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Aug 8, 2022 5:45 AM
Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know |
Aug 8, 2022 6:48 AM
Aug 8, 2022 8:46 AM
That ending of him getting to sleep on Mizuhara’s lap though was perfect |
Aug 8, 2022 9:00 AM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. |
Aug 8, 2022 9:17 AM
Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. |
Aug 8, 2022 9:48 AM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. |
Aug 8, 2022 9:56 AM
Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. |
Aug 8, 2022 10:04 AM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. |
Aug 8, 2022 10:06 AM
Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. Just watch the part where he talks about the story, it's like 5-10 minutes long. |
Aug 8, 2022 11:10 AM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. Just watch the part where he talks about the story, it's like 5-10 minutes long. I have looked at the section titled Bad Writing. None of what the reviewer states is related to bad writing, only that they express their dissatisfaction of the actions of some of the characters. The reviewer does not appear to understand what bad writing entails. - Ruka: The reviewer asks why Ruka likes Kazuya and expresses their disbelief of the story. They touch upon the development of the story and the characters' feelings, but fails to outline how this is bad writing. Their argument is "character A does/feels X, I don't like that or it doesn't make sense (to me)". The quality of writing is not about what a viewer likes or dislikes about character A doing X or Y, or being rational or irrational. Moreover, it is so blatantly clear why Ruka likes Kazuya and the reviewer clearly did not understand the plot well. The reason is almost a trope in Japanese fiction. - Kazuya: The reviewer claims Kazuya is too horny, and the audience is made to relate to him. They do not describe why this amounts to bad writing (again, their argument hinges on their disatisfaction of seeing a character behave a certain way - "I don't like that character A does X"; this has nothing to do with the quality of a writing). Moreover, the reviewer does not realize that other people do not 'self-insert' when watching a show, only that they view a character's perspective; it is akin to saying many (most) people do not self-insert as their character in an MMORPG. The reviewer claims that Kazuya's horniness contradicts his love for Chizuru; this is clearly nonsense because many men do not stop checking other women out even when being in a relationship. It's a natural, biological instinct. - Chizuru: The reviewer despises episode 8 of season 1. They complain about the stalking behavior, which again is unrelated to the quality of a writing ("I don't like that character A does X"). The reviewer questions why Chizuru doesn't block him, demonstrating that he fails to understand Chizuru's character and the author's purpose when writing in that specific event. In summary, the reviewer does not understand what bad writing is, and they do not have a good grasp of the plot and the purpose of certain scenes. Did I miss anything? |
Aug 8, 2022 12:32 PM
The drinking party is my favorite tale from the manga, so far - ongoing reader. They animated it exactly as I thought it would be. Great episode! |
Aug 8, 2022 12:34 PM
Ionliosite2 said: Levi1108 said: This show is not that bad as people makes it look. And now people are hating this show not because of story but more as a trend. I mean, yes, this is pretty notorious, good that more people recognize it that way. And that’s great don’t get me wrong, but this episode was not something that I particularly liked. I mean yes it was good that Chizuru and Kazuya made up, and that she liked the gift that he gave her, but Kazuya was being kind of annoying to be quite honest. And I was someone who often defended him too, but in the past couple of episodes, it’s starting to get on my nerves. That and the fact of the excessive “adults only“ messages in terms of drinking. Yes I know that Japanese society is even more anal about underage drinking than the US is (and that’s saying a lot!) but I didn’t think that they would be this “in your face“ about it. That’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine, just as an FYI. Because it looks a little too “goody two shoes“. I also did like the fact that Chizuru was comforting Kazuya and I got a kick out of him falling asleep drunk with her like that. So overall, the episode was OK I guess. |
Aug 8, 2022 12:49 PM
I swear to God I've already seen those last two episodes in season 1 |
I don't know how signatures work |
Aug 8, 2022 3:23 PM
Kazuya doesn't need a new romantic partner, he needs a THERAPIST NOW. He has some serious issues in his head that need to be dealt with way more than getting in some girl's skirt. |
Lost my old account in the hacking accountpocalypse |
Aug 9, 2022 5:12 AM
Actually, I wait for dub episodes to be released on the app I use, because I think this anime is made for dub only. But I think it's good as I'm up to date on manga. So yeah I'd like it. |
