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Jan 12, 2023 5:39 AM

Sep 2021
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

I_Love_deezJan 12, 2023 5:48 AM
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Jan 12, 2023 5:48 AM

Jul 2015
Hating on something popular gets a lot of attention.
Also, people are hating because they are incapable seeing depth, which is below the surface. Almost every negative opinion refers to fanservice like, which says a lot about those people.

Jan 12, 2023 5:50 AM
Apr 2021
i don't really hate this show. I think it's " good " for a romance anime. But i do get the vibes that people like Marin Kitagawa for her body and not for her nature & personality towards the MC.

P.s i rated this show an 8/10.
Jan 12, 2023 5:50 AM
Nov 2021
Haters gonna hate, don't even bother. Enjoy what you're doing while you still can.
Jan 12, 2023 5:52 AM

Sep 2021
Piromysl said:
Hating on something popular gets a lot of attention.
Also, people are hating because they are incapable seeing depth, which is below the surface. Almost every negative opinion refers to fanservice like, which says a lot about those people.

This is an SoL which is fluffy and wholesome. The use of "full of fanservice" is just them being horndogz not denying their intentions rather than understanding its cuteness of it.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 5:53 AM

May 2021
Non-H ugly bastard anime. Yeaaa........... totally believable that a 10/10 in looks would even notice the presence of a generic 1/10.
After all looks is only skin deep. Personality matters. - Ugly people
Jan 12, 2023 6:02 AM

Sep 2021
VampireSylphy said:
Non-H ugly bastard anime. Yeaaa........... totally believable that a 10/10 in looks would even notice the presence of a generic 1/10.
After all looks is only skin deep. Personality matters. - Ugly people

Nahh, I think this is another type of trolling or just a bad shitty takes, like Thegreatestone from prowrestlingdotnet who is just commenting negative stuff without a proper context.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 6:05 AM
Jun 2020
Popular stuff always have haters. People like to feel special by hating something everyone likes.
Jan 12, 2023 6:06 AM
Sep 2022
Honestly, for some reason its pretty hard for me to say something about this particular anime. Not that it was bad or anything, i scored it for 7 even tho i felt like it would also fit with 6 on my list. I think what i disliked the most about this show is that some aspects were just exaggerated (idk if thats the correct word but i hope you understand what i mean) - sometimes it felt too ecchi for me, sometimes the comedy just wasnt as good as i wanted it to be and resulted in me cringing a bit and i didnt find both main characters that intresting which resulted in complete lack or emotions during watching this anime. Nevertheless, i dont think its a bad show, just in my opinion a bit overrated, and thats it
Jan 12, 2023 6:08 AM

Sep 2021
Ishinashi8 said:
Overrated mediocre romcom

This person is a troller.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 6:08 AM

Jul 2022
Well that's kinda explain my profile...

Jan 12, 2023 6:09 AM
Apr 2022
I_Love_deez said:
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

not everyone is a fan of ecchi
Jan 12, 2023 6:17 AM

Mar 2018
why did you post this when you know it was gonna get locked?
Anyways, every popular show has a big crowd of haters regardless of how good the show actually is. Welcome to the internet, buddy.
Jan 12, 2023 6:21 AM
Oct 2019
To me it's a 5/10 nothing bad but nothing good just something that not really out of the ordinary. I am looking for more gal anime once they will find a foot to set into. Since Hajimete no Gal it's seem the industry is testing what work and what doesn't.
Jan 12, 2023 6:22 AM

Aug 2020
just get over it it happens to every anime
Jan 12, 2023 6:27 AM

Sep 2020
I don't like it because the fan service scenes are made for adults to drool over a high school girl. Some of the cosplays were made obviously for the audience to focus on Marin's body. That boxing one comes to mind and that one episode where Marin wore a bra too small or something. There was a sexualized middle schooler as well. I don't know about you but that's a fucking maroon flag to me. The anime didn't know what it wanted to be. It dallied around being a cosplaying anime, a high school romance, a more mature romance, and a romantic subtext. Don't meander around several themes. I also felt like the MC was boring as hell. Just another lukewarm rom-com sol where the author teases the audience until he/she feels like finally putting them in a relationship in the final arc.

No thank you, I'll focus on Takagi san which is actually funny and doesn't sexualize high school and middle school kids in such a creepy fashion. If you like it, all power to you but don't make it seem like there aren't some aspects of the show that are highly questionable.

