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Jan 29, 2022 8:59 AM

Nov 2011
It's interesting yet also complex how they enforce law on charactes in this show, regardless of their race, status, or origin.

Georg couldn't win every war so he took the loss and ended up behind bars. Good to see Aisha again too since she hasn't really made much appearances this season. Same with Juna.
Jan 29, 2022 9:34 AM

Apr 2010
Well this was the reason why this got the harem tag and with this it's also confirmed that the main isn't blindly following one girls but accepted the other characters as well.
He isn't a coward like a normal harem main.
Still poor Juna.

That aside, Carmine was a men amongst men and it's sad to see his end, but he went down with honour and for the things he believed in.
Jan 29, 2022 9:58 AM

Apr 2018
Really heavy 1st half with Souma and Carmina's confrontation just before his death/execution... at least he could just poison himself and not be publicly executed, but at least the 2nd half was much happier with Aisha officially being the 2nd wife, and Juna is for soon, she just has to wait a little bit!
Jan 29, 2022 10:01 AM

Apr 2014
The chaos will outbreak in the city if they know that their songstress is going to marry. No surprise at all. That was something that we can refer to in real life as well. LMAO
Poor Juna though. She has to wait for her chance in the future.
Jan 29, 2022 10:20 AM

Jul 2017
The first face-to-face meeting between Souma and Georg Carmine...behind bars, or more accurately, behind the lion's cage.

The conversation between these two are just the continuation of the Mankind Declaration between Prince Julius and Jeanne, the aftermath of the tried takeover from Van and Amidonia. More particularly, taking Liscia into context, and Souma's work is made harder that Georg knew what's coming for him, yet take the sin down with the other corrupt nobles. Anything and everything was a plan well concocted to make Souma king, yet obfuscate the truth from him, that to the grave, Georg will remain silent.

Everything else...seems too good to be true that it's progressing too smoothly. Aside from that, everyone who participated in the conquest were thoroughly rewarded, though Aisha's father Wodan took too kindly to offer Aisha to Souma, that's where the harem comes from since polygamy is accepted back in those days of multiple queens and concubines. The same goes for Juna and her grandmother...except that Project Lorelei is still ongoing so the procession is on-hold for now.

The true antagonists are still working behind the catching up to them will take some while.
Jan 29, 2022 10:21 AM

Jun 2015
The face to face meeting with Souma and Carmine really brought a lot of tension to the episode. I think given Souma's origin the execution especially was difficult for him even if they deserved it. Given the turn of events Souma's rage was perfectly understandable. Being able to converse instantaneously with the empire really is handy though for both professional reasons and for bonding with others as well as shown in Jeanne and Hakuya's budding friendship. The marriage arrangement's though sure came out of nowhere but Souma's and Aisha's reactions were priceless. Juna's affections for Souma was already apparent but seeing her strike up the courage was also nice though the answer to that was most unfortunate. Overall a great balance of tension and character development while taking great care to ensure that the consequences of the civil war were addressed. While their borders are now secure and their infrastructure and internal affairs are progressing nicely looks like Souma will have a tough time with his new second queen and soon to be third queen as well but without a doubt both Aisha and Juna are more than qualified for their roles. This must be the first time i seen Souma in such a rage though. Going forward looks like a cabal of uglies is scheming in the shadows.
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Jan 29, 2022 10:26 AM
Oct 2016
Its interesting how this story can have drastically different beginning and latter halves to an episode. The beginning was very somber weigh Kazuya talking to Georg. Telling him what happened with the other traitorous nobles who tried to rebel while Amidonia invaded. Georg did bring all the nobles to his place to be rounded up but he still did commit treason along with them. Which means Georg has to die same as they did, thankfully in an at least somewhat respectful manner with the poison wine instead of like guillotine or something.

Kazuya did feel really conflicted and guilty given all the killing that's had to be done. It would be so tough going from an ordinary life to running a kingdom and putting people to death. I can understand where he's coming from saying its such a weighted pressure.

Switching gears completely to the latter half with Aisha dad basically giving his daughter to Kazuya. Wanting her to become his second wife, gladly Kazuya agrees after Liscia gives her approval. Which was surprising but also not, we've seen Liscia and Aisha get along with a while now so it makes sense that Liscia would be ok with Aisha becoming second wife. Since after all like she said Kazuya will probably have to marry a lot of ladies in like political marriages. Something that the princess of Amidonia mentioned in her little scene.

