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Nov 4, 2021 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
Boji needs to be careful of his belongings. Losing his bag like that....ouch.

Episode had a thrilling feel as Boji dealt with more trouble than just his bag problem. Seriously, he really needs to learn that their world is a dangerous place. Best episode of the series so far imo.
Nov 4, 2021 9:25 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverNov 4, 2021 11:35 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 4, 2021 9:49 AM
Sep 2021

This anime is a masterpiece, and episode 4 did not disappoint.

I cannot wait for next week's episode. Well done WIT & the author.
Nov 4, 2021 11:07 AM
Oct 2016
Domas that motherf*cking b*tch a*s motherf*cker!!! I knew he couldn't be trusted! He's been giving off bad vibes since episode one. I swear to god if anything happened to Bojji down in that flame pit I'll jump through the screen and wring Domas neck!! The flashback at the start of the episode was a giant misdirect. Domas seemed happy at first to teach Bojji but as he came to realize that Bojji couldn't wield the sword how Domas wanted him to it looked like Domas became sour towards Bojji. Which is bullshit since like we've seen before Bojji can wield a sword fine just not the same as his dad.

Hokuro at least was a good guy to Bojji. We've had glimpses of Hokuro being kind towards Bojji in previous episodes but here we got that little flashback to how they meet, which was sweet. Hokuro seemed to genuinely care for Bojji and want his well being. Bojji did get into some trouble earlier on falling into that spike pit but somehow, I guess cause he's so small, he didn't get hurt. Meeting that crazy guy whom I'm guessing was a former king gone crazy. Which ties into what Apeas said earlier in the episode about the top ranked king getting an item from the Holy vault and either going crazy or disappearing.

Daida sending assassin after his brother is unsurprising but still infuriating. Little snake keeps listening to that mirror and going further and further down a dark path. The longer he listens to it the more messed up things will get. Now he's gonna go to the King's body and take the power from it or something, which sounds like a very bad idea. I'm sure Bojji will be ok since we're so early in the show but I swear to god Domas better die a painful death for pushing Bojji into that pit.
Nov 4, 2021 11:09 AM
Sep 2015
Incredible world-making episode, even if the twist is predictable. The forest's circle of life and the mad King dancing remind me a lot of Ghibli.
Nov 4, 2021 11:23 AM

Feb 2017
Okay, I was thinking and I am confident that the one who threw knives at his food was actually Kage, who also threw a pebble at Bojji when he fell down into the hole.

That means that Bebin isn't actually a "bad" guy. We know Kage was sent somewhere on a mission by Bebin. He might've ordered Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows after he learned he was actually Bojji's friend which would make him suitable for the job even more. Bebin as a spymaster knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later.

This also explains Bojji's relationship with snakes. That flashback of snake attack in episode 1 many, including me interpreted as an assassination attempt by snakemaster Bebin. But after learning that snakes are Bojji's friends it doesn't make much sense to look at it that way. So my new interpretation is that it was a game/training between Bojji and the snakes which we misinterpreted as an attack on Bojji. Bebin might've even instructed snakes to "train" Bojji since he recognized his talents because he himself is a master in that style of fighting.

So Bebin instructed Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows because he knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later. That's why Domas looked uneasy the morning after failed poisoning, he found out someone is obstructing his assassination attempts. It weren't knives that were poisoned but the food itself.
Nov 4, 2021 11:25 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
All my homies hate Domas, he seems irredeemable at this point.

The mirror manipulating Daida further and further, worth noting is that Daida wants to go up the ranking with his own effort and strength earlier in the episode, doesn't seem like the mirror liked that idea.

Bojji communicating in this episode was hilarious, loved his thumbs-ups during the meal and him trying to describe that he fell into the pit.

Bebin (or Kage?) protecting Bojji from a poisonous attack.

Hokuro seems very genuine with Bojji judging from his flashback, he seems to have lost someone important to him and Bojji paid his respects.

Interesting bit with the Gates of Hell (connected to the Devil maybe?) and the gift for the best king making the owner go crazy, seems like the same item was chosen everytime.

Nov 4, 2021 11:27 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Another great episode. This show really doesn't disappoint in no way shape or form. No filler or self indulgent dialogue garbage here,
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 4, 2021 11:32 AM

Jul 2017
This was a weird yet decent episode for me, felt abrupt and fast with a bit of a static nature to it but the first and final few minutes saved the episode for me and recovered it for me to be at least a fine one. World building wasn't the best I've seen but was alright for the time it got to make the world feel alive yet dangerous at the same time, some of the crowds were animated decently at times and were frozen in time in other shots, where you'll see a guy not blink and hold the exact pose which isn't a normal one for many seconds. But I can't complain too much about the visuals since there were other departments where WIT delivered for sure, especially with the dance lol.

