bit

especially when it went from average nutty show plot to just a serious sit down talking about stuff like that. I do wonder where the show goes from here, because I wonder if it will be just Rae just sexually harassing Claire in the means of comedy until Claire admits she's gay in the last episode, or if it will be became more serious about issues like those

I don't think it's the best idea to have a character constantly sexually harassing another and then switch to serious lessons like that. If this story is to teach valuable lessons to the audience, I think it would've been better in a more serious tone. But I guess we will have to find out.

Because, although I haven't really watched shows about topics like these, you would surely want the Gay or in general the "breakthrough" character to be viewed in a more respectable and likeable way to get important topics across
kotosuguOct 17, 2023 3:41 PM
Oct 17, 2023 3:43 PM

Jan 2013
@Dogemy I also disliked "Romantic Killer"(?) for similar reasons, despite seeming to be in the minority when that show bizarrely switched tone.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 3:46 PM

Mar 2008
Rae is in a fictional world after-all and an otome at that so she probably is aware there is different standards there where she can at least have some fun finally particularly since it probably still feels unreal to her so it's like what anyone would do in a dream plus she is just fangirling really and I wouldn't exactly call it clearly sexual harassment, besides she is doing it to a bully so it's really only fair she does a little teasing back. She also knows everything about all the characters basically so Claire is like a close friend to her right away, she knows what she can do and not do. She is acting like how a lot of people do to celebrities when they meet them they act like they know them because they do to a degree just the celeb doesnt know them back. We also have to keep in mind the girl that was giving that lecturing to Claire didnt witness all the things Rae does personally and Claire only has shown annoyance at the forwardness and confused disgust at Rae's masochism. It did feel like it was a bit awkwardly placed though with the tone of the show till then but it also would have been kind of weird to be really gradual too.
traedOct 17, 2023 3:53 PM
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Oct 17, 2023 3:52 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to kotosugu
I can't lie I haven't watched an anime talk about a topic about something like that before so it had blown me off guard a bit

especially when it went from average nutty show plot to just a serious sit down talking about stuff like that. I do wonder where the show goes from here, because I wonder if it will be just Rae just sexually harassing Claire in the means of comedy until Claire admits she's gay in the last episode, or if it will be became more serious about issues like those

I don't think it's the best idea to have a character constantly sexually harassing another and then switch to serious lessons like that. If this story is to teach valuable lessons to the audience, I think it would've been better in a more serious tone. But I guess we will have to find out.

Because, although I haven't really watched shows about topics like these, you would surely want the Gay or in general the "breakthrough" character to be viewed in a more respectable and likeable way to get important topics across
@Kiyopxn The "woke" crowd doesn't mind that at all. I've already seen those types of people justifying Rae's inappropriate behavior towards Claire as being normal when other female characters are fawning over male characters, but because Rae is gay, it's being viewed as more inappropriate. Which, is a genuinely horrible take, because if you ignore the previous comedic approach to Rae's behavior, when viewed more realistically, she manipulated Claire's father into hiring her as Claire's maid, inserting herself into a position where she has more access to Claire in various states of undress, so factoring in the borderline sexual harassment, the fact Rae has no regard for making Claire uncomfortable with her advances, etc. it sure as hell seems like Claire had a case all along when it comes to feeling like she's in danger.

If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 3:57 PM
Apr 2022
traed said:
Rae is in a fictional world after-all and an otome at that so she probably is aware there is different standards there where she can at least have some fun finally particularly since it probably still feels unreal to her so it's like what anyone would do in a dream plus she is just fangirling really and I wouldn't exactly call it clearly sexual harassment, besides she is doing it to a bully so it's really only fair she does a little teasing back. She also knows everything about all the characters basically so Claire is like a close friend to her right away, she knows what she can do and not do. She is acting like how a lot of people do to celebrities when they meet them they act like they know them because they do to a degree just the celeb doesnt know them back. We also have to keep in mind the girl that was giving that lecturing to Claire didnt witness all the things Rae does personally and Claire only has shown annoyance at the forwardness and confused disgust at Rae's masochism. It did feel like it was a bit awkwardly placed though with the tone of the show till then but it also would have been kind of weird to be really gradual too.

Even if Rae is in a fictional word, the author is bringing up real life issues by having that serious conversation, which I don't think it makes sense having Rae be what would be considered an extremely creepy person be the character for important topics like these.

