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Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included
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Oct 4, 2023 2:26 AM

Oct 2020
Sorry, but it's hard to look at this show and premisse and not think it's a copy of Otonari no Tenshi-sama.

And if Otonari no Tenshi-sama was trash, this seems even worse. Not watching.
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Oct 4, 2023 2:49 AM
Apr 2021
Lavszera said:
Sorry, but it's hard to look at this show and premisse and not think it's a copy of Otonari no Tenshi-sama.

And if Otonari no Tenshi-sama was trash, this seems even worse. Not watching.

Trash really!? Then what's peak domestic girlfriend!?
Oct 4, 2023 12:41 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to futuretechfreak
Lavszera said:
Sorry, but it's hard to look at this show and premisse and not think it's a copy of Otonari no Tenshi-sama.

And if Otonari no Tenshi-sama was trash, this seems even worse. Not watching.

Trash really!? Then what's peak domestic girlfriend!?
I do like Domestic Girlfirend.
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Oct 4, 2023 12:53 PM
May 2011
You never know. Maybe the characters won't be boring, and the angel won't devote herself to Dood-kun just because he loaned her an umbrella that one time.
Oct 4, 2023 10:50 PM
Jan 2021
They're not similar at all. This one's more of a standard romcom harem
Oct 7, 2023 4:06 AM
Mar 2019
Domestic girlfriend have a good plot but the story still bullshit just rent a girlfriend
Oct 8, 2023 3:29 PM

Sep 2020
I’m just hoping half of this anime doesn’t take place on a couch.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 13, 2023 9:31 AM
Jun 2015
I didn't know that Otonari tenshi was a harem supernatural story
though if you count that having a beauty neighbor for girlfriend is supernatural, then yes
still not harem, tho

I also don't know many, (I guess, "influencers"?) who need to declare that they are not going to watch a show,
so... ok... I guess..? good for you
undeedOct 13, 2023 9:36 AM
Oct 14, 2023 8:10 AM

Oct 2020
Reply to Fail_Man_X
You never know. Maybe the characters won't be boring, and the angel won't devote herself to Dood-kun just because he loaned her an umbrella that one time.
I'll assume you haven't watched the trailer...
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Oct 14, 2023 8:12 AM

Oct 2020
Reply to ViciousAnime_
They're not similar at all. This one's more of a standard romcom harem
Isn't this just Otonari no Tenshi-sama without the harem?
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Oct 14, 2023 8:27 AM

Oct 2020
Reply to undeed
I didn't know that Otonari tenshi was a harem supernatural story
though if you count that having a beauty neighbor for girlfriend is supernatural, then yes
still not harem, tho

I also don't know many, (I guess, "influencers"?) who need to declare that they are not going to watch a show,
so... ok... I guess..? good for you
I didn't know that Otonari tenshi was a harem supernatural story
though if you count that having a beauty neighbor for girlfriend is supernatural, then yes
still not harem, tho

Yeah, I didn't know you were so dumb to the point of believing that just because the heroin wears a white dress and has a yellow glow coming from her back she is this much different from the heroin of Otonari no Tenshi-sama

undeed said:
I also don't know many, (I guess, "influencers"?) who need to declare that they are not going to watch a show,
so... ok... I guess..? good for you

I wasn't trying to influence anyone when I said I wasn't watching the show. I wouldn't have any reason to do so. I don't act like my opinion matters, all I did was point out the simmilarity of this show to Otonari no Tenshi-sama and add that it didn't attract me. If you are seeing any problems with this, if you think I was acting arrogant, maybe the problem is with you, not me?
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Oct 14, 2023 6:23 PM
Jun 2015
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
I didn't know that Otonari tenshi was a harem supernatural story
though if you count that having a beauty neighbor for girlfriend is supernatural, then yes
still not harem, tho

Yeah, I didn't know you were so dumb to the point of believing that just because the heroin wears a white dress and has a yellow glow coming from her back she is this much different from the heroin of Otonari no Tenshi-sama

undeed said:
I also don't know many, (I guess, "influencers"?) who need to declare that they are not going to watch a show,
so... ok... I guess..? good for you

I wasn't trying to influence anyone when I said I wasn't watching the show. I wouldn't have any reason to do so. I don't act like my opinion matters, all I did was point out the simmilarity of this show to Otonari no Tenshi-sama and add that it didn't attract me. If you are seeing any problems with this, if you think I was acting arrogant, maybe the problem is with you, not me?
Lavszera said:
Yeah, I didn't know you were so dumb to the point of believing that just because the heroin wears a white dress and has a yellow glow coming from her back she is this much different from the heroin of Otonari no Tenshi-sama

maybe because I've read about 25+ chapters of this manga
and I see no similarity at all
so yeah, maybe I'm the dumb one
good for you

didn't attract you, not watching
yeah sure, you do you
nobody ask
Dec 5, 2023 10:48 PM

