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Jun 24, 2021 2:23 AM

Nov 2011
Holy shit, all those limps blown off or at least from what they saw in their own visions.

A very tough trial imo and they've just gotten started. This episode was a tough one for Yoh and his group A very hype episode though.
Jun 24, 2021 2:36 AM
Mar 2021
HAO LOOKED SEXY IN EVERY FRAME! This episode was amazing, and we're slowly getting into it.๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
Jun 24, 2021 2:38 AM
Mar 2021
This is absolutely best episode so far. Everything was perfect. Hao... I don't need to say anything, Everything is clear about him...
Jun 24, 2021 2:41 AM
Feb 2020
I really do not know what to think about this episode. I'm giving it a 5/5 because if I had no point of reference whatsoever it would have been outright amazing...

Sadly as someone who has all of this memorised by heart I wanna cry thinking of all the skipped content.

They should have stretched the first half of the episode into 20 minutes, and move Lilara to the next week, she'd probably fit anyways.

Instead we lost so so so much character introductions... The golem and Gandara group did not even appear in the episode despite being the main focus in the manga.

Most of Hao's henchmen did not even get to talk, and even we had Horo Horo stealing Matti's lines. Why? It takes the same amount of time for her to say it as it does for Horohoro.

No Faust in the episode either, completely sidelining a major character that was already shafted in his introduction episode.

The life of death exam was rushed through too fast to the point you do not actually feel the fact that they were in danger, and that multiple participants just died.

But puting all of that away the episode was amazing. You can really FEEL how scary Hao is, perfectly executed, even if they skipped half of his content in the episode.

So yeah, I both am very sad the elisode I was waiting for soooo long did not do everything I cared about in it... But on the other hand it still felt so god damn good...

Wish we had a proper length adaptation, but alas, it was done pretty well considering time constraints... Think it could have been done better, but do not really know how. To add the scenes you'd have to cut something else, and not like the ep was wasting much time
Jun 24, 2021 4:08 AM
Jan 2015
Ahhhhh it was perfect for me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ We could finally meet Hao!! He looked so handsome that I wanted to cry hahaha... And they gave us the wave and YohxAnna scene!! It was amazing โค๏ธ AND THE FINAL SCENE WAS SO COOL!!

I don't remember very well how much they rushed, but everything fit perfectly ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Next week we'll see Lyserg!! That episode is going to be amazing, too!!
Jibril88Jun 24, 2021 6:46 PM
Jun 24, 2021 4:30 AM

Nov 2015
The final segment of the episode where the colors turn monochrome was intense!! I loved it!!

Time for Lyserg next week!
Jun 24, 2021 7:25 AM
Apr 2016
One of the best episodes I’ve ever seen when it comes to animation but ngl the score keeps getting worse every week since it started. I expect more from the composer. Anyway, amazing looking episode and I really don’t know how they pulled off KyoAni quality in such a short time. In the beginning the animation was kinda rough.
Jun 24, 2021 7:55 AM

Jan 2021
Uhh, finally the most interesting character appears imo
I don't know why they haven't noticed that he is identical to You 0.0

Well, as always, can't miss a random fight, this time to make them realise who Hao is... Coincidences of life
Apart from that, the designs of the secondary characters look really ugly to me

Hao is very OP ๐Ÿ˜‚, I want to see how You defeats him with the power of friendship
And I guess there's a power up coming too, because I doubt they can beat him now
Jun 24, 2021 9:28 AM

Jan 2010
Indeed hao makes this even better, of course they skip but as someone who forgot the most of the manga (I read it years ago), I'm enjoying this.
Jun 24, 2021 9:54 AM

Jul 2017
The Shaman Fight is coming, and it will be a BIG showdown of one that can only be the Shaman King. Time to leave all pleasantries behind, and concentrate to the max!

Hao's introduction easily alone is more than enough, his demeanor of a character is how I imaged it exactly like the manga, and he is a force to be reckoned with, with his Over Soul and lackeys alongside this proclaimed "future" Shaman King. I don't mind that the myriad of characters aren't all introduced at once, but slowly since we're only officially 1/4 the way through this year-long complete reboot.

The Shaman Fight starting off with the Patch Tribe's Over Soul of a 747 to reach the Patch Village withn 3 months, that is a daunting Round 1. Lilirara of the Seminoa as the 1st obstacle and sharing her past experiences of the Shaman Fight, this rando fight I can already tell the consequences if Yoh and Co. are to survive for long in this never-ending fight that will last for quite sometime.

