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Aug 28, 2022 5:58 AM

Nov 2011
If there's one thing that causes drama in this show, it's about the standards between the common and upper class. Seriously, can't everyone just get along..?

Falma stands as the line that blurs between their status. Good episode though. He's still out there helping the helpless whenever someone needs.
Aug 28, 2022 6:30 AM

Apr 2010
Seems clear to me that some in the guild want to change while the majority seems to resist the change and it's also clear that they use scare tactics and violence to make sure everyone follows their rules and ideas.
That much is clear with the attack on the main store and also the destruction of the store featured in this episode.
Scare tactics and violence aside refusal to change is something that's pretty common and in business that usually ends up in bankruptcy or losing a large part of the market.
From that point of view the guld will be in trouble if they don't change but seeing their corruption i don't think that's a bad thing it's just bad for the ones that do want to change.

As for the scare tactics and violence it's something that will eventually work against them if they keep it up.
Aug 28, 2022 6:39 AM

May 2021
Great episode! The wealthy idiot is starting to get mad about Parallel World Pharmacy selling high quality medicine for affordable prices.
The veron apparently ran the carriage into Parallel World Pharmacy...
We got to see the rule made of guild members not being allowed to do business with them anymore...
Falma sees a man whose daughter is sick and the shop he is trying to go to is closed. He offers to help him and the man accepts.
Falma tells the parent to wear a mask which he wasn't aware stopped the spread of diease. Falma also brought them in through the back entrance not because of the mans social status but because he wanted to stop the spread of disease.
He is also surprised at the level of detail Falma goes into for his patient even including weighing Marie for an exact medicine dosage.
Falma has diagnosed the Marie's illness and it is a severe cold-influenza- which the man is surprised about due to her symptoms.
He provides medicine to be taken nasally and enough for five days.
The man asks for the most important thing...the fee...IS THE PRICE OF A BAGUETTE!
The man owns a small pharmacist shop and is scared now that he has gone against the guild's rules.
I feel so sorry for him.

The veron is angry about Parallel World Pharmacy's sales not falling still.
And he asks Marie's parent Pierre for his view on the shop.
He tells the truth and his support for Parallel World Pharmacy!
Pierre's shop is broken and his merchandise stolen by the veron because of what he said and Falma passes by his shop and asks what happened.
Pierre doesn't know what to do without belonging to a guild as that's the only way he can operate business.
But Falma tells him of the new guild he has made and offers him a place!
Pierre was so happy at that he started to cry...
And now his store is back in business and ready to open!
He is nervous he will have no customers...but he has many waiting outside!
I'm so happy for Pierre!
'Welcome to Dawn Pharmacy!'

Looking forward to the next episode!
Rem4lifexDAug 28, 2022 6:57 AM
Aug 28, 2022 7:15 AM

Jun 2021
How dare Farma make medicine affordable! That sonofabitch! And he even has the balls to not only make it effective but also provide accurate diagnoses and great service to boot. The nerve! -_-

I really wish people would actually take the time to, y’know TALK to Farma before making snap judgments about him. If these guild dickwads spent like 5 minutes talking to Farma, maybe they’d realize he ISN’T the devil… yeesh. There’s a reason the guild can’t compete…

Anyways, I like it when Farma goes into “modern medicine mode” and just confuses the hell out of people. It’s always hilarious when they look at him like he has two heads when he’s explaining what bacteria or a virus is or whatever haha.

Veron needs to seriously get slapped, man. Losing a kid is tough, I feel bad for that and I get his anger but he needs to pull his head out of his ass and stop being a stubborn fool for one minute. His attitude is just gonna burn him in the end. What he did to Pierre… that’s just messed up. Expel him from the guild, but rob the man of his livelihood? That’s going too far. At least this has paved the way for the guy to join Farma’s guild.

The Compounding Pharmacy Guild is growing! Glad to see my guy Pierre back in business. He’s a good dude, I look forward to seeing him and Farma working together more.
Aug 28, 2022 7:38 AM
Nov 2015
OFF TOPIC: There should be a way to change the rating for the episode after you submit it or not to automatically submit it in the modal that opens after you update the episode count. I rated 1 at a misclick 'cause the modal just opens out of nowhereand I was clicking on something at that same moment...
Aug 28, 2022 7:42 AM
Feb 2016
I mean, imagine that Farma was doing this with bad intentions ... He would do everything the same way: lower prices to destroy rivals, buy out/take over their shops, make people dependant of his buissness. ??? you have beautiful corporation and total monopoly. Add ruler's and religious cult leader's support, and you have little hell for people.
Aug 28, 2022 7:47 AM
Apr 2017
best part is the last part
Aug 28, 2022 7:48 AM
Jun 2021
Sharri said:
I mean, imagine that Farma was doing this with bad intentions ... He would do everything the same way: lower prices to destroy rivals, buy out/take over their shops, make people dependant of his buissness. ??? you have beautiful corporation and total monopoly. Add ruler's and religious cult leader's support, and you have little hell for people.

