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Aug 28, 2022 1:59 PM
May 2016
Opticflash said:
ktg said:

It is if we talk about that kind of impulsiveness we saw in the show. Because your impulsiveness in the show is bad for the people you care about.
For example, if you have a wife and you cheat on her because of your impulsiveness, then do you truly love her? No. If you can't control your impulsiveness so that you won't hurt the ones you care about, then you are certainly not kind or not care about them.
It's pretty simple in the show too. If you choose A that hurts your loved ones, you don't really care about them.

Yes, it's primitive, but humans are not primitive beings, that's the problem. That's how adults teach kids. In elementary school if you need to go to bathroom, they will let you, but in high school you have to mature enough to schedule your bathroom breaks during lessons. They teach kids how not be impulsive. That's why I said earlier he is either idiotic or selfish. If he, as a university student, can't understand that his actions HURT others, then he's stupid. That stupid it's cannot be considered as a kind person anymore.

Cheating on someone isn't impulsiveness. It's a weighed, calculated decision that basically states "I don't care about my partner". It's borne from a lack of empathy. Impulsiveness would be something like blurting something out without thinking, at that moment, about how others might perceive it. Impulsiveness is almost the opposite of decision making ("choice A"). For example, if I said something that made my partner feel embarrassed at the heat of the moment and during a wedding, because I wasn't really thinking, that would be impulsive. It would not mean that I don't love my partner, don't support them, don't listen to them and don't respect them. It means I just messed up. In addition, being kind isn't related to how badly you messed up or caused trouble for others due to your impulsiveness. Being kind is related to how you feel about others and how you treat them through the calculated decisions that you make.

I'm not speaking about whether being impulsive is good or bad. I'm stating that being impulsive is different to not being a kind person, and that they are not mutually exclusive. Kazuya is demonstrably impulsive, but he is not unkind. Being stupid as the core of his issues does not mean he is not kind either and it should be obvious that the two terms are not antonyms.

LOL, no.
It's only calculated if you calculate it. So if Kazuya would have fk'ed Ruka in the episode where Ruka was there for the night, that would be a a perfect example for cheating on an impulsive. That's what impulsiveness is.

And yes, people, sorry, normal people can control impulses to a certain extent. So if someone can't do that, that's what we call idiot. If he can control it, but doesn't care, then he is not kind.
This is the 2 options. And in Kazuya's case, we talking about that certain extent.
We know he is a university student and almost never see him study, we can assume he shouldn't be that stupid, so the only option is he's not being kind. It's not rocket science, just logical thinking.

Impulsiveness can be any kind of impulse. Someone buys stuffs on impulse. You need to go into the shop, grab a stuff and pay for it. It can be even a 30 mins long action. So cheating on someone can be done on impulse too.
Aug 28, 2022 3:15 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

Cheating on someone isn't impulsiveness. It's a weighed, calculated decision that basically states "I don't care about my partner". It's borne from a lack of empathy. Impulsiveness would be something like blurting something out without thinking, at that moment, about how others might perceive it. Impulsiveness is almost the opposite of decision making ("choice A"). For example, if I said something that made my partner feel embarrassed at the heat of the moment and during a wedding, because I wasn't really thinking, that would be impulsive. It would not mean that I don't love my partner, don't support them, don't listen to them and don't respect them. It means I just messed up. In addition, being kind isn't related to how badly you messed up or caused trouble for others due to your impulsiveness. Being kind is related to how you feel about others and how you treat them through the calculated decisions that you make.

I'm not speaking about whether being impulsive is good or bad. I'm stating that being impulsive is different to not being a kind person, and that they are not mutually exclusive. Kazuya is demonstrably impulsive, but he is not unkind. Being stupid as the core of his issues does not mean he is not kind either and it should be obvious that the two terms are not antonyms.

LOL, no.
It's only calculated if you calculate it. So if Kazuya would have fk'ed Ruka in the episode where Ruka was there for the night, that would be a a perfect example for cheating on an impulsive. That's what impulsiveness is.

And yes, people, sorry, normal people can control impulses to a certain extent. So if someone can't do that, that's what we call idiot. If he can control it, but doesn't care, then he is not kind.
This is the 2 options. And in Kazuya's case, we talking about that certain extent.
We know he is a university student and almost never see him study, we can assume he shouldn't be that stupid, so the only option is he's not being kind. It's not rocket science, just logical thinking.

Impulsiveness can be any kind of impulse. Someone buys stuffs on impulse. You need to go into the shop, grab a stuff and pay for it. It can be even a 30 mins long action. So cheating on someone can be done on impulse too.

No it isn't. If he had sex with Ruka (assuming he was dating Chizuru), he would have thought in his head the consequences of doing so. He would be thinking "should I be doing this?" just like anyone else who cheats in real life.

