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Jul 25, 2009 1:57 AM
Aug 13, 2009 8:30 AM
I'm absolutely satisfied with the Asa ending. I've been rooting for her from the beginning, she was definitely the coolest of them all! :3 But I never really believed they would end up together, not until I finally saw it. xD And honestly, the characters and their development / history made the show. This is what harem anime should look like!! 9/10 |
Aug 13, 2009 1:24 PM
Well I can't say I liked the last episode... I feel like I missed something :X |
Aug 25, 2009 6:08 AM
Saorin said: I'm absolutely satisfied with the Asa ending. I've been rooting for her from the beginning, she was definitely the coolest of them all! :3 But I never really believed they would end up together, not until I finally saw it. xD And honestly, the characters and their development / history made the show. This is what harem anime should look like!! 9/10 that makes us 2 xD |
Sep 8, 2009 9:07 AM
Saorin said: I'm absolutely satisfied with the Asa ending. I've been rooting for her from the beginning, she was definitely the coolest of them all! :3 But I never really believed they would end up together, not until I finally saw it. xD And honestly, the characters and their development / history made the show. This is what harem anime should look like!! 9/10 afterall this is not harem anime xD it just a harem-VN adaptation with a lil fan-services(yes just a lil) |
Sep 18, 2009 3:10 PM
I love ending this ep xD |
Sep 18, 2009 3:17 PM
To me Shuffle was boring. There are maaaany similar anime that are 100 times better than this. |
Sep 22, 2009 8:20 AM
setsuna91 said: afterall this is not harem anime xD it just a harem-VN adaptation with a lil fan-services(yes just a lil) Eh? Sorry, but what did I miss? There are several girls obviously in love with/fighting for a male protagonist. Sounds like Harem to me =D And it doesn't matter what the original game was like. Plus, most of these games that are turned into anime turn out to be harem anime, so sorry, but I don't see your point. |
Sep 23, 2009 1:44 PM
Morkand-san said: To me Shuffle was boring. There are maaaany similar anime that are 100 times better than this. You know what they say about opinions... |
Speed is Life - 1st ID... patch on my shoulder. |
Sep 26, 2009 2:43 PM
When I first watching the series, when I saw Asa Shigure; I kinda want Asa to be with Rin at that moment. I never thought though that it would happen. So, I'm really glad that Rin chose Asa. Haha! +1 Also even if it was made peaceful ending on purpose - I'm glad. Throughout 3 entire eps I was like "If Asa's goin' to die I'm gonna hurt someone reeeeaaally baaaad". I guess my feelings could be best described by reading cyruz's review. As he stated - there are moment when I laughed my ass off, moments where I was angry, moments of suspense and surprise and moments where I was thinking "what the fuck just happened?". And that's a big positive. After all I have a "different" method of rating anime. I don not ever give rating 1-3. 4 is a total crapshit and so raising to 9 is how I liked it so an anime that receives 9 is great at every point and I appreciate it a lot. But with 10's it's a bit different. I can give a 10 to anime that I loved really strong or hated as hell. Why is that? Because for me 10 is a strict emotional rating. Thus if I am seriously moved and my feelings are touched (f.e. tears, fastened heartbeat, a hidious frustration and so on.) it means the creators suceeded. That's why it exists - to give emotions and if one is able to release some strong emotions in me - that deserves 10. Therefore even though I really really enjoyed the happy ending and that I like them in general and the fact that it still is 10/10 for me I feel that It would still be better (like 11/10) if Asa died. That may be cruel but I just see that it would give a stronger impact. I was wondering really strong wether or not rate it just 9 (just xD) but considering that at one moment (that was in ep 21 I guess though I'm not sure) while watching I allmost choked to death eating chips. That and many more situations finally decided about the rating. |
Sep 26, 2009 6:07 PM
I think Asa was the most suitable canidate. Why? Because her and Rin had the most realistic and down to earth relationship out them all. She didn't praise him and treat him like a king like the others did, it was normal. DarthNicolas said: It was really ok,and tho I would have preferred him to end up with some other girl*points at Kaede* it still went smoothly... Possibly the worst choice. Kaede needed to get her independance, that what that whole arc was about! If she ended up with Rin, that whole arc was pointless. Sia and Nerinine were in too much of a direct rivalary for Rin to pick one. Sia would have been the worst choice because the God Realm allows multible wives, this would have allowed his whole harem to be with him... That would have just been a lame ending >_<. And it would just be odd if he ended with Primula, she was treated as the little sister. All in all it was a good ending. = ) |
