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Jun 5, 2022 8:01 AM
Oct 2020
"is this the end of the world?" - Anya Forger
Jun 5, 2022 8:33 AM
Oct 2020
Anya, Becky and Damian in next werk ❤
Jun 5, 2022 8:41 AM

Mar 2016
Tired Anya is a vibe.
Jun 5, 2022 9:05 AM

May 2022
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
Okeanix said:
This and last episode proves anime is so much better without Anya.
I cannot agree more.

Marinate1016 said:

L. One of the worst takes I’ve seen

Nope. Anya sucks and her voice makes my ears bleed.

Yikes. Confirmed dub watcher. The dubs are generally okay in this show, but Anya and the rest of the children sound off and kill the comedy in many ways. Really watching comedy centric anime with dubs is a bad way to go about it.

Some of the other comments im seeing here criticizing the show are also pretty ridiculous. I suspect the vast majority are dub watchers too given the comments. Just quit watching dubs or just quit anime if you cant figure out when its time to use subs and enjoy the beautiful, comedic work of the Japanese voice actors.
LordKirkisJun 5, 2022 9:26 AM
Jun 5, 2022 9:37 AM

May 2016
LordKirkis said:
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
I cannot agree more.

Nope. Anya sucks and her voice makes my ears bleed.

Yikes. Confirmed dub watcher. The dubs are generally okay in this show, but Anya and the rest of the children sound off and kill the comedy in many ways. Really watching comedy centric anime with dubs is a bad way to go about it.

Some of the other comments im seeing here criticizing the show are also pretty ridiculous. I suspect the vast majority are dub watchers too given the comments. Just quit watching dubs or just quit anime if you cant figure out when its time to use subs and enjoy the beautiful, comedic work of the Japanese voice actors.

Lol? No I watch subs only. Little girls voice like hers are annoying
Jun 5, 2022 10:12 AM
Mar 2019
I am always amazed at the embarrassment between 2 adults over a simple kiss.
Yor thinks nothing of killing someone in her job but blushes at a kiss, Loid is the same.
Jun 5, 2022 10:18 AM
Mar 2015
Yor and Loid pass their tests
Jun 5, 2022 10:46 AM

Oct 2016
Awww, Anya didn't get to meet her uncle. Probably was for the best though, considering his drunk state. Maybe next time, Anya.

I'm glad that Loid doesn't care about what a "typical wife" is supposed to be despite the time period of when Spy x Family takes place, and likes Yor just the way she is. Their support for each other is so sweet.
Jun 5, 2022 11:22 AM
Jan 2021
although we didnt get any kiss scene we did see yuri getting slapped the hell out of him by yor which was funny so that made up for that.
Jun 5, 2022 3:14 PM

May 2018
OOOOOH, Yuri has siscon.......
Jun 5, 2022 3:22 PM

Jul 2014
It's impressive how much more annoying Yuri is when he's animated and I can hear him screeching like a brat about loving his sister. Props to Kensho Ono's vocal performance for adding an extra dose of unlikeability to Yuri's character, I suppose. That aside, that whole segment was just straight out of a bad romcom anime, with the kiss cop-out, Yor slapping Yuri while flustered (fully deserved, but just the typical "no! baka!" slap every romcom does cos it's supposedly funny) and Loid and Yor getting ridiculously flustered over just a kiss.

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I'm not watching the second cour of this anime - even though I know it's gonna have my favourite bit of the manga that I read - as I barely care anymore about anything that's happening: my suspension of disbelief is shattered (Yor beating up what she believes is a secret police agent was a step too far, even for this series), Loid doesn't get enough screentime for his all-important spy stuff, Yuri is obnoxious, Yor is barely even a character despite her important and Anya's school stuff is just boring as she's only entertaining when reacting to things/thoughts happening around her rather than for who she herself is.
Jun 5, 2022 3:48 PM

Aug 2008
I suppose I shouldn't take this show too seriously but while Loid cleared Yor of spying on him I find it rather doubtful that he'd simply ignore her physical abilities and that look in her eyes in protecting her "family". Not exactly a normal woman is she Loid?

