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Sep 27, 2021 8:28 AM

Nov 2011
This episode felt all over the place.

Various battles going on including Aki managing to edge out to survive. Yeah, no one really expected him to actually die. Yuri also doesn't look good in her condition. This didn't even give me the impression of a season finale and seems rushed.

And oh yeah, Mion is still wondering around like all is good and well lol. What a weird show. That embrace though.
Sep 27, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2017
The final battle between the Demon God Yuuri and the inhumane Oogami, and it all comes down to the pivotal MP use of sealing Yuuri's ability from loanshark Kuroiwa's last call.

Akira's suggestion that both him and Oogami face off as their team's kings, but that displeases the latter who wanted to build a dream kingdom of freedom, that now without Kuroiwa, is at the last of his wits for revenge. And so it is, counting down the battle in 5 seconds after meeting, both Akira and Oogami's 1-on-1 battle commences. Oogami may have brute force, but Akira's training with Yuuri on using her Demon God ability for this moment with the imaginary 10X strike punch, sealed his fate to declare his Team Green the victory.

As promised, Mion's helpers would escort the injured back to headquarters, and tells Akira to head to her tower. But lo and behold, Team Blue's Iori Omoto is still alive, and his ability is like Akira's being a total Sophist wildcard. Other than taking Akira down because of the exchange agreement, his real and only goal is to bring Mion down.

Everything about that...was a dream, and Akira's back to the real world. And he would coincidentally meet Yuuri there too (with that embrace) to continue this death game (while Mion lurks in the background).

But still, the anime was fine I'd guess, not bad but not good either.
KANLen09Sep 27, 2021 10:56 AM
Sep 27, 2021 9:33 AM
Aug 2016
Where can I watch it? Episode 12 isn’t even out on Crunchyroll for me
Sep 27, 2021 9:34 AM

Jun 2019
The final battle is here between Yuri and the big guy, Oogami is on and this is not looking good for Yuuri. Her ability is not working because of Kuroiwa's last strike but Akira's here to fight Oogami in place of her and what a surprise, Akira and Green Team won. It was all a dream. At least, Akira got a hug from Yuuri.

Overall, this show was Idk how to describe it. It was not good but at the same time, it was not the worst show in this season. Definitely, all over the place. The story itself was quite predictable to me. Tho, I enjoyed some characters in this show. But, not impressed very much. Could've been better.
Sep 27, 2021 10:35 AM

Jul 2017
Dasc2000 said:
Where can I watch it? Episode 12 isn’t even out on Crunchyroll for me
Just wait for the episode to be out.
Sep 27, 2021 10:35 AM

Apr 2018
Hmmm I didn't like that program much actually compared to the beginning which was way better in my opinion but it was still nice to see that use of powers in a more large field with more tense fights, anyway it was a pretty good anime overall, even though it has some problems with the pacing and the animation (especially the CGI moments) but still entertaining
Sep 27, 2021 10:36 AM
Aug 2016
KANLen09 said:
Dasc2000 said:
Where can I watch it? Episode 12 isn’t even out on Crunchyroll for me
Just wait for the episode to be out.
people are talking about the episode in this forum like it’s already out tho. Guess they’re crazy cuz u say it isn’t out yet…
Sep 27, 2021 10:41 AM

Jul 2020
What was the pacing like this episode xD! They tried to fit everything in and conclude a lot within the episode, just ended up being messy.
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Sep 27, 2021 10:42 AM

Jul 2020
Dasc2000 said:
KANLen09 said:
Just wait for the episode to be out.
people are talking about the episode in this forum like it’s already out tho. Guess they’re crazy cuz u say it isn’t out yet…

Raws bud, airs in japan and then we get the translated version like 2 hours later depending on crunchyroll
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Sep 27, 2021 10:48 AM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
That ending was a bit weird. Felt off to me idk. Overall pretty enjoyable watch but the cgi really was something

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Sep 27, 2021 11:01 AM
May 2021
Need season 2!!!!!!!
Sep 27, 2021 11:03 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Wait. How did they end up in Tokyo now? I need season 2 to find it out!!!
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Sep 27, 2021 11:06 AM

Nov 2016
The anime at least worked as an ad for the manga, which is pretty nice as a binge read for fans of battle royale/survival series.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 27, 2021 11:22 AM

Aug 2012
As other said the episode seemed rushed and nothing after Akira gets hit is explained
Dasc2000 said:
KANLen09 said:
Just wait for the episode to be out.
people are talking about the episode in this forum like it’s already out tho. Guess they’re crazy cuz u say it isn’t out yet…
Nyaa ... Crunchyroll s%^&*!
Sep 27, 2021 11:23 AM
Jul 2017
This was a very Ok ending for a very Ok show. Was it the best show? No way. But was it a watchable? Yes. And in the end, the fact that episode 12 felt so very watchable really showed just how truly Ok this show was.
Sep 27, 2021 11:25 AM
Sep 2015
Is that Akira's father at the end?

