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Dec 22, 2017 8:42 PM

Aug 2017
EGOIST said:
Also forgot that Aligura and the blonde guy wasn't in this season despite being in the opening :l hope they at least have a cameo appearance next episode >.> they might have forgotten about them already

To be fair, i don't like those villains despite them are two of the Thirteen Kings. They are so generic that i forget their existence until you mention them. I think that the excessive background is not the only ploblem of this season. All the bad guys have no personality, they are just evil for the sake of being evil. 10 episodes after and the blood breed guy of episode 10 and the two villains of episode 11 are the only villains with personality, the others are too bland to care about. The first season handled this much better. Also this season have so many plot holes and rushed moments that ruined many parts of the episode (firsts episodes for example).
NurguburuDec 22, 2017 8:49 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 22, 2017 8:58 PM

Aug 2017
RainyRai said:
This is straight up the worst episode of Kekkai Sensen, including both seasons. Not only does the production values just drop this episode, but the story is pretty fucking bleh.

The villain is shit, he's one of those types that's just really evil but I don't think his personality is very charismatic at all compared to other evil for the sake of being evil characters, and since he comes out of nowhere he doesn't have any solid foundation. Sure, I guess it fits the nature of the series for Kekkai to have some crazy shit come out of nowhere due to the nature of Hellsalem's Lot, but I don't think that's good writing. Not to mention that I don't really see a way for Leo to get out of the situation without it being an asspull; now in a way that was true for season 1's finale, but the presented solution works very well in my opinion. Here, the villain seems to have too many cards up his sleeve(whereas the King of Despair was just straight up stronger then Leo and not necessary. Also, isn't Femt supposed to be like the main villain type character? He's in the OP and ED themes and he's been built up as the anime hitler of this show, why the hell has he barely gotten any screentime this entire season? What the fuck?

Toby and Michella's relationship comes out of nowhere, especially since Toby seems to be considerably older then Michella(who isn't older then early twenties at the very most.) Sure, it's supposed to come out of nowhere for Leo as well, but again I don't think that's good writing even if the effect is intentional. Especially since Leo isn't really focused on this aspect at all because he has to deal with a giant death monster.

As you can see, a lot of this setups problem is that this stuff is all coming out of nowhere at once and it doesn't mesh well to me, for a while I was just "what the fuck is going on" and once I finally got a bearing on the situation, I could then think that it was all fucking stupid.

I like the idea of Michella reaching out to Leo because she knows something is amiss, and the idea of Leonardo and Michella facing this villain together, but all this other stuff is sort of ruining anywhere I feel this could go with the idea. Of course, maybe the next episode somehow pulls it all off and it just works, but I doubt it. I also liked K.K this episode, she's really fun and I'm glad & Beyond decided to give her some more establishment because she's one of my favorites from the series now. Otherwise, very poor episode.

To some degree, i agree with you but at least this villain have conection to Leo and Michella unlike all the random and forgettable bad guy of each episode. This season handled very bad the villains and forget Femt and the other girl. I think that the last episode will be rushed so much to solve this problem (3 or 4 episodes more will handled this much better).
NurguburuDec 22, 2017 9:37 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 22, 2017 9:17 PM

Aug 2017
HereticHunter said:
herrickluk said:

This season would've worked better as the first season, since it sets the tone for the series . Now everyone thinks season 1 was how Kekkai is supposed to be , and are upset when there's no teenage drama in the mix , even though White doesn't even exist . Now it just seems so awkward when Black suddenly shows up because we also have no background on what happened to him after the final episode . Hell, even the last episode of season 1 isn't that conclusive on what happens to White and Black, besides White becoming a barrier / butterfly .

Agree, this should have been first season, that way it shouldn't feel so heavy when it comes to the episodic setting it has. Still I wouldn't change Leo's Food nemesis on the first season, probably the best thing I saw on it.

