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Is the animation and artstyle of season 1 better than the other two seasons according to you?

My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, As I Expected (light novel)
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Sep 7, 2021 9:48 PM
Jun 2020
I really liked hachiman's artstyle in season 1.after seeing season 1's character design ,season 2, season 3 's character design made me hate the series (as hachiman hikigaya is one of the main reason the anime is popular)

This is the risk of changing studios
Sep 7, 2021 10:12 PM
Dec 2020
G_Shan10 said:
I really liked hachiman's artstyle in season 1.after seeing season 1's character design ,season 2, season 3 's character design made me hate the series (as hachiman hikigaya is one of the main reason the anime is popular)

This is the risk of changing studios
G_Shan10 said:
I really liked hachiman's artstyle in season 1.after seeing season 1's character design ,season 2, season 3 's character design made me hate the series (as hachiman hikigaya is one of the main reason the anime is popular)

This is the risk of changing studios
i think u trippin bro
Sep 7, 2021 10:12 PM
Aug 2020
I thought it was just me.
Sep 7, 2021 10:16 PM

Jan 2021
Not really, it was a little weird at first. But i started liking it more than the first season.
Sep 7, 2021 10:28 PM
Feb 2021
To be honest I didn’t even know they were produced by different studios until after I read the light novel. At the end of the day, animation and art style don’t matter that much to me as long as the story is conveyed in the proper fashion. It was good enough such that it didn’t inhibit my viewing experience and that’s all I can say without going out of my way to rewatch it. I don’t recall any obscure symbolism or metaphors that requires good animation (3-gatsu no lion for instance) so it was pretty straightforward and didn’t really matter because it’s not action.
Sep 7, 2021 10:31 PM

Aug 2020
Nah. I liked Season 2 and 3 artstyle a lot more
Sep 7, 2021 10:33 PM

May 2020
Either of them doesn't bother me,but the artstyle from 2nd season onwards suits it more perfectly
Sep 7, 2021 10:38 PM
Aug 2021
Honestly the first one was okay, but they really improved it in the other 2! Some scenes where absolutelly stunning.
Sep 7, 2021 10:52 PM

Oct 2018
Season 1's animation is kinda gave SoL vibe because of the first arc is mainly Sol. But the second and final season's animation gave a matured and dramatic look, as the story progresses into a more matured story. All of them I loved it.

“Once you've been loved once and have loved once, you cannot forget it.”
― Natsume Takashi
Sep 7, 2021 11:33 PM

Jan 2021
the other studio made everyone look better imo. the first studio's character design made everyone look like cats for some reason.
Sep 8, 2021 12:05 AM
Jul 2018
Brain's Base Oregairu had a more unique style and had character designs closer to Ponkan's art in the LNs, meanwhile Feel Oregairu had overall higher quality but lost basically all of the unique flair, especially the character designs.
Sep 8, 2021 12:07 AM

Jun 2020
Season 2,3 has better artstyle and animation than season 1

i prefer yukinos look in s2 & s3
Sep 8, 2021 12:24 AM
Mar 2021
I didn't much care about artstyle in season 1 because it's downright plain and just regular for any average anime but when I saw season 2 I thought, "God is this season Gorgeous". The artstyle and animation were really good in season 2, artsyle was really beautiful. Season 3 had a little lesser quality in animation but nevertheless it was leagues above season 1 imo. The entire scene where hachiman says "I want something genuine" or the scene where hachiman and sensei go to a bridge and hachiman says to himself that he'd have married her if he was born 10 years earlier, or the scene where iroha says "please take responsibility", or the scene where yukino and yui question Hachiman about who would take the role of a hated advertiser, or the scene with rumi rumi. I just can't name all the Gorgeous looking scenes in season 2. The colours were perfect, the artsyle and character designs are much refined, animation could keep up with that beautiful artsyle, everything fell into place beautifully in season 2. Season 1 was just plain animation that you would find in almost any romcom/SoL/Harem/Ecchi anime. I am not saying it's bad. It's just not something I think worth praising. But hey, everyone has their own taste in terms of artsyle.
Sep 8, 2021 12:32 AM
Jun 2013
I liked Hachiman's design in season 1 most, but everything else looked better in the other 2 seasons, for me at least. Season 1's design actually gave him that nasty look to go with his personality. It's kinda cool though, because his look changed around when his personality started to kind of get a tad more mature. I know it wasn't intentional, but it kind of worked out in the end, because I couldn't picture the Hachiman from the first season crying with that design. It might have looked stupid.
Sep 8, 2021 1:27 AM
May 2021
Season 2 and 3s art style is ultimately better though I’m gonna say season 1 Yukino better than S2/3 Yukino
Sep 8, 2021 1:45 AM
Feb 2021
Compared to art style of 3rd and 2nd season, first seasone is lacking.
Sep 8, 2021 2:53 AM