Oct 13, 2009 1:57 PM
Nov 6, 2009 3:17 AM
Nov 15, 2009 6:33 PM
Rin proved me wrong AGAIN! Yeah. He's done it. I didn't really predict that he'd get her to use magic the way he did until they showed the box cutter on the mountain. I always thought she would just give in like every other girl did... I still love Asa. So glad she lived! Kaede seems to have gotten better. She had too many issues for her to be with Rin. Some reason, earlier with all the Sia stuff. I was sure it was going to be them. But I'm glad it was Asa 9/10 |
Dec 6, 2009 3:36 PM
![]() How surprising.. The anime went the same route as what I would have done so. After finding Asa-san at the place where they had gone on a date several episodes before, Asa-san had reached her limit and is about to die when Rin came up with a great idea that would save her life and force her to use her magical power. Rin killed himself and was going to die of excessive blood loss. Even if it was emergency, it would had been too late. Thus, Asa-san had forgotten about not to use her magical powers no matter what and used it. A happy ending! Actually, it doesn't end there.. For some strange reason, the feelings between Asa-san and Kaede had become good again. Oh sweet! No nice boat ending with a berserk Kaede. Anyhow, Asa-san did not find it as a problem for Rin to continue spending time with Kaede and the others. However, Rin has to eat the bento made by Asa-san before eatting any other bentos if he could eat that much to begin with. Aside from that, Asa-san had also found a new part-time, she works at Kareha-sempai's place. Honestly, I wouldn't have expected it will turn out with a happy ending when a few episodes before, it looked so much like the nice boat one. Now that I have finished the anime, onwards to the visual novel.. |
Dec 12, 2009 3:08 AM
Overall a very good anime. At first, it just like tipical anime harem but the more you watch it the more the story get better. I'm ok with Rin being end up with Asa but i feel pretty sorry for Kaede. Her arc is the best arc imo although its creepy to imagine a elementry school kid doing such thing. I think she deserve more happiness. Too bad it's too late for her to let Rin know her true feeling. But this ending isn't bad either, i'm pretty satisfied with it. PS : I'm glad Kaede did'nt become like Yuka from 11 Eyes |
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Dec 17, 2009 7:28 PM
I love this series, but I prefer Kaede for Rin..T_T |
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Dec 21, 2009 12:20 PM
Dec 29, 2009 8:00 PM
I liked the ending. But personally, when I watch harem, I don't usually don't really care who the character ends up with as long as it makes sense, and for Rin, Asa did makes sense. The whole time I thought he was gonna end up with Kadae and that this was going to be just another friends to lovers story, but it wasn't. At all the important parts in the story, there were twists that made it different from all the other predictable anime. Asa really did seem like the best choice. Sure the, the other girls all loved Rin, but none of them really seemed quite right. And after Kadae completely lost it, you knew she wasn't going to be the one. And I absolutely love the scene where Rin cuts himself. When he took out the knife you could kinda see it coming, but it still got to me. I was actually cringing when I watched that and loved every second of it. All in all, this was a good series that had it's high points during the really dramatic parts. 8/10. But both scenes with the exacto-knives get 10/10 (the one in the ending, and the one in the long Kadae flashback) because those were jost so bad a**. |
Dec 30, 2009 5:25 PM
LOVED IT! A REAL ending and a great one too. Everything was cleared up even between Ama-chan and the Lords (though indirectly), everybody's life is back on track. Sia and Kaede, future lovers ? ;) |
Jan 13, 2010 3:52 AM