HereticHunter. I agree with every word. Despite the first season was average (5/10), this season feels more chaotic and a wasted of time in most of the 10 episodes in excessive background for some characters (despite of this, we don't know the background of some Libra members), nonsense episodes (episode 1 for example) and rushed episodes (episode 2). The episodic episodes feels like a bunch of OVA mixed together. It's ironic how anime original material have more sense than the most episodes of this season. I think that the ending will be rushed again.

NurguburuDec 22, 2017 9:36 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 23, 2017 12:46 AM

Oct 2015
Burguburu said:
RainyRai said:
This is straight up the worst episode of Kekkai Sensen, including both seasons. Not only does the production values just drop this episode, but the story is pretty fucking bleh.

The villain is shit, he's one of those types that's just really evil but I don't think his personality is very charismatic at all compared to other evil for the sake of being evil characters, and since he comes out of nowhere he doesn't have any solid foundation. Sure, I guess it fits the nature of the series for Kekkai to have some crazy shit come out of nowhere due to the nature of Hellsalem's Lot, but I don't think that's good writing. Not to mention that I don't really see a way for Leo to get out of the situation without it being an asspull; now in a way that was true for season 1's finale, but the presented solution works very well in my opinion. Here, the villain seems to have too many cards up his sleeve(whereas the King of Despair was just straight up stronger then Leo and not necessary. Also, isn't Femt supposed to be like the main villain type character? He's in the OP and ED themes and he's been built up as the anime hitler of this show, why the hell has he barely gotten any screentime this entire season? What the fuck?

Toby and Michella's relationship comes out of nowhere, especially since Toby seems to be considerably older then Michella(who isn't older then early twenties at the very most.) Sure, it's supposed to come out of nowhere for Leo as well, but again I don't think that's good writing even if the effect is intentional. Especially since Leo isn't really focused on this aspect at all because he has to deal with a giant death monster.

As you can see, a lot of this setups problem is that this stuff is all coming out of nowhere at once and it doesn't mesh well to me, for a while I was just "what the fuck is going on" and once I finally got a bearing on the situation, I could then think that it was all fucking stupid.

I like the idea of Michella reaching out to Leo because she knows something is amiss, and the idea of Leonardo and Michella facing this villain together, but all this other stuff is sort of ruining anywhere I feel this could go with the idea. Of course, maybe the next episode somehow pulls it all off and it just works, but I doubt it. I also liked K.K this episode, she's really fun and I'm glad & Beyond decided to give her some more establishment because she's one of my favorites from the series now. Otherwise, very poor episode.

To some degree, i agree with you but at least this villain have conection to Leo and Michella unlike all the random and forgettable bad guy of each episode. This season handled very bad the villains and forget Femt and the other girl. I think that the last episode will be rushed so much to solve this problem (3 or 4 episodes more will handled this much better).
Still though, they should appear otherwise there's no use adding them in the opening sequence
Dec 23, 2017 6:39 PM

Aug 2016
Finally the brothers meet...

From the beginning I noticed something strange in the supposed husband of our beloved Michella, I hope the problems are solved in the best possible way.

Jan 6, 2018 10:57 AM

Jul 2009
Isn't Toby way too old for Michella?
Jan 14, 2018 10:01 PM

Oct 2017
LOL @ people who have a problem with young people dating older people especially in fiction. I can't wait to marry a 50 year old so everyone who comes out with that BS gets a "Did I ask for your fucken opinion? Yeah he's 3000 years older than I am, how is that any of your business?" response from me. Toby and Michella are fine; she's not a damn kid. If she wanted to be with someone her age she would... be with someone her age, lol. But no, she must have gotten brainwashed, because people aged 19-29 are brain-dead and can never ever know their own minds or even be more intelligent than older folk. Ha, I know people twice my age who are neither smart nor mature, but that's a rant for another day. Let's just say living longer doesn't necessarily make people wiser.

Aaanywaaays, this episode was goood, and builds up the tension for the next one. Not sure how things will wrap up in just one more ep, but we'll see.
Jan 15, 2018 12:39 PM

Dec 2015
Now this is very interesting, hang in there Leo!
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jan 22, 2018 10:28 PM

Jul 2016
Too much plot for me.