The final few minutes were really good. The middle portion could have been better for me, but the final few minutes definitely got me more hooked and I loved how it took a twist to what the first few minutes presented to the audience. Domas is something else. Am interested in what's next for sure, hope for the pace to feel a bit more natural with the next one though.
animejasNov 18, 2021 10:27 AM
Nov 4, 2021 11:34 AM

Jan 2020
Suspense, indeed, was there: will he, won't he? moment kept raveling until a rather sad decision by Domas, however, some plot points were deliberately left unexplained. I guess, that will be probably relevant later on, maybe (?). That being said, Bojji explaining or, rather more, signing what he wants to say was enjoyable to watch. Now I'm interested if there will be a redemption arc for Domas, heck, even I think Bojji would forgive him easily, yet the aspect of guilt, conscience forever more won't leave Domas' mind.
s-lenNov 4, 2021 11:40 AM
Nov 4, 2021 11:37 AM

Mar 2020
this ep was a bit random for me,maybe the pacing was a bit fast idk,bt still overall a good ep i guess,cant wait for the next one
Nov 4, 2021 11:41 AM
May 2021
Even if Bojji forgives Domas, I ain't gonna forgive him
Nov 4, 2021 11:42 AM

Nov 2016
Boji eating that shounen protagonist meat, lol.

And damn, it was clear what Doma was up to (at the latest it became apparent after the poisoned meat). Characters here keep their true nature hidden.

Or maybe the whole situation isn't that what it appears to be.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 4, 2021 12:06 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Keep doing what you're doing, Bojji

Nov 4, 2021 12:09 PM
Apr 2018
Alright, time for me to pick up the manga.

Edit: welp, i thought i'd get new info by checking the manga, but i didn't. The anime is already ahead of the manga (eng translation).
LemonadeYou-kyanNov 4, 2021 12:17 PM
Nov 4, 2021 12:13 PM

May 2021
Great episode! Loving this show so much. So Boji has started out on his adventure and the first thing he does is lose his bag xD. I’m happy that he finds it again but he then falls into a big hole and meets a creepy man who asks if he will be his next sacrifice… that really scared me. Thought he was a nice man. He also nearly gets assassinated however and his meat was stolen by some animals who then die from the poison it was laced with from the knives. What the hell!
I never saw that coming… his own sword instructor who I thought was good threw him into the flames in the gate of hell…

Looking forward to the next episode! Hope Boji is alright.
Nov 4, 2021 12:30 PM
Jan 2021
I got the feeling this might happen when Domas started talking about following orders no matter what. Glad to see he feels bad about it at least. Bojji probably will be fine, he seems to have a mysterious guardian angel watching out for him. I wonder who that could be?

Honestly, half expected Domas to through himself down the hole from guilt. He seems so protective of Bojji that honestly I would not be surprised if that order broke him forever.

I also think he is greatly regretting his vote right about now.
Nov 4, 2021 12:37 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I finally caught up on Ousama Ranking and this is definitely the sleeper show of the season. Damn, so in the end Domas was the one who tried to assassinate Boji. At first I thought it was going to be a fake out and Domas was going to tap him on the shoulder, but he actually pushed him into the pit of hell. This explains why Domas was so conflicted because he didn't want to hurt Boji. However, Boji still couldn't lift a sword and Domas was unable to train him and he wanted to train Daida instead.
Nov 4, 2021 12:42 PM

Aug 2018
This anime has deceptively complex characters. Domas clearly loves Bojji but he's first and foremost a soldier and he had an order to carry out
Nov 4, 2021 12:42 PM
Jan 2021
Rem4lifexD said:

I never saw that coming… his own sword instructor who I thought was good threw him into the flames in the gate of hell…

I got a feeling that would happen when they foreshadowed it in Domas's speech about following orders and having no right to judge them.

Personally think he might get a redemption arc.

