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Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku: Jichou wo Shiranai Kamigami no Shito Episode 12 Discussion

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Jun 18, 2023 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Meh, this was the most predictable type of finale ever and rushed one too. We got Cain pretty much being a hero and taking on the big bad theat of the season.

His allies including Milly also remains somewhat relevant but they are still steps behind Cain. What an underwhelming finale and antagonist in the end...
Jun 18, 2023 5:46 AM

Feb 2014
It's a fun anime I guess overall. But overpowered characters are kinda boring... At least this is more watchable than Summoned to Another World for a Second Time.
Jun 18, 2023 6:24 AM

Jul 2017
Facing the big bad in the form of the evil god Aaron, the heroes sure are surprised that the Prince of Darkness Seth is on Cain's side. But putting explanations aside, it's handling the matter first and foremost to stop the former God of Entertainment.

All forces and reinforcements working together to ensure a future with Cain while he fights away Aaron with his OP power, and God's Chosen has done the deed enough to fire the black dragon away...which other than making more misunderstandings to the people, Cain is granted the status of Lord over his given domain in Dorinthol...which invokes even more troubles. He is one chad who creates too much out of OP powers, one TOO MUCH.

Thank God this show is over...not like Isekai shows similar to this will ever go away that remains a plague of the anime industry.
Jun 18, 2023 6:25 AM

Dec 2022
honestly it would have been a good ending if it didnt tried to explain what happened in dorthel but still there is still something satisfiable by seeing an over the top op character in an another world
Jun 18, 2023 7:18 AM

Apr 2022
A truly fitting trash ending to a trash anime. In the next season I'd like to see the all powerful Cain struggle with governability, or something else that can't be solved with brute force
Jun 18, 2023 7:30 AM
Mar 2019
its a diferent isekai but i enjoy a lot with an isekai that the main character have so power. for me its a 9/10

i know its imposible other season but i will read manga or novel
Jun 18, 2023 7:35 AM
Feb 2023
I was disappointed in the finale. The show has been enjoyable, but some of the choices they made did disappoint me as a LN reader. If they get a 2nd season, i hope they dont use the last episode speed run as the starting point. The story of him taking over the city is really interesting. But, I can only hope, but I am not really that hopeful.
Jun 18, 2023 7:53 AM
Nov 2018
This whole anime was just a disaster
Jun 18, 2023 8:13 AM
Feb 2015
Felt really rushed how they decided to just introduce a fair bit of new characters right at the last episode. I already felt introducing Seth and his servant on the second last episode was already a rush job because Seth didn't even get proper time to develop an interest in Cain and felt like he became a major fanboy when they met eyes or something.
They could have at least introduced him earlier or something considering he is the demon lord after all but they don't really make a big deal out of it and felt like he was just there only for the purpose of boosting the counterattack of the monsters Aaron is giving out.

I guess as well all the lead up from these 12 episodes to battling Aaron wasn't satisfying at all because all Cain does is go overdrive with the massive light ray and poof he gone. They don't even mention what happened to Aaron at all I guess in a wishy washy hopes from the studio for a season 2 or something and so haven't touched on it AT ALL. Like, at least give us some kind of input as to whatever tf happened to Aaron, that black dragon wasn't even him so he's probably somewhere out there in spirit???????? Don't just leave us hanging like that.

Like I'm all for overpowered MC's and whatnot plus I do like how the God's gave him overpowered stats for an actual reason and not just out of pity because he was murdered trying to save people but c'mon, why you gotta make such an unsatisfying ending to all this?
Rather than mention about the new city with what happened there, they could've at least used some of that time to talk about Aaron like maybe his spirit went elsewhere and he's planning revenge? Or maybe he ended up reuniting with the God's and is taking punishment?
I would have thought it would make more sense if Cain actually got through to Aaron and had a little heart to heart to bring him back rather than just sealing him off like they did in the past.
But nope, all we did was have Aaron be like gone, reduced to atoms.

All that stuff in the new city could've been used as well for season 2 material as well, Cain with his overpowered skills brings up a city from the rundowns to bright futures whilst doom looms over the distance with newfound evil or Aaron planning his new revenge.
Whatever was mentioned in the new city could have had at least like 2 episodes at least covering it until his arrest and whatnot.