Jun 2023
Reply to undeed
Lavszera said:
Yeah, I didn't know you were so dumb to the point of believing that just because the heroin wears a white dress and has a yellow glow coming from her back she is this much different from the heroin of Otonari no Tenshi-sama

maybe because I've read about 25+ chapters of this manga
and I see no similarity at all
so yeah, maybe I'm the dumb one
good for you

didn't attract you, not watching
yeah sure, you do you
nobody ask
@undeed can you enlightened me a bit, will the setting takes place in a single room like that particular boring angel anime? Do we have only 2 characters talking to each other the whole series or do we have other important characters?
Dec 6, 2023 12:58 AM
Jun 2015
Reply to darksideee
@undeed can you enlightened me a bit, will the setting takes place in a single room like that particular boring angel anime? Do we have only 2 characters talking to each other the whole series or do we have other important characters?
@darksideee just your everyday harem romcom story with a mix of magical and supernatural girls for the heroines (angel, human, ice woman, vampire, kappa, ... ),
typical spice of ecchi, but not too much like To Love Ru or Yuragi-sou Yuuna, very mild
just see it kind of like Bokuben or Gotoubun but with supernatural girl (can't think of a closer example at the moment)
I think in one season, a good 50-60% of the scenes will be in the room, and then the school, and the restaurant where the MC work part-time,
depending on how it will be adapted, I expect the story will end at Tokyo Tower
undeedDec 6, 2023 1:19 AM
Dec 6, 2023 1:34 AM

Jun 2023
undeed said:
@darksideee just your everyday harem romcom story with a mix of magical and supernatural girls for the heroines (angel, human, ice woman, vampire, kappa, ... ),
typical spice of ecchi, but not too much like To Love Ru or Yuragi-sou Yuuna, very mild
just see it kind of like Bokuben or Gotoubun but with supernatural girl (can't think of a closer example at the moment)
I think in one season, a good 50-60% of the scenes will be in the room, and then the school, and the restaurant where the MC work part-time,
depending on how it will be adapted, I expect the story will end at Tokyo Tower

Thanks a lot! 👍
Jan 12, 2024 12:44 PM

Aug 2020
Looks as cute as it. There are lots of angel stories recently in these seasons.

Jan 12, 2024 1:07 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to KitsuFrost
Looks as cute as it. There are lots of angel stories recently in these seasons.
It's not cute; it's uninspired trash
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Jan 12, 2024 1:14 PM
Oct 2019
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
It's not cute; it's uninspired trash
@Lavszera one man trash is another man treasure considering you decided to made a post about the fact that you won't watch it you should know that better that anyone.
Mar 22, 2024 3:56 PM

Jun 2017
Dunno, this seems like one of those harems that will never go anywhere and won't get other season. Generic as hell. The girls are cute but MC looks like a badly drawn budget Shido from Date a Live. lol
Mar 29, 2024 7:14 PM
Dec 2022
Trash? The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten is peak. This isn't a copy. It's gonna be a romcom harem show plus I'm up to date on the manga. It'll be nice.
Mar 29, 2024 11:04 PM

Nov 2021
tf do you mean trash.
Sure it did become a bit boring in the middle episodes but the romance was on point for most of the time and there was actual progression seen throughout the series.
We can see that at the end too when he confesses his feelings for her unlike quite a lot of rom-coms.
Mar 30, 2024 1:11 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to Saphhh
tf do you mean trash.
Sure it did become a bit boring in the middle episodes but the romance was on point for most of the time and there was actual progression seen throughout the series.
We can see that at the end too when he confesses his feelings for her unlike quite a lot of rom-coms.
If your only way of measuring the quality of a series is by using criterions such as "the romance was on point" "confesses his feelings unlike other rom-coms", then maybe you should stop consuming fiction altogether.
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Mar 30, 2024 4:54 PM
May 2017
No; Towa is a bona fide angel.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Mar 31, 2024 3:06 AM
Jun 2015

basically that guy

saying not arrogant but judgemental and egoistic
failed to acknowledge his own short-sightedness
saying one show is the same to other because of the design
wait until he know Shuumatsu no Hanayome

this thread should be closed already because the moronic question is already answered
Mar 31, 2024 10:32 PM
Dec 2017
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
I do like Domestic Girlfirend.
@KietaTeenRomance Calls Otonari no tenshi-sama trash, likes actual trash. smh

