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That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime
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Jun 28, 2021 6:43 PM

Apr 2018
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Both are at war, humans are their enemy, enemy murder their loved ones and attempt to wipe their country. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?
DragevardJun 28, 2021 6:52 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
Jun 28, 2021 6:51 PM
Mar 2020
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?
justified bcuz he wanted to be friendly but couldn’t and a bunch of his friends died; only way to save was a large sacrifice
Jun 28, 2021 6:51 PM

Jul 2015
Those are two different fanbases with completely different standards.
Rinmaru is a Mary Sue, so whatever he does is always correct and won't bite him in the ass later, so it's not really up to debate

Eren is not. He is just a kid, who makes mistakes. He is doing what he thinks is right and completely destroyed any chances of negotiations for peace, which set him apart from the people he cared about.

Jun 28, 2021 6:56 PM

Apr 2018
pxkimxne said:
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?
justified bcuz he wanted to be friendly but couldn’t and a bunch of his friends died; only way to save was a large sacrifice

Isn't Eren trying to be friendly but after living in Eldia for a few years, he found that there's no alternative and the speech given by the Warhammer family only solidify it? Also the outside world is created so that mass genocide is the only way to protect his friends
Jun 28, 2021 6:58 PM
Mar 2020
Dragevard said:
pxkimxne said:
justified bcuz he wanted to be friendly but couldn’t and a bunch of his friends died; only way to save was a large sacrifice

Isn't Eren trying to be friendly but after living in Eldia for a few years, he found that there's no alternative and the speech given by the Warhammer family only solidify it? Also the outside world is created so that mass genocide is the only way to protect his friends
yeah he feels so betrayed after Reiner and the rest were titans and knew negotiations with Marley was impossible and that the only way to get them to listen was brute force
Jun 28, 2021 6:59 PM

Apr 2018
Piromysl said:
Those are two different fanbases with completely different standards.
Rinmaru is a Mary Sue, so whatever he does is always correct and won't bite him in the ass later, so it's not really up to debate

Eren is not. He is just a kid, who makes mistakes. He is doing what he thinks is right and completely destroyed any chances of negotiations for peace, which set him apart from the people he cared about.

Didn't the Warhammer family commence a full on invasion with many countries onboard during the speech? It was never negotiable with the way the outside world is created by Iseyama
Jun 28, 2021 7:11 PM
Mar 2020
I don't think Rimuru should be hated because the only time he committed mass murder in anime was to save his fallen friends. The only way to save them was to become a Demon King and that could be achieved only by consuming 20,000 human souls. So he had no other choice. There cannot be found any other situation where he committed mass murder just for fun.
Jun 28, 2021 7:55 PM
Mar 2021
Either Rimuru let’s his village/country get ravaged or he fights back consumes there souls and revive his fallen friends which would make much sense also it gave him a power boost to so🤷🏽‍♂️.
Jun 28, 2021 7:58 PM

Jun 2017
If people knew the atrocities Rimuru did to become a demon lord naturally even his alloes would fear and despise maybe even hate him. But becuase of Veldora ex Machina the blame can be placed on him therefore Rimuru is saved in court of public opinion.
Jun 28, 2021 9:33 PM
May 2021
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Both are at war, humans are their enemy, enemy murder their loved ones and attempt to wipe their country. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?

Eren commits mass genocide for no reason, rimuru does that to save his city and friends.
Jun 29, 2021 5:03 AM
Feb 2021
rimuru kills soldier in a war while eren kills billion people which is citizen and innocent
Jun 29, 2021 9:48 AM
Dec 2018
Rimuru is automatically justified because he is a leader of a country and they started the killings, he finished it. Eren is in the same boat, the only difference is where their enemy was at. Unlike Rimuru, Eren enemy was among the common people. Although, it still is fair because he didn't start involving the common people, he finished it.
Jun 29, 2021 10:00 AM
Dec 2018
fnw__ said:
rimuru kills soldier in a war while eren kills billion people which is citizen and innocent

But Marley did that by sending titans to them and breaking their walls. So compared to them, Eren really didn't kill that much innocent people.
Jun 29, 2021 11:36 AM
Feb 2021
Mikell_Kenshin said:
fnw__ said:
rimuru kills soldier in a war while eren kills billion people which is citizen and innocent

But Marley did that by sending titans to them and breaking their walls. So compared to them, Eren really didn't kill that much innocent people.

what do you mean not much innocent people ? he literally wipe out half of the world
Jun 29, 2021 12:27 PM

Jun 2021
There is a massive difference between killing 20,000 soldiers sent to slaughter your civilians and killing 80% of the human population, civilians included, just because most of them are racist against your people.