Lots of mentioning about family in this episode. Georg brought it up too about Kazuya seeing the strength of the next generation especially after him and Liscia habe kids. It was sad though how Juna couldn't marry Kazuya because of her idol career. A sad reality in the real world too. I do wonder whom those shady after credits people were.
Jan 29, 2022 11:07 AM
Jun 2020
Somehow, Souma entering polygamy just doesn't sit right with me. I mean sure, Liscia is accomodating and all, but isn't it Souma's duty to reciprocate her consideration? Unless of course, his wives were taking up multiple husbands too. Souma could have easily rejected the proposal - a king, acting or not, can do that if he truly cared about/loved his wife. Just an opinion; could be right; could be wrong.
Jan 29, 2022 11:58 AM

May 2016
ending was kinda cringe with all the girls marrying him but i can say this season seems way better than last.
Jan 29, 2022 12:03 PM

May 2021
Great episode! Georg is now dead after Kazuya handed him poisoned wine.
Aisha's father asks of Kazuya to take Aisha's hand in marriage as a request and though a but hesitant because of Liscia, but he accepts. Juna also asks to be married to him but he had to decline due to the public who may result to violence. Kind of reminds me of an idol's life.

Looking forward to the next episode!
Jan 29, 2022 12:21 PM

Apr 2010
There were more scenes after the credits for anyone that missed it.

Pretty disappointing that they cut the political reasons for accepting Aisha as a wife. It at least gave some reasoning to the harem building, beyond "gotta catch 'em all." The Juna scene will never not be cringe worthy, japaneses and their idols man.
Jan 29, 2022 12:27 PM

Jun 2020
Best episode of the season so far.
Jan 29, 2022 12:44 PM
Feb 2018
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.
Jan 29, 2022 12:46 PM

Feb 2019
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)
The line below is True.
The line above is False.
Jan 29, 2022 12:58 PM

Apr 2010
Hesmiyu said:
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)

Tbf it does have the action tag for some reason.
Jan 29, 2022 1:18 PM

Mar 2016
Hesmiyu said:
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)

Did you mean We will have fun with this "talk show" :)?
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Jan 29, 2022 1:24 PM

Nov 2019
I think the first half and second half of this episode don't fit well together.
Also, I feel the Elfrieden queen is a suspicious person.

There's a post credits scene
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Jan 29, 2022 2:01 PM

Nov 2011
RIP Georg.


But still first in my heart lol <3
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Jan 29, 2022 2:30 PM
Feb 2018
Hesmiyu said:
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)

I mean not "combat" action, but "activity". They've been talking about war outcome for four eposodes already. But only talking - that's it.
Van is being returned to Amidonia? People there are cautious of old life coming back -show that to us! Show mass-protests, repressions of collaborators, people migrating to Elfrieden, causing migration crisis.
Something like that. And not only one room for half the episode (maybe even half the series).
Jan 29, 2022 2:43 PM

Feb 2015
Talking simulator episode four is pretty much the same. First 15 mins were like watching paint dry. Then it turned into waifu pokemon. Have to say the women in this show are next to useless they just exist for Souma to aquire them at some stage. I like a good harem but none of the women are well written characters.
CrashmattJan 30, 2022 12:59 AM
Jan 29, 2022 3:21 PM

Jun 2016
Congratulations to Aisha, now officially part of the royal harem. <3
She was always "pushed aside" by Souma... I'm glad of this development.
Jan 29, 2022 3:59 PM

Dec 2016
Holy squack, the soundtrack they used during Georg & Souma's interview was so overdramatic that it made me roll my eyes all the way back to my neck. My main gripe not to take their back and forth seriously is because Carmine's insurrection felt pretty weak since cour 1, it had very little cause to happen other than hurr durr beastmen not trusting the new king for reasons. The whole charade of him dying by his own volition already feels like a planned exit for him and his men to either defect silently or being reused as unsung heroes to save the day in the future conflict with these mustache twirling nobles pretending to run the kingdom behind Souma's back.

The harem shenanigans had always been whatever for me in the past episodes. But it feels really ham fisted in this particular episode asking for an actual engagement for pure compliment on the common otaku fantasy.

I'd say that I'm still sticking with the show just for the possible future arc(s) of mankind vs mazoku and see where it goes with Van's prince & princess regaining their lands.

Hesmiyu said:
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)

Dialogue heavy shows can also have expressive and substancial sakuga that adds on the experience making the "yapping" less monotone/condescending. A good example is the interview of Magase Ai & Zen in Babylon (yes I know, that the common bottom of the barrel weeb calls this show bad because it didn't live up to it's premise) but it doesn't discard the show for having such a breathtaking scene in episode 3 that uses properly great sakuga for character animation along with aproppiate directing using different aspect ratios to fit the timeline they debate on, alog with nerve wrecking background music to actually depict the tension in the air.

