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Dec 24, 2009 5:15 AM

Nov 2007
I just saw Chu-Bra!! Ep.1 available right now.


tsubasaloverDec 24, 2009 5:19 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Dec 24, 2009 4:37 PM

Dec 2008
Yeah i've seen it on a different website too.
Dec 24, 2009 9:49 PM

Oct 2009
I can confirm too. What in the world is going on? It was supposed to be next year. Ok this my impression of this is.....a comedy with heavy underwear/partial nudity (some censoring) driven plot. Nayu is the glass girl that is quite obsessed with the whole underwear thing. From advising underwear based on hip size to advising bras from breast size and shape, quite the comedy. What I really like about this anime is the animal jokes like with the duck, turtle and elephant/monkey. Yako is interesting with her Kendo thing and Haruka is guys big breast idol of the show most likely. Probably Kiyono is a favorite so far other ones is probably Haruka for her breasts. Over the top ecchi sensations, something new to me if you ask me. Kiyono is my favorite one so far even if not shown yet=> I view Nayu as clumsy glass girl that knows too much about underwear/bras=>
Yako sure has the kendo charms=>
Haruka has the breast service for her will win a male popular vote=>
Breast grabbing is one thing in this serie...especially of Haruka=>
Some mass underwear parts....paricularly not my thing at all but some maybe. Yako/Nayu have interesting ones=>
Perverted teacher?=>
Big breast teacher Mizuno with bouncy breasts...interesting
This teacher I find interesting because of her little english here and there=>
I like the comedy use of animals that could prove good for comedy here=>
Breast radar? Lol=>
Nayu favorite...obsessed girl of measuring breasts=>
Yako cute scene of Kendo but underwear also at a kid's age O_o...not sure how to react.
Underwear suggestion based on hip measurement is interesting but not useful to guys just a good laugh....I feel bad for girls, so much harder than us guys to choose underwear=>
Next episode interest=> breast shaped meat buns? Anyone want some?=>
I dont exactly understand why this is censored=>
when this is not NSFW=>
Overall long intro to something for you to decide to watch with crappy screen caps. I do think girls will like this for choosing underwears/bras to their liking. For now 6/10 episode 4/5 easy but the ecchi is more than I though.
francismeunierDec 25, 2009 5:04 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 24, 2009 11:46 PM

Jun 2009
Dec 25, 2009 4:38 AM
Jul 2018

and this episode seems like an internet preview version, which found its way onto those streaming sites
Dec 25, 2009 4:59 AM

Oct 2009
HoaRy said:

and this episode seems like an internet preview version, which found its way onto those streaming sites
Is not preview Is full episode 1 with preview of next episode.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 25, 2009 5:04 AM
Jul 2018
Sorry I failed at English, I meant pre-view. So some people were allowed to have a look at the full first episode.
The same as some films are shown to (e.g. Oscar) jurors or reviewers before it's shown in the cinema. If you know a better word for it, tell me ^^, this was the only one I found in the dictionary :v
Dec 25, 2009 5:23 AM

Oct 2009
HoaRy said:
Sorry I failed at English, I meant pre-view. So some people were allowed to have a look at the full first episode.
The same as some films are shown to (e.g. Oscar) jurors or reviewers before it's shown in the cinema. If you know a better word for it, tell me ^^, this was the only one I found in the dictionary :v

It's ok friend, I fail et english so much I have to post screenshots because I don't how to descrbe scenes...I suck huh? I think the word should be pre viewing before the actual broadcast....yes? I get you, with all those pics people should decide to see it even before seeing it maybe. That is another point, I noticed peopel complain to lose time over anime they do not want to watch, welll I sorta fix that for them. :P

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 25, 2009 5:25 AM

Sep 2008
or the leakage happens?

Dec 25, 2009 1:12 PM

Aug 2009
screenshots of the anime tells me this is crap.
Dec 25, 2009 7:50 PM

Oct 2009
SoFarGone said:
screenshots of the anime tells me this is crap.
It's crap unless you like ecchi and underwears with some comedy.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 25, 2009 10:09 PM

Jun 2009
Shitty show is shitty, dropped.
Dec 26, 2009 7:50 AM

Jun 2008
-Hei- said:
Shitty show is shitty, dropped.
True - and dropped
Dec 26, 2009 7:15 PM

Nov 2008
Unfunny and poorly executed, with mediocre animation and unappealing characters.