And yes, people, sorry, normal people can control impulses to a certain extent. So if someone can't do that, that's what we call idiot. If he can control it, but doesn't care, then he is not kind.

Impulsiveness by definition implies a lack of control. It is acting without thinking clearly of a situation. Examples include blurting things out at the heat of the moment, eating or drinking too much, and gambling. I am not speaking about whether he is an idiot or not, and whether that is good. I am stating that impulsiveness and kindness are not mutually exclusive and are not even antynoms.

This is the 2 options. And in Kazuya's case, we talking about that certain extent.
We know he is a university student and almost never see him study, we can assume he shouldn't be that stupid, so the only option is he's not being kind. It's not rocket science, just logical thinking.

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

Impulsiveness can be any kind of impulse. Someone buys stuffs on impulse. You need to go into the shop, grab a stuff and pay for it. It can be even a 30 mins long action. So cheating on someone can be done on impulse too.

If someone buys stuff on impulse, it is because they are not thinking about the consequences of doing so. If someone cheats, they would have thought about the implications in their head.
OpticflashAug 28, 2022 3:19 PM
Aug 28, 2022 3:56 PM
May 2016
Opticflash said:
ktg said:

LOL, no.
It's only calculated if you calculate it. So if Kazuya would have fk'ed Ruka in the episode where Ruka was there for the night, that would be a a perfect example for cheating on an impulsive. That's what impulsiveness is.

And yes, people, sorry, normal people can control impulses to a certain extent. So if someone can't do that, that's what we call idiot. If he can control it, but doesn't care, then he is not kind.
This is the 2 options. And in Kazuya's case, we talking about that certain extent.
We know he is a university student and almost never see him study, we can assume he shouldn't be that stupid, so the only option is he's not being kind. It's not rocket science, just logical thinking.

Impulsiveness can be any kind of impulse. Someone buys stuffs on impulse. You need to go into the shop, grab a stuff and pay for it. It can be even a 30 mins long action. So cheating on someone can be done on impulse too.

No it isn't. If he had sex with Ruka (assuming he was dating Chizuru), he would have thought in his head the consequences of doing so. He would be thinking "should I be doing this?" just like anyone else who cheats in real life.

And yes, people, sorry, normal people can control impulses to a certain extent. So if someone can't do that, that's what we call idiot. If he can control it, but doesn't care, then he is not kind.

Impulsiveness by definition implies a lack of control. It is acting without thinking clearly of a situation. Examples include blurting things out at the heat of the moment, eating or drinking too much, and gambling. I am not speaking about whether he is an idiot or not, and whether that is good. I am stating that impulsiveness and kindness are not mutually exclusive and are not even antynoms.

This is the 2 options. And in Kazuya's case, we talking about that certain extent.
We know he is a university student and almost never see him study, we can assume he shouldn't be that stupid, so the only option is he's not being kind. It's not rocket science, just logical thinking.

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

Impulsiveness can be any kind of impulse. Someone buys stuffs on impulse. You need to go into the shop, grab a stuff and pay for it. It can be even a 30 mins long action. So cheating on someone can be done on impulse too.

If someone buys stuff on impulse, it is because they are not thinking about the consequences of doing so. If someone cheats, they would have thought about the implications in their head.

I'm gonna use numbers, because I'm too lazy to edit your quote. But before that, if you can't understand what I said, then don't answer me, because again, some of your points has nothing to do with me, because I didn't talk about that.

1. You contradicted yourself. If you say he is impulsive, then he wouldn't have think about the consequences, at least, according to your definition. So no, he just would have just fk'ed Ruka. Because no (again), not everyone thinking about consequences. It's even true about more serious crimes, stealing or killing.

2. I wasn't talking about impulsiveness and kindness connection. So your entire point was pointless.
But, you are wrong, again. It's not exactly lack of control in the way you interpret it, because if you google, you can see that there are ways to manage it. Which means, you can control it. Because impulsivity is more like an instinct and your mind actually can control your instincts.
I was talking about the actions that happened because of your impulsiveness. And those actions can determine if you are kind or not. But I can rephrase it in a simple way for you. Being kind without kind actions is same as not being kind. If you tell someone that you care about them and then you make their life harder every time, then that's the same as not caring about them.

3. a) They don't need to be contradictory. They just have to cover every option. For example, you ask me my age and I answer with this 2 options: my age is below 50 or above 20.
b) We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me.
c) I presented justified basis. If I was wrong, you would have just refute me. And yet, you are talking about irrelevant nonsense.
d) The emotionally biased is more like the one that try to analyze me and not refuting me arguments. It is actually a common tactic among idiots. When you can't refute the other person, you try to attack him, because that's easier.
e) See? You can't understand what I said. I was not talking about impulsiveness and studious or being smart. I only talked about how stupid he can be based on what the show showed us. He is a university student and we know that from the show that he uses every time either working or going on a date with Chizuru. So he doesn't have much time to study. To pull this off without dropping out, he needs to be smart.

