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Jun 27, 2022 8:29 AM

Nov 2011
Tbh, this episode feel kinda rushed but it did feel polished in terms of emotional content and acton scenes.

There's a sense of fear on the battlefield with everything on the line. Sadly, not everyone was in active condition to fight in the end. It feels like the global conflict between the superpowers in this anime is still far from over. A sad but also acceptable fate in their timeline.
Jun 27, 2022 9:27 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Seems Gai was exhausted so the other two came out to help him. Amou and Gai's special finishing move Bardiche Breaker! It allowed them to get the win against the stupid Brad Watt...
Gai fading away was pretty sad...

Well, I believe this is the finale and it seems that all the global conflict has not been settled yet and the episode was quite fast paced. I'm hoping for a new season at some point since this was a fun show.
Jun 27, 2022 9:29 AM

Jul 2017
The climax of the NJCO vs. NAC boundary war: Amou in his AMAIM Kenbu vs. Brad Watt in his AMAIM Ghost. The AI assistance is sorely needed at this stage.

Amou getting all the help he needs with Gai with Kei and Nayuta against Brad, while Dialo faces against the mastermind German Gobert, and the last-minute upgrade of the unmanned AIs through reprogramming them the same way as how Ghost is programmed.

Many like Amou seek peace, but for people whom seek violence like Brad, they're their own spokespeople to bring their own good and evil. And Amou, having been through this journey with Gai, it's monumental and fitting for such an end that he wouldn't expect his AI to lose its life for their special attack.

In the end, peace negotiations cross both entities, Brad Watt barely survived, and everyone's lives are back to normal. Even Amou, whom Gai has reverted to a newborn baby status, and taking him on a journey, closing the AMAIM chapter once and for all.

Overall as a series, it's just mediocre and a big Gunpla advertisement. Nothing has ever changed my perception of this show.
Jun 27, 2022 9:55 AM

Jun 2015
That was some timely backup from Kei and Nayuta there. Still it shows just how much the AI's provide to the team in battle. Brad's father really is one cunning SOB. Maki's turning of the tide though was damm effective. Amou's motivation was much more relatable and heartfelt. Public safety sure struck timely. The battle between Brad and Amou really was impressive but in the end it was teamwork and not ambition that won. Im glad that the yanks decided to go for peace though. Guess they didn't want to be humiliated when they get pushed out. Though i had a hunch that there was more to Brad than his ambition it's nice to see there was also a good side to him that ensured that this war was ended before it got worst. In the end im glad that Gai didn't die though it will take some time for him to evolve back to his old self. Still baby Gai sure was cute. Overall a decent ending to the series but one that managed to tie up all the loose ends and end it on a high note. Amou's visit to all those that he met along the way was a nice way to end the ep with.
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Jun 27, 2022 11:01 AM
Feb 2021
Really enjoyed this finale. I think this was a solid end to the series and I wouldn't want any more seasons.
Jun 27, 2022 11:02 AM

Jun 2011
Lol to think that Amou driving force was his friendship with an IA... I wonder what was the message of this show. In the end we had bland characters, not very interesting action scenes, mecha design were meh, no romance, 0 charismatic characters, nothing to remember actually.
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Jun 27, 2022 11:22 AM
Sep 2015
Any potential of growing a new robot franchise is lost when there's a casualty, I want Gundam Build back better.
Jun 27, 2022 11:29 AM

Jan 2019
is this the end of kyoukai senki?

Jun 27, 2022 12:46 PM
Jan 2014
I thought the AI and main trio were likable throughout, which just makes me wish they had a better show to be in.
A lot of shows try to develop some sort of a theme or message throughout, with the climax of the finale usually hammering it home. I'm really struggling to figure out what they were going for here, especially at the end. Working together and persevering will save the day? Everyone loves Japan and its culture, even non-Japanese people, so it will never be defeated? I don't know. At least the fight was cool and they clearly put what budget they had into it. I'm used to anime not really killing off characters, but I thought the way no one died was super cheap. We already had that at the end of last season, but that's a fairly "normal" way of creating a cliffhanger for a sequel - just how will they survive? But in this episode Brad and Gai's "deaths" were both fake outs. Brad literally exploded, and Gai disappeared. The good guys finally defeated Ghost, and Brad exposed his father which would go on to ensure peace, but both of those actions required sacrifices. Except no, they both survived albeit with injuries and in Gai's case memory loss. No one dies unless it's a small side character in order to motivate the main characters I guess, which again isn't unheard of in anime but I wish they tried to do something to give the series finale a bit of punch.
That being said, I'll forgive all of this if we get a spin-off about Shion reviving the art of Japanese pottery.
Jun 27, 2022 1:48 PM
May 2022
I stuck with this show all the way through but yeah it just felt average in my opinion. Nothing super memorable.
Jun 27, 2022 2:22 PM
Nov 2020
I enjoyed this show but this last episod felt very rushed :/ all back to normal just a week after the war?
Lovely piano version of "you're my perfect mirror" as insert song ♡
Jun 27, 2022 2:52 PM