If all you want are panties and boobs, there a number of much funnier and smarter ecchi anime out there - take a pass on this p.o.s.
Dec 29, 2009 10:03 AM

Dec 2008
stupid and boring, but I'll watch next one or two more episodes and decide to drop it or not
Jan 1, 2010 7:12 PM

Dec 2008
The stupidest thing I've ever watched!
Jan 1, 2010 8:49 PM

Oct 2009
was looking at the winter 2009/2010 anime previews checking what this was

man you people are sick this is boarderline pedo

how can you watch shit like this?
Jan 2, 2010 10:05 PM

Apr 2009
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..
Jan 2, 2010 10:18 PM

Oct 2009
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of
Jan 2, 2010 10:50 PM

Apr 2009
that's apparently the reason why i'm a bit intrigued on her character.. the question "why is she wearing something like that despite her age?" brings curiosity on my part and to all the other characters in the show as well to the point that rumors have been spreading and the other two protagonists tried stalking her in order to know her true nature.. and i'm not saying that watching this is completely normal.. no, it's not.. there are too many distractions and ecchi stuff that clearly turn a lot of people off and the characters are also underage.. i'm not really affected by this and it's not like my mouth is drooling while watching it.. if you think i'm a person who is already entertained with just the site of a young girl wearing black lace panties, no, i'm not..
Jan 3, 2010 1:08 AM

Oct 2009
argilium said:
that's apparently the reason why i'm a bit intrigued on her character.. the question "why is she wearing something like that despite her age?" brings curiosity on my part and to all the other characters in the show as well to the point that rumors have been spreading and the other two protagonists tried stalking her in order to know her true nature.. and i'm not saying that watching this is completely normal.. no, it's not.. there are too many distractions and ecchi stuff that clearly turn a lot of people off and the characters are also underage.. i'm not really affected by this and it's not like my mouth is drooling while watching it.. if you think i'm a person who is already entertained with just the site of a young girl wearing black lace panties, no, i'm not..

lol okay whatever be in denial all you want dude
Jan 3, 2010 12:01 PM

Oct 2009
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real
francismeunierJan 3, 2010 12:33 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 3, 2010 3:37 PM
Sep 2009
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.
Jan 4, 2010 12:41 AM

Oct 2009
Aravan said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.

lol i'm not even american btw this sort of anime is banned in Poland & certain other countries

also thats the 100th time i've heard the excuse "It's drawn it's not real"

Maybe you should do some research you weird little person

& your the one with something wrong with you no normal person watches shit like this in the first place i mean how many people do you even know in real life who would even WANT to watch weird shit like this?

& yes it's drawn but it's still disturbing so your saying you like drawings of little girls in panties & you HONESTLY believe that is normal?

sort your skeletons out mate

the reason why people always go on about this sort of anime is because some people believe that pedo's watch this instead because it's "Legal" in certain places

but yes of course your going to stick up for your filthly habit you sick little man

it's pedo's in denial like you who have problems you people make me sick
Jan 4, 2010 12:49 AM

Oct 2009
For the most part, lolicon is completely legal in countries such as the United States. The ostensible basis for this is that since it is not a byproduct of child abuse, it represents a form of expression thereby precluding it from censorship. Well, sick expression, anyway. After all, if the First Amendment protects your right to speak out against war, then obviously it also preserves your right to enjoy the occasional Sharon Stone beaver shot

George W Bush banned lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon in the United States during 2003, but in 2004, The Supreme Court unbanhammerd lolicon because censoring art is unconstitutional. In a surprise twist Dwight Whorley was actually convicted under the Act a year later; however, not all loli fans are fully aware of either of these rulings

it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!
Jan 4, 2010 1:59 AM

Oct 2009
SoulFlyy said:
Aravan said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.

lol i'm not even american btw this sort of anime is banned in Poland & certain other countries

also thats the 100th time i've heard the excuse "It's drawn it's not real"

Maybe you should do some research you weird little person

& your the one with something wrong with you no normal person watches shit like this in the first place i mean how many people do you even know in real life who would even WANT to watch weird shit like this?