Granted, both are war criminals since Rimuru could have easily forced the soldiers to surrender, but instead used Merciless to evolve into a Demon Lord, but it's still nowhere near the magnitude of severity of Eren's actions.
Jun 29, 2021 1:20 PM

Apr 2018
dantheman007a said:
There is a massive difference between killing 20,000 soldiers sent to slaughter your civilians and killing 80% of the human population, civilians included, just because most of them are racist against your people.

Granted, both are war criminals since Rimuru could have easily forced the soldiers to surrender, but instead used Merciless to evolve into a Demon Lord, but it's still nowhere near the magnitude of severity of Eren's actions.

Keep in mind that the whole world is planning an all out invasion against Paradis and that made Eren broke out and killed the head of Warhammer family.
Jun 29, 2021 1:22 PM

Jan 2009
i do not watch this show but did you weigh in the number of deaths? i mean world genocide is clearly the greater evil here with how many death count it has
Jun 29, 2021 1:23 PM

Apr 2018
deg said:
i do not watch this show but did you weigh in the number of deaths? i mean world genocide is clearly the greater evil here with how many death count it has

It's one country that is invading Rimuru's country, but in AOT it's the whole world invading

dantheman007a said:
There is a massive difference between killing 20,000 soldiers sent to slaughter your civilians and killing 80% of the human population, civilians included, just because most of them are racist against your people.

Granted, both are war criminals since Rimuru could have easily forced the soldiers to surrender, but instead used Merciless to evolve into a Demon Lord, but it's still nowhere near the magnitude of severity of Eren's actions.

Notice that it's one country vs Rimuru; whereas it's the whole world vs Paradis in AOT

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
babyakiSep 18, 2021 12:47 AM
Jun 29, 2021 11:07 PM
Jan 2021
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Both are at war, humans are their enemy, enemy murder their loved ones and attempt to wipe their country. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?

It's because killing the humans are satisfying as f for some reason and eren killing humans it was hard to choose who side i want to cheer because in aot they show us the perspective of humans in the other side their goal why they did such things and stuff and in slime they just show us the bad side of humans that's why it was so satisfying killing them

It's just the difference of writing
Jun 29, 2021 11:11 PM

Jul 2020
The logic is pretty obvious tbh.
Fans cheered for Rimuru because he just wanted to be friendly with humans but they ended up destroying it.Tempest was a peaceful place but they wanted to destroy it just because it was affecting their economic affairs.

The main difference is that in Aot they showed the perspective of each side but in Slime they never showed it and so it was satisfying when Rimuru was killing them.

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Jun 30, 2021 10:04 AM

Jun 2021
Dragevard said:

Notice that it's one country vs Rimuru; whereas it's the whole world vs Paradis in AOT

I mean, it's less about who they're against, and more about who they're willing to kill.

Rimuru's attacks are against soldiers that were sent to invade his land, while Eren killed soldiers and civilians indiscriminately.

Eren may have been acting for the greater good of his people, but he still crossed a much larger moral line to do it than Rimuru has done so far.
Jun 30, 2021 3:46 PM
Jan 2016
It actually really simple. Like a quote I hear from somewhere "Kill a human during peace, you are persecuted as criminal. Commit a genocide during a war, you are hail as hero". In Rimuru case, he isn't the aggressor and what he done is justified because it is war. The one he kill are soldiers. In Eren case, not only that he is the aggressor, he also killed indiscriminately whether it is civilian or soldier.
Jun 30, 2021 11:34 PM
Jan 2021
Rimuru did not kill any innocent humans. Those who got killed were soldiers of the humans who came to war with the monsters. Rimuru and his allies had to kill orcs in the fight with the orc lord too. It was also the only way to save his friends. If Rimuru had killed innocent human citizens to become a demon lord then that may have been wrong.
Jul 1, 2021 8:24 AM

Apr 2018
MightyRoos said:
It actually really simple. Like a quote I hear from somewhere "Kill a human during peace, you are persecuted as criminal. Commit a genocide during a war, you are hail as hero". In Rimuru case, he isn't the aggressor and what he done is justified because it is war. The one he kill are soldiers. In Eren case, not only that he is the aggressor, he also killed indiscriminately whether it is civilian or soldier.

