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Dec 12, 2021 9:17 AM

Oct 2018
Eris: Be my family

Also Eris: It's okay guys. I'm just going to the store with Ghislane to buy milk. We'll be back next week.

Dec 12, 2021 9:19 AM

Dec 2016
Jeez man, this episode was literally depressing and dark. And I believe Rudeus crying at the end was the first time we have seen this dude cry through out the episodes. (I could be wrong)

Dec 12, 2021 9:21 AM

Jun 2020
This Episode has many things packed into it like Ruijerd leaving the team and Eris parents Dying also that sexy time. though why they have to play a music like that in the background its not like I hate it. It's just for me it's not fitting or not what I imagined it to be when I was reading the LN. Still a Great Episode though
Dec 12, 2021 9:21 AM
Dec 2017
Gotta say i cant say i 100% remember every single detail from back then when i read the WN nor i know if the LN handled this part differently, but i loved how he started to cry at the end, for rudy that managed to hold back paul's and lilia's reunion to ruijerd departure it was as if he finally reached a breaking point and just exploded emotionally.
Dec 12, 2021 9:23 AM
Apr 2013
In my opinion, the slow, meditative episodes are what make this show so great when compared to other isekai.

Adventuring entertainment peaked for me back on the demon continent when Eris and Rudeus met and began traveling with Ruijerd.

All the stuff that came before - Rudy experimenting with magic, Roxy teaching Rudy, Rudy and Sylphy, trouble in the Greyrat household, Rudy going to the Boreas household, etc - was pure, prime world-building.

You couldn't help but get sucked in.

Makes you wonder whether the LN author is better at writing character-centric scenes as opposed to adventure scenes.

Fantastic ep. Rudy loses two comrades and his virginity in the space of 24 hours.

Considering that when he was traveling with Eris and Ruijerd, Rudy got them (and himself) into a lot of (on one occasion, near-fatal) trouble, how will he fare on his own?

Bring on season 2 (after next week's episode).

Dec 12, 2021 9:27 AM
Oct 2016
If last episode was a visceral pain this episode was an affecting pain. Starting off with Rudy having that horrible nightmare after what happened with Orsted. He's obviously very shaken up still from dying and being basically resurrected. Ruijerd questioning what the man god even is, I'm glad that Rudy told Ruijerd about the specifics regarding his spear curse. Now he too knows all their works hasn't been in vain, that the curse can and is being lifted from the Superd. Ruijerd goodbye later in the episode hit me very hard. A super emotional scene with Ruijerd telling Rudy and Eris they don't need him anymore now that he's brought them back to their home. Seeing the past moments with Ruijerd flash as Rudy thought about seeing him again one day I teared up.

Thankfully right after a sad departure was a happy reunion, Ghislaine is safe and sound working at the refugee camp trying to find survivors. Along with Eris family butler whom we saw before, he also talked to Paul about finding survivors. Eris was so happy to see Ghislaine again. I am too, its been a while since we saw the steel butt wolf. Those happy feelings not lasting long since Eris has to find out her parents and grandfather are dead. We saw the horrible politics taking place the end of an earlier episode with Eris grandfather but now we know her parents are dead too. Which of course breaks Eris heart.

Leading to the big scene of the episode and a moment long anticipated since the anime was announced and soon started approaching this content. Eris sleeps with Rudy! She comes into his tent and jumps his bone. Rudy understandably wants to with her but can tell her mindset isn't in the right place for something like that. Which if that's not character development for Rudy considering how he thought when first reincarnated I don't know what is. But anyways, of course after enough prodding Rudy gives in and gives Eris what she wants. To become family with each other now that she knows the rest of her family is dead.

They do the deed and Rudy awakens to an empty spot next to him. Which us puzzling since Eris just talked about them being family. I completely understand Rudy crying his eyes out after the first girl he sleeps with just ups and leaves without goodbye. Its a sad time for him.
Dec 12, 2021 9:29 AM

Apr 2016
Damn Rudeus finally became a man but now he's solo. This means i suppose that from now one he will have to travel alone for a while. Unsure what will be his next move.
Dec 12, 2021 9:30 AM

Jan 2020
Man, what an emotional episode! Before now, I don't think I've ever seen any piece of media perfectly replicate a nightmare as perfectly as the first few minutes of this episode did.
Also, the fact that Rudeus hesitated before accepting Eris' offer shows how much he has grown as a character. He's not as perverted as he used to be and cares about others more. Studio Bind handled this scene very well. No out of place comedic moments or anything.
I wonder where Eris and Ghislaine have gone to.
Dec 12, 2021 9:30 AM

Aug 2021
UWOOOOOOOO SEGGGSSSSSSSSSS but WTF!? It feels like I got dumped too
Dec 12, 2021 9:32 AM
Apr 2020
This was waaaay more emotional than I had imagined. Almost everything was sad, and even the deed ended in sadness 😭

Tbh the deed went the complete opposite direction of what I had expected. I felt so proud of Rudeus, not weirded out by it. Anyone else or just me?

