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"You're not an open book, you're the whole library!"
Even the subs for this show are perfection.
I don't think you could come up with a more convuluted set up for a first kiss if you tried, and I loved every second of it. And yeah, that vice principal is unironic nightmare fuel.
@Nirinbo Welcome to Earth alien. Enjoy your stay, or don't.
@YuChunHsieh Thanks earthling, I am enjoying my stay on Earth. What I'm not enjoying is this anime, but I shouldn't be surprised since people also consider Gintama and Grand Blue funny.
Great op, it reminds me of the opening of "GAMERS!". What a laugh Hakari sending an "Oppai Tiger Uppercut" like Sagat from Street Fighter to Karane when she was trying to kiss Rentarou. In the end, after many attempts and far-fetched strategies, the best thing was always to resort to the mythical, imitated but never equaled, the one you wear and fit: "The Kiss of 3."
See you next week, the ending already gave us a spoiler that girlfriend number 3 is called Shizuka.
PS: How shady the vice principal, she almost stole food from Hakari and Karane jsjs
I loved episode 1, but this was a step down. My main interest comes from the harem expanding over the 1st 2 girls. I was hoping the dicipline granny would be a soulmate for humor. This was less comedy and more "romance." I would give this episode a 3/5.
@YuChunHsieh Thanks earthling, I am enjoying my stay on Earth. What I'm not enjoying is this anime, but I shouldn't be surprised since people also consider Gintama and Grand Blue funny.
Okay that was funnier (which was very funny) than the first episode, I think I need to not watch this while eating dinner I nearly choked on my food several times!
HansDevX said: Dropped, would rather rewatch school days with an MC who's more human and hated by the community than this braindead MC. Will only watch an episode if it has the mommy in it, good luck.
Braindead he says
It's ok to be filtered, but I hope I don't see you in chapter 3 discussion if you really think that Ren is "braindead"
As for my opinion as a manga reader:
It's great, I love how nightmarishly the Vice principal was animated, I love how over the top the kiss at the end was with the zooming out, I love the added attempts at kissing which honestly fit the characters, and I love how they included Shizuka at the very end, it's a great way to tease anime-onlies
Overall, still great, I still laughed a lot.
also the op was much better than I thought, it was genuinely really good, *let's ignore obese Rentarou*
@HPLwonder if you reeded the manga then i assume that you look foward to the person that show up in the opening before the all the girls feed him on the rooftop
Damn, this series is so over the top that it rivals Girlfriend, Girlfriend in making me laugh (except for the vice principal, that woman monster is just nasty).
When they were trying to kiss my first thought was for them to kiss at the same time and that actually happened at the end! Just as I was starting to get used to these 2 girls another one shows up...
They really had to rename Pocky as Bocky (which also kinda KINDA means boner, if you change two words, but the way they say it is very close to boner). Holy hell this anime is funny af. Goofy ah anime lol.
This anime just keeps getting better and better!!! The interactions with the three are still so funny, when they were holding hands and Rentaro calling the girls by their first names was so funny, and hearing them think "Love, love, love" was priceless!! Is it wrong to be jealous right now😅? That Vice Principle is terrifying, that's all I can say. They're next task was who'll get Rentaro's first kiss was so funny, the Hakari and Karane sure had some fun excuses to kiss him, and Rentaro's plan was actually clever but did not work well. I can't believe it took then all day to attempt it, hope their grades are ok, but I did like the simple idea of all three of them kissing, I mean talk about bonding haha. Now that Rentaro's meeting his third soulmate, I wonder how this'll play out, and I'm also wondering if Rentaro would explain to the girls about his issue with the god of love🤔.
Kanojo mo Kanojo, Kami nomi zo shiru sekai, Negima (talking just from the first anime), Monmusu, Mushoku god Tensei… all noobs!!!
(insert villainous rich girl laugh) This is "The Harem Cuspid"!!!!!!!!! (insert team rocket villainous laugh)
The manga has already introduced Girlfriend no. 26. The actual question is: how could she draw the other 25 so well in such an extremely little panel during the introduction to "The Family"?! Wow!
Also, "unique"…? Well, "unique" does not imply creativeness… Sorry.
That’s actually wild. Mad props to the creator
@Phantom_373 Mad or Genius? I don't know, but she is awesome!
(T-T) 26 and we are still lacking one… (sniff)
I love how everyone, including voice actors, animators and translators are giving it their all for this show. It really deserves it though, for how hillarious it is!
Watched this out of curiosity and it's just terrible. Be it this or Kanojo mo Kanojo, I don't understand how these girls can like a guy who is dating multiple girls at the same time, and the tsundere girl just makes it even worse.
Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
@HPLwonder if you reeded the manga then i assume that you look foward to the person that show up in the opening before the all the girls feed him on the rooftop
@Elior21 Yes I do very much look forward to seeing a certain character, but I'm a bit worried about the schism it'll cause in the anime-only community as well as creating some twitter controversy too
I enjoyed the first episode. I liked most of this episode. But the vice principal makes me want to drop. And I am assuming she shows up more. Probably going to give at least one more episode. But I hated the VP so much I am assuming there is more stuff like that that will just turn me away.