Loved this episode though, great show so far.
Jun 5, 2022 5:34 PM
Apr 2022
Great stuff, Yuri is a bit of weirdo, I thought after seeing his locker lmao. The forgers are precious doe.
Jun 5, 2022 8:00 PM

May 2015
A great episode, Yuri's visit caused an invisible rift to start forming between Yor and Loid. But thankfully it was mended by the end of it with a pretty good message! Also Disguised Franky FTW!
Jun 5, 2022 9:16 PM
Neet Specter

Mar 2022
still can't believe Loid doesn't find it the least bit suspicious that his "innocent" wife can fight better than him and can hurt pretty much anyone. Such as slapping Yuri across the room.
Yuri wanted to see himself and get NTRd that bad... How much of a masochist is he?

Jun 5, 2022 9:40 PM
Mar 2022
Nabaat said:
Yuri got slapped twice by Yor. For someone that doesn't really like Loid, he was still willing to take the hit for him though. How sweet of him

And by watching those insane slaps caused so much injury to Yuri by Yor resembles me about how jiraiya got broken ribs by tsunade... both damages are for different reasons but the act of pain is same..😁
Jun 5, 2022 9:45 PM
Mar 2022
MadanielFL said:
Yuri is a total siscon lol.

The directing in this anime is just amazing, they were able to make some of the best scenes of the manga even better.

Yeah but the manga character development between Anya and Dominic is pretty cool if u read the Anya's school chapter you will definitely say manga has more points and the action sequels are pretty good in manga also in anime 2.. but manga is little convincing in creating plots more virtuous 😊
Jun 5, 2022 10:03 PM
Jul 2018
All doubts are cleared. Now shower your feelings at each other.
Jun 5, 2022 10:31 PM

Dec 2020
yor taking the lead DAMN. some shikimori shit and i love it. yuri got bitch slapped lmao😭😭😭 poor guy. dudes got a big siscon but i dont think its "weird" its clearly just for comedy and idt she harbors any romantic/incest feelings towards so *shrug*

i like how we're seeing more of twilight. like the serious spy twilight. he's changing (for the better) but he hasn't gone all the way. the yor and loid moments this ep were just precious

franky's ikemen face lol😭😭 interesting how loid actually makes them himself tho that's rly cool but ig its to he expected out of him
Jun 6, 2022 2:14 AM
Jan 2021
ok so everyone here just ignored that yora brother is like obsessed and in love with her?🤨
Jun 6, 2022 2:15 AM
Jan 2021
Okeanix said:
Marinate1016 said:

L. One of the worst takes I’ve seen

Maybe but i also wanted to see how many people trigger by that.

nah it‘s better without anya. She‘s super annoying
Jun 6, 2022 3:17 AM
Feb 2014
Anime club or writing platform or both!

I’ll risk getting persecuted here by the admins but I’m launching an IRL anime club this July. I know, I know, it’s off topic to this group but there’s nothing like making real friends and sharing real memories. This will all be happening in San Diego by the way.

You can email me here for info:


I have a site I’m building out an anime section for. If you wanna write and have a platform to do it, lmk via email. I’m not picky and don’t have many expectations.

Unfortunately due to adult life as 20-something I don’t have much time to spend on this app.

Sorry if it comes across as sketch.
Jun 6, 2022 3:58 AM

Jul 2016
ryo-san said:
still can't believe Loid doesn't find it the least bit suspicious that his "innocent" wife can fight better than him and can hurt pretty much anyone. Such as slapping Yuri across the room.
Yuri wanted to see himself and get NTRd that bad... How much of a masochist is he?

I find it endearing that Loid is an idiot.
Jun 6, 2022 6:04 AM

Sep 2008
Bleh, this was really disappointing, but you can't win them all.
Jun 6, 2022 6:51 AM
Sep 2021
it's hella good <33
Jun 6, 2022 6:52 AM

May 2017
okay on the last episode discussion i commented that the anime has kind of gotten mid.. but this episode was pretty good.

this is by no chance at all a 9+/10 anime but i guess its a decent watch
Jun 6, 2022 9:31 AM

Aug 2018
It's funny how everyone hates Yuri for being a siscon, but ignore Yor who enables it all the time. "I'll save myself for you..."
Jun 6, 2022 10:24 AM

Feb 2021
Yuri's way too into Yor. I mean as a kid he said he'll marry her, that was all fun and stuff. He was a kid, he didn't really know how the world works but as an adult having a locker full of her pics is kinda overdoing it IMO.