I bet you're just a messy individual
Apr 1, 2024 5:52 AM

Apr 2012
Imagine considering this show a clone of Otonari no Tenshi-sama just because both titles have the word "angel" in the title and ignoring that one show is a completely realistic SoL and the other is a supernatural harem.
Apr 1, 2024 9:06 AM
May 2021
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
Isn't this just Otonari no Tenshi-sama without the harem?
@KietaTeenRomance Well You're not wrong except for the Supernatural aspects of this anime which lacks on Otonari no Tenshi Sama. Also rather than a copy of Otonari no tenshi I've remember that there's a VN I've played called Tenshi☆Souzou RE-BOOT! which is particularly 90% similar to this anime.
Apr 1, 2024 2:09 PM

Oct 2020
RobertBobert said:
Imagine considering this show a clone of Otonari no Tenshi-sama just because both titles have the word "angel" in the title and ignoring that one show is a completely realistic SoL and the other is a supernatural harem.

Hpesuy said:
@KietaTeenRomance Well You're not wrong except for the Supernatural aspects of this anime which lacks on Otonari no Tenshi Sama. Also rather than a copy of Otonari no tenshi I've remember that there's a VN I've played called Tenshi☆Souzou RE-BOOT! which is particularly 90% similar to this anime.

What is natural about a show where a girl falls in love with out of friggin nowhere?
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Apr 1, 2024 2:13 PM

Apr 2012
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
RobertBobert said:
Imagine considering this show a clone of Otonari no Tenshi-sama just because both titles have the word "angel" in the title and ignoring that one show is a completely realistic SoL and the other is a supernatural harem.

Hpesuy said:
@KietaTeenRomance Well You're not wrong except for the Supernatural aspects of this anime which lacks on Otonari no Tenshi Sama. Also rather than a copy of Otonari no tenshi I've remember that there's a VN I've played called Tenshi☆Souzou RE-BOOT! which is particularly 90% similar to this anime.

What is natural about a show where a girl falls in love with out of friggin nowhere?
@KietaTeenRomance Dude, you have Imouto sae Ireba Ii in your favorites, are you sure you want to start a conversation about wish-fulfilling romance tropes? Regardless of how realistic you think the romance in Otonari no Tenshi-sama is, these shows have nothing in common other than the word "angel" in the title.
Apr 1, 2024 3:09 PM

Nov 2018
Idk why they compare between Ontari no tensei and studio apartment,good lighting,angel included that the story was too different?

And why most of people they don't like because of the word "TRASHED" or rather they don't like kind of this anime?

If you really don't like kind of this anime then Don't watch this and go to anime that suitable to your taste specilly the very popular anime...

Don't worry, this anime will consider as a under rated anime or rather called mid - below / high anime.
Apr 2, 2024 4:45 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to RobertBobert
@KietaTeenRomance Dude, you have Imouto sae Ireba Ii in your favorites, are you sure you want to start a conversation about wish-fulfilling romance tropes? Regardless of how realistic you think the romance in Otonari no Tenshi-sama is, these shows have nothing in common other than the word "angel" in the title.
What are you talking about, lil bro? Imouto Sae Ireba Ii is pure peak. Go read a review if you can't compreehend the beauty behind this series. Or perhaps grow up a little.
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Apr 3, 2024 1:17 PM

May 2009
They are nothing alike. Mahiru is figuratively an angel while in this anime all haremetes are some kind of supernatural entity.
Apr 5, 2024 12:28 AM

Sep 2018
Reply to KietaTeenRomance
I didn't know that Otonari tenshi was a harem supernatural story
though if you count that having a beauty neighbor for girlfriend is supernatural, then yes
still not harem, tho

Yeah, I didn't know you were so dumb to the point of believing that just because the heroin wears a white dress and has a yellow glow coming from her back she is this much different from the heroin of Otonari no Tenshi-sama

undeed said:
I also don't know many, (I guess, "influencers"?) who need to declare that they are not going to watch a show,
so... ok... I guess..? good for you

I wasn't trying to influence anyone when I said I wasn't watching the show. I wouldn't have any reason to do so. I don't act like my opinion matters, all I did was point out the simmilarity of this show to Otonari no Tenshi-sama and add that it didn't attract me. If you are seeing any problems with this, if you think I was acting arrogant, maybe the problem is with you, not me?
KietaTeenRomance said:
I don't act like my opinion matters

You certainly act as if you think your opinion matters. Why post this topic at all then?

Why keep arguing with different posters and flaming people?