It just doesn't make sense to have the character that is supposed to be used for teaching the audience certain topics to be such a creep. I haven't spoke to every gay person, but I'm sure the rule would be that they wouldn't be too keen on a character that represents them and their problems be so weird. im sure most gay people don't sexually harass people verbally that they love, especially when the other person is straight at the time
Oct 17, 2023 4:01 PM
Apr 2022
LostSpectre said:
@Kiyopxn The "woke" crowd doesn't mind that at all. I've already seen those types of people justifying Rae's inappropriate behavior towards Claire as being normal when other female characters are fawning over male characters, but because Rae is gay, it's being viewed as more inappropriate. Which, is a genuinely horrible take, because if you ignore the previous comedic approach to Rae's behavior, when viewed more realistically, she manipulated Claire's father into hiring her as Claire's maid, inserting herself into a position where she has more access to Claire in various states of undress, so factoring in the borderline sexual harassment, the fact Rae has no regard for making Claire uncomfortable with her advances, etc. it sure as hell seems like Claire had a case all along when it comes to feeling like she's in danger.

I dont know anything about any "woke" crowd for the show. I just don't think after all the crazy stuff Rae does, she should be the representation of real life issues.

Like I get it's an anime, an anime is an escape from real life. But if the show is going to deliberately bring real life into it, surely you would want the most important characters to be proper and likeable.

But hey, I'm not the voice of the average person. If the average viewer still gets moved by the message, then it's a good thing I guess

Edit: I dont think the best example of "exposing homophobia" was were Claire says she feels in anger being near Rae. After all the verbal sexual harassment, I don't blame claire for feeling uncomfortable. They should've done that scene with another character
kotosuguOct 17, 2023 4:10 PM
Oct 17, 2023 4:06 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to kotosugu
traed said:
Rae is in a fictional world after-all and an otome at that so she probably is aware there is different standards there where she can at least have some fun finally particularly since it probably still feels unreal to her so it's like what anyone would do in a dream plus she is just fangirling really and I wouldn't exactly call it clearly sexual harassment, besides she is doing it to a bully so it's really only fair she does a little teasing back. She also knows everything about all the characters basically so Claire is like a close friend to her right away, she knows what she can do and not do. She is acting like how a lot of people do to celebrities when they meet them they act like they know them because they do to a degree just the celeb doesnt know them back. We also have to keep in mind the girl that was giving that lecturing to Claire didnt witness all the things Rae does personally and Claire only has shown annoyance at the forwardness and confused disgust at Rae's masochism. It did feel like it was a bit awkwardly placed though with the tone of the show till then but it also would have been kind of weird to be really gradual too.

Even if Rae is in a fictional word, the author is bringing up real life issues by having that serious conversation, which I don't think it makes sense having Rae be what would be considered an extremely creepy person be the character for important topics like these.

It just doesn't make sense to have the character that is supposed to be used for teaching the audience certain topics to be such a creep. I haven't spoke to every gay person, but I'm sure the rule would be that they wouldn't be too keen on a character that represents them and their problems be so weird. im sure most gay people don't sexually harass people verbally that they love, especially when the other person is straight at the time
Well yeah it's not the best combination because not everyone would view things as open minded and that complicates things getting any message muddled and less clear. Though if they were simple that would be kind of less interesting. The characters were acknowledging Rae acts weird during the discussion so I guess what was trying to be said is all she does is say her feelings and thoughts dont hurt you or something like that. It is awkward like I said.
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Oct 17, 2023 4:06 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to kotosugu
LostSpectre said:
@Kiyopxn The "woke" crowd doesn't mind that at all. I've already seen those types of people justifying Rae's inappropriate behavior towards Claire as being normal when other female characters are fawning over male characters, but because Rae is gay, it's being viewed as more inappropriate. Which, is a genuinely horrible take, because if you ignore the previous comedic approach to Rae's behavior, when viewed more realistically, she manipulated Claire's father into hiring her as Claire's maid, inserting herself into a position where she has more access to Claire in various states of undress, so factoring in the borderline sexual harassment, the fact Rae has no regard for making Claire uncomfortable with her advances, etc. it sure as hell seems like Claire had a case all along when it comes to feeling like she's in danger.

I dont know anything about any "woke" crowd for the show. I just don't think after all the crazy stuff Rae does, she should be the representation of real life issues.

Like I get it's an anime, an anime is an escape from real life. But if the show is going to deliberately bring real life into it, surely you would want the most important characters to be proper and likeable.

But hey, I'm not the voice of the average person. If the average viewer still gets moved by the message, then it's a good thing I guess

Edit: I dont think the best example of "exposing homophobia" was were Claire says she feels in anger being near Rae. After all the verbal sexual harassment, I don't blame claire for feeling uncomfortable. They should've done that scene with another character
@Kiyopxn My point is that it's common for people who agree with these types of messages to justify these problematic elements.

Which is, ironically, demonstrated when Misha handwaves Claire's concerns about her safety, given Rae's behavior/actions.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 4:12 PM
Apr 2022
LostSpectre said:
@Kiyopxn My point is that it's common for people who agree with these types of messages to justify these problematic elements.