Action shows aren't the only ones expected to have good/great animation and proper directing.
KimurahJan 29, 2022 4:11 PM
Jan 29, 2022 4:10 PM

Aug 2020
Souma finally agreed to take Aisha as his wife. Sadly he didn't agreed for Juuna yet. The progress is getting good. I wonder who's these people that is planning some conspiracies

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Jan 29, 2022 4:14 PM
Aug 2010
I love how Souma is portrayed to be so level headed and forward thinking, yet when it comes to idol culture he can state the "obviousness" that it should be common sense that idols can't get married. Idols must remain idols, and that means remaining pure, innocent, and obviously not with any other man. The Juna part of this episode just had me wanting to gag not out of sadness or rage, but the fact that these show writers legitimately think this is/should be the normal view towards "idols". Like not even any question or doubt about it; idols are elevated above "humans" and should be worshipped and viewed as something more? Man, Japanese idol culture is f-ing weird.
Jan 29, 2022 4:17 PM

Nov 2021
Kinda feel bad for Juna she has to wait, I'm rooting for her. And the group with suspicious acts seems to be the problem in the next episode. Cant wait how this will go

Jan 29, 2022 6:38 PM
Feb 2021
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

Ah, this must have been the first episode you watched for this series.
Jan 29, 2022 7:31 PM
Oct 2016
Yeah....there's no way Georg and his subordinates are dead. Souma values good personnel too much to throw them away like that. My theory is Souma knocked them out with the wine, and had them spirited away to either the front lines that they are going to watch for the Empire or to some other place where they can be useful for Souma.
Jan 29, 2022 8:13 PM

Jan 2013
What an episode!
I honestly doubt that at least George is dead, but we'll see.

Also that awards scene hahaha, boy he just earned +2 wives ahaha, the harem is expanding!

And that adding scene looks like things will get interesting.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jan 29, 2022 8:31 PM
Jan 2022
So the point of this show is basically the MC growing his harem, despite those politics whatever talks? Dropped this.
Jan 29, 2022 8:35 PM
Jan 2022
Hesmiyu said:
ghtyujkkpkohkjb said:
Talking. Talking. TALKING. And again ***king TALKING!!
Almost static picture with little to none animation and action.
Forth episode in a row already!
F this BS, I leave. Good luck everyone trying to have fun with this talk-show.

did you expect an action show when it's called "How a Realist Hero Rebuilt the Kingdom"?

Also, I will have fun with this "talk-show". :)
It mentioned action tag first before others, but action is kinda nowhere, trying to bait? Should've replaced with drama tag.
Jan 29, 2022 9:19 PM

Sep 2010
I also doubt Georg is really dead. I think the potion was just a test of his resolve that knocked him out. I could see him working under cover for Souma as everyone thinks he's dead.
Jan 29, 2022 9:41 PM

Feb 2021
This is what so called real harem anime, haha
Jan 29, 2022 10:00 PM

Oct 2016
What the fuck is up with this show always feeling like 5 minutes lmao. Pretty good episode! RIP Georg, the man- or should I say lion did what had to be done, respect. Though, I don't fully believe he's dead. The former King and Queen sus though, Georg didn't confirm it, but they're probably the ones he was referring to.

Jeanne was out here casually trying to take Hakuya from Elfrieden lmao. I ship it. Eyy let's go, Aisha is officially wife number 2. A shame that Juna has to wait, but she's as good as wife'd too.

Also wonder what's the deal with the people at the end, after the post credits.
Jan 29, 2022 10:22 PM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Fun enough this "talk show" always seems to end more fast than the vast majority of the action shows that i watch, really like the story, and one day i will read the LN from the start too.
Jan 29, 2022 11:52 PM

Feb 2020
So, after finishing up Van's dispute, Souma back to the kingdom and had a nice little talk with the lion-man inside his prison, trying to regain the man conviction to help the kingdom's sake like in the past while in hope gathering more information about whats the real motivation behind the lion-man action. However, as a tough man, Carmine decide to still held his mouth close enough to the point he need to give his live up for it. For the surprise all of his men also decided the same things, loyal till death, which actually sad for me, especially with the name of Beowulf. No! That's such a nice side character name, and they just erased it off! The lion-man also suggest for Souma to had a child asap with Liscia, which honestly, not a bad last word coming from the death man.

Well, talk about the next generation, what a coincidence to brought up that harem matters into the surface. But those post-credit scene really living up the same Genjitsu Shugi way of cliffhanger like before. Good work!
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Jan 30, 2022 12:24 AM
Nov 2017
Laplace_kun said:
I think the first half and second half of this episode don't fit well together.
Also, I feel the Elfrieden queen is a suspicious person.

There's a post credits scene

Well she does have a dark power she hasn’t even shared with her daughter
Jan 30, 2022 1:03 AM

Feb 2019
LETS GOOO Aisha is officially a wife. My life is complete.

Too bad about Georg, but he had to die for the stability of the kingdom and for elfrieden to grow. Don’t try to overthrow your kingdom in the future.
Jan 30, 2022 6:43 AM

Oct 2008
Harem 3-wives is on the way! lolz!