Anyway, best moment: Kirisaki in bunny suit, best character: Kumagiri Shin (and his brother)

I'd watch a sequel if it has one, but I wouldn't demand it.
Sep 27, 2021 11:32 AM

Feb 2019
So I’m confused and the pacing felt very weird in this finale. Are they back in the real world now and still in the program or what?

I’m glad that Akira basically admitted how he felt about Yuuri but other than that I’m so lost. Feels like promo for the web manga.
Sep 27, 2021 11:57 AM
Nov 2020
Is there a gonna be a season 2? Really hope so, the story was interesting enough to keep watching..
Sep 27, 2021 12:10 PM

Feb 2015
I think we can all agree the animation was sub par. The CGI was some of the worst I've ever seen. That said it was enjoyable and but a more capable studio handled it then it could have been much better. Id been suprised if it got a second series.
Sep 27, 2021 12:28 PM
Aug 2018
The beginning of this anime was interesting with Akira being purchased by a murderer, getting into the first death match, the Yuuri flashback and her death match, the team battle... Even though it was clearly lacking in term of tension and rewards/penalty, at least, it was moving fast enough to be interesting.

But, then... the green and red team battle happen... and the mistake which destroyed the anime was made...

Akira telling Yuuri his ability. Because, at this point, Akira could have become God... or stupid. Obviously, the author had to make him go stupid (otherwise, the manga ends).

I think it would have been much better if Akira did not reveal anything and Yuuri keep believing he has the canon. Then, when Ringo appears, instead of being the Akira's fan, who supports him (which mean she's no different than Yuuri), she should have been very cunning and use Akira to her advantage by accepting to help him but not giving overpowered ability (I'm just gonna give you enough so you can protect me... too much and you'll end up killing me).

But, even the final battle was nonsense. Between Yuuri destroying the arm (meaning they had the same strengh when the other guy is ten time stronger before any ability) and Akira using the "decuple" ability (when he could not master quintuple ability) while he could have received any ability like laser-eye or something...

Or Ringo not trying to run up to Akira to help him in the final fight... (yeah, just let him die, no problem...).

Sometimes, I wonder if there was one single intelligent character in the show. I don't think there was... I mean, just ask Yuuri to give you healing ability, you know...

With very bad CGI, abilities being a mess, Akira not using Yuuri to get OP ability...

4/10 (mostly for the first few episodes).
Rukodaime91Sep 27, 2021 12:32 PM
Sep 27, 2021 12:51 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Not that good of a finale for a not that good of a show.

The pacing was weird. So after the ps2 cgi beasts battled with each with no animation effects to give each hit an impact, our psycho gamer dude mc showed up and negotiated to basically kick the king's ass finally. Pretty bad move for team Red spending that on Yuri instead of Akira who was the wildcard. That also encompasses how many of Akira’s plans went throughout the airing: either they were too specific to be plans or he was just lucky.

Speaking of Yuri, her relationship with Akira was too forced and one-sided. The guy was basically manipulating her feelings blatantly and she never seemed to properly question that. Same thing with the girl with the glasses who followed him just because of his gaming persona… or something. But whatever he apologized to her by the end so it's all good... not. Even the last scene between them was very awkward.

The music was probably the best part of the show since I did like some of the melodies. It’s too bad they were wasted here where they couldn’t even fulfill the "loser team gets everyone of its members killed" deal. Really what’s up with the sword guy and the fluid redhead being alive? Did they swap teams mid-way? Was the deal a farce such as the tension it generated?. Maybe, it was really all just a dream, which would be a pretty lame writing excuse.

I was gonna give this a “Battle Game in 5/10”, but in retrospect it may not even deserve that. The general battle royale style concept wasn’t a bad one in theory, but it was in execution.
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Sep 27, 2021 12:55 PM

Jan 2014
Do agree with the thought that this did indeed felt rushed, and I loved the series honestly. Yuuri is honestly in my mind, one of the best characters within this season of anime. Even if I don't mind the CGI to an extend, but with how it was looking, it felt a bit off. Along with how quick it suddenly went.