Which is, ironically, demonstrated when Misha handwaves Claire's concerns about her safety, given Rae's behavior/actions.

yeah, I had just edited my comment, but it's true that Claire's fear was reasonable and she had every right to be uncomfortable around Rae after all that verbal sexual harassment so it was a poor example from the author about exposing subconscious homophobia
Oct 17, 2023 4:16 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to LostSpectre
@Kiyopxn The "woke" crowd doesn't mind that at all. I've already seen those types of people justifying Rae's inappropriate behavior towards Claire as being normal when other female characters are fawning over male characters, but because Rae is gay, it's being viewed as more inappropriate. Which, is a genuinely horrible take, because if you ignore the previous comedic approach to Rae's behavior, when viewed more realistically, she manipulated Claire's father into hiring her as Claire's maid, inserting herself into a position where she has more access to Claire in various states of undress, so factoring in the borderline sexual harassment, the fact Rae has no regard for making Claire uncomfortable with her advances, etc. it sure as hell seems like Claire had a case all along when it comes to feeling like she's in danger.

She's been alone with her many times already and hasn't assaulted her. I think that is what is supposed to be what indicates Rae is harmless. Also she wanted to be her maid not to just perv on her it was so she could be her wingwoman. I get it isn't the most clear thing how things are done though. A muddled message.
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Oct 17, 2023 4:28 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to traed
She's been alone with her many times already and hasn't assaulted her. I think that is what is supposed to be what indicates Rae is harmless. Also she wanted to be her maid not to just perv on her it was so she could be her wingwoman. I get it isn't the most clear thing how things are done though. A muddled message.
@traed Realistically speaking, she's done things that are 100% inappropriate, just not full on sexual assault, obviously.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 4:40 PM

Mar 2008
LostSpectre said:
Realistically speaking, she's done things that are 100% inappropriate, just not full on sexual assault, obviously.

Japan might not have the same standards of what is considered sexual harassment especially in fiction so it makes it harder to tell if the Japanese audience would see things that way or not. Like I said it is muddled in message at least for Western viewers with this awkwardly mixed joking and serious tone in the show.
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Oct 17, 2023 5:20 PM
Apr 2022
traed said:
She's been alone with her many times already and hasn't assaulted her. I think that is what is supposed to be what indicates Rae is harmless. Also she wanted to be her maid not to just perv on her it was so she could be her wingwoman. I get it isn't the most clear thing how things are done though. A muddled message.

Only cause she won't do anything physical doesn't mean she's harmless. verbal sexual assault isn't okay and Claire clearly isn't fine with it

Now obviously, these are both artificial people, so for the sake of the story of course Rae won't do anything like that, and Claire wont stop her. At the end of the day these characters come from the author's fantasy that he made for this world. But to teach a real lesson, surely you would want the characters to behave in a way that real humans do. Like how for example that other character calling out claires "homophobic" attitude which wasn't homophobic but in fact fully justified.

Now I saw you said that as this from Japan, so perhaps the author and the average Japanese person may view things like this differently. But, assuming this is for a more progressive audience, you wouldn't want to include sexual harassment elements which I'm sure is a touchy topic in Japan even if it does have different viewpoints from west.
Oct 17, 2023 5:53 PM
May 2022
Dogemy said:
Indeed i recall that being the case too. It rides somewhere between an inability to show dont tell, and them using the fact that, ultimately these are video game characters and misha in that video game is not too important. So its somewhere between meta humor and bad writing.

but again i dont really pick these kind of shows up for their story writing merits. And i enjoy the comedy so its achieving what i want since im at the point where my expectations for quality yuri these days are low.

Yeah that makes sense. I’m not sure what your overall opinion is on the show but I think if you like it that’s great I’m not trying to say you shouldn’t be enjoying it or anything. I don’t really mind that this show has more serious moments. To me I’m most interested in the writing and characterization so I enjoyed moments like at the end of episode 2 where we learn a little bit more about Claire and Rae shares a bit more on her view of her. That said though I really do like the comedy too. That’s what hooked me for the show. I was laughing a lot those first two episodes so bringing back some funny moments between them would be something I enjoy too. I’ve always thought it’s funny to see someone try and irritate or express their annoyance at another just to be met with a smile and get frustrated til they can’t maintain their anger at the other anymore so that made me laugh to see Rae turn every affront into a positive 😂 I want more of that again but also some better writing and not ignoring how the characters were written previously to have a scene teaching me that Rae is gay and what being gay means because the cast and I are apparently too dense to not pick up on the “subtle” hints they’ve been dropping…
Oct 17, 2023 5:56 PM

Mar 2008
Kiyopxn said:
Now obviously, these are both artificial people, so for the sake of the story of course Rae won't do anything like that, and Claire wont stop her. At the end of the day these characters come from the author's fantasy that he made for this world. But to teach a real lesson, surely you would want the characters to behave in a way that real humans do. Like how for example that other character calling out claires "homophobic" attitude which wasn't homophobic but in fact fully justified.

