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Saint Cecilia and Pastor Lawrence
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Sep 20, 2023 8:58 AM

Nov 2011
Well, it's great that Cecila and Lawrence are able to spend more time together. After all this time, I like how Cecila embraces both her past, present, and future.

It does feel like the their relationship has grown and their connection got stronger. To be fair though, Cecila seems like the type of girl that can make friends with just about anyone.
Sep 20, 2023 10:24 AM

Feb 2021
He is actually getting less and less dense!
Good to see the flashback! I want to know more about Cecilia's past though.
But how exactly did the demolition of one small bridge prevent a flood?
I feel like I saw the scene with the window in a trailer or something.
Oh! Here is Cecilia's flashback!
He's feeling it yeeeah!
I really like the scene after credits. Lawrence seems so lonely there.
Last episode next week!
I wonder if this will get a season 2 too. But this is made by Doga Kobo soooo...‎
Sep 20, 2023 10:36 AM

Feb 2019
“I need the lady saint and I want to be together forever” “I wonder what this feeling is”

Lawrence my man, that’s called love. Massive episode for his development and it looks like he’s finally realising how he feels about Cecilia. Here’s to hoping for a confession next week 🙏🏾

The flashback to he and Cecilia first meeting was really cool. It almost seems like it was love at first sight but he kind of suppressed it because she’s a lady saint and that wasn’t “appropriate” in his mind.

It’s a good thing that Cecilia didn’t have to be alone for too long after her grandmother’s passing. She pretty much went from her childhood home to Lawrence’s home. Her grandmother would be very happy to know she’s found love.

Shoutout to Hazelita for playing wingman and trying to speed things up with these two 😂 she’s right, seeing them waste years would be excruciating, especially after what happened with her brother and his lady saint

Weekly Cecilia Appreciation post
Marinate1016Sep 20, 2023 10:52 AM
Sep 20, 2023 11:12 AM

Jun 2015
I guess apart for Lawrence no one's a morning person. Given how long they been together its natural for both to have changed as a result. First time i seen someone struggle that much calling someone by their name. It sure was nice seeing how the saint and Lawrence met. The savior of the village huh its got a nice ring to it. So the activation of a saints powers is the prophecy in the form of a dream. As ever a pretty sweet ep that did well to expand upon their bond both in the present and in the past. Slowly but surely these two are slowly growing ever closer to each other.
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Sep 20, 2023 11:19 AM

Mar 2021
Really loved this episode especially when we got to learn more about how Cecilia first came to the village and her first interactions with Lawrence
Sep 20, 2023 11:35 AM
Handler One

Jan 2023
That has got to be the cutest start to an episode I have ever seen, to see Cecilia snuggled up in bed and Lawren ready on a beautiful winter morning.
“I can see Lawren!” STOP, MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT

Ooo, getting into the past on how Cecilia and Lawren met! Maybe my eyes are just tricking me but it looks like her hair has a tint of brown to it compared to now which is a light green. OH, if the bridge wasn’t destroyed, it would’ve cluttered up underneath from pieces of trees and branches and that would’ve caused the water to get clogged and flow up towards the town.. it’s all thanks to Lawren for believing in her and Cecilia giving so much effort that ended up saving the village!

Cecilia’s backstory on how she became a lady saint makes me feel both sad and happy, her grandmother passed away but it’s thanks to her that she got the knowledge on being a lady saint and that dream led her to the village which led to meeting Lawren.

That is such a beautiful moment with the two looking to the night wintery sky in the attic. HAS HE CAUGHT ON..? They’re both happy, what’s next for the two..?
“What is it? What is this feeling?” AGAHWHAGG

Anyway, what an episode. Makes me feel so happy and warm, but one more episode left..
Have a good Wednesday :D

"You fought to the end. You survived. That's why you're here now. I think that's something you should be more proud of."
- Vladilena Milizé
Sep 20, 2023 2:00 PM

Feb 2014
Seeing Cecilia all snuggled up in bed to stay warm from the winter cold and greeting Lawrence from there was really cute! X3

This episode had its cute moments, but I'm glad that it finally showed how Lawrence and Cecilia first met. Cecilia happily lived with her grandmother in the pretty forest during her childhood, but after her grandmother passed away, Cecilia received the knowledge of being a lady saint and had a premonition of a potential calamity at the village that Lawrence lived in.

