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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Sep 14, 2021 12:10 PM

Feb 2017
BromWalar said:
Well, Shion really exemplifies what it means to have no stakes. She is the side character that defeated the big bad without any effort whatsoever and at the end of the episode she says "you intended it? Than I am not worried". Yea Shion... good point... nor am I. There is nothing to worry about.

I Probably never understand what some authors are thinking when that absolutely trash and humiliate the main villain and then they get him a random powerup... am I supposed to be afraid of some unexplained power when a few seconds ago the MC says everything is going according to his plan. NOPE! NOT A LITTLE BIT.

This show does not deserve the score it has. It should be like 7.5 and no more. It is enjoyable but has neither a great story nor well explored and complex characters. It is saved by the sense of progress the show conveys through it's RPG system, but apart from that it has not much going for it. It was good nation building show until it ceased to be that and became just a generic isekai of a somewhat above average quality.

considering all the prep time rimuru has done until know, shion beating clayman with almost zero difficulty actually makes perfect sense

in light novel, its explained that out of rimuru's subordinates
shion is arguably the only one who got complete immunity againt mindhax/brainwash due to her being biologically mindless as a wicked oni, her skill perfect memory, also allows her to think with just her soul

brain is no longer necessary for her lmao

so what could clayman, the guy who relies heavily on mindhax/brainwash mumbo jumbo possibly do to someone like shion?

its all according to rimuru's keikaku,
everything is decided before the fight has even begun

its not the author's fault iF the anime decided to skip so many details like that isnt it? just saying
Sep 14, 2021 12:10 PM

Nov 2014
Dinxama said:
tensura1704 said:

i think i did say they are op for a reason... if you want i can tell you.. but it's a spoiler... first i thought as same as you.. but after going through the novels and reading ahead i got to what's the reason... i can tell you if you want... it's all inter connected.. that's why slime is one of my fav isekai

I said it once and i said it again
I dont give a fuck on why they are op
I only care why the author write clayman to be such a weak character,if he put up a fight,just for few second then his beatdown would feel alot more sastisfied
The clayman beatdown felt like watching an adult beat the shit out of a naughty kid,did the kid deserve it abso-fucking-lutely yes,is it ejnoy to watch fuck no
If clayman had the upperhand just for one second then the beatdowm would turn from beating a child into a beating a dick which make it alot more sastify to watch

Then would you say shounen-like fights with fake tension where good guy is seemingly losing and "surprisingly" turns it around is not boring? I'd say it's much worse if anything. It might be just my bias because I'm watching DB now, but to me such fight are the worst shit that happens in anime.
If you want to know why author did that, you'd need to ask them lol. But to me their intentions seem rather clear: Clayman was meant to be hated - he didn't have (we didn't see that is) a good side. Having him totally destroyed is meant to be a satisfying culmination of his role. Kinda in a way that you feel good when you get a revenge - and the more one sided it is, the better. He wasn't some final boss. He was just an annoying schemer.
JustAnotherShiroSep 14, 2021 12:21 PM
Sep 14, 2021 12:24 PM
Feb 2021
Dinxama said:
tensura1704 said:

i think in the previous season last episode rimuru did say that carrion is still alive...

So he is suprised by something he knew ok,im totaly fine with that,nothing illogical here
he was suprised by the obvious disguise..
Sep 14, 2021 12:35 PM
Nov 2020
So when do you guys think season 3 will come out? Or whether there will be a S3(probably yes given its popularity)
Sep 14, 2021 12:41 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
I was disappointed to see how easily overwhelmed Clayman was by Shion and I was hoping for a proper shounen-like fight scene. But I'm glad they are making sure that happens with Rimuru next episode. I hope it's a good one!
Sep 14, 2021 12:55 PM

Jan 2014
It's hilarious seeing everyone in here who is absolutely butthurt about how weak Clayman is. It shows how little they've paid attention. Clayman is obviously a very small cog in a larger machine, and these people want to put Clayman on some pedestal for being the "main enemy", and have the fight more equal? What kind of satisfaction would that bring, especially since he clearly ISN'T the main antagonist! They've shown who IS the main antagonist a couple of times now. There is clearly much more world building going on, far beyond what involves Clayman too.. This meeting was for Rimuru, and to show there were multiple forces trying to figure out what is going on behind Claymans actions.
Sep 14, 2021 12:57 PM

Nov 2019
Dinxama said:
tensura1704 said:

i think in the previous season last episode rimuru did say that carrion is still alive...