๐’ฎ๐‘œ๐“‚๐‘’๐“‰๐’พ๐“‚๐‘’๐“ˆ, ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š ๐’ธ๐’ถ๐“ƒ'๐“‰ ๐“‚๐‘œ๐“‹๐‘’ ๐’ป๐‘œ๐“‡๐“Œ๐’ถ๐“‡๐’น ๐“Œ๐’พ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘œ๐“Š๐“‰ ๐’ธ๐“๐‘œ๐“ˆ๐’พ๐“ƒ๐‘” ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’น๐‘œ๐‘œ๐“‡ ๐’ท๐‘’๐’ฝ๐’พ๐“ƒ๐’น ๐“Ž๐‘œ๐“Š. - ๐‘…๐‘’๐’พ ๐’ฆ๐’พ๐“‡๐’พ๐“Ž๐’ถ๐“‚๐’ถ

Jan 12, 2023 6:33 AM
Nov 2022
In all these shows where MC is hot and all, gojo is mid and cool, relatable?? and people go like this show is all about waifu stuff, bet some of them haven't watched it yet, this show is wholesome and a great one!!
Jan 12, 2023 6:35 AM

Sep 2021
PoisonedSandwich said:
why did you post this when you know it was gonna get locked?
Anyways, every popular show has a big crowd of haters regardless of how good the show actually is. Welcome to the internet, buddy.

Yeah, can't act like this a college campus lobby where negativity is prohibited because of safe space.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 6:53 AM

Nov 2021
The show is, in the truest sense, one of the worst overrated trash that I have ever seen, it IS waifu bait for the disgusting creeps in the anime community (which happens to be the majority). The show is PATHETIC, it has no depth, the “romance” is forced and cringe with no depth or realism at all, the male character is a LOSER who is an idiot and a creep that no real woman will actually come to like. He is clearly a self insert of the writer because only a loser can write such a bottom of the barrel trash. I swear so many pathetic beta male pathetic creeps sympathize and relate to this just horrible main character. This show is the lowest of the low, FOR the lowest of the low. Trash and disgusting and this is not an opinion, but a FACT, no real anime fan will ever like my dress up darling. Only idiots do. If you like this show please stop watching anime, you don’t deserve space in this community. 
Jan 12, 2023 7:00 AM
Jan 2021
I 100% agree with loxodon 
Jan 12, 2023 7:01 AM
Nov 2021
therealloxodon said:
The show is, in the truest sense, one of the worst overrated trash that I have ever seen, it IS waifu bait for the disgusting creeps in the anime community (which happens to be the majority). The show is PATHETIC, it has no depth, the “romance” is forced and cringe with no depth or realism at all, the male character is a LOSER who is an idiot and a creep that no real woman will actually come to like. He is clearly a self insert of the writer because only a loser can write such a bottom of the barrel trash. I swear so many pathetic beta male pathetic creeps sympathize and relate to this just horrible main character. This show is the lowest of the low, FOR the lowest of the low. Trash and disgusting and this is not an opinion, but a FACT, no real anime fan will ever like my dress up darling. Only idiots do. If you like this show please stop watching anime, you don’t deserve space in this community. 

Yikes mfs like you are another reason why the anime community is falling part
Jan 12, 2023 7:07 AM
Jun 2021
just sayin, first 5 episodes were pretty good, a bit slow paced but in a good way, then it became meh with the sisters arc or whatever and the final 2 or 3 episodes being all over the place, more like ova's and for this to be with 8.20 +, i think if studios really need money, now u know what to do

btw there is a lot of wholesome romcom out there, but not marin's
Jan 12, 2023 7:10 AM
Jul 2022
I_Love_deez said:
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

fact bro i agreed with You
Jan 12, 2023 7:10 AM

Dec 2020
Don't let people opinions hinder your own experience.
Jan 12, 2023 7:13 AM
Jun 2022
Piromysl said:
Hating on something popular gets a lot of attention.
Also, people are hating because they are incapable seeing depth, which is below the surface. Almost every negative opinion refers to fanservice like, which says a lot about those people.

yahh man people hate on things which become famous and in this case My dress up darling was airing with 86 season 2 and Attack on titan final season part 2 but still it people watched it and recommended it cause the story and the characters itself were so wholesome and cute but still u know haters will be everywhere
Jan 12, 2023 7:13 AM

Jul 2015
SawsyMikey said:
therealloxodon said:
The show is, in the truest sense, one of the worst overrated trash that I have ever seen, it IS waifu bait for the disgusting creeps in the anime community (which happens to be the majority). The show is PATHETIC, it has no depth, the “romance” is forced and cringe with no depth or realism at all, the male character is a LOSER who is an idiot and a creep that no real woman will actually come to like. He is clearly a self insert of the writer because only a loser can write such a bottom of the barrel trash. I swear so many pathetic beta male pathetic creeps sympathize and relate to this just horrible main character. This show is the lowest of the low, FOR the lowest of the low. Trash and disgusting and this is not an opinion, but a FACT, no real anime fan will ever like my dress up darling. Only idiots do. If you like this show please stop watching anime, you don’t deserve space in this community. 