Yup and the dude that lost his kid sees the potential evil for his actions. Not unfair but this kids doesn’t have an evil bone in his body and is actually trying to weaken his direct power with the new guild. The dad of of Marie will be amazing as a bridge between the aristocracy and the lower classes.
Aug 28, 2022 7:55 AM

Jul 2017
Farma's pharmacy shop is making waves, but in the wrong way from the perceived notion of the nobles, and getting rid of it will allow the Saint Fleuve Pharmaceutical Guild to thrive. They are desperate, and it shows.

A daughter (Marie) in need of a medicinal cure from doctors, and Farma is the only pharmaceuticst available to prescribe on her, something that's the modern day norm but revolutionary for fantasy world dwellers. A simple, but severe cold of influenza that's holding Marie's health back, and Farma can deal with it simply, leaving her commoner pharmaceuticst father speechless of its pristine quality and attention to detail of how pharmaceuticsts should be.

Day by day, the various pharmacies are losing traction against Farma's pharmacy that's building trust between both commoners and non-corrupt nobles that it has become a complete monopoly. In the case of Marie's father Pierre, seeing is just as believing, and all the guild can only do is repeat claims after claims of life and death, that enough is enough to put a stop to his line of work and expel him away from the guild.

Everything went south for Pierre, but all hope is not lost, for Farma has a new guild: the Compounding Pharmacy Guild, and he has reinstated his job. This is clearly a W for Pierre's pharmacy being a partner brand of Farma's, and the world is finally his sunshine.

When the world closes the door on you, God opens a window, and Pierre earned it for his honesty.
Aug 28, 2022 7:57 AM
Jan 2012
I've re-read manga a few times and this is was one of my favourite parts
Aug 28, 2022 8:05 AM
Jan 2021
it just really good
Aug 28, 2022 8:05 AM
May 2013
These show a good, atleast I can escaped from bilibili and those from CCP propaganda programs.
Aug 28, 2022 8:06 AM

Apr 2022
And thus begins the parallel world pharmacy chain of drugstores
Aug 28, 2022 8:18 AM
Sep 2017
showed that the guild that was opposing farma had their own reasons for hating everything offered by a noble. that it wasn't just greed talking here.

The story in the episode was great, even for an episode where the main was playing a side character. We get to see the life and struggles of a commoner who works for the guild.
Aug 28, 2022 8:26 AM

Jan 2019
In the end i had tears of joy 😊
Aug 28, 2022 8:26 AM

Mar 2021
Farma helping Pierre start again after Pierre was expelled from the Guild just shows how Farma cares for everyone regardless of social Standing and Pierre runs a new branch of Parallel world Pharmacy now
Aug 28, 2022 8:46 AM
Sep 2015
Considering that there's no good medical doctor isekai anime yet, this anime might serve as an example of both pharmacist isekai and doctor isekai.

Farma uses his royal privilege to destroy the common pharmacist guild's monopoly, but since this disruption is success, Farma becomes monopoly instead, so I expect him to do a social responsibility and ethical investment, but what he did is kinda like a business take-over? But he can get away because he insist it's a "partnership" but it's still a take-over to me.
Aug 28, 2022 8:47 AM
Ichigo’s Wife
Jan 2019
This was a great adaption of the manga. I’m thoroughly impressed with this episode!
Aug 28, 2022 9:05 AM

Sep 2010
phantomfandom said:
Considering that there's no good medical doctor isekai anime yet, this anime might serve as an example of both pharmacist isekai and doctor isekai.

Farma uses his royal privilege to destroy the common pharmacist guild's monopoly, but since this disruption is success, Farma becomes monopoly instead, so I expect him to do a social responsibility and ethical investment, but what he did is kinda like a business take-over? But he can get away because he insist it's a "partnership" but it's still a take-over to me.

There wasn't anything to "take-over" they kicked him out of the guild and took away his business license he didn't have a shop left and even if he did, he couldn't sell anything without his license, and probably all his suppliers wouldn't sell to him either. Now instead of having nothing and having to move and start all over the guy has his own shop. While we don't know the details of the contract, he probably has to pay some fees to Farma for his guild, but all the profits he makes are probably his own. I imagine Farma gave him an equal or better deal than the old guild did.
Aug 28, 2022 9:15 AM

Feb 2021
Damn Farma is kind bad for using all his noble influence and money to come into the commoner market and drive all the others out of business.