They actually said that what the vice-principal is doing is illegal. Here I was, thinking wtf, why is she not in jail. But she's kind of a fun one anyway.
I like Karane though, her tsundere moments are funny. The first kiss thing was absolutely stupid but guess teens are like that.
Guess the next one is a loli then, or more likely, a kouhai. No idea but looking forward to it.
"You only realize the real value of something you discarded when you get the chance to pick it up again." - Rudeus Greyrat
eu gostei bastante desse episódio também, mas confesso que eu gostaria muito mais se o protagonista namorasse somente a Hanazono ou a Shizuka (a garota q aparece no final do ep) enfim, vamos ver como essa história vai se desenrolar.
it seems there's 5 girls for this season, hmm
is it normal for there to be freeze frame jokes in the op, like actual multiple letters? uh.
that being said, like. i dont usually point this out, but, something feels weird about this op song
honestly im not sure how he's going to handle being mobbed by five girls, nevermind presumably the s2
i think the joke is that all the girls are a little crazy. still im not sure.
karane is such a weird name, though im worried hakari will do something crazy as well
and the other 3 yeah uhhhhwho knows
hakari going straight for the handholding, not surprising. but he only has two hands, so once the 3rd girl shows up they're going to be fighting over him
rentarou also proactively with karane, hilarious
though right now he's still on last name basis
that being said i do wonder hmm
its kinda like
i mean just count the number of times, i wouldnt be surprised if ep 1 was the exception and every ep is like this from now
the funny thing is now im worried the two of them will just be attached to him the whole time and its just going to be a triangle
the op seemed to show some other characters as well, no idea
there's 10 more eps for 3 more girls, im assuming they wont just have them all show up immediately, so like, depending on pacing. i'm not super sure myself, since 12 doesnt divide into 5 cleanly
presumably the next girl will either show up in ep 4 or 5, then 6/7 and 8/9?
ok so we have more comedy. i'll be honest its a bit like, its rather whiplashy and extreme dont you think? shrug
anyway so yes rooftop lunch, im assuming this will be a recurring trend given how its literally in the op heh. also well.
karane is one thing, rentarou getting whacked in the face
damn, second time, how many times is karane going
with the two of them fighting over each other i do wonder how on earth
anyway so rentarou spent a lot of time trying to figure out a plan, thing is, will it actually work? shrug
the only sad thing is its rather convoluted and in the end its still blindfolded.
but i guess uhmmmm
i dunno honestly
also yeah, uh, hakari is hakari alright
i was thinking it would be interesting/better if there was a impartial 3rd observer to help but uh, easier said than done
you know what they said, devil in the details, plans dont survive, etc
aaand of course the cat gets triggered
also uhm, what happened to school? did they accidentally skip school the whole day?
yeah the problem is the strategy is too complicated. surely there has to be a simpler method? idk
also right now yeah, hakari and karane seem pretty difficult to get along since they're basically competing over rentarou
cant believe this turn of events daheck is going on
so last episode people were rambling on and on, but otherwise it is kind of funny
rentarou and the girls arent flawless either, but its funny
so anyway yes they finally solve it with the simple solutio. after like the whole episode
i was thinking they would end it here but
so far it seems one episode is one day, but yeah uh haha
ok yeah as soon as the scene played i knew the 3rd girl was going to show up as a cliffhanger. so this is episode two and there's already 3 girls, the other two now i have genuinely no idea. presumably ep 5 and maybe ep 8
So far uhm. The pacing seems to be off a bit, but I'm not sure. Animelist doesnt have the number of eps listed so far, im really curious if there's going to be a twist.
The OP and the main image seems to show 5 girls so far, and we already have three girls in two eps. Either they're going to relax the pace later on, or we're going to have like arc style, where they show us all five girls early on and then spend a bunch of eps.
Otherwise almost the entire ep was spent on just this, I was wondering if they were going to do half and half, or cliffhang, or just normally, but we got a cliffhanger I guess.
I dont think rentarou has actually told the girls that he's going to get 100 girlfriends, how are they going to react as he gets more?
If the op is anything to go by I dont think he's going to have time.
It awfully gives me a lot of date a live vibes, where each girl gets one arc, but I dunno.
Judging from how things are going hakari and karane are both a bit weird, karane a bit moreso, but the real issue is we havent really had time to just sit down with the girls. Yet.
I have tooo many questions for this show but i'm still going to keep watching..the vice pincipal tho it needs to be arrested that poor guy TT why on earth..i'm still in shock and then wow they stayed on the roof all day after weren't they supposed to have classes or somehing lol...overall i'm still surprised at the plot of this show like how..lmao.
The ED art is toooo cute and i can't wait to see how more girls are gonna join this already chaotic mess
HansDevX said: Dropped, would rather rewatch school days with an MC who's more human and hated by the community than this braindead MC. Will only watch an episode if it has the mommy in it, good luck.