Why does Loid never question Yor's inhuman strength lmao?

Hmm, Loid's now questioning if Yor really is not aware of everything or if she's just pretending. And Yor's just being disappointed in herself.

Seems like Loid doesn't suspect Yor anymore.

◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Jun 6, 2022 12:07 PM

Apr 2020
even when the episode doesn’t focus on her at all, Anya manages to steal the show with her cuteness.
Jun 6, 2022 2:02 PM

Aug 2017
I laughed at Yuri’s locker. I pity the poor janitor who found it for the first time

My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo, Okarishimasu
Jun 6, 2022 5:12 PM
May 2017
Loid blatantly ignoring Yor’s fighting ability is starting to get annoying now. It’s fine if it happens rarely for comedy, but if it keeps happening then it’s just not funny anymore. You can’t even play it off as athletic ability this time. She literally downed another spy with genuine form right in front of him.
Jun 7, 2022 7:01 AM

Oct 2008
never develop feelings for the sake of survival...i wonder how Loid will hold-on up to that...heheh
Anya again so WAKU WAKU!!!

Jun 7, 2022 9:51 AM

Dec 2020
I am frustrated

I love these characters, I love the story, I love where it looks like it's going -

but FUCK ME do we have time for this?!!?!?

It's going soooooooooooo slowly!!!! Like hello -

- Loid should totally suspect his wife is a spy / assassin with her figthing skills
- Anya knowing everything is also starting to get obvious
- all the kinda KABOOM things we want to happen aren't happening
- Plot feels slow like it's kinda ambling along PURPOSEFULLY SLOW

Like nobody got time for that

The writer / creator had this amazing hook to grab as all and now is happily dragging us along

Yeah ok that's my moan over.

Am really hoping for something more exciting to happen next ep cuz there are all these planted jewels that everyone needs to find out about each other but it's taking ages for anything to happen


ALSO i dont care how many fucking animes i've watched I will never get used to this really fucked up weird brother-sister incest vibe thing every anime seems to have "I love my sister" "No other man can kiss my sister" "Sis I'll marry you when I'm older" LIKE WHAT THE FUCKK. Pics of her in your locker. THAT AINT NORMAL BRO. Yuri get some hot Japanese babes in that locker or get some pics of Kim Kardashian or whoever BUT NOT UR SIS.

*takes a deep breath*

OK. I'm done.

Also shameless plug

If anyone wants to read my mini fic of Loid fantasising about Yor and letting his mind wander (as it totally would) you can read that bad boy here:

Peace out

Jun 7, 2022 5:17 PM

Jan 2016
Poor Yor, she went through all that just for Loid to be sure if she is trustworthy. I do understand it was necessary tho but still... :'C

Btw, I'm surprised that Yuri is still alive after such a slap LOL
Jun 8, 2022 1:54 AM

May 2020
show is moving far too slow, practically nothing is going to have happened by end of s1.
Jun 8, 2022 4:41 AM

Mar 2008
Yor and Anya were all acting so sweet this ep.

Wait did Yuri have candid photos of his sis he took using his resources as secret police? Lol
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Jun 8, 2022 7:28 AM
Aug 2021
Woah, such a wholesome episode!
Jun 11, 2022 11:39 AM

Nov 2013
yor isn't even scared of the police, don't dare touching a married woman haha

awesome episode again :D
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Jun 11, 2022 6:44 PM
Jan 2021
That was.... interesting to say the least.

First of all, the kiss never happened. I'm not surprised since the episode preview implied that it wasn't going to happen. BTW I find it kind of weird that my boy Yuri wanted to marry Yor, but I guess that could be due to his personal admiration for her, which I can respect.

This episode focused on Twilight and him starting to get suspicious of Yor. So he decided to recruit Franky to disguise as the Secret Police and see if Yor knows about Yuri's job. As expected, she has no clue, so he quickly ended it once they got the confirmation.

Towards the end, it can clear that Twilight is starting to develop an attachment to both Yor and Anya and he felt guilty for ever doubting her.

I wonder how Twilight will continue to develop throughout the story.
Jun 11, 2022 7:54 PM

Nov 2009
started out the episode with Yor getting drunk so she can kiss. While pushing Loid down on the sofa... OMG... wish I was Loid there.

