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Aug 30, 2023 1:27 AM

Feb 2011

You are watching Japanese cartoon and have to Google English newspeak just to understand what it says in the sub.
Aug 30, 2023 1:33 AM
Dec 2022
Which word you didn't get and how old are you?
Aug 30, 2023 1:58 AM

Apr 2010
If you watch legally you don’t have that issue, only legal way to get that translation nowadays is the manga seven seas release.
Aug 30, 2023 1:59 AM

Jun 2016
Mansplain is millennial slang though.
Aug 30, 2023 2:10 AM

Feb 2011
blue_eyed188 said:
Which word you didn't get and how old are you?
I'm 16. How about you?
Aug 30, 2023 2:16 AM
Dec 2022
Tiosar said:
blue_eyed188 said:
Which word you didn't get and how old are you?
I'm 16. How about you?

Mansplaining is a word used quite commonly in pop culture in quite a time, I was surprised someone might not hear about it, especially someone that young as you - well maybe if you're not native English speaker ;)
Aug 30, 2023 3:02 AM

Apr 2021
Tiosar said:

You are watching Japanese cartoon and have to Google English newspeak just to understand what it says in the sub.

I know what you mean, I thought that was unnecessary. Just say it normally.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Aug 30, 2023 3:40 AM
Jul 2023
Tbh that translation is really strange, he doesn't say anything remotely similar to "mansplain" in Japanese, I would assume cause there probably isn't such a word. Localising continues to be kinda weird and cringe though ig.
Aug 30, 2023 3:52 AM

Mar 2013
Mansplaining is actually more of a millenial term, but essentially it means to explain something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing way on the assumption that said woman would not know about said subject based on her sex. This assumption is due to among other things, stereotypes, poor self-esteem on the man's part, and so forth. @Tiosar

Mansplaining does happen, and often because our biases prejudice us in ways we might not be consciously aware of. 

Ex. Explaining what video games are to a woman as if video games she never seen a video game in her life. 

On topic, I find using these terms in anime to be weird, likely because there is no direct translation for it.
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp
Aug 30, 2023 5:10 AM
Jun 2023
Mansplaining is actually not condescending but it rises from the ignorance of male knowledge of feminine subjects, in such case the man patches the little knowledge he has of the certain subject to try to make up something meaningful. For example ask a man about makeup, though he has a rough idea of what it is, he still lacks in-depth knowledge, when the man tries to give a patched up explanation of the little he knows and tries to make it sound meaningful is what mansplaining is….at least that how I understood it from the way the word was used in that scenario of the anime
Aug 30, 2023 5:28 AM
Jan 2022
bruh Japanese cartoon really don't call anime cartoon there's a difference and mansplaning is when every time a man opens his mouth to explain something women call it that
Aug 30, 2023 8:30 AM

Jul 2021
mansplaining is zoomer slang? sure buddy. millenial bitches in 2005 were already using that term, meanwhile zoomers shitting their diapers. The oldest slang that millenials wouldn't get is sussy. And that was 2021.
Aug 30, 2023 8:54 AM

Sep 2020
Bruh, I've been making fun of this "mansplaining" BS for almost 10 years now, get on with the times
Nino is the objectively superior one, don't @ me
Aug 30, 2023 8:54 AM

Feb 2022
This is the evil of jujutsu kaisen and BNHA, it has brought in the forces of the most satanic zoomer normies into the fandom pero~
Aug 30, 2023 9:10 AM

Mar 2018
Mansplaining isn't really a zoomer word, but whatever
Aug 30, 2023 10:35 PM
Sep 2021
mansplaining isn't a zoomer slang, it's a made up term by Feminists that Feminists themselves stopped basically using long time ago except winning arguments on Twitter

it's essentially a garbage and dumb term that means nothing because " explaining things in a condescending mannner " isn't a gender thing lol

it's as dumb as " manterrupting " and other terrible misandric terms that gaslight you into thinking only men can be assholes
Aug 30, 2023 11:39 PM
Sep 2021
PeripheralVision said:
Mansplaining is actually more of a millenial term, but essentially it means to explain something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing way on the assumption that said woman would not know about said subject based on her sex. This assumption is due to among other things, stereotypes, poor self-esteem on the man's part, and so forth. @Tiosar

Mansplaining does happen, and often because our biases prejudice us in ways we might not be consciously aware of. 