Keep in mind the aggressors is Marley and the world, Eren is opposing that aggression and that the growing technology in Marley is already able to penetrate titans and in another decade or so it will completely make Titans irrelevant as a weapon. With Paradis being a tiny island with limited resources and technology their fate is sealed with the next couple decades. 80% genocide is to delay that future by about a century, but if it was 99.99% (excluding Paradis ofc) genocide Paradis will finally be at peace.
Jul 1, 2021 8:34 AM

Feb 2021
Why?, Rimuru did those Actions for a reason, as a Redemption for all the Villagers that got killed during the Falmuth Army's attacks (thanks to Clayman). He did that to get even, and even became a Demon Lord for the sake of his subjects.

It's true that his actions resulted to a genocide of tens and thousands of Humans, But don't forget that it's the Humans that attacked first.
He wouldn't have done that, as long as he lives in peace with his subjects.
AbsoluteZero_94Jul 1, 2021 8:37 AM
Jul 1, 2021 8:46 AM

Apr 2018
Linux_2020 said:
Why?, Rimuru did those Actions for a reason, as a Redemption for all the Villagers that got killed during the Falmuth Army's attacks (thanks to Clayman). He did that to get even, and even became a Demon Lord for the sake of his subjects.

It's true that his actions resulted to a genocide of tens and thousands of Humans, But don't forget that it's the Humans that attacked first.
He wouldn't have done that, as long as he lives in peace with his subjects.

I'm just drawing a parallel b/w the actions of Eren and Rimuru, but Eren's actions invoke a greater divide b/w the community whereas Rimuru's didn't invoke much of any reaction
Jul 1, 2021 9:00 AM

Feb 2021
Dragevard said:
Linux_2020 said:
Why?, Rimuru did those Actions for a reason, as a Redemption for all the Villagers that got killed during the Falmuth Army's attacks (thanks to Clayman). He did that to get even, and even became a Demon Lord for the sake of his subjects.

It's true that his actions resulted to a genocide of tens and thousands of Humans, But don't forget that it's the Humans that attacked first.
He wouldn't have done that, as long as he lives in peace with his subjects.

I'm just drawing a parallel b/w the actions of Eren and Rimuru, but Eren's actions invoke a greater divide b/w the community whereas Rimuru's didn't invoke much of any reaction

No matter what their motives, Both of their actions resulted to Genocide. But if you count the Human Casualties, Eren got the higher count than Rimuru.
The reason why the community didn't like Eren's Actions is that he didn't try on relying on his comrades, unlike Rimuru did. Eren became self-centered during the final phase of the series and died because of his actions. (the author revealed the truth about Eren's Actions during the Final Chapter, Isayama revealed it way too late)
AbsoluteZero_94Jul 1, 2021 9:19 AM
Jul 1, 2021 12:21 PM
Jan 2016
Dragevard said:
MightyRoos said:
It actually really simple. Like a quote I hear from somewhere "Kill a human during peace, you are persecuted as criminal. Commit a genocide during a war, you are hail as hero". In Rimuru case, he isn't the aggressor and what he done is justified because it is war. The one he kill are soldiers. In Eren case, not only that he is the aggressor, he also killed indiscriminately whether it is civilian or soldier.