But smearing Silva's name through illusions? It's more like Hao who started this whole fiasco, and everyone is dying to know the truth. Like the OP, it would be better if Yoh and Co. could earn more Shaman warriors together in their journey. Yep, the power of friendship works again.

Aside from the fast adaptation, it's coming together along nicely. Hao is a legit antagonist through and through, and the journey is just the beginning.
Jun 24, 2021 10:38 AM

Apr 2015
I kinda wish the first half was a full episode, and Lilirara was saved until next week. Would've given more time to preview certain characters we'll see later on, plus give time for everyone to properly say their goodbyes in the beginning. Still though, the execution with Lilirara and the introduction of Hao was perfect, and I'm still excited because the journey to Patch Village was one of my favorite arcs in the manga.
Jun 24, 2021 11:08 AM
Mar 2021
Clas1ck said:
Uhh, finally the most interesting character appears imo
I don't know why they haven't noticed that he is identical to You 0.0

Well, as always, can't miss a random fight, this time to make them realise who Hao is... Coincidences of life
Apart from that, the designs of the secondary characters look really ugly to me

Hao is very OP ๐Ÿ˜‚, I want to see how You defeats him with the power of friendship
And I guess there's a power up coming too, because I doubt they can beat him now

Bro, that won't happen, Manga is totally different from the old Shaman King and this anime won't end like that. I don't wanna spoil something, but bro, you'll be surprised with the ending
Jun 24, 2021 11:09 AM
Oct 2013
I always find Hao's lego inspired fashion very interesting when I was a kid
Jun 24, 2021 11:52 AM

Dec 2020
so patch guy is the one who.... took hao away right when he was born? insane ass fuck
Jun 24, 2021 11:55 AM
Jan 2009
Hao is not messing around, he wanted only Shamans to remain and all humans dead huh
Jun 24, 2021 12:10 PM
Mar 2021
lizzziziz said:
so patch guy is the one who.... took hao away right when he was born? insane ass fuck

No that's Hao 500 years ago.
Jun 24, 2021 12:22 PM

Apr 2014
This episode was nice. Though it does feel a little fast or rushed for some reason. That aside the scenes with Hao really does show how dangerous he really is. The story about Patch was interesting. A bad demon is just born while the Patch tribe was nothing bad at all. Just the guy himself with the Spirit with Fire is the bad one. He even wants revenge on humans. Let me guess. Something bad happened with him with a group of humans and he considers all humans the same. And now he wants to exterminate them all with the best Shamans there is. Sure Humans can be very scummy or evil in so many ways. But not all are like that. I guess depending on the event or the situations he must've gone through multiple times. I guess he was just very unlucky. Sorry. My guess could be very wrong... Xp
Jun 24, 2021 1:36 PM
May 2021
It took me the entire episode to realize that Lilirara has the same voice as Big Mom (One Piece) and Kaguya (Naruto Shippuden).
Jun 24, 2021 1:47 PM
Mar 2021
alphazero4um said:
This episode was nice. Though it does feel a little fast or rushed for some reason. That aside the scenes with Hao really does show how dangerous he really is. The story about Patch was interesting. A bad demon is just born while the Patch tribe was nothing bad at all. Just the guy himself with the Spirit with Fire is the bad one. He even wants revenge on humans. Let me guess. Something bad happened with him with a group of humans and he considers all humans the same. And now he wants to exterminate them all with the best Shamans there is. Sure Humans can be very scummy or evil in so many ways. But not all are like that. I guess depending on the event or the situations he must've gone through multiple times. I guess he was just very unlucky. Sorry. My guess could be very wrong... Xp

It's deeper than that. You'll see, his past is very sad and tragic, but there's a reason why he decided that.
Jun 24, 2021 2:10 PM
May 2021
The Final Boss already, nice!
Jun 24, 2021 4:00 PM

Jun 2017
Well that sure escalated fast at the end. I agree with the others, this was hands down the best episode so far.

I don't even remember if this was in the OG (I remember Hao was in it but maybe his introduction was different), we are likely hitting new territories now.

Also did Yoh and Anna smash there? lol
Jun 24, 2021 4:08 PM
Playing Uranium!