With that in mind, she went there and tirelessly did her best to try and convince the villagers to take down the bridge which was crucial in preventing disaster from severely damaging the village, but she wasn't getting anywhere. After carefully putting the pieces together himself, Lawrence was convinced to help Cecilia and, together, they both won over the villagers and had the bridge removed. That way, when the storm arrived, the debris in the river was able to pass through without incident since the bridge was removed.

Seeing the pair reflect on their first meeting while viewing the winter starry night sky in the attic was very serene and beautiful. Not only that, but after Cecilia went off to bed, Lawrence did his own reflecting and it seems that he's finally starting to realise his own feelings towards Cecilia. Hopefully I'm not jumping the gun here, but it might raise the chance of a confession between the two of them next week if he acts on his realisation about how he feels for Cecilia.

With the next episode being the last one, here's hoping that it does go the way which I, as well as a lot of other users here, hope this series will go down on. =)
Sep 20, 2023 2:42 PM

Jul 2017
Looks like Lawrence is becoming less dense, yeah...?

Abel and Hazelita are on their own, though when it comes to romance, both Cecilia and Lawrence need some pushing...and not. With things left this way, there will never be any resolution, and it's best to get him thinking, but not too hard, to realize his feelings towards her. But in his mind, Ceclila will always be the Lady Saint that he knows from the very first time he met her, from someone who is speaking of a flood calamity befalling their village. And sure enough, like the lady saint Frederica, Lawrence took Cecilia's advice and sheltered the village's townspeople from the imminent flood, which they later apologized for their rudeness after her work is done...but with nowhere else to go, Cecilia is permanently stuck in the village with Lawrence.

What's the point of moving out, but then coming back for meals together lols, that's for both Abel and Hazelita, though this is commonplace to them. Lawrence showing Cecilia of the house's attic, and that provides a great view of the night starry sky aside from being sheltered from the cold. But to Lawrence, he felt that he didn't understand Cecilla enough, and she shared her upbringing to him, and the dream that which she became the lady saint by coincidence. For Lawrence, shielding her with his grandfather's teachings is how she became the village's lady saint mainstay, and while Cecilia is thankful for her time here, Lawrence really needs to step up his game: the feeling of love and attachment.

All the best Pastor, we're all rooting for you!
Sep 20, 2023 2:57 PM
Jul 2017
Reply to Embient
He is actually getting less and less dense!
Good to see the flashback! I want to know more about Cecilia's past though.
But how exactly did the demolition of one small bridge prevent a flood?
I feel like I saw the scene with the window in a trailer or something.
Oh! Here is Cecilia's flashback!
He's feeling it yeeeah!
I really like the scene after credits. Lawrence seems so lonely there.
Last episode next week!
I wonder if this will get a season 2 too. But this is made by Doga Kobo soooo...‎
@Embient season 2 might happen, onk was made by doga kobo and its getting another season
Sep 20, 2023 4:15 PM

Dec 2018
Cecilia having a past before she was with Lawrence never occurred to me for some reason, I was just so used to her being with him that I couldn’t imagine a world where she wasn’t lol, so seeing her backstory was cool, it was a mix of sad and heartwarming. We also got to see how she and Lawrence first met, and wow so she actually saved the town they live in, it definitely makes sense as to why the townsfolk love her in the present now, if just being a Lady Saint wasn’t enough already lol.

Also Cecilia spinning around while eating scones is a funny and adorable visual lol, thanks for that Abel, and I like that he realized he didn’t need to intervene when he saw that Lawrence was trying on his own, watching is plenty of fun anyway lol. And we just have one episode left, this has been quite the wholesome and cute show, I’ll definitely miss it once it ends next week.
Sep 20, 2023 4:33 PM

Aug 2022
It’s nice too for once see a dense male mc actually become less dense across the show. It may have taken a while but he’s actually realising his feelings for Cecilia
Sep 20, 2023 4:51 PM
May 2021
loved seeing the flashback of how they met and of cecilia's life before coming to the village. lawrence So Close to understanding what that feeling he gets when with cecilia is. hopefully next week he'll finally realize and say it since it's the last episode. id also love a second season because they're so cute. this show has been such a good mood booster.
My 2023 candies:
Sep 20, 2023 5:07 PM

May 2019
This has been the most comfy series of this season and with Lawrence (finally) realizing his feelings it's getting better. I had been curious about Cecilia's backstory and so it was nice to get some here although it was sad that her grandma passed away. At least she wasn't lonely for long as a dream led to to Lawrence's city and eventually meeting him.

