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May 28, 2023 7:25 PM
Mar 2021
people who gonna another sad backstory sh*t please dont watch it anymore. This ep was SUBARASHIIIIIII
May 28, 2023 7:56 PM

Mar 2013
Aww, I was hoping they'd update the ending credits to include Yuichiro now that Muichiro's amnesia has cleared up. I love it when an OP/ED will do things like that.
May 28, 2023 8:43 PM

Mar 2023
ok 2 things
1) Literally caught me off guard when I saw Muichirou had a twin brother like out of everything I did not expect that to appear out of nowhere but i still enjoyed it.

2) bro that demon that showed up randomly legit scared me. It was deathly quiet while the 2 brothers were staring at each other and then completely out of nowhere it cuts to a tall man standing there. Seriously i dont think i jumped liked that at all while watching this series until now. but again i loved it and the backstory was fun and interesting to watch.

thats about it i really liked this episode and it showed a better side of Muichirou compared to how he acted at the beginning of this season. I honestly hated him at first but these past couple episodes made me start to like him as a character now. anyways this ep is a 10/10 once again
My Candys!

May 28, 2023 8:47 PM
Mar 2015
That is some fine takoyaki
May 28, 2023 8:50 PM
Feb 2022
Wow.... what an episode what a backstory what a fight..
thank you goutoge to give us such amazing characters and thank you ufotable to bring it to life
May 28, 2023 9:25 PM
Aug 2020
it's still good and the tragedy that befall on muichiro and his brother who died in this episode yuichiro, fascinating backstory as well.
May 28, 2023 9:48 PM
Jun 2013
Well, it looks good for sure, but Yaiba just went full Fairy Tail here, "hey let's activate my big secret power up that was sleeping inside me because i didn't remember my sad past, now that i remember i'm 2x stronger!". The use of "super sad" flashback it's really starting to drag the series, too repetitive.
Shinuki_n_RebornMay 28, 2023 10:00 PM
May 28, 2023 9:52 PM
Jan 2021
very cool, flashback was great, cant wait for next episode
May 28, 2023 10:20 PM
Apr 2023
Muichiro's backstory finally revealed.
They really are the descendants of great swordsmen. Imagine a child overpowering a demon enough to pin down all its limbs until the sun comes up.

Great exposition and followed up with a good action sequence. Hope to see more next episode.
May 28, 2023 11:44 PM
May 2016
Muichiro Backstory revealed!
May 29, 2023 12:08 AM
Apr 2017
The last two minutes was amazing as expected from Ufo
May 29, 2023 12:29 AM

Oct 2017
Punkerror said:
Ventus_S said:
The flashback itself is good but the way the author insert the flashback is horrendous and repetitive, and UFO makes no attempt to fix the pacing issue at all.  It's basically always the same: OH NO I CAN'T MAKE IT -> DEJAVU -> everything super slow motion ->  10+ mins flashback ->  POWER UPPPP
Can you believe in a spam of 3 episodes they already repeat the same process twice?
Also my prediction is right, Demon Slayer is basically just Fairy Tail now.  All the damage/ poison suffered don't matter, after the flashback = power up + all wound healed, all status effect healed,  damage/ speed 300% boost.

Another thing I'm disappointed about is how unimportant Mitsuru is in the whole arc. She fought some random trash mobs and then her functionality is done. I thought they bring 2 Hashiras in this arc to not make a mockery of Upper Moons, but turns out these upper moons cant even fight 1 Hashira or 2 none Hashiras properly. And apparently 100+ years no Hashiras have ever defeated them, hmmm. 
If they dont want to make Upper Moon like a joke, why not Utilize Mitsuru to make her do something more instead of just for fan service?

This mf always talking bullshit.

Since your comment contains spoiler I deleted part of it

1. I was discussing about the content of ep8 itself but instead of retaliating my point, he result to personally calling me out to attack.
2. A lot of people have the same feedback as me for this episode regarding to pacing and backstory but they're lazy so they only leave 1 sentence and I don't see you name calling to attack, so giving full detail of constructive critism will get you attacked by Demon Cryers man-child fanbase.
3. Using a new account to shit talking other (account created April 2023 just to shit talk other, see what I'm talking about? Ep6 of Oshi no Ko taught us well.
4. Spoiler w.o spoiler tag
5. I'm not going to waste time on you given that you can't even use your real account to do the shit talking and these posts going to be deleted soon. 
Mal clowns usually own multiple accounts to do the shit talking and use it to bloat up their favorite anime's score and rate down their hated show. I've seen way too many.
May 29, 2023 12:37 AM

Feb 2022
The meaning of Mu stuff was pretty cool. As a practitioner of Zen, I can confirm that Mu is chanted (internally) during Zazen.

