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Jun 19, 2021 11:20 PM
Oct 2020
Alright ladies and gentlemen. Surprise “special episode” incoming. Basically zero info on this except for it’s coming out next week. What could it be? An OVA? A recap? Epilogue 1? Preview/Hype for Vol 2?

I will say that I highly doubt they would make a whole episode just for a recap. Usually if they’d do that it would be shown at the beginning of cour 2, not the end of cour 1 right? Could be wrong of course, but it wouldn't make much sense to me.

What’s everyone’s thoughts on this?

Jun 19, 2021 11:22 PM

Jan 2020
Whatever it is, I'm not complaining about more 86 content. This should be good

Jun 19, 2021 11:43 PM

Feb 2021
Looking forward to it, this show was so enjoyable. Next weekend can't come any sooner!
Jun 20, 2021 3:43 PM

May 2009
Stop making shitty hype threads. It' probably recapshit.
Jun 20, 2021 4:10 PM
Jan 2018
While I'd love having more 86 content before the 2nd Cour drops (especially with how amazing the 1st is already), even I have to ask what this "Special Episode" is suppose to be an OVA? a secretly Unaired Episode (ala Wonder Egg Priority) or a Recap Episode?
Jun 20, 2021 4:37 PM

Aug 2020
I'm hyped. As a previous user said, any adicional content of this story is excellent.

Jun 20, 2021 5:09 PM
May 2021
Just when I was thinking it was strange the first cour only had 11 episodes, they hit us with a special episode 12!
Jun 20, 2021 6:51 PM

Aug 2019
Wow, I was getting all sad after the ending played, they suddenly announce the special ep. Looks lke I still got a week to look forward to...

Jun 21, 2021 12:53 AM

Dec 2015
i'd bet it is recap. i'll watch it JIC there's new scenes or info added via 'voice-over/narration' but otherwise i have zero hope it is a special episode. the 2nd cour is already on the books even without a specific date yet. so why put out a special episode unless it is recap?
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jun 21, 2021 12:59 AM

Jun 2021
KiliianSleipnir said:
i'd bet it is recap. i'll watch it JIC there's new scenes or info added via 'voice-over/narration' but otherwise i have zero hope it is a special episode. the 2nd cour is already on the books even without a specific date yet. so why put out a special episode unless it is recap?

i have asked this in another thread, but isn't recap supposed to start at the beginning of 2nd cour (like psycho pass as example) ?
but btw the episode title is the same as Volume 1 prologue, so either it's an original-- glimpse of squardon's past to enchance the essence of 2nd cour

....or recap (which i hope not)
Current favourite ships:
- Chika x Satowa (Kono Oto Tomare)
- Shin x Lena (86)
- Vanitas x Jeanne (Vanitas no Carte)
Jun 21, 2021 3:38 AM

Sep 2011
I really hope it's not V1 epilogue. With how they set up the last 1-2 episodes, it would ruin all the built up tension before the 2nd cour.
Jun 21, 2021 3:59 AM

Dec 2015
mimisannn333 said:
KiliianSleipnir said:
i'd bet it is recap. i'll watch it JIC there's new scenes or info added via 'voice-over/narration' but otherwise i have zero hope it is a special episode. the 2nd cour is already on the books even without a specific date yet. so why put out a special episode unless it is recap?

i have asked this in another thread, but isn't recap supposed to start at the beginning of 2nd cour (like psycho pass as example) ?
but btw the episode title is the same as Volume 1 prologue, so either it's an original-- glimpse of squardon's past to enchance the essence of 2nd cour

....or recap (which i hope not)

recaps happen in various places in shows for various reasons.

there was one super-power android sci-fi show... ahhh... 3 years ago? aghhh what was its name... ah yeah found it... 'Beatless'. (having enjoyed anime since 1990 my damn brain doesn't always remember every single title i've ever watched. :( )

the first part of 'Beatless' is 20 normal TV episodes with a 4 part 'finale' that was aired over three days... three MONTHS after the 'normal TV broadcast' finished. the problem with 'Beatless' is... amongst other gripes folks had... four count them FOUR RECAP EPISODES amongst the first 20.

there were HUGE hiccups in the 'Beatless' production schedule. which basically caused the 'leadership staff' to scramble around cutting editing and compiling scenes from previous episodes into those 4 recaps. this gave 'everybody else' on the staff time to complete the 'normal episodes'. as you can guess these recaps pissed about every single fan world-wide off annnnd... since you see the 4 part finale didn't come till 3 months after the TV broadcast ended... that last part of the show didn't get finished on time anyways :> heh!