Glad the "antagonists" had legit reasons for why they dislike his pharmacy.
Aug 28, 2022 9:21 AM
Apr 2018
Great episode, it's a new era !!
Aug 28, 2022 9:43 AM
Aug 2017
what, no suppository!? hahaha. how dare they not follow the source material lol.
Aug 28, 2022 9:59 AM
Oct 2021
very good content adaptation
Aug 28, 2022 10:00 AM

Sep 2019
That was such a heartfelt episode.
I adore how they lay weight on the fact that everyone is used to be differentiated when it comes to social status. Farma making the medicine cheap and avaliable for everyone is suspected because of his social status, and it’s understandable that most people would be wary around it.

My heart goes out to Pierre and his family. At the end, it wasn’t about being the most well-known pharmacy but being recognized, and being able to help people.
Waiting for something to happen?
Aug 28, 2022 10:13 AM
Aug 2021
This episode is epic. I love this show.
Aug 28, 2022 10:18 AM

Apr 2011
Pierre is right. They should went to their rivals to learn why people don't come to their store anymore, but the old fart and the others where too blind not to look at the problem and find a solution. I find it deplorable that just because not only did he get kicked out because of his honest thoughts, but they trashed his place as well. Good thing Falma made a guild and ask him to join to get a fresh new start.

Now the old fart and his members can go mad as much as they want until they're business are gone because they don't want to change. I hope that Falma shares his knowledge to Pierre as it will go a long way to help commoners to get more affordable and effective medicines.

This episode really pulled my heart strings.
Aug 28, 2022 10:23 AM
Jul 2019
The best episode of the season! The drama of a secondary character very well executed and leading us to realize the foundation of the guild boss's hatred. This put many layers of depth into all the characters, allowing us not only to feel anger towards the guild boss but also pity. And the family drama very well executed on account of the daughter's illness, promoting the rescue of a pharmacist. The thing that spoiled this brilliant episode a bit was the use of class struggle. To ground a story on the basis of social conflict is to encourage social conflict in fact. A mistake, in my opinion.
Aug 28, 2022 10:24 AM
Jan 2014
Oomyung said:
phantomfandom said:
Considering that there's no good medical doctor isekai anime yet, this anime might serve as an example of both pharmacist isekai and doctor isekai.

Farma uses his royal privilege to destroy the common pharmacist guild's monopoly, but since this disruption is success, Farma becomes monopoly instead, so I expect him to do a social responsibility and ethical investment, but what he did is kinda like a business take-over? But he can get away because he insist it's a "partnership" but it's still a take-over to me.

There wasn't anything to "take-over" they kicked him out of the guild and took away his business license he didn't have a shop left and even if he did, he couldn't sell anything without his license, and probably all his suppliers wouldn't sell to him either. Now instead of having nothing and having to move and start all over the guy has his own shop. While we don't know the details of the contract, he probably has to pay some fees to Farma for his guild, but all the profits he makes are probably his own. I imagine Farma gave him an equal or better deal than the old guild did.

The lack of details in the anime is probably the worst part of the episode. The manga (Chapter 17) went over the details and the terms of Farma's Compounding Pharmacy/Dispensary Guild. Guild membership is free, formulas are taught, education and training is free (complex medicines require regular educational courses) and supply is sold at low cost. It's essentially a business franchise agreement with the terms largely benefiting the franchisee.

Still an enjoyable episode though.
Aug 28, 2022 10:36 AM
Dec 2021
felipeliborio said:
OFF TOPIC: There should be a way to change the rating for the episode after you submit it or not to automatically submit it in the modal that opens after you update the episode count. I rated 1 at a misclick 'cause the modal just opens out of nowhereand I was clicking on something at that same moment...

I do that sometimes too. Wish they’d allow changing after voting.

But maybe they think some will follow the crowd(they already do though with the scores, many people will rate a 7 score show 7 because others do it)
Aug 28, 2022 10:41 AM
Nov 2021
Being able to see Parallel World Pharmacy(PWP) through the eyes of the Pharmacists Guild and seeing how it is effecting their sales was a strong point for this show. Also giving the head of the guild some backstory for why he is so hostile towards PWP. Overall great episode.
Aug 28, 2022 10:43 AM
Apr 2022
Meh. Was okay. I guess it could be leading up to an influenza outbreak. Thinking about it, I almost hope it's not.
Aug 28, 2022 10:44 AM