I can't wait for next episode to see what happens next :)
Dec 12, 2021 9:36 AM

Feb 2019
Incoming essays from westerners on peodphilia, horny authors and other bs.

Thought the episode was perfection. So many emotional highs and lows todays. Rujerd’s goodbye got me close to tears. Imagine being with someone for 2-3 years and then them leaving like that, would’ve been really difficult. Then Eris and Rudy finding out the fate of the family.. Rudy getting left behind… rough stretch
Dec 12, 2021 9:39 AM
Oct 2016
Eris hit it and bounced

Mod Edit: Added image tags. Only one screenshot per post.
anime-primeDec 12, 2021 12:30 PM
Dec 12, 2021 9:39 AM
May 2021
"I want your kitten's meow" lmao
Dec 12, 2021 9:39 AM

May 2021
Stark700 said:
Dang, the music they used for this episode is kinda sad. Since their most recent fight, it seems Rudy isn't like himself as before. He and Ellis at least did get more time together.

Episode definitely had progress between him and Ellis lol. Too bad Ellis left after their sexy time with a note lol
lol I was watching museasia live telecast and you should have seen the live chat
Dec 12, 2021 9:40 AM

Sep 2019
LETS FUCKING GOOOO RUDEUS DID IT, HE GOT THE CUNNY!!!! I wish they showed more though
Dec 12, 2021 9:46 AM

Dec 2015
Despite all the shit Rudeus has gone through, I’m pretty sure this is the first time he’s actually cried.
Dec 12, 2021 9:47 AM

May 2020
u gotta feel sorry for rudy, like my guy almost died and now after 2 yrs of journey, eris decide to peace out after had sex with him lol

well, i guess paul will be very happy since now rudy is having a real tough time rn hahaa
Dec 12, 2021 9:49 AM

Oct 2013
animejas said:
Deknijff said:
Was great episode as usual but I much prefer the build up to the sex scene in the manga here

I could of honestly done without that weird wine cup thing they focused so much on
I like the way the anime did this, the mood and atmosphere felt so awkward and non-romantic but fitting given the timing of Eris' desire to sleep with him after she experienced so much with hearing the loss of her family and trying to deal with her own conflicts too after seeing Rudeus nearly die in the previous episode. For a story perspective and a build to the finale next week, this worked a lot more for me.
Well Im not saying its bad in the anime but I just prefer the comedic awkwardness in the manga
I think its much cuter and heart warming to me
dabdabgoose said:
Deknijff said:
Was great episode as usual but I much prefer the build up to the sex scene in the manga here

I could of honestly done without that weird wine cup thing they focused so much on
disagree, I think the flashbacks to how they met made the anime way more emotional.
Well the flashback is in the manga but after so nothing lost
Dec 12, 2021 9:50 AM
Sep 2021
-Sad for Ruijerd
-Sad for Rudeus
-Sad for ED
Dec 12, 2021 9:50 AM

May 2020
LazyChaser said:
Jeez man, this episode was literally depressing and dark. And I believe Rudeus crying at the end was the first time we have seen this dude cry through out the episodes. (I could be wrong)

i mean who wouldnt cry after all that events, its too heavy for someone to not cry
Dec 12, 2021 9:51 AM
Jul 2018
the Ruijerd farewell got me as I expected
this ep was great
Dec 12, 2021 9:52 AM

Oct 2018
Wow, I'm just speechless. This was such a melancholic episode. Almost the entire episode was me being teary-eyed or shock-faced.

I don't see many people commenting about the nightmare Rudeus had which showed beautifully how much he connects with the people he has in his life now and his abandonment issues, which just make the final scene even more heartbreaking.
From Ruijerd crying at the start to Rudeus crying after being abandoned at the end, all the sorrowful emotions were portrayed amazingly and with a lot of care and precision.