Ex. Explaining what video games are to a woman as if video games she never seen a video game in her life. 

On topic, I find using these terms in anime to be weird, likely because there is no direct translation for it.

mansplaining isn't a thing in the same way terms like man spreading and man interrupting are garbage, they're used to just shut down arguments Feminists don't like, heck not even Feminists use them anymore

the term is espacially garbage because it implies that only men can be assholes and condescending, which is obviously dumb

that's like me saying : " woman gaslighting " is when a woman gaslights a man into thinking she did nothing wrong Because she's a woman and only men are bad, it's obviously stupid and sexist term lol
Aug 31, 2023 8:38 AM

Mar 2013
Saimatsu_Fan said:
mansplaining isn't a thing in the same way terms like man spreading and man interrupting are garbage, they're used to just shut down arguments Feminists don't like, heck not even Feminists use them anymore

the term is espacially garbage because it implies that only men can be assholes and condescending, which is obviously dumb

that's like me saying : " woman gaslighting " is when a woman gaslights a man into thinking she did nothing wrong Because she's a woman and only men are bad, it's obviously stupid and sexist term lol
While you are correct being condescending is not restricted to any one gender, the idea of a man assuming a woman knows less because of her sex is not entirely meritless considering that women were either considered less intelligent or more irrational through a large part of human civilization. I think part of the reason is partially many industries were or still are dominated by men for various reasons.

This includes working with cars as mechanics and variouus engineering, engineering adjacent, and science fields, many of which still has a notable number of its professors alive since MLKJ was assassinated. It is to be expected that they are a tiny bit bigoted. Because of the stereotypes associated with what makes an engineer includes their race and sex, people have unconsciously developed a bias assessing more capable people of that profession being of a certain race or sex and less capable people of that profession being of another race or sex.

Forming biases is pretty natural, and everyone has biases. This does not make you a bad person, we just do not think about them until someone tells us to. Biases also exist against men, deeming them more aggressive than women, or that blacks are more likely to be criminals.

Back to mansplaining, it is not really uncommon for men in certain professions to assume women know less and by extension, men know more about their given profession, especially as more women attempt to head into these previously male dominated fields. You are acting as if we solved sexism and we have a perfect 50/50 ratio. For many fields, gains being made signify that women are not necessarily less interested in being engineers because sex and biology, but are overcoming barriers and being encouraged to be engineers. Many colleges today have 50% of their classes being women.

Is it not silly to suggest that women are somehow less interested in being the sciences, yet dismiss the legacy of sexism that has been present for numerous centuries beforehand, and to suggest we solved sexism in 50 years?
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp
Aug 31, 2023 10:02 PM
Sep 2021
PeripheralVision said:
Saimatsu_Fan said:
mansplaining isn't a thing in the same way terms like man spreading and man interrupting are garbage, they're used to just shut down arguments Feminists don't like, heck not even Feminists use them anymore

the term is espacially garbage because it implies that only men can be assholes and condescending, which is obviously dumb

that's like me saying : " woman gaslighting " is when a woman gaslights a man into thinking she did nothing wrong Because she's a woman and only men are bad, it's obviously stupid and sexist term lol
While you are correct being condescending is not restricted to any one gender, the idea of a man assuming a woman knows less because of her sex is not entirely meritless considering that women were either considered less intelligent or more irrational through a large part of human civilization. I think part of the reason is partially many industries were or still are dominated by men for various reasons.

