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Sep 28, 2021 6:05 PM

Nov 2012
My final thought was 'huh?' The last 3-4 eps maybe the entirety of phase 3 was bad. The last episode was rushed and all over the place. I guess the ones out are the ones that had enough points to move on...maybe? And who the hell was that guy in Akira's apartment? Dad? Brother? He had green wrist stripes, too.
Sep 29, 2021 2:06 AM
Feb 2020
Pre_Yum said:
The final battle is here between Yuri and the big guy, Oogami is on and this is not looking good for Yuuri. Her ability is not working because of Kuroiwa's last strike but Akira's here to fight Oogami in place of her and what a surprise, Akira and Green Team won. It was all a dream. At least, Akira got a hug from Yuuri.

Overall, this show was Idk how to describe it. It was not good but at the same time, it was not the worst show in this season. Definitely, all over the place. The story itself was quite predictable to me. Tho, I enjoyed some characters in this show. But, not impressed very much. Could've been better.

it said it was part of the 4th stage of the game, so it wasn't a dream
Sep 29, 2021 5:51 AM

Sep 2019
Wow, this show is shit. Can't really decide which was the worst thing in this show:
- CGI looks terrible, it's on Berserk 2016 or Ex-Arms level
- Artstyle looks like 15 years back
- Main dude always be like: "haha lol, i am so smart, i can even predict when you take a shit. and don't think it was your decision to take that shit, it was all me outsmarting you into thinking you needed that shit". No thanks, we have way too many wannabe genius characters in anime already.
- All the characters feel irrelevant, i didn't care for a single one. The whole cast could have died and i wouldn't care. At least then we would never have the probability of another season.

1 / 10
I'm not reading any replies or comments directed at me at all. I know my truth and if you disagree: that's fine but i couldn't give a damn about :)

Sep 29, 2021 8:45 AM

Jan 2021
The show had it's highs and lows. I had thought about dropping it earlier, but then the middle of the season sort of got me hooked. The last few episodes were ok, but not the best. This final episode was really confusing though because it kept jumping from one thing to another, and not really elaborating on it.

I'm guessing the leader of Team Blue also has the ability that Akira has.

Also, that entire thing was a dream? The last part of the episode when theyu were in Tokyo really confused me.

Sep 29, 2021 11:30 AM

Mar 2017
Holy shit what a waste of my time. God fucking damn it, can't believe I wasted 4 hours and 35 minutes of my life watching an ad.
Sep 30, 2021 4:58 AM
Jun 2013
Dasc2000 said:
Where can I watch it? Episode 12 isn’t even out on Crunchyroll for me

It's on youtube. Channel's name is Muse Asia.
Sep 30, 2021 8:35 AM

Jul 2014
Sajonji said:
Wow, this show is shit. Can't really decide which was the worst thing in this show:
- CGI looks terrible, it's on Berserk 2016 or Ex-Arms level
- Artstyle looks like 15 years back
- Main dude always be like: "haha lol, i am so smart, i can even predict when you take a shit. and don't think it was your decision to take that shit, it was all me outsmarting you into thinking you needed that shit". No thanks, we have way too many wannabe genius characters in anime already.
- All the characters feel irrelevant, i didn't care for a single one. The whole cast could have died and i wouldn't care. At least then we would never have the probability of another season.

1 / 10

The truth has been spoken. Exactly my opinion. Though, I would give it a 4 because it's still watchable for a waste of time. I've seen worse.
Sep 30, 2021 9:42 AM
May 2016
Don't know why I bothered finishing this but I did, geez did it get dumb and poorly adapt the manga, which itself is pretty dumb. Don't read it it's just endless more of the MC "outsmarting" people who think they are "outsmarting" him. Gotta stop watching these garbage shows.
Sep 30, 2021 2:44 PM

Oct 2011
only regret is we never got to learn more about the mc and his past

also if there is s2 pls no more of that atrocious cgi kbye

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
Oct 1, 2021 1:10 AM

Oct 2008
Damn Blue Team leader is ruthless and they're supposed to be Neutral but he has his own motives to kill Mion huh...
waiting for next Season!

Oct 1, 2021 10:30 AM
Jul 2019
So, was that just a dream or were they just given a sort of break by Mion????

Also, does anybody know who that guy that came into Akira's room???
Oct 2, 2021 1:27 PM

Feb 2020
Pretty bad start, but middle part was quite entertaining but towards the end, animation was ruined by cgi. Overall animation was also not good. Though lot of unnecessary cannon.
Decent survival anime if not for super bad animation
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

Oct 2, 2021 1:36 PM

Jun 2016
Akira stepped up and won the game for Team Green. Yipee, I suppose. Omoto has the same ability as Akira. That's a surprise, at least. They returned to normality, somehow, considering they are all supposed to be dead...

I did not enjoy this show, not one bit, and this episode did nothing to change my mind whatsoever.

Oct 3, 2021 7:48 AM
Aug 2020
I understand from the ending that they are still in the game, but... does that mean that there is a second season?