I had heard this episode was going to include the sex scene and was a bit apprehensive if the studio would overdo the fanservice and ruin the mood the episode had built till then. But that seen was done so much more tastefully than I could have ever hoped. Didn't think that scene would showcase how far the characters have come, but it did in nice and subtle ways. If people get outraged over this, then they are raging over great storytelling. Thankfully, I haven't seen too many people like that.

While the last episode flexed the studio's animation quality in terms of sakuga, this episode had beautiful animation in a much richer and subtle way. Despite the last episode making my adrenaline pumped like no other, this slower episode just turned into my favourite episode of the show so far.
Dec 12, 2021 9:52 AM
Oct 2016
a sad goodbye to Ruijerd

Mod Edit: Added image tags. Only one screenshot per post.
anime-primeDec 12, 2021 12:32 PM
Dec 12, 2021 9:52 AM
Sep 2020
SoraSenpai said:
Incredible episode. Ruijerd kept his word and brought Rudy and Eris home, and now he starts on his own Journey. I wonder what his plans are.

Damn Eris getting a harsh dose of reality and wanting what she wants in life now. Just to have a family.

I thought the sex scene was actually beautiful I like how they incorporated the flashbacks and showed how far along Rudy and Eris have come in regards to loving each other.

While Rudy's old tendencies are still there I think we got very good development with him wanting to wait until he was 15 to have sex with Eris...but I mean Fuck when she busted out the "Have my Kittens, Meow." Thatssss a wrap LMAO

I don't know how I feel about Eris leaving without telling Rudy anything other then "We aren't matched for each other" In terms of what strength? Knowledge?

Poor Rudy now he is all alone. Now what?

Taking into account that she went with ghilaine, and that she cut her hair before going, I think she meant strength. She is more than probably training with Ghilaine, but this is just a guess.

Still, it was a really sad episode, you really feel lonely seeing rudeus alone in that scene
Dec 12, 2021 9:53 AM

Dec 2020
Stark700 said:
Dang, the music they used for this episode is kinda sad. Since their most recent fight, it seems Rudy isn't like himself as before. He and Ellis at least did get more time together.

Episode definitely had progress between him and Ellis lol. Too bad Ellis left after their sexy time with a note lol

Yeah ellis was really epic in that episode best girl imo Ellis was so good i came
that episode was epic they had the sex rudy and ellis best girl ellis the ellster the better of the ellises so epic
Dec 12, 2021 9:55 AM
Oct 2021
A lot of things happened this episode that makes me more curious about the next one.
Dec 12, 2021 9:56 AM

Aug 2019
READ THE BEGINNING AFTER THE END. Seriously, it is an S-tier manwha and should be added to mal in the future.
Dec 12, 2021 10:01 AM

Oct 2019
It looks like we won't be getting much of Fitz or Ariel, which sucks.

The next arc is gonna be awesome whenever its adapted though. I can't wait!
Dec 12, 2021 10:02 AM
Apr 2018
ArimaKana said:
Anyone calling Rudy a lolicon or such and blaming him for touching a 15 year old after what just happened didn't get what just happened.

RegulusX said:
They did it. They really did it now. I can't wait for twitter to cancel this show completely now.
Okeanix said:
I need some wine to congrats this show getting cancelled.
Getting what lol? Explain please.
actually, Eris is the one that will be cancelled cuz rudy isn't legal yet lol

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
anime-primeDec 12, 2021 12:36 PM
Dec 12, 2021 10:08 AM

Mar 2016
It's the end of the journey for Dead End and all three collectively ended up on their separate ways. The part with Ruijerd was really nice and touching, and while I didn't get too emotional or anything, I was impressed by how the anime stuck to that grounded atmosphere and didn't try anything crazy or overdramatic. Sure, theatrics may look cool and enjoyable, but it wouldn't befit the tone of the series up to this point.

Not gonna lie, this whole thing about this part being controversial and all is kinda silly. The whole sex scene wasn't even anything particularly romantic or fanservicey at all. In fact, it felt awkward and a REALLY good way. Eris was definitely trying to cope. Manhandled by a Dragon God, having a uncle figure in Rujierd leave after fulfilling a promise, finding out about her blood family confirmed to be all dead, and then being told she's being set up for an arranged marriage. I can honestly understand how she feels and why she ultimately made that decision in the end, much to the severe chagrin of poor Rudeus, now left alone and mentally hefted over. Gonna be really interesting to see how the story continues from there, knowing that a s2 is definitely waiting in the wings hopefully by around next year's Fall season.