This includes working with cars as mechanics and variouus engineering, engineering adjacent, and science fields, many of which still has a notable number of its professors alive since MLKJ was assassinated. It is to be expected that they are a tiny bit bigoted. Because of the stereotypes associated with what makes an engineer includes their race and sex, people have unconsciously developed a bias assessing more capable people of that profession being of a certain race or sex and less capable people of that profession being of another race or sex.

Forming biases is pretty natural, and everyone has biases. This does not make you a bad person, we just do not think about them until someone tells us to. Biases also exist against men, deeming them more aggressive than women, or that blacks are more likely to be criminals.

Back to mansplaining, it is not really uncommon for men in certain professions to assume women know less and by extension, men know more about their given profession, especially as more women attempt to head into these previously male dominated fields. You are acting as if we solved sexism and we have a perfect 50/50 ratio. For many fields, gains being made signify that women are not necessarily less interested in being engineers because sex and biology, but are overcoming barriers and being encouraged to be engineers. Many colleges today have 50% of their classes being women.

Is it not silly to suggest that women are somehow less interested in being the sciences, yet dismiss the legacy of sexism that has been present for numerous centuries beforehand, and to suggest we solved sexism in 50 years?

sexism is when someone has harmless assumptions
Aug 31, 2023 10:07 PM

Dec 2018
I've never even heard of the word mansplaining until now lol.

Aug 31, 2023 10:28 PM
Mar 2023
IhnalakoKaina said:
mansplaining is zoomer slang? sure buddy. millenial bitches in 2005 were already using that term, meanwhile zoomers shitting their diapers. The oldest slang that millenials wouldn't get is sussy. And that was 2021.

Sussy means suspicious. It's literally the first syllable. I don't think zoomers are blowing the minds of the older generation with that one.
Aug 31, 2023 10:32 PM

Feb 2011
>It's not a zoomer thing, it's a millennial thing!🤓

Even if true doesn't really matter in this context. Looks like the only way to improve English sub is by nuking U.S. and making its market unviable.
Aug 31, 2023 10:41 PM

Jul 2015
This mistranslation came from Hidive taking translation directly from Seven Seas, which are known for including their agenda in their localizations and sometimes even rewriting characters as a result.
When Hidive realized, that translation was wrong, they changed it later on.

Obviously, it is ridiculous, that someone like this guy would use a misandrists slang, that was made up by man hating feminists only they are using.

Sep 5, 2023 3:44 PM

Apr 2010
Reply to Shizuna
>It's not a zoomer thing, it's a millennial thing!🤓

Even if true doesn't really matter in this context. Looks like the only way to improve English sub is by nuking U.S. and making its market unviable.
@Tiosar In this case there's no need for something extreme, people only need to watch it legally on Hidive to avoid it. Easy
Sep 9, 2023 2:49 PM
Dec 2017
To mansplain or not to mansplain, that is the question...
The solution is to have two sub / dub versions, a "woke" one and an anti-woke one, so the audience can choose individually which one they watch.
Oct 18, 2023 4:34 AM

Apr 2012
The problem with this is not so much mansplaining, but that it violates the context of the original phrase and dialogue. The guy thought he looked stupid, explaining the nuances of the model’s fashion, but such “localization” greatly shifts the emphasis in favor of gender and politicization of an initially rather light joke.
Oct 18, 2023 4:36 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to Piromysl
This mistranslation came from Hidive taking translation directly from Seven Seas, which are known for including their agenda in their localizations and sometimes even rewriting characters as a result.
When Hidive realized, that translation was wrong, they changed it later on.