Would love a second season honestly however.
Sep 27, 2021 12:57 PM

Jun 2014
Finally this show is over. It started off decent at first but devolved into a predictable mess, which seems to be an unfortunate fate among most survival game anime. I liked Akira as a character with his calm and calculated demeanor, but his ability basically made him a god which killed most of the tension this show could have had. And the animation just kept getting worse and worse, especially the random CGI they would use for Oogami (and sometimes Yuuri). It ended not only in a "go read the manga now" type of way, but also in a "setting up a second season" type of way. With that being said, I hope this doesn't get an S2.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 27, 2021 1:09 PM

May 2016
no season 2 please. anime sucked and main character sucked even more.
Sep 27, 2021 1:34 PM

Oct 2017
Even a child can write a better story than this.
Sep 27, 2021 2:39 PM
Jul 2021
KANLen09 said:
The final battle between the Demon God Yuuri and the inhumane Oogami, and it all comes down to the pivotal MP use of sealing Yuuri's ability from loanshark Kuroiwa's last call.

Akira's suggestion that both him and Oogami face off as their team's kings, but that displeases the latter who wanted to build a dream kingdom of freedom, that now without Kuroiwa, is at the last of his wits for revenge. And so it is, counting down the battle in 5 seconds after meeting, both Akira and Oogami's 1-on-1 battle commences. Oogami may have brute force, but Akira's training with Yuuri on using her Demon God ability for this moment with the imaginary 10X strike punch, sealed his fate to declare his Team Green the victory.

As promised, Mion's helpers would escort the injured back to headquarters, and tells Akira to head to her tower. But lo and behold, Team Blue's Iori Omoto is still alive, and his ability is like Akira's being a total Sophist wildcard. Other than taking Akira down because of the exchange agreement, his real and only goal is to bring Mion down.

Everything about that...was a dream, and Akira's back to the real world. And he would coincidentally meet Yuuri there too (with that embrace) to continue this death game (while Mion lurks in the background).

But still, the anime was fine I'd guess, not bad but not good either.

I thought everyone was stuck and living in the game long enough to have babies there, so how the hell did they just get to leave? How did the wrestler guy get his hand or arm back(can't remember which)? And lastly who was the guy in his apartment at the end? And lol what the hell, isn't he like live with your parents age, his house was a disaster. Glad it seems they are leaning towards him and Yuri(maybe I'm totally wrong and she'll die or the other girl will step up lol, I know this isn't a romance but regardless of the theme I'd take a chosen girl over ambiguity to string people along)
Sep 27, 2021 4:20 PM
Dec 2018
Yeah it wasn't really good. It had a potential beginning but it got worse at the end. Everythig was just average. I love survival/battle royale anime but i can't give more than 5 points i'm sorry.

The ED Theme is a banger tho. i love it.
My Candies 2023:

My Candies 2024:

Sep 27, 2021 5:00 PM

Nov 2011
I love Yuuri. One of the best Females this season easily. This anime was good at the end of the day. and I am surprised by it. I wouldn't mind continuing the manga

solid 7/10
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Sep 27, 2021 5:15 PM
Jul 2018
what the ending was that, my god.

I didn't understand at all what had happened after Akira had been shot from a cannon by another leader of the blue team, but was it really all in Akira's head? this was very confusing.
Sep 27, 2021 5:43 PM

Feb 2012
Its rushed.
Its good but soo rushed it leave bad taste after it end.

Welp atleast it give great OP and ED song. XD that cant be denied.

The manga is WAY BETTER as usual in this type of anime adaptation.
i wish and dream for the Future where everyone i care can Smile happily from their heart. But no matter where i look. how ever i see... there s no me. im not there. Just like that.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Sep 27, 2021 5:57 PM
May 2021
XO2HKIMSep 27, 2021 9:41 PM
Sep 27, 2021 6:20 PM

Jan 2013
at least i wont have to hear that cat lady’s voice (hopefully) nor that ED song ever again 6/10
Sep 27, 2021 6:40 PM

Sep 2011
This might be the worst thing I watched this season. Toss up between this and Realist Hero.
Sep 27, 2021 7:13 PM

Aug 2018
Enjoyable overall, reminded me Darwin's Game. A mysterious ending though, as some characters managed to get to Tyoko while a bunch of them (including Team Green's members seemed to be in the 3rd program area.
Sep 27, 2021 7:20 PM
May 2020
this is the most meh show I have watched before nothing was offensive, and nothing was really that good.
Sep 27, 2021 8:16 PM

Dec 2016
This show summed up in a single macro:

Sep 27, 2021 8:16 PM
Jun 2021
I dont get why people are giving this a 10/10 score etc. I found it overall very poor and rushed.