that nigh on perfectly illustrates one of the major reasons a recap happens. "OOPS WE EFFED UP! and gotta cover a week's episode with a recap instead of a new episode." :>

yeah you're right, a recap at the end of 'Season 1' instead of at the beginning of 'Season 2' is kinda sketchy. shrug. but it is my best guess for '86'. some folks say it is an epilogue... some folks say it is the light novelists' fault since he/she meant the book to be a single volume stand-alone story... buuut... it got drug out to a longer 10 plus volume series so far. therefore if it is a recap i'd bet there's meh... ehhh... maybe half the episode will cover whatever that epilogue the light novel readers are talking about.

the other idea behind a recap is when they're actually PLANNED by the staff during pre-pre-pre-production meetings where the vague 'outline of the project' is put together. this is especially easy when you have a 'source'. anime original projects have to plan all this stuff out from scratch using the 'original screenplay'. the bigwigs take the source and hack it into 'edible chunks'. say, 'this is the 1st quarter of the season, this is the 2nd quarter, and this is the season finale quarter'... and so forth. those 'chunks' are then further dissected into 'yes keep that' and 'no that's junk' pages and even CHAPTERS thrown out or used. then the honchos say, 'ok can we squeeze all 'yes' into bla bla bla episodes?' annnd the screenwriters scream and holler and say 'nooooo! it's too muuuuch! wahh wahhh waaah!' annd the meetings go on and on and on. :> so the directors and producers and team leads hash out all the 'timelines' needed to do art and designs and the writing and bla bla bla. well!

if the timelines don't match up? RECAP! :> that episode is put INTO the 'whole project schedule' to stretch the 'work timelines' out a week FURTHER. :> thereby NOT KILLING THE STAFF working like chattel chained to their desks and workstations. :D heh! this kinda dovetails into the other reason anime puts a recap in.

the series. is. just. that. damn. long! with a normal 12ep single season 'pump and dump' anime made ONLY to promote the source and bump the sales of said source. a recap is entirely unnecessary. :D but if the project is looking like 24, 36, 48 episodes? yeahhh expect a recap or two. ESPECIALLY if it is going to be a CONTINUOUS running show with no 3 month or longer gaps in broadcasting.

but hey, internet streaming is becoming all the rage with anime. that means if Joe Fella or Jane Lady missed a few episodes... 'what? me worry?! noo! i'll just catch them online later on!' :> so the old olden oldest days of TV broadcast only... 'if you miss the episodes you're screwed!' don't really matter anymore. because they'll ALL end up online 'somewheres, somehow' whether legal or ill. so why recap a show that's going up online JUST to refresh the viewers on 'what happened previously'? :D
KiliianSleipnirJun 21, 2021 4:03 AM
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jun 21, 2021 4:54 AM
Oct 2020
KiliianSleipnir said:
mimisannn333 said:

i have asked this in another thread, but isn't recap supposed to start at the beginning of 2nd cour (like psycho pass as example) ?
but btw the episode title is the same as Volume 1 prologue, so either it's an original-- glimpse of squardon's past to enchance the essence of 2nd cour

....or recap (which i hope not)

recaps happen in various places in shows for various reasons.

there was one super-power android sci-fi show... ahhh... 3 years ago? aghhh what was its name... ah yeah found it... 'Beatless'. (having enjoyed anime since 1990 my damn brain doesn't always remember every single title i've ever watched. :( )

the first part of 'Beatless' is 20 normal TV episodes with a 4 part 'finale' that was aired over three days... three MONTHS after the 'normal TV broadcast' finished. the problem with 'Beatless' is... amongst other gripes folks had... four count them FOUR RECAP EPISODES amongst the first 20.

there were HUGE hiccups in the 'Beatless' production schedule. which basically caused the 'leadership staff' to scramble around cutting editing and compiling scenes from previous episodes into those 4 recaps. this gave 'everybody else' on the staff time to complete the 'normal episodes'. as you can guess these recaps pissed about every single fan world-wide off annnnd... since you see the 4 part finale didn't come till 3 months after the TV broadcast ended... that last part of the show didn't get finished on time anyways :> heh!

that nigh on perfectly illustrates one of the major reasons a recap happens. "OOPS WE EFFED UP! and gotta cover a week's episode with a recap instead of a new episode." :>

yeah you're right, a recap at the end of 'Season 1' instead of at the beginning of 'Season 2' is kinda sketchy. shrug. but it is my best guess for '86'. some folks say it is an epilogue... some folks say it is the light novelists' fault since he/she meant the book to be a single volume stand-alone story... buuut... it got drug out to a longer 10 plus volume series so far. therefore if it is a recap i'd bet there's meh... ehhh... maybe half the episode will cover whatever that epilogue the light novel readers are talking about.