I get that most of the people posting here thought that it was horrible, but, apart from the last episode, I thought that it was pretty decent (although completely agree about the horrible CGI).

Anyway, do we know anything about a 2nd season?
Oct 3, 2021 4:15 PM

Mar 2008
So do they all know and remember they're still in the game in the ending? That was the only thing unclear. It seemed like some of them did based on looking at their wrists? But it was unclear.
Oct 4, 2021 9:50 AM
Jul 2020
Wtf i just watched LOL?!?
Oct 4, 2021 10:21 AM

Dec 2016
It was rushed as heck.

How Yuuri was still keeping up with the fight with Oogami even with broken bones...I don't know what to say, but what was that, some kinda nakama power just randomly got activated? I wouldn't care if it was some Fairy Tail type of anime but that type of storyline isn't suitable for this anime.

And Akira just came and one punched Oogami just like that, it was underwhelming. I know that Akira's power can literally be anything but they made him way too superior. It would have been better if some of his plans failed.

The way it ended tho, they really got me there. That would have been some freakin' long dream XD
Actually if it really was a dream then all those overdramatic scenes would've been believable.

Looks like Yuuri and Akira is dating.

Anyway, it was interesting in the beginning but both story and the animation went downhill. I wasn't expecting much from the animation from the start but it got so bad especially when this Oogami guy was introduced. The CG on Oogami was so badly noticeable that it looked like some avatar was copy pasted there. And everything was rushed. In the 3rd program most of the fights ended so quickly in favour of the MC, it was anticlimactic.

overall 6/10

Looks like there might be a sequel. I'm curious about this 4th Program in Tokyo so I'm looking forward to it.
Oct 5, 2021 5:16 AM

Jul 2015
Lost a bit of enjoyment with its lowered stakes as most of the time there are no repercussions for losing and also the overuse of the "super rare" cannon ability since apparently everyone seems to have it, but overall decent at best generic series.

Oct 5, 2021 6:53 AM
Jul 2018
Ep 1-7 of this show were good then it went downhill
Oct 5, 2021 6:53 AM
Jul 2018
Ep 1-7 of this show were good then it went downhill
Oct 8, 2021 9:29 AM

Sep 2011
Despite this anime has extremely shitty animation, I would really like an another season.

Oct 9, 2021 9:46 AM

Jul 2008
I had fun with this one, nothing special though.

So they aren't dead afterall...oh well I doubt season 2 happens.

6/10 for me.
Oct 16, 2021 5:30 PM

Nov 2009
The was a weird series...

What the fuck was at the end?

How did they get back to the real world? I thought they were kept in the fake world by Mion?

Especially how the fuck they got their "identity" back? I thought Mion said they were all declared dead? did no one bother asking how dead people are back doing normal things like nothing ever happened?

Not to mention... I thought they were suppose to kill off all the losers of the battle? how the hell are they still alive (as evidenced by the underwear girl ALSO walking in the real world)

___ ___ ___

TBH, I was getting close to dropping this series after episode 3, but decide to stick it out cause of the "detective" aspect they were going for the MC... which turns out there wasn't really much of a detective, more like "who has better facade"

Welp, probably won't be watching season 2 if they're still going with it.

Would rate this a 5 out of 10.
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Oct 21, 2021 6:42 PM
Feb 2021
So this whole time it what just a dream dayum I didn’t expect that but I guess the game still continues and also I’m not sure if that akira dad that shows up at the very end and also I think in episode 3 or 4 the bunny costumes that the wore where pretty hot ngl but either ways I’m not sure if it going to get a season 2 but I feel that this anime is underrated and from my pov now that I have finished it i would rate it like a 7/10 the anime it not bad but at the same it isn’t good bc of the cgi the use in the fight scene and also mion said there where dead irl so for some unknown reason the come back to life ? Idk the need a explain about that
RedBell02Oct 21, 2021 6:53 PM
Oct 23, 2021 1:45 PM
Sep 2021
I was confused in the ending like if it was a whole dream but it wasn’t, and then yuuri with the MC, she definitely loves him, I really wanna see them in action in Tokyo, where can I read the manga??? Is the chapters ongoing??
Nov 16, 2021 12:14 PM
Nov 2018
True! And it surprises me there was no healing ability in the show. Usually there is.

Rukodaime91 said:

Sometimes, I wonder if there was one single intelligent character in the show. I don't think there was... I mean, just ask Yuuri to give you healing ability, you know...
(mostly for the first few episodes).

Too bad Akira's cannon can't hit a single person in the entire anime. Kuroiwa obviously knew the script so he wasn't afraid of a point-blank blast killing him instantly. Shark Guy Origami didn't have to fear it either - Akira didn't even try.

And from what we've seen, Shark Guy could probably wave it away somehow.

Amazing how cannon beams have hit each other straight on more than once, and somehow that means neither of them progresses. And Yuuri and Shark Guy hitting each other's fists - straight on, so that the bones shatter because there is absolutely no angle. Amazing. You could go to martial arts or boxing for decades and never experience that.