Obviously, it is ridiculous, that someone like this guy would use a misandrists slang, that was made up by man hating feminists only they are using.
@Piromysl I can vaguely understand when people localize things, but when it significantly shifts the focus and adds narratives that weren't in the original, it gets annoying.
Oct 18, 2023 4:43 AM

Apr 2012
Reply to PeripheralVision
Saimatsu_Fan said:
mansplaining isn't a thing in the same way terms like man spreading and man interrupting are garbage, they're used to just shut down arguments Feminists don't like, heck not even Feminists use them anymore

the term is espacially garbage because it implies that only men can be assholes and condescending, which is obviously dumb

that's like me saying : " woman gaslighting " is when a woman gaslights a man into thinking she did nothing wrong Because she's a woman and only men are bad, it's obviously stupid and sexist term lol
While you are correct being condescending is not restricted to any one gender, the idea of a man assuming a woman knows less because of her sex is not entirely meritless considering that women were either considered less intelligent or more irrational through a large part of human civilization. I think part of the reason is partially many industries were or still are dominated by men for various reasons.

This includes working with cars as mechanics and variouus engineering, engineering adjacent, and science fields, many of which still has a notable number of its professors alive since MLKJ was assassinated. It is to be expected that they are a tiny bit bigoted. Because of the stereotypes associated with what makes an engineer includes their race and sex, people have unconsciously developed a bias assessing more capable people of that profession being of a certain race or sex and less capable people of that profession being of another race or sex.

Forming biases is pretty natural, and everyone has biases. This does not make you a bad person, we just do not think about them until someone tells us to. Biases also exist against men, deeming them more aggressive than women, or that blacks are more likely to be criminals.

Back to mansplaining, it is not really uncommon for men in certain professions to assume women know less and by extension, men know more about their given profession, especially as more women attempt to head into these previously male dominated fields. You are acting as if we solved sexism and we have a perfect 50/50 ratio. For many fields, gains being made signify that women are not necessarily less interested in being engineers because sex and biology, but are overcoming barriers and being encouraged to be engineers. Many colleges today have 50% of their classes being women.

Is it not silly to suggest that women are somehow less interested in being the sciences, yet dismiss the legacy of sexism that has been present for numerous centuries beforehand, and to suggest we solved sexism in 50 years?
@PeripheralVision In the next thread, I saw people calling someone a troll simply because of a stupid take and the speaker knew perfectly well that it was not a bait. People really devalue most terms or memes today. But anyway, even the wiki article about mansplaining mentions that its use is actively criticized now due to the fact that it is used as casual harassment towards a man who knows or thinks he knows the issue better than you. Basically, just like with this dialogue in the anime, people just gender things for no reason.
Oct 18, 2023 6:52 AM

Mar 2013
Reply to RobertBobert
@PeripheralVision In the next thread, I saw people calling someone a troll simply because of a stupid take and the speaker knew perfectly well that it was not a bait. People really devalue most terms or memes today. But anyway, even the wiki article about mansplaining mentions that its use is actively criticized now due to the fact that it is used as casual harassment towards a man who knows or thinks he knows the issue better than you. Basically, just like with this dialogue in the anime, people just gender things for no reason.
There is always an issue with believing in the statistical existence of a phenomena and arguing every "apparent example" of it is due to this phenomena.

Let's use Hans Niemann as an example. release their statistical analysis of Niemann's online play include in various tournaments, and concluded that he likely cheat much more than he previously admitted to. This doesn't mean Niemann cheated in every match, especially offline matches. Likewise, you can perhaps prove there is an issue with racism in our society, be it bigotry towards the jewish or black individuals, but you cannot say every issue a jewish or black individual comes across is rooted in some degree of racism or bigotry.

Statistically, we can point out the likelihood of "biases" being in play here for large groups of people, but it should be contentious when applied to any one individual. It should not be controversial then to say that "mansplaining" exists in soforth that women are assumed to know less than men based on their sex, but it is another thing to accuse a man at given time of mansplaining. We cannot simply assume every crime done against a Jewish person is a hate crime, done with the malicious intent of bigotry. We should still acknowledge however that hate crimes may be targeted towards Jewish people to a far greater extent than other, perhaps less marginalized groups.

So I do think the criticism of how it is used is warranted. People in general dislike being wrong or being proven wrong, and if one accuses their opponent of bigotry, then it is easy enough to not argue with them.
Auroraloose's Aurorasimp

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