Aug 9, 2022 11:14 AM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. Just watch the part where he talks about the story, it's like 5-10 minutes long. Hey, I just explained to you the reviewer's fallacious reasoning in that YouTube video. Was that all you wanted to show me...? |
Aug 9, 2022 11:30 AM
Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. Just watch the part where he talks about the story, it's like 5-10 minutes long. Hey, I just explained to you the reviewer's fallacious reasoning in that YouTube video. Was that all you wanted to show me...? Are you kidding me? you said that the mc behaving a certain way does not explain why he is poorly written, by that logic, the mc of redo of healer is not poory written either. What does mc want to accomplish? he wants to have an actual relationship with *that girl*, does he reveal his feelings after 250 chapters? no. He wants to have sex with every girl he sees, obviously that's bad writing, how will he have a relationship with *that girl* if he is this much of a pervert? and the only thing he wants to do is have sex with her, he does not have any other dreams, he keeps wasting his money almost every day, the mangaka obviously made him a dumb character for the comedy, but it failed. he is not funny anymore, he keeps making mistakes on mistakes, I don't know if the author wanted to make him the worst character of all time, because it clearly worked out. He is a harem mc, ofc he is poorly written, people only watch this kind of anime for the girls the mc talks with, it's obvious. I (and most of the ppl who have watched the show) think that he is a bad character. (idk what poorly written character means to you, but to me, a bad written character is someone who does things because the plot wants them to do so, there is not a single good decision he makes, he only thinks about *that girl*, how can you waste all of your money on a girl and live a normal life after that? he has never questioned himself, he never said: *maybe what I'm doing rn is wrong, I should rethink this*. He does things without thinking in the entire show, and he is an annoying character. that's why he is poorly written to me) this is the last time I'm discussing this with you since you clearly don't agree with me, which I am okay with, it's your opinion after all. so yeah, let's wrap this up here and now, bye. |
MoxxyyyyyAug 9, 2022 11:40 AM
Aug 9, 2022 12:33 PM
A rare episode where Kazuya was actually really badass, for that reason I really enjoyed this episode because I usually expect nothing from him but cringe |
Aug 9, 2022 1:47 PM
Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. The story is obviously poorly writte, a harem anime with a dogshit mc will always be poorly written, one day the author woke up and decided to come up with the most retarded shit I have ever seen. A mc that wants to have sex with every single female he sees but only loves one? yep that's the mc of rent a shit. Rental girlfriends who somehow started to like a nolife dumbass like him? yea that's a very good story, right? the author gave useless rental girlfriends more screentime than the girl who the mc actually loves, WOW WHAT GREAT WRITING SKILLS. Here I will link you an yt explaining why the show is bad, and bad means poorly written, does not it? Those 3 reasons as to why he is poorly written should be enough, the other characters are retards too, obviously. And the point of the show is to put the characters in awkward situations? That's literally so garbage, it gets repetitive as FUCK, not to mention the mc being a PUSSY and not revealing his feelings to the girl he has a crush on (I forgot both his and her name, that's how shit they are). iirc the manga has more than 250 chapters, STILL NO PROGRESSION, the author is milking the shit out of the series, how can't you end a ROM-COM within 200 chapters? the mc still has not told his feelings toward *her* and Im 100% sure the ending of the series will be him confessing, in 5-10 years, that is. You do not understand what writing quality entails. None of what you've described indicate a poorly written story, only that you do not like how the story is set up. Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Opticflash said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Moxxyyyyy said: Ionliosite2 said: Rem4lifexD said: Moxxyyyyy said: Rem4lifexD said: Great episode! Kazuya sure was happy that Mizuhara liked the plums. And she believes that he didn't do anything with Ruka either! He told Kibe that he and Mizuhara had done the deed...Oh Kazuya... And the mixer he got invited to had..Mizuhara there! She had her glasses on so no one apart from Kazuya knew it was her luckily. Kibe may have caught on to Mizuhara...but Kazuya interrupted him quickly! Protective blessings save the day! One of Mizuhara's friends took her glasses off! Luckily, all the others were drunk! Kazuya had to drink a lot to cover for Mizuhara... Well, the event was definitely a tense one for Kazuya... Looking forward