Truly a higher level being and thinker. I am better than all of you scrubs in every single way. What I say is 100% facts with no room for discussion.
How I rate stuff -
10/10 The show is a goat and is above this pathetic medium. [e.g LotGH]
9/10 A well crafted story and characters that absolutely did nothing wrong that is worth pointing out. [e.g Owarimonogatari s2]
8/10 The themes of the show were great and the characters were complex enough to satisfy me. Something was missing/could have been done better. [e.g Fate/Zero s2]
7/10 A show that probably was good in only one aspect and the rest were alright but nothing more than that. Do not be mistaken, the show IS of quality. [e.g Vagabond]
6/10 The show is decent and did do some things right but there is some bullshit in it that makes me angry. [e.g Sennen Joyuu ]
5/10 An average show, A show that executed themes just as well as it fucked them up. there is as many good things as bad things that I can say about the show. [e.g Fmab]
4/10 The show is bad, but not THAT bad, there were maybe a couple redeeming qualities about it. [e.g One Piece]
3/10 The show is just horrible, bad execution, bad characters, ,there was maybe one good thing I can say about it. But nothing more than that. [e.g Vinland Saga]
2/10 The show has to be one of the worst things I have ever seen. There was nothing that is good about it. Just pure bullshit. [e.g AOT s2]
1/10 A pathetic shit show that makes me angry just thinking about it. I can't even call it fiction, it is bellow it. [e.g FLCL]
Some facts:
One Piece - This has to be the most overrated disgustingly idiotic, poorly written brainless unartistic puke-inducing show I have ever watched. Horrible cast of characters, disgusting comedy and humor, cliché uninteresting villains, repetitive plot, an idiotic poorly written main character. Over dramatic moments that are there for brainless idiots to sympathize with the shallow characters. This show can't be more than a 3/10.
Demon Slayer - This, has to be, one of the most boring, generic unartistic garbage brainless rotten shows to come out from this medium. The show targets idiots and brainless viewers who will like anything shiny. The popularity of the show truly shows how brainless, how idiotic and quite frankly retarded the anime community is. except for the animation there is nothing good about this show, and to be completely honest, the animation is overpraised as well, it is nothing but a cheap camera work and cgi. The show is not really fiction, just like fast food is not really food. 1/10.
FMAB - the show is, the most pseudointellectual show I have ever seen. The show is infected with a bunch of plot holes, devices and conveniences. The ending is shallow, the comedy is obnoxious and down right terrible. The main character is such and overrated garbage. the show only does a few things correctly, which makes it automatically better than almost all shows of this garbage medium. 5/10.
Vinland Saga - the show is pseudointellectual and completely shallow in almost every single way. The show does not understand religion so it resorts to shallow slogans and phrases that it does not understand. 3/10.
Ever-Single-Giblle-Film - they are brainless, uninteresting waste of memory on the internet. there is nothing to them, nothing in them. all the "themes" are not even executed in a way to give the show an identity, meaning. These movies are just pointless garbage that serve ZERO purpose and should not be praised by ANYONE. These movies are overrated filth. 1/10.
Some facts about me I guess:
I am a 19 year old woman. I am 175 cm tall. My favorite food is probably stuffed ravioli. I love cats but I hate dogs. I started studying in the university at the age of 14, while attending school. Because of this I actually finished school with quit bad grades with a mean of only 93. I am currently finishing my first degree in economics. I love literature and have been a book warm for all my life. I even attended Oxford’s summer camp couple years ago to study literature. I think that is all you need to know about me.
Thanks for you reply, I appreciate it. It really seems to get better and better progressively even when the start was already great. Have you watched the remake? What do you think of it?
I'd say I agree pretty much. All in all it is a one-in-a-life-time cast of characters, even the most secondary characters are far from being bad. Regarding the female characters, even tho there are few and none of them seem to have a more protagonist role, based on the episodes I've watched so far, they are truly gold. You could say that quality over quantity. Also, even tho this is more superficial, they have pretty designs, very cute.
I'm between Frederica and Hilda, basically just because they've had more screentime. Why did you hate Annerose?
I've attempted a few times but was always dissatisfied. My gut 'knows' Rebellion is mediocre at best but my mind hasn't caught up. A bad explanation is often worse than saying nothing at all. Also, when I watch Rebellion for a second time I might change my mind. I'm not rushing it.
I think if I describe why Madoka Magica so good in the first place, it will help. Only critiquing would be lame of me. It's one of my favorite shows after all. Next couple of times I rewatch I will brainstorm and do some writing. But since Madoka Magica is so good, I rewatched about 4 times in a row in short order. I might not go back to it for a little while.
If I ever finally write it well I'll try to remember to ping you or something.
Here's my TL;DR first approximation of a summary of what my writings might go over (this might completely change as I decide that this explanation is not the reason for what I am feeling in my gut):
Madoka Magica is particularly brilliant in its exposition of the interiorization of specifically Sayaka and Kyouko, but is comparatively poor at elucidating the belief structures and motivations of Homura. Since Homura drastically ascends in importance to the story, her relative opaqueness to the audience is a serious issue.
You can check the tag I put for Rebellion on my anime list page for another attempted elaboration of the above. I won't re-quote it here because it would constitute a spoiler for anyone reading this full comment.
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speak the truth or be silenced
I'm between Frederica and Hilda, basically just because they've had more screentime. Why did you hate Annerose?
I've attempted a few times but was always dissatisfied. My gut 'knows' Rebellion is mediocre at best but my mind hasn't caught up. A bad explanation is often worse than saying nothing at all. Also, when I watch Rebellion for a second time I might change my mind. I'm not rushing it.
I think if I describe why Madoka Magica so good in the first place, it will help. Only critiquing would be lame of me. It's one of my favorite shows after all. Next couple of times I rewatch I will brainstorm and do some writing. But since Madoka Magica is so good, I rewatched about 4 times in a row in short order. I might not go back to it for a little while.
If I ever finally write it well I'll try to remember to ping you or something.
Here's my TL;DR first approximation of a summary of what my writings might go over (this might completely change as I decide that this explanation is not the reason for what I am feeling in my gut):
Madoka Magica is particularly brilliant in its exposition of the interiorization of specifically Sayaka and Kyouko, but is comparatively poor at elucidating the belief structures and motivations of Homura. Since Homura drastically ascends in importance to the story, her relative opaqueness to the audience is a serious issue.
You can check the tag I put for Rebellion on my anime list page for another attempted elaboration of the above. I won't re-quote it here because it would constitute a spoiler for anyone reading this full comment.