So he is suprised by something he knew ok,im totaly fine with that,nothing illogical here

Pretty sure he was more suprised about the obvious disguise than his presence itself
Sep 14, 2021 12:57 PM

Nov 2019
Dinxama said:
tensura1704 said:

i think in the previous season last episode rimuru did say that carrion is still alive...

So he is suprised by something he knew ok,im totaly fine with that,nothing illogical here

Pretty sure he was more suprised about the obvious disguise than his presence itself
Sep 14, 2021 1:04 PM

Jun 2020
martin12165 said:
BromWalar said:

This show does not deserve the score it has. It should be like 7.5 and no more.

I disagree. So do most of the weebs who left a rating. I do agree that season 2 part 2 is probably the weakest of the series in terms of the story but it has maintained an 8.4 rating even tho first 6 or so episodes are not very interesting. The animation is good, the characters are wonderful and the story is ok. Idk what will happen in the future but I assume season 3 and beyond will get us more action.

Well... you disagree. Which is fine. But you disagreeing, while stating it is the weakest part, story is "ok". This really does not sound like a show that should be above 8.00. I still find enjoyment in it but the story is just that, entertaining in some way, but it does not make me feel any strong emotion even when it is trying to hammer it down.

I would best describe it "generic isekai done kinda right"
‘It may be admitted that if it were possible for us to have so deep an insight into a human's way of thinking, as it shows itself both through inner and outer actions, that every, even the least incentive to these actions and all external occasions which affect them, were so known to us, then his future conduct could be predicted as certainly as the appearance of a solar or a lunar eclipse.’ Critique of Practical Reason, p. 230 of the Rosenkranz.
Sep 14, 2021 1:04 PM
Jan 2009
Veldora being able to spam Hadouken and Kamehameha is just OP lol.
Sep 14, 2021 1:12 PM

Nov 2019
So different from the novel.... but it's still acceptable

Sep 14, 2021 1:12 PM

Jun 2020
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
BromWalar said:
Well, Shion really exemplifies what it means to have no stakes. She is the side character that defeated the big bad without any effort whatsoever and at the end of the episode she says "you intended it? Than I am not worried". Yea Shion... good point... nor am I. There is nothing to worry about.

I Probably never understand what some authors are thinking when that absolutely trash and humiliate the main villain and then they get him a random powerup... am I supposed to be afraid of some unexplained power when a few seconds ago the MC says everything is going according to his plan. NOPE! NOT A LITTLE BIT.

This show does not deserve the score it has. It should be like 7.5 and no more. It is enjoyable but has neither a great story nor well explored and complex characters. It is saved by the sense of progress the show conveys through it's RPG system, but apart from that it has not much going for it. It was good nation building show until it ceased to be that and became just a generic isekai of a somewhat above average quality.

considering all the prep time rimuru has done until know, shion beating clayman with almost zero difficulty actually makes perfect sense

in light novel, its explained that out of rimuru's subordinates
shion is arguably the only one who got complete immunity againt mindhax/brainwash due to her being biologically mindless as a wicked oni, her skill perfect memory, also allows her to think with just her soul

brain is no longer necessary for her lmao

so what could clayman, the guy who relies heavily on mindhax/brainwash mumbo jumbo possibly do to someone like shion?

its all according to rimuru's keikaku,
everything is decided before the fight has even begun

its not the author's fault iF the anime decided to skip so many details like that isnt it? just saying

Well, it making sense or not is irrelevant to the point I was making. The point is there are no stakes and without them there is no tension. I just do not care about those battles when I know the result right away.

And Claiman was poorly constructed villain who was given some excuse for a backstory after him being defeated which is almost always lame. And Shion defeating him with that dumb skull of hers could have worked if they showed Claiman besting Rimuru in some way.