As a whole I did enjoy this anime, found it funny and humorous tho a lot of the time you just end up feeling sorry for Cain getting into kerfuffles with his future wives and the King and his dad lecturing him a lot of the time... Maybe I should do a count of how many of those CAIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 😡😡😡 moments there were ahahahah
Like it had become such a big thing in the show that by the end of it with the goodbyes, it was literally the thing they ended it by like man, give the poor kid a break 😂
But the only thing I really didn't like was just how unsatisfying the ending felt with the final battle.
If they ever make a season 2, I hope it answers things better because it's all just up in the air.
Jun 18, 2023 8:26 AM
Apr 2022
completed just cus i had some morbid curiosity about how trash this anime can be, should have dropped when i had the chance...
Jun 18, 2023 8:51 AM

Jan 2013
Cain Poopoo Sama!
Jun 18, 2023 9:06 AM

Dec 2014
Kinda of on the low end when it comes to isekai starnds, which isnt really a high bar to set from begin with. But still enjoyable season at least if your an isekai fan, a solid 5/10 in my book. Weak last episode for sure, but tbh i didnt expect anything to begin with.

Jun 18, 2023 9:09 AM
Mar 2023
I had no expectations, so I'm not disappointed. We may not see another season anytime soon if ever, who knows?
Jun 18, 2023 9:15 AM

Feb 2021
And so another EMT Squared masterpiece has reached its end...

The LN art is so much better than the anime tho...
Jun 18, 2023 9:53 AM
Demon of Desire
May 2023
Disclaimer: I, being an isekai maniac, don't go around comparing every isekai anime with Mushoku Tensei (or the likes). Isekai being a very particular genre with many titles, there is very little to innovate the plot. Though some isekai titles have successfully produced a magnificent and unique plot, others do seem repetitive. But still when I see isekai, I find most of them unique in their own way.

Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku was a good isekai, not great, but enough to give an avid fan a temporary dose of good isekai. This all changed in the last couple of episodes. It became too fast-tracked with very little to no development of the characters introduced late. And as if the final nail in the coffin the final episode was a huge disappointment. Felt like the creators just wanted to be done with it. The events cumulated in the final episode is worth at least 4-5 episodes. The epic final fight of the season is a rush-hush job too.

Overall the anime started good but let down in the finale.

PS: One peculiar thing I noticed is that most people comparing isekai titles forget to take one significant thing into consideration -- Age the anime is targeted to. I see numerous comparisons with Mushoku Tense which is targeted at ~17 and above. Mostly the ones being compared are anime targeted at age groups ~13. Kids don't care much for plot repetitiveness or animation level etc which elder teens do.
Jun 18, 2023 11:51 AM
Apr 2020
Pacing too fast....
It was a decent watch nonetheless
Jun 18, 2023 11:55 AM

Jun 2015
Would of been more .... if they had title the episode, Then I built a wall.
Roch2001Jun 18, 2023 12:02 PM
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 18, 2023 11:58 AM

Jun 2015
You seem to of got your knickers in a twist and went off on one. So many words. Its just a fun comedy. You should calm down.

Luchipher747432 said:
Disclaimer: I, being an isekai maniac, don't go around comparing every isekai anime with Mushoku Tensei (or the likes). Isekai being a very particular genre with many titles, there is very little to innovate the plot. Though some isekai titles have successfully produced a magnificent and unique plot, others do seem repetitive. But still when I see isekai, I find most of them unique in their own way.

Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku was a good isekai, not great, but enough to give an avid fan a temporary dose of good isekai. This all changed in the last couple of episodes. It became too fast-tracked with very little to no development of the characters introduced late. And as if the final nail in the coffin the final episode was a huge disappointment. Felt like the creators just wanted to be done with it. The events cumulated in the final episode is worth at least 4-5 episodes. The epic final fight of the season is a rush-hush job too.

Overall the anime started good but let down in the finale.

PS: One peculiar thing I noticed is that most people comparing isekai titles forget to take one significant thing into consideration -- Age the anime is targeted to. I see numerous comparisons with Mushoku Tense which is targeted at ~17 and above. Mostly the ones being compared are anime targeted at age groups ~13. Kids don't care much for plot repetitiveness or animation level etc which elder teens do.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Jun 18, 2023 12:06 PM

May 2019
This ended up being a decent isekai but the ending and some other parts leave something to be desired. For example, what happened to Aaron? It only showed that the dragon that he was possessing got blown away but I'm sure Aaron still exists out there. Also, the part in an earlier episode where Cain was training to confront Aaron was rushed and should've taken longer and covered more detail.

