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Jul 25, 2009 2:50 PM

Oct 2008
How depressing.. ( ; _ ; )

So, the world will end in 631 days..

Now, I definitely looking forward to second season. Its interesting!
Jul 26, 2009 1:16 AM

Jun 2007
I'm under the impression that this first series was just a way to introduce as much crap about their world as possible in order to give us a basic idea of what to expect in future series.

With that said this series introduced waaaay to much and had many episodes that didn't link with past ones at all. The few eps at the beginning and the end where probably the only parts that actually linked together into the bigger story. Everything else was more like an intro for each of the characters.

So what we understand from this series is as followed.
1) When a demon forms a contract with a human their physical form can change dramatically and their loyalty increases.
2) The girls that die are placed in a glass tube that fuels the mecha. The more their handler uses the mecha the more the girl's souls get used up to the point where they disappear.
3) Apparently there's two "worlds" and the one that their all currently in is about to be destroyed in 600+ days.
4) Tomoharu's brother attempted to save/destroy this world but somehow failed.
5) When a mecha has used up all of the soul power of the girl the handler becomes an ex handler which for some reason gives them power to reject any type of magic that a mecha tries to use on them.
6) If a demon like Kanade uses up her power without having a handler she will die.

I hope next season they fix all this randomness.
Jul 28, 2009 2:45 AM

Jan 2009
It's not something I'll remember and all, but it wasn't that bad. Hell, I noticed myself interested what's going to happen in the last episode. I realized it's gonna be an open ending so I'm not complaining that it didn't end with MEGA-SUPER-OMG-GOFORIT fight. The end was quite sad as I realized I won't see Aine anymore /or more like I won't hear Ritsu's seyuu no more, noooez :< It felt like Ritsu died, so yeah, it was touching for me/, and I probably should someday say bye-bye to Misao too, the only main character who's actually worth it. The only thing I didn't get is HOW THE HELL Shuri appeared, she was supposed to be on that plane?? Anyway~

Though the characters are not something memorable, I liked Misao, Shuri and Second and Third student council presidents. The second one /green hair/ is voiced by Eri Kitamura /Ami from ToraDora omg <33 / and I find it hilarious, her personality and all, cause she reminds me Ami and it was fun :D

The art is meh, I didn't like that the robots and fighting scenes relied ONLY on CGI, it makes me wanna go and shoot myself but yeah... The designs are NOT that bad, but it's not something I'm gonna grool for. *looking only at females, thanks*

The sound was good, though not my kind of style... Well... I'll give it a try in the fall; If it's something that's even better than Tears to Tiara where I'm starting to think why the hell I watch this - then it's worth the time. Though nothing spectacular.

Ahh yes, the ecchi in the series was so lame that I couldn't stand it, mostly because it was with Kanade, like she's a sex object or something and I can't stand her ^_^

By the way, the plug-in sure DOES look like a dildo xD
Nao-staniJul 30, 2009 7:30 AM
Jul 29, 2009 11:57 PM

Dec 2008
I'm still left with questions...the only reason I might see the second season is so that maybe my questions will get answered.
Aug 9, 2009 1:31 PM
May 2009
Well,it's over.
I hope the Second one will be better in the Story-Telling
Aug 13, 2009 1:02 PM

Mar 2009
I gave this a 9/10 (although almost 8) and am proud of it .. if S2 gets major more plot/plot twists (I'm hoping Geass level or at least semi-close) it'll be a STRONG 9 for me and possibly 10 depending on the ending .. otherwise I enjoyed every single second of S1
Aug 31, 2009 7:15 AM

Sep 2007
I think I've become a fan of this series. It's not a great anime, but it's still something I would watch on the side. I'm interested to know more about Misao, Kanade, etc. I admit, half the episodes were s*** (including the final ep), but the ones that were good, were far better than a lot of the other generic anime that's out there. ^_^

Sep 16, 2009 3:05 AM

Dec 2008
Wow, ppl seems to really dislike this Anime... well, i could not care less, i liked it very much. S1 was more like an introduction to something bigger, and the ending was a nice cliffhanger. I will watch S2 since i really enjoyed S1.
Buried by greed and malice
Lies the kindness mankind tossed into the abyss
I am that greed. I am that malice.
And i am crawling back towards the light.
Sep 20, 2009 11:06 PM

May 2008
Kiseki said:
i cant help it but i really like this seire. maybe because i watched it in a one go , dont know.
i think it was really pretty awesome, yeah of corse it is really confusing and i also had some moments where i just thought WTF.
but in the end even if there are still question that stay unanswered for me, i still like it.
it just tell me that it has a lot of potential, and i really think it have.
it was a really nice made serie ,yeah some ep didnt have the animation of the previous one but i didnt really care.
so after all 8/10 for me it could even be a 9/10 imo.
now looking forward to more misao in 2nd season.