Keep in mind the aggressors is Marley and the world, Eren is opposing that aggression and that the growing technology in Marley is already able to penetrate titans and in another decade or so it will completely make Titans irrelevant as a weapon. With Paradis being a tiny island with limited resources and technology their fate is sealed with the next couple decades. 80% genocide is to delay that future by about a century, but if it was 99.99% (excluding Paradis ofc) genocide Paradis will finally be at peace.
I see your point but even so there are no justification for killing innocents and civilians. Not only that, Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley when he killed Taybar during Taybar speech in Marley and also directly involve civilian's life in that confrontation. Besides, Rimuru didn't continue to attack Farmus Kingdom in their country after the massacre of the soldiers while it is different for Eren. He killed Marley soldiers that being sent to Paradis Island which is fine. Then he initiate an attack on Marley but the problem is he involve civilian. Then again to make it worst, he indiscriminately killed all people outside Paradis Island.
Jul 1, 2021 12:52 PM

Apr 2018
MightyRoos said:
Dragevard said:

Keep in mind the aggressors is Marley and the world, Eren is opposing that aggression and that the growing technology in Marley is already able to penetrate titans and in another decade or so it will completely make Titans irrelevant as a weapon. With Paradis being a tiny island with limited resources and technology their fate is sealed with the next couple decades. 80% genocide is to delay that future by about a century, but if it was 99.99% (excluding Paradis ofc) genocide Paradis will finally be at peace.
I see your point but even so there are no justification for killing innocents and civilians. Not only that, Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley when he killed Taybar during Taybar speech in Marley and also directly involve civilian's life in that confrontation. Besides, Rimuru didn't continue to attack Farmus Kingdom in their country after the massacre of the soldiers while it is different for Eren. He killed Marley soldiers that being sent to Paradis Island which is fine. Then he initiate an attack on Marley but the problem is he involve civilian. Then again to make it worst, he indiscriminately killed all people outside Paradis Island.

I think you forgot that Taybar gathered ambassadors and the press to rage war against Paradis. It is then Eren lost it his shit and killed him. Either way; the invasion of Paradis is inevitable. Killing civilians or not; it all depends on whether you want Paradis to survive or not.

There's only 3 options from the start. 1. Play tower defense until technology improve to the point of nukes being a thing (extra pages) 2. Wipe every non-Paradis and live in peace 3. Eren's route to stall for about century and die a meaningless death while making his country implode
DragevardJul 1, 2021 1:10 PM
Jul 1, 2021 2:01 PM
Jan 2016
Dragevard said:
MightyRoos said:
I see your point but even so there are no justification for killing innocents and civilians. Not only that, Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley when he killed Taybar during Taybar speech in Marley and also directly involve civilian's life in that confrontation. Besides, Rimuru didn't continue to attack Farmus Kingdom in their country after the massacre of the soldiers while it is different for Eren. He killed Marley soldiers that being sent to Paradis Island which is fine. Then he initiate an attack on Marley but the problem is he involve civilian. Then again to make it worst, he indiscriminately killed all people outside Paradis Island.

I think you forgot that Taybar gathered ambassadors and the press to rage war against Paradis. It is then Eren lost it his shit and killed him. Either way; the invasion of Paradis is inevitable. Killing civilians or not; it all depends on whether you want Paradis to survive or not.

There's only 3 options from the start. 1. Play tower defense until technology improve to the point of nukes being a thing (extra pages) 2. Wipe every non-Paradis and live in peace 3. Eren's route to stall for about century and die a meaningless death while making his country implode

Nah Eren could just ravage the military bases but no, instead he commit mass murder. No matter how good or pure his ideal is, massacred of innocents is never a solution.
Jul 3, 2021 6:59 PM
Dec 2015
MightyRoos said:
Dragevard said:

I think you forgot that Taybar gathered ambassadors and the press to rage war against Paradis. It is then Eren lost it his shit and killed him. Either way; the invasion of Paradis is inevitable. Killing civilians or not; it all depends on whether you want Paradis to survive or not.

There's only 3 options from the start. 1. Play tower defense until technology improve to the point of nukes being a thing (extra pages) 2. Wipe every non-Paradis and live in peace 3. Eren's route to stall for about century and die a meaningless death while making his country implode

Nah Eren could just ravage the military bases but no, instead he commit mass murder. No matter how good or pure his ideal is, massacred of innocents is never a solution.
you said "Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley" and its 100% worng after tayber declared war on him(paradise) he attacked and killed him he didnt plan to kill kids and women but
sometimes in order to take down the enemy higher ups innocent ppl will die