4. To not think about consequences for 30 r more minutes straight, you must be stupid or mentally ill. That's exactly the point. The amount of impulse buys are skyrocketed exactly because you can buy stuff on the internet in like 5 minutes. While when you had to go into a store, you actually had time to think it through.

And we know that from S1 that he followed his impulsive behavior for at least a week.
But still, the anime itself isn't portrayed him as a really impulsive person. We know that because we hear his inner monologues where he does understand the situation and thinking about the easiest solution for himself. That's actually how I know he is not kind and a selfish idiot. This is his mechanism to avoid problems or confrontations.
Aug 28, 2022 4:53 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

No it isn't. If he had sex with Ruka (assuming he was dating Chizuru), he would have thought in his head the consequences of doing so. He would be thinking "should I be doing this?" just like anyone else who cheats in real life.

Impulsiveness by definition implies a lack of control. It is acting without thinking clearly of a situation. Examples include blurting things out at the heat of the moment, eating or drinking too much, and gambling. I am not speaking about whether he is an idiot or not, and whether that is good. I am stating that impulsiveness and kindness are not mutually exclusive and are not even antynoms.

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

If someone buys stuff on impulse, it is because they are not thinking about the consequences of doing so. If someone cheats, they would have thought about the implications in their head.

I'm gonna use numbers, because I'm too lazy to edit your quote. But before that, if you can't understand what I said, then don't answer me, because again, some of your points has nothing to do with me, because I didn't talk about that.

1. You contradicted yourself. If you say he is impulsive, then he wouldn't have think about the consequences, at least, according to your definition. So no, he just would have just fk'ed Ruka. Because no (again), not everyone thinking about consequences. It's even true about more serious crimes, stealing or killing.

2. I wasn't talking about impulsiveness and kindness connection. So your entire point was pointless.
But, you are wrong, again. It's not exactly lack of control in the way you interpret it, because if you google, you can see that there are ways to manage it. Which means, you can control it. Because impulsivity is more like an instinct and your mind actually can control your instincts.
I was talking about the actions that happened because of your impulsiveness. And those actions can determine if you are kind or not. But I can rephrase it in a simple way for you. Being kind without kind actions is same as not being kind. If you tell someone that you care about them and then you make their life harder every time, then that's the same as not caring about them.

3. a) They don't need to be contradictory. They just have to cover every option. For example, you ask me my age and I answer with this 2 options: my age is below 50 or above 20.
b) We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me.
c) I presented justified basis. If I was wrong, you would have just refute me. And yet, you are talking about irrelevant nonsense.
d) The emotionally biased is more like the one that try to analyze me and not refuting me arguments. It is actually a common tactic among idiots. When you can't refute the other person, you try to attack him, because that's easier.
e) See? You can't understand what I said. I was not talking about impulsiveness and studious or being smart. I only talked about how stupid he can be based on what the show showed us. He is a university student and we know that from the show that he uses every time either working or going on a date with Chizuru. So he doesn't have much time to study. To pull this off without dropping out, he needs to be smart.

4. To not think about consequences for 30 r more minutes straight, you must be stupid or mentally ill. That's exactly the point. The amount of impulse buys are skyrocketed exactly because you can buy stuff on the internet in like 5 minutes. While when you had to go into a store, you actually had time to think it through.

And we know that from S1 that he followed his impulsive behavior for at least a week.
But still, the anime itself isn't portrayed him as a really impulsive person. We know that because we hear his inner monologues where he does understand the situation and thinking about the easiest solution for himself. That's actually how I know he is not kind and a selfish idiot. This is his mechanism to avoid problems or confrontations.

1. You contradicted yourself. If you say he is impulsive, then he wouldn't have think about the consequences, at least, according to your definition. So no, he just would have just fk'ed Ruka. Because no (again), not everyone thinking about consequences. It's even true about more serious crimes, stealing or killing.

You are confusing urge (and giving into those urges) with impulsive behavior. A cheater would be thinking about their current partner because it is drilled in society's head that cheating is wrong. They'd be thinking "I know this is wrong, but I'm too horny".

2. I wasn't talking about impulsiveness and kindness connection. So your entire point was pointless.
But, you are wrong, again. It's not exactly lack of control in the way you interpret it, because if you google, you can see that there are ways to manage it. Which means, you can control it. Because impulsivity is more like an instinct and your mind actually can control your instincts.
I was talking about the actions that happened because of your impulsiveness. And those actions can determine if you are kind or not. But I can rephrase it in a simple way for you. Being kind without kind actions is same as not being kind. If you tell someone that you care about them and then you make their life harder every time, then that's the same as not caring about them.

Did you not state the following?