I want more over the top Zapp and Chain action. I care little for Leo and his eyes.
Jan 25, 2018 5:57 AM

Mar 2015
Hmmm her fiance looks way way older than she is.

Also, wonder how Leo's gonna get out of this predicament!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 3, 2018 4:07 PM

May 2012
Quite impressive episode to be honest! Looking forwards to see what this last episode of this second season has to offer!
Feb 16, 2018 2:47 PM

May 2009
This episode should have been episode 3 of the series or so. Finally we get back to the actual story. sjeesh
check out my twitch:
Dec 9, 2018 5:18 PM
Dec 2018
Leon just shook MacLahlan's left hand with his right hand
Dec 22, 2019 9:39 AM

Sep 2018
A really good episode, full of fun moments and with a solid and interesting story behind it. While reviewing it, this episode manages to surprise me again when Leo's sister tells him she wants to get married. Excellent drawings, animations and backgrounds. Very nice KK in the first part.
Jul 23, 2020 12:31 PM

Jul 2015
Nice to see Black again despite him being a anime-only character from S1 and also the reunion of Leo and Michella, pretty funny to see everyone of Libra wanting to witness that. Quite the dangerous enemy Leo is facing without really being able to ask help from his friends.

Dec 31, 2020 11:32 AM

May 2018
Oh so there is someone else with similar eyes to Leo ;O and he looks pretty evil at that ;O
May 25, 2021 11:33 AM

Apr 2018
Michella is getting married out of nowhere, Leonardo screamed out of nowhere and a gunfight started LOL. Amazing! Zap cursing him.. Too funny. And K.K. she's worrying too much..
Every single member of the Libra is coming xD

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 26, 2021 11:50 AM

Mar 2019
That's so uncomfortable for Leo. I really want to see how the final episode will play out.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Aug 25, 2022 12:49 AM

Dec 2018
too many curveballs and contrived plot. a little here or there would have been fine to to cram all that plot convenience in at once is just grating. bad episode.
Jan 8, 2023 2:00 AM

Apr 2016
A new threat and it´s involved the sister!!! kekeke
Aug 23, 2023 3:16 PM

Dec 2010
Because of Season 1's final arc I'm suspicious that this is another filler arc trying to give some "much needed" plot to this episodic series. Here's something wrong with this approach - this episode felt like nothing happened compared to every other episode in the season, as it's simply building up to the resolution in the next one. This makes it feel really boring in comparison to the pace of the "normal" or "canon" episodes.

Big yawn from me, and probably many others as if you've stayed with this show for two seasons you are likely already used to the action-packed and self-contained one-off episodes. I'm not saying that longer story arc shouldn't be attempted, but they should keep up with the style and quality of the "normal" episodes. Especially when it's the season/series finale.
Jan 3, 2024 11:00 PM

Oct 2022
Leo's sister is so strong. Imagine not knowing what's behind you but knowing it's no good and on top of that being blind AND unable to walk.
Oct 15, 2024 3:11 PM
Jun 2017
Oh no, MC cause the death of some people. Poor MC won't sleep... oh wait, i forgot, thoes people who died because of MC did not bully, or hurt him, or anything directly, so of course there is no issues. But the God of nothingness forbbit if MC calls anyone from Libra to help him when he gets robbed, bullied, beaten, or really, anything.... Sorry, anime would have been better if MC was not a walking "loser" and had a back bone to fight back.

Also, WTF... last 2 episodes and they finally add sister visits brother? SO, anime would have been better part 2: if they added sis from the start. Including stories of her getting involved, via kidnapping, get's jelous or similar once she find out about White... ahhhh. ideea is: with sis being a second MC, this show would have turned in a different direction. But no, insted we need to have a "loser" MC who end episode gets brave, and next episode, gets a mental reset back to being a "loser"

BTW, wtf was with MC's face at the end? So his face getting beaten is ok. Him losing money is ok. But someone taking his body is no? OMG, so if the other is not a bully, is ok to stand up?! WOW.

Anyways, as I meantioned, the last 10 episodes ruined the series more then improving, but hey, at least some enjoyed them, so I guess that's good enough
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