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May 22, 2018 12:26 AM
Aug 2014
because its more easy i dont even get why more people perfer subs over dubs its like reading a manga i love manga but i dont want to read a anime
May 23, 2018 5:06 PM

Jun 2011
It is harder and harder to read subs with my eyes and no glasses...
The anime community in a nutshell.
Aug 18, 2018 9:37 PM

Apr 2018
Some anime were meant to be watched dubbed. A few comedic anime like Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt were even more funnier when I watched the episodes dubbed, and felt more natural to the anime’s style.

Plus when I see personal favorite dub VA casted for main characters, I just can’t miss my opportunity in hearing how they sound in the dubbed anime.
Where a signature is supposed to be, but this user is too lazy to make one.
Aug 20, 2018 4:42 PM
Aug 2018

I love seeing something that's done really well and available to watch in my own language.

It helps me to understand what the show is trying to convey better.

So if there is a great series that's done super well in English, I'm going to watch it.
Jan 18, 2019 6:21 PM

Dec 2008
Why do I like dubbed anime? Simple-it's much more enjoyable to watch anime and be able to understand it without reading subtitles. I read books-not anime.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Jan 25, 2019 5:50 PM

Mar 2014
zrdb said:
Why do I like dubbed anime? Simple-it's much more enjoyable to watch anime and be able to understand it without reading subtitles. I read books-not anime.

I agree with you there, sir.
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Oct 17, 2019 8:35 AM
Sep 2018
Personally I am a full time college student who lives off campus. With many streaming services offering offline downloads, I find I can cram anime into my very busy life. Whether I am walking to class and can't be bothered to look at subtitles, or if I get some time at lunch, dubs are simply more convenient to watch on mobile. I'm also a fan of more action heavy shows, and if fight scenes include important story elements, I don't want to have to look at subtitles and simply observe awesome animation through my peripherall vision . I wanna be fully amazed by that stuff.
Oct 17, 2019 12:51 PM
Jan 2018
So that I could understand what I'm watching and enjoy the animation, sometimes it's hard to appreciate what you are watching because you are too busy reading the subs.

Another thing is that I can go get something to eat or answer a chat or text without missing what's happening if the anime is dubbed.
Oct 23, 2019 4:56 PM

Dec 2008
Why you ask? Simple-I don't like "reading" anime, that's what you do with a book. I also get so fucking tired of those shitheads who say subbed is the only way to watch-that and the goddamn idiots who say that subtitles in any color but white are worthless. What fucking good are subtitles if you can't read them? Yellow subs forever!!
Life Is Short But Intense.
Nov 6, 2019 8:14 AM
Aug 2019
I am not against or dislike subs, but I hate when people try to mock dub fans. I like dubs because it gives me better experience with better understanding. subs gives a messed experience because of difference in language. Obviously anime would be better to watch in Japanese but I don't know Japanese. So it's about my preference and my experience,so people should go for there preferences without enforcing ones opinion on others.
Nov 13, 2019 11:35 AM
Aug 2019
SUBZERO9, the reason you gave for liking dubs is weird, because dubs usually alter the original meaning. It should be backwards with that reasoning.
When the voice acting is the same imo, might as well listen to it in my first language.
Animes I like in dub are, DBZ/DBS, Fairytail, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Prison School, Noragami, the disastrous life of saiki k, attack on titan(season 3 was sub because couldn't wait for dub), Highschool Dxd. Those are a few.
Dec 1, 2019 7:32 PM

Dec 2014
Peacefinder said:
SUBZERO9, the reason you gave for liking dubs is weird, because dubs usually alter the original meaning. It should be backwards with that reasoning.
When the voice acting is the same imo, might as well listen to it in my first language.
Animes I like in dub are, DBZ/DBS, Fairytail, Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Prison School, Noragami, the disastrous life of saiki k, attack on titan(season 3 was sub because couldn't wait for dub), Highschool Dxd. Those are a few.
AoT dub isn't all bad.

But it's a piece of trash compared to the original, since it's so perfect.
Today they say you're crazy, tomorrow they will say you're a genious.
Dec 9, 2019 6:20 AM
Jul 2018
I like english dub because it helps me to learn english and english listening. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less
Mar 20, 2020 3:38 AM

Mar 2020
I don't hate Subs or anything,
but Dubs are my first preference so that I don't have to focus on both subtitles and Anime action at the same time.
Apr 5, 2020 5:29 PM

Dec 2008
Simple-I like to listen to anime, not read it. Read is what you do with books.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Apr 7, 2020 6:42 PM

Apr 2020
I prefer English dub because they sound just right and you can enjoy it without looking at the subtitles all the time.
Apr 8, 2020 10:39 PM

Oct 2018
Hello everyone, I just joined this club, and this is my first post here...

I used to shun (SHUNNNNNN) all dubs, but with my eyesight being not what it used to be, I have gravitated towards dubs. It's hard for me to find a good dub though, but there are a few out there that actually are better than the original. I'm hoping to learn of other great dubs in this club.

A few of my favorite DUBS, many of which, in my opinion, are better than the original:

Dec 3, 2020 2:30 PM
Nov 2020
Id like to say I like dubs because I'm able to multi-task while being able to keep up with the shows I know and love. Such as being able to cook, clean ,do chores, or just relax. When I'm doing these tasks I cant put all my attention on on reading the sub-titles, I'm also able to take in the scenes and art of the show I'm watching.