"If you hurt or cause trouble to the people you care about, because of your impulsive behavior, then you can not be kind, because your own personal desires are above than your loved ones. it's either selfish or idiotic. Selfish if you do it for yourself and only for yourself and idiotic if you do it because you can't think logically.
So no, if he is this much impulsive, he can't be kind or good person, but being mentally ill is much more closer to the truth."

Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions, but those actions are decisions evaluated and made by a person. An impulse is an act that is made without proper evaluation, akin to an accident. If I do stuff that inconveniences others, such as always spilling milk, or being a disaster at food preparation, it has nothing to do with kindness. Kindness is having a caring attitude and treating people kindly on purpose. Do you understand the difference? Again, refer back to the gambling example I illustrated several posts ago. If I have a gambling addiction, that doesn't mean I'm not kind towards my son and treat him with love. It means I have a problem that needs to be addressed.

Moreover, you can surely manage and avoid impulsive behavior if you try, but impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally.

b) We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me.

You are using real life equivalents to claim "well university students that don't drop out aren't that stupid, so we can assume Kazuya to be X". Your whole point was to analyze his character and make claims about his personality based on what you believe is a reasonable chain of logic that can be applied to real life.

c) I presented justified basis. If I was wrong, you would have just refute me. And yet, you are talking about irrelevant nonsense.
d) The emotionally biased is more like the one that try to analyze me and not refuting me arguments. It is actually a common tactic among idiots. When you can't refute the other person, you try to attack him, because that's easier.
e) See? You can't understand what I said. I was not talking about impulsiveness and studious or being smart. I only talked about how stupid he can be based on what the show showed us. He is a university student and we know that from the show that he uses every time either working or going on a date with Chizuru. So he doesn't have much time to study. To pull this off without dropping out, he needs to be smart.

I did though. Here's your logic

1. "Kazuya is a university student" - > 2. "We never saw him study" -> 3. "We can assume he isn't that stupid" -> 4. "He isn't impulsive, so the alternative is he must not be kind".

I responded with

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

The connection between 2 - 3 is illogical. The connection between 3 - 4 is illogical. To make this clearer for you,
2 - 3: You can be very stupid without studying, and scrape by and get a degree. A C average student will get a degree, and so will an A average student. Course load and difficulty is also related to performance. You just assumed that he wasn't stupid based on the minimum amount of information presented.
3 - 4: Stupid or not has no bearing on impulsiveness nor kindness. He can ace his classes, yet he can have bad social etiquette or run into an addiction like everybody else.

4. To not think about consequences for 30 r more minutes straight, you must be stupid or mentally ill. That's exactly the point. The amount of impulse buys are skyrocketed exactly because you can buy stuff on the internet in like 5 minutes. While when you had to go into a store, you actually had time to think it through.

No. Not thinking about consequences does not mean one is stupid. Again, refer to examples such as gambling addiction, drinking addiction, eating disorders, etc. Moreover, you are throwing terms around ("mentally ill") without understanding what they mean.

And we know that from S1 that he followed his impulsive behavior for at least a week.
But still, the anime itself isn't portrayed him as a really impulsive person. We know that because we hear his inner monologues where he does understand the situation and thinking about the easiest solution for himself. That's actually how I know he is not kind and a selfish idiot. This is his mechanism to avoid problems or confrontations.

You completely contradicted yourself. If he demonstrates impulsive behavior, how is he not impulsive? Being impulsive does not mean being irrational all the time; that is not a criteria for being impulsive otherwise nobody on planet earth would be impulsive. It means not thinking straight in a few specific scenarios.
Aug 28, 2022 5:32 PM

Aug 2020
You know TC lost an argument with someone and created a pity party topic here when the one argument they had in this topic ended in some elementary level insults 😂😂😂

Its okay TC. You cant back up your opinions. No ones saying you are wrong for liking trash.
Keep scrolling
Aug 28, 2022 5:32 PM
Aug 2021
To be honest, if reiji wrote this story just to piss people off, then he succeeded big time.
Aug 28, 2022 8:37 PM
Jun 2020
I-IentaiLover said:
I got into a really silly argument with a guy on one of these forums who was trying to say that this show was bad. I kept telling him that people love what they love, and that quality is determined by the viewer, but he kept going on and on about how quality is 'objective' and stuff like that. He even went on a rant about how all of the girls in the show shouldn't like kazyua and they do for no reason, and I was like bruh. Kazyua is kind, compassionate, cares about peoples dreams, and tries his best to help the people he loves even if it hurts him, I would even date him. We see so much of what makes kazyua great with his interactions with chizuru. Anyway sorry about the rant, just thought some people would love to laugh at the goober I had an argument with. Anyway I would really love to hear everyones favorite parts this season (:

I like the show (it's entertaining, as designed) but are you sure you'd want to date him? last week's ep when they went to the amusement park / mall, I recall him explicitly ignoring her wants to sperg out in his own head (her words weren't even acknowledged). she mentioned how Cotton candy always looks so good in arcades and he didn't think for a second to accommodate her expressed wants.