you took the words out of my mouth but for me 8/10

nothing more nothing less XD

Sep 29, 2009 2:54 PM

Aug 2009
shit sucked. i dunno if i'd bother with the next season. don't think they're gonna explain something... this anime was pointless and had terrible plot... wasted potential.
Oct 14, 2009 7:44 AM
Feb 2009
i confess i didnt even watch ep 12 & 13. now that i had read all the post in here, i m even convinced that i wont finish it up since it will piss me off to see aine die with my own eyes.

but anyway, i get the rough idea so i think there wont be any problem to understand the season 2.
oblivious is a bliss
Oct 21, 2009 8:14 PM

Jun 2009
Well, a few things ticked me off about the last episode.
First, Tomo seemed quite worthless. He was the only one there who had no real powers.
Second, the villain got away! It was the FINAL EPISODE, and the villain escaped? Bahhh.

The series started off with a strong 10/10, but about episode 8 or so it started seriously dropping in quality... I think I'll end it with a 4/10.

I probably won't watch Season 2, but my love of Misao may overpower me.
Dec 10, 2009 6:18 PM

May 2009
I actually dropped this after watching six episodes, but I decided to finish it when a friend told me the second season is better. Anyways, I enjoyed it a lot more when I picked it up again. Maybe because everything felt "fresh".

It was a pretty good final episode for a mediocre anime. The best part was when Tomoharu realized that Misao will eventually disappear if he uses the asura machina too much. "Why didn't anyone tell me?!"

I'm hoping for a plot that actually makes sense in season two though.
Jan 10, 2010 4:57 AM

Jun 2008
Hmm...No comment on Aine's smile?
Jan 20, 2010 4:15 AM

Jul 2009
yay reply lost in mysql error wave lol

hm well lets rewrite:
i think it was kinda decent; not too bad, and that when i usually dislike mecha stuff; I'll watch S2 for sure, and if only because I like some of the characters (misao, fortuna somesheru miku crowzenbruhi ania (love the name hehe), and kitsutaka touru)

hope S2 explains some things, still kinda confused xD
Feb 23, 2010 11:16 AM

Jul 2009
WTF?! =\

I hope there will be more fights and action (like 6 ep) in S2... Also of course they need to change something, because S1 is boring...

But end is moved my heart - poor Aine...
Apr 17, 2010 5:04 AM
Feb 2010
I'm glad it's over to be honest.
It was okay, however not much gets explained and there are too many girls who reminded me of a rainbow with the colours of their hair.

I don't know whether I'm going to bother with season two.
Jun 23, 2010 8:34 AM

Jun 2010
Feball3001 said:
I wish that the subs would come out so that it can go to my completed list.

<3 true, true! well, the season is fianlly over.

well, at least it was only 13 episodes long. :( cute graphics too. but it really didn't make any sense! Dx
Jul 7, 2010 6:54 AM

Sep 2008
the art was cool.and i think it made sense.well...that was quite the open ending.u just dont have a choise,u should watch the second season.but im not gonna do it now.
Dec 17, 2010 8:15 AM

Oct 2009
I think pretty much like most of the people here, it was crap but somehow I still managed to complete it.

But did anyone else than me react about how the plane landed? They said the plane would need 2200 meters to land on and it's nothing weird with that. But... you can't land on fucking ice D:<
Especially not just 2200 meters of it. That just defies all common sense.
Jun 7, 2012 6:19 PM

Jun 2011
Man. So many of you guys commented how "horrible" is was. I really upsets me to read all these negative comments. I understand well how some of you say that plot's confusing, characters terrible, and stuff like that. But I truly admire this show. And for those who say they wont watch the second season because of things like I mentioned earlier, you guy actually should SO you could understand the plot, SEE development in the characters, and so on. I know not everyone is like this but it saddens and angers me when people loss understanding that nothings perfect, and the things that annoy people are so minor that I don't understand why can't they just ignore, accept, or just get plain used to it. It makes me wonder if people are just too used to super amazing stuff that it becomes their basic reference or standard.
Sep 15, 2012 8:43 AM

Mar 2010
HoboFreedom said:
Tomoharu is such a dumbass. Kanade's been telling him from the start that Misao would disappear if he kept using the asura machine and now he's acting like it's the first he's heard of it.

Man this show just completely fell apart.

The thing is... I don't remember the Bitch ever saying that Misao would disappear. She only said not to fight using Kurogane iirc. Tomoharu is a dumbass for not actually asking why he shouldn't use his mecha though...
"Then again, if she's not my sibling, there's no bling, either" - Ararararagi Koyomi
Dec 21, 2012 11:56 PM
Jul 2018
Why the heck couldn't the whole series have been like that episode? That was awesome. So many revelation this episode. This series has definitely had it's ups and downs, but I can definitely say that I loved the beginning and the end of this season. Actually had a pretty sad ending there with Aine.

