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Mar 21, 2019 11:36 AM
Cant remember how much I balled up my fists and almost punched my monitor or heck I just wanted to hit something while watching this, I've watched a lot of bullying shiz and all that but this one in a way takes the cake. "Teach me how to be normal" is such a... vague and malleable concept nowadays that you just don't know what "normal" is anymore besides ofc some very obvious things. Overall, I had fun watching this, definitely a better chu2byo than the Kyoani one. 7/10 |
Mar 18, 2020 8:27 AM
Red_Keys said: The drama in this movie was so... misguided. I know I'm like 7 years late but I'm just going through my back catalogue of plan to watch anime due to the Corona and this movie felt like it had so much potential to touch on really thought provoking and hard hitting topics. It would've worked so much better as a 12 or so episode series to really flesh out the male lead and female leads family dynamics (her family is essentially non existent, like the scene where she was going on about how her family is not her real family cause chunni reasons would be much more impactful if we were actually introduced to her family). Then the bullies, especially the main female bully. Like I kinda assumed the male bully that got suspended was simply influenced by the female bully as is the case with most of these kinds of scenarios but I was fully expecting there to be some sort of backstory with the female bully. Like maybe she used to be chuuni and has extreme PTSD from it, so each time she sees these guys, she gets extremely pissed, or she has a family member like an older brother that became a shut in but was once someone she looked up to when they were younger and this is her way of coping with it. These are obviously very cliche examples but at least it's better than her unreasonable bullying and distaste towards the female lead. Also, what else could benefit from having 12 episodes is the development of the relationship between the leads and the male lead and the other chunnis in the class. The exchanges between them were actually very humorous and enjoyable and by having more time to develop, the romance wouldn't seem so forced. Like, this feels as if the events of this movie happened over a maximum of 2 weeks after being introduced to the female lead, where the two went from complete strangers to lovers? And was the fan service really necessary? The saliva is just like wtf, and maybe it's because I watched an uncensored version of it but was is it really necessary to include her 15 year old tits in that showering scene? Like I get it's humorous and all, and I'm not one to judge, like I've fapped to loli porn in the past, but it seemed extremely unnecessary in this kind of movie. And that fucking temple of desks. Suppose to be the emotional climax of this movie but I couldn't take it seriously. All I could think about is if she did all that in a day or if that was done over time but ended up assuming that it was just their imagination and an exaggeration of what was actually there, but even then, she can't have done that in a day. This is also where 12 episodes might have helped. You could fit in a few scenes and there foreshadowing her going up there and beginning her desk temple or something. Like we did get one scene of that in the beginning but it still doesn't make much sense. 5/10. Good entertainment if you don't think too hard about it. If I watched this when I first heard about it like 5 years ago, I probably would've loved it. |
Apr 21, 2020 7:03 AM
This movie seemed decent at the start but by the time I was halfway through I was so fed up by the awful writing and the most annoying and dislikable characters possible that I had to stop because I could feel my brain caving in on itself |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
Apr 23, 2020 7:36 PM
I didn't read the synopsis before going in, so I thought it was going to be some run-of-the-mil super chuuni isekai action/fantasy/romance. I was thoroughly confused for half the film, as I kept thinking there was an actual fantasy element, but it kept veering into meta-discussions about fantasy delusions. So...that was an interesting way to experience this film. It felt like the twist was that there was no twist and it was instead a Chuunibyo-like story. |
Jul 5, 2021 12:54 PM
The amount of chairs and desks during the rooftop scene puts Monogatari to shame haha. Overall, hardly anything too special, though the bullying was really made repulsive (how it should be). I wish the movie stayed closer to mebae's original designs. P.S. I take it that the teacher is really Ryoko's father? Otherwise I can't explain her pretending to talk like him (without prerecording his voice and lip syncing, presumably at home) |
St0rmbladeJul 5, 2021 1:34 PM
Mar 3, 2022 2:01 PM
At first this movie screamed youth and freedom. There was something very nostalgic about it. Made me reminiscence about old times when I did all kind of silly stuff, not caring whether they were embarassing or not. Having fun came first. But soon it became apparent that there was a lot more going on. Chuuni phase hit different. And wtf was wrong with this class? Lmao. Ryouko was still next level and Ichiro's final form was truly end boss. Jokes aside, some serious topics were tackled here in an interesting anime-esque way. The line between fantasizing and escaping mundane reality might be thinner than one would think and to keep a healthy balance on your own is hard. If you're feeling lonely there's only one direction. Friends are important, especially such that understand you and accept you the way you are. It's those true friends you can connect with that keep loneliness at bay. That's one of the main messages here. One still gotta make an effort to fit in and you shouldn't force your persona on others. That said, I absolutely despise