to the next episode! it's time to start your second anime What do you mean??? You know the usual "you like Kanojo Okarishimasu? What a loser" type of comment. Nothing more than a bunch of haters that don't let others enjoy a series they don't like. You have Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun in your favorites, stop talking And who are you to say "stop talking" to me? lmao. And please, try to address my comment next time, tell me what is wrong if someone enjoys a shitty series? You have to make fun of someone if they like that series? Literally nothing is enjoyable about that show, ppl who enjoy it are no older than 13, the characters are badly written, even the ecchi moments are trash. Speaking of ecchi moments, they probably enjoy the show because of those, pathetic. This show is above average. what makes it above average? I wanna know The amount of emotion presented by the author and producers. what the fuck..... I know, it's quite mind-blowing right? nah, it's garbage. emotions my ass, all of the characters are weirdos. Weirdos do not define the quality of a show. Otherwise shows like Kaguya Sama and Spy x Family would be considered poorly written. idk about kaguya sama but spy x family is TRASH, if the characters are bad then the emotions they show don't rlly matter "weird" does not constitute bad character. they are badly written characters. They are not badly written characters. Weird =/= bad. THEY ARE THOUGH, I never said weird meant bad, but they are weird and bad at the same time. They are not bad though. Most are average. Chizuru is quite well written/portrayed. Weird is not a negative trait. they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. They are not bad though. You are confusing weird with poorly written character. Weird =/= negative trait, otherwise genres such as comedy would never work. That's not logical. I had no problem seeing him masturbate to his ex ¯_(ツ)_/¯. You don't get my point, them being weird alone would not make them bad, but they are poorly written, so thats what makes them trash. and u had no problem seeing that virgin masturbate to his ex? you need to rethink your life choices man You claimed that weirdness is a negative trait. I am saying it's not. You used an example of him masturbating to suggest that he's poorly written. I am saying that's not what makes him poorly written. so you think him masturbating to his ex bitch was good? and there are levels to weirdness, just a lil bit weird is fine, but he's on another fucking level, I have never seen character as down bad as him, he is also VERY poorly written, and that's a fact. The portrayal of him masturbating to his ex by itself does not define how well written he is, thus it neither makes his character good nor bad in terms of writing quality. Your whole argument is basically "I don't like seeing character A do X (or character A does weird things), therefore character A is poorly written". That's a flawed argument because preferences have nothing to do with writing quality. Dummy, he is poorly written+ weird. what part of it don't you get? all he does is simp 24/7, literally nothing else. Dummy, none of what you've described justify him being poorly written. You don't even know what that means. Weird =/= negative trait. You keep saying that weird is not a negative trait, WHEN DID I SAY THAT IT WAS? He is poorly written, tell me ONE good thing about him, I'll wait. Moxxyyyyy said: they are bad THOUGH. Remember when the mc masturbated while imagining his ex? yeah that's what I call a weirdo, and it indeed is a negative trait. There you go, quote in bold. You claimed his weirdness is a negative trait. Did you only mean to say that weirdness is a personality flaw, or that weirdness indicates poor writing? He is not poorly written. The onus is on you to justify your argument. You won't come up with anything rational anyway. yeah his weirdness is a personality flaw, for me everything about him is trash, personally - trash, writing - trash, character development - does not exist. As i said before, tell me 1 good thing about him, I will wait once again. Personality flaw is irrelevant to me; anti-heroes in any show have personality flaws. They in no way indicate the quality of a writing (nor of my enjoyment of a series), thus I do not care about such trivial things. Him having a personality flaw does not matter to me whatsoever, otherwise I'd stick only to superhero shows that teach the audience good moral values. You have in no way justified him being poorly written because you are incapable of doing so. Here, I copied facts from google since I'm too lazy to write an entire essay. This is one of the few animes that was actually physically difficult to watch. It wasn’t because it was necessarily bad, but it is one of the cringiest ones I’ve ever watched. The main character is Kazuya who is immediately dumped by his girlfriend Mami at the onset of the show. Driven by despair, Kazuya finds an app that allows you to rent a girlfriend for a date. He ends up getting Chizuru and the two have