the other idea behind a recap is when they're actually PLANNED by the staff during pre-pre-pre-production meetings where the vague 'outline of the project' is put together. this is especially easy when you have a 'source'. anime original projects have to plan all this stuff out from scratch using the 'original screenplay'. the bigwigs take the source and hack it into 'edible chunks'. say, 'this is the 1st quarter of the season, this is the 2nd quarter, and this is the season finale quarter'... and so forth. those 'chunks' are then further dissected into 'yes keep that' and 'no that's junk' pages and even CHAPTERS thrown out or used. then the honchos say, 'ok can we squeeze all 'yes' into bla bla bla episodes?' annnd the screenwriters scream and holler and say 'nooooo! it's too muuuuch! wahh wahhh waaah!' annd the meetings go on and on and on. :> so the directors and producers and team leads hash out all the 'timelines' needed to do art and designs and the writing and bla bla bla. well!

if the timelines don't match up? RECAP! :> that episode is put INTO the 'whole project schedule' to stretch the 'work timelines' out a week FURTHER. :> thereby NOT KILLING THE STAFF working like chattel chained to their desks and workstations. :D heh! this kinda dovetails into the other reason anime puts a recap in.

the series. is. just. that. damn. long! with a normal 12ep single season 'pump and dump' anime made ONLY to promote the source and bump the sales of said source. a recap is entirely unnecessary. :D but if the project is looking like 24, 36, 48 episodes? yeahhh expect a recap or two. ESPECIALLY if it is going to be a CONTINUOUS running show with no 3 month or longer gaps in broadcasting.

but hey, internet streaming is becoming all the rage with anime. that means if Joe Fella or Jane Lady missed a few episodes... 'what? me worry?! noo! i'll just catch them online later on!' :> so the old olden oldest days of TV broadcast only... 'if you miss the episodes you're screwed!' don't really matter anymore. because they'll ALL end up online 'somewheres, somehow' whether legal or ill. so why recap a show that's going up online JUST to refresh the viewers on 'what happened previously'? :D
man,people really like writing long essays just for a simple thing.
Jun 21, 2021 5:45 AM

Jun 2021
KiliianSleipnir said:

that's quite a grudge against recap episode loool but I agree recap eps is kinda annoying.
On the other hand, what I'm afraid the most is they decide to take anime original route for 2nd cour, which most of the case, not good. I'm still traumatized by Soul Eater.
Current favourite ships:
- Chika x Satowa (Kono Oto Tomare)
- Shin x Lena (86)
- Vanitas x Jeanne (Vanitas no Carte)
Jun 21, 2021 6:10 AM

Dec 2015
[quote=Reinaria message=63559926][quote=KiliianSleipnir message=63559447]
mimisannn333 said:
man,people really like writing long essays just for a simple thing.

much thanks and appreciation for your pithy and erudite contribution to this discussion. a standing ovation is surely in order.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jun 21, 2021 6:24 AM

Dec 2015

that's quite a grudge against recap episode loool but I agree recap eps is kinda annoying.
On the other hand, what I'm afraid the most is they decide to take anime original route for 2nd cour, which most of the case, not good. I'm still traumatized by Soul Eater.[/quote]

i wouldn't say it is exactly a grudge. more of a... level above moderate irritation. say... less painful to me than stubbing my big toe... but more bothersome than an itch i can't exactly reach without a tool or device of some kind.

yeah anime original works don't always go the way they should. i particularly didn't like 'Soul Eater' to begin with and dropped it hmm... definitely before the 10th episode. but i can't recall precisely.

there are serious moments when i look at my complete VIZ Media DVD collection of 'Bleach' and wonder... "Why the hell did you do ALL this original work Studio Pierrot?!" :> just imagine how many of those 366 episodes wouldn't exist if the show-runners had just said, "Ok everybody, Kubo-sensei is DEFINITELY NOT going to catch up to us soon! Let's take a break and work on other projects till he's months ahead of where we are right now."

it is not that i particularly despise all the original arcs in 'Bleach'... it is just that there are too MANY of them! :D
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jun 21, 2021 6:26 AM

Dec 2020
HYPE !!!!

im guessing it'll kind of like extra content? like an ova, but with hints for the next season. not complaining at all, we're getting more 86 content im eating that shit up
Jun 22, 2021 8:48 PM
Jun 2021
last episode was great. let's see what this special episode is actually an OVA or recap.
Jun 23, 2021 6:54 AM

Jun 2021
reading vol 3 right now, and the sentence began with exactly the special episode title. Safe to say it's aligned with what I said above that it's a prologue story.
Current favourite ships:
- Chika x Satowa (Kono Oto Tomare)
- Shin x Lena (86)
- Vanitas x Jeanne (Vanitas no Carte)
Jun 26, 2021 10:11 AM

Oct 2017
No hype cause it's just a recap lol.
Jun 26, 2021 4:22 PM
Oct 2014
So disappointed this was just a recap episode.

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