And to your last point. I am strictly speaking about the anime.
‘It may be admitted that if it were possible for us to have so deep an insight into a human's way of thinking, as it shows itself both through inner and outer actions, that every, even the least incentive to these actions and all external occasions which affect them, were so known to us, then his future conduct could be predicted as certainly as the appearance of a solar or a lunar eclipse.’ Critique of Practical Reason, p. 230 of the Rosenkranz.
Sep 14, 2021 1:17 PM
Jan 2019
isuzusan said:
I was disappointed to see how easily overwhelmed Clayman was by Shion and I was hoping for a proper shounen-like fight scene. But I'm glad they are making sure that happens with Rimuru next episode. I hope it's a good one!

just so people know slime isn't a shounen and it never was so stop treating it like one
Sep 14, 2021 1:31 PM

Feb 2014
Typical Veldora. The main reason he came to Rimuru's side wasn't to save him from Milim's attack, but to question him about whether he'll make more copies of the 3x3 manga he was reading. Not just that, but his battle against Milim consisted of a barrage of Hakouden, Shoryuken and an epic Kamehameha to top it all off. Plenty of references here to make a lot of the fanbase really happy. =3

Clayman had it really rough, though. No matter what he tried, Shion shrugged off his attacks and took him out with ease. To add to his misery, it was revealed that Milim was never under his control in the first place, which meant that she fooled him from the very get-go. Either way, seeing Milim acting all bubbly and smiling once again makes me REALLY happy. I like her so much. X3

However, when all things looked to be sorted, Clayman has thrown one last roll of the dice which had to transform into a sinister form, although this is what Rimuru wanted him to do after all and will battle him alone.

Overall, this episode was great. The comedy was spot on as usual and the animation for most of the fighting in this episode was very impressive. I hope to see more of that in the final episode next week!
Sep 14, 2021 1:33 PM

Jul 2017
Payoff wasnt worth it. Clayman is boring
Sep 14, 2021 1:39 PM
Jan 2019
Kitsune_089 said:
Payoff wasnt worth it. Clayman is boring

he isnt the main villain and never was i hear this arc is a set up to whats to come so ill wait for season 3
Sep 14, 2021 1:39 PM
Jul 2021
Lmfao Veldora came cuz he needed more manga xD, it's also hilarious how Millim was never under his control
Sep 14, 2021 1:41 PM
Jan 2021
Veldora just straight up popping into Walpurgis to ask for more manga and doing Street Fighter and Dragon ball moves had me laughing my head off. seeing milimn faking that whole time was hilarious and when she said she was pretending made me really happy.

TBH some parts of this episode felt really forced or is it just me? ... nonetheless it was a great episode
Sep 14, 2021 2:14 PM

Nov 2016
I dunno what people were expecting from this episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 14, 2021 2:19 PM
May 2020
this episode soothed the soul as everything went as planned. ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!!!!
Sep 14, 2021 2:19 PM
May 2020
this episode soothed the soul as everything went as planned. ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER!!!!
Sep 14, 2021 2:39 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Finally we get to see Veldora in action, but those SF and DB moves have me dying. So Milim was trolling Clayman the entire time and he got steamrolled by Shion of all people make it clear that he was only a Demon Lord in name only. Despite all that Clayman still is not dead due to his awakening to True Demon Lord so Rimuru is going to fight him one last time.
Sep 14, 2021 3:10 PM
Cherry Thighs

Apr 2013
mydaddy said:
isuzusan said:
I was disappointed to see how easily overwhelmed Clayman was by Shion and I was hoping for a proper shounen-like fight scene. But I'm glad they are making sure that happens with Rimuru next episode. I hope it's a good one!

just so people know slime isn't a shounen and it never was so stop treating it like one

That's why I said shounen-like...
Sep 14, 2021 3:13 PM

Nov 2019
I guess lotta people got more surprised than I expected.
Let's face it, I hated the Milim in S1. Terrible attitude. Terrible dress. Annoying levels = max. But that also meant I wanted to see the real her. She's one of the oldest - surely author has given her personality, right? I mean, being small, childish and wearing a skimpy dress with some OP abilities might attract some people, but it has negligible fictional value.