Yikes mfs like you are another reason why the anime community is falling part

That's an obvious troll, bud. Or someone exceptionally miserable.
Or both.

Jan 12, 2023 7:20 AM
Nov 2022
I_Love_deez said:
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

You will see this in every romantic anime that a lot of people give it a low rating. The reason for this is that most of the people watching these are single. I feel bad seeing myself many times๐Ÿ˜‚
Jan 12, 2023 7:25 AM
Mar 2021
lots of cynical Karens
Jan 12, 2023 7:26 AM
Mar 2021
hey guys, does anyone know if there comes a second season?

this sound like bad english xD. Thanks to everyone who answers me and correct my English.
Jan 12, 2023 7:26 AM

Sep 2021
MUGIWARA_0001 said:
I_Love_deez said:
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

You will see this in every romantic anime that a lot of people give it a low rating. The reason for this is that most of the people watching these are single. I feel bad seeing myself many times๐Ÿ˜‚

I bet these are the same people who always says "not enough ntr" just to do a little trolling.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 7:32 AM

Sep 2021
TheFounder131 said:
Don't let people opinions hinder your own experience.

Yeah. Seeings these negative reviews reminds me of every argument on twitter.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 7:32 AM
Apr 2021
People can’t have opinions? I personally don’t think the show is bad but I could see why other people might not like it
Jan 12, 2023 7:34 AM
Jul 2018
I don't know what to tell you OP. How is this not obvious waifu-bait trash with a self-insert protagonist? Made clear by the fact that there's zero actual romantic development, no kissing & no sex. The male protagonist has as much personality as a fucking doorknob, b/c you can't self insert if he did have any actual personality. They have no chemistry whatsoever; no witty dialogue; no friendly banter; no playful teasing; no nothing. The VAs are good, but they're used to put the audience through sleep inducing monologues & retarded gyaru mannerisms. Background art looks terrible, the animation is pretty much non-existent towards the end. Something this soulless & manipulative can't be wholesome & cute. Sorry.
Jan 12, 2023 7:35 AM

Sep 2020
Anything that's not a generic shounen action anime with 274628 seasons that gets a score above 8 is a well rated anime I think
Nino is the objectively superior one, don't @ me
Jan 12, 2023 7:37 AM

Sep 2021
Yelltah said:
just get over it it happens to every anime

But is a different case, it's obviously showing the toxic side of the anime community. Like twitter people infecting other community with their super shitty opinions.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 7:38 AM

Sep 2021
El001 said:
I don't know what to tell you OP. How is this not obvious waifu-bait trash with a self-insert protagonist? Made clear by the fact that there's zero actual romantic development, no kissing & no sex. The male protagonist has as much personality as a fucking doorknob, b/c you can't self insert if he did have any actual personality. They have no chemistry whatsoever; no witty dialogue; no friendly banter; no playful teasing; no nothing. The VAs are good, but they're used to put the audience through sleep inducing monologues & retarded gyaru mannerisms. Background art looks terrible, the animation is pretty much non-existent towards the end. Something this soulless & manipulative can't be wholesome & cute. Sorry.

Its a SoL, not an action-adventure type of romcom.
My name is Gustavo, But you can call me SUS!
Jan 12, 2023 7:42 AM
Jul 2018
I_Love_deez said:
El001 said:
I don't know what to tell you OP. How is this not obvious waifu-bait trash with a self-insert protagonist? Made clear by the fact that there's zero actual romantic development, no kissing & no sex. The male protagonist has as much personality as a fucking doorknob, b/c you can't self insert if he did have any actual personality. They have no chemistry whatsoever; no witty dialogue; no friendly banter; no playful teasing; no nothing. The VAs are good, but they're used to put the audience through sleep inducing monologues & retarded gyaru mannerisms. Background art looks terrible, the animation is pretty much non-existent towards the end. Something this soulless & manipulative can't be wholesome & cute. Sorry.

