A television anime adaptation of Mayoidoufu's Kuro no Shoukanshi (The Berserker Rises to Greatness.) light novel was announced by Bushiroad on Thursday, scheduled for a 2022 airing. The company also revealed the main staff, cast, and teaser visual (pictured).
Director, Series Composition: Yoshimasa Hiraike (Working!!, Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii)
Character Design: Miwa Ooshima (Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san, Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta...)
Studio: Satelight
Kelvin: Kouki Uchiyama (Takt Op. Destiny)
Efil: Manaka Iwami (Gamers!)
Melfina: Reina Ueda (Lord El-Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo: Rail Zeppelin Grace Note)
Mayoidoufu began penning the action fantasy novel on the Shousetsuka ni Narou website in October 2014. Overlap began publishing the series in June 2016, featuring illustrations by Kurogin (Knight's & Magic, Masou Gakuen HxH). The 16th volume is planned for a February 25 release. Kuro no Shoukanshi has a cumulative 1.4 million copies of its volumes in print.
Comic Gardo began serializing a manga adaptation by Gin Amou in January 2018. Overlap will publish the 12th volume on February 25.
J-Novel Club licensed both the light novel and manga in English in July 2020 for digital release and published the seventh novel volume and fifth manga volume on January 11 and January 25, respectively.
Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he's bartered away those very memories in exchange for powerful new abilities during his recent transmigration. Heading out into a whole new world as a Summoner—with his first Follower being the very goddess who brought him over!—Kelvin begins his new life as an adventurer, and it isn't long before he discovers his hidden disposition as a battle junkie.
From the Black Knight of the Ancient Castle of Evil Spirits to the demon within the Hidden Cave of the Sage, he revels in the fight against one formidable foe after another. Join this overpowered adventurer in an exhilarating and epic saga as he and his allies carve their way into the annals of history! (Source: J-Novel Club, edited)
Novel special site: https://over-lap.co.jp/narou/865541175/
Official Twitter: @kuronoshokanshi
Source: PR Times
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