bullies and I honestly still hate myself a bit for being a weak jerk in the past. We had a goth girl at our school. She was constantly harassed and a few times things escalated. I did some shit as well as part of the mob. I admire people like Ichiro, it requires real courage to swim against the peer pressure. Even more so after a bad past. I wish I could go back in time with my current mindset and whoop some asses. That's what I felt when that wannabe delinquent attacked everyone. Anyway, as for more technical aspects. Thought it could've been better paced; some of the development was a bit off and felt shoehorned. For instance, Ryouko being more pushy than usual right after Ichiro was confronted by the bitches gang about his past. It's nitpicking, but a few minutes more would've made the movie flow better. That aside, all well that ends well. Loved the ending and it was an engaging watch overall. There was not much focus on romance, at least not the conventional kind compared to the other anime and that was for the better. It was more about saving a person from their self-destructing habits in the first place and overcoming your past trauma. The characters communicated in their own language, but Ichiro slowly came through to the real Ryouko. It felt rather organic and genuine and there were many cute moments. 8/10 |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
May 28, 2022 8:13 AM
Chuuni Propaganda Chuuni Propaganda Chuuni Propaganda But seriously, this could've been better if this was at least longer.Though the drama was bit too fucking melodramatic. But I like how the way they animated/directed those scenes. |
RonninnMay 28, 2022 8:31 AM
Jul 20, 2022 3:49 PM
Amazing movie! I didn't read the synopsis or see any vids, I just bought the BD cuz it was less than $5 at Sentai. I honestly expected an actual fantasy adventure isekai, totally got blindsided but am glad to have watched it. It reminded me a lot of A Silent Voice. Can't deny that I kept waiting throughout the whole thing for them to actually get sucked into another world. That desk temple also made me go "wut?", like I doubt there'd even be that amount of desks in 3 schools let alone 1. I thought for sure the isekai was going to happen at that point but Sato busting out his alt persona to save the day was even better. But it would've been even better if the other chuunis rallied behind him to clear the path. All in all, very glad to have watched. 10/10 |
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz |
Jul 30, 2022 9:02 AM
I remember watching this some years ago, the story was okay and honestly even now it's not a movie I would go back to. I liked the more serious/realistic tone to the story compared to that other series that people keep comparing it to lol (ofc referring to Chuu2). On another note, maybe I don't fully understand the nuance of being a Chuunibyou, but to me it makes me think of movements like goths, emos, punks, hippies and etc which all can be considered examples of people fighting against society norms and choosing self-expression. We know that these movements can have self-destructive connotations i.e. (drugs, sex, idolizing violence and death, and can even lead to criminal tendencies). But these are merely a result of an individual's take on those movements and for the most part, they are actually positive forms of self-expression and individualism. This movie seems to just say, "Chuuni bad!! Be normal, conform with society..." This is pretty messed up for the comparisons I've pointed out above. Just because someone is doing their own thing which goes against social norms, doesn't mean they deserve bullying. In fact, bullying in itself stems from a form of superiority complex that makes people delusional in thinking they can just treat other people however they want. Whereas being a Chuuni in itself just appears to be someone living out their own fantasy of being but they are not bringing harm to anyone. How is it that being a chuuni is so negatively portrayed in this film to a point where a "good" resolution is for the character to be more normal? But things like bullying, and blackmail are just accepted in the film and don't even need any resolution or consequence? Maybe it would take away from the story, but this for me is what irked me the most about the movie the whole time. You can just imagine maybe in place of the character being a chuuni, them being a goth. And this film would be telling me that if you are a goth in school and you are being bullied, you are the one who has to change, you are the problem. I've come across this theme that I've encountered countless times in fact, in mangas and anime in general. Why does the message always seem to be about the victim having to change themselves but not the bullies? In the end, both sides need to grow definitely, but I think the bullies are actually worse because they are impacting someone else's life and it can get so bad to the point where victims could have to deal with that trauma for the rest of their lives. That being said this is simply my interpretation, and I'm open to other takes. |
Jan 15, 2023 9:21 PM
10/10 emotional roller coaster. Great film, touching themes. Music composition was a fitting touch adding it's own charm and emotional input. Design/style all of that were fitting too. Highly recommend |
Jan 25, 2023 8:27 AM
The movie has good start but it became dumber and dumber as it goes - The bullying made no sense. the normies tried to bully her and other chuni because of "they break the rules"? even though the teacher was fine with it? and the bully leader is showing her cleavage everywhere? yeah right. I don't know about Japanese but i used to have a chuuni middle school mate (not as bad as Ryoko though) but i've never seen him getting bullied. most of the time people just ignore him and avoided involved with him or just laught at him from behind but no bullying - The fact that the bully bitch got no repercussion and get away with all their bullshit for pissess me off even more. it's not like i want them dead but not even punishment from teacher. are you kidding me? - And how the hell Ryoko manage to build that temple? are you telling me a girl with small build like her manage to stack 10 thousand desk in just two days? lmao 5/10 from me |