The beginning always foreshadowed that this anime was heading for a major turning point. In the beginning, it was a typical but sweet harem style anime where a cute girl takes care of a lazy but nice guy and they are at home alone and living together, where some upper class girls and an oddball come into the scene and mess up that two-person relationship. Then comes the scenes where Rin is having nightmares of a rainy day and an argument with a younger version of Kaede. I knew immediately after that where Kaede was going to stand as a character later on in the story. I took a deep breath, kept my calm, braced myself, and clicked on the "Episode 19" button, and when it was over, it was still as soul-crushing as I expected and left me in utter shock and disbelief, despite my previous hypotheses. The way that it turned out in the beginning story, the ONLY logical and fair choice would be Kaede, since she was introduced as a character who was childhood friends with Rin, shared the same pain as Rin, and cares for him deeply. Asa was a maybe, but Kaede was definitely an obvious pick...then later on in the story, Kaede turns from a caretaker angel to a sadistic, homicidal lunatic... I can't really make myself believe that this giant U-turn of a plot made a better anime than the cliched, merry, happy-ending of a harem fairy tale (I.E: Love Hina), yet I can't make myself believe that this twist made a worse anime either... The creators focuses SO much on the change between a light and happy setting, to a dark and secretive underground synopsis of all the characters, they even made the color of the later episodes duller to create a depressing effect. Have you guys noticed it too? Watch an episode from 1-5 then compare it to 20-24. EVERYTHING is duller in color, to signify tension, strife, and suffering. But in general, this anime was cheesy in some areas, the dramatic effects MIND BLOWING, and the plot confusing, but satisfying somehow. I rate it 9/10. |
Chopst1cksJan 13, 2010 3:55 AM
Jan 14, 2010 10:32 PM
hirahira said: I thought he would end up with Kaede but I was glad he ended up with Asa. this was the first time in a harem anime that the guy ended up with the right girl. I dont see why so many people were upset about it. He picked the girl that was actually sane and who wasn't clingy. what's wrong with that? ^QFT (also most of what Sloth-X said at the top of this page) But I guess everyone has their own preference of girl Asa was definitely the one who always cared about how Rin felt and was helping him out. I was up and down on how much I liked the other characters, but Asa was solid pretty much all the way through... Except (this didn't make me dislike her character or anything and I guess they needed it for the drama, but I still have to say it:) her reason to not want to use magic made zero sense. Rin said as much - and couldn't he have tried saying what he said BEFORE resorting to a suicide attempt? Though I suppose what he did was the most sure way since he gave her something to actually use magic on that she really cared about. Anyway, it worked well enough and I can't say I disliked these final arcs (they were better than most of the series - for me anyway). |
Jan 14, 2010 11:47 PM
I liked this series very much but, I feel it got off track from the original premise. First we have heaven/hell (if you will) battling for the affectiong of the male lead. Okay. Then at the end this is nowhere to be seen? I wish if they intended to use this they should have kept it, otherwise why not make them normal girls? I loved the psycho child you killed my parents flash backs, the most unexpected and shocking twist I think I have ever seen. Kudos for giving me a stunner with that one. As for the ending it was good I'm glad they made a desicion and gave us a pick em and did not pull a Mabuharo and try to dodge a bullet. I'd rather have a solid conclusion than some flim flam well lets keep the guy clueless and still unable to choose! |
Jan 18, 2010 7:20 PM
First thing's first: I wish he woulda went for Sia. Oh well, the red head hottie with a mischievous twin sister living inside of her will have to wait for her time to shine. Anyways, I thought it was an interesting way to Asa to use her magic...even though we all kinda saw it coming. But first thing I thought when she got her long hair was "OMG, C2?!" But yeah, whatever. I'm just babbling now. Its cute how Primula started school with everyone! And I'm loving how she's more outgoing with everyone. She was hilarious in a subtle way during the day at school half of the episode. But what gets me about this entire series, with it's interesting plot twists and such, is that one guy who has like, what, 5 lines and you only see him 5 times, maybe less in the series. The dude that approaches Rin at school and Rin asks him "Who are you?" The dude that was hiding around a corner every time one of the girl's fanclubs decided to attack Rin. Who the hell is that guy? It's driving me insane!! Anyways, good series, I enjoyed it a lot! :) Kira01 said: Actually, it doesn't end there.. For some strange reason, the feelings between Asa-san and Kaede had become good again. Oh sweet! No nice boat ending with a berserk Kaede. But you gotta admit... ...that was a NICE boat. |