Like I brought up earlier Rae is acting like someone would act waking up in a game world and acting similar to how some people act toward celebrities. You can find all sorts of stories of celebrities talking about awkward moments with fans. Misha, I'm not sure since like I said it could just be her not being there personally for most of things I guess? Though I havent really paid much attention to her previous actions since I wasn't aware she would become a more introduced character so I'd have to go back and check what she previously was saing before this episode. You could argue for Claire being less realistic though where she seems inconsistent in how she acts toward Rae but as as far as we are in the anime we don't really know Claire's inner thoughts just her actions. So it's messy, yes.

Kiyopxn said:
Now I saw you said that as this from Japan, so perhaps the author and the average Japanese person may view things like this differently. But, assuming this is for a more progressive audience, you wouldn't want to include sexual harassment elements which I'm sure is a touchy topic in Japan even if it does have different viewpoints from west.

I'm not really sure on the audience being progressive. Since a person could have regressive views about homosexuals while still fetishizing lesbian relationships. Then you also have the weird weebs that hate watch. So I am not sure if or if not the intent was to actually lecture some of the readers/viewers which it really wouldn't do good at with all the muddling of the message or if it never was intended for that and is merely giving a gesture to gay and bi readers/viewers. The later probably would make more sense to be the reason why things are how they are.
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Oct 17, 2023 6:33 PM
Apr 2022
traed said:
Kiyopxn said:
Now obviously, these are both artificial people, so for the sake of the story of course Rae won't do anything like that, and Claire wont stop her. At the end of the day these characters come from the author's fantasy that he made for this world. But to teach a real lesson, surely you would want the characters to behave in a way that real humans do. Like how for example that other character calling out claires "homophobic" attitude which wasn't homophobic but in fact fully justified.

Like I brought up earlier Rae is acting like someone would act waking up in a game world and acting similar to how some people act toward celebrities. You can find all sorts of stories of celebrities talking about awkward moments with fans. Misha, I'm not sure since like I said it could just be her not being there personally for most of things I guess? Though I havent really paid much attention to her previous actions since I wasn't aware she would become a more introduced character so I'd have to go back and check what she previously was saing before this episode. You could argue for Claire being less realistic though where she seems inconsistent in how she acts toward Rae but as as far as we are in the anime we don't really know Claire's inner thoughts just her actions. So it's messy, yes.

Kiyopxn said:
Now I saw you said that as this from Japan, so perhaps the author and the average Japanese person may view things like this differently. But, assuming this is for a more progressive audience, you wouldn't want to include sexual harassment elements which I'm sure is a touchy topic in Japan even if it does have different viewpoints from west.

I'm not really sure on the audience being progressive. Since a person could have regressive views about homosexuals while still fetishizing lesbian relationships. Then you also have the weird weebs that hate watch. So I am not sure if or if not the intent was to actually lecture some of the readers/viewers which it really wouldn't do good at with all the muddling of the message or if it never was intended for that and is merely giving a gesture to gay and bi readers/viewers. The later probably would make more sense to be the reason why things are how they are.

I understand that point. People act in games completely different to how they act in real life. Obviously killing a bunch of people in GTA doesn't represent any in real life behaviour/morals you have in real life.

Rae is probably having problems differentiating the ideas of the game and her new reality. Now, we might see a change in her character when the events that happen in her life begin to become completely different than the in-game events.

Obviously the points I was making about how creepy she is isn't about the character, but about the author who wrote the book originally, even if the character believes she is in the game, writing sexual harassment can be seen as weird. Obviously, this is a work of fiction and not real life, therefore this isn't a representation of any real life behaviours, which while I'm not necessarily fussed, I am fussed about a certain aspect of it that leads on my next point

Now the reason I said about the progressive thing was because it was more than just a mere scene where Claire gets called out for saying some homophobic (even though I think most people agree that Claire was right saying she feels in danger around Rae as Rae doesn't conduct herself properly), the tone of this scene was rather serious, and that girl whatever her name is was giving a lecture to Claire and the animators were illustrating what she was saying so the viewer can further grasp what she was saying. I like to think that they did that to convey the fact that love is love to the audience watching. Now, I may be completely wrong, I haven't read the source material so maybe it's just a weird scene in an otherwise standard Yuri comedy, or it can become a story of showing different struggles gay people deal with to expose to the audience

If this is anime is serious, then I think portraying Rae as a massive pervert with no self control and constantly harassing Claire is not the right way to go about things. If it's not serious then Im not fussed about the comedy side of it

perhaps in just looking to deep into it I have a lot of spare time today lol it's just hard to tell if this just your average Yuri fetish comedy or a serious one
kotosuguOct 17, 2023 6:37 PM
Oct 17, 2023 7:04 PM

Oct 2021
The so called message would be much better if Rae is not such a stereotypical predatory lesbian character.

