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Days: 60.0
Mean Score:
- Reading15
- Completed274
- On-Hold19
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read174
- Total Entries482
- Reread4
- Chapters8,717
- Volumes704
All Comments (79) Comments
Agree, agree, agree, couldn't have said it better myself.
Every time we write each other we mention how long time has passed LOL, the worst part is, it never feels that long for me??!?! Like apparently we sent our first messages a year ago?? Feels like yesterday for me! I still remember telling you how I binged 104 chapters of "Uncanny Charm" around this time of the year last year HAHA. You've worked hard I'm sure!! I hope you're enjoying your summer vacation so far and reading/watching everything you didn't have the time for ^_^.
I've heard of "King's Maker", never started it though but I know it was super popular when it was still ongoing.. which was apparently 7 years ago?!?! Maybe I'll start it one day LOL. And "Salad Days"!! I also read that this June, it was pretty cute and the art style was really pretty! But story wise I'm not going to pretend like it wasn't super predictable LOLOL. Maybe it was the translation but the amount of time-jumps that went on towards the end confused the hell out of me.
Hehe, speaking of recommendations, I finished all the works I mentioned back in February, which where "18.44-" by Momoko Suika, "Sun-Kissed Heartbeats" by Uldo, and "High Clear" by Yunbyeol. And I enjoyed all of these, especially "18.44-", but I'm not sure if I'd recommend any of them to you HAHAHA. "18.44-" is a super cute baseball BL, friends to lovers, very cute, somewhat angsty. Honestly I'm just a sucker for baseball BL so it was by nature that I loved this LOL, but story wise it's pretty run of the mill. I will say a big part of why I loved this was because the pretty art, it gave off Studio Ghibli vibes so I was very pleasing to the eyes for me. "Sun-Kissed Heartbeats" features another one of my favorite tropes which is city dweller who moves to the countryside and finds love, more or less its just a story about two silly high schoolers falling in love. Quite literally nothing happens in terms of like big plot twists so it isn't exactly a page turner but for me it was definitely a palette cleanser type of read! Now... "High Clear"... this one is probably one of the funniest BL's I ever read. However going into it I was aware that its plot revolves around misunderstandings/miscommunication. So for me, it wasn't particularly frustrating but I think for someone going in blind it might be annoying LOL. For example, the main character Juwon overthinks every interaction and is hilariously dramatic and animated and I found him very lovable!! Whereas the love interest, Jeongmin is extremely straight faced and shows his emotions with actions rather than words. Of course this leads to a bunch of shenanigans but nothing angsty enough for me to drop it mostly just me thinking "omg these idiots lol". And also its super smutty lol. I think if that sounds interesting to you, you should give it a read! But if you tell me you dropped it because you got annoyed I would get that too LOL.
Now... as for actual recommendations.. for starters my current pfp is from a manga called "Shitto wa Ai wo Kumoraseru" by Nagisa Eiji, the title translates to "Jealousy Blinds Love" which kinda sets the tone for the type of story it is LOL. The art style is really pretty and I found this through Pinterest actually LOL. Basically the MC, Kirino, was a child prodigy pianist who started to burn out in his adult years mainly due to not having any passion for it anymore due to the way his life ended up. On his college campus he's approached by a fanboy, Takase, also a pianist and very naturally gifted at that. Kirino assumes Takase is just trying to butter him up/use him and decides to see what kind of relationship Takase expects out of him. Aaaand thats basically a short descriptor of like half of the first chapter LOL I'm trying not to spoil it but YEAH. We've established long ago that I am not one for "toxic yaoi" HAHAHA and I love wholesomeness and fluff and whatnot but for me the way this was written was a lot more interesting and hmm believable for me? And also self-aware, the toxicity is more psychological and not really romanticized in some sort of edgy bad boy way (barf). Honestly, if you read this and tell me you didn't find it that "toxic" at all I would be like yeah I can see that, just for me personally it was a bit out of my comfort zone LOLOL. I will say it would've benefitted from a few more chapters but I think what it accomplished to tell in what few we were given is pretty good! Plus I just found out it's getting an English release this month?? Sigh.. my poor wallet.. (I already preordered).