Why not just shut your damn trap and stop actiing immature?
Apr 6, 2024 3:58 PM
Oct 2019
I don't get it why you mentioned Otonari Tenshi-sama as a thrash anime. Have you watched it? What thing made you hated it? The reason why you mentioned it as a "thrash"? Or maybe, you just hate it and never watch it or you just hate by watching from its trailer? If you wanna call something "thrash" you must prove it "thrash" and bring your argument on this forum. The dumb who was not even bringing his argument called someone dumb is the real dumb. If you just need an attention or any validation, just ask it to your parents or GF if you have though.
yagami_kirizuApr 6, 2024 4:04 PM
Apr 6, 2024 4:12 PM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
No wonder you dislike Otonari Tenshi with that kind of favorite like Imouto Sae Ireba Ii, you prefer a romance pandering for pervs who wish they have a cute girl who is unreasonably crazily in love with them instead of wholesome, more normal ones.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Apr 6, 2024 6:05 PM

Oct 2020
yagami_kirizu said:
I don't get it why you mentioned Otonari Tenshi-sama as a thrash anime. Have you watched it? What thing made you hated it? The reason why you mentioned it as a "thrash"? Or maybe, you just hate it and never watch it or you just hate by watching from its trailer? If you wanna call something "thrash" you must prove it "thrash" and bring your argument on this forum. The dumb who was not even bringing his argument called someone dumb is the real dumb. If you just need an attention or any validation, just ask it to your parents or GF if you have though.

A quick look at my list and you'd see I watched Otonari no Tenshi-sama. What lead me to hate the anime was a combination of the following factors:

1) Unrealistic plot: Otonari no Tenshi-sama is just a mix of a few clichés. The characters meet in the rain, the most beautiful girl in class falls for MC-kun, they become deeply in love. They try hiding their relashionship from others, but another couple quickly finds out about them and they go on double dates together...

The anime doesn't try to show us why would the Angel fall for MC-kun at all. He's just an average guy, after all. He's got nothing special, or anything that would make her fall for him. I could also mention the fact that they are neighbours (and found out only about the umbrella incident) but this trope is tolerable. It's just that this anime has so much of them that it gets unbearable to watch. Every episode looks like a copy of the previous one, in the sense that their conflicts and resolutions barely vary from the other episodes'. I don't remember their plots so I'm unable to give examples, but I remember being extremely bored with the show back when I watched it in simulcast. I wonder how fast I would have dropped it if I were to binge it. The heroin also doesn't look like she's made of most-popular-girl-material. Which gets us into the second point:

2) Characters lacking depth: Both of the characters lack any depth. And the anime adapted 4 light novel volumes, which should have been enough for us to see how the characters truly are inside. But instead, the anime was too lazy to make them appear credible - both main characters are artificial, reacting the same way to every situation, and keeping the same personality throughout every moment of every episode. MC-kun is always shy and doesn't want to cause trouble for the Angel, and the Angel is always shy, doesn't want to cause trouble, as is clingy to Amane. It doesn't change at all through the whole story. This reminds me a lot of the LN "Gimai Seikatsu" (anime coming in July 2024), which started publishing books around the same time as Otonari no Tenshi-sama. This is an intentional trope made by authors and used in the show because the authors and editors now it sells. And you are falling for it, and liking a work made purely to sell. This is very sad, actually.

3) Bad production value: How am I expected to like an anime with this static of an "animation", bad voice acting, bad audio design, terrifying backgrounds and disastrous screenwriting. Please, it's not hard to see that the animation is very poor. And yes, poor animation does make an anime bad.

Rinrinka said:
No wonder you dislike Otonari Tenshi with that kind of favorite like Imouto Sae Ireba Ii, you prefer a romance pandering for pervs who wish they have a cute girl who is unreasonably crazily in love with them instead of wholesome, more normal ones.

Stop pretending that you're a women online and then we can start talking.
KietaTeenRomanceApr 6, 2024 6:59 PM
Read light novels!
2023 Update: Do NOT read light novels. Regular novels are better. Glory to Haruki Murakami!!!
Apr 6, 2024 10:23 PM

Nov 2011
I would definitely agree that the premises of this anime is a joke... unattractive at all. The art and the character building may be something, but the premises or the main plot isn't solid at all, feels like everything happened for everything's sake, just doesn't really stick with me.
Apr 8, 2024 12:34 AM
Oct 2020
Reply to futuretechfreak
Lavszera said:
Sorry, but it's hard to look at this show and premisse and not think it's a copy of Otonari no Tenshi-sama.

And if Otonari no Tenshi-sama was trash, this seems even worse. Not watching.

Trash really!? Then what's peak domestic girlfriend!?
@futuretechfreak domestic girlfriend is the epitome of peak
Apr 8, 2024 6:28 AM
Apr 2021
I think , Question should be: Is this anime took inspiration from Heaven lost property aka Sora no Otoshimono ? when I saw angel waifu , this anime come to my mind

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