Jun 2017
*Hao appears* Great, I'm already annoyed..>:I
Jun 24, 2021 8:58 PM

Oct 2016
That was definitely the best episode so far. Did Anna and Yoh... you know ( อก° อœส– อก°). How small, so Yoh's brother finally makes an appearance, which is the reincarnation of that patch dude. The banter of our squad was hilarious this episode and Ryu's hair is still evolving as we speak. Lilirara was cool, didn't expect her to just get killed immediately, Jesus Hao. Things are getting spicy, looking forward to the next episode.
Jun 25, 2021 6:36 AM

Jan 2013
Finally Hao and his crew have made their appearance so things should start to get way more interesting. Curious to see more changed from the original anime from this point on.
Next episode Lyserg's getting introduced who's probably gonna be one of my favorite male characters from this remake. Can't wait for the X-Laws stuff.
Jun 25, 2021 11:52 AM

May 2020
Finally we had Yoh x Anna "scene" and Hao's appearance. I want to see more scene with Anna and being so weak. (if y read the Manga you know ^^)
Looking forward also to see X-Law design also..
“Reality rejected… synapses shattered… be vanished from this world!”
Jun 25, 2021 12:32 PM

Oct 2017
Yoh and Anna spent the night together, hmm they just slept right? Hao finally makes his appearance and he's kind of weird. Also that backstory was okay.
Jun 25, 2021 3:44 PM
Apr 2020
So the turning point of the series is going from mildly interesting stuff that happens too quick to slighlty more interesting stuff that happens too quick (also agian we have an episode that doens't begin with the characters in the same conditions we left them too worried about the final phase)
Jun 25, 2021 4:30 PM

Jul 2012
Hao voice sounded so familiar and it is because I've recently replayed Danganronpa lol He is all red eye, long hair, gonna destroy humanity like Izuru.

Yoh and Anna...spending some quality time. Poor Tamao D:

This episode was really fast...I wonder how they are going to introduce and reintroduce some of the characters.
It was also way more least from at I remember hehe

Jun 25, 2021 7:04 PM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 13 and its getting really good.. appreciation and acceptance of everything around a person is what the 1st part is all about, where before they part towards america for the test and to find the patch tribe, thru their own hard work.. and its even in the little things in ur life, that makes u who u are today.. all in order to go thru a journey, in pursuit of their dreams and goals.. then comes the test that they have to take, to find a way to land safely from high above, before the test of finding the patch village.. well, its also a good test, just to take out those unworthy.. and they even found out all about hao! Anyways, i rate the episode a 9 of 10, 9 for both story and art.. :)
Jun 25, 2021 9:21 PM

Oct 2009
The amount of gore and outright naughty bits continue to surprise me tbh.

But putting that aside.... It keeps being weird. Nevermind how they rush and outright skip stuff often enough, the amount of which just varies... But it's also weird how sometimes they look so sharp and clean, and then sometimes it looks like they didn't even try to spend time drawing a frame. No wonder the raiting fluctuates, the episodes themselves fluctuate inconsistently.

And is everyone's skin really so bleached white or is that just my screen?? It's unnatural.
yellowheartrenJun 25, 2021 9:25 PM
Jun 26, 2021 8:53 AM
Mar 2021
yellowheartren said:
The amount of gore and outright naughty bits continue to surprise me tbh.

But putting that aside.... It keeps being weird. Nevermind how they rush and outright skip stuff often enough, the amount of which just varies... But it's also weird how sometimes they look so sharp and clean, and then sometimes it looks like they didn't even try to spend time drawing a frame. No wonder the raiting fluctuates, the episodes themselves fluctuate inconsistently.

And is everyone's skin really so bleached white or is that just my screen?? It's unnatural.

I don't see what's weird about thid show? Everything you said is weird actually and don't have any sense. Stop complaining and enjoy. And yeah, it's your screen.
Jun 26, 2021 11:48 AM
Jul 2018
I was looking forward to the appearance of Hao who finally appeared I never imagined he was this strong So things will get interesting with this episode ending.
Jun 26, 2021 3:30 PM

Dec 2012
Finally some good fucking food
Stay hot Hao
Jun 27, 2021 1:53 PM

Jul 2016
Did my boy Yoh actually get laid with his girl before leaving to the Shaman Tournament? That's some alpha shounen protagonist shit. Nice.