Another one! Maybe you've heard of it or read it already (its quite popular). But I'm really enjoying "Merry Marbling", its a manhwa and ongoing (sigh) but its by Pengki, the same author as "Robber x Lover/Snail Pond Robber" which I see you've read! The art in this manhwa is so colorful and detailed and just super pretty and cute!! This story is basically fluff city lol, An absolutely "safe read" despite being ongoing (plz don't make me eat my words author), its about two high schoolers who are polar opposites but of course end up falling for each other. Slight enemies to lovers. This one has a big cast of characters just like "Robber x Lover' and quite similar writing so if you enjoyed that one you will definitely enjoy this one! It's one of those manhwas you read and start grieving the fact that it will end one day because you've grown attached to the cast LOL.
This next one is quite old? Well not that old but its been around for like 4 years lol. It's also pretty popular and I hear some people refer to it as a future classic lol. It's a manhwa called "My Way With You" by Upi (same author as "The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace"), it has this melancholy vibe to it as both protagonists are healing from past tragedies but emphasis on the healing part because despite it being a smut heavy story (lol) the author managed to still write a beautiful story that tugged on my heart!! Also its pretty short so less commitment to sit down and get through it you know? And of course the art is gorgeous!
Aaaand speaking of "The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace"... if you hadn't already started it.. I'd say hold off now TT_TT. Minor spoilers?? Kind of??
Lately I find myself reading manga more than manhwa mainly because I'm not really a fan of what's trending in most of the popular manhwas these days LOLOL. But as for manhwas we read.. did you know "For Your Love" had a few side stories published?!?!? I've been dying to tell you HAHAH I'm so glad we get to see those two again I also held off reading it so you can read it around the same time as me like we did with "Form of Sympathy" LOLOL. AND!!! "Uncanny Charm" also got new side stories!! FINALLY!! Although they aren't out in English yet so we have to wait some time.. and also.. "Third Ending" my fav, also got new side stories currently being released!!! The fact all my favorites suddenly came back with side stories/extra chapters TTvTT. I couldn't ask for anything better heheh. Now.. if "Our Youth" wants to come out with some more side stories too that would be great. But probably not LOL speaking of "Our Youth" it's been getting rave reviews lately on Tik Tok, which is surprising because I find that most people on Tik Tok have poor taste HAHAH but I'm not complaining!! I did think to myself "heheheh I recommended this last year".
And yes read the newest volume of "Kimi wa Natsu no Naka" I love Chiharu and Wataru so much!! Their my safe space LOL I really grew up with them TT_TT. And I mentioned being sad about how the most recent volume felt like a proper ending... well guess not.. cuz another sequel has been announced a few days ago LOLOL. It might be a while before I'll actually get to read it but! To know its coming is good enough for me! I trust that author with my life HAHAH.
Thank you for the birthday wishes ^_^!!!!! I can't believe I'm 25 that doesn't even sound right.. EEK! I was 17 when I made this MAL account and I know for a fact 17 year old me thought 25 was this super ancient age LOLOL. Crazy how your birthday is in less than 2 months?!?!? I swear I just said happy birthday to you LOLOL.
Let me know what you've been watching/reading and what you've been enjoying as of late!!!
Talk to you soon hopefully?!?! LOL. Hope you've been enjoying your break so far!! :D
Look at my stats, for example.
I can totally relate to going through things quickly and then being sad that its over and then trying to find something to fill that void ASAP LOL. I also have this habit of "saving" stuff to read for later so I can binge it when I'm in the mood for it but the downside is this list ends up growing very fast and then I never get the chance to read it so this year I'm gonna try and push myself to just jump into things more often HAHA.