Jan 2018
Such an enormous waste of 25 episodes worth of resources that Sunrise probably should have put into more worthwhile projects.
Jun 27, 2022 5:33 PM

Dec 2015
Perfect ending, with some possibility of new seasons, because the Japan still on the most part of the island, hostage of other nation, so they can create from here a nice franchise, Sunrise again with amazing fights, using only the essential, without that horror show of CGI (less Macross franchise, they're mastered it).

For anyone who liked a lot this show, I recommend to watch Egao no Daika, it's better but
it's like this one, they explore more the worst of the war than the mecha battles itself.
Jun 27, 2022 9:45 PM

Jun 2021
LOL, so Gai was really just exhausted? They really made us think that it was something worse. And everything Brad did was just to get back at Spears and German. Overall, this is a solid finale. A lot of people slept on this show but I’m glad I stuck with it until the very end.
Jun 27, 2022 10:21 PM

Feb 2012
I can't believe I let myself get baited by that ending of ep 2 hoping the entire season for something interesting. A lot of wasted potential with what they could have done with Amou's character.

Lackluster finale and ended up being overall pretty mediocre like the 1st season.

Jun 27, 2022 11:18 PM
Jan 2020
This was kind of better than S1 but it's still overall an all around mediocre show. The ending is just lackluster.
Jun 27, 2022 11:27 PM

Jan 2011
with our poor mecha dying breed i don't deny this being a waste of sunrises resources when we could've just gotten more build fighter hell even the last one people didn't love that much at the start was good

did i hate my time with this? no was it boring? for the most part at least in the first cour i don't know what happen but if only the later half of the 2nd cour ended up being most of the show it would've ended up half decent sadly they might've planned for more but cut their ties with it giving us a rushed ending

overall 6.5/10 sure am excited for some more gundam now since i don't think they will be doing much more with this one
Jun 28, 2022 4:57 AM

Feb 2019
Brad's motivations seemed to be all over the place.

What did his obsession with fighting Amou have to do with exposing his father's corruption? He was whining about AI during the entire fight, like he wanted to do away with AI, kind of the "It is well that war is so terrible, or else we would grow too fond of it" type of mentality, but he was obsessed with fighting piloted mechs, and he was the one who was so obsessed with developing more advance AI for mechs.

German's motivations didn't seem to go with his actions either....if you hate mercenaries and soldiers, then why are you basically inciting a war to create more of them?

Not to mention bringing them in as a major plot point at the very end seems weird. This should have been only 12 episodes, then maybe the story wouldn't have meandered so much.

Of course I never understood why 4 separate super powers were so obsessed with fighting over Japan anyway, there was basically nothing there of value after their economy collapsed.

Honestly, I am trying to decide if this is any better than Muv-Luv Alternative, both of them are Mecha shows with plots that seem to meander all over the place and make little sense.

Silent_Shadow05 said:
LOL, so Gai was really just exhausted? They really made us think that it was something worse. .

No, apparently Gai was destroyed for some reason...not sure why he was destroyed just because the new Zero AI robot blew up, and not sure why the others weren't destroyed too. They had a backup of Gai, but he doesn't have any of the memories of what happened since the beginning of the series, basically the Gai there at the end is a baby.
Jun 28, 2022 4:57 AM

Nov 2010
During this series was airing, I watched Gargantia again. It's a kind of similar SF anime in which giant robots with highly developed AI support system appear. Although the show was made about 10 years ago, the quality of animation and the plot are far better than this show. Try it if you want something to refresh your eyes.
kuroneko99Jun 28, 2022 6:09 PM
Jun 28, 2022 8:25 AM
Nov 2020
Great finale. I don't think there would be a second season. I was mad when Brad was fighting with Amou and the words that came out of his mouth TG it was all his ploy to take down his father. He is a hero in his own way.
Jun 28, 2022 11:12 AM

Nov 2014
Well, that was a wet fart of an ending. That could apply to the whole series though, so it's not a surprise. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have finished this if I hadn't been watching it weekly. I can't imagine how painful it would be to try and binge this.
Jun 28, 2022 9:30 PM