Anyways, there were some funny and goofy moments throughout the series and I liked how Nina (the green haired girl) would say some funny comments such as claiming to be Cain's lover to Tijuana. Cain's fiancées were pretty especially Silk although her and Teles were manipulative which essentially forced Cain to marry them. Other side characters were good and had their own personalities such as Milly and her brother.

I thought the character designs and art style were ok but the animation was a bit lacking especially during the action/fighting scenes. Also, the plot and storyline was average but some parts were rushed. Overall I give this a 6/10 as it was a decent watch but could've been better.
Jun 18, 2023 12:34 PM
Oct 2020
Completely disregarded original story, everything besides the characters names and places is different. I can understand that somebody wants to refresh the story but please if you keep only the comedy part of the story and disregard everything else then this anime will become complete rubbish in my opinion. There is so much more to the story and it was fun to read but I was so furious while watching the anime version and thinking who was that idiot that allowed this to be relisted in his form. I would give this whole adaptation 0/10 but becouse character names and places are correct I will give it 1/10
Jun 18, 2023 12:38 PM
Dec 2022
It was unbelievable!! Cain managed to defeat Aaron just like that?! I know he is OP, but still😂! Now he's been given his own domain which was kind of a shady spot, but with his strength, none of those bad guys would stand a chance! This kid sure is living an interesting life!
Jun 18, 2023 12:40 PM
Dec 2021
This anime was OK, not too enjoyable especially the end. Gaussian Integers.
Jun 18, 2023 12:48 PM
Jun 2019
Sadly trash ending
Instead leaving out the gov arc or announcing new, they decided to fit the whole gov arc into last 8 minutes of this episode.
Jun 18, 2023 1:06 PM

Oct 2017
The final battle was easy. Cain and friends took care of things. Cain has a new domain and it sure is a troublesome one. But as usual he overdid stuff. Also even the Maou can't handle his wife. She's a stunning red hair beauty though. Enjoyed the anime, it had some fun characters. This probably isn't getting a new season but I'll be there if it gets one.
Jun 18, 2023 1:22 PM
Nov 2018
I like to know how some animes get green lighted. Figure they have a lot of choices in what can be made. Stuff like this sneaks on by
Jun 18, 2023 1:30 PM
Apr 2023
I liked it, it was nice and fun story to follow. however for claiming him to be a Demi god fighting a x god the fight just didn’t really seem to climatic or as intense as it should be and at some times it was a bit to predictable. It also seemed rushed in the introduction of characters at the end. I would say the over powered mc reincarnated is over used though I still like watching them for some reason all in all it was alright and I wouldn’t mind a season 2 just make him have more of a struggle or where he can’t use brute force through the problem (I’m bad at punctuation lol so ignore the mistakes I prob missed)
Jun 18, 2023 1:32 PM
Feb 2022
Not good, not bad (that's everything I've got to say but the stupid character requirement made me type this 😭)
Jun 18, 2023 1:32 PM
Feb 2022
BonBonToro said:
Felt really rushed how they decided to just introduce a fair bit of new characters right at the last episode. I already felt introducing Seth and his servant on the second last episode was already a rush job because Seth didn't even get proper time to develop an interest in Cain and felt like he became a major fanboy when they met eyes or something.
They could have at least introduced him earlier or something considering he is the demon lord after all but they don't really make a big deal out of it and felt like he was just there only for the purpose of boosting the counterattack of the monsters Aaron is giving out.

I guess as well all the lead up from these 12 episodes to battling Aaron wasn't satisfying at all because all Cain does is go overdrive with the massive light ray and poof he gone. They don't even mention what happened to Aaron at all I guess in a wishy washy hopes from the studio for a season 2 or something and so haven't touched on it AT ALL. Like, at least give us some kind of input as to whatever tf happened to Aaron, that black dragon wasn't even him so he's probably somewhere out there in spirit???????? Don't just leave us hanging like that.