Not gonna lie, this episode was actually pretty damn good. OST was on point once again and so far, I'm quite liking this dude Hao as the main antagonist.
Jun 28, 2021 10:34 AM

Nov 2019
Even though the real plot is supposedly finally starting, this still feels rushed. I guess the pacing is gonna stay like this for the rest of the show? How are manga readers feeling about this adaptation?
Jun 29, 2021 8:43 AM

Feb 2021
If not for that post credit scene, I would have dropped this. Never expected that to happen. The scene with Yoh waving back at Hao was hilarious and cute. That flute OST is so good.
Jun 29, 2021 4:43 PM
Mar 2021
Aritabial said:
If not for that post credit scene, I would have dropped this. Never expected that to happen. The scene with Yoh waving back at Hao was hilarious and cute. That flute OST is so good.

Things are getting much better from this point
Jun 29, 2021 5:29 PM
May 2009
AmarantineAzure said:
Even though the real plot is supposedly finally starting, this still feels rushed. I guess the pacing is gonna stay like this for the rest of the show? How are manga readers feeling about this adaptation?

I've been saying since the beginning that the anime would slow down just a bit after the tokyo arc. The average chapters per episode for the remaining part of the show until would be around 4.5 which is still considered rushed for shonen standards. Obviously there is leeway for some arcs to be adapted in a faster manner (similar to what they did with ren vs yoh 2nd fight).

I have come to terms with this adaptation. It's not what I imagined it would be after 20 years but it's not dogshit. If they added 10 episodes to the 52 count, the quality would've improved greatly and most fans wouldn't be too picky with pacing, but it seems the production commitee really squeezed the budget and 52 is all they could've given
Jun 30, 2021 1:11 PM

Jul 2020
Stuff only gets more hype from here on.
Waiting for the stone ocean 3 anime
Jun 30, 2021 1:59 PM

May 2012
Best episode so far.

I like Hao as a villian.
Jul 1, 2021 10:02 AM

Mar 2019
HYPE!!! So Hao isn't exactly Yoh's brother? He's possessed by "Silva's" spirit? Rip that girl though, brutal death.

I like these 4 guys. Can't wait for the next adventures.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Jul 1, 2021 5:14 PM

Jan 2013
Alex_TheForest said:
HYPE!!! So Hao isn't exactly Yoh's brother? He's possessed by "Silva's" spirit? Rip that girl though, brutal death.

I like these 4 guys. Can't wait for the next adventures.

No, Yoh and this Hao are definitely twins. You'll learn the whole story eventually but basically he's reincarnated multiple times. He just looks like Silva in the flashback because for that reincarnation he was born into Silva's Patch tribe.
Jul 1, 2021 9:54 PM

Jan 2020
Hao looks dope. There was a lot of new characters this episode and I may forget some by the type they become relevant lol.

But decent enough episode and it's sad that manta and the rest are out of the picture now

Jul 3, 2021 11:35 AM

Aug 2015
Battle Royale starts, "Where we dropping boys"

Poor Lilirara :(
What a tonal shift. Looking forward to more.

Sad that we won't see best girl Anna, and Jun for however long! :'(
AyyMayyJul 3, 2021 11:39 AM
#FreePalestine ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ
Jul 6, 2021 1:13 AM

Apr 2018
Oh yeah the night of the conception of Yoh and Anna's son (xD)
Now that they're in America it's more interesting, and of course the situation is still tense.
Hao at the end was epic, Lilirara saw it too, that's sad.
Jul 10, 2021 3:34 AM
Oct 2019
Hao just have the Charisma around him...

Okay so why in the Flashback Silva looks like Hao?

Damn that was fast, RIP Lilirara
Jul 18, 2021 12:45 PM

Feb 2012
Now they finally meet Hao.

Experiencing the pain of dismemberment damn...

I'm guessing physically that Patch dude that wrecked the Seminoa tribe was the ancestor of Silva (so his face looks like him) but spiritually he was a previous incarnation of Hao Asakura (so he dresses like him)

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Aug 7, 2021 8:29 AM

May 2018
rip Lilirara, waifu material gone to waste
Aug 26, 2021 2:06 PM

Jun 2009
I think this episode was a mixed bag for me. I'm not really a Hao simp, so I never really cared much about him, but he hab really interesting scenes in this episode. I keep enjoying how fresh this retelling feels, but I'm not digging the animation that much.

There was a lot going on too, but I'm also glad they skiped all the filler from the old anime. Also I'm guessing this episode was supposed to come as more darker (specially with that ending) but I felt it keeps getting watered down. The pacing between the happy light moments and the silly jokes vs the more dramatical and dangerous scenes is what also makes it a bit weird for me to take serious the later.

Also love how weirder they keep making Ryu's hair gag.
Aug 27, 2021 10:42 AM

Jun 2021
Cool character types
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