Aug 2020
I haven’t watched last season 1 yet but I knew the art style changed after the first season and saw images of it. I prefer season 2 and 3 animation as I feel season 1 looks a bit bland and there’s more detail in later seasons, I think the shoe is definitely something that looks better in the later seasons. I also just prefer Feel studio over brains base.
Please stop, I don’t want to see any more Dekugo😭
Sep 8, 2021 3:08 AM
Jan 2019
Prefer season 1. They changed the animation and it just looked so fluffy to me. Characters looked less attractive after that change
Sep 8, 2021 3:33 AM
May 2021
I like the s1 art style more because it gives me somewhat same feeling as light novel and s1 yukino looks better than s2 and s3 .
Sep 8, 2021 4:13 AM
Feb 2019
I would have preferred if the entire series was done in the newer art style.

However, Season 1's artstyle altho simple does work considering its the more lighter and comedic out of the rest.

The art style from S2 onwards works for the change to a much more serious drama narrative. Hachiman's design felt much more faithful to the descriptions and drawings from the LN. Hachiman in S1 looked pretty ugly or average at best. The LN's however have highlighted that when you exclude his dead fish eyes, he's actually a really handsome looking guy. S2's artstyle really shows this real well.
Sep 8, 2021 6:22 AM
Jan 2021
S2 and S3 has the superior art style. To cite an example, the cultural festival where they performed had some fluency with the animation.

I do agree being that the animation from season 1 is quite good but objectively, the animation and art style is a big improvement.
Sep 8, 2021 6:29 AM

Nov 2016
Not really, I have nothing against the art style and the animation of the 1st season, but this is one of the few animes that I think they did well by switching studios; it's just my humble opinion.
Sep 9, 2021 12:30 PM

Sep 2016
the animation and artstyle are better in seasons 2 and 3, but i agree that i prefer season 1's version
Sep 9, 2021 3:27 PM

Nov 2019
I like them equally, but the production in the first season got a hold of me.
Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Helpppppp!

Sep 20, 2021 7:54 PM
Jul 2020
Season 1 had kinda different artstyle but not bad in any sense. I prefer season 2 and season 3 artstyle over season 1. But the one I really love in the light novel artstyle.
Sep 20, 2021 8:00 PM

Jul 2019
Season 2 onwards is better than S1 for me, Hachiman looks more Chad :v
English is not my main language
Sep 20, 2021 8:05 PM

Jun 2014
Absolutely agree with you. The reason why I won't watch S2 and onwards is because its art style is just so ugly to me, and on top of that - generic.

S1 had its unique flair, and I loved Hachiman's look in S1. Such good "dead fish" eyes. Personally I think gradient shading (e.g. S2 hair) looks so lazy.

Edit: I also find Yukinoshita so beautiful in S1
iunneSep 20, 2021 8:08 PM
Sep 20, 2021 8:13 PM

Oct 2020
When I started watching S2, the change of animation felt weird but now and I'm glad they've changed it. The girls look way better and ofc Hachiman too.