Jan 2022
I completely understand why Mr. Vernon has such anger and hostility against the nobles. I can't imagine how painful it must've been to bury a kid. If Farma is hurting everyone so much wouldn't it be a good idea to start a pharmacy school and maybe even a med school? That way everyone can benefit but at the same time, he is thinking about starting his own guild. So eventually the knowledge will spread one way or another, its just a matter of waiting. I do like that when Farma mentioned the new guild to Pierre a ray of sunlight shined on him lmaooo bro this episode almost made me cry too

Someone on Crunchyroll complained about how Farma is a pos but bro, he was an actual pharmacist/ researcher in his previous life. How can you be mad at someone who already knows what they're doing and ultimately just wants to help people?
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Aug 28, 2022 10:47 AM

Feb 2019
Man I’m ngl I cried for the last couple minutes. Pierre getting his shop torn up was just so damn dirty and unnecessary. Im so glad farma was able to offer him a job and get him back on his feet. Marie’s little encouragement of her father at the end was so sweet too. Genuinely beautiful ending.
Aug 28, 2022 10:48 AM

Jan 2022
MadanielFL said:
Damn Farma is kind bad for using all his noble influence and money to come into the commoner market and drive all the others out of business.

Glad the "antagonists" had legit reasons for why they dislike his pharmacy.

Can you say why you think Farma is bad? The antagonist doesn't really have a valid reason considering his hatred is based on the fact that previous nobles weren't there to help him out when his child was sick. He's lumping Farma with the rest of the nobles when he's nothing like them, considering Farma genuinely wants to help people out.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Aug 28, 2022 10:59 AM
Dec 2021
This episode is good. Really good
Aug 28, 2022 11:14 AM
Jan 2016
It is good to watch and I am enjoying it
Aug 28, 2022 11:23 AM
Aug 2021
best episode of the whole series.
hope it gets a second season.
Aug 28, 2022 11:29 AM
Aug 2010
Bakkupakkun said:
what, no suppository!? hahaha. how dare they not follow the source material lol.

I know right hahahaha

Aug 28, 2022 11:47 AM

Feb 2021
cooldogmom said:
MadanielFL said:
Damn Farma is kind bad for using all his noble influence and money to come into the commoner market and drive all the others out of business.

Glad the "antagonists" had legit reasons for why they dislike his pharmacy.

Can you say why you think Farma is bad? The antagonist doesn't really have a valid reason considering his hatred is based on the fact that previous nobles weren't there to help him out when his child was sick. He's lumping Farma with the rest of the nobles when he's nothing like them, considering Farma genuinely wants to help people out.
I’m not saying he is evil, I’m just saying he is unintentionally screwing people over.
Aug 28, 2022 11:48 AM
Oct 2021
Was so cute that I almost cried.
Aug 28, 2022 11:54 AM
Oct 2020
this is the best anime so far
Aug 28, 2022 11:56 AM

Jul 2015
Since I am a huge fan of Ascendence of Bookworm, it's no wonder that I absolutely love this show as well.
But I wish I would see more of Blanche, because she is the most adorable moe blob this season.

Anyway, we learned that Guild Master actually has some motivation for holding a grudge against Farma other than just a business competition. "They didn't saved my kid, but they could" is rather generic, so I don't know whether I would feel sympathetic towards him, but I know those two will reach some sort of agreement eventually.
PiromyslAug 28, 2022 12:00 PM

Aug 28, 2022 11:58 AM
Jan 2013
MadanielFL said:
cooldogmom said:

Can you say why you think Farma is bad? The antagonist doesn't really have a valid reason considering his hatred is based on the fact that previous nobles weren't there to help him out when his child was sick. He's lumping Farma with the rest of the nobles when he's nothing like them, considering Farma genuinely wants to help people out.
I’m not saying he is evil, I’m just saying he is unintentionally screwing people over.

Still better than letting those people wrongly diagnosing others and selling them medicine that wont work on most of the cases, if they are not open mind and try to change and adopt new techniques and medicine its their own fault that they fail
Aug 28, 2022 12:01 PM
Dec 2021
This episode blew me away, 10 out of 10. It made me cry, it was a wonderful episode.
Aug 28, 2022 12:08 PM

Feb 2010
There are some missing comical parts, but the episode was adapted great! I wonder how they'll fit the last arc.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Aug 28, 2022 12:24 PM

Feb 2021
You saw it coming, but it was a great episode nevertheless.

Protect the smile!

Aug 28, 2022 12:27 PM
Apr 2021
I almost cried, best happy ending posible
Aug 28, 2022 12:31 PM
Oct 2021
Wholesome (mal says i need 15 characters so ignore this)
Aug 28, 2022 12:36 PM
Aug 2022
I loved this episode! I got teary at the end!
Aug 28, 2022 3:12 PM

Mar 2020
yeah, well ! the widow is the orphan all that, all that !
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