To be fair he was paying her to go on his dream date and has no obligation or expectation of catering to her, but that doesn't excuse his selfish and boorish tendencies.
Aug 28, 2022 8:42 PM
Jun 2020
Aesethyr said:
i just dont respond to anyone's toxicity or differing opinions.

Everyone has its own idea and basking over it can be tiring.

i honestly just watched this show just because of the girls. Otherthan that, I literally have no expectation.

As long as you enjoy some thing - anyones opinion should not matter even opinions by reviewers or critics.

Im in the same boat as you in regards to the show (watch it for the ladies and the comedy, not because it's deep).
However, wouldn't you find it more tiring if everyone thought the same way about everything? dissenting opinions are what makes
the world interesting. otherwise we'd just have even more repetitive anime and every song would be "human music"
TripperGoreAug 28, 2022 8:48 PM
Aug 28, 2022 8:49 PM

Jun 2022
TripperGore said:
Aesethyr said:
i just dont respond to anyone's toxicity or differing opinions.

Everyone has its own idea and basking over it can be tiring.

i honestly just watched this show just because of the girls. Otherthan that, I literally have no expectation.

As long as you enjoy some thing - anyones opinion should not matter even opinions by reviewers or critics.

Im in the same boat as you in regards to the show (watch it for the ladies and the comedy, not because it's deep).
However, wouldn't you find it more tiring if everyone thought the same way about everything? dissenting opinions are what makes
the world interesting. otherwise we'd just have even more repetitive anime and every single would be "human music"

I have come to terms that my likes aren't gonna be the same with everyone. I literally had problems with my exes because they feel like my likes and hobbies are quite immature.
They cant understand that this things makes me happy so I always keep it because I need to feel like a child & laughed again once in a while.

So I no longer that bothered with differing opinions.

Just like what you said - differing opinions makes the world go round. No-one should dictate what you should or shouldn't do. Complying to others people opinion does not make you any better than yourself.

Aug 28, 2022 8:52 PM
Jun 2020
Aesethyr said:
TripperGore said:

Im in the same boat as you in regards to the show (watch it for the ladies and the comedy, not because it's deep).
However, wouldn't you find it more tiring if everyone thought the same way about everything? dissenting opinions are what makes
the world interesting. otherwise we'd just have even more repetitive anime and every single would be "human music"

I have come to terms that my likes aren't gonna be the same with everyone. I literally had problems with my exes because they feel like my likes and hobbies are quite immature.
They cant understand that this things makes me happy so I always keep it because I need to feel like a child & laughed again once in a while.

So I no longer that bothered with differing opinions.

Just like what you said - differing opinions makes the world go round. No-one should dictate what you should or shouldn't. Complying to others people opinion does make you any better than yourself.

yeah, I get it and good for you. There's a difference between talking to someone with different tastes and having to hear "stop liking what I don't like" constantly from some people.
Aug 28, 2022 8:59 PM

Aug 2017
That hater is definitely goofy. Love what you want man. Ignore him.

Aug 28, 2022 9:00 PM

Jun 2022
TripperGore said:
Aesethyr said:

I have come to terms that my likes aren't gonna be the same with everyone. I literally had problems with my exes because they feel like my likes and hobbies are quite immature.
They cant understand that this things makes me happy so I always keep it because I need to feel like a child & laughed again once in a while.

So I no longer that bothered with differing opinions.

Just like what you said - differing opinions makes the world go round. No-one should dictate what you should or shouldn't. Complying to others people opinion does make you any better than yourself.

yeah, I get it and good for you. There's a difference between talking to someone with different tastes and having to hear "stop liking what I don't like" constantly from some people.

Well tbh. I used to be the guy that responds to these neckbeards that had nothing to do your life.

Until I can no longer find time. Lol

Its a lot different when its on the people i knew personally specially in the office. Its a lot harder lol

Aug 29, 2022 9:29 AM
Nov 2021
who cares what other’s say. they are simply miserable creatures who thinks hating on certain anime makes them cool.
Aug 29, 2022 11:38 AM
May 2017
Unironcially liking Kazuya is fucking embarrassing lmao
Aug 29, 2022 1:09 PM
Jan 2021
don't worry a bit man, I've been really enjoying this show so far, love the drama and characters
Sep 9, 2022 1:54 AM
May 2016
Opticflash said:
ktg said:

I'm gonna use numbers, because I'm too lazy to edit your quote. But before that, if you can't understand what I said, then don't answer me, because again, some of your points has nothing to do with me, because I didn't talk about that.

1. You contradicted yourself. If you say he is impulsive, then he wouldn't have think about the consequences, at least, according to your definition. So no, he just would have just fk'ed Ruka. Because no (again), not everyone thinking about consequences. It's even true about more serious crimes, stealing or killing.