what seems like a perfect date. Of course, Chizuru was just doing her routine, it is her job after all, and Kazuya initially gets upset after seeing reviews of others describing similar dates. He books her again, ostensibly to tell her off, but during their date his grandma is apparently in the hospital and they both go to see her. The main drama gets setup here with both parties lying that they’re really dating, Chizuru’s grandma is an in-patient there too and doesn’t know about her job, and awkwardness ensues. Things are further complicated by the fact that both of them not only go to the same school, but live next to each other. Similar events occur with more and more lies causing Kazuya to keep renting Chizuru to save face. Mami also grows jealous of Kazuya now and schemes to break up the fake relationship. Apparently, as the series goes on more girls are added and it becomes harem-esque but he keeps renting Chizuru during all of it. I personally cannot deal with cringe. I don’t know if it’s because I’m too empathetic or what but watching it makes me physically uncomfortable. Kazuya keeps making poor decisions after poor decisions and ends up in so many awkward positions, and is just an awkward person in general, that I struggled to keep watching how things would turn out. Kazuya is also made very horny, to the point that we see a few of his lewd visions and implies masturbation, so that’s also a thing (oh and of course sexualized shots of the girls). This is a trash anime to be sure, though your mileage may vary on if this is the kind of trash for you. Is it trash? YES No part of this post explains why Kazuya, or the story, is poorly written. The first paragraph is a synopsis. The second paragraph explains that the reviewer is uncomfortable watching the show. That's it, nothing else. There is no insightful analysis whatsoever on the author's development of the characters and his style of writing, nor of the producer's audio and visual techniques in portraying a theme. Moreover, it's as if the reviewer did not understand that the author's main plot premise is to put the characters in awkward, tense situations via their decisions, thus making the audience "physically uncomfortable". My guess is that the reviewer does not even comprehend the point of the story. Why would I waste my time listing things that make him a poorly written character? I told you to tell me just ONE good thing about him but u did not, simply because you cant. You basically want me to describe to you one good personality trait he has which misses the point entirely. To reiterate, it is not about personality traits; they do not matter in a quality of a story nor of my enjoyment of a series. Please explain why he's poorly written. Tell me why you think he is a good written character, that's all I want to know I did not say he's a well written character. I am saying you do not have any good justification to claim that he's a poorly written character. What you've done is complain about Kazuya's behavior and the plot premise (and also failing to realize the author's focus). None of that had anything to do with what is or isn't well written. The authors main focus is to make money, that's it, he's milking the shit out of the series, a romcom that is still publishing after 250 chapters AND without any progression is poory written. Did you watch the yt video I linked you? just watch the part where he explains why the story is bad. I am not talking about the author's focus to make money. I am talking about the author's focus for the story. It's clear to me that you don't quite comprehend the author's approach. No I did not watch it, as I am busy. It would be good if you can provide a summary. I'm busy too, as I said before,I can't type an entire essay. watch the video whenever you'll be free, it explains why the story is bad perfectly. I just checked the video and it is over an hour long. No, I will not watch the video any time soon. You should be providing this information since the onus is on you to justify your view. You can even write short bullet points. Just watch the part where he talks about the story, it's like 5-10 minutes long. Hey, I just explained to you the reviewer's fallacious reasoning in that YouTube video. Was that all you wanted to show me...? Are you kidding me? you said that the mc behaving a certain way does not explain why he is poorly written, by that logic, the mc of redo of healer is not poory written either. What does mc want to accomplish? he wants to have an actual relationship with *that girl*, does he reveal his feelings after 250 chapters? no. He wants to have sex with every girl he sees, obviously that's bad writing, how will he have a relationship with *that girl* if he is this much of a pervert? and the only thing he wants to do is have sex with her, he does not have any other dreams, he keeps wasting his money almost every day, the mangaka obviously made him a dumb character for the comedy, but it failed. he is not funny anymore, he keeps making mistakes on mistakes, I don't know if the author