Yesss, I totally wish this got an epilogue now that things have calmed down and I wanna see them being lovey dovey and what not, of all the series that got dragged out endings (cough cough we know what I'm talking about hehe) I wouldn't have minded a couple more chapters LOL. It truly is a one-of-a-kind sort of manhwa though I hope one day we can find something similar to it TT_TT. Trying really really really hard not buy a bunch of merch for it right now HAHAH.
..and speaking of danmei and "Sasaki to Miyano"... so basically for Christmas I had gotten a giftcard to a bookstore that I was planning on using to buy a bunch of danmei, which was going to be my start into maybe a new addiction, then I asked around to see what I should read/get into according to my tastes and omg.. I was then sent like documents telling me what to read and when to start, character guides, and then some people told me to read a certain title and then other people were like "Nah, you wouldn't like that, read ____ instead." Needless to say.. it was overwhelming. So you know what I did?? Use that giftcard to buy 7 volumes of "Sasaki to Miyano" instead HAHAHAH. At least with that series I know I like it and can trust the direction its going in despite it being an on-going series, you know? The world of danmei is truly another beast.. I swear one day we'll be able to take it on LOLOLOL.
Also!! "Link Click"!! So that's what its called.. I used to peruse Chinese social media back in the day and see fanart of that series alllll the time and I never knew where it was from. The art looks really pretty and I never watched a donghua before so my interest is piqued. Plus I love white hair + black hair character dynamics HAHAH. But waiting 2 years for the next season?!?!?!? I don't even want to think about how old I'll be then HAHAHAH. I hope the season 2 finale didn't end on a cliffhanger that would have me in absolute hysterics.
And I'm also reading "Don't Say You Love Me"!!!! I really love how detailed the art is in that manhua and how cute it is, I do not love how short the chapters are though LOL. I put myself on timeout on that series around chapter 90 something so I can restart it when it finishes, and honestly it does not seem like it will be finishing anytime soon... the pains of reading ongoing series LOL. But I really like the personality of the MC he's very cute and bubbly compared to that authors other series where the MC was super shy and meek LOL. Aaaand I can't help but notice your pfp is Kasumi from "Touch within the Abyss"!! I was recommended that manga by a friend on here and isn't the art so pretty?? Not to mention it has such a unique plotline/character dynamic. Actually I've been filling out survey's by manga publishers to get them to localize a physical version of it so I can own an English copy HAHAHA.
AND YES I FINALLY READ THE NEW "Kimi wa Natsu no Naka" VOLUME!! It was great.. very good.. everything I hoped for tbh, I truly trust that author with my life ngl. I think it did a great job of developing the characters even further and addressing previous stuff that had happened in the other volumes!! I would say more but I'll refrain from giving spoilers for now LOL. Although it does feel like it sort of wrapped up their story so I'm sad about that because I truly grew up with that series.. if you haven't already you should give it a read!!
Other series that I'm reading:
Soooo getting merch for "Third Ending" was basically hell LMFAOO. Like I had no idea the series was that popular especially in S. Korea so I preordered an acrylic stand, a keychain, and a sticker pack. A month later I was informed that the preorder sold out.. first of all how does a preorder sell out?!?!? So I ran around to multiple sites... sold out everywhere. At this point I was like "You know what?? Its okay I'm saving money at least.." then a few days went by I started thinking.. "Money comes and goes BUT this is LIMITED EDITION MERCH!!!" Long story short I had to engage in bidding wars to get what I wanted but at least I ended up getting everything HAHAHAHA. The wedding invite listed the date as December 23, 2023 which means their now married hehehe.. it also had a bunch of metaphors about cookies and desserts TT_TT. I also realized that date is the day they kissed in the snow in the first season TT_TT.
Here's the other stuff I got :>
And if you want to read another ongoing series I would definitely recommend "The Pizza Delivery Man and the Gold Palace"!!! I put it on pause so I can binge the new chapters when they come out but the story is at a pretty interesting point right now.. also the smut in that manhwa is uncensored just putting that out there so you aren't startled HAHAHA.
Hope this year has been good to you so far and good luck on the start of the new term :D!!!