DarkIceXIIIJan 18, 2010 10:05 PM
Jan 20, 2010 12:44 PM
wow. the most shocking (and interesting) part of this episode was during the credits where kaede fell on top of sia and the two shared a fond exchange of saliva. i dare say that is the most suggestive moment of this series, topping even all the nude scenes. |
HevrothJan 20, 2010 1:28 PM
Jan 27, 2010 12:35 AM
umm... I may have missed this but, as for the credits, is the sia x kaede smooch part of the actual of the visual novel foreshadowing into a yuri ending (for the asa route i would suppose) or just an anime fanservice....and is there actually a polygamy harem route in the game. I would really like to play it but the translation isnt finished. |
Feb 2, 2010 6:45 PM
lol watching this anime was pleasing, entertaining, the end = predictable, but loved it none the less, Asa being Rins choice was pleasing (I approve), though the choice between Sia and Asa would of been hard for me personally (but thats just me), and Kaede... i've heard that name in so many animes lately i wonder if its a trend (no offense)? either that or just heard it repeated so many times in anime it just kinda got stuck in my brain... *sigh* and the episodes when Kaede went insane i was like OH GOD not another "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" like anime!!! but luckily that wasnt the case (thank you creators of Shuffle! u made me happy) but yeah good anime even though i feel kinda like its missing something but oh well beats me anyways so yeah hope u enjoyed the anime as much as i did! thanks for reading, laterz |
Feb 18, 2010 11:36 PM
Wow this Anime was AMAZING! It prety much makes you feel every emotion possible, and it has such a great story to tell I really enjoyed it, I got scared near the middle i though Kaede was gona go school days on us D: Woot Asa FTW i wanted her to win from the begining!! I also totaly saw Kaede and Sia going lesbo... Great series |
![]() |
Feb 21, 2010 3:20 AM
Mar 17, 2010 3:02 AM
Mar 20, 2010 12:57 AM
Misel_chan said: i hated!!!!!! i hated this anime huh... why rin chose asa-san!!! asa-sempai older than rin!!!! huff... i hate this anime!!! huh... >.< bad ending!!! yah....I'd rather choose Rin-chan and marry Sia-chan(polygamy) ^^.. Kaede is a good character but a tsundere.....Horrible eyes !!!!! |
Apr 11, 2010 1:41 PM
babykeiji said: I felt the same way.Haha! When I first watching the series, when I saw Asa Shigure; I kinda want Asa to be with Rin at that moment. I never thought though that it would happen. So, I'm really glad that Rin chose Asa. Haha! At first i thought this was going to be your typical romcom harem, but it turned into a freaking emotional roller-coaster in the second half. 8/10, and i was thinking 5-6 before... |
Apr 23, 2010 7:46 PM
DeathfireD said: DarthNicolas said: It was really ok,and tho I would have preferred him to end up with some other girl*points at Kaede* it still went smoothly... I totally agree. From the way it started and was progressing it seemed like Kaede would be the first choice for Rin. After all she took care of him, made lunch for him, and showed great affection because she loved him. I liked Asa at the start too. We all knew she liked Rin but she kept it strictly as a sister brother type connection because she knew Kaede really loved him. I had great respect for Asa because of that. Through out the whole series we barely see Kaede but when we do see her we notice she does things a g/f or wife would do for their b/f or husband. And because of her lack of screen time I was pretty sure they would have their own ark at the end where he finally notices all the work shes been doing for him and the way shes been acting and finally ask her out. Then we have the date with Asa. This is when the show took a weird turn for me. All of a sudden everyone around Rin seemed to just pick Asa as his significant other because he was having more fun with her. That kind of irritated me but I still didn't lose hope in Kaede. She still didn't have her ark/air time yet so I was still waiting. Then comes the whole Asa being sick arc where Rin basically treats Kaede like shit, ignores her, and totally disregards her feelings. It's no wonder she snapped after a few days. Her whole world has been based on being with Rin and now he basically said leave me alone I don't need you right now. Then we find out the only reason Rin's allowed Kaede to pamper him was because he's scared she would kill herself. He mentions the whole time he assumed the reason she pampered