2. I wasn't talking about impulsiveness and kindness connection. So your entire point was pointless.
But, you are wrong, again. It's not exactly lack of control in the way you interpret it, because if you google, you can see that there are ways to manage it. Which means, you can control it. Because impulsivity is more like an instinct and your mind actually can control your instincts.
I was talking about the actions that happened because of your impulsiveness. And those actions can determine if you are kind or not. But I can rephrase it in a simple way for you. Being kind without kind actions is same as not being kind. If you tell someone that you care about them and then you make their life harder every time, then that's the same as not caring about them.

3. a) They don't need to be contradictory. They just have to cover every option. For example, you ask me my age and I answer with this 2 options: my age is below 50 or above 20.
b) We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me.
c) I presented justified basis. If I was wrong, you would have just refute me. And yet, you are talking about irrelevant nonsense.
d) The emotionally biased is more like the one that try to analyze me and not refuting me arguments. It is actually a common tactic among idiots. When you can't refute the other person, you try to attack him, because that's easier.
e) See? You can't understand what I said. I was not talking about impulsiveness and studious or being smart. I only talked about how stupid he can be based on what the show showed us. He is a university student and we know that from the show that he uses every time either working or going on a date with Chizuru. So he doesn't have much time to study. To pull this off without dropping out, he needs to be smart.

4. To not think about consequences for 30 r more minutes straight, you must be stupid or mentally ill. That's exactly the point. The amount of impulse buys are skyrocketed exactly because you can buy stuff on the internet in like 5 minutes. While when you had to go into a store, you actually had time to think it through.

And we know that from S1 that he followed his impulsive behavior for at least a week.
But still, the anime itself isn't portrayed him as a really impulsive person. We know that because we hear his inner monologues where he does understand the situation and thinking about the easiest solution for himself. That's actually how I know he is not kind and a selfish idiot. This is his mechanism to avoid problems or confrontations.

1. You contradicted yourself. If you say he is impulsive, then he wouldn't have think about the consequences, at least, according to your definition. So no, he just would have just fk'ed Ruka. Because no (again), not everyone thinking about consequences. It's even true about more serious crimes, stealing or killing.

You are confusing urge (and giving into those urges) with impulsive behavior. A cheater would be thinking about their current partner because it is drilled in society's head that cheating is wrong. They'd be thinking "I know this is wrong, but I'm too horny".

2. I wasn't talking about impulsiveness and kindness connection. So your entire point was pointless.
But, you are wrong, again. It's not exactly lack of control in the way you interpret it, because if you google, you can see that there are ways to manage it. Which means, you can control it. Because impulsivity is more like an instinct and your mind actually can control your instincts.
I was talking about the actions that happened because of your impulsiveness. And those actions can determine if you are kind or not. But I can rephrase it in a simple way for you. Being kind without kind actions is same as not being kind. If you tell someone that you care about them and then you make their life harder every time, then that's the same as not caring about them.

Did you not state the following?

"If you hurt or cause trouble to the people you care about, because of your impulsive behavior, then you can not be kind, because your own personal desires are above than your loved ones. it's either selfish or idiotic. Selfish if you do it for yourself and only for yourself and idiotic if you do it because you can't think logically.
So no, if he is this much impulsive, he can't be kind or good person, but being mentally ill is much more closer to the truth."

Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions, but those actions are decisions evaluated and made by a person. An impulse is an act that is made without proper evaluation, akin to an accident. If I do stuff that inconveniences others, such as always spilling milk, or being a disaster at food preparation, it has nothing to do with kindness. Kindness is having a caring attitude and treating people kindly on purpose. Do you understand the difference? Again, refer back to the gambling example I illustrated several posts ago. If I have a gambling addiction, that doesn't mean I'm not kind towards my son and treat him with love. It means I have a problem that needs to be addressed.

Moreover, you can surely manage and avoid impulsive behavior if you try, but impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally.

b) We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me.

You are using real life equivalents to claim "well university students that don't drop out aren't that stupid, so we can assume Kazuya to be X". Your whole point was to analyze his character and make claims about his personality based on what you believe is a reasonable chain of logic that can be applied to real life.

c) I presented justified basis. If I was wrong, you would have just refute me. And yet, you are talking about irrelevant nonsense.
d) The emotionally biased is more like the one that try to analyze me and not refuting me arguments. It is actually a common tactic among idiots. When you can't refute the other person, you try to attack him, because that's easier.
e) See? You can't understand what I said. I was not talking about impulsiveness and studious or being smart. I only talked about how stupid he can be based on what the show showed us. He is a university student and we know that from the show that he uses every time either working or going on a date with Chizuru. So he doesn't have much time to study. To pull this off without dropping out, he needs to be smart.