Like I'm all for overpowered MC's and whatnot plus I do like how the God's gave him overpowered stats for an actual reason and not just out of pity because he was murdered trying to save people but c'mon, why you gotta make such an unsatisfying ending to all this?
Rather than mention about the new city with what happened there, they could've at least used some of that time to talk about Aaron like maybe his spirit went elsewhere and he's planning revenge? Or maybe he ended up reuniting with the God's and is taking punishment?
I would have thought it would make more sense if Cain actually got through to Aaron and had a little heart to heart to bring him back rather than just sealing him off like they did in the past.
But nope, all we did was have Aaron be like gone, reduced to atoms.

All that stuff in the new city could've been used as well for season 2 material as well, Cain with his overpowered skills brings up a city from the rundowns to bright futures whilst doom looms over the distance with newfound evil or Aaron planning his new revenge.
Whatever was mentioned in the new city could have had at least like 2 episodes at least covering it until his arrest and whatnot.

As a whole I did enjoy this anime, found it funny and humorous tho a lot of the time you just end up feeling sorry for Cain getting into kerfuffles with his future wives and the King and his dad lecturing him a lot of the time... Maybe I should do a count of how many of those CAIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 😡😡😡 moments there were ahahahah
Like it had become such a big thing in the show that by the end of it with the goodbyes, it was literally the thing they ended it by like man, give the poor kid a break 😂
But the only thing I really didn't like was just how unsatisfying the ending felt with the final battle.
If they ever make a season 2, I hope it answers things better because it's all just up in the air.

You're completely right (i didn't read anything of your post)
Jun 18, 2023 2:08 PM

Jan 2015
What was even the point of such buildup with Aaron, only for him to be done this quickly? Didn't even see his last moments, as Cain was just interrupted and the next moment Aaron was nowhere to be seen. We have no idea why he did what he did, absolutely no exposure to his character and that's the main antagonist mind you, the main antagonist that Gods made him this OP for. He was already the strongest being in the world pretty much, but we still got the training arc cause he was deemed "not strong enough for Aaron". And then it appeared that he was TOO strong for Aaron. At the end of the day he didn't need to be this strong.

Also as someone who likes light novels, I have no reason to read it. As it feels like nothing interesting is gonna happen. He beat Aaron, what is there to look forward to? That's why you shouldnt make characters this OP, unless you are good enough author to think of suitable challenges for him to make it interesting.

The other complaint was how annoying most characters were. Especially his fiances. Don't know if its their voices or personality or both, but I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

The best part of this anime was definitely the king and his reactions and how Cain was scolded all the time.
Jun 18, 2023 2:22 PM
May 2018
I thought they would just skip over the Drintor arc (it was supposed to be before the black dragon) but to just cram it all in the last episode when it should take 2-3 full episodes of itself is underwhelming. Overall, I find the very light and supposedly humorous tone of the anime to be too much, they did the same cringe thing with kenja no mago. The manga could be interpreted way more seriously that what they did here. The pattern with the king being absolutely shocked and outraged particularly is exagerated and repeated too much, it’s funny the first time but it get annoying and it happens way more than in the manga
NemosioJun 18, 2023 2:27 PM
Jun 18, 2023 2:25 PM
May 2018
Hirugiku said:
What was even the point of such buildup with Aaron, only for him to be done this quickly? Didn't even see his last moments, as Cain was just interrupted and the next moment Aaron was nowhere to be seen. We have no idea why he did what he did, absolutely no exposure to his character and that's the main antagonist mind you, the main antagonist that Gods made him this OP for. He was already the strongest being in the world pretty much, but we still got the training arc cause he was deemed "not strong enough for Aaron". And then it appeared that he was TOO strong for Aaron. At the end of the day he didn't need to be this strong.

Also as someone who likes light novels, I have no reason to read it. As it feels like nothing interesting is gonna happen. He beat Aaron, what is there to look forward to? That's why you shouldnt make characters this OP, unless you are good enough author to think of suitable challenges for him to make it interesting.

The other complaint was how annoying most characters were. Especially his fiances. Don't know if its their voices or personality or both, but I couldn't help but feel annoyed.

The best part of this anime was definitely the king and his reactions and how Cain was scolded all the time.