It won't be so forced if they actually criticize the harassment and bullying first, from both Claire and Rae. But nope, it's all rainbow before and suddenly they get serious for this specific topic.
Oct 17, 2023 8:24 PM
Sep 2021
that scene was fucking cringe, like any scene where the author is obviously preaching to the audience is automatically bad because it always takes you out of the story

" um Actually you should be more tolerant of gay people "

bitch the person whom you're lecturing is constantly being harassed by an extremely annoying person, why wouldn't she be wary of her lol

also the scene doesn't even make sense in-universe because Literally nobody cares that Rae is gay, so the author is the only preaching to the audience since the series doesn't have any significant homophobia, thus any " um homophobia is bad you stupid chud!! " arguments are unnecessary and cringy, it's even dumber when it's done in a YURI anime, like why are you lecturing your audience on gay stuff when your series is already gay lol

it's not like this anime needed another reason as to why it's bad, Rae being extremely unlikable is already enough
Oct 17, 2023 9:05 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to traed
LostSpectre said:
Realistically speaking, she's done things that are 100% inappropriate, just not full on sexual assault, obviously.

Japan might not have the same standards of what is considered sexual harassment especially in fiction so it makes it harder to tell if the Japanese audience would see things that way or not. Like I said it is muddled in message at least for Western viewers with this awkwardly mixed joking and serious tone in the show.
@traed I read through up to here in the LN and it illuminated some things. The LN doesn't portray Rae as predatory to nearly the same extent.

If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 9:09 PM

Mar 2008
Reply to LostSpectre
@traed I read through up to here in the LN and it illuminated some things. The LN doesn't portray Rae as predatory to nearly the same extent.

Ah so it is more an adaptation problem where the tone is messed up?
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Oct 17, 2023 9:21 PM

Jan 2013
Reply to traed
Ah so it is more an adaptation problem where the tone is messed up?
@traed The anime dials up the comedy across the board, it definitely makes Rae out to be creepier, plus we're missing a lot of little tidbits of context during her monologues and such. However, I don't find the scene in episode 3 to be any less objectionable, it's still a huge tonal shift, and I don't believe the logic is supported here, the LN expands much more on the prejudice of that world and homophobia in both that world/Japan, but it feels like it all comes out of nowhere, like none of this is realistically shown or even hinted at before this sudden and dramatic shift, and that's just bad writing to me. So, my issues with the execution of it all are actually even worse in the LN compared to the anime. Rae's forwardness toward Claire is actually addressed (in monologue) as potentially being problematic, but then her actions are justified because it's a coping mechanism for the discrimination she has faced in her lifetime.

So... both of them are definitely kind of a mess.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 17, 2023 11:29 PM
Mar 2015
As someone who’s LGBTQ+, seeing a lot of these comments is giving me secondhand embarrassment. Gotta love the complete & utter lack of critical thinking skills that I’m seeing from most of y’all. Anyone saying that this scene was “cringe” or “forced”, I can’t take you seriously like at all. In most yuri manga/anime, the topic of sexual orientation is rarely brought up/discussed and that’s a problem. Conversations like this are so important and they shouldn’t be glossed over, not to mention it’s something that a lot of us within the community can relate to as we discover more about ourselves & our place within the community. Without spoiling the manga or light novels, the series is going to delve into much more serious topics like politics & classism just to name a few examples. So the show taking some time to be {for the most part} serious for a few minutes isn’t exactly out of place. I could say more, but I think I’ve said enough because I don’t want to get into discussions/debates with people who clearly can’t engage with media and serious topics with any sort of logic or tact.
Oct 17, 2023 11:30 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to LostSpectre
@Dogemy I think they're just talking about the "dogma" of injecting "woke" messaging in media, to the detriment of the work itself. Obviously, it's far more common and widespread in the west, which is why the commenter is referring to it as "creeping into" Japan, because this is not the norm whatsoever. So, the point is not about this type of messaging being normalized in Japan, but simply that some Japanese media is adopting a more western mindset in that regard.
I think so too, but i think im tryin to point out a lack of complete comprehension of the culture in which wokeness is inserted into media in the western world.

its one thing for the author to spread their socio-political beliefs in their work. thats pretty western true, and they are doing that here.
But when you talk about this with the discussion of when inclusivity or political correctness is forced into western media, often i would think of examples where the author is not spreading their beliefs, just spreading that which they think will get pandering points.

i really dont believe the author is following the western trend of getting a point across because they pander, but getting a point across because they care.

i am fine with shows doing the latter when they are more subtle and respect the time and place better than this example, but still my point remains.

i hope i put it well at least.
Oct 17, 2023 11:40 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to traed
She's been alone with her many times already and hasn't assaulted her. I think that is what is supposed to be what indicates Rae is harmless. Also she wanted to be her maid not to just perv on her it was so she could be her wingwoman. I get it isn't the most clear thing how things are done though. A muddled message.
This logic is fine when applied to a show you know is not trying to tie parallels to real world social-political issues.