I did though. Here's your logic

1. "Kazuya is a university student" - > 2. "We never saw him study" -> 3. "We can assume he isn't that stupid" -> 4. "He isn't impulsive, so the alternative is he must not be kind".

I responded with

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

The connection between 2 - 3 is illogical. The connection between 3 - 4 is illogical. To make this clearer for you,
2 - 3: You can be very stupid without studying, and scrape by and get a degree. A C average student will get a degree, and so will an A average student. Course load and difficulty is also related to performance. You just assumed that he wasn't stupid based on the minimum amount of information presented.
3 - 4: Stupid or not has no bearing on impulsiveness nor kindness. He can ace his classes, yet he can have bad social etiquette or run into an addiction like everybody else.

4. To not think about consequences for 30 r more minutes straight, you must be stupid or mentally ill. That's exactly the point. The amount of impulse buys are skyrocketed exactly because you can buy stuff on the internet in like 5 minutes. While when you had to go into a store, you actually had time to think it through.

No. Not thinking about consequences does not mean one is stupid. Again, refer to examples such as gambling addiction, drinking addiction, eating disorders, etc. Moreover, you are throwing terms around ("mentally ill") without understanding what they mean.

And we know that from S1 that he followed his impulsive behavior for at least a week.
But still, the anime itself isn't portrayed him as a really impulsive person. We know that because we hear his inner monologues where he does understand the situation and thinking about the easiest solution for himself. That's actually how I know he is not kind and a selfish idiot. This is his mechanism to avoid problems or confrontations.

You completely contradicted yourself. If he demonstrates impulsive behavior, how is he not impulsive? Being impulsive does not mean being irrational all the time; that is not a criteria for being impulsive otherwise nobody on planet earth would be impulsive. It means not thinking straight in a few specific scenarios.

1. Impulses behavior is based on urges. So no.
2. Yes, but not the same way you interpreted it.
And you actually said this now: "Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions" and this is what I was talking about, because impulsiveness is about how you act.
So you are saying now the same thing as me.
Which makes me previously presented point right. If every actions make your loved one life harder, so you don't show that you are caring, then that's the same as not caring.

"impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally"
No, it's about not thinking. That's why impulse behavior on a long period of time doesn't work, because you start thinking.

3. Because that's why you use real life things, because you want it to work like real life. If you don't want it, then you don'T copy it or even if you do, you do show how it changed.
And no, I use the anime's belief to measure his logic and not my belief.

4. "I did though. Here's your logic"
I can't say anything else but you are retarded. :DDDDD
So, if you misinterpret my comment again, I won't answer it, because you are obviously either a kid or an idiot.
I never made logical connection between point 2 and 3 and between 3 and 4. You interpreted this way, because that's the difference between our knowledge and understanding.
You created logic between my separate points because otherwise you couldn't refute me. And that's just really pathetic.
Sep 9, 2022 10:00 PM

Aug 2018
ktg said:
Opticflash said:

You are confusing urge (and giving into those urges) with impulsive behavior. A cheater would be thinking about their current partner because it is drilled in society's head that cheating is wrong. They'd be thinking "I know this is wrong, but I'm too horny".

Did you not state the following?

"If you hurt or cause trouble to the people you care about, because of your impulsive behavior, then you can not be kind, because your own personal desires are above than your loved ones. it's either selfish or idiotic. Selfish if you do it for yourself and only for yourself and idiotic if you do it because you can't think logically.
So no, if he is this much impulsive, he can't be kind or good person, but being mentally ill is much more closer to the truth."

Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions, but those actions are decisions evaluated and made by a person. An impulse is an act that is made without proper evaluation, akin to an accident. If I do stuff that inconveniences others, such as always spilling milk, or being a disaster at food preparation, it has nothing to do with kindness. Kindness is having a caring attitude and treating people kindly on purpose. Do you understand the difference? Again, refer back to the gambling example I illustrated several posts ago. If I have a gambling addiction, that doesn't mean I'm not kind towards my son and treat him with love. It means I have a problem that needs to be addressed.

Moreover, you can surely manage and avoid impulsive behavior if you try, but impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally.

You are using real life equivalents to claim "well university students that don't drop out aren't that stupid, so we can assume Kazuya to be X". Your whole point was to analyze his character and make claims about his personality based on what you believe is a reasonable chain of logic that can be applied to real life.

I did though. Here's your logic

1. "Kazuya is a university student" - > 2. "We never saw him study" -> 3. "We can assume he isn't that stupid" -> 4. "He isn't impulsive, so the alternative is he must not be kind".

I responded with

You first give only two possible scenarios that are not even contradictory (when real life does not work in such simple binary categories), then assume that one of the scenarios is implausible without any justified basis, then conclude that the latter must be true. That's not a logical analysis, that's an analysis from someone who is clearly emotionally biased in some way towards a particular issue.