Feb 2019
Idk I liked the show, feel like a criminal Damn near from going thru the comments lol. I felt this was a massive improvement over season 1 and the Sawano/natumi ed + banger op were more than enough for me to give an 8. Ending was def a bit rushed but man who cares, it’s sunrise. We’re here for mechs and to have fun. I enjoyed the show a lot and will miss the characters especially Shion
Jun 29, 2022 2:32 AM

Aug 2015
that elderly couple never got their boat back smh
Controversial opinions
Jun 29, 2022 6:33 PM
Jan 2017
final episode very intense battle, but winning with the ultimate technique of gai and amou which activated only with scream the name,, but it has high price make Gai data is destroyed,,
so everything back to peace,, and amou go to journey as his promise with Gai who back to Ai baby and make another new memories with him,,
the ending just kinda mehh, i dont feel it like final episode,, but i enjoy the mecha fight so,,
Jun 29, 2022 7:48 PM

Jul 2012
Cross Ange sucked. Valvrave sucked. Iron Blooded Orphans sucked. This made me miss all 3. So boring it's bad. Not so bad it's good.
Jul 28, 2022 2:59 AM
Jul 2018
Really didn't like this season unfortunately, But ill still have some good memories from part 1 and its amazing opening
Jul 28, 2022 3:01 AM
Jul 2018
kinda annoying that weve been waiting years for the new series in the new Code Geass timeline and sunrise are instead using their time and resources on this
Aug 25, 2022 4:57 PM

May 2009
It was boring and forgettable.
Sep 10, 2022 2:43 AM

Mar 2013
So very average...

Well most of the past episodes including the S1 were boring as a turtle. The story, yes, is fast paced and it could've been improved more due to its potential... but the story telling was so damn slow.

The only good part I found in this series is that most supporting characters got more or less of a background story.

Sequel? I probably won't forgive another animation if it's a half-assed storyline again.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Sep 24, 2022 11:27 PM
Oct 2020
1/10. This anime just an ads for the model kit.
Bad story with bad end.
Waste of time.
Sep 20, 2023 9:39 PM

Jun 2015
Reply to HOOfan_1
Brad's motivations seemed to be all over the place.

What did his obsession with fighting Amou have to do with exposing his father's corruption? He was whining about AI during the entire fight, like he wanted to do away with AI, kind of the "It is well that war is so terrible, or else we would grow too fond of it" type of mentality, but he was obsessed with fighting piloted mechs, and he was the one who was so obsessed with developing more advance AI for mechs.

German's motivations didn't seem to go with his actions either....if you hate mercenaries and soldiers, then why are you basically inciting a war to create more of them?

Not to mention bringing them in as a major plot point at the very end seems weird. This should have been only 12 episodes, then maybe the story wouldn't have meandered so much.

Of course I never understood why 4 separate super powers were so obsessed with fighting over Japan anyway, there was basically nothing there of value after their economy collapsed.

Honestly, I am trying to decide if this is any better than Muv-Luv Alternative, both of them are Mecha shows with plots that seem to meander all over the place and make little sense.

Silent_Shadow05 said:
LOL, so Gai was really just exhausted? They really made us think that it was something worse. .

No, apparently Gai was destroyed for some reason...not sure why he was destroyed just because the new Zero AI robot blew up, and not sure why the others weren't destroyed too. They had a backup of Gai, but he doesn't have any of the memories of what happened since the beginning of the series, basically the Gai there at the end is a baby.
@HOOfan_1 Even though Brad disagreed with his father's methods, it doesn't necessarily mean he supported NJCO. Regardless of whether the Americans won or lost the war, the moment the war was declared, he had completed his mission to have his father arrested, and a victory was still a positive outcome.

The reason he fought Amou was twofold: he was a battle maniac who craved a fight to the death with a strong opponent, risking his life by disabling pilot safety mechanisms. Moreover, he wanted to meet his demise because he felt guilty for going along with his father's unethical methods regardlessly.

As for German, he is clearly an unsympathetic sociopath, but I know where he's coming from. Instead of working towards preventing further war-related tragedies like those of his parents, he chose the path of vengeance, intensifying the killing by soldiers, possibly with the aim of tarnishing the public's perception of them. He provided soldiers with weapons and supplies, bringing out and exacerbating their wickedness, ultimately leading them towards self-destruction.
DeagoMay 18, 2024 7:19 PM
Dec 28, 2023 7:31 PM

Jun 2013
Oh god watching this anime is so faking awful experience.
Saving mecha genre my ass sunrise. You pick romance sol team to make mecha anime dumbass sunrise!!!!

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