However this show took an important stance on a very real issue, clearly in the way that they want the audience if ill-informed or opposing to learn something from it.

Im sorry but when you take a stance like that its hard to suddenly go back and say, the anime is all for gags and laughs, we cant take anything too serious because of anime tropiness.

so that being, if we say we take everything presented by the anime as serious commentary, then a line like
traed said:
She's been alone with her many times already and hasn't assaulted her.

holds up horrifically when you frame it with respect to the real world.
the message being muddled in how it was presented in one thing, but when you cannot empirically prove that some things in a show are meant to be taken seriously, and some are not, you get these arbitrary moments where you cannot claim to know that X was meant to be serious, and Y was meant to be a gag. And thus you cant use Y as an attack of X.

i want to point out im really not offended or put off by what happened this episode. i plan to keep watching and have not changed my score. but i was only gonna give the show a 6 or 7 as is anyways.

this sort of event though, would harm the consistency of better shows because the questions is raises about in other wise innocuous trope scenes in the anime. We wouldnt care if the pot was black if it did not call the kettle black.
Oct 17, 2023 11:46 PM

Jan 2018
Reply to ScarletDeltaDia
As someone who’s LGBTQ+, seeing a lot of these comments is giving me secondhand embarrassment. Gotta love the complete & utter lack of critical thinking skills that I’m seeing from most of y’all. Anyone saying that this scene was “cringe” or “forced”, I can’t take you seriously like at all. In most yuri manga/anime, the topic of sexual orientation is rarely brought up/discussed and that’s a problem. Conversations like this are so important and they shouldn’t be glossed over, not to mention it’s something that a lot of us within the community can relate to as we discover more about ourselves & our place within the community. Without spoiling the manga or light novels, the series is going to delve into much more serious topics like politics & classism just to name a few examples. So the show taking some time to be {for the most part} serious for a few minutes isn’t exactly out of place. I could say more, but I think I’ve said enough because I don’t want to get into discussions/debates with people who clearly can’t engage with media and serious topics with any sort of logic or tact.
Later in the novel, do they handle the tonal balancing better? or is it as sudden as it was here.
Oct 18, 2023 12:02 AM

Aug 2021
This show is about a psycho stalker harassing their victim untill they give in.Anything this show says becomes null and void due to is morally repungant premise.
K-_-01Oct 18, 2023 12:07 AM
Oct 18, 2023 12:19 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to Dogemy
I think so too, but i think im tryin to point out a lack of complete comprehension of the culture in which wokeness is inserted into media in the western world.

its one thing for the author to spread their socio-political beliefs in their work. thats pretty western true, and they are doing that here.
But when you talk about this with the discussion of when inclusivity or political correctness is forced into western media, often i would think of examples where the author is not spreading their beliefs, just spreading that which they think will get pandering points.

i really dont believe the author is following the western trend of getting a point across because they pander, but getting a point across because they care.

i am fine with shows doing the latter when they are more subtle and respect the time and place better than this example, but still my point remains.

i hope i put it well at least.
@Dogemy Ah. I can't say I've ever really had the mindset that most of these types are pandering in that regard, but who can say for sure.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 18, 2023 12:22 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to ScarletDeltaDia
As someone who’s LGBTQ+, seeing a lot of these comments is giving me secondhand embarrassment. Gotta love the complete & utter lack of critical thinking skills that I’m seeing from most of y’all. Anyone saying that this scene was “cringe” or “forced”, I can’t take you seriously like at all. In most yuri manga/anime, the topic of sexual orientation is rarely brought up/discussed and that’s a problem. Conversations like this are so important and they shouldn’t be glossed over, not to mention it’s something that a lot of us within the community can relate to as we discover more about ourselves & our place within the community. Without spoiling the manga or light novels, the series is going to delve into much more serious topics like politics & classism just to name a few examples. So the show taking some time to be {for the most part} serious for a few minutes isn’t exactly out of place. I could say more, but I think I’ve said enough because I don’t want to get into discussions/debates with people who clearly can’t engage with media and serious topics with any sort of logic or tact.
@GundhamTanaka95 In what universe is it not forced to radically shift tone and lecture the audience about gay prejudice for 5 mins? lol

Now, the LN is a bit more grounded in tone throughout, so the whiplash isn't as extreme, but it introduces new problems as well.

If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 18, 2023 12:40 AM
Mar 2015
Dogemy said:
Later in the novel, do they handle the tonal balancing better? or is it as sudden as it was here.