wanted to make him the worst character of all time, because it clearly worked out. He is a harem mc, ofc he is poorly written, people only watch this kind of anime for the girls the mc talks with, it's obvious. I (and most of the ppl who have watched the show) think that he is a bad character. (idk what poorly written character means to you, but to me, a bad written character is someone who does things because the plot wants them to do so, there is not a single good decision he makes, he only thinks about *that girl*, how can you waste all of your money on a girl and live a normal life after that? he has never questioned himself, he never said: *maybe what I'm doing rn is wrong, I should rethink this*. He does things without thinking in the entire show, and he is an annoying character. that's why he is poorly written to me) this is the last time I'm discussing this with you since you clearly don't agree with me, which I am okay with, it's your opinion after all. so yeah, let's wrap this up here and now, bye. Are you kidding me? you said that the mc behaving a certain way does not explain why he is poorly written, by that logic, the mc of redo of healer is not poory written either. Correct. Statement: A character behaving at odds with what is expected is not inherently a poorly written character. Proof: Comedy often works by making characters act in strange ways, in an attempt to create a parody of reality and of normal behavior. Therefore bad writing is not a logical corollary to a character's behavior. QED. Moreover, you contradicted yourself. Previously, you claimed several times that Kazuya's personality does not inherently make him a badly written character. However, what you've stated here is at odds with what you have said earlier as you suggest that his behavior is the reason why he's badly written. Your argument boils down to "It's frustrating for me to see him do X, therefore he's badly written". He wants to have sex with every girl he sees, obviously that's bad writing, how will he have a relationship with *that girl* if he is this much of a pervert? Again, "Character A does X and I don't like it. Therefore character A is badly written". That is not a descriptor of what constitutes badly written. That is a descriptor of your distaste for characters with traits you do not like. It's a preference you have when watching a show. Moreover, there are many men who do 'want to have sex with every girl they see'. Again, many men do not stop checking out other women even while being in a relationship. Kazuya's 'horniness' is actually quite mild when considering the size of the population and the active communities involving BDSM and fetishists. I believe you have a negative view on sex. he keeps making mistakes on mistakes ... correct. That's the author's purpose. He is a harem mc, ofc he is poorly written, people only watch this kind of anime for the girls the mc talks with, it's obvious. I could not care less about the girls (besides Chizuru as she is quite well portrayed). I do not watch it to think "dammmnnn, that girl thicc af bro". I watch it for the drama involving awkward experiences and stressful situations as a result of the characters' relationships... which is the purpose of the story. (idk what poorly written character means to you, but to me, a bad written character is someone who does things because the plot wants them to do so, there is not a single good decision he makes, he only thinks about *that girl*, how can you waste all of your money on a girl and live a normal life after that? he has never questioned himself, he never said: *maybe what I'm doing rn is wrong, I should rethink this*. He does things without thinking in the entire show, and he is an annoying character. that's why he is poorly written to me) A badly written character is one where the author has trouble expressing his or her thoughts or imagination through that character, and as a result their work holds little expressive value (otherwise there'd be no purpose to a story). The character could the noble hero of the story, or the character can hold moral values that most would find detestable. The character can represent a good life or a bad life. It does not matter, as long as an author can express themselves through their work. A badly written character has no life. In a similar vein, a painting is a way for an artist to express an idea through a use of color schemes. A painting has meaning and an artist's goal is to convey an idea to the viewer, whether it is a good one or a bad one. The quality of a painting does not depend on whether I personally like the color or the theme (similarly the quality of writing for a character does not depend on whether you personally like the character's personality or agree with their actions), but rather on how the artist chose to express an idea and whether that was effective and impactful to the viewer. Bye. |
OpticflashAug 9, 2022 1:50 PM
Aug 9, 2022 4:35 PM
Aug 9, 2022 8:54 PM