The amount of study (or how academically smart someone is) has nothing to do with impulsiveness. You can do well at school yet have bad eating habits, run into a gambling addiction, have poor social equitette, etc. That's like saying a guy with a Bachelor's degree can't make poor financial decisions.

You then claimed that we never see him study (which isn't even the point of the story anyway), then conclude that we can assume that he wouldn't be 'that stupid' when the observation has nothing to do with your conclusion.

The connection between 2 - 3 is illogical. The connection between 3 - 4 is illogical. To make this clearer for you,
2 - 3: You can be very stupid without studying, and scrape by and get a degree. A C average student will get a degree, and so will an A average student. Course load and difficulty is also related to performance. You just assumed that he wasn't stupid based on the minimum amount of information presented.
3 - 4: Stupid or not has no bearing on impulsiveness nor kindness. He can ace his classes, yet he can have bad social etiquette or run into an addiction like everybody else.

No. Not thinking about consequences does not mean one is stupid. Again, refer to examples such as gambling addiction, drinking addiction, eating disorders, etc. Moreover, you are throwing terms around ("mentally ill") without understanding what they mean.

You completely contradicted yourself. If he demonstrates impulsive behavior, how is he not impulsive? Being impulsive does not mean being irrational all the time; that is not a criteria for being impulsive otherwise nobody on planet earth would be impulsive. It means not thinking straight in a few specific scenarios.

1. Impulses behavior is based on urges. So no.
2. Yes, but not the same way you interpreted it.
And you actually said this now: "Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions" and this is what I was talking about, because impulsiveness is about how you act.
So you are saying now the same thing as me.
Which makes me previously presented point right. If every actions make your loved one life harder, so you don't show that you are caring, then that's the same as not caring.

"impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally"
No, it's about not thinking. That's why impulse behavior on a long period of time doesn't work, because you start thinking.

3. Because that's why you use real life things, because you want it to work like real life. If you don't want it, then you don'T copy it or even if you do, you do show how it changed.
And no, I use the anime's belief to measure his logic and not my belief.

4. "I did though. Here's your logic"
I can't say anything else but you are retarded. :DDDDD
So, if you misinterpret my comment again, I won't answer it, because you are obviously either a kid or an idiot.
I never made logical connection between point 2 and 3 and between 3 and 4. You interpreted this way, because that's the difference between our knowledge and understanding.
You created logic between my separate points because otherwise you couldn't refute me. And that's just really pathetic.

1. Impulses behavior is based on urges. So no.

Some types of impulsive behavior is influenced by urges, not all.

2. Yes, but not the same way you interpreted it.
And you actually said this now: "Kindness is determined by thoughts and actions" and this is what I was talking about, because impulsiveness is about how you act.
So you are saying now the same thing as me.
Which makes me previously presented point right. If every actions make your loved one life harder, so you don't show that you are caring, then that's the same as not caring.

You are missing the point again. You can certainly be kind to others, but at the same time you can screw up and inconvenience them. It's very obvious the meaning of kindness (through thoughts and actions) and how it applies to everyday examples. I can love my son, and act lovingly towards my son, while at the same time recognize that I have a gambling problem that puts a financial strain on my family. This example should suffice. I've repeated this to you multiple times, yet you make no acknowledgement of it.

"impulsiveness once again is an act without thinking rationally"
No, it's about not thinking. That's why impulse behavior on a long period of time doesn't work, because you start thinking.

If you start thinking through the consequences, then you are not being impulsive.

3. Because that's why you use real life things, because you want it to work like real life. If you don't want it, then you don'T copy it or even if you do, you do show how it changed.
And no, I use the anime's belief to measure his logic and not my belief.

You used a judgement based on your understanding of reality to suggest that the story made no sense if Kazuya didn't drop out of university unless Kazuya was smart. You then suggested that, since Kazuya's smart, he must not be impulsive. Not only did you did you use mental gymnastics to reach such an asinine conclusion (the anime never gives ANY information on how Kazuya's everyday schedule looks like, how he is coping with classes, how much study he can fit into his schedule, etc. AT ALL - since that's not the point of the story), you make a contradictory statement (perhaps because you missed the entire point of my reference to 'real life' prior):

"We are not talking about real life. We're talking about a character that has zero personality and not even his whole life. So, saying that life is not simple is diversion, because you can't refute me."

4. "I did though. Here's your logic"
I can't say anything else but you are retarded. :DDDDD
So, if you misinterpret my comment again, I won't answer it, because you are obviously either a kid or an idiot.
I never made logical connection between point 2 and 3 and between 3 and 4. You interpreted this way, because that's the difference between our knowledge and understanding.
You created logic between my separate points because otherwise you couldn't refute me. And that's just really pathetic.

Your ad hominem is as vacuous as your arguments.
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