4/10 from me
Sep 27, 2021 9:06 PM

Jul 2017
Natedawguy said:
I dont get why people are giving this a 10/10 score etc. I found it overall very poor and rushed.

4/10 from me
Purely justified.
Sep 27, 2021 9:09 PM
Jun 2021
KANLen09 said:
Natedawguy said:
I dont get why people are giving this a 10/10 score etc. I found it overall very poor and rushed.

4/10 from me
Purely justified.

*Salutes fellow comrade* We have been through hell together
Sep 27, 2021 9:30 PM

Feb 2020
Dude, i am tellin you, this final really underwhelming, and so dissapointing. Its start good, and can keep up with the mystery of Akira's ability and everyone elses, but with this? Its just nothing, Oogami versus Akira even only served for 5 really seconds, and then its over. Dang! After that, for fuck sake they ended it with a freakin weird cliffhanger. Idk why they can get back into their home, or whatever its related to the next program. But, sure something missing in-between the last scenes, and i seriously dislike this kind of direction. Preview, your ass. They fuckin troll me hard.

A simply dissapointing end. The story from the beginning until the half actually pretty intriguing. However it can't keep up with the 12-episodes format, additionally with the cgi issues, make everything looks very bad after finish watching this episode.

So, well, whatever. Glad i am able to finish this, and, yeah, read the fuckin manga, you lads.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Sep 27, 2021 9:36 PM

Jul 2017
xohkim said:
Go read the manga, this is for anime only.
Sep 27, 2021 9:37 PM

Jul 2017
Kimurah said:
This show summed up in a single macro:

HAHAHAHA WADDD A JOKE of a show, you've made my day
Sep 27, 2021 9:58 PM

Jan 2020
Pretty average finale tbh. Cgi

It was a little weird at the end but I like seeing yuuri and akira together

Sep 27, 2021 10:46 PM

Sep 2015
How was Yuuri able to withstand getting her bones crushed without screaming?....

And that was weird, Oogami before having no teary eyes with pupils, and crying without pupils in transition. Weird

Are you serious? only now they show the 5 second countdown?

August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Sep 27, 2021 11:02 PM

Jun 2020
So they continue the game in Tokyo? What the hell is happened? I think they already dead at the beginning, okay though I don't really care lol.
Sep 27, 2021 11:05 PM

Oct 2016
It wasn't a really terrible adaptation, but it wasn't really great either, just decent enough. The manga is way better, but still I enjoyed the anime and it made me read the manga. I like how they ended it though where they tease a bunch of stuff, so maybe a season 2 isn't impossible. Though if you actually liked the show and is interested for a second season I suggest reading the manga since the 3rd program is hella rushed in the anime. Overall, still a decent enough adaptation. 6.5/10
Sep 27, 2021 11:26 PM

Apr 2012
It was a messy cringe fest...

Koroiwa "You lose, I've outsmarted you"
Akira "No... I got you where I wanted"
Koroiwa "Actually this was my plan all along"
Akira "Haha... I knew you'do that, I win!"
Koroiwa "Nope, I was expecting that, I win"
Akira "I planned everything from the start"
Koroiwa "Hehe... all went according to plan"
Akira "Interesting.. I was expecting that"
Koroiwa "lol, I played you"

Jesus fucking Christ who wrote this convoluted mess?...
Janethan23Sep 27, 2021 11:40 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Sep 27, 2021 11:53 PM

Aug 2021
I liked the anime up until the last 3 episodes. The whole mindgame thing was just messed up. It kind of made some sense in the last episode but it was confusing before. I am interested in how the next arc would play out tho. And, is Yuuri dating Akira now?
Sep 28, 2021 8:55 AM

Jul 2016
It was a reasonable anime. The powers are relatively creative, although, could be more developed, as such the history. 6/10
Sep 28, 2021 9:25 AM

Oct 2018
IarIz said:
Its rushed.
Its good but soo rushed it leave bad taste after it end.

Welp atleast it give great OP and ED song. XD that cant be denied.

The manga is WAY BETTER as usual in this type of anime adaptation.

i like the anime but yes i bought the manga because it's remind me Darwin's Game i like too the anime but where the manga is better too.
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