Especially since Marlai knew it was going to happen and so the blood of all the innocent abounds on their hands and not eren’s

while he killed some women and child he killed mostly army man + ppl who cheer for the war decleration so noone is innocent ther

armin killed even more innocent ppl and noone say anything about that
this is how i see it

and 1 more thing rimeru killed only knights that came to murder all the kingdom
kun_kiritoJul 3, 2021 7:07 PM
Jul 4, 2021 12:27 AM
Jan 2016
kun_kirito said:
MightyRoos said:

Nah Eren could just ravage the military bases but no, instead he commit mass murder. No matter how good or pure his ideal is, massacred of innocents is never a solution.
you said "Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley" and its 100% worng after tayber declared war on him(paradise) he attacked and killed him he didnt plan to kill kids and women but
sometimes in order to take down the enemy higher ups innocent ppl will die

Especially since Marlai knew it was going to happen and so the blood of all the innocent abounds on their hands and not eren’s

while he killed some women and child he killed mostly army man + ppl who cheer for the war decleration so noone is innocent ther

armin killed even more innocent ppl and noone say anything about that
this is how i see it

and 1 more thing rimeru killed only knights that came to murder all the kingdom

Are you for real?!! So it means you have no problem if people use suicide bombing like in our current world because like you say "in order to take down the enemy" smh Besides, did you forgot that Eren commit mass murder with rumbling??!
Jul 4, 2021 1:27 AM
Dec 2015
i am not talking about the rumbling
i didnt see that yet anime watcher
but "suicide bombing" is not the same
when you go suicide bombing you target innocent ppl
and not army or higher ups so no
but if you target enemy higher ups militry/politics then yea sometimes innocent ppl will get hurt

not saying its ok its something you have to do

or else you will never have a chance to kill him becouse he will have women and kids around him all day

dont forget its a war
and in war you use whatever you can
Jul 4, 2021 8:29 AM

Apr 2018
MightyRoos said:
kun_kirito said:
you said "Eren is the one who spark a full scale war with Marley" and its 100% worng after tayber declared war on him(paradise) he attacked and killed him he didnt plan to kill kids and women but
sometimes in order to take down the enemy higher ups innocent ppl will die

Especially since Marlai knew it was going to happen and so the blood of all the innocent abounds on their hands and not eren’s

while he killed some women and child he killed mostly army man + ppl who cheer for the war decleration so noone is innocent ther

armin killed even more innocent ppl and noone say anything about that
this is how i see it

and 1 more thing rimeru killed only knights that came to murder all the kingdom

Are you for real?!! So it means you have no problem if people use suicide bombing like in our current world because like you say "in order to take down the enemy" smh Besides, did you forgot that Eren commit mass murder with rumbling??!

Kid, it's entertainment. We're here to get entertained; of course it's ok to have genocide in fiction, but not in the real world. People like you who can't differentiate and kept bridging the gap b/w fiction and nonfiction are why we can't have nice things
Jul 26, 2021 1:21 PM
Jul 2020
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Both are at war, humans are their enemy, enemy murder their loved ones and attempt to wipe their country. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?

Dude, Rimuru killed soldiers only. They knew that they could die, but they still invaded Tempest, killing enemy soldiers in a war is not wrong. Eren not only killed enemy soldiers but Also innocents.
Jul 26, 2021 10:41 PM

Nov 2019
Who does Eren kill?
Civilian and Soldiers
Who does Rimuru kill?
People who invaded Tempest

I think that sums it up.
Jul 27, 2021 6:43 AM

Feb 2017
Zero_Kashi said:
Who does Eren kill?
Civilian and Soldiers
Who does Rimuru kill?
People who invaded Tempest

I think that sums it up.

you missed Eren's mom
Aug 9, 2021 5:24 AM

Jun 2013
This season left a bad taste in my mouth for that exact reason.

Sure, you may argue that these were soldiers being sent to his nation to commit genocide, but past the first few thousand, that army had lost the will to fight and was already willing to surrender.

Correct me if I am mistaken, but even in real life, killing surrendering forces is a war crime and morally reprehensible.

The only reason Rimuru isn't more widely disliked among viewers, is that the whole show is an adolescent power fantasy, and people can't be bothered to sympathize with the faceless, nameless, backstory-less, religious extremist Nazi hyper-bigots the Falmuth were portrayed as being.
Aug 11, 2021 2:29 PM

Nov 2013
-Flaky- said:
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?