him was to atone for her past mistakes, which was not the case. She did all those things because she loved Rin and just wanted to be with him. Which he never got and by the time he heard her confession it was to late. So in the end my opinion of Rin went from really positive to really negative. The whole series he was seen muttering to him self "was I really not paying attention to all their feelings?" every time something went wrong with one of the girls but he never once mentions this when Kaede is braking down and crying. It's as if he just didn't want to deal with her at all. I think there where so many better ways for him to express his self to her at the time. It's to bad he had to be an asshat. The ending was nice and all but it just didn't feel right to me. After the whole ignoring of Kaede, I just didn't have that "Rin is a genuine nice guy" feeling anymore and I was left with bitter feelings and a false resolve. Kaede went from being a broken down suicidal girl to normal as if nothing happened. Which I think the producers did intentionally just to end the show and keep everyone on a positive note. I probably would have given this show a 9/10 if I still had the same opinion about Rin all the way through the show even if he did end up with Asa in the end. But since he turned into an asshat I dropped my rank to an 8/10. Yeah... that's pretty much how I felt too. My first choice would've been Kaede followed by Cici. |
Apr 28, 2010 10:33 PM
watch the epi 20..near the end Rin : I've been thinking. Kaede : What have you been thinking Rin? Rin:Well , I think its time for me to leave this house. Kaede:huh?! *Primula drops her towel* this is what went on her mind 'your gonna leave me behind with this psycho?'xDDD |
Apr 30, 2010 1:48 AM
May 3, 2010 7:45 PM
May 5, 2010 9:51 AM
Laevantein said: Asa win yeah! i like her in the game so of course she is my fav XD She is a pure bitch!!!!!!!!!!! |
May 11, 2010 7:25 PM
Haha, I gotta be honest. I enjoyed the fact that I didn't know who he was gonna pick by episode 2. Nice change. |
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Jun 20, 2010 6:53 AM
DeathfireD said: You could not have said it better man i really really felt it wrong in the last couple episodes in where they make Kaede character brake down in insanity really felt sad because i knew she was not going to edn with him after that... Asa was ok also but like you said everyone had problems and feelngs and it seemed the anime focuses more on Asa problems rather than the other girls. I would have loved Kaede as the winner it seemed like she deserved it but w/e good ending lol WTF with that last kiss Kaede and Sia that was funny and confusing.DarthNicolas said: It was really ok,and tho I would have preferred him to end up with some other girl*points at Kaede* it still went smoothly... I totally agree. From the way it started and was progressing it seemed like Kaede would be the first choice for Rin. After all she took care of him, made lunch for him, and showed great affection because she loved him. I liked Asa at the start too. We all knew she liked Rin but she kept it strictly as a sister brother type connection because she knew Kaede really loved him. I had great respect for Asa because of that. Through out the whole series we barely see Kaede but when we do see her we notice she does things a g/f or wife would do for their b/f or husband. And because of her lack of screen time I was pretty sure they would have their own ark at the end where he finally notices all the work shes been doing for him and the way shes been acting and finally ask her out. Then we have the date with Asa. This is when the show took a weird turn for me. All of a sudden everyone around Rin seemed to just pick Asa as his significant other because he was having more fun with her. That kind of irritated me but I still didn't lose hope in Kaede. She still didn't have her ark/air time yet so I was still waiting. Then comes the whole Asa being sick arc where Rin basically treats Kaede like shit, ignores her, and totally disregards her feelings. It's no wonder she snapped after a few days. Her whole world has been based on being with Rin and now he basically said leave me alone I don't need you right now. Then we find out the only reason Rin's allowed Kaede to pamper him was because he's scared she would kill herself. He mentions the whole time he assumed the reason she pampered him was to atone for her past mistakes, which was not the case. She did all those things because she loved Rin and just wanted to be with him. Which he never got and by the time he heard her confession it was to late. So in the end my opinion of Rin went from really positive