One more episode left, and I think they'll have Eris's perspective plus some side ventures and maybe teasing for future events to end the cour.
Dec 12, 2021 10:13 AM

Jul 2017
Ryuseishun said:
It's the end of the journey for Dead End and all three collectively ended up on their separate ways. The part with Ruijerd was really nice and touching, and while I didn't get too emotional or anything, I was impressed by how the anime stuck to that grounded atmosphere and didn't try anything crazy or overdramatic. Sure, theatrics may look cool and enjoyable, but it wouldn't befit the tone of the series up to this point.

Not gonna lie, this whole thing about this part being controversial and all is kinda silly. The whole sex scene wasn't even anything particularly romantic or fanservicey at all. In fact, it felt awkward and a REALLY good way. Eris was definitely trying to cope. Manhandled by a Dragon God, having a uncle figure in Rujierd leave after fulfilling a promise, finding out about her blood family confirmed to be all dead, and then being told she's being set up for an arranged marriage. I can honestly understand how she feels and why she ultimately made that decision in the end, much to the severe chagrin of poor Rudeus, now left alone and mentally hefted over. Gonna be really interesting to see how the story continues from there, knowing that a s2 is definitely waiting in the wings hopefully by around next year's Fall season.

One more episode left, and I think they'll have Eris's perspective plus some side ventures and maybe teasing for future events to end the cour.

On top of those struggles, she even saw the person she loved dearly and the person who was closest to her for 6+ years from when she was a kid to being an adult, nearly die in front of her very eyes, and she couldn't do a damn thing after Orsted flung her away without her getting to damage him whatsoever. That's why she was very close on her trip with Rudeus while travelling back home, whether its hugging him tightly on the horse ride or sleeping next to him while sharing the blanket since she didn't want to be far away from him.
Dec 12, 2021 10:14 AM

Mar 2013
The moment I saw Rujerd in the verge of crying, I was totally bewildered that he himself can still cry. It goes to show how much of a good news it was to him, especially for those family that he had lost years ago.

Seeing the wrath of the teleportation incident, there are still some people who are camping in the area hoping that someday, their loved ones will be reunited to them. We can see how tragic and dreadful the situation really is and to think their kingdom would kill an innocent man just to create a scapegoat and blame it all on him.

I guess they nailed the ending scenes of Rudeus and Eris' bed scene, to properly give it a more bonafide ending scene. They replaced it with something even better, their past experiences up to this point as well as some glimpse of the bed scenes so it won't be THAT sensual to the eyes and minds of the audiences.

Looking forward for the next episode!
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Dec 12, 2021 10:22 AM
Feb 2021
This week's episode just gave me one feeling: The big sad.

Jokes aside, it was such a nostalgic and sad episode. I really loved the fact that they used the first op, since Rudy is back home now.
Ruijerd leaving was already enough to make me feel sad, but Eris just had to leave too.

Damn. I can only imagine how alone Rudy feels now. No family, no friends. I'm really looking forward to what he plans to do next.
Dec 12, 2021 10:22 AM

Dec 2014
An episode of partings, quite the emotional ride.

Somehow it just didn’t occur to me that Ruijerd would leave after he took them to their hometown even though that was always his intention. Somehow I thought we’d just go adventuring with our trio for a long time. When he gave Rudy and Eris their headpats and left saying we’ll meet again somewhere got me quite emotional. :(

Well, if Eris says she wants your kittens, I’m sure it would obliterate all reason you have. I laughed when Rudy was beaming the next day saying he finally entered the normie route. The scene was quite well done, really liked the incorporation of their time together. The focus on the cup was a little unnecessary but Rudy was smart to make it sink into the ground to avoid making noise.

Please tell me Eris did not cut her hair, why would she do that to her beautiful long hair? Why? Honestly, that might be the most depressing part of the episode for me.

Rudy crying at the end was such a heavy ending, where will we go from here? Will he look for Sylphie or Zenith?
Dec 12, 2021 10:25 AM

Mar 2018
I guess eventually they had to split up, but seeing Ruijerd leave them was so sad, especially the head pats :(

Good on Rudeus for fulfilling his life-long dream, but Eris left too... What will he do now?
Dec 12, 2021 10:29 AM

Oct 2017
Applause the best fantasy show ever made and created. I feel sorry for my boy Rudeus.
And I can't wait for the next season
Dec 12, 2021 10:29 AM

Aug 2009
Eris really pulled a Goku on Rudeus.