Sep 26, 2021 6:38 AM

Aug 2021
It is very clear that the other seasons are artistically better.
Oct 3, 2021 8:26 AM
Jan 2021
S1 had a much more distinctive and in my opinion better drawing style, but Feel made up for that by having better animation, lighting, and more detailed settings. Feel clearly put more effort into the project than Brain Base.

I wish Feel had kept that style of drawing. I think those "bland" designs made Oregairu stand out even more from most rom-coms.
Oct 15, 2021 5:54 PM
Aug 2021
I think Brains' Base's character designs and art style have a lot more charm to them, compared to feel's shiny and polished art style, though I might be biased since Oregairu stopped being a moderately good show after Season 1.
Sep 2, 2024 1:23 PM
Jan 2024
Reply to TanakaTarou24
I didn't much care about artstyle in season 1 because it's downright plain and just regular for any average anime but when I saw season 2 I thought, "God is this season Gorgeous". The artstyle and animation were really good in season 2, artsyle was really beautiful. Season 3 had a little lesser quality in animation but nevertheless it was leagues above season 1 imo. The entire scene where hachiman says "I want something genuine" or the scene where hachiman and sensei go to a bridge and hachiman says to himself that he'd have married her if he was born 10 years earlier, or the scene where iroha says "please take responsibility", or the scene where yukino and yui question Hachiman about who would take the role of a hated advertiser, or the scene with rumi rumi. I just can't name all the Gorgeous looking scenes in season 2. The colours were perfect, the artsyle and character designs are much refined, animation could keep up with that beautiful artsyle, everything fell into place beautifully in season 2. Season 1 was just plain animation that you would find in almost any romcom/SoL/Harem/Ecchi anime. I am not saying it's bad. It's just not something I think worth praising. But hey, everyone has their own taste in terms of artsyle.
@TanakaTarou24 What are you even talking about Season 2 and 3 had the most generic anime artstyle ever
In season 1 all the characters felt unique and charming all in their own way
And season 1 did a really good job of showing Hachimans dead fish eyes
Studio Feel had horrible consistency problems
Just look at Yuki no from a couple different eps and compare them
It also made yukino lose her charm her cold calculated look disappeared and she turned into a generic anime girl
Sep 2, 2024 1:23 PM
Jan 2024
Reply to TanakaTarou24
I didn't much care about artstyle in season 1 because it's downright plain and just regular for any average anime but when I saw season 2 I thought, "God is this season Gorgeous". The artstyle and animation were really good in season 2, artsyle was really beautiful. Season 3 had a little lesser quality in animation but nevertheless it was leagues above season 1 imo. The entire scene where hachiman says "I want something genuine" or the scene where hachiman and sensei go to a bridge and hachiman says to himself that he'd have married her if he was born 10 years earlier, or the scene where iroha says "please take responsibility", or the scene where yukino and yui question Hachiman about who would take the role of a hated advertiser, or the scene with rumi rumi. I just can't name all the Gorgeous looking scenes in season 2. The colours were perfect, the artsyle and character designs are much refined, animation could keep up with that beautiful artsyle, everything fell into place beautifully in season 2. Season 1 was just plain animation that you would find in almost any romcom/SoL/Harem/Ecchi anime. I am not saying it's bad. It's just not something I think worth praising. But hey, everyone has their own taste in terms of artsyle.
@TanakaTarou24 What are you even talking about Season 2 and 3 had the most generic anime artstyle ever
In season 1 all the characters felt unique and charming all in their own way
And season 1 did a really good job of showing Hachimans dead fish eyes
Studio Feel had horrible consistency problems
Just look at Yuki no from a couple different eps and compare them
It also made yukino lose her charm her cold calculated look disappeared and she turned into a generic anime girl
Oct 6, 2024 7:09 AM
May 2024
S1 designs 100%. They give the characters more of a personality while the S2 and S3 designs feel kinda bland. S1 also has a special place in my heart so I'll always prefer it.
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