I doubt he will be able to pull off a betrayal like this again, especially if my prediction is true.
Nov 4, 2021 12:47 PM
Sep 2021

Nov 4, 2021 12:49 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I told you that Domas couldn't be trusted @Smudy....Honestly, fuck that guy, the episode almost got me to change my mind about him like they did with the queen but he still decided to be a piece of shit, so I hope he dies or is forced to live disabilities just like Bojji has to

Bojji really is the best though, his genuine compassion is what continues to tug at my heart strings TwT

P.S. All my homies hate Daida as well
Nov 4, 2021 12:57 PM

Oct 2014
I get the feeling Kage is protecting Boji on the orders of Bebbin. I don't think his bag just randomly returned to him. I don't think a rock just randomly hit him and I don't think those kunai were laced with poison. Pretty clear Domas was trying to kill him the entire time.

Kage surely got his back now as well ^^
Trap_Traps_TrapsNov 4, 2021 1:03 PM
Nov 4, 2021 12:59 PM

Apr 2018
This anime felt face paced but still managed to be great and enjoyable.
Boji's adventure has finally begun and the first thing that happend to him is getting his bag stolen by a thief. Of course, the one that brought it back to him was none other than our shadow, Kage. Who also threw the pebble when he fell into the trap from the unknown ''King''. He's pretty mysterious and seems like he doesn't know much of the outside world. The assassins are trying to kill off Boji with poison knives but sadly the ones that died from it are the foxes (edit: after reading some other comments, it must have been the opposite; the one that is trying to kill Boji is Domas himself) . It's not Bebin who's after him but the assassins from Daida's orders. And he is pretty much going straight into the dark side. The mirror is luring him into a trap and it will probably take his body/soul over. He could have listened to his mother but the fear is getting stronger and stronger. And lastly, Domas, the person who promised to look after Boji and even taught himself on how to communicate with him. Seems like he couldn't take it anymore and killed him. But we all know that he will make it out alive. As the mirror said ''He gets back up every time he falls''.
SideCharacterKalNov 4, 2021 1:05 PM

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Nov 4, 2021 1:01 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Tsarko said:
Okay, I was thinking and I am confident that the one who threw knives at his food was actually Kage, who also threw a pebble at Bojji when he fell down into the hole.

That means that Bebin isn't actually a "bad" guy. We know Kage was sent somewhere on a mission by Bebin. He might've ordered Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows after he learned he was actually Bojji's friend which would make him suitable for the job even more. Bebin as a spymaster knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later.

This also explains Bojji's relationship with snakes. That flashback of snake attack in episode 1 many, including me interpreted as an assassination attempt by snakemaster Bebin. But after learning that snakes are Bojji's friends it doesn't make much sense to look at it that way. So my new interpretation is that it was a game/training between Bojji and the snakes which we misinterpreted as an attack on Bojji. Bebin might've even instructed snakes to "train" Bojji since he recognized his talents because he himself is a master in that style of fighting.

So Bebin instructed Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows because he knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later. That's why Domas looked uneasy the morning after failed poisoning, he found out someone is obstructing his assassination attempts. It weren't knives that were poisoned but the food itself.
This a great ass theory.....I like this a lot
Nov 4, 2021 1:05 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Trap_Traps_Traps said:
I get the feeling Kage is protecting Boji on the orders of Bebbin. I don't think his bag just randomly returned to him. I don't think a rock just randomly hit him and I don't think those kunai were laced with poison. Pretty clear Domas was trying to kill him the entire time.

Kage surely got his back now as well ^^
Yeah I'd put money on this
Nov 4, 2021 1:10 PM

Feb 2017
Tokoya said:
Tsarko said:
Okay, I was thinking and I am confident that the one who threw knives at his food was actually Kage, who also threw a pebble at Bojji when he fell down into the hole.

That means that Bebin isn't actually a "bad" guy. We know Kage was sent somewhere on a mission by Bebin. He might've ordered Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows after he learned he was actually Bojji's friend which would make him suitable for the job even more. Bebin as a spymaster knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later.

This also explains Bojji's relationship with snakes. That flashback of snake attack in episode 1 many, including me interpreted as an assassination attempt by snakemaster Bebin. But after learning that snakes are Bojji's friends it doesn't make much sense to look at it that way. So my new interpretation is that it was a game/training between Bojji and the snakes which we misinterpreted as an attack on Bojji. Bebin might've even instructed snakes to "train" Bojji since he recognized his talents because he himself is a master in that style of fighting.