And Yuri gets slapped, LOL

(This is some drunk-hurt-play... feels like Yuri's used to getting hit by Yor...)
(and Loid is somehow getting jealous at the sibling's nice relationship)

Too bad Anya had to go to sleep, else she would have been going "WakuWaku" the entire time reading their minds, LOL (especially during the Kiss scene)

___ ___ ___

Next Morning, Anya wakes up only to find she missed a bunch of stuff. And we also got more of Anya's surprised expression. And while at it, Anya's mind reading senses that Loid and Yor are starting to get real cautious of each other, tho one of them is more innocent than the other, LOL. (Yor keeps on thinking Loid is making a move on her)

Loid on the other hand... doesn't trust Yor and decide to listen in on her... (not only that, but to question her as "secret police") not sure if I want to call him a scumbag for doing this.

(meanwhile... Franky is having WAY too much fun yet again...)

Well, I guess it was all good in the end... tho I think Yor might be even more demotivated than before...

___ ___ ___

And then Anya returns home and mind-read (without telling the viewers what they're thinking)

But Anya said they're getting along again.

Yor was already thinking about being a Wife, so Yor was innocent.

The issue at hand was Loid that think Yor is SUS (technically true, but not in a way that wants to hurt Loid and Anya). But Loid felt guilty for being a scumbag and has a better view of Yor, as Yor throughout the entire episode was just thinking how to be a better wife...
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jun 12, 2022 5:57 AM

Dec 2013
Yor sending Yuri through the air was funny. They are a funny pair of siblings who really shouldn't be drinking.
Jun 12, 2022 7:09 PM
Oct 2020
Anya uniting Father and Mother ❤
Jun 13, 2022 12:26 AM
Oct 2018
I think twilight is really starting to have feelings for yor!! I always enjoy anya's comedic relief
Jun 13, 2022 8:39 PM

Oct 2013
Hah, there was no kiss obviously, but I didn't expect it to be interrupted not by Anya, but Yor herself, punching her little brother, haha.

Pretty wholesome episode, especially its ending.
Jun 15, 2022 9:46 AM

Mar 2016
Marinate1016 said:
Okeanix said:
This and last episode proves anime is so much better without Anya.

L. One of the worst takes I’ve seen

Don't bother. Most of this is out of blatant disingenuousness and is mad goofy at this point xD
Jun 16, 2022 12:11 AM
Sep 2015
SecretQuill said:
I am frustrated
ALSO i dont care how many fucking animes i've watched I will never get used to this really fucked up weird brother-sister incest vibe thing every anime seems to have "I love my sister" "No other man can kiss my sister" "Sis I'll marry you when I'm older" LIKE WHAT THE FUCKK. Pics of her in your locker. THAT AINT NORMAL BRO. Yuri get some hot Japanese babes in that locker or get some pics of Kim Kardashian or whoever BUT NOT UR SIS

I agree with you 100%. (except maybe the Kim Kardashian part)
Sister-loving characters are creepy but mostly childish and in this case Yuri makes the anime seem less serious. I know this is a comedy but when all the threats to your marriage are at this level, it takes the tension away.
Jun 16, 2022 3:12 PM
Apr 2017
I knew we weren't going to get a kiss between Yor and Loid, but the wholesome and funny scenes that filled up the space were equally as satisfying. I felt sad seeing the two doubt things and how that affected Anya's mood, but the episode did finish on a good note once the the doubts were put to rest. We're already so close to the end of the first season and I'm not ready to let it go. I need more wholesomeness!
Jun 16, 2022 10:49 PM

Jul 2019
I knew they wouldn't go through with the kiss, but I sure wish they did.

I wonder if Loid picked the face of Yuri's superior (I think?) on purpose to make Yor recognize him later on of if it's just meant to be a "generic secret police"-face.

Yor's coworkers aren't very nice people. Except Sharon. Sharon is hot.
Jun 17, 2022 7:10 AM

Oct 2019
When you're about to kiss but suddenly your house explode.. Oh wait, it's only the opening song cut. Rofl
Jun 19, 2022 4:54 AM

May 2015
Yor double-slap was duper deadly :D
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
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