I don’t think there’s an issue with tonal balancing, but anyways at least in the manga {I haven’t read the LNs {but I’m aware of some things} I think they do a pretty good job with balancing the comedy and the more serious aspects of the story.
Oct 18, 2023 12:52 AM

Oct 2013
Reply to K-_-01
This show is about a psycho stalker harassing their victim untill they give in.Anything this show says becomes null and void due to is morally repungant premise.
@K-_-01 It's surreal to see people having moral or social issues about this show, when - as you've said - its premise alone is already controversial. This show does not pretend to be like most of other shows with similar themes. That's why being triggered by it is weird to me.

Sure, one can criticize the depiction of certain elements or those elements itself, like few people have already done in this thread. There's totally nothing wrong with that and it's even encouraged when discussing about various shows, not only anime. However, you could feel disappointment coming from some posts, as if their authors were upset that a series with morally repulsive stuff at its core and is not pretending to not have it, has controversial things featured in it.

But well, I guess many anime fans are like that. Watching something that triggers them, hoping for such show to become "akshually wholesome" later on, and rant when it doesn't and/or becomes worse.
Oct 18, 2023 12:58 AM
Mar 2015
LostSpectre said:
@GundhamTanaka95 In what universe is it not forced to radically shift tone and lecture the audience about gay prejudice for 5 mins? lol

Now, the LN is a bit more grounded in tone throughout, so the whiplash isn't as extreme, but it introduces new problems as well.

You’re legit just spouting nonsense, there’s no radical shift in tone?! All Misha asked Rae was “are you gay?”, which led to a mostly calm discussion that openly talked about sexual orientation, homophobia, etc… Also Misha wasn’t lecturing Claire about “gay prejudice”, she was explaining why Claire saying “I’m sensing that I’m in danger” while purposely leaning away from Rae who just said that they’re into girls romantically is homophobic and it doesn’t matter if it was intentional or not. Like how is it possible to be this obtuse, it’s not that hard to grasp and yet you’ve shown that you don’t understand/have completely missed the point of every single part of this conversation. Don’t expect another response from me, it’s not because I can’t take criticism, rather after reading your last response… you seem like an incredibly unpleasant person that lacks awareness.
Oct 18, 2023 2:38 AM
Mar 2021
I was surprised they specifically said 'gay' and not 'girl love' etc. It was a weird little moment, but it didn't feel to preachy.
Oct 18, 2023 4:15 AM

Sep 2014
This thread is so weird. The anime is about harassment, stalking, bullying and homosexuality and yet people here are triggered out of a character asking about gay tolerance. Did you really not expect to see your gay anime sending gay messages?
Oct 18, 2023 6:58 AM

Apr 2020
I really don't care.
It's a fictional piece of entertainment, from another culture - on the other side of the planet.

How can you be offended by that? It doesn't concern you.
Is this really the most pressing issue you've got?....You're talking about "guilt" and "harassment" dude....relax a little. It's a silly cartoon.
Merve2LoveOct 18, 2023 7:14 AM
Oct 18, 2023 7:12 AM
May 2022
traed said:
Kiyopxn said:
Now obviously, these are both artificial people, so for the sake of the story of course Rae won't do anything like that, and Claire wont stop her. At the end of the day these characters come from the author's fantasy that he made for this world. But to teach a real lesson, surely you would want the characters to behave in a way that real humans do. Like how for example that other character calling out claires "homophobic" attitude which wasn't homophobic but in fact fully justified.

Like I brought up earlier Rae is acting like someone would act waking up in a game world and acting similar to how some people act toward celebrities. You can find all sorts of stories of celebrities talking about awkward moments with fans. Misha, I'm not sure since like I said it could just be her not being there personally for most of things I guess? Though I havent really paid much attention to her previous actions since I wasn't aware she would become a more introduced character so I'd have to go back and check what she previously was saing before this episode. You could argue for Claire being less realistic though where she seems inconsistent in how she acts toward Rae but as as far as we are in the anime we don't really know Claire's inner thoughts just her actions. So it's messy, yes.

Kiyopxn said:
Now I saw you said that as this from Japan, so perhaps the author and the average Japanese person may view things like this differently. But, assuming this is for a more progressive audience, you wouldn't want to include sexual harassment elements which I'm sure is a touchy topic in Japan even if it does have different viewpoints from west.

I'm not really sure on the audience being progressive. Since a person could have regressive views about homosexuals while still fetishizing lesbian relationships. Then you also have the weird weebs that hate watch. So I am not sure if or if not the intent was to actually lecture some of the readers/viewers which it really wouldn't do good at with all the muddling of the message or if it never was intended for that and is merely giving a gesture to gay and bi readers/viewers. The later probably would make more sense to be the reason why things are how they are.

I wanted to comment on what you said about us not know Claire’s inner thoughts. I assume you’re talking about the criticism people have that Claire was right and was not being homophobic like Misha, i think, suggests. The reason I think it’s fine to come to this conclusion that this isn’t a fair treatment of Claire is that, as an audience, we are basing our assessment on what we see of her in the show. This doesn’t include her inner thoughts but Misha is assessing her with the same information, since neither does she know what Claire’s inner thoughts are, so I think it’s justifiable to say that she was being unfair here.