So Bebin instructed Kage to look after Bojji from the shadows because he knew Bojji would get assassinated sooner or later. That's why Domas looked uneasy the morning after failed poisoning, he found out someone is obstructing his assassination attempts. It weren't knives that were poisoned but the food itself.
This a great ass theory.....I like this a lot

I also went back to episode 1 to see Bebin's reaction to Daida and Bojji's duel. Right after Bojji first dodged Daida's attack, the very next shot is of Bebin smirking while everybody else had their mouth wide open in surprise. Could also be a hint.
Nov 4, 2021 1:12 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Tsarko said:
Tokoya said:
This a great ass theory.....I like this a lot

I also went back to episode 1 to see Bebin's reaction to Daida and Bojji's duel. Right after Bojji first dodged Daida's attack, the very next shot is of Bebin smirking while everybody else had their mouth wide open in surprise. Could also be a hint.
I noticed this too but seeing how easily he dismissed Bojji from winning in episode 2 threw me off a bit
Nov 4, 2021 1:17 PM
Jul 2017
My opinion of the characters are constantly changing each episode. I don’t even know who is truly on Bojji’s side anymore. But there also isn’t single character I hate yet. Like, everyone’s actions are understandable even if I don’t agree with all of them. The only true evil character so far is that magic mirror I feel.
Nov 4, 2021 1:38 PM

Jul 2011
Boji now officially have his own secret service.

I wonder how many kingdoms there is, looking that Daida is 90th.

We see what Inosuke from Kimetsu no Yaiba would become if he didn't decided to kill demons.

Domas literally tried to kill Boji by burning him in the fires of Hell.
Nov 4, 2021 2:20 PM

Jan 2009
the circle of life lesson aka the law of the jungle or darwinism like eat or be eaten welp that hunter almost eaten Boji

and damn Boji is now in Hell will he learn how to fight there

Domas is just loyal to his superiors eh even if it means betraying Boji, the Milgram Experiment is confirmed again
Nov 4, 2021 2:25 PM

May 2015
Another enjoyable episode
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is shit
Nov 4, 2021 2:32 PM
Apr 2018
BOJJI's journey, and learning things on his way. A brief encounter with that man.

Beautiful scene ; BOJJI watched that show, slept on the path carefreely, the female fox with her kits, burial scene.

That must be the order given by DAIDA.

Story seemed fast paced, but well executed.
Nov 4, 2021 2:41 PM

Feb 2021
Damn what a great episode, wasn't expecting that at the end, we got some world-building here too, the world seems a lot more mysterious and interesting now.
Nov 4, 2021 3:36 PM

Jul 2016
Wtf,i knew there was something fishy there when Domas talked about obeying orders no matter what.Tragic that he went through such an 180 shift from what the beginning of the episode showed with how he treated Boji in the past compared to how he views him now.And yeah the ending just completely kills any reedeeming qualities he might have had.
Nov 4, 2021 3:37 PM

Jul 2017
LemonadeYou-kyan said:
Alright, time for me to pick up the manga.

Edit: welp, i thought i'd get new info by checking the manga, but i didn't. The anime is already ahead of the manga (eng translation).

lmfaoooo, yeah man, it sucks cause you can find this manga raw online and +170 chapters are out, yet you can only find like 15 chapters in english. Sigh, how i wish i could read japanese, all those non translated manga were missing out on
Nov 4, 2021 3:49 PM
Jun 2015
Wow. Such a great episode! This is easily my favorite of the season and probably the year. I love the world building and learning more about how dangerous it is. Damn wish all 23 eps would juat release.
Nov 4, 2021 3:53 PM

May 2019
i just want to say that Domas is f***ing piece of sh*t !!! how dare you push bojji into the gate of hell !! YOU ARE TRAITOR DOMAS !!
Nov 4, 2021 3:55 PM
Sep 2014
Domas I’m DONE with you. This dude swore to protect him 😭 and after seeing that flashback I thought that the whole reason not to oppose Daida being king was to protect Bojji, but then he goes and does that in the end of the episode? And then laughs and cries?? Get your act together cause it’s confusing af 💀. Is Domas so obsessed with following orders that he is even willing to hurt Bojji, someone who is suppose to be precious to him? Is that why he cried too? Whatever it is, I hate him and I know Bojji will probably forgive him at some point, but I’m so sad seeing all these betrayals. Everyone is trash. Even the good ones bc they just stand by and let the injustice happen 😭
Nov 4, 2021 3:56 PM

May 2019
Tokoya said:
Tsarko said:

I also went back to episode 1 to see Bebin's reaction to Daida and Bojji's duel. Right after Bojji first dodged Daida's attack, the very next shot is of Bebin smirking while everybody else had their mouth wide open in surprise. Could also be a hint.
I noticed this too but seeing how easily he dismissed Bojji from winning in episode 2 threw me off a bit

am i the only one think domas is the one who poisoned the meat ? and kage throw the kunai to bojji because he want to rescue him ?
Nov 4, 2021 3:57 PM

Sep 2018
If you didn't see Domas not doing that, then uppercut yourself tbh. It was obvious from a mile away, the way this series portrayed him thus far.