to really negative. The whole series he was seen muttering to him self "was I really not paying attention to all their feelings?" every time something went wrong with one of the girls but he never once mentions this when Kaede is braking down and crying. It's as if he just didn't want to deal with her at all. I think there where so many better ways for him to express his self to her at the time. It's to bad he had to be an asshat. The ending was nice and all but it just didn't feel right to me. After the whole ignoring of Kaede, I just didn't have that "Rin is a genuine nice guy" feeling anymore and I was left with bitter feelings and a false resolve. Kaede went from being a broken down suicidal girl to normal as if nothing happened. Which I think the producers did intentionally just to end the show and keep everyone on a positive note. I probably would have given this show a 9/10 if I still had the same opinion about Rin all the way through the show even if he did end up with Asa in the end. But since he turned into an asshat I dropped my rank to an 8/10. |
Jun 27, 2010 5:17 PM
I rate this show 5/10 : First of all, the only way to enjoy this show is to only watch ep 1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Everything between ep 2 and 18 is totally crap. the 3 supernatural girl's arc + that flat chest wierd color eyes girl arc are so boring and pointless. Second, the creator of this show wanted something original and didn't want the main male character to end up with the "childhood friend" but he completely failed this part. I don't blame the male character's decision, actually everything shown in kaede's arc is logic and a clever way to explain why the hell this guy living with a girl who's doing everything for him and won't end up with her. BUT, they've put all the efforts in this arc and not in the other girl's arc. It's possible to conclude that he might end up with kaede also, everything is possible inside's the main characters head. That's not the point. The point is : Why the hell did he choose the other girl ? That's the mistake here, the creator of the show was trying to fool us from the beginning but never explained this part. Why would he choose the random girl who has almost nothing to do with him in his childhood, who keeps beating him up (lol).Instead of developing this part, they tried to literally screw with kaede's character and make her look like a psycho who deserves all the pain. Third, the last 2 episodes are actually OK, didn't except the ending. The suicide attempt is good, but I still don't get why he cares so much about this girl. Yes, I may sound biased, but facts are facts. |
Jul 24, 2010 7:51 PM
Aug 4, 2010 2:05 AM
They kinda skimped on the animation in the second half... come on guys, get it together. But you know, I really don't care. It's somewhat shocking that this was adapted from an eroge, because the whole thing just works extremely well. The drama in the past few episodes was needed and pulled off beautifully, and actually fleshed out the characters very well (unlike almost every other harem ever). Also, unlike some harems, all the characters are likeable. I didn't really like Primula in the beginning, but now at the end here, I even like her too. An anime focused around pure emotions and the interactions of past and present love. 10/10 DeathfireD said: So in the end my opinion of Rin went from really positive to really negative. The whole series he was seen muttering to him self "was I really not paying attention to all their feelings?" every time something went wrong with one of the girls but he never once mentions this when Kaede is braking down and crying. It's as if he just didn't want to deal with her at all. I think there where so many better ways for him to express his self to her at the time. It's to bad he had to be an asshat. You know, in many ways I'm on your side. I was literally cringing in my seat every time I saw Kaede get brushed off, one by one the invisible punches flew, and I actually looked away and sucked in sharply as another mental needle was pushed into Kaede. He really was rediculously unaware of this. However, in my experience this is exactly the feeling you feel when you're in love with someone else. You feel on top of the world, and literally, for a small time, everything else in your life becomes unimportant, until you're brought down from that temporary "high". It was unrealistic in the way that Rin reacted to Kaede's obvious pleas for help, but at this point he was so busy thinking about other things that he didn't have the time to notice her. As a big fan of Kaede, it was a rivoting few episodes for me, but it showed something that I think needs to be shown in harems: They just don't work out easily. Somewhere along the way, some troubles are going to arise, and when you have this many people deeply in love with one man, there's bound to be some mental breakdowns. To me, it was the story of how these girls' loves had the ability to break them down emotionally, but at the same time, their friendships with each other allowed them to rebuild themselves. |