& yes it's drawn but it's still disturbing so your saying you like drawings of little girls in panties & you HONESTLY believe that is normal?

sort your skeletons out mate

the reason why people always go on about this sort of anime is because some people believe that pedo's watch this instead because it's "Legal" in certain places

but yes of course your going to stick up for your filthly habit you sick little man

it's pedo's in denial like you who have problems you people make me sick

lol z wut, I watch this because I am curious to see where this will go, who is telling you I get a sexual kick out of it?
SoulFlyy said:
For the most part, lolicon is completely legal in countries such as the United States. The ostensible basis for this is that since it is not a byproduct of child abuse, it represents a form of expression thereby precluding it from censorship. Well, sick expression, anyway. After all, if the First Amendment protects your right to speak out against war, then obviously it also preserves your right to enjoy the occasional Sharon Stone beaver shot

George W Bush banned lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon in the United States during 2003, but in 2004, The Supreme Court unbanhammerd lolicon because censoring art is unconstitutional. In a surprise twist Dwight Whorley was actually convicted under the Act a year later; however, not all loli fans are fully aware of either of these rulings

it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Who says I even fap to this? I can do something with a real girl. lol

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 2:07 AM

Jun 2008
SoulFlyy said:
it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Keep it civil.
I hope you know that you're a hypocrite, when you say lolicon is disgusting and no art even when it is just drawn, while you yourself enjoy a multitude of anime depicting cruel and unusual violence. (which is of course legal, but disgusting nonetheless)
Jan 4, 2010 2:21 AM

Oct 2009
Proselyt said:
SoulFlyy said:
it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Keep it civil.
I hope you know that you're a hypocrite, when you say lolicon is disgusting and no art even when it is just drawn, while you yourself enjoy a multitude of anime depicting cruel and unusual violence. (which is of course legal, but disgusting nonetheless)

Exactly right, way to go friend. Plain and simple.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 3:14 AM

Mar 2008
wanna meet that Chu-bra!
Jan 4, 2010 10:11 AM

Jul 2009
Tis' anime..... Pedobear approves it!!! (+_<)b

Not me...And 2 more eps to go, though this shit will totally get axed like how I did with Bitches VS. Perverts... Hope it'll get better because as of now FAIL season is FAIL.

Nice way to begin the New Year BTW guys.... Funneh flaming already... Guess Imma stick with this board for the LULZ

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Jan 4, 2010 10:56 AM

Nov 2008
I got to say, I could not hate it as much as I predicted how bad it would be.

I am I supposed to feel some soft of pity towards her showing off her panties so much? The exaggerated animations are more annoying than funny, however, the duck and the dog scenes were quite humorous.

The pacing was sort of bad+ "meh" animation+ generic antics + same Haruka Purezza subs from HorribleSubs (crappy anime) = an average episode but it's gonna get even "funnier" from here on out.
Jan 4, 2010 11:56 AM

Nov 2008
This was actually pretty funny, the fanservice didn't bother me (well I'm a girl) and I loved the black lace panties. You guys shouldn't take this show too seriously. Liking this doesn't make you a pedo >.>
Jan 4, 2010 11:59 AM

Feb 2008
well this was mildly amusing. the breasts suffocating was a bit too much though. it did not need to be animated....although most guys would like to "liberate" some girl's boobs.
Jan 4, 2010 12:15 PM

Oct 2009
Proselyt said:
SoulFlyy said:
it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Keep it civil.
I hope you know that you're a hypocrite, when you say lolicon is disgusting and no art even when it is just drawn, while you yourself enjoy a multitude of anime depicting cruel and unusual violence. (which is of course legal, but disgusting nonetheless)

lol lol lol violence is a totally different thing & you know it

heck most 18 films contain violence but not shit like this dude just stop trying to defend your dirty habit
Jan 4, 2010 12:16 PM

Oct 2009
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
Aravan said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.

lol i'm not even american btw this sort of anime is banned in Poland & certain other countries

also thats the 100th time i've heard the excuse "It's drawn it's not real"

Maybe you should do some research you weird little person

& your the one with something wrong with you no normal person watches shit like this in the first place i mean how many people do you even know in real life who would even WANT to watch weird shit like this?

& yes it's drawn but it's still disturbing so your saying you like drawings of little girls in panties & you HONESTLY believe that is normal?

sort your skeletons out mate

the reason why people always go on about this sort of anime is because some people believe that pedo's watch this instead because it's "Legal" in certain places

but yes of course your going to stick up for your filthly habit you sick little man

it's pedo's in denial like you who have problems you people make me sick

lol z wut, I watch this because I am curious to see where this will go, who is telling you I get a sexual kick out of it?
SoulFlyy said:
For the most part, lolicon is completely legal in countries such as the United States. The ostensible basis for this is that since it is not a byproduct of child abuse, it represents a form of expression thereby precluding it from censorship. Well, sick expression, anyway. After all, if the First Amendment protects your right to speak out against war, then obviously it also preserves your right to enjoy the occasional Sharon Stone beaver shot

George W Bush banned lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon in the United States during 2003, but in 2004, The Supreme Court unbanhammerd lolicon because censoring art is unconstitutional. In a surprise twist Dwight Whorley was actually convicted under the Act a year later; however, not all loli fans are fully aware of either of these rulings

it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Who says I even fap to this? I can do something with a real girl. lol

yeah but it's hardly "normal" is it wanting to see where this anime will go it's hardly hard to figure out is it admit it you enjoy it
Jan 4, 2010 12:49 PM

Jul 2009
You guys are being supid again. This is an anime, not irl. You're not a pedo for liking this.