mat619Jan 25, 2023 8:35 AM
Feb 7, 2023 11:38 AM
I really enjoyed this anime though i was confused a lot like the anime started off with action where someone got decapitated and seeing that I didn't really know what to expect since i was then thinking alright Ryouko must be the real deal which turned out to be wrong which i realised close to the end maybe there were signs going over my head. There were something i found stange like why is this Ooshima Yumina character so weird, when that fighting scene happened Ichirou stood up for Ryouko we got some weird line of the camera zooming into her face with a shocked expression saying "What... just happened" which confused me and why does she care so much about bothering others about the school rules. we got a small sign that it was maybe because they would get in trouble by smoking but why would she care about enforcing the rules? This is just some text that I wanted to type but I consider this show maybe to be a personal score of 8/10 or 9/10 because I really enjoyed this movie. |
niookookjoFeb 7, 2023 11:42 AM
Mar 9, 2023 5:06 AM
Positives: - Aura has a captivating atmosphere, with its background music and graphics/animation. - It even has kisses, WOW!!!!!! They even show nude scenes without covering it up!!!! So props to the movie for not holding back. - Male MC is alright, hes not bland. Negatives: - My BIGGEST PROBLEM with Aura is that it deals with the theme of bullying. And in anime or any entertainment, bullying most of the time comes off as too black-or-white; Its like there is no in-between. Its just the good guys vs the jerks, and that storyline can be a drag and make you roll your eyes alot. Very rarely in anime have I seen the theme of bullying not come off as too superficial and meh, which sadly, Aura did not handle the bullying theme well, since it was just the jerks with their "evil faces" against the "good guys". - This movie is truly just male-fantasy of a guy being the savior to a cute-girl-damsel-in-distress and winning her over romantically by being her hero and someone who "understands" her. In real life, tons of guys would have gone out of their way to "protect" her in order to hopefully date her. Overall, Its still an enjoyable anime movie to watch |
oooo3333Jan 6, 2024 10:12 AM
Aug 19, 2023 7:45 AM
watching these kind of movies after some times really motivates me to do something in life. | my:<series name> |
Sep 10, 2023 5:02 PM
good ending... very good |
Sep 14, 2023 3:48 PM
It's a good romance, with a good ending! It was cool to see that he cared so much about her, that he didn't mind being bullied, and in the end he even got a kiss!! |
Feb 16, 2024 6:18 PM
I love this, I felt embarrassed when i saw Ichirou's costume, the heroine becomes more beautiful when she is in the "normal" phase, I wish they make a sequel about their normal couple life. Also I think the tits part wasnt necessary |
Apr 16, 2024 10:19 PM
Damn, showing what would actually happen to chuunis in school. Played out about how you'd expect, but nothing wrong with that, and was still a decent watch. I didn't expect half the class to also be chuuni though, and didn't really seem to count for too much, so might have been better to only have Ryouko as the sole odd one out. |
Jul 1, 2024 11:14 AM
PS: Making this comment early in the morning, I'm literally half-asleep while writing this Alright... A chuunibyou trope in a movie let's see what abomination will this fiesta of delusions will be... Given a time of an hour and 23 minutes with the story being a bit convoluted and a bit random at times as it boils down to a particularly dark and serious tone.. Hmm.. not too bad! Let's break it down. Aura: Koga Maryuin's Last War is a movie that talks about a high school student named Satou Ichirou who meets a girl nicknamed "The Researcher" on an attempt to sneak into school to retrieve his notebook. We then get to see Ichirou get ecstatic about meeting "The Researcher", whom turns out to be the student missing in the classroom. His normal high school life seemingly comes to a close and welcomes a world of delusion and imagination with open arms.. Right? Well, not exactly as Ichirou isn't necessarily going along with Ryouko Satou (The Researcher)'s antics. We then experience some character development here and there until the story boils down to the fact that what Ryouko was talking about on going 'to the other side' is to commit suicide Now, first and foremost, the movie isn't really anything special. It was very predictable, confusing at times, and can be a snooze fest. However, when you take all that aside, and just turn your brain off and immerse yourself into the world that the movie throws at you, it becomes a really entertaining piece of art. Sure, it can still be a bit cringy at times, but I see it as the movie's charm. As to show to the viewer like, hey! This is what being an idiot looks like and how they act. Moving on, how they built Ryouko as a character to be this very simple-minded and naïve girl who only cares about magic and fantasy, whom as the movie goes on, gets treated like absolute trash by the bullies and finally shows 'human emotion' is a pretty good showcase on how difficult it is to be 'different' from other people. And I think this is the lesson that the movie wants the viewer to notice and build upon. As we see in the movie, Ryouko just wants to be herself in this so-called 'boring world', and her idea of being herself is very contrasting to the norm that society (Phenomenal World) has built itself upon. Finding the "Dragon Terminal" which to us, is just a weird set of nails, but to her is something much more. As she goes upon her 'quest', she encounters the bullies which shatter her daydream. These, very heavy themes to a high schooler mind you, are being treated as some nuisance that's stopping her to reach her goal. From the writings on her desk, the pouring of water on her and locking in the bathroom till the eventual torture that was brought to her by Ichirou not talking to her, it is no surprise that she just wanted to give up and quickly tell Ichirou that "Hey, you know that temple that's supposed to take a while? Yeah, it can actually just be made easily and be placed anywhere". What she truly meant was, "Hey, the only reason why I was telling you that the 'temple' will take a while is so that you can be close to me and we can commit suicide together because you're actually like me, but now that I see that you're just like them.. Well, I can kill myself on my own, alone." These really tiny foreshadowing and symbolism which albeit, could be done a whole lot better, is the reason why it became obvious to Ichirou that.. oh my god she'll actually kill herself. Which thankfully I didn't get to experience a high schooler committing suicide on what I thought was a pretty light-hearted movie that had ups and downs. Anyway, she eventually accepts reality (Phenomenal World), finally becomes a normal citizen and they live happily ever after. As much as I want to talk about Ichirou's character, I'm just really tired now and am just yapping at this point to a website at a screen. Anyways, here are some things that I didn't like about the movie: Ryouko's personality can be a bit inconsistent at times. She's full on chuuni on the first scene and on the next scene, is acting a bit 'human', though I can understand this as an undertone of Ryouko slowly seeing the real world as it is and realizing the horrors that come with it. There's no presence of Ryouko having parents on the movie. She literally comes to and leaves school in the movie. (Except for when she went to Ichirou's place). We don't get to see the struggles she has at home. I can see the possibility that she may actually not have parents as stated and Ichirou just took it as a 'delusional statement', but we never really know for sure. It's just a lost opportunity for character development for me. Yumina, the bully, was very lacking for me as a villain/nuisance (I think the real villain in the story is Ryouko's chuunibyou side). Now, I get that we are supposed to treat this as a high-school trope and what they did actually made sense. Though, I feel like they lacked more threat in the story per se. It was just a blackmail and poof, that's it for the looming threat. The so-called 'dream soldiers' lacked presence and substance in the story. They felt very one-dimensional, though I do understand as the story focused on Ryouko and Ichirou. The unnecessary nudity of Ryouko when the bathroom scene happened. Crazy. Overall, movie was pretty fun for me. The characters are what carried the story and I liked how they made the chuunibyou trope a bit more realistic. You can really see the struggles that a person may face when they go out of the social norms and proceed to do weird stuff. Immersing yourself in the story and placing yourself in the characters' shoes may help you understand what the staff were trying to portray to the audience. The ED song was great too. The story can be a bit predictable, but I think its simplicity is what makes it a really decent movie. The ending was just right and I'm just satisfied Gave this an 8/10 because I really appreciated its efforts of putting a realistic twist to the chuunibyou trope in a dark and light-hearted tone. Thanks for reading if you came this far! EDIT: Those school desks at the end, were really interesting. Though, we literally have half of the class as chuunibyous! Deal with it! |
Jul 18, 2024 2:09 PM
A film looking like a TV series (with a charadesign specific enough) but the psychological problem at the center is interesting enough to get past it. The early part goes fast through events but is readable enough (one could easily guess what the girl had, a few mn after the meeting, and the hero's situation was made clear without being stated out loud, initially). But most of the film felt like fast-forwarding through a book only to read the key scenes. Meanwhile, the subject seems lazily treated, with people with obvious involvement (most notably the characters' parents, particularly the girl's) having apparently no part to play in the matter, and the film is a bit damaged by some outlandish elements and easy anime options (the class being a gathering of teens suffering from the syndrom, the spectacular desks architecture at the end, etc). Score: 5,5/10 Enjoyment: 3/5 St0rmblade said: I take it that the teacher is really Ryoko's father? Otherwise I can't explain her pretending to talk like him (without prerecording his voice and lip syncing, presumably at home) I missed that moment. Thank you. That would explain why her parents were never "shown". |
Rei_IIIJul 18, 2024 2:16 PM
Feb 23, 12:59 PM
I found this movie out of nowhere, and it left me surprised in a good way. I really liked the character design of both protagonists, but the animation was just alright for a movie. I don't know if it was just me, but at some moments, the animation looked really janky and strange. Other than that, I really liked it overall. Also, it was cool that the two important adult characters (Kume and Dorisen) were really favorable toward all the chuuni stuff going on, which is a first in my book. I think the movie also struck a good balance between the freedom of liking things and living those fantasies, while also keeping one foot in real life. 7/10. |
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