And no, to call this WORLDBUILDING would be an insult to actual worldbuilding. They passed through a town in mere minutes and nothing of the town where the Pit of Hell or whatever it's called was explored or even panned upon. Two new towns, nothing. Not impressed.

And again, the exaggerated emotions of Bojji to manipulate the viewer, it's honestly getting pathetic at this point.
GakutoDeathGlareNov 4, 2021 4:11 PM
Nov 4, 2021 3:58 PM
Oct 2019
Phlaryx said:
My opinion of the characters are constantly changing each episode. I don’t even know who is truly on Bojji’s side anymore. But there also isn’t single character I hate yet. Like, everyone’s actions are understandable even if I don’t agree with all of them. The only true evil character so far is that magic mirror I feel.

I feel the same honestly, I have no hate towards Domas because I understand that he has to obey the order, but I only highly disagree with him. Same with everyone else.
Nov 4, 2021 4:27 PM
Jul 2018
Boiji always gets bad in which situation is bad for him but the volcano scene didn't expect that to happen it was a decision one of the Domas.
Nov 4, 2021 4:37 PM

May 2021
This episode felt way too disjointed to my liking, the two alternating narratives with the obviously expositive dialogue spoiled all the enjoyment out of it. The journey was way too fast, just building ideas in top of each other without leaving a trace of interesting characterization (Why would they use that flashback in the tomb?). The abuse of backgrounds to provoke a guided emotional reaction is getting out of hand imo. At least the episode left some good interrogatives about what is happening next. The show tries way too hard to do this "gray" characters, by my perspective

Nov 4, 2021 4:38 PM

Sep 2007
i had my doubts since episode 1 but after episode 4 its clearly that bebin is the good guy all along and he will eventually help Boji and Kage too

Domas is an ****ole but i think he will turn over a new leaf and of course Boji will forgive him
Nov 4, 2021 4:40 PM
Apr 2021
Gween_Gween said:
This episode felt way too disjointed to my liking, the two alternating narratives with the obviously expositive dialogue spoiled all the enjoyment out of it. The journey was way too fast, just building ideas in top of each other without leaving a trace of interesting characterization (Why would they use that flashback in the tomb?). The abuse of backgrounds to provoke a guided emotional reaction is getting out of hand imo. At least the episode left some good interrogatives about what is happening next. The show tries way too hard to do this "gray" characters, by my perspective
you should just read the manga from the star because the manga and the anime is kinda different. Maybe you will like the manga more
Nov 4, 2021 4:42 PM

May 2021
5gd34r said:
Gween_Gween said:
This episode felt way too disjointed to my liking, the two alternating narratives with the obviously expositive dialogue spoiled all the enjoyment out of it. The journey was way too fast, just building ideas in top of each other without leaving a trace of interesting characterization (Why would they use that flashback in the tomb?). The abuse of backgrounds to provoke a guided emotional reaction is getting out of hand imo. At least the episode left some good interrogatives about what is happening next. The show tries way too hard to do this "gray" characters, by my perspective
you should just read the manga from the star because the manga and the anime is kinda different. Maybe you will like the manga more

I'm honestly not that impressed with the story to switch to the manga, I'm watching this because the artistic style is interesting

Nov 4, 2021 4:46 PM
Apr 2021
Gween_Gween said:
5gd34r said:
you should just read the manga from the star because the manga and the anime is kinda different. Maybe you will like the manga more

I'm honestly not that impressed with the story to switch to the manga, I'm watching this because the artistic style is interesting
yeah but the anime is fast pace
Nov 4, 2021 4:49 PM

Oct 2011
I trusted you, Doma!
I saw people saying he must be evil... and I was all "no... he is a good guy... he cares for Boji.... he learned sign language to talk to him, and even during the fight, when he told Boji to clash swords with his brother, he was probably trying to protect him of being seeing as a coward" ...
and the beginning of this episode show how he really cares for Boji... was nice...

then, he came with that talk about follow orders no matter what and I was all "oh, no..."

even if the twist was predictable, I still was hoping he could have a change of heart on the last scene...

great episode, as always
Nov 4, 2021 5:10 PM

Jul 2019
If Hilling is a play on the word "healing". Domas is a play on the word "dumbass".
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