All this "second world" business and possibility of the world being destroyed, along with Misao's life now being revealed to be draining away, has me excited for the second season. I hope the series really picks up the pace and hopefully gets a little more serious next season. Can't wait to start it.
Jul 19, 2013 2:04 PM

Oct 2012
We learn something extremely important in the last episode along with some tragedy, anyway good episode, dunno if i'll watch season 2 because even if this show is good i don't want to be let down by the second season if they keep on not telling us 80 % of what is going on ...
Sep 21, 2014 3:57 PM

May 2012
This show was pretty hard to watch, while it started off quite interesting the development went just very weird to a point the interest of the show was lost for me, the whole mix of the mecha, fantasy, harem and fanservice was just not done properly and resulted in a rather bad overall development of the story.

As I'm a completionist I am going to watch the second season but for this one I'll be giving it a 4/10
Feb 14, 2015 3:58 AM

Sep 2008
Finally I finished the anime! It was so boring !
Feb 28, 2015 3:03 PM

Apr 2013
Surprisingly good series and a surprisingly good story. I say surprising because all the reviews and comments i read beforehand had pretty much little good to say about it. It's too bad more people didn't enjoy it, but oh well. Different strokes and all that.
Oct 10, 2017 7:42 AM

Jun 2012
I really enjoyed the beginning of this series, but towards the end I was disappointed. I feel like they shoved the whole main plot into 4-5 episodes. I just feel like it could have been paced better.

6.7/10 series. Will watch season 2.
Dec 3, 2017 4:23 AM

Jun 2017
Well, made it to the end of this joke of an anime ... still dont really have a clue what's going on or why im supposed to care about any of it.

This was terrible. The MCs hair is retarded, and so is that other guys hair. In fact, theyre all pretty bad...
Sep 30, 2018 9:41 AM

Jun 2011
Characters: Oh, the things I hate the most. This is the funniest part out of the whole anime on what Tomoharu did. Kanade tells him not to use Kurogane anymore. Then during a time when Shuri was kidnapped, he remembers what Kanade tells him, looks at Misao, then summons Kurogane. Kanade tells him two times to not use Kurogane and he just ignores her, and then at the end, he yells why didn't anyone tell me this. He is the most stupidest and densest person in anime history. Not to mention all of a sudden making Misao turn visible. That was the most random and stupidest turn of events.
I read this part from the top review before I finish up the series and couldn't believe this really happened.. lmao this show is so bad.

I agree with most people's opinion here, it started well, seemed like it was gonna be somewhat enjoyable.. but after 3 episodes, after so many action and dangerous encounters, the protagonist did nothing to inquire more about it, it just happened, and the protagonist stayed pretty much passive throughout the whole thing. We as the watchers learned nothing about the series, things are just progressing without dropping us the important tidbits about the story. The whole series felt like fillers.. protagonist gained power, side characters keep appearing, protagonist either befriend them and help them or they're his enemies.. it's always about the other people, what's up with the protagonist's story?

And I also agree that it's hard to care about the characters. We barely even got introduced to any of them truth be told. Watching this the whole way and I still don't get attached to the characters, and I am sure I am not alone.. the jokes are really forced too..

This had the recipe to be a decent series, great OST and art, and the ending song is beautiful ('em sunset art tho holy moly it's pretty) but it's basically a joke series filled with perverted unfunny jokes. What a waste of the ending theme. Jeez.

Gonna watch season 2 still, hoping it would make the situation clearer, but fingers crossed.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Mar 25, 2020 5:05 PM
Mar 2018
This show wasn't that bad, had some funny parts in it, but nothing too far from the ordinary. With this final episode it was clear that another was coming, because they left so many plotholes open, but what was more annoying is that nobody tells the MC anything again. It's just such a weak and overused trope to always leave the MC in the dark. At least his name wasn't Shinji.

Overall a decent 7/10
Dec 11, 2023 1:38 PM

Dec 2022
Why did the main character think handing this "Igniter" to this clearly malicious evil guy was a good idea? Why would he expect him to keep his word when said evil guy had previously demonstrated that he would go back on it? No villain in a position of power is going to honour a trade when they can simply take the Igniter and kill the hostages anyway. He should've planned an ambush from the start.

Not sure what the intent of this anime was. It introduced new characters, plot points and terminology at a mile a minute; it just didn't deem it necessary to grant any context to any of them. Nothing is explained or given any time to sink in due to the dearth of worldbuilding and hilariously unproductive interactions that plague every episode.

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Shaded Horizon

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