Takuan Sōhō once said: 

"The mind must always be in the state of 'flowing,' for when it stops anywhere that means the flow is interrupted and it is this interruption that is injurious to the well-being of the mind. In the case of the swordsman, it means death.
When the swordsman stands against his opponent, he is not to think of the opponent, nor of himself, nor of his enemy's sword movements. He just stands there with his sword which, regardless of all technique, is ready only to follow the dictates of the subconscious. The man has effaced himself as the wielder of the sword. When he strikes, it is not the man but the sword in the hand of the man's subconscious that strikes." 
May 29, 2023 12:44 AM
Apr 2023
short as expected.
all these suspense is really getting old i mean I already knew it was going to be like this and I didn't even read the manga.
anyway, nice backstory, I was emotional at the prayer of the brother. very well executed.
May 29, 2023 12:57 AM
Jun 2021
really good story
May 29, 2023 1:05 AM
Nov 2016
I really don't care much about the Mist Hashira so I didn't care about his flashback, it's the usual Demon Slayer flashback we've seen over and over again, that being said, the flashback wasn't bad, I just didn't care about it since I don't really care about that character. I've seen way better flashbacks in Naruto and they are way more emotional, Naruto is still a mediocre anime though but I do praise Naruto for the emotional moments and the OST which are fucking amazing.

Even if I didn't care about the flashback, the episode was still pretty good and had amazing action scenes in the last few minutes, this is where Demon Slayer shines, I wanted more of it but I can't complain, I guess they will go all out now in the next episode with amazing animation and I can't wait.

So yeah, the episode was nice.
May 29, 2023 1:13 AM

May 2020
Muichiro remembers his past at last. Mu stands for Mugen. Atarimae no koto datta. That pot demon is still pissed over Hotaru's determination. But, at least he's focussing on Muichiro, so Hotaru can get back to polishing the sword.
May 29, 2023 1:29 AM

Oct 2008
nice! Muichirou flexing so much! it was satisfying!

May 29, 2023 1:40 AM

Jul 2022
pretty epic episode ngl sad backstory nice
May 29, 2023 2:31 AM
Aug 2021
I feel like they somehow stepped up the animation in this episode. The rain the trees to the river all looked exponentially better. Muichirou's back story is the same as everyone's else but I like the personal touches they added to make it feel different. I feel like out of both of the brothers his brother was hurting the most. He just didn't know how to convey his feelings until the very end. When he was asking god to spare his brother's life I teared up. He was a beast though he 1v1 a demon with no training whatsoever and bodied him. It is unfortunate that H lost an eye but now he can be classified as OP any character that is missing an eye is strong. I didn't even realise there was no Tanjiro in this episode and it still slapped. 
May 29, 2023 2:35 AM
May 2021
he was like beep boop
May 29, 2023 3:36 AM
May 2023
animation was out of this world, top episode of the season!
May 29, 2023 3:39 AM
May 2021
Good ep, feeel for Muichiro.
May 29, 2023 3:53 AM

Apr 2018
Wow of course Muichirou has a sad backstory but it well done, he lost his mother father and twin brother... it was even sadder when he realized how much his twin brother cared for him in the end :(
May 29, 2023 4:01 AM
Feb 2022
welp that was an outstanding ep. Muichiro's flashback made this episode rally good and very excited for the next episode.
May 29, 2023 4:23 AM

May 2015
I must admit this episode was awesome. I can't believe they gave Muichirou this level of writing.
May 29, 2023 4:24 AM

Jun 2013
A lot of their backstories were heartbreaking but I feel like Muichirou's was one of the saddest ones. 
May 29, 2023 4:39 AM

Jul 2016
Uguu_Tsukimiya said:
I must admit this episode was awesome. I can't believe they gave Muichirou this level of writing.

Well he is a Hashira who is related to the oruginal breather and our main character so....
May 29, 2023 4:41 AM
Jul 2020
What the Fuck Sasuke in This Episode?!??!!?!
You'll Never Walk Alone #YNWA
May 29, 2023 4:46 AM

Mar 2020
I like muichiro a lot as a character. As a fellow head trauma victim, his behaviour, and mood are very beleivable, and relatable. And we don't get represented a lot in media.

Seeing how gentle and kind he was as a child made me very happy, as modern him some how usurped some of his brothers brazen personality with out even knowing it.

But he is slowly becoming him self again, you can see he's more caring and compassionate each passing episode since meeting Tanjiro/remembering his father.

His mist mark was the most fascinating development. I see Muichiro as an equal to Tanjiro's legacy he'll be reaching now. It's like being given a second main character, so exciting!

My only question now is.. do these marks develop on anyone, or just those who are part of a rare family lineage?

Can't wait to see more, please no one (but upper moons) die. :'(
May 29, 2023 5:16 AM
Apr 2022
by the power of motivational backstory, he's become super strong
May 29, 2023 5:29 AM

Jun 2016
24 minute episode = 3 minute episode while watching this !!

every episode of kimetsu no yaiba always like this !!!