Its a SoL, not an action-adventure type of romcom.

lol What? What does that have to do with anything?
Jan 12, 2023 7:44 AM
puer aeternus

Sep 2021
Looks at the like number of Marin and you will understand why they call it waifu bait.
Jan 12, 2023 7:54 AM
Community Mod

Nov 2022
MemphisTango said:
Ishinashi8 said:

Cope tasteless normie

You call someone a tasteless normie but literally two seconds on your list and I see Quints rated a 10. Normie.
Quints is based……………………….

There's a crying green apple
I'm holding in my heart

Jan 12, 2023 7:56 AM
Mar 2016
Fluffygreygrass said:
MemphisTango said:

You call someone a tasteless normie but literally two seconds on your list and I see Quints rated a 10. Normie.
Quints is based……………………….

I’m not saying it’s bad. But a 10 is smoking crack.
Jan 12, 2023 7:59 AM
Oct 2022
I_Love_deez said:
I've seen the reviews of this series, and is full on negative written with bad intentions, calling it "MID" or "OVERRATED" or just outright calling the series a "WAIFU BAIT". If you hate this show, tell me why? And My answer to your question is this: "This is a SoL and it's funny how you just hated the series without watching it, or you're just the ''I hate it because my favorite series was beaten by this series" type of person". Cmon, its pissin me off like this isn't twitter where you are negative about anything. 

for me it was 9/10, because too much ecchi.

Jan 12, 2023 8:04 AM
Dec 2021
haters will always hate sadly. i loved the series enough to go ahead and read it
Jan 12, 2023 8:05 AM
Dec 2021
It has a good animation and style, but for me the main problem is that it's very horny, like veeeeery horny, and it also falls into various cliches.

Yes, the premise is interesting and I like what it says, but that's where it ends for me. It ends up being more about the protagonist having a sort of harem and being horny than anything presented at the start.

The way I would put it is: the reason Bocchi The Rock is so loved right now is because it doesn't do things like My Dress Up Darling.
Jan 12, 2023 8:17 AM

Nov 2021
Piromysl said:
SawsyMikey said:

Yikes mfs like you are another reason why the anime community is falling part

That's an obvious troll, bud. Or someone exceptionally miserable.
Or both.
Of course someone is actually going to think that I am “trolling” because any negative response to a show is just a “troll”… what a joke. And I am pretty happy myself thank you. Although watching that garbage of a show certainly didn’t contribute to my happiness. 
Jan 12, 2023 8:22 AM

Jul 2021
The reviewers clearly state why they think the show is bad. Not everyone has the same opinion as you. I didn’t find anything really good about this show but it wasn’t really bad either, 5/10. The characters are pretty generic tbh, especially the main guy. It is overrated yes, maybe mid as well. It is indeed waifu bait, most people would watch this show seeing Marin or maybe some clips. This is a SoL but no it’s not funny. My favorite series was not beaten by it and I did watch it. I don’t hate it, people’s opinion can differ from yours.

Friends are nothing more than the people who you spend the fun, yet meaningless times with. When those times get rough, they aren’t there to support you.

My Mushoku Tensei Review
Jan 12, 2023 8:23 AM

Jul 2015
therealloxodon said:
Piromysl said:

That's an obvious troll, bud. Or someone exceptionally miserable.
Or both.
Of course someone is actually going to think that I am “trolling” because any negative response to a show is just a “troll”… what a joke. And I am pretty happy myself thank you. Although watching that garbage of a show certainly didn’t contribute to my happiness. 

Rule #6: Mean score blow 5.0
Opinion dismissed.

Your shit take is so bad and objectively incorrect, that the most logical conclusion is that it's trolling, because you literally took every positive opinion fans of the show have, twisted it 180* and added a little bit of anger.
Pretty obvious, actually.

Jan 12, 2023 8:32 AM
Community Mod

Mar 2022
Thread locked for not encouraging meaningful discussion.

Anime/Manga Discussion Rules 2.ใ€€Please refrain from creating threads that do not encourage meaningful and/or civil discussion. Examples include:

g.ใ€€categorizing generalized opinions as popular/unpopular
e.g.ใ€€Why does everyone like/hate ___, Why is studio ___ so hated, Post your unpopular opinion about ___, etc.
These threads are designed to assign people into black/white categories which then instigate wars between each "side". Either use the overrated/underrated thread or think carefully about what it is you want to discuss and avoid generalizing.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.

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