And Tensura Nikki confirmed that, with her serious moments. The S2 backstory also confirmed my suspicions of her being a wise person who is just internally frustrated and puts up a front. If I read the Slime novels, I might have figured this out earlier.
So when they said Milim is being controlled (beginning of this season), I was sure it's BS. No puny locket is going to control this freak. Frey also didn't seem like someone who'll be madly loyal to Clayman. Clayman himself showed that he's insecure about his power and control over people. These twists aren't twists at all, they were just that obvious. You don't have to be BigBrain, you just follow the characters. My habit of looking into the purpose of a character's existence in any story paid off! I guess many watchers thinks of Milim as a immature, cutesy-mascoty-OP ally or something. Well nope! She can put up an act. Maybe everything is happening like a stageplay from her perspective. And I think she (and even Veldora) might even cause Rimuru some "friendly" trouble in the future just for her own fun. Never underestimate the old ones in a fantasy, especially if they are dragons!

"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Sep 14, 2021 3:16 PM

Feb 2020
Ay lmao, they really pulled out that Milim wasn't actually being controlled. I actually can't believe that. I mean, that playful Milim did the acting? If the reason just to fooled Rimuru, its just too far from her characteristic. Whats the actual motive she needed to do all the hard work, even let Clayman punched her before? I really can't get it at this point, honestly. I don't like the fact about Clayman just being a useless shit on one episode only. The anime failed to portray his cunning character previously, only to make Rimuru-sama side got a higher positions and on top of everything in an instant, or was that an intention from the beginning? Idk what i feels anymore about this one. Maybe i just feeling jaded with long waiting to this point, the dragging plot really can't help lifting the mood, and, its just bump finish. Look at that golden fox and the others, its just solved like that. Holy shit. But, one thing that can be sure, Veldora really killed the episode. I like all the reference he made, make me chuckle for one and two. I also like that giant demon lord respond too. Its definitely me xd.

Alright, one more things to go, and guess it will be back to the talking mode to concluding everything. Can't wait *winking*.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Sep 14, 2021 3:49 PM
May 2020
Veldora is so funny lol, these scenes will get viral quickly.

I thought the battle was too easy and ended too soon, the animation was great tho, let's hope we see some amazing Rimuru moves.

I love how they left Clayman lying dismembered in his own blood and everybody around him just laughing and chatting lol, truly Demon Lord things.
Sep 14, 2021 3:54 PM
Apr 2019
For everyone complaining about this turning into some shitty power fantasy, the next season is literally dedicated to nation building with not much fighting - not on a scale like this anyway.
Sep 14, 2021 3:58 PM

Feb 2021
They will run out of budget, if they keep all that copyright
-My english is bad
-I`m very curious
-Peruvians must die
Sep 14, 2021 4:12 PM
Dec 2019
Next episode is the moment we've all been waiting for, when Rimuru destroys Clayman. This episode was amazing Veldora used the kamehameha wave.
Sep 14, 2021 4:32 PM

May 2015
What a bullshit plot twist with Milim. This show is starting to show massive flows in writing.
Sep 14, 2021 4:54 PM

Aug 2021
The episode was a little boring but,...

- What is the relationship between Veldora and Milim ?
- Who is the Demon Lord Kazalim ?
- What is the truth about Yuuki Kagurazaka ?
- Is Diablo really strong until the Demon Lord Guy talks about him ?
- How did Clayman become a Demon Lord and he is so weak ?
- ...
And many more questions...

One episode left, I hope they will announce a third season because my head is really starting to hurt with these questions...
tazountiSep 14, 2021 4:58 PM

Sep 14, 2021 4:55 PM

Nov 2015
I laughed out loud when clayman ripped his shirt off ha what a complete failure of a plan. The culmination of everything these last few episodes have been very well worth the wait. The fights and the comedy were top notch and I'm hyped to see Rimuru deal with this last ditch effort by the wanna-be villain.
Sep 14, 2021 4:59 PM
Dec 2018
I loved all of Velodra's Street Fighter and DB references, and I'm glad we are caught up with the plot now, but I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little disappointed that Clayman's minions didn't put up much of a fight. I was looking forward to seeing a nice team fight. That being said, can't wait for next week's episode!!
Sep 14, 2021 5:07 PM

Sep 2007
Oh my gawd. I just couldn't stop laughing/smiling at Veldora's Hadoukens and Kamehamehas that I kept replaying it haha....