This was pretty lulzy. I can't actually put my finger on why... but the jokes were in good humor.
Jan 4, 2010 1:40 PM
Jun 2009
Meh, it was alright. Your typical ecchi anime I could even go as far and say the fanservice is justified for "story" rofl.
Jan 4, 2010 1:41 PM

Jun 2009
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

Why would someone "marry" a 2D char? gg
Jan 4, 2010 2:08 PM

Jun 2008
It's... Different.\

It's nothing to do withthe subject matter, but judging how this is presented: If there isn't some kind of hidden genius to this, it's probably going to be average at best. Maybe good for a cheap laugh or two, who knows.
Jan 4, 2010 3:04 PM

Oct 2008
There are people who think this is watchable.

This makes me sad.
Japanese cartoons and comics.
Jan 4, 2010 3:17 PM

Jan 2008
Honestly, the contradiction between the porn that Japan produces and their social outlook on sexuality and romance utterly confuse me. I can only construe that the sick stuff is produced as some sort of sexual outlet from the crushing social expectations and decorum.
Jan 4, 2010 4:05 PM

Oct 2009
SoulFlyy said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
Aravan said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.

lol i'm not even american btw this sort of anime is banned in Poland & certain other countries

also thats the 100th time i've heard the excuse "It's drawn it's not real"

Maybe you should do some research you weird little person

& your the one with something wrong with you no normal person watches shit like this in the first place i mean how many people do you even know in real life who would even WANT to watch weird shit like this?

& yes it's drawn but it's still disturbing so your saying you like drawings of little girls in panties & you HONESTLY believe that is normal?

sort your skeletons out mate

the reason why people always go on about this sort of anime is because some people believe that pedo's watch this instead because it's "Legal" in certain places

but yes of course your going to stick up for your filthly habit you sick little man

it's pedo's in denial like you who have problems you people make me sick

lol z wut, I watch this because I am curious to see where this will go, who is telling you I get a sexual kick out of it?
SoulFlyy said:
For the most part, lolicon is completely legal in countries such as the United States. The ostensible basis for this is that since it is not a byproduct of child abuse, it represents a form of expression thereby precluding it from censorship. Well, sick expression, anyway. After all, if the First Amendment protects your right to speak out against war, then obviously it also preserves your right to enjoy the occasional Sharon Stone beaver shot

George W Bush banned lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon in the United States during 2003, but in 2004, The Supreme Court unbanhammerd lolicon because censoring art is unconstitutional. In a surprise twist Dwight Whorley was actually convicted under the Act a year later; however, not all loli fans are fully aware of either of these rulings

it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Who says I even fap to this? I can do something with a real girl. lol

yeah but it's hardly "normal" is it wanting to see where this anime will go it's hardly hard to figure out is it admit it you enjoy it

Why the FUCK are you posting in this thread if you didn't even watch the show? GTFO, you hypocrite, and choke on your retarded UK morals. Violence is OK but sex is wrong ? Sure, that makes a LOT of sense, you dumb fuck. Don't like it, don't watch it. Saying it's wrong to be attracted to teenage girls is STUPID. And learn some damn English, will ya ?
Jan 4, 2010 4:08 PM

Apr 2009
that's why i stopped responding to the guy.. he's obviously trolling everybody in this thread without him realizing it..
Jan 4, 2010 8:08 PM

Oct 2009
-Hei- said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

Why would someone "marry" a 2D char? gg

Why? Because it's the feeling it brings to you and yes I want a real girl like that in life. That's why.
SurferDude said:
SoulFlyy said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
Aravan said:
francismeunier said:
SoulFlyy said:
argilium said:
i find this show a bit entertaining.. having an underwear expert seems new and i'm intrigued at how she gives advices on underwear.. i might learn something from this.. and no.. i am not a pedo.. i don't find their exposure affecting me in a weird way.. pantyshots and exposure do not really turn me off in anime.. i don't find them distracting..


so you honestly believe it's normal to like a show like this?