(Plus i get a headache reading sub-titles for too long).
Dec 30, 2020 8:37 PM
Jun 2019
I don't say that I like dubs, I say that I prefer dubs if given the option do to watching everything on toonami during my childhood, but don't mind subs either.
Jun 13, 2021 9:58 PM
Jan 2021
Their is a reason why I like dubs. Growing up I watch dub anime for example, Naruto, dragon ball z, doraemon, shin Chan, Pokémon. I watch these on tv and YouTube, but when I saw these on YouTube and if they were sub I would click off fast and try to the find a dub version or a Spanish dub. I’m so used to watching dubs but this doesn’t mean That I watch subs. I watch subs when I can’t find a dub version or if a anime just got release. At this point I don’t care if a dub anime sounds trash, I still watch it. So overall this my reason to why I watch dub.
Jul 7, 2021 9:47 AM
Feb 2018
I'm a slow reader so with dialogue heavy scenes I have to re-watch that section a time or two to get everything. I also miss the tone if someone it being sarcastic or teasing from time to time changing the whole meaning of a scene that can causing me confusion later on in the episode or series finally there are some relaly good English voice actors like Brittney Karbowski, Tia Ballard, Jad Saxton, Aaron Dismuke and Justin Briner
Aug 21, 2021 12:16 AM
Mar 2021
I like English Dubs because I dont have to read subtitles, simple as that really. 😊

Sometimes I also watching sub
Jul 10, 2022 3:35 AM
Apr 2022
Children dubs are the most favorite of mine.
Aug 3, 2022 12:42 AM
Aug 2021
Mabuhay from the Philippines!

I have a personal preference for English-dubbed anime simply for the reason that I am accustomed to it, and that the English VAs have done an equally fine job as with their Japanese counterparts. That being said, I don't dislike subs (I occasionally watch subbed anime), and I won't watch English-dubbed live-action programmes (for me it's a no-go due to lip sync issues).
Rimuru-DoeAug 3, 2022 12:51 AM
Sep 17, 2022 9:29 PM
Sep 2012
Even though I've been in this club a while I don't think I've ever posted here. I personally am fine with either sub or dub for most anime and switch based on which I prefer for a specific show. I think dubs often get undeserved hate especially since people usually hear the sub first and then can't get used to the dub voices and assume its bad. A lot of the time the dub can make it easier to enjoy certain anime as they make watching it feel more natural. Some characters or whole shows can be better dubbed than the original especially ones with non-Japanese settings. While you may lose things with translation that also happens with subs and is kind of unavoidable unless you know Japanese and doesn't usually detract from the show much. I grew up with dubbed anime and am a fan of many of the voice actors so I think it still has a place especially since I know some people that can't read subs easily. I think overall both the Japanese and English VAs do a great job and these days for the most part you can watch shows in either format and get a similar experience.
Jan 1, 2024 10:57 PM
Aug 2023
Hey All, I'm nee here but I had to add to this to get this off my chest.

I religiously only watch dubbed anime if I can help it. First, I like to be able to do other things while I watch shows, so I don't want to have to read the whole time.

Regardless of what people claim, I've also found lots of issues with subs clearly communicating what the characters are actually saying compared to dub versions of anime. I feel like I'm also borderline tone deaf, so when I listen to subs, many characters sound the same, I can't distinguish important inflections in their tones, and I miss key things.

I also enjoy watching reactions on YouTube and it drives me nuts that you literally can't find a single reactor who uses dubs. They're all brainwashed into using subs or are instantly bullied into doing so by fanatical commenters within an episode or two of starting.

Dubs deserve more love and more credit for oftentimes improving humor or adding important context by changing the blander original translations. Subs are always the driest most literal interpretation possible. Or, you find there are actually 3-4 "sub" versions of something anyway, so there isn't even any such thing as the "subbed" version and many of them are just as laughable as any dub one can point to. Finally, I also think the dub VAs deserve just as much credit in many cases as their original counterparts.

Tldr; Dubs are more entertaining and sub supremacists have turned me off subbed anime.
Jul 14, 2024 12:58 AM
Mar 2024
I work overnights in a hospital where I monitor all the maintenance systems for many buildings in many cities, so I need to be paying at least some attention to what is going on around me. I also have a lot of down time at my job, so I do things like watch videos or play phone games. It is also the best time for me to watch anime, and since I need to also be paying attention to the 18 computer monitors in my office, I can't be trying to read subtitles of a show. It is so much harder to do while focusing on other things.

I also have younger kids, and they want to enjoy the hobby their dad likes. It is impossible for them to watch a show (when I find ones appropriate for little kids) that is subbed since some can't read, and the other can't read that fast. Having the option to watch a dubbed show that my kids can watch with me is great. I can introduce them to a new type of show, a new culture, and open dialogue to teach them about the world.

I do think there are some dubbed anime out there that are done pretty poorly, but that isn't common, especially lately. I have loved almost all of the dubbed anime I have watched, and the voice actors have done amazing, as well as the studios who match up the mouth movements to English. Subbed is fine for those who like it, but being an exclusionary purist is just elitist nonsense for the sake of being "a better anime/manga fan" and that's dumb.

There are plenty of subbed anime that I have watched and enjoyed, but I prefer to be able to hear it in the language I speak. No one is better than the other, really. Dubbed is just easier for my specific circumstances.
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