No, that was but a fragment of Aaron (I prefer the Arlong translation tho) that was possessing a black dragon, he didn’t even destroy it. The main villain is still there and can still be developed later. It is just to match with the very light tone of the anime
Jun 18, 2023 2:37 PM
Demon of Desire
May 2023
Roch2001 said:
You seem to of got your knickers in a twist and went off on one.  So many words.  Its just a fun comedy.  You should calm down.
As far as I remember I commented on this on the prompt of reviewing the last episode. And there are no word limits. And "just a fun comedy" is a quote, not a review.
Jun 18, 2023 2:45 PM
Oct 2022
Last episode was too rushed. The fight was too easy and quick.
Jun 18, 2023 2:59 PM

May 2018
It was ok I guess. Very very rushed but who cares about story, the waifus are all that matter <3

Jun 18, 2023 3:52 PM
Sep 2020
Wow. The last 8 or so minutes of this episode was one of the most stupid speed runs of the source material I've seen. So much missed out, making a bad adaptation into a horrible one.
Jun 18, 2023 4:38 PM

Mar 2008
Final battle was lame but i never had expectations there since this show was never about battles it's just a light hearted cutesy comedy. On surface pretty mediocre and a bit dull but it still executes well the humour in it and is enjoyable to watch. I would probably forget about it if it didnt get a second season but if it did I would enjoy watching it. 
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Jun 18, 2023 5:51 PM

Sep 2018
Oof, it's finally over. Pretty soulless stuff overall, lazily speed-running through an 12 episode isekai, only thing I mildly enjoyed was Cain shocking everybody often. 4/10.
Jun 18, 2023 6:03 PM

Dec 2010
A truly unique anime with all the yelling about how OP Cain is. I think it's only KonoSuba where we get this much yelling. 

8/10. Wish for a 2nd season.
Jun 18, 2023 7:10 PM
Apr 2023
Finally done
Not the best obviously, but it feels like it's just having fun and does not try to be anything more it is not.
Kinda curious how the story will go further seeing that the Evil God can still revive any time but yeah, just a matter of time until Cain gets even stronger.

Generic but still kinda fun to watch!
Jun 18, 2023 7:18 PM
Jul 2015
Was this a good anime? No, it was stupid as hell and the pacing was all over the place.

Was this a fun anime? Absolutely. Sometimes you just need to watch something trashy with an amusing cast.
Jun 18, 2023 7:21 PM
Aug 2021
desmotivante, esse final foi o mais broxante da tmp, curti o anime e emuito, e esperava um finalsinho um pouco melhor...
Jun 18, 2023 7:23 PM

Feb 2019
i hope there's a second season in the works. i kinda wanna see how cain changes the domain he is now presiding over hehehe
Jun 18, 2023 8:18 PM

Feb 2018
The power of friendship was overpowering this time lol.

The last third of the episode was a random quick summary of what happened afterwards lol. Just shooting out a bunch of info that they couldn't fit in from the LN ig. I've read the manga and all that happened at a much slower pace.

"But that's a story for next time", I wonder if this anime will even get a second szn xD

Welp, that's the last episode. This anime was okay, felt like it was meant to introduce children to the isekai harem genre with OP MCs lmao.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Jun 18, 2023 9:01 PM
Jun 2023
i like this anime the only problem is they are rushing it's story and animation and fights are like in single move. if I disclude those then i like it . 8/10.
Jun 18, 2023 11:13 PM
Jan 2023
I like the full season It should get 2nd season I love it.
Jun 18, 2023 11:33 PM
Dec 2019
one of the worst episodes that i've watched in my entire life. i hate when a MC get lectured by everyone, its so fucking boring, even women that are not even related to him do that shit. whats the point of being so strong when you're such a bitch
Jun 19, 2023 9:15 AM

Jan 2008
Checked off pretty much every isekai trope and executed them in a mediocre manner, which is bad in itself. Funnily enough, it's not even the worst isekai this season.
Jun 19, 2023 12:50 PM
Apr 2021
the end is not same as a novel
Jun 19, 2023 3:27 PM

Jun 2016
Entertaining isekai with funny characters, interesting story, worth to take a look to the LN, but the pacing of the last episodes (since the training arc with the former hero) is pure madness... overall a good series after all, sometimes interesting and sometimes pretty standard with some "meh" repetitive and annoying moments, not a masterpiece obviously but I would watch a sequel anyway.
Jun 19, 2023 4:48 PM
Jan 2023
tetrix1993 said:
It's a fun anime I guess overall. But overpowered characters are kinda boring... At least this is more watchable than Summoned to Another World for a Second Time.

the only good episodes were the first and most recent when the masochists showed up for the second time lol
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