read the info

"The story centers on Nayu, a middle school girl who shocks her schoolmates on the first day of school by wearing BLACK LACE PANTIES. She likes this kind of underwear, and she tries to "spread the word on the merits"

these girls are clearly underage & there's panty shots ect also what sort of normal underage school girl like wearing black lace panties?

clearly a pedo's wet dream

if you think thats alright then you obviously have problems end of

It's drawn therefore not real therefore why would anyone be sick in watching this when people are not real

nice franc, i honestly don't understand why ppl get so worked up over echi or underage girls that are on anime i totally agree that its drawn not real if u cant tell the difference or are that bothered by it then the one who has something wrong with them is u...its just a show....and was originally made for jap TV not Americans with over righteous morrals.

lol i'm not even american btw this sort of anime is banned in Poland & certain other countries

also thats the 100th time i've heard the excuse "It's drawn it's not real"

Maybe you should do some research you weird little person

& your the one with something wrong with you no normal person watches shit like this in the first place i mean how many people do you even know in real life who would even WANT to watch weird shit like this?

& yes it's drawn but it's still disturbing so your saying you like drawings of little girls in panties & you HONESTLY believe that is normal?

sort your skeletons out mate

the reason why people always go on about this sort of anime is because some people believe that pedo's watch this instead because it's "Legal" in certain places

but yes of course your going to stick up for your filthly habit you sick little man

it's pedo's in denial like you who have problems you people make me sick

lol z wut, I watch this because I am curious to see where this will go, who is telling you I get a sexual kick out of it?
SoulFlyy said:
For the most part, lolicon is completely legal in countries such as the United States. The ostensible basis for this is that since it is not a byproduct of child abuse, it represents a form of expression thereby precluding it from censorship. Well, sick expression, anyway. After all, if the First Amendment protects your right to speak out against war, then obviously it also preserves your right to enjoy the occasional Sharon Stone beaver shot

George W Bush banned lolicon, shotacon, and toddlercon in the United States during 2003, but in 2004, The Supreme Court unbanhammerd lolicon because censoring art is unconstitutional. In a surprise twist Dwight Whorley was actually convicted under the Act a year later; however, not all loli fans are fully aware of either of these rulings

it may be legal in certain places but it's still weird & not normal you are sick because you fap fap fap at drawings of little girls you disgusting pedo!

Who says I even fap to this? I can do something with a real girl. lol

yeah but it's hardly "normal" is it wanting to see where this anime will go it's hardly hard to figure out is it admit it you enjoy it

Why the FUCK are you posting in this thread if you didn't even watch the show? GTFO, you hypocrite, and choke on your retarded UK morals. Violence is OK but sex is wrong ? Sure, that makes a LOT of sense, you dumb fuck. Don't like it, don't watch it. Saying it's wrong to be attracted to teenage girls is STUPID. And learn some damn English, will ya ?
Rofl! That's it! Nice telling him! Dude!
argilium said:
that's why i stopped responding to the guy.. he's obviously trolling everybody in this thread without him realizing it..
Yeah pretty much!
BluMeino said:
Honestly, the contradiction between the porn that Japan produces and their social outlook on sexuality and romance utterly confuse me. I can only construe that the sick stuff is produced as some sort of sexual outlet from the crushing social expectations and decorum.
No you got it wrong! This is produced to show girls the right bra/underwear to wear. On the other hand to us guys it's just great fan service.....right guys?
francismeunierJan 4, 2010 8:12 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 9:50 PM

Aug 2009
First impression:

Jan 4, 2010 10:22 PM

Apr 2009
francismeunier said:
This is produced to show girls the right bra/underwear to wear. On the other hand to us guys it's just great fan service.....right guys?
err.. the only fanservice i get so far, are nayu's twintails, glasses, and her obsession for the right underwear.. i watch this show to learn, too.. hehehe..
Jan 4, 2010 10:28 PM
Nov 2009
Haha this is a weird little show, but it's not completely not watchable. The animation is decent and some parts do make you laugh.
Jan 4, 2010 11:44 PM
Oct 2007
dis is fuked up
Jan 5, 2010 12:01 AM

Dec 2007
Well, at least Haruka speaks kansai-ben. That has to count for something...right?
Jan 5, 2010 1:26 AM

Sep 2008
well its true its not that interesant cause the girls in the show are underage(for normal people i guess, but im a pervert so i dont really care ), but i myself am a fan of kodomo no jikan, so you can kill me if you want
i think this show has a lot of potential if they dont ruin it, ill put my hopes into this one
Being a fan is like having a penis. Its nice to be proud of it But don't pull it out in public and wave it in other's faces

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