Really hope they announce a S3 even if it takes a year to produce (of course sooner would be greater)
Sep 14, 2021 5:09 PM

Sep 2020
that was a surprise
so the real fight will start next episode
veledoras moves was fun tho
Sep 14, 2021 5:13 PM
Jul 2018
After that Claymon for me is one of the weakest characters I thought he would be strong because of his dialogues and his rigidity but it all fell apart with the defeat against Rimura he He showed how weak with his memories, but this awakening was tense.
Sep 14, 2021 5:22 PM
Aug 2019
Tbh, I'm kind of disappointed by what the story was here. Like idk if I would just deal with Milim destroying my kingdom as if it was just a friend picking on me. That's the thing that had me sold she was actually under Clayman's control and why I rejected all these hints that she wasn't, but then the show just laughs it off in the end? Huh?

I thought this show was getting serious for real this time, but whatever ... I like the happy-go-lucky stuff too so I guess it's all good. Also, loved the references in Veldora's fight moves lol. Shion destroying Clayman was pretty cool too. Not sure about the logic that lets Clayman become a true demon lord though.
Sep 14, 2021 5:30 PM

Dec 2013
Lol at Veldora and Millim, those two are the best, and the faces of everyone going "oh yeah, I knew it was all a trick" haha.

Lab_Rat_0978 said:

considering all the prep time rimuru has done until know, shion beating clayman with almost zero difficulty actually makes perfect sense

in light novel, its explained that out of rimuru's subordinates
shion is arguably the only one who got complete immunity againt mindhax/brainwash due to her being biologically mindless as a wicked oni, her skill perfect memory, also allows her to think with just her soul

brain is no longer necessary for her lmao

so what could clayman, the guy who relies heavily on mindhax/brainwash mumbo jumbo possibly do to someone like shion?

its all according to rimuru's keikaku,
everything is decided before the fight has even begun

its not the author's fault iF the anime decided to skip so many details like that isnt it? just saying

Aw, I loved this episode and makes me a bit sad we anime only folk missed all of that info.
Sep 14, 2021 5:42 PM

Apr 2012
Why would the other demon lords allow a non demon lord to attend and even speak at a meeting? They pretty much look down on those not in their league so why was he even invited? This doesn't make sense to me since the requirement to attend the demon lord summit is that you need to be one yourself.
Janethan23Sep 14, 2021 6:08 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Sep 14, 2021 5:58 PM

Jan 2021
I thought Clayman was going to wipe the floor with Shion, but no? Clayman isn’t even threatening anymore, considering he got beat up by one of Rimuru’s lackeys. Also considering that he was never mind controlling Milim in the first place was pretty bullshit. Clayman is a joke of a villain, however it might be what they intended for all I know. It all just comes back to weak characters and stupid work-arounds holding this show back.
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Sep 14, 2021 6:10 PM

Mar 2015
watching this anime feels like I'm spoon-fed from a bowl of shit. for the most part main antagonist of the season is a rag doll punching bag. some demon lord he is. veldora pops out of rimuru's ass and starts to drop easter egg moves like its christmass. milim was never controlled. carion isn't dead. what was even at stake? nothing. and now half-dead clayman gets a random power up because reasons. well the production needs to waste viewers' time somehow, that should be reason enough. now we get to watch an amazing fight. amazingly boring fight we saw for a 1000 times already. there will be flashy moves with ridiculous names, someone is going to say oh no they are on a completely different level. then antagonist drops ded. cool story. who enjoys this mediocrity? I'm dropping this show. it's 5/10 mediocre piece of trash for elementary school kids
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Sep 14, 2021 6:30 PM

Apr 2020
Dinxama said:
tensura1704 said:

i think in the previous season last episode rimuru did say that carrion is still alive...