Stfu is this the same genre huh?! Look at what they did to his town and people should he want to avenge his own people when they didn’t do anything to the humans they attacked them so wtf are you saying? Is AOT isekai huh?? did Eren want to become a fucking demon lord ? Does Eren run a whole nation? Does Eren have great sage? Or does Rimuru have titan powers, or is tensura a dystopian anime? Why don’t you stfu and stop comparing two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT anime’s

Lmao triggered. Hit too close to home?
You all need to watch Nami.

Aug 11, 2021 3:19 PM
Dec 2020
abystoma2 said:
Dragevard said:
Eren commits mass genocide, divides the entire fanbase. Rimuru commit mass murder, fanbase cheers and celebrates. Where's the logic? Or is slime's fanbase not mainstream enough to garner attention?

Lmao triggered. Hit too close to home?

Yeah just tired of all this or I’m using too much internet lately although I kinda regret saying stfu but the thread annoyed me a lot I couldn’t help it

Mod Edit: Removed quote of deleted post.
babyakiSep 18, 2021 12:53 AM
Aug 25, 2021 10:45 PM
Aug 2018
These are literally 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORIES first of all. AOT is way way way more serious and realistic compared to Tensura. Of course AOT would get controversial for doing something like that. AOT also had Eren killing even innocent people and showed the perspectives of both sides making it extremely emotional and quite impactful. Tensura, it was expected for Rimuru to commit mass genocide. The human were at war with the monsters. The humans came into Rimuru’s country and wrecked house. We even got to see how evil the king of that country was as well as his high ranking officers. They were scum. Tensura did not display any perspectives of the human army which is probably why there is no controversy. Also, no innocent civilians were killed. All the viewers hated the humans and then Rimuru found a way to justify killing over 10,000 people to become a demon lord and to protect his kingdom. It’s 2 different situations with 2 different ways they were told.
Br3dWinn3rsAug 25, 2021 10:54 PM
Sep 7, 2021 8:51 PM

Feb 2017
Razi_N said:
This season left a bad taste in my mouth for that exact reason.

Sure, you may argue that these were soldiers being sent to his nation to commit genocide, but past the first few thousand, that army had lost the will to fight and was already willing to surrender.

Correct me if I am mistaken, but even in real life, killing surrendering forces is a war crime and morally reprehensible.

The only reason Rimuru isn't more widely disliked among viewers, is that the whole show is an adolescent power fantasy, and people can't be bothered to sympathize with the faceless, nameless, backstory-less, religious extremist Nazi hyper-bigots the Falmuth were portrayed as being.

rimuru is a monster,
thus human laws obviously dont apply to him. since he did not break any law, he's definitely not a war criminal

and falmuth soldiers didnt break any law either,
theyre just ppl who wanted to butcher monsters that are obviously not protected by human laws

its legal for rimuru to kiil humans,
and its also legal for humans to kill tempest denizens (monsters)
Sep 15, 2021 9:29 PM
Jul 2018
Mainly because he killed them more as a requirements rather than simple humans bad....durr. He wanted 10,000 souls and the humans themselves offered it to him. Who wouldn't take it!? He's still the friendly and goofy slime.
Sep 16, 2021 11:05 PM

May 2016
Attack on Titan although a fantasy was grounded in somewhat realism. That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime isn’t exactly grounded in realism
Sep 16, 2021 11:09 PM

Jan 2013
The act is the same, but the world isn't. Slime's world is very black-and-white. The soldiers killed were like stormtroopers.
Sep 18, 2021 12:25 AM

Aug 2020
Thread locked for not encouraging discussion.

Anime Discussion Rules 2: Please refrain from creating threads that do not encourage discussion.

Thread has devolved into flaming.
babyakiSep 18, 2021 1:12 AM

ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇʟɪᴍɪɴᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴏꜱꜱɪʙʟᴇ, ᴡʜᴀᴛᴇᴠᴇʀ ʀᴇᴍᴀɪɴꜱ
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- ꜱʜᴇʀʟᴏᴄᴋ ʜᴏʟᴍᴇꜱ
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