Levi1108 said: This show is not that bad as people makes it look. And now people are hating this show not because of story but more as a trend. They hate the show because they hate themselves since the MC is literally the profile for who they are in real life: a bunch of degenerate losers hoping women will show them attention for once in their miserable lives |
Aug 9, 2022 10:20 PM
VKDOOM said: Levi1108 said: This show is not that bad as people makes it look. And now people are hating this show not because of story but more as a trend. They hate the show because they hate themselves since the MC is literally the profile for who they are in real life: a bunch of degenerate losers hoping women will show them attention for once in their miserable lives Nope, I have the show because it's garbage. |
Aug 10, 2022 12:31 AM
Rent a Gf just sucks in general, I don't know why I continue to watch it honestly. |
Aug 10, 2022 12:27 PM
5/5, probably my favorite episde of the entire anime , kazuya finally does something for mizuhara ,and mizuhara does it also for kazuya , and at the end of the episode we get a nice hug for a good night sleep |
Aug 10, 2022 12:29 PM
Aboogie10_ said: nope rent a girlfriend is unique , the direction is always good and the execution of the moments is beautifully handledRent a Gf just sucks in general, I don't know why I continue to watch it honestly. |
Aug 10, 2022 12:38 PM
Mack_Yeager said: Personally don't agree, but good for you dawg. Aboogie10_ said: nope rent a girlfriend is unique , the direction is always good and the execution of the moments is beautifully handledRent a Gf just sucks in general, I don't know why I continue to watch it honestly. |
Aug 10, 2022 11:46 PM
i love how kazuya is so dumb person in 2nd season also i almost put on 4 casue it most of time nothing happens |
Aug 11, 2022 9:45 AM
Watching this really hurts my brain, this guy bruh, OMG, so f*cking pathetic. I hate NTR but because of this dude, I want an NTR to happen, I want to see this dude get cucked and see the despair in his eyes as he sees his beloved Mizuhara get stolen by another dude. I don't think I can continue on to watch this... |
Aug 11, 2022 6:48 PM
A drinking party is never a good sign for Kazuya and he better come prepared cuz I know they'll get to be drinking with Ichinose Chizuru Everyone is stoned and its not looking good for Kazuya to drink like a thirsty horse three times in a row that's a bit overload, Glad to see Chizuru cared a bit for what he did still a decent and mid episode enjoyed it nonetheless. |
Aug 12, 2022 12:03 PM
Mami-san is horrified, especially in this episode |
Aug 13, 2022 12:48 PM
Love alcohol included episodes. Makes it feel for adult like and real. |
Aug 13, 2022 2:21 PM
Every time Mami comes around, the show takes a total 180 in terms of feel. It also gets super tense. But good for Ruka being the first one to stand up to that psycho. The downside is that it looks like Mami is finally going to make her move. Kazuya still irritates the hell out of me when he acts like he doesn't have a girlfriend. Makes me feel bad for Ruka. |
Aug 14, 2022 8:18 AM
Aug 14, 2022 8:44 AM
i think it's kinda boring. First season was better |
Aug 14, 2022 9:14 AM
I loved this episode. His friends sure do remind me of my university days lol. @Opticflash I'm impressed you had patience to "discuss" with that idiot. |
Aug 16, 2022 12:39 PM
ngl I really liked this episode! I'll be bold and say that the drinking party reminds me of Grand Blue... Kazuya was actually good for once, I like how he protected Ichinose here And the ending scene where Mizuhara helps Kazuya get back to his house and helps with his hangover was kinda cute. A surprise episode to be sure, but a welcome one! |
Aug 17, 2022 2:56 PM
I was sure they would end up in the same bar, at least alcohol was a good thing this time since they didn't recognize Chizuru despite having the same face without the glasses the same name and same birth date xD Also her walking him Kazuya at home was cute, I thought he would throw up on her same though at some point but falling asleep is much better |
Aug 28, 2022 2:06 AM
meh it was ok i guess |
Aug 29, 2022 6:28 PM
actually amazing episode. season 2 as a whole has been a turning point from an anime that i liked but was painful to watch to something that i binge watched. |
Aug 30, 2022 3:54 PM
I thought this was another decent episode. While there are still cringe-filled moments, Kazuya had Chizuru's back by purposefully losing at those drinking games so that she wouldn't have to drink excessively and she had his back by walking him home and helping him get into his apartment, and she even stayed for a bit and patted his back while he threw up on the toilet. It'll be interesting to see if he remembers falling asleep on her the next day. |
Sep 5, 2022 4:44 AM
Was mid, feels like slice of life but something important should be happening |
Sep 19, 2022 9:40 AM
most human episode so far,didn't even feel like if it was anime anymore |
Sep 19, 2022 10:29 AM
Sep 21, 2022 3:40 PM
enjoyable altho the first season was marginably better tbh |
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