With the way Misha has spoken about Claire previously though she definitely has a bias against her (presumably for good reason of course) so I think that it’s in character that she would try and attack Claire or engage with her in with this bias against Claire in mind. That said the show seems to treat Misha like she’s right which makes no sense.

Not really a criticism of what you said I just wanted to say I don’t think it’s necessarily “messy” because we don’t have enough information to fairly judge this part of the scene or Claire’s motivations. Also, even setting Misha aside if we’re trying to understand who Claire herself is as a character we have to rely only on the information we’ve been given in the story rather than assuming stuff that we aren’t privy to and can’t point to direct evidence for how we came to these inferences.

All that aside though on the second point you said, I had no idea how divisive GL shows were. I’m seeing people making posts and comments saying people who hate this episode just don’t like lesbians which to me was just bizarre since I figured everyone watching a show like this, especially one with such a brazen protagonist, wouldn’t be mad at seeing lesbians on screen unless they’re completely lost I guess 😂 I still find it a bit laughable but I’ve seen other people talking about how there are some people hate watching these shows so maybe this is a thing. I think this is the second GL show I’ve actually seen and I’m not a part of that genre’s fandom (I liked the other one I saw and this one I’ve enjoyed a lot except for this episode I’m just not up to date on the latest stuff in the genre so I can’t call myself a part of that) so it’s just strange hearing what the culture in that space is like and the conversations being had.

To be clear I have a big problem with the way this was executed and what it did to these characters I was really liking. Not that Rae is gay. I used all my brain power to deduce that in the first five minutes of episode one so didn’t exactly hit me when she was like “yup I’m totes gay” this episode 😂
Oct 18, 2023 8:49 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to ScarletDeltaDia
LostSpectre said:
@GundhamTanaka95 In what universe is it not forced to radically shift tone and lecture the audience about gay prejudice for 5 mins? lol

Now, the LN is a bit more grounded in tone throughout, so the whiplash isn't as extreme, but it introduces new problems as well.

You’re legit just spouting nonsense, there’s no radical shift in tone?! All Misha asked Rae was “are you gay?”, which led to a mostly calm discussion that openly talked about sexual orientation, homophobia, etc… Also Misha wasn’t lecturing Claire about “gay prejudice”, she was explaining why Claire saying “I’m sensing that I’m in danger” while purposely leaning away from Rae who just said that they’re into girls romantically is homophobic and it doesn’t matter if it was intentional or not. Like how is it possible to be this obtuse, it’s not that hard to grasp and yet you’ve shown that you don’t understand/have completely missed the point of every single part of this conversation. Don’t expect another response from me, it’s not because I can’t take criticism, rather after reading your last response… you seem like an incredibly unpleasant person that lacks awareness.
@GundhamTanaka95 I can only assume that you do not understand the concept of a narrative shift in tone, so it's probably best you don't respond.

Let's not even get into how tone deaf it is to lecture Claire about why gay people are just like everyone else, so she has no reason to think she would be in any danger from Rae, aside from all the reasons that Rae gives Claire to feel like she might be in danger when she acts like a borderline predatory gay stereotype, and Claire specifically says as much, and even worse, in the LN Rae actually admits her behavior is likely problematic and may be crossing boundaries, but justifies it by making herself the victim. lol

So, I guess the moral here is that Claire shouldn't feel unsafe because Rae is gay, she should feel unsafe because Rae is a creep? 🤣
LostSpectreOct 18, 2023 9:08 AM
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 18, 2023 8:58 AM
Sep 2019
Reply to LostSpectre
@GundhamTanaka95 I can only assume that you do not understand the concept of a narrative shift in tone, so it's probably best you don't respond.

Let's not even get into how tone deaf it is to lecture Claire about why gay people are just like everyone else, so she has no reason to think she would be in any danger from Rae, aside from all the reasons that Rae gives Claire to feel like she might be in danger when she acts like a borderline predatory gay stereotype, and Claire specifically says as much, and even worse, in the LN Rae actually admits her behavior is likely problematic and may be crossing boundaries, but justifies it by making herself the victim. lol

So, I guess the moral here is that Claire shouldn't feel unsafe because Rae is gay, she should feel unsafe because Rae is a creep? 🤣
@LostSpectre I agree with the fact that there was a narrative shift in tone out of nowhere. Ignoring that for the sake of “at least they got the conversation out” sounds lame. They could have set an episode from the beginning with a more serious tone leading to the convo rather than jokes jokes serious issue jokes jokes. I do think it was good to put it early on in the show so people can expect messages like that later on bc if it happened randomly for the first time towards the end it would have been more off guard
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