Braindead he says
It's ok to be filtered, but I hope I don't see you in chapter 3 discussion if you really think that Ren is "braindead"
As for my opinion as a manga reader:
It's great, I love how nightmarishly the Vice principal was animated, I love how over the top the kiss at the end was with the zooming out, I love the added attempts at kissing which honestly fit the characters, and I love how they included Shizuka at the very end, it's a great way to tease anime-onlies
Overall, still great, I still laughed a lot.
also the op was much better than I thought, it was genuinely really good, *let's ignore obese Rentarou*
@HPLwonder I personally dropped it as well, I expected it to be really good or interesting, but it was just silliness for 48 straight minutes in the first two episodes. I can see yall watching this from boredom, but with so many good anime to watch, don't know if I have time for silly cringe added to my list. If it was some serious romance I think I'd enjoy it more, but so far like I said I haven't seen any sign of anything other than comedy or cringe. If only the genres had variety in the show
That cat is one smooth freaking operator. I hope he returns later in the show to rizz up some other girls. Some appropriate girls coz apparently there are lolis too.
Big and bony, now we already know how she feels about his telephone pole in advance. Speaking of which, it would be hilarious if that pole was the only thing friend he had that he could talk to, despite having 100 GFs.
Also, Rentarou in the OP seems like an absolute gigachad.
It's Sunday, you know what that means (though I'm late on watching this episode lol) .I never thought I would actually see some wrestling references here since I'm a geek to that stuff. The Good Ol' German Suplex, LARIATOOO!!!, and the Camel Clutch with the man who popularized - the late great The Iron Shiek!
Overall, this was another hilarious episode! Rentarou's defiance on not giving up the first kiss after getting hit with many blunders and offenses, some pretty funny misunderstandings, and that wild Vice Principal! This was great!
@HPLwonder I personally dropped it as well, I expected it to be really good or interesting, but it was just silliness for 48 straight minutes in the first two episodes. I can see yall watching this from boredom, but with so many good anime to watch, don't know if I have time for silly cringe added to my list. If it was some serious romance I think I'd enjoy it more, but so far like I said I haven't seen any sign of anything other than comedy or cringe. If only the genres had variety in the show
@Jya_Asiaboo_sama Episode 3 came out, I recommend giving it a look, it might answer something... I highly highly recommend you go watch it
Was late to this episode because I was having trouble deciding which day to watch this on last week, ultimately decided to make it day of so that means I have two episodes to watch today now lol, but damn man, I hate to admit but this is really good. The stuff with the three of them trying to kiss was hilarious, and the over the top tsundere stuff with Karane has not failed to make me laugh so far, and then you have the actually terrifying vice principal which I also thought was hilarious lol.
And you might be wondering why I hate to admit that I like this, well it’s because during the first week there were folks putting down other shows that I love while praising this one, it put a bad taste in my mouth and made me want to not like this, well I am a harem anime lover so that was never gonna happen lol, so it’s safe to say I’m onboard with this now despite what people say. And the OP is a very good one too, contrasts well with the cute and chill ED.
Not one eye but two... & the fact that they kept his eyes red for a bit was money 😂 Good episode. The whole plan with the 3 way kiss slightly killed my vibe but overall I enjoyed
The Opening alone is just pure Comedy, It goes to show you, and I mean it really really really really REALLY goes to show you, what this man has to go through to make every girlfriend he meets the happiest girl in the world and he only met 2/98! I mean clearly it shown just FIVE OF THEM from the OP (and a few girls teased to show up eventually).
This episode has no right to be this funny though with the hand holding, first names and kissing. I have not witnessed any protagonists going through great lengths to plan the first kiss, and with Aijou he does this with 2 soulmates. I'm starting to like Hakari's and Karane's personality a bit more, but I can't wait to see what the girls are like...
Judging from the OP and ED, Shizuka (his 3rd soulmate now) seems more like the nice type, Nano looks like the quiet type (almost like Komi) and Kusuri could be the energetic type.
idk why this is so highly rated. i dont think its better than gf gf which has a better plot and less forced. the mc here is much worse.
def not the best romcom of the season 7-8 material. the only character i like so far is hakari and maybe the vice principal. anime seems highly plagiarized it lacks orginality. the biggest problem with plot is theres no explanation why the boobas fell in love with the guy who is average at best. the male probably fell in love to lose his virginity which i would have done the same.
this anime has decent potential for comedy but for harem its way too generic. def tier worse than rent a girlfriend.
Ok, I know that tsuntsun is a "grumpy person" and deredere is a "person in love" so tsundere is easy to understand what does it mean...
But what ZING is?
I mean zingdere is something in existence?
Maybe is the last part of amazing?
Is it something I don't know, Japanese or English, because those are not my main languages?
I dunno what to say. This episode just felt kinda dumb. I know its supposed to be dumb to the point that its funny but I just didn't find it particularly funny. I know I'm not really the target audience for this type of show so I assume its just me.