But the most unforgivable part was showing character in a battle talk to each other "in the spirit" outside the battle. That reduces the battle to nothing. It's no longer real in any way. There was an egregious scene in Vikings season 4 that did the same, two women who had been friends fighting on opposite sides, and somehow talking to each other in the spirit. Absurd. (Almost as absurd as people thinking women can lift a heavy shield and sword and make use of them, because they've seen it a million times now in Hollywood stories.)

Ah yes, an evil character pontificating about why he is evil. Lousiest writing ever. No character thinks about "why am I evil". Let alone tells people about it in a fight.

And then this, from Akira: "If you spare them I'll appear before you." Okay........ or how about killing them and you're sure to confront Shark Guy anyway? And even if it takes a while, he'll have taken out your two strongest fighters, and dealt you a heavy psychological blow. Team green will be reeling after that, with people switching sides.
Nov 16, 2021 12:19 PM
Nov 2018
Hegar said:
"This is the guy, officer. He mentioned Darwin's Game and this barrel-bottom party at the same time."

I've read Darwin's Game since the anime started. Good story although excruciatingly slow, and lately there's been walls of text to read. But still good. Hope it will end in my lifetime.

AnthonyLuffy said:

i like the anime but yes i bought the manga because it's remind me Darwin's Game i like too the anime but where the manga is better too.

@RedBell02 No, I think the ending meant that those who had enough points to get out of the forest-with-no-end-in-any-direction were returned to their real lives. I think so, at least. Because he said, "the game continues".
Nov 16, 2021 12:20 PM
Nov 2018
Eh, I managed to delete my own post. For shame.
Nov 26, 2021 10:54 AM

Apr 2020
Average anime with a generic plot and characters. 4/10.
And I'm being generous because that CGI is awful.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Dec 19, 2021 1:18 PM

Jun 2013
Survival anime are usually a hit or miss. In this case it's somewhere in between at least for me. I like the concept even though it's nothing new or different. I wish there was more to it than just fighting your opponent in different programs or figuring out their powers because the low budget animation doesn't help.

Akira is the main thing that made this show interesting because of his intelligence and apathetic attitude with a desire to win the game and destroy the organization. I just hope his newly discovered emotions don't affect his personality and turn him into a "nice" guy. All the other character are pretty generic and bland. The villains are the typical overused "good" guys turned bad because someone took their lollipop in the past and now they hate the world for it.

The ending was so lame. I feel the studio just gave up towards the end. Even the fight was a joke. I don't even know how they ended up back in their world or was it a dream? Anyways I doubt this will get season 2 but you never know.
Dec 29, 2021 12:32 AM
Mar 2020
I'm not sure what to say. The Kuroichi siblings definitely failed as antagonists.

I'm glad that Yuuri is the one who did the speech-no-jutsu. I would totally lost my head if Akira did it, it just doesn't fit his character at all.

I'm considering to read the manga/Light Novel just because I want to see more of Rin and Mion. They are a lot more menacing than Kuro and Ichi.
Feb 14, 2022 2:48 PM
Oct 2017
I sure hope A S2 happens in the future
Mar 9, 2022 3:45 AM

Nov 2016
Well honestly I reduced rating by one for last minutes. Really didn't understand what happened after "Ousama gari" ended.
Overall it was good anime but little rushed.
May 5, 2022 10:34 PM
May 2022
Great ending, but fuck that dream shit. Give me season two without some dream bs to lead into it.
May 10, 2022 7:11 AM
Apr 2022
It's not really thrilling but I hope it has season 2
Sep 30, 2022 2:35 AM
Nov 2010
Weird ending, but it was a decent show overall.
Jan 31, 2023 4:17 PM
Jan 2023
its good ========
Feb 5, 2023 5:30 PM

Jul 2014
Really confusing ending. Was it a dream? Did it happen? Why is everyone healed especially the big guy who lost his limbs? They all dead and playing some game in hell? Bruh everything is so confusing.

Overall show is probably 6/10 considering writing and animation but this ending.. Idk how to judge it.

I would still watch S2 tbh even if it was kinda shit
Jul 15, 2023 12:56 AM
Jul 2023
dio bon è proprio la merda della merda
Nov 1, 2023 8:07 AM
Jan 2021
very interessting story and abilitys
Apr 28, 2024 6:26 PM
Nov 2023
bad at being good just bad
Jun 26, 2024 2:58 PM
Mar 2014
> My power is anything I imagine.
> My power is to manipulate my enemies thoughts.
> My power is to copy any power.
> My power is to copy any power I see.

Any of those 3 lies should have been tried by the MC before or at some point. If any where to succeed is GG well played. There doesn't seem to be a restriction to existing powers of other characters, so chances are even 1) would work. At that point you could do shit like stop time, teleport others, kill on thought, etc, MC would basically be God or at least as powerful as the system allows.

So... shit show. You can't have a smart MC not be smart.
Feb 11, 4:58 PM

Nov 2019
decent 1st and 2nd progam, 3rd progam is ass, I doubt this get a sequel, just gonna have to continue where it left off from the manga

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