So he is suprised by something he knew ok,im totaly fine with that,nothing illogical here

Rimuru was surprised about the fact that Carrion is healthy and is doing fine, not that hes alive since Rimuru already knew that. Pretty sure Rimuru thought that Carrion was being hostaged and maybe getting tortured.
Sep 14, 2021 6:46 PM

Apr 2020
Dinxama said:
Dukino said:

Everything was literally explained in this episode. Guess you didn't pay attention. Milim was never controlled so when her and Frey went to the beast kingdom they just captured Carrion not killed him. Pretty easy to put together

Yes everything was explained but there were no build up,no hint,no nothing and if you dont call that an ass-pulled then idk what is

Laplace's warning to Clayman, Raphael not finding the spell, Guy saying "im sure Milim has her own intentions", Them getting the notion that Carrion was in the room, Frey saying that Clayman doesn't understand the true nature of things, Frey's scheming grin as she says "Clayman, it would seem you are not long for this world",

technically these are hints, you weren't paying attention if you say that there were no hints
PonIcOSep 14, 2021 6:55 PM
Sep 14, 2021 7:54 PM

Dec 2012

Sep 14, 2021 8:15 PM

Apr 2018
Damn that fight was so good even tho it was anticlimatic a bit Shion really beat the shiz out of Clayman and just when you know it Clayman comes back with his awakening form.

Lowkey knew Millim wasnt being controlled xD and also Freaking Veldora with the HamiHamiHa and Hadouken xD

FINAL FIGHT Cant wait for this Awakened Clayman vs Rimuru
Sep 14, 2021 8:51 PM
Dec 2020
Panzer92 said:
Dinxama said:

I said it once and i said it again
I dont give a fuck on why they are op
I only care why the author write clayman to be such a weak character,if he put up a fight,just for few second then his beatdown would feel alot more sastisfied
The clayman beatdown felt like watching an adult beat the shit out of a naughty kid,did the kid deserve it abso-fucking-lutely yes,is it ejnoy to watch fuck no
If clayman had the upperhand just for one second then the beatdowm would turn from beating a child into a beating a dick which make it alot more sastify to watch

Then would you say shounen-like fights with fake tension where good guy is seemingly losing and "surprisingly" turns it around is not boring? I'd say it's much worse if anything. It might be just my bias because I'm watching DB now, but to me such fight are the worst shit that happens in anime.
If you want to know why author did that, you'd need to ask them lol. But to me their intentions seem rather clear: Clayman was meant to be hated - he didn't have (we didn't see that is) a good side. Having him totally destroyed is meant to be a satisfying culmination of his role. Kinda in a way that you feel good when you get a revenge - and the more one sided it is, the better. He wasn't some final boss. He was just an annoying schemer.

I didnt say let the mc losing then comeback,i said let clayman fight back even just for a scene,beat tge shit out of someone who can fight back is infinitely more sastifying than beating the shit out of someone defendless
Sep 14, 2021 9:16 PM

May 2014
Dinxama said:
Dukino said:

Everything was literally explained in this episode. Guess you didn't pay attention. Milim was never controlled so when her and Frey went to the beast kingdom they just captured Carrion not killed him. Pretty easy to put together

Yes everything was explained but there were no build up,no hint,no nothing and if you dont call that an ass-pulled then idk what is

bruh, it's already way obvious that Carrion is alive and Milim isn't controlled. Are we even watching the same anime? You clearly didn't pay any attention lol
Sep 14, 2021 10:09 PM
Jul 2021
Janethan23 said:
Why would the other demon lords allow a non demon lord to attend and even speak at a meeting? They pretty much look down on those not in their league so why was he even invited? This doesn't make sense to me since the requirement to attend the demon lord summit is that you need to be one yourself.

because clayman true role as spy and keep check all other demon lord & manipulating them but his big ego want to become true demon lord make him fail with his duty.

no he is not demon lord now but next episode.

dont click spoiler i warn you its a twist for mid to final.

RedCobra75Sep 14, 2021 10:26 PM
Sep 14, 2021 10:37 PM

Feb 2016
best anime this season no doubt
Sep 14, 2021 10:41 PM

Mar 2021
Elyasis said:
What a bullshit plot twist with Milim. This show is starting to show massive flows in writing.

oh yes, better tell me how can you change it then

If it looks like I stand no chance I’ll run away and think up a new plan, but otherwise, I should see how strong it is with my own eyes, right?

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