Jan 30, 2022 8:34 AM

Jul 2021
In this episode, very unexpected things happened, especially at the end, when Aisha and Juna suddenly ask to become Souma's wives. I'm curious to know if this will be really important in the history of this anime and what it will influence.
Jan 30, 2022 9:12 AM

Oct 2012
Tension with the scene with Georg, you will be missed. Sad when valuable personnel can't be saved u_u
and then we got polygamy for the second half. Not a fan of it tbh, but what can you do. Would've rather preferred for her to stay as his trusted guard, but of course we gotta go with the sex sells
Jan 30, 2022 1:15 PM

Oct 2018
Poor Juna who have to wait until there is more diva... Hope she will not wait too much longer
Jan 30, 2022 4:03 PM

May 2013
anime_monger said:
Somehow, Souma entering polygamy just doesn't sit right with me. I mean sure, Liscia is accomodating and all, but isn't it Souma's duty to reciprocate her consideration? Unless of course, his wives were taking up multiple husbands too. Souma could have easily rejected the proposal - a king, acting or not, can do that if he truly cared about/loved his wife. Just an opinion; could be right; could be wrong.

There is nothing wrong with this because kings/emperors has always had multiple wives and/or concubines. Political ties are really important with royalty and it is expected. It has nothing to do with love. Love is just plus. Also it is super important to have multiple wives because back then health care wasn't much and people died smallest things (even kings). Child mortality was very high, about 50%. Having multiple wives ensured that royal line continued. It was fatal for whole country if there was no heir. Without heir civil war was inevitable.
Jan 30, 2022 4:07 PM

May 2013
Imagine living a happy life as noble teen girl and end up executed by kingdom just because your father did some dump shit. :/

To The Third Degree

The Han government believed in the idea of “shared guilt”, meaning that sometimes, people were punished for the crimes of a relative. The idea behind this policy was that while somebody might not be particularly concerned about their own fate, they might think twice about treasonous acts knowing that their family would also pay the price.

Officially, the policy was to execute traitors and their relatives up to the third degree. First degree relatives were parents, siblings, and children. Second degree relatives were uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grand-children, and half-siblings. Third degree relatives were great-grandparents and great-grandchildren. However, this policy was not always taken literally, since the authorities rarely bothered to calculate the exact relationship and simply killed every relative on hand.

These sorts of executions were the standard response to treasonous activities. For example, Dong Cheng was found to be planning to assassinate Cao Cao, so his family was punished in this manner. The same goes for the family of Empress Fu Shou, who also plotted to assassinate him. When Cao Shuang and his partisans were convicted of plotting to overthrow Emperor Cao Fang in 249, their families were executed to the third degree. The same happened to the families of Wang Ling, Guanqiu Jian, and Zhuge Dan - though there were some exceptions in those cases since some of their relatives were in-laws or close friends of the Sima family.

These executions were also very common in Wu. The Zhuge family of Wu suffered this fate when Sun Jun overthrew Zhuge Ke in 253/254, and he applied the punishment to the families of several people who attempted to assassinate him. His successor, Sun Chen/Lin, did likewise, and Sun Hao was quite free with this punishment.

Shu’s political troubles were rarely as extreme as those in Wu, so this method of punishment didn’t come up as often there. Most famously, Yang Yi executed Wei Yan and his family during the conflict after Zhuge Liang’s death.

While the punishment is a bit excessive, it is also important to take it in context. This was a long-standing Han policy, and the idea of familial guilt was firmly entrenched in Han culture. This sort of mass execution was the standard response to treason, not the personal prerogative of a few individuals. Treasonous officials knew the consequences of their actions.

Jan 31, 2022 1:59 AM

Nov 2012
How to build a harem, let's go, this is just the beginning

My Candies 2024

My Old Candies:
Jan 31, 2022 10:37 AM

Mar 2014
I wonder what this show is trying to do by bored me to death with endless talking ???
Jan 31, 2022 4:07 PM

May 2018
Looks like the Anbu are back xD. Souma finally getting himself some wives
Feb 1, 2022 12:57 AM
Jan 2021
Is Carmina really dead? Feels like such a sad way to end it. I can't help but wonder if Carmina is still secretly alive. He obviously knows something that Souma doesn't. And it would be a shame for everyone else who wants to follow him to death.
Feb 1, 2022 11:19 AM
Jul 2021
I haven’t complained about the slow pace of this show before, but this episode seemed way more stretched out than it should have been. A lot of the Duke chat was just rehashed from earlier episodes, and the whole marriage segment seemed very half-assed in its tone and pacing. This show is one of the few to have a legitimate reason to include a harem, but the way it went about it here was just so workmanlike. Probably the first episode in this series I disliked.
Feb 1, 2022 12:08 PM
Nov 2010
Dang, tears welled up when I saw Juna get depressed and instantly rejected. >.<
Feb 2, 2022 9:46 AM
Mar 2015
Things do not always work out the way we plan
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