The scene in the attic was great and Cecilia putting Lawrence's hand on her cheek, yeah there's no mistake about her feelings and Lawrence can't ignore his anymore. Now let's see how this ends next week.
Sep 20, 2023 6:04 PM

Apr 2022
real nice episode on how our duo met, we even see a young cecelia living the good days with her grandma. kinda sad this is ending next week since this is the only show this season that i've liked every single episode. definitely not expecting a confession but just hope it's a good finale with some wholesomeness.
Sep 20, 2023 8:16 PM
Sep 2017
some progress finallt
Sep 20, 2023 9:38 PM

Jun 2021
So that's how they met. It's only a matter of time for Lawrence, he's becoming aware now.
Sep 21, 2023 4:27 AM

Oct 2017
Backstory of when they first met, was nice. Lawren is close to understanding his own feelings. Confession in the finale? Doubt it.
Sep 21, 2023 5:41 PM
May 2017
"What is it? What is this feeling?"

This is the 4,000 years old question, answered uncountable times, spoken, recited, sung, written, in every dead and alive language.

Another very good episode!
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Sep 22, 2023 9:21 AM
Nov 2022
Embient said:
He is actually getting less and less dense!
Good to see the flashback! I want to know more about Cecilia's past though.
But how exactly did the demolition of one small bridge prevent a flood?
I feel like I saw the scene with the window in a trailer or something.
Oh! Here is Cecilia's flashback!
He's feeling it yeeeah!
I really like the scene after credits. Lawrence seems so lonely there.
Last episode next week!
I wonder if this will get a season 2 too. But this is made by Doga Kobo soooo...‎

The way I understood it was in the premonition about the flood a tree and other stuff got stuck by the bridge and plugged up causing it to overflow. (Basically no drainage) With the removal of the bridge, trees and everything else is able to flow freely through the river bed avoiding the build up leading to the flood.
Also, that bridge had minimal room for passage of water to begin with, so even if the tree didn’t plug it up, I’m pretty sure it would have back logged enough to flood the town regardless.
Sufficient room in trench = no flooding 👍
Sep 22, 2023 9:49 AM
Dec 2022
It was actually nice to know more about Cecilia's past, I'm glad she lived a normal life with her grandma before she passed, I just thought she had it rough be she had that dirty cloak on😅. She clearly fell for Lawrence because he was the first person to believe in her lol, and I'm finally glad that Lawrence is starting to realized he's developing feelings for her!!
Sep 22, 2023 2:37 PM
Jul 2022
I loved this episode
Sep 23, 2023 2:05 AM
Aug 2020
MegamiRem said:
Backstory of when they first met, was nice. Lawren is close to understanding his own feelings. Confession in the finale? Doubt it.

Yea judging by anime characters like this, just nah. I bet we wouldn't get confession in 10 seasons
Sep 23, 2023 7:59 AM

Jun 2016
very very compfy to watch !!!

Sep 24, 2023 7:58 AM
Jan 2023
I want a kissing scene at the last episode please. Just kiss already.
Sep 26, 2023 7:04 PM

Mar 2008
Kind of odd we dont know of Cecilia's past till now but hey it works and it's nice to know now. I can see how the bridge was a problem because the village is downhill from the stream so water would easily flood the whole place.

Ahhh so close Lawrence so close to figuring things out on what he feels at least, still dense as can be on what Cecilia feels.
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Sep 27, 2023 11:29 PM
Dec 2016
i wish this was a full flashback!! cutest episode but also the biggest mess
Oct 8, 2023 12:01 AM

Mar 2013
I really love this lovely and heartwarming series. I need more!
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Oct 9, 2023 2:15 AM

Dec 2022
The best I can hope for is not a confession but Lawrence calling Cecilia by name. I find it hard for confession to happen when calling Cecilia by name is already so hard for him

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