May 29, 2023 5:42 AM
Mar 2011
show some action! we dont care sorry ass hashira's past!
May 29, 2023 5:48 AM

Feb 2014
Just like with Genya's backstory a few episodes ago, Muichiro's backstory was one filled with sadness and bloodshed. Losing his mother to illness and his father, who died after trying in vain to get herbs during a rainstorm, all that was left was Muichiro and his twin brother, Yuichiro. Seeing their lack of interactions without it being filled with tension, anger and sadness was rather disheartening.

To add to that, a demon visited the pair in the middle of a summer night and Yuichiro sacrificed himself to protect Muichiro, who lost all sanity at that moment and butchered the demon outside, so that it would die when the sun rose up. A tragic backstory might be a common theme with Demon Slayer, but it was well done and made me sympathise with Muichiro a lot.

Thanks to him finally touching on that past, he was able to fight on and rescued Kotetsu from the mustached CGI fish mob. After that, he went to Gyokko, where the cocky demon went a bit berserk when things wren't going his way. Haganezuka, on the other hand, just kept on focusing on making the perfect sword, even though he now has lost his left eye and even after being blown out of the shack after Gyokko unleashed his tentacle attack on everyone. Brave and reckless, sure, but I have some mad respect for him right now! =)

The last few minutes of the episode was another treat of beautiful sakuga animation, with Muichiro, now wielding his brand new sword courtesy of his swordsmith, his mist breathing: fifth form attack looked insane and, finally, started to do some good damage against Gyokko. I have hope that Muichiro will win this fight in the next episode!
May 29, 2023 5:52 AM
Jan 2023
yurichuro or however you spell his name, his backstory was very sad.
May 29, 2023 5:57 AM

Jul 2013
All these backstories are very similar aren't they
May 29, 2023 6:59 AM

Apr 2015
Muichiro reminds me of Fubuki from Inazuma eleven :D (An extremely under rated anime)
May 29, 2023 7:29 AM
Jun 2007
Ah Muichiro sad backstory.
He unlocks demon slayer mark!
May 29, 2023 7:32 AM
Apr 2023
tokito te amo, decapita ya a gyokko, eres increible
May 29, 2023 7:46 AM
Mar 2021
Good backstory to Muichiro. I'm slightly annoyed that Love Hashira doesn't get enough love so far. From memory she was prominent in only 1 episode so far and her back story was slightly.... not fully developed? And while less tragic than others her history is still tragic. I will have to re-watch that episode, but from memory of the Manga (which I read as it was written) it was a bit different. Explaining why she joined Demon Slayer Corps and why she eats so much for example. At the moment it looks like they decided that she will be "fan service" and "Comedic relief". Which is a bit annoying. Though maybe my memory of the manga has faded so much that I misremember something.
May 29, 2023 7:48 AM
Feb 2020
Muiciro boring mf. Again a do-gooder, but he strayed away from the do-gooding until the MC showed him the path...

I hate how all of these Hashira are like that. Just a good guy who's strong and someone for Tanjiro to surpass.
May 29, 2023 7:54 AM
Jan 2023
muichiro backstory was amazing we got to see some fight and now only waiting for gyokko 2nd form and some more amazing fights
May 29, 2023 8:10 AM
Dec 2019
Muichiro's story is kinda sad but I can understand his brother's point of view even if he was wrong. His sword skills and marking were epic.
May 29, 2023 8:34 AM
Jan 2016
how many episodes left this season? 
May 29, 2023 9:03 AM
Feb 2022
The first anime episode I cried to, I don't know why. Kids dying is sad as fuck.
May 29, 2023 10:01 AM
Apr 2014
pastuch said:
Every second character in this anime has the same exact backstory, how am I supposed to care anymore? At least it's still an eye candy though
They mentioned in season 1 that only those who lost their families because of demons or comes from a swordsman family has the resolve and motivation to harness their skills. So it makes sense that the Hashiras have sad backstories.
May 29, 2023 10:07 AM

Jul 2021
Well if that's the case then yes it does make sense and so be it. I think it's just adds up to all the other arguments that the writing in this show is really lazy. That's one convenient plot armor.
May 29, 2023 10:15 AM

Jan 2021
gebels said:
how many episodes left this season? 
This was episode 8. 3 more to go (11 in total).
Also last episode will most probably be longer.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

May 29, 2023 10:19 AM
Jun 2022
If I recall well, it was stated in the manga that Muichirou took several hours to crawl back to his house, and by the time he arrived, maggots entered his body and were eating him alive. I guess that was too much for animation. Regardless, what an amazing episode, I was waiting for this backstory as it had made me emotional when I first read it. I'm rooting for Muichirou to now proceed to beat Gyokko's a*s, but before that, I'm exited to see Mitsuri in action!
May 29, 2023 11:04 AM
Jul 2011
The backstory concept isn't that bad but when the overall series episode count is so low it can feel a little grating on the pacing side especially when Muichirous backstory isn't that complex to take nearly a whole episode by itself.
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