"Gotta train brb"

I wish I hadnt been spoiled about Hilda and Philip so the scene could have hit a bit harder but whatvs. Philip was a bit sketchy, as anyone else in the show but didnt deserve that. Hilda had her issues but she just had opened up to Rudeus due to those issues .RIP.

And now for something completely different from ReZero MT and "Ruderu sis a pedo" bs, it is bs how Ruijerd and Ghislaine didnt meet. I was waiting for that moment.

Maybe another time.

And all the people that were offended and/or dropped it over what is basically Rudeus being raped by an older girl, dont worry... history has taught us that you all are hiding skeletons in your closets. Just give it time.
Dec 12, 2021 10:31 AM
May 2020
I was so used to Dead End, It's gonna be weird seeing Rudeus traveling alone, weird but interesting.

Sadly, the story is finishing, I really hope S3 is not too far. Another amazing season tho.
Dec 12, 2021 10:32 AM
Jan 2015
Anyone know where i can find the soundtrack for Ep.11?
Dec 12, 2021 10:36 AM

May 2011
SoraSenpai said:
Incredible episode. Ruijerd kept his word and brought Rudy and Eris home, and now he starts on his own Journey. I wonder what his plans are.

Damn Eris getting a harsh dose of reality and wanting what she wants in life now. Just to have a family.

I thought the sex scene was actually beautiful I like how they incorporated the flashbacks and showed how far along Rudy and Eris have come in regards to loving each other.

While Rudy's old tendencies are still there I think we got very good development with him wanting to wait until he was 15 to have sex with Eris...but I mean Fuck when she busted out the "Have my Kittens, Meow." Thatssss a wrap LMAO

I don't know how I feel about Eris leaving without telling Rudy anything other then "We aren't matched for each other" In terms of what strength? Knowledge?

Poor Rudy now he is all alone. Now what?

That "Now what?" lacks some empathy but then I checked your profile out and it makes sense lol.

I'm anime-only so I'm very curious as to the direction his development is going to take. Rudy is likely going to be devastated. This sort of experience maketh or breaketh a man.
Dec 12, 2021 10:43 AM

Aug 2016
Truly a touching episode, well done Studio Bind!
Dec 12, 2021 10:50 AM
Apr 2011
Does anyone know the OST used at roughly 11:19 in the anime where Rudeus and Eris are riding into the refuge camp, I can't seem to find the name.
Dec 12, 2021 11:00 AM
Jun 2020
It was pain, then hope, then it happened, it was beautiful, at least while it lasted, and its pain again. sadness. I feel empty. Y? I mustn't reveal.
Dec 12, 2021 11:09 AM
Nov 2020
“I want your kittens, nya”?
Dec 12, 2021 11:14 AM

Aug 2019
Animefan5000 said:
Does anyone know the OST used at roughly 11:19 in the anime where Rudeus and Eris are riding into the refuge camp, I can't seem to find the name.

I don't think it's released yet. January 19 is the release date for the second music album.
Dec 12, 2021 11:15 AM

Oct 2019
I was expecting Ruijerd to leave but Eris as well 😔
At least he got to bang his hot cousin 🙃
Dec 12, 2021 11:16 AM
Feb 2021
This episode was one you kinda knew was gonna happen, that Dead End was gonna split up, but you didn't want to happen. I'll say that I wasn't quite ready for it.
Seeing Ruijerd leave was kind of a bitter sweet thing, like I felt ok with it. Wasn't to caught off guard by it and that was going to have to happen, now I still didn't like it.
Eris leaving, oh boy that was sad. That one got Rudeus all messed up. Now he has no one left with him. All that I can thing he should do is go and find other missing people that are important to him
Dec 12, 2021 11:17 AM
Feb 2021
I guess it's sylphy's comeback time.
Dec 12, 2021 11:22 AM

May 2021
Great episode! So Rudeus told Rujierd about the Man God. Rujierd departed and that scene was very emotional to watch. They found Ghislaine again but Eris heard the bad news.
'I want to have your kittens, meow!'
Eris and Rudeus finally did it xD but Eris was gone the next morning unfortunately. It's a bit of a horrible thing to do to Rudeus by moving away. She's completely destroyed him and I don't think I'll forgive her for that.

Looking forward to the next episode!
Dec 12, 2021 11:24 AM
Aug 2020
Rollercoaster episode, i feel really emotional Watching this eps
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