theeggman85Aug 4, 2010 2:16 AM
Sep 16, 2010 9:35 PM
I think modern Harem genre should become more like Amagami SS. Not entirely the same concept but at least a spin off so each character gets a chance like in the eroge instead of the directors choosing the character for us. But then again, in the anime, the guy ISNT us now is he? But it would be fun to see different ending arcs. I didnt like the fact that he choose Asa because the only reason he choose her is because all the other girls were in a way mentally unstable. But hey, this is the reality of Harems. (Not the all the other girls are mentally unstable part) I was hopping it turned into like School Days but no luck there. If you guys arent satisfied with the ending, go play the eroge. Thats the main reason they made the anime anyways. |
Oct 3, 2010 8:55 PM
Oct 10, 2010 5:27 AM
anyone know where i can download the english/subbed version of this game? |
Oct 19, 2010 8:06 PM
kiem said: 'your gonna leave me behind with this psycho?'xDDD lol'ed XD otaku1793 said: anyone know where i can download the english/subbed version of this game? dude, I think this is against the rule... =( I rated this show 6/10, don't like the ending how suddenly a sub character(which I'm not interested) became a main character in the end.... |
Nov 1, 2010 4:17 PM
Dec 5, 2010 1:03 AM
Okay I had some major problems with this anime. First and foremost, the entire premise that the show set up was utterly meaningless to the plot. It's set up that he meets these two girls, one being the daughter of God, the other the daughter of the Devil. The whole premise of the show is that he will marry one of these two. Neither is the "winner" and actually neither even seemingly come close. This brings me to the next point. Asa, really? Why is he in love with this girl? In terms of actual development throughout the story, Asa is almost a nobody. Out of the four girls, Kaede was the most obvious and probably the most chosen by fans for him to end up with. I'm fine with her not winning. But what the heck is up with this psychopath all of the sudden? She becomes an obsessive nutjob out of like nowhere. Yeah they explain it, but her whole personality took a 180. Actually this brings me to my next point. Sia. Seriously, it seemed like he was getting really close to her. He goes on a date with her, they get intimate at the beach. Things just seemed to go right for them. All of the sudden, everybody is like "he loves Asa" and after they say that, Sia is just randomly neglected. For no reason at all, he just seemingly stops having feelings for her. This is one of the things that ticked me off the most. The Primula storyline, what was the point? That's all I have to say to that, because I thought about quitting on the show at that point. Nerine, this girl got like nothing. Her arc was shorter and had less of a romance to it than the others. It was like she was never ever in the running for winning because she never got to do anything. The ending was terrible. So Kaede goes from being a loyal and normal person, to a complete psychopath, to a normal person so easily? This makes no sense. Everybody being happy in a harem ending is pretty normal for the genre, but Kaede as a character does a 180 then a 180 right back. In conclusion, there was a lot I disliked about this show. I can't say I completely hated it because I did enjoy it at times. I didn't really hate Asa as the choice, but I felt like there really wasn't a reason she should've won. Rin was pretty typical for the genre, but I found myself hating him more than the typical lead. I give it a 5/10. |
Jan 24, 2011 4:42 AM
Very good post, Grimwolf. I agree with most of it, except that I can see the whole "I like Kaede, oh, nevermind, I like Asa" thing happening. And that makes Kaede go bananas. Her return to sanity tho is just like you said - very strange. I didn't know that this was an "eroge" adaptation when I started watching this - but it shows. The story is crap, the characters are crap. I guess that's the disadvantage of not reading reviews or synopses before watching a show. You're not gonna get spoiled but